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Ergonomia i organizacja pracy zdalnej – aspekt zdrowotny i zalecenia dotyczące organizacji biura domowego
Ergonomics and organization of remote work – health aspect and recommendations for home office organization
Janc, Magdalena
Lipiec, Ewa
Jóźwiak, Zbigniew
Polańska, Kinga
Makowiec-Dąbrowska, Teresa
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
rytm okołodobowy
dolegliwości mięśniowo-szkieletowe
praca zdalna
praca z monitorami ekranowymi
zespół widzenia komputerowego
ergonomia i organizacja pracy
circadian rhythm
musculoskeletal symptoms
remote work
working with screen-monitor devices
computer vision syndromes
ergonomics and organization of remote work
Analizy dotyczące aktywności ekonomicznej ludności Polski wskazują, że w 2023 r. ok. 7% wszystkich pracujących wykonywało, zwykle lub czasami, pracę w formie zdalnej. Celem publikacji jest analiza wpływu pracy z wykorzystaniem urządzeń wyposażonych w monitory ekranowe na narząd wzroku, występowanie dolegliwości mięśniowo-szkieletowych, rytm okołodobowy oraz wskazanie rekomendacji dotyczących prawidłowej organizacji biura domowego. Dokonano narracyjnego przeglądu piśmiennictwa dotyczącego wpływu pracy z wykorzystaniem urządzeń wyposażonych w monitory ekranowe na zdrowie pracowników oraz przedstawiono rekomendacje w tym zakresie. Najważniejszymi czynnikami decydującymi o obciążeniu narządu wzroku i układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego oraz wpływającymi na ogólny stan zdrowia i samopoczucie pracowników podczas pracy zdalnej są: właściwa aranżacja stanowiska pracy (zgodnie z zasadami ergonomii), odpowiednia organizacja pracy (ograniczenie czasu pracy przy komputerze/laptopie, stonowanie systematycznych, aktywnych przerw w pracy) oraz higiena snu. Kluczowe znaczenie ma wiedza zarówno pracodawców, profesjonalistów zajmujących się zdrowiem pracowników, jak i samych pracowników na temat znaczenia dla zdrowia właściwego przygotowania biura domowego.
Analyses of the economic activity of the Polish population indicate that in 2023, about 7% of all employees performed, usually or sometimes, their work in the form of remote work. The purpose of this publication is to analyze the impact of working with screen-monitor devices on computer vision syndromes, musculoskeletal disorders, circadian rhythm, and to identify recommendations for the proper organization of the home office. A narrative review of the existing literature on the impact of work with the use of devices equipped with screen monitors on the health of employees was performed, as well as recommendations in the above-mentioned area were presented. The most important factors determining the load on the visual organs and musculoskeletal system and affecting the overall health and well-being of employees during remote work are the proper arrangement of the workstation (in accordance with ergonomic principles) and the organization of work (limiting the time spent working at the computer/laptop, systematic active breaks) and healthy sleep habits. It is crucial that both employers, occupational health professionals and employees themselves are aware of the importance to their health of correct preparation of the home office, and have adequate knowledge in this regard.
Medycyna Pracy. Workers’ Health and Safety; 2024, 75, 1; 69-80
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Pracy. Workers’ Health and Safety
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozumienie pojęcia stresu dziecięcego oraz wiedza na temat jego symptomów w ujęciu studentów pedagogiki
Understanding the concept of childhood stress and knowledge about its symptoms from the perspective of pedagogy students
Rowicka, Agnieszka
Hrehorowicz, Arleta
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
stres dziecięcy
objawy stresu dziecięcego
studenci pedagogiki
childhood stress
childhood stress symptoms
pedagogy students
Współczesne warunki i realia sprawiają, że dzieci na co dzień dotykają stresogenne sytuacje wynikające z coraz większego tempa życia, nadmiaru zadań, rosnących oczekiwań ze strony najbliższego otoczenia i różnych środowisk edukacyjnych. Celem pracy jest zaprezentowanie na podstawie literatury przedmiotu naukowego wyjaśnienia pojęcia stresu oraz jego typowych objawów w świetle eksperckich badań. Dodatkowo, przedstawiono wyniki autorskiego badania zrealizowanego wśród 103 studentów pedagogiki. Założeniem badania było poznanie sposobu rozumienia przez respondentów pojęcia stresu dziecięcego oraz rozpoznanie, jaką mają wiedzę na temat fizjologicznych, poznawczych, emocjonalnych i behawioralnych symptomów stresu doświadczanego przez dzieci w realiach współczesnego świata. Wyniki badania wskazują, że studiująca młodzież prawidłowo rozumie pojęcie stresu dziecięcego, a także trafnie wymienia charakterystyczne reakcje stresowe w eksplorowanych obszarach. Z uwagi na specyfikę kierunku oraz przyszłej profesji badanych jest to niezwykle ważne. Rzetelna wiedza w tym zakresie stanowi cenny zasób wpisujący się w kompetencje zawodowe umożliwiające szybkie i responsywne reagowanie na potrzeby podopiecznego doświadczającego dystresu zazwyczaj prowadzącego do patologicznych następstw.
Contemporary conditions and realities make children encounter stressful situations in their daily lives, stemming from the increasing pace of life, an overload of tasks, rising expectations from their immediate surroundings, and various educational environments. The aim of this article is to present, based on the literature on the subject, a scientific explanation of the concept of stress and its typical symptoms in the light of expert research. Additionally, the paper presents the results of an original study conducted among 103 pedagogy students. The study aimed to understand how respondents perceive the concept of childhood stress and to identify their knowledge of the physiological, cognitive, emotional, and behavioural symptoms of stress experienced by children in the modern world. The study results indicate that the studying youth correctly understands the concept of childhood stress and accurately identifies characteristic stress reactions in the explored areas. Due to the specificity of the field of study and the future profession of the respondents, this is extremely important. Reliable knowledge in this area is a valuable resource that is part of professional competencies, enabling quick and responsive response to the needs of wards experiencing distress, usually leading to pathological consequences.
Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze; 2024, 626(1); 55-67
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The long COVID and its mental health manifestations – the review of literature
Pietrzak, Patrycja
Hanke, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
suicide attempts
mental disorders
long COVID symptoms
This article aims to present the overview of the situation during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic about issues concerning the prevalence of mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, rate of suicide attempts, and long COVID (LC) infections in the general population during COVID-19 pandemic. Analysis of the literature (in English, Polish and Spanish language) on topics related to COVID-19, mental disorders (suicide attempts, depression, anxiety) and LC infection published during the 4 years (2020–2023) was done using Pubmed and PubMed Central search engine. Keywords such as “COVID-19,” “mental disorders,” “long COVID infection,” “depression,” “anxiety,” “suicide attempts” were used during the search. The conduct of this review/comment followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) protocol, which corresponds to a checklist of 27 items designed to facilitate the development and reporting of a robust protocol for systematic reviews or meta-analyses. Overall 35 studies were selected and analyzed in the review on topics: including among others LC (14 studies), suicide attempts (7 studies), mental disorders (depression, anxiety) (14 studies). The main issues raised in the articles were: higher risk of LC symptoms in women, fatigue and brain fog listed as frequently encountered patient’s complaints together with anxiety, depression, loneliness, especially in younger age groups and in women. Issues regarding LC, mental disorders and suicide attempts requires further research as the results vary in different countries.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2024, 37, 3; 360-380
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Internet Gaming Disorder Among Polish Adolescents: A Latent Profile Analysis of Disorder Symptoms
Internet Gaming Disorderwśród polskiej młodzieży – analiza profili latentnych symptomów zaburzenia
Kotyśko, Martyna
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
zaburzenie korzystania z gier internetowych
analiza profili latentnych
internet gaming disorder
latent profile analysis
Granie w gry jest aktywnością chętnie podejmowaną przez młodzież, jednak może się wiązać z ryzykiem wystąpienia zaburzenia korzystania z gier internetowych (ang. Internet Gaming Disorder – IGD). Celem badania było ustalenie, jakie profile można wyodrębnić wśród nastolatków z dwóch polskich województw na podstawie występowania dziewięciu symptomów IGD. W badaniu wzięło udział 623 uczniów (57,9% chłopców) ze szkół podstawowych (klasy V–VII) i gimnazjum (klasy II i III), którzy zadeklarowali granie w gry wideo. Do pomiaru IGD wykorzystano The Internet Gaming Disorder Scale 9 – Short Form (IGDS9-SF), a pozostałe zmienne uwzględnione w badaniu pozyskano za pomocą własnej ankiety. Przeprowadzona analiza profili latentnych wszystkich symptomów IGD pozwoliła na wyodrębnienie czterech profili określonych jako: Bezproblemowi gracze, Doświadczający objawów odstawienia i uciekający, Doświadczający negatywnych konsekwencji i uciekający oraz Zaabsorbowani i uciekający. Ucieczka od negatywnych emocji była symptomem, który ujawniał się w każdej grupie. Istotne różnice między profilami odnotowano dla kontroli czasu grania przez rodziców oraz płci, natomiast nie ze względu na fazę rozwoju. Czas poświęcany na granie różnicował przede wszystkim profil bezproblemowych graczy od pozostałych grup. Dalsza analiza występowania symptomów IGD wśród młodych graczy jest niezbędna do zrozumienia specyfiki tego zjawiska we wspomnianej grupie.
Gaming is an activity enjoyed by adolescents, but it can be associated with the risk of developing Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD). The aim of the study was to determine what profiles can be distinguished among adolescents from two Polish voivodeships based on the presence of the nine IGD symptoms. The study included 623 students (57.9% boys) from elementary schools (years V–VII) and junior high schools (years II and III) who declared that they played video games. To measure IGD, The Internet Gaming Disorder Scale 9 – Short Form (IGDS9-SF) was used; the other variables in the study were obtained using a self-administered questionnaire. A latent profile analysis of all IGD symptoms distinguished four profiles, defined as Problem-Free Players, Experiencing Withdrawal Symptoms and Escaping, Experiencing Negative Consequences and Escaping, and Preoccupied and Escaping. A symptom regarding escape from negative emotions was revealed in each group. Significant differences between the profiles were noted for parental control of gaming time and gender, but not for developmental stage. Time spent gaming primarily differentiated the profile of Problem-Free Players from the other groups. Further analysis of the prevalence of IGD symptoms among young players is necessary to better understand the phenomenon in this population.
Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana; 2023, 26, 2; 145-166 (eng); 145-169 (pol)
Pojawia się w:
Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effects of psychological symptoms on life adjustment among survivors of humidifier disinfectants
Lee, Min Joo
Hong, Soeun
Jung, Yubin
Lee, Hun-Ju
Lee, Sang Min
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
psychological symptoms
adaptive life functioning
humidifier disinfectant
social disaster
somatic complaints
Objectives The humidifier disinfectant catastrophe in South Korea was a social disaster caused by toxic chemical substances. The present study aimed to examine the relationships between psychological symptoms and adaptive life functioning in survivors of humidifier disinfectants. This study examined the differential effects of psychological symptoms on life adjustment between survivors of humidifier disinfectant and the general population. Material and Methods A total of 452 individuals (228 general and 224 survivor groups) participated in this research. This study utilized the Adult Self-Report, one of the most widely used comprehensive mental health scales for measuring both psychological symptoms (e.g., anxiety/depression) and life adjustment functioning (e.g., interpersonal relationship). For the data analysis, multi-group structural equation modeling analysis was conducted using AMOS 21.0 program. Results The results of this study indicated that attention problems out of 8 psychological symptoms was the only significant factor related to life adjustment in both general and survivor groups. In addition, there was a significant 2-way interaction effect of group status and somatic complaints on life adjustment. Conclusions When the somatic complaint symptom was higher, participants in the survivor group were less likely to adjust in life than the general group. Taken together, the somatic complaints of the survivors more strongly influence the life adjustment than the general population. Finally, the authors discuss practical implications for survivors of humidifier disinfectants for designing suitable intervention strategies.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2023, 36, 5; 596-605
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Idea prawa rodzinnego ideą osobowego człowieka. Wyzwania i zagrożenia (Część III)
The Idea of Family Law as the Idea of a Personal Man. Challenges and Threats (Part III)
Stadniczeńko, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Absolwentów i Przyjaciół Wydziału Prawa Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego
człowiek jako osoba
prawa człowieka
myślenie relacyjne
osobowe prawo rodzinne
prawo naturalne
gałąź prawa
alternatywne modele rodziny
symptomy kryzysu rzeczywistości
projekt kodeksu rodzinnego
man as a person
human rights
relational thinking
personal family law
natural law
branch of law
alternative family models
symptoms of reality crisis
project of the Family Code
Autor wskazuje na konieczność nowego spojrzenia na prawo rodzinne w aspekcie aksjologicznym, stosowania prawa, urzeczywistniania praw rodziny i praw w rodzinie w zmieniającej się rzeczywistości. Zwraca uwagę na zmieniające się podejście na przestrzeni czasu do osobowego prawa rodzinnego oraz że świat pełen postępu i zagrożeń, upadków autorytetów przekłada się na rozumienie człowieka i rodziny. Jednocześnie wskazuje, iż czas, jaki upłynął od kodyfikacji prawa rodzinnego (w innym systemie prawnym) i liczne jego nowelizacje obligują do podjęcia tej problematyki i potrzeby wyodrębnienie prawa rodzinnego, którego zadaniem byłaby funkcja ochronna (na co wskazuje konstytucyjna ochrona rodziny). Podnosi potrzebę sięgnięcia do ujęcia prawa na tle koncepcji osoby i jako powinnościowych relacji międzyosobowych uznając, że taka filozoficzna perspektywa poszerza zbyt wąski paradygmat pozytywistycznego pojmowania prawa stanowionego i na skutek tego brak jest narzędzi do ujęcia istoty prawa i ich wyjaśniania. Podkreśla, że system wartości zdeterminował zawarty w projekcie Kodeksu rodzinnego wybór celów i sposobów ich osiągnięcia, proponuje system pojęć i idei z wykorzystaniem wiedzy potocznej oraz naukowej, a w konsekwencji przyjęcie osobowego charakteru człowieka.
The Author points to the necessity of a new perspective on family law in the axiological aspect, application of the law, realization of family rights and rights in the family in the changing reality. He draws attention to the changing approach to personal family law over time and that the world full of progress, threats, failures of authorities translates into understanding man and family. At the same time, it is pointed out that the time that has elapsed since the codification of family law (in a different legal system) and its numerous amendments oblige to take up this issue and the need to separate family law, the task of which would be a protective function (as indicated by the constitutional protection of the family). The author raises the need to approach law against the background of the concept of a person and as obligatory interpersonal relations, recognizing that such a philosophical perspective broadens too narrow paradigm of positivist understanding of statutory law and as a result, there are lack of tools to apprehend the essence of the law and explain them. It is emphasized that the system of values determined the choice of goals and methods of achieving them contained in the project of the Family Code, proposing a system of concepts and ideas using common and scientific knowledge, and, consequently, adopting the personal character of a human being.
Biuletyn Stowarzyszenia Absolwentów i Przyjaciół Wydziału Prawa Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego; 2023, 18, 20 (1); 177-193
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Stowarzyszenia Absolwentów i Przyjaciół Wydziału Prawa Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Incidence of Emotional Disorder Symptoms and Emotional Intelligence in Slovak Secondary School Students Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Baláž Ďurechová, Anna
Kaliská, Lada
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
emotional disorder symptoms
global trait emotional intelligence
replication study
The study aimed to replicate our research findings of 2019 by comparing the incidence of emotional disorder symptoms and global trait emotional intelligence (EI) and assessing the closeness of relationships of the observed variables in the context of the new COVID-19 pandemic situation. The data were gathered by self-report tests measuring levels of fears (KSAT), anxiety (STAI), depression (CDI) and trait emotional intelligence (TEIQue-ASF) in Slovak adolescents (N 270) aged 18 to 20 years (AM 18.42; SD 0.59) before (N 138) and during (N 132) the COVID-19 pandemic. Results revealed an increased incidence of emotional disorders (situational anxiety, stage fright, fear, and trait anxiety) and also a decreased level of global trait EI in the pandemic of 2019. Strong negative relationships were identified between global trait EI and trait anxiety (r -0.578; p ≤ .001), as well as medium negative relationships with overall fear (r 0.398; p ≤ .01) and stage fright (r 0.398; p ≤ .01). There were weak or no relationships between global trait EI and the other variables. Thus, higher global trait EI is related to a lower incidence of symptoms of specific emotional disorders. Our findings point to the validity of implementing socio-emotional learning elements into secondary school students' education.
The New Educational Review; 2023, 74; 21-31
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lyme disease as farmers’ occupational disease. The evaluation of an increase in morbidity rate tendency between 2000 and 2019
Borelioza jako choroba zawodowa rolników. Ocena trendu wzrostu zachorowań w latach 2000-2019
Giza, E.
Podstawka, M.G.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II
Lyme disease
farmers’ occupational diseases
Lyme disease cases
signs and/
or symptoms
Subject and purpose of work: The aim of this paper is to make an analysis and evaluation of Lyme disease incidence, understood as a diagnosed farmers’ occupational disease. Materials and methods: The analysis and an evaluation were made based on materials, data and information originating, among other things, from the following: The analysis and an evaluation were made based on materials, data and information originating, among other things, from the following: The Agricultural Social Insurance Fund, the Main Sanitary Inspectorate and the National Institute of Hygiene, official legal acts published in the Journal of Laws, industry literature, as well as works and publications of researchers dealing with Lyme disease. Results: The results of this study indicate that Lyme disease is not only the main and dominant occupational disease of farmers, but also an infectious disease having a growing trend among Polish society. Every year, an increase in cases in which Lyme disease spirochete infection was found and diagnosed, is observed. This situation is affected not only by insufficient preventive measures, difficult and ineffective diagnostics, or low awareness of Lyme disease, but also by environmental factors and climate change. Conclusions: Considering that the disease leads to numerous dangerous health-related consequences, while a protective vaccine has not yet been prepared, it seems extremely important to implement preventive measures and conduct education on prevention among farmers as well as other professional groups and the entire population.
Economic and Regional Studies; 2023, 16, 1; 99-117
Pojawia się w:
Economic and Regional Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Occupational health: the role of demographic factors in the condition of increased risk
Sitarevic, Aleksandra
Nesic-Tomasevic, Ana
Nikolic, Dragan
Sofic, Aleksandar
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
public health
satisfaction with life
depression symptoms
mental health
condition of risk
Objectives The paper analyses the impact of socio-demographic characteristics of the employees in conditions of uncertainty in the organizations. Material and Methods The study was conducted on a sample of 210 employees using the Mental Health Inventory – 38 (MHI-38), Satisfaction with life scale (SWLS), and the Center for Epidemiological Studies – Depression (CES-D). Results The results showed that female respondents had significantly higher scores on ANX (t = 2,278, p < 0.05), while male employees had higher scores on life satisfaction (t = 2.103, p < 0.05). Older employees have a higher tendency for loss of emotional-behavioral control (F = 4.427, p < 0.05). Respondents who have satisfying living standards have also higher scores on SWLS (t = 2.257, p < 0.05). Respondents who have dissatisfying living standard have higher scores on generally positive affect (t = 3.152, p < 0.01), life satisfaction (t = 3.571, p < 0.01), psychological distress (t = 2.929, p < 0.01) and loss of emotional- behavioral control (t = 2.361, p < 0.05). Employees with different levels of educational background have similar tendencies in life satisfaction, mental health, and depressive symptoms (p > 0.05). Conclusions The study showed that the specific socio-demographic profile of the employees is related to higher levels of mental health issues. Specifically, the mental health of female and older employees have been especially affected and disturbed by uncertain conditions. The results can be potentially used both in the terms of designing activities that support the mental health of the population, as well as in relation to the mental health of employees. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2023;36(2)
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2023, 36, 2; 250-262
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Opieka pielęgniarska nad pacjentem z ostrym zespołem wieńcowym po koronarografii
Nursing care of a patient with acute coronary syndrome after coronary angiography
Słomczewska, Daria
Antczak-Komoterska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Akademia Nauk Stosowanych we Włocławku
ostry zespół wieńcowy
objawy i powikłania
opieka pielęgniarska
problemy pielęgnacyjne
acute coronary syndrome
symptoms and complications
nursing care
care problems
Wstęp. Na podstawie literatury oraz artykułów naukowych w pracy precyzyjnie zobrazowano anatomię ludzkiego serca, charakterystykę ostrego zespołu wieńcowego, epidemiologię i etiologię. Omówiono objawy i powikłania ostrego zespołu wieńcowego. Przedstawiono kwalifikacje pacjenta do koronarografii oraz udział opieki pielęgniarskiej nad pacjentem po angiografii tętnic wieńcowych. Scharakteryzowano problemy, z którymi boryka się pacjent oraz zaproponowano interwencje pielęgniarskie, biorąc pod uwagę wywiad z chorym i przeprowadzone badanie fizykalne. Cel. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie zadań pielęgniarki oraz określenie problemów pielęgnacyjnych pacjenta z ostrym zespołem wieńcowym po przeprowadzonym zabiegu koronarografii. Prezentacja przypadku. Pacjent, lat 66, przyjęty w oddział intensywnej opieki kardiologicznej, z powodu bólu w klatce piersiowej, zlokalizowanym za mostkiem, o charakterze pieczenia, który promieniuje do lewej ręki, pojawiającej się duszności, kołataniem serca i potliwością. Obecnie pacjent jest w I dobie po koronarografii. Chory nie zgłasza dolegliwości bólowych ze strony serca, jednak informuje o bólu, zaczerwienieniu oraz zasinieniu w miejscu nakłucia. Pacjent odczuwa niepokój związany ze swoim stanem zdrowia, czuje się osamotniony, jego nastrój jest średni. Chory wymaga pomocy personelu pielęgniarskiego w czynnościach samoobsługowych. Wnioski. Zaczerpnięte twierdzenia opracowane w pracy na podstawie piśmiennictwa, artykułów naukowych oraz zastosowaniu wdrożenia procesu pielęgnowania wobec pacjenta z ostrym zespołem wieńcowym po koronarografii w poprawny i oczywisty sposób ukazują zaangażowanie pielęgniarek wobec pacjenta. Opieka pielęgniarska nad chorym po koronarografii polega przede wszystkim na: monitorowaniu parametrów życiowych chorego i ich dokumentowanie, systematycznym ocenianiu miejsca nakłucia tętnicy, obserwowaniu pacjenta, podaży leków przeciwbólowych na pisemne zlecenie lekarskie, ocenianiu poziomu nasilenia niepokoju, udzieleniu wsparcia oraz rzetelnych informacji na temat przebytego ostrego zespołu wieńcowego i przeprowadzonego zabiegu koronarografii. Bardzo ważnym działaniem jest także edukacja pacjenta, której zadaniem jest wyrównanie wiedzy oraz zapewnienie choremu niezbędnych umiejętności do lepszej samoopieki.
Introduction. Based on the literature and scientific articles, the paper accurately depicts the anatomy of the human heart, the characteristics of acute coronary syndrome, epidemiology, and etiology. The symptoms and complications of acute coronary syndrome are discussed. Patient qualification for coronary angiography and the contribution of nursing care to the patient after coronary artery angiography are presented. The problems faced by the patient are characterized and nursing interventions are suggested, considering the patient's history and the physical examination performed. Aim. The purpose of the work is to present the tasks of a nurse and to define the nursing problems of a patient with acute coronary syndrome after a coronary angiography procedure. Case study. A 66-year-old patient admitted to the cardiological intensive care unit due to pain in the chest, located behind the sternum, with a burning character thatra diates to the left arm, shortness of breath, palpitations and sweating. Currently, the patient is on the first day after coronary angiography. The patient doesn’t report heart pain, but reports pain, redness and bruising at the puncture site. The patient feels anxious about his health, feels lonely. The patient enquires the help of the nursing staff in self-service activities. Conclusions. The statements developed in the work based on literature, scientific articles and the implementation of the nursing process for a patient with acute coronary syndrome after coronary angiography correctly and clearly show the commitment of nurses to the patient. Nursing care of the patient after coronary angiography consists primarily in monitoring the patient 's vital signs and documenting them, systematically assessing the puncture site of the artery, observing the patient, the supply of painkillers on a written medical order, assessing the level of anxiety, providing support and reliable information on the history of acute coronary syndrome and the performed coronary angiography. A very important action is also patient education, whose task is to equalize knowledge and provide the patient with the necessary skills for self-care.
Innowacje w Pielęgniarstwie i Naukach o Zdrowiu; 2023, 8, 3; 75-94
Pojawia się w:
Innowacje w Pielęgniarstwie i Naukach o Zdrowiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przejawy i uwarunkowania kontaktu z narkotykami wśród podopiecznych ośrodków kuratorskich
Symptoms and conditions of contact with drugs among charges of probation centres
Twardowska, Mariola
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
przejawy kontaktu z narkotykami
uwarunkowania kontaktu z narkotykami
podopieczni ośrodków kuratorskich
symptoms of contact with drugs
conditions of contact with drugs
charges of probation centres
Artykuł podejmuje kwestię przejawów i uwarunkowań kontaktu z narkotykami wśród podopiecznych ośrodków kuratorskich. Dotychczas w literaturze przedmiotu w tym obszarze brakowało badań, a niewątpliwie jest to złożony i skomplikowany problem wymagający wielostronnego podejścia naukowego, który może okazać się przydatny we wsparciu oddziaływań resocjalizacyjnych, profilaktycznych i terapeutycznych. Celem badania jest analiza przejawów i uwarunkowań kontaktów z narkotykami wśród podopiecznych ośrodków kuratorskich. W badaniu wzięło udział 31 podopiecznych z dwóch ośrodków kuratorskich w Janowie Lubelskim i nr 2 w Świdniku. W badaniach wykorzystano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego oraz technikę ankietowania. Narzędzie stanowił autorski kwestionariusz ankiety na temat przejawów, uwarunkowań oraz skutków i sposobów zapobiegania inicjacji narkotykowej badanych podopiecznych. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują główne przyczyny inicjacji narkotykowej wśród badanej młodzieży podsądnej.
The article is a description of the symptoms and conditions of contact with drugs among charges of probation centres. So far, the literature on the subject has lacked research in this area, and it is undoubtedly a complex and complicated problem that requires a multilateral scientifi c approach, which may prove useful in supporting social rehabilitation, preventive and therapeutic activities. The aim of the study is to analyse the symptoms and conditions of contact with drugs among charges of probation centres. The study involved 31 charges from two probation centres: in Janów Lubelski and No. 2 in Świdnik. The study used the diagnostic survey method and the survey technique. The tool was an original questionnaire on the symptoms, conditions, eff ects and ways of preventing drug initiation of the examined charges. The obtained results indicate the main reasons of drug initiation among the examined accused youth.
Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze; 2023, 621(6); 58-69
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Psychosomatic symptoms associated with traumatic events experienced in medical students
Stanisławska-Kubiak, Maia
Stelcer, Bogusław
Wojciechowska, Julita
Kułacz, Klaudia
Szybowicz, Urszula
Mojs, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
Objectives Many facts indicate the important role of psychosomatic symptoms that occur due to traumatic events. This study is an analysis of the coexistence of psychosomatic symptoms and traumatic events. Though not every person taking part in these events develops a fully symptomatic post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), psychosomatic symptoms with a strong psychological component are observed in many. This study focuses on a comparison of the intensity of somatization, anxiety, depression, and distress of medical university students, who encountered a traumatic event and those who have not experienced trauma. Material and Methods The data was collected from 594 students of different academic majors at the Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland. The participants were asked if they had experienced situations that caused psychological trauma as well as about the intensity of their psychosomatic symptoms. The data was collected with 2 questionnaires: Post-traumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale and Four-Dimensional Symptom Questionnaire. Results The study reveals that 78% of students experienced a traumatic event, in 15% moderate and severe symptoms of PTSD are observed, 45% presents average and high stress levels, 23% experiences symptoms of depression, whereas 30% has anxiety and 26% somatic symptoms. Conclusions Studies show that experiencing traumatic events in life is linked to the higher intensity of an/the entire range of psychosomatic symptoms.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2023, 36, 5; 606-617
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Research on transformer condition evaluation method based on association rule set pair analysis theory
Shanyuan, Wang
Donglin, Cai
Zhonghong, Chen
Menglong, Bai
Hongyu, Ouyang
Xiaoyang, Lai
Weichao, Hu
Changke, Chen
Yangchen, Shi
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Polskie Towarzystwo Diagnostyki Technicznej PAN
set pair analysis
association rules
fault type
fault symptoms
reguły asocjacyjne
typy usterek
symptomy uszkodzeń
Combining the advantages of set pair analysis and association rules, This paper proposes a transformer condition evaluation based on association rule with set pair analysis theory. In this paper, by analyzing the correlation between the various fault symptoms of transformer, a set of fault types is obtained. At the same time, this paper introduces variable weight formula based on the support degree and confidence degree of association rules, and finally the weight coefficients of fault types and fault symptoms are obtained. By comparing and calculating the support and confidence of association rules, while introducing variable weight formulas, the weight coefficients of fault types and fault symptoms are obtained. it effectively avoid the subjectivity of expert opinions or experiences. Based on the scalability of set pair analysis, a 5-element connection degree is adopted to improve the accuracy of handling uncertain factors in transformer fault diagnosis.
Diagnostyka; 2023, 24, 4; art. no. 2023410
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The impact of electronic gaming on upper limb neuropathies among esports athletes
Basuodan, Reem M.
Aljebreen, Aljoharah W.
Sobih, Hetaf A.
Majrashi, Kholoud A.
Almutairi, Noura H.
Alhaqbani, Sadeem S.
Alanazy, Mohammed H.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
carpal tunnel syndrome
upper extremity
esports athletes
computer games
hand symptoms
Background The authors aimed to explore carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) among electronic sports (esports) athletes, to compare hand symptoms and their severity between esports athletes and the control group and within the esports athletes, and to study the relationship between esports athletes’ variables. Material and Methods A cross-sectional survey study via telephone with systematic randomized approach was used for esport athletes sampling. Control group were non-esports athletes who do not use computer for prolonged duration. The survey consisted of sports athletes’ characteristics, hand symptoms and functions, and the Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire (BCTQ). The unpaired student’s t-test, Mann-Whitney U test, and χ2 test were utilised for statistical comparison, with p < 0.05. Pearson’s and Spearman’s correlation coefficient tests were used for relationship analyses. Results Eligible participants were 198 out of 229. Compared to control group, esport athletes reported more CTS (p = 0.01), and radiated pain and numbness in their hands (p = 0.05). Males complained of hand symptoms (p < 0.01) and its radiation (p < 0.01) more than females among esports athletes. Higher BCTQ Symptom Severity Scale (BCTQ-SSS) scores were reported for esports athletes who had been playing esports for prolonged periods compared to those who had playing recently (p = 0.003), with a moderate positive correlation (+0.59, p = 0.004). A significant moderate positive correlation was reported for BCTQ Functional Severity Symptoms (BCTQ-FSS) scores in terms of hours of playing (+0.44, p = 0.04). Esports athletes who used armrests and a PC with a controller for gaming reported less hand symptoms and had milder BCTQ scores than those who used a PC with a keyboard/mouse. Generally, esports athletes spend 5–10 h/day on gaming. Conclusions Esports athletes might be at risk of developing upper-extremity nerve compression and CTS. Prolonged playing, hours of playing, type of esports device, and using armrests are possible risk factors.
Medycyna Pracy. Workers’ Health and Safety; 2023, 74, 4; 279-287
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Pracy. Workers’ Health and Safety
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The mediating effect of psychological flexibility on fatigue and depressive symptoms among nursing staff
Yao, Yongcheng
Tang, Jie
Meng, Hongling
Li, Yuping
Du, Haixia
Li, Zhenzhen
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
depressive symptoms
psychological flexibility
mediating effect
Objectives To explore the relationship between depressive symptoms, fatigue and psychological flexibility, as well as their interactions on depression in Chinese nurses. Material and Methods Using convenience sampling, a cross-sectional survey of 796 nurses in municipal hospitals of Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China, was conducted. The questionnaires of Work-related Acceptance and Action Questionnaire, Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale and Fatigue Assessment Instrument were used. Hierarchical regression and bootstrap methods were used to examine the mediating effect of psychological flexibility between fatigue and depression. Results More than 51.8% of the nurses were at risk of depression and 62.3% were at risk of fatigue. There was a significantly positive and moderate correlation between depression and fatigue severity, situation specificity, and consequences (r = 0.43, r = 0.24 and r = 0.31, respectively, p < 0.01). Depression was negatively correlated with psychological flexibility (r = –0.28, p < 0.01). Psychological flexibility had a negative impact on depression with the explained variance increased by 4.2% (β = –0.211, p < 0.001). The bootstrap method showed that the mediating effect of psychological flexibility accounting for 8.5% and 12.3% on fatigue and depressive symptoms, respectively. Conclusions Psychological flexibility plays a partial mediating role between the fatigue severity, consequences of fatigue and depressive symptoms of nurses. Hospital managers should improve medical staff work acceptance to alleviate their depressive symptoms.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2023, 36, 4; 563-574
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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