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Natężenie i struktura ruchu turystycznego w Leśnym Arboretum Warmii i Mazur im. Polskiego Towarzystwa Leśnego w Kudypach
Intensity and structure of tourist traffic in the Forest Arboretum of Warmia and Mazury in Kudypy
Auguscik, A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
turystyka lesna
turystyka krajoznawcza
turystyka edukacyjna
spoleczne funkcje lasu
Nadlesnictwo Kudypy
arboreta lesne
Arboretum Kudypy
ruch turystyczny
natezenie ruchu
struktura ruchu
One possible way to improve the health and well-being of people, especially those living in large urban agglomerations, is to provide the opportunity to spend time in the forest, which helps rest and regeneration by enabling contact with nature. Forest areas managed by the State Forests are therefore publically available to tourists for recreational and educational purposes. Agood example illustrating the scope of access to the forest and its resources, and at the same time indicative of the degree of interest in forest tourism, is the Polish Forest Society’s Forest Arboretum of Warmia and Mazury, run by the Kudypy Forest District in the Regional Directorate State Forests in Olsztyn. The purpose of this work was to study the attendance of people visiting the Arboretum in 2014-2018 taking the variability of interest in visiting the Arboretum depending on the season of the year and the age of tourists (adults vs. children) into account. In overall, children were observed to visit the Arboretum more often than adults, while the largest number of organized groups visited the Arboretum in 2014. The most popular month among both, children and adults, was May. Using a Student's t-test, Pearson's Chi-squared test and Cramer's coefficient a significant relationship between adults and children visiting the Arboretum and the seasons was identified. Significant differences between the average number of visitors to the Arboretum among children and adults at a specific time of year was also observed.
Leśne Prace Badawcze; 2020, 81, 1; 1-8
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Leśne Prace Badawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozpad drzewostanów świerkowych w Beskidzie Żywieckim
Dieback of Norway spruce stands in the Beskid Zywiecki Mts.
Dmyterko, E.
Bruchwald, A.
Mionskowski, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Beskid Zywiecki
drzewostany swierkowe
rozpad drzewostanow
swierk pospolity
Picea abies
struktura drzewostanu
struktura wiekowa
struktura gatunkowa
pozyskiwanie drewna
struktura pozyskania
zagrozenia lasu
szkody od wiatru
forest dieback
picea abies
species structure
age structure
timber harvest
threat to forests by wind
In the Beskid Żywiecki, the combination of abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic factors unfavourable for the growth of trees led to the dieback of spruce stands. The intensification of this process began after the hurricane in November 2004, followed by years of negative climatic water balance. The deterioration of tree growth conditions occurred after the drought in July 2006 and damage caused by the Kyril hurricane in January 2007. The weakened spruces were attacked by the bark beetles, the outbreak of which caused a massive dieback of spruce stands. In order to assess the volume of harvested timber in years 2004−2016, the volume of allowable cut (model volume) was calculated from the stand growth model for each forest district of Beskid Żywiecki. The comparison of the volume of harvested timber with the model volume allowed to determine the rate of dieback of spruce stands. The volume of harvested timber in 2007−2009 exceeded the model volume even 2.5 times. The cuts included mainly deadwood, wind−broken and wind−fallen trees, while the harvest of live trees was scarce. In the period 2010−2013, the harvested volume of live trees accounted for 50−70% of the model volume, the volume of deadwood in the same period was ca. 100% and additionally the volume of blown−down timber after the hurricane was 20−40% of the model volume, which taken together accounted approximately to 200% of the model volume. The execution of such harvesting operations, including silvicultural tasks, did not allow to carry out optimal forest management. The period 2010−2013 saw a downward trend. It was disrupted by the hurricane in December 2013, after which the volume of harvested timber, consisting mainly of wind−broken and wind−fallen trees, increased to 280% of the model volume. Again, the high volume of harvested timber was noted in 2016, (ca. 220% of the model volume). The process of damage to spruce stands in Beskid Żywiecki is likely to continue. A decline in its intensity may occur in the absence of old stands, which to a large extent already takes place in the forests of the Węgierska Górka Forest District. Currently, the most threatened by wind are forests in Ujsoły, Jeleśnia and Nowy Targ forest districts. The least threatened are forests in the Węgierska Górka. This forest district and in the future the remaining forest districts of Beskid Żywiecki, will face enormous challenges to obtain high yield and appropriate species composition.
Sylwan; 2019, 163, 02; 130-140
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Biblioteka Nauki
Zapas i struktura martwego drewna oraz jego znaczenie w akumulacji węgla na siedliskach lasu wilgotnego oraz olsu jesionowego
Stock and structure of deadwood and its importance in carbon accumulation on wet broadleaved forest and riparian alder forest sites
Blońska, E.
Lasota, J.
Piaszczyk, W.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
siedliska lesne
siedlisko lasu wilgotnego
siedlisko olsu jesionowego
drewno martwe
zapas drewna
struktura drewna
akumulacja wegla
decay classes
riparian alder forest
site condition
wet broadleaved forest
The main aim of study was to present the stock and structure of deadwood in different site conditions. In total. sixteen study plots were established on wet broadleaved forest (Lw) and riparianalder forest (OlJ) sites. The objective was to determine the carbon accumulation in lying dead trees. The investigation was performed in the Czarna Rózga reserve in Central Poland (50°5937N; 20°015E). All live and dead trees were measured on each plot. The species of both live and dead trees were identified as well, and the decay class of the dead trees was assessed. Additionally, samples of different species wood from lying logs in five decay classes were taken for carbon content determination. The study was carried out in the spring of 2017. The average stock of deadwood in the Czarna Rózga reserve on the wet broadleaved forest site amounted to 47 m3/ha, while on the riparian alder forest site it equaled 52 m3/ha. The high stock of deadwood can be explained by the slowdown of decay processes by humidity and anaerobic conditions. Ash was the dominant species in the deadwood pool. Regardless of the site conditions (Lw or OlJ), the stock of ash deadwood was several times higher than the stock of live trees this species. The greater carbon stock in lying dead trees was recorded in riparian alder forest.
Sylwan; 2019, 163, 02; 141-149
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Biblioteka Nauki
Struktura lasów w Polsce na podstawie danych wielkoobszarowej inwentaryzacji stanu lasu
Structure of forests in Poland based on National Forest Inventory data
Jabłoński, M.
Wysocka-Fijorek, E.
Budniak, P.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
struktura lasu
inwentaryzacja lasu
inwentaryzacja wielkopowierzchniowa
powierzchnie probne WISL
cechy taksacyjne
gatunki panujace
struktura pionowa
struktura wiekowa
forest structure indicators
forest description
In most of European countries, basic information about forests that is used for its monitoring and formulation of national policies comes from the National Forest Inventories (NFIs). Assessment of forest resources at the national level was initiated in Poland in 2005. In 2014, the second cycle of NFI was completed. Since 2010, results of NFI are the main source of information about the amount of forest resources in Poland, their structure and condition. In the paper, we analyse the indicators of forest structure. Classification of forest categories (forested, temporary non−forested, related to forestry), vertical stand structure, species composition and age structure determined directly from NFI's sample plots were compared with descriptions of stands in which plots are located. Data from more than 29,000 NFI sample plots measured in 2010−2014 were analysed. Our results demonstrate that the share of temporary non−forested areas (resulting from manage− ment practices) assessed from NFI plots is higher than this based upon the stands description (3.9% and 1.8% respectively). We also observed that results of NFI show the huge discrepancy in percentage of land related to forestry (forest roads generally) in forests of private property comparing to cadastral data (1,2% and 0,04% respectively). Most of forests in Poland (92% based on NFI) are single−layer stands. But it should be emphasised that NFI indicate more than twice higher share of two−layer stands (4.8%) than that resulting from description of stands in which samples are located (2.2%). However, only one third of NFI plots located in two−generation and uneven−aged stands was assessed in the same way. On 80% of sample plots dominant species was in accordance with stand description. On 85% plots there were compatibility of the age of dominant species with age recorded in forest management plans. The results of our research confirm that description of the entire diversity of forests by any of the indicators is not practically possible. Simplifying the forests description occurs during NFI measurements as well as within forest management planning. However, some issues need clarification and additional analysis when NFI is used as a source of forest structure. NFI plots with maximal size of a few hundred square meters seem to be too small to observe vertical structure of stands. On the other hand, it should be recog− nized whether division of the sample plots into smaller sections does not cause overestimation of the area of temporary non−forested land.
Sylwan; 2017, 161, 04; 267-276
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ kosztów realizacji pozaprodukcyjnych funkcji lasu na sytuację ekonomiczną nadleśnictw Regionalnej Dyrekcji Lasów Państwowych w Krakowie
Effect of costs incurred on the development of non-productive forest functions on the economic situation in forest districts in the Regional Directorate of the State Forests in Krakow
Kożuch, A.
Adamowicz, K.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
funkcje lasu
funkcje pozaprodukcyjne
funkcje spoleczne
edukacja przyrodniczo-lesna
zagospodarowanie rekreacyjne
ochrona przyrody
koszty realizacji
struktura kosztow
analiza kosztow
RDLP Krakow
sytuacja ekonomiczna
additional costs
opportunity costs
financial result
forest function
The State Forests provide financial support, mainly from funds obtained in the sale of raw timber, for activities undertaken to increase the potential of the social and ecological forest functions. The study aimed to categorize and analyse costs incurred by forest districts in the Regional Directorate of the State Forests in Kraków (RDSF Kraków) in the years of 2005−2009 on the development of selected non−productive forest functions, particularly nature− and forest−related education, recreation forest management and nature protection. The effect of costs falling within the above mentioned categories on the financial situation of the forest districts was also assessed. Empirical data were obtained from financial statements, reports of the Information System of the State Forests, as well as interviews and a questionnaire survey answered by the Forest Service. Direct additional costs were acquired from the accounting records. Indirect and alternative costs were deduced i.a. from results of the questionnaire survey and calculations of the raw timber volume left in forests. In the studied period, the incurred costs and potentially lost profits associated with the development of non−productive forest functions systematically increased in forest districts and attained over 18.8 mln PLN. In the costs structure, the lowest share was observed for direct additional costs (tab. 1). Indirect costs, which were recorded, however not assigned to specific account items, covered 31%. The greatest share of expenses was noted for alternative costs. In the considered period, most forest districts of RDSF Kraków showed a negative financial result (tab. 2). The adverse financial situation in the forest districts was worsened by additional and alternative costs of development of non−productive forest functions. Important financial consequences for forest economy resulted mainly from implementation of nature protection tasks (additional and alternative costs of nature protection accounted for 79% of expenses incurred on fulfilling non−productive forest functions). Additional costs of the development of non−productive forest functions covered 1.6% of total expenses. Value of unharvested timber amounted to 1.9% of income from sale of raw timber. There is a need to emphasize activities undertaken by the State Forests within the development of non−productive forest functions as well as to adjust the cost accounting system in order to facilitate calculations of indirect costs and potentially lost profits.
Sylwan; 2016, 160, 12; 1010-1019
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Charakterystyka wybranych drzewostanów jodłowych Beskidu Niskiego i sposoby ich zagospodarowania
The characteristics of selected fir stands in Beskid Niski and the method of their management
Bruchwald, A.
Dmyterko, E.
Niemczyk, M.
Łukaszewicz, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Beskid Niski
drzewostany jodlowe
struktura drzewostanu
liczba drzew
piersnicowe pole przekroju
miazszosc drzew
zagospodarowanie lasu
stand layer
multi−layer structure
bdq method
abies alba
Assuming multilayer structure as optimal for silver fir stands, we attempted to answer the following questions: 1) how to describe such structure, 2) to what extent does the structure of a particular stand differ from the optimal one, and 3) how to obtain the optimal structure. The study was based on the material collected in 12 stands in the Nawojowa Forest District (S Poland). Three to five 0.04 hectare circular plots were established in each stand, and diameters at breast height (d) of all trees with d > 7 cm were measured. Height (h) was measured for 25 trees selected within the stand. The top height determined for each stand enabled to classify trees into two layers: higher (group I) or lower (group II) than ⅔ of top height. Trees with d<7 cm were divided into 3 layers according to the height: III – h>2 m (higher upgrowth), IV – h between 0.5 and 2 m (lower upgrowth), and V – h<0.5 m (seedlings). Trees in layer V were counted on a 0.005 ha plot, while trees in layers IV and III on a 0.04 ha plot. The selected fir stands revealed high diversity in basic characteristics (tab. 1 and 2). The number of trees in layer III was higher than in layer II only in one stand, and was larger than the number of trees in layer I. Moreover, the variation in tree height formed a vertical canopy closure. The stand was considered to be a model one, and used to develop diameter distribution according to the BDq method. Most stands characterized a smaller number of trees in lower and larger in higher diameter classes compared to the model distribution. It seems that large number of thick trees prevent satisfactory growth of thinner trees. Fir stands proved to have a mosaic vertical structure. In some fragments, eight classes can be distinguished including one layer only: 1) upper (I), 2) middle (II), 3) upgrowth (III), combination of layers: 4) I and II, 5) I and III, 6) II and III, 7) I, II and III, and 8) gaps. The multi−layer structure of fir stands can be maintained only in the form of such a mosaic, but single−layer fragments are also needed to enhance the natural regeneration. We could select a stand with a close−to−optimal multilayer structure, which was considered as a model one and its diameter distribution was used in the BDq method. A comparison of the model curve with the empirical distribution of diameters at breast height for the stand under consideration allows determining diameter classes with an excess of trees that can be harvested without the fear of losing the multilayer structure of the stand. Whether a given tree has to be cut should depend on the vertical differentiation of trees in a particular fragment of the stand. In further studies, measurements in multilayer fir stands should be conducted to verify the model distribution.
Sylwan; 2015, 159, 09; 722-731
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Biblioteka Nauki
Dendrochronologiczna charakterystyka górnej granicy lasu na Babiej Górze w strefie jej progresu
Dendrochronological characteristic of timberline at Mt. Babia Gora in its progressive zone
Czajka, B.
Kaczka, R.J.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Leśny Zakład Doświadczalny. Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej w Rogowie
Babia Gora
gorna granica lasu
zmiany gornej granicy lasu
struktura wiekowa
swierk pospolity
Picea abies
analiza dendrochronologiczna
Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej; 2014, 16, 3[40]
Pojawia się w:
Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Odnowienie naturalne w rezerwacie przyrody "Czmoń" (Wielkopolska)
Natural regeneration in the 'Czmon' nature reserve (Wielkopolska Region)
Horodecki, P.
Wiczynska, K.
Jagodzinski, A.M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
rezerwaty przyrody
rezerwat Czmon
odnowienia lasu
odnowienia naturalne
struktura wiekowa
struktura gatunkowa
Leśne Prace Badawcze; 2014, 75, 1
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Leśne Prace Badawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Planowanie hodowlane w drzewostanach jodłowych o złożonej strukturze z wykorzystaniem metody BDq w Nadleśnictwie Zagnańsk
Silvicultural planning in complex structures of silver fir by means of the BDq method in Zagnańsk Forest District
Drozdowski, S.
Bielak, K.
Buraczyk, W.
Gawron, L.
Jaros, R.
Żybura, H.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
hodowla lasu
drzewostany jodlowe
jodla pospolita
Abies alba
planowanie hodowlane
struktura drzewostanu
ksztaltowanie struktury
metoda BDq
close−to−nature silviculture
complex stand structure
multifunctional forestry
silver fir
silvicultural planning
The paper deals with problems concerning silvicultural planning in silver fir stands in Zagnańsk Forest District (central Poland) that are characterized by complex structure. Based on a detailed inventory using 98 permanent circular sample plots in four control units the BDq method was employed for determining the future silvicultural activities of the current forest management cycle. The equilibrium model is based on diameter distributions and has the following parameters: B=35 m²/ha; D=63 cm and q−factor=1.28.
Sylwan; 2014, 158, 09; 651-660
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Biblioteka Nauki
Planowanie hodowlane z wykorzystaniem metody BDq w drzewostanach świerkowych na siedliskach bagiennych
Silvicultural planning in spruce mire forests by the means of the BDq method
Drozdowski, S.
Andrzejczyk, T.
Bielak, K.
Buraczyk, W.
Gawron, L.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
hodowla lasu
siedliska lesne
siedliska bagienne
drzewostany swierkowe
swierk pospolity
Picea abies
struktura drzewostanu
planowanie hodowlane
metoda BDq
close−to−nature silviculture
equilibrium model
norway spruce mire forest
silvicultural planning
This paper addresses problems associated with the silvicultural planning in the Norway spruce mire forests (Sphagno girgensohnii−Piceetum Polak. 1962) that are characterized by an uneven−aged structure and a high degree of irregularity at small scale. Based on detailed inventory using 30 permanent circular sample plots in two control units located in the Augustów Forest (NE Poland), the BDq method was employed for determining future silvicultural activities of the current forest management cycle. The equilibrium models are based on diameter distributions and have the following parameters, depending on site conditions: B=28 m²/ha; q−factor=1.32 and D=51 cm in the case of poorer forest site type (S.−P. typicum) and 55 cm more fertile one (S.−P. thelypteridetosum).
Sylwan; 2014, 158, 10; 733-742
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Biblioteka Nauki
Przestrzenne zróżnicowanie dynamiki wzrostu drzew ponad górną granicą lasu na Babiej Górze
Spatial distribution of growth of Norway spruces above the timberline at Mt. Babia Gora
Michalowicz, P.
Czajka, B.
Kaczka, R.J.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Leśny Zakład Doświadczalny. Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej w Rogowie
Babia Gora
gorna granica lasu
siedliska ponad gorna granica lasu
swierk pospolity
Picea abies
struktura wiekowa
wzrost drzewostanu
wzrost roslin
dynamika wzrostu
zroznicowanie przestrzenne
Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej; 2014, 16, 3[40]
Pojawia się w:
Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stan wielogatunkowego lasu naturalnego (Abies, Fagus, Picea) regla dolnego w rezerwacie Oszast na tle monokultur świerkowych w Beskidzie Żywieckim i Beskidzie Śląskim
A comparison of lower montane natural forest (Abies, Fagus, Picea) in Oszast Reserve and spruce monocultures in the Zywiecki Beskid and Slaski Beskid
Jaworski, A.
Pach, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
lasy gorskie
regiel dolny
rezerwaty przyrody
rezerwat Oszast
las naturalny
drzewostany wielogatunkowe
sklad gatunkowy
swierk pospolity
Picea abies
buk zwyczajny
Fagus sylvatica
jodla pospolita
Abies alba
klon jawor
Acer pseudoplatanus
jarzab pospolity
Sorbus aucuparia
zmiany skladu gatunkowego
zasobnosc drzewostanu
struktura drzewostanu
rozklad piersnic
odnowienia lasu
stand volume
dbh distribution
The aim of this research was to find out what changes occurred between 1999-2009 in Oszast reserve in the volume, species composition and diameter at breast height (dbh) distribution of the forest stand, and the number and height of regeneration. The objective was to determine what would be condition of these managed lower montane multispecies forest stands (Swiss irregular shelterwood method or selection cuttings) and what role spruce would play in them if they have not been replaced by spruce monocultures. The research was conducted on three permanent circular sample plots (s.p.), each had size of 1/3 ha. Over 10 years, standing volume of the forest stand increased on s.p. 1 (from around 562 m3 ha-1 to 649 m3 ha-1) and s.p. 3. (from 653 m3 ha-1 to 660 m3 ha-1), while decreased on s.p. 2. (from 421 m3 ha-1 to 378 m3 ha-1). The species composition, defined on the basis of volume share (averaged for the three s.p. jointly), did not undergo consistent changes. However, the relative dominance of beech over spruce was determined based on tree numbers. The average spruce mortality (averaged from three s.p.) did not exceed 10% and was slightly higher than that of beech (6%), and lower than fir mortality (15%). Nevertheless, spruce did not show any symptoms of dieback. The reasons behind its mortality were fallen trees and windbreaks. In regeneration, on the whole, beech or sycamore predominated, and the proportion of spruce and fir was small. In the future spruce and fir may even decrease further by competitive ability of dynamically regenerating beech. Abandonment of forest management to promote greater diversity of species, may favour the formation of beech monocultures, or forest stands dominated by beech, everywhere that beech is already present or will be introduced. The maintenance of stable, multispecies forest stands, with co-dominant fir, beech and spruce of native origin, requires natural or artificial regeneration of spruce and fir, manipulated to restore fir up to about 30%, and reduce spruce down to about 40%. This would be possible through the use of the Swiss irregular shelterwood method and selection system, and by continuous tending of regeneration.
Leśne Prace Badawcze; 2014, 75, 1; 13-23
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Leśne Prace Badawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ masowego zamierania świerka w drzewostanach Białowieskiego Parku Narodowego na odnowienie naturalne dębu
Influence of spruce decline in stands of the Bialowieza National Park on natural oak regeneration
Bobiec, A.
Bobiec, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Bialowieski Park Narodowy
siedlisko boru mieszanego swiezego
siedlisko lasu mieszanego swiezego
powierzchnie badawcze
drzewostany swierkowe
dynamika drzewostanu
swierk pospolity
Picea abies
zamieranie drzew
struktura grubosci
odnowienia naturalne
diameter structure
ground fires
regeneration wave
stand decline
The study aimed at analyzing the oak population structure was performed on the 29−hectare plot representing stands dominated by spruce in the strict reserve of the Białowieża National Park. It revealed that oaks represent two distinct cohorts: the old, emerged in the late 1800s, and the new that is being established in the area subject to mass decline of spruce. We suggest that the first regeneration wave was the result of ceasing the frequent ground fire regime that prevented the regeneration of trees except for pine. The current wave has been prompted by a set of changes in the habitat quality, following the breakdown of dense spruce−dominated stands. These changes, such as access to sunlight, accelerated decomposition of spruce litter, local exposure of mineral soil, and protective structures of lying spruce logs, provide regeneration advantage to oak and other intolerant species.
Sylwan; 2012, 156, 04; 243-251
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Biblioteka Nauki
Zagrożone gatunki drzew Białowieskiego Parku Narodowego (Rezerwat Ścisły)
Threatened tree species of the Bialowieza National Park (the Strict Reserve)
Brzeziecki, B.
Keczyński, A.
Zajączkowski, J.
Drozdowski, S.
Gawron, L.
Buraczyk, W.
Bielak, K.
Szeligowski, H.
Dzwonkowski, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
hodowla lasu
Bialowieski Park Narodowy
rezerwaty scisle
Obreb Ochronny Orlowka
stale powierzchnie obserwacyjne
sklad gatunkowy
drzewa lesne
topola osika
zageszczenie populacji
struktura grubosci
gatunki dominujace
gatunki zagrozone
diameter distribution
dynamic status
large−scale inventory
long−term trend
natural forest
permanent plot
population density
population dynamics
strict protection
An assessment of the current dynamic status of tree species occurring in the Strict Reserve of the Białowieża National Park is presented. On the basis of long−term trends and analysis of large−scale inventory data, the three major groups of trees are distinguished: 1) ‘safe’ group, containing hornbeam and lime, 2) ‘presently safe, but declining in a long−term run’ group, involving spruce, birch and alder, and 3) ‘threatened and highly threatened’ group, consisting of oak, pine, ash, maple, elm and aspen.
Sylwan; 2012, 156, 04; 252-261
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany ilościowe dna lasu i struktury drzewostanów sosnowych II i III klasy wieku na siedlisku boru świeżego po pożarze pokrywy gleby
Quantitative changes in the structure of pine stands of 2nd and 3rd age class and the forest floor following understorey fire in a fresh-coniferous forest
Rywka, P.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
siedlisko boru swiezego
drzewostany sosnowe
drzewostany II klasy wieku
drzewostany III klasy wieku
pozary lasow
pozary pokrywy gleby
dno lasu
drewno martwe
drewno lezace
grubosc sciolki
pokrycie powierzchni
zmiany ilosciowe
struktura drzewostanu
zmiany struktury drzewostanu
Leśne Prace Badawcze; 2012, 73, 1
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Leśne Prace Badawcze
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Biblioteka Nauki

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