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Hierarchia kultury na tle nierówności ekonomicznych i kapitału społecznego
Stratification of Culture against Economic Inequalities and Social Capital
Domański, Henryk
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
cultural stratification
class position
musical tastes
social origin
hierarchia kultury
pozycja klasowa
gusty muzyczne
pochodzenie społeczne
Nierówności w dostępie do kultury są elementem struktury klasowej. Celem tego artykułu jest porównanie ważności tego wymiaru z innymi wyznacznikami hierarchii klasowej. Opierając się na danych pochodzących z badań zrealizowanych w 2019 roku na próbie ogólnopolskiej, próbuję określić znaczenie kultury w porównaniu z nierównościami ekonomicznymi i kapitałem społecznym. Wskaźnikiem uczestniczenia w kulturze są gusty muzyczne, pozycja ekonomiczna mierzona jest wielkością dochodów rodziny a kapitał społeczny – pomocą ze strony znajomych. Wyniki analizy wskazują, że podziały klasowe znajdują silniejsze odzwierciedlenie w nierównościach ekonomicznych niż w stylu życia i kapitale społecznym. Prawidłowości jest również znaczące oddziaływanie pozycji klasowej ojca, co wskazywałoby na międzypokoleniową transmisję tych zjawisk.    
Cultural inequality is one of the constitutive factors of the class structure. This analysis aims to determine the extent to which cultural participation reflects class inequalities in comparison with two other dimensions of the class structure, i.e. economic inequalities and social capital. Cultural participation is measured in terms of musical tastes. Drawing on data from a 2019 research conducted on a representative sample in Poland, I attempt to assess the role of this variable in shaping class structure. The findings show that class distances are better reflected in economic inequalities (family income) than in musical tastes – with a minor role of social capital – which confirms the hypothesis. The same pattern is reflected in the effect of father’s class on family income and cultural capital, which indicates intergenerational transmission of these factors.  
Zeszyty Naukowe KUL; 2024, 67, 1; 61-74
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe KUL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Empirical Research on Social Stratification in the Visegrád Countries: An Overview
Nešpor, Zdeněk
Večerník, Jiří
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne
empirical research
social stratification
Visegrád countries
comparative surveys
This article outlines developments in empirical research on social stratification in the four countries constituting currently the Visegrád Group (V4). Sociology has been developing, if unevenly, as a discipline in these countries since the 19th or early 20th century. Empirical research on social stratification, based on data collected in large surveys, started here by the mid-1960s, first in Poland, then in Hungary, and later in the former Czechoslovakia. In spite of the ideological pressure of the communist regimes in all of these countries, the conditions for sociological studies were much better in Poland and Hungary than in Czechoslovakia, where such research was frozen for a long time after the communist putsch of 1948 and again after the Soviet occupation in 1968. After 1990, this kind of research enjoyed an energetic new start in all the post-communist countries, as they opened fully to the West and integrated into international networks. In addition, comparative research within the V4 region started with the challenging project “Social Stratification in Eastern Europe after 1989.” Many national surveys were conducted and East-West cooperation intensified. Currently, most empirical research on social stratification occurs on a national or bilateral basis, or is developed within larger European projects.
Polish Sociological Review; 2023, 221, 1; 4-26
Pojawia się w:
Polish Sociological Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
First record of tempestites from Quaternary lacustrine deposits in the Ağrı Basin (Eastern Anatolia, Türkiye) : palaeoclimatological and palaeogeographic implications
Üner, Serkan
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
hummocky cross-stratification
Eastern Anatolia
Several event layers have been identified in lacustrine deposits in the AErI Basin of Anatolia (E Türkiye). Sedimentological and palaeontological data newly indicate a storm-induced origin for some of them. The sedimentary structures in three sections, a few tens of metres apart from each other laterally, such as hummocky cross-stratification, wave-generated cross-bedding, parallel bedding, erosional surfaces, and graded bedding, which are considered characteristic of tempestites, are clearly present. Additionally, fining-upwards units and biogenic escape structures located at different levels of these sections indicate a similar origin. The vertical variations in layer thickness, grain size, and sedimentary structures in these sedimentary sections indicate fluctuating hydrodynamic conditions during deposition, while lateral decrease in the size and wavelength of the structures reflects deepening. This interpretation of storm-induced deposition is compatible with regional palaeoclimatological and palaeogeographical data, and is supported by evidence of Quaternary storm-induced sedimentation in adjacent lacustrine basins in the region.
Geological Quarterly; 2023, 67, 2; art. no. 13
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Inequality in Access to Social Capital: Assessing the Role of Cultural Practices
Cebula, Michał
Perchla-Włosik, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne
social capital
social networks
cultural practices
social stratification
Previous research in social science established the existence of mutual relationship between cultural tastes and social networks. What is less known, however, is how this connectivity translates into tangible social benefits (social capital). By applying the resource generator tool, the article explores the extent to which access to different social resources (social capital) is related to pursuing different cultural activities, independent of social standing and network features. Empirically, the possibilities of locally representative survey data (N = 1010) from Poland (2017) are exploited. The analysis brings two main findings: (i) participation in elite culture is positively associated with better access to instrumental resources (lending money, job assistance), (ii) while popular culture is more relevant to “information and (cultural) influences” social capital and to general access to resources. The contribution of the study is to show that cultural consumption may assist in the accumulation of important social resources and thus contribute to solidifying social inequalities
Polish Sociological Review; 2023, 224, 4; 419-440
Pojawia się w:
Polish Sociological Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Paradygmaty i teorie w naukach o człowieku. Pytania realisty krytycznego
Paradigms and theories in the human sciences. Questions of a critical realist
Wielecki, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Wiedzy Powszechnej w Szczecinie
realizm krytyczny
nauki społeczne
rozwarstwienie paradygmatyczne
critical realism
social sciences
paradigmatic stratification
Czy w naukach o człowieku, a w szczególności interesuje mnie tutaj socjologia, można mówić w ogóle o teorii? Czy to, co tu się uprawia pod tą nazwą, zasługuje na tak wymagające określenie? Przynajmniej gdy oceniać to z perspektywy logiki, epistemologii i metodologii nauk? Analiza głównych tradycji rozumienia teorii, zwłaszcza w należących do humanistyki naukach społecznych, jest tu podstawą próby porządkowania współczesnego chaosu w tej dziedzinie. Pytanie to jest tym bardziej istotne, iż – najłagodniej rzecz ujmując – możemy dziś mówić o poważnym rozwarstwieniu paradygmatycznym. Wydawałoby się, iż stan taki wymaga powrotu humanistyki, a w szczególności nauk społecznych do korzeni filozoficznych, aby raz jeszcze przemyśleć status ontyczny i epistemiczny przedmiotu badań tych nauk. Twierdzę bowiem, iż teorie w naukach nas tu interesujących, również te najmniej ogólne, a nawet zwykła praktyka badawcza o charakterze empirycznym, zawsze wymagają refleksji fundamentalnej: ontologicznej i epistemologicznej. W czasach rozwarstwienia paradygmatycznego – w szczególności. Kłopot jednak w tym, iż zwracając się w stronę filozofii, niekoniecznie uzyska się taką pomoc, jakiej nauki o człowieku mogłyby oczekiwać. Od filozofów najprędzej dowiedzieć się możemy, iż nauki humanistyczne, ze społecznymi włącznie, nie są wystarczająco dojrzałe, sformalizowane, ewentualnie skwantyfikowane, aby z przywileju nazywania teorią ich ogólne dywagacje mogły korzystać. Stawia to socjologię i nauki jej pokrewne w sytuacji pata. Jedyna droga teoretycznego ich umocnienia wiedzie przez filozofię. Nie można wszakże wyobrazić sobie innego mostu między nimi a królową nauk niż teorie społeczne właśnie. Ale most ten wydaje się być nieprzejezdny. A w każdym razie – przeprawa jest, podobno, nielegalna. Otóż nie wierzę w to. Myślę, iż humaniści, w tym socjolodzy, muszą – jak ongiś – być dobrze wykształceni w filozofii i w dialogu z filozofami szukać własnej osobliwości ontycznej i epistemologicznej. A stąd wyniknie – jak mniemam – koncept właściwej tym naukom teorii. Uzasadniam też przypuszczenie, iż rama poznawcza realizmu krytycznego może dawać sensowną perspektywę w tej sprawie naukom społecznym.
Is it possible to talk about theory in the human sciences, and in particular in sociology? Does what is grown here under this name deserve such a demanding term? At least when judged from the perspective of logic, epistemology and methodology of science? The analysis of the main traditions of understanding theory, especially in the social sciences belonging to the humanities, is the basis for an attempt to organize the contemporary chaos in this field. This question is even more important because – to put it mildly – we can talk about a serious paradigmatic stratification today. It would seem that such a state requires the humanities, and in particular the social sciences, to return to their philosophical roots in order to rethink the ontic and epistemic status of the subject of research in these sciences. I claim that the theories in the sciences of interest to us here, including the least general ones, and even ordinary research practice of an empirical nature, always require fundamental reflection: ontological and epistemological. In times of paradigmatic stratification – especially. The trouble, however, is that by turning to philosophy, you will not necessarily get the kind of help that the human sciences might expect. We can quickly learn from philosophers that the humanities, including the social sciences, are not sufficiently mature, formalized or quantified to allow their general digressions to benefit from the privilege of calling them a theory. This puts sociology and its related sciences in a stalemate. The only way to strengthen them theoretically is through philosophy. However, it is impossible to imagine any other bridge between them and the queen of sciences than social theories. But this bridge seems to be impassable. In any case, the crossing is supposedly illegal. Well, I don’t believe it. I think that humanists, including sociologists, must – as in the past – be well educated in philosophy and look for their own ontic and epistemological peculiarity in dialogue with philosophers. And from here will result – as I suppose – the concept of a theory proper to these sciences. I also justify the supposition that the cognitive framework of critical realism may provide a sensible perspective on this matter for the social sciences.
Polish Journal of Critical Realism; 2023, 1, 1; 51-70
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Critical Realism
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Effect of Social Mobility on Cultural Barriers in Poland
Domański, Henryk
Przybysz, Dariusz
Wyrzykowska, Katarzyna
Zawadzka, Kinga
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne
social mobility
cultural stratification
social class barriers
musical preferences
The main aim of this article is to show to what extent social mobility weakens cultural barriers. The findings are based on the results of a study on the stratification of musical tastes conducted in Poland in 2019 on a nationwide random sample. We demonstrate that upwardly mobile individuals adapt more to their status of origin than to their new position. Our results also disconfirm hypotheses concerning the “socialization” of downwardly mobile individuals to the highbrow culture. It shows that individuals moving down are closer to the lower classes in participation in culture as compared to “stayers.” The results suggest an important shift: the upwardly mobile have ceased to translate their occupational success into a more esteemed culture to gain social approval. Respectively, the skidders do not resist the status implications of downward mobility by denying failure and striving to compensate socio-economic degradation with sharing their tastes with their status peers.
Polish Sociological Review; 2023, 223, 3; 353-368
Pojawia się w:
Polish Sociological Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Praktyki wychowawcze a transmisja wzorów kulturowych
Parenting practices and the transmission of cultural patterns in the family
Domański, Henryk
Przybysz, Dariusz
Wyrzykowska, Katarzyna M.
Zawadzka, Kinga
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
cultural stratification
participation in culture
parenting practices
capital inheritance
Stratyfikacja kultury
uczestnictwo w kulturze
praktyki wychowawcze
dziedziczenie kapitałów
Przedmiotem analizy jest oddziaływanie pozycji klasowej, kapitału kulturowego i innych cech położenia społecznego rodziców na wzory wychowywania dzieci. Podstawą ustaleń są dane z ogólnopolskiego badania zrealizowanego w 2019 r. Z naszej analizy wynika, że posiadanie wyższego kapitału kulturowego w sensie chodzenia do opery, filharmonii, a także uprawiania sportu lub jedzenia w restauracji sprzyja czytaniu dzieciom książek, chodzeniu z nimi do teatru i na koncerty muzyki poważnej. W tym samym kierunku oddziałuje poziom wykształcenia i pochodzenie społeczne rodziców: wzrost wykształcenia i posiadanie ojca inteligenta związane są z częstszym stosowaniem tych praktyk wychowawczych. Z kolei, porównanie aktywności obojga rodziców wskazuje na nieco większą rolę matek niż ojców w odniesieniu do czytania książek i edukacji dzieci, chociaż ojcowie nie ustępują wyraźnie matkom w chodzeniu z dziećmi do teatru i na koncerty muzyczne. Ustalenia te można traktować jako jeden z elementów odtwarzania się dystansów społecznych ze względu na przekazywanie dzieciom wartości, które rzutują na ich szanse życiowe. Przemawiają one również za występowaniem homologii, czyli podobieństwa we wzorach oddziaływania pozycji klasowej na praktyki wychowawcze w wymienionych aspektach.
We attempt to show how class position, cultural capital, and social class of parents affects parenting patterns. The findings are based on data from a nationwide survey conducted in 2019. Our analysis shows that having higher cultural capital in terms of going to the opera, philharmonic hall, as well as playing sports or eating at restaurants favours reading books to children, going to the theatre with them, and going to classical music concerts. In a similar direction affect education and class position of the parents: an increase in education and originating from specialists (intelligentsia) are associated with some increase in these parenting practices. A comparison of both parents' activities shows a slightly greater role for mothers than for fathers with respect to reading books and educating children, although fathers are not inferior to mothers in going with their children to the theatre and music concerts. These findings may be seen as an element of the reproduction of class barriers due to the transmission of cultural practices to children that affect their life chances. They also support hypothesis of homology, that is, similarity in the patterns of relationships between class position and childrearing practices.
Kultura i Społeczeństwo; 2022, 66, 1; 123-148
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Predicting IoT failures with Bayesian workflow
Baranowski, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Polskie Naukowo-Techniczne Towarzystwo Eksploatacyjne PAN
IoT failures
Bayesian workflow
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
IoT networks are so voluminous that they cannot be treated as individual devices, but as populations. Main aim of the paper is to create a comprehensive method for predicting failures taking device variance into consideration. We propose using data fusion of happenstance observations (resets and failures) to better estimate device parameters. We propose using methods of population analysis in Bayesian statistics to estimate failure times investigating only a part of the population. For this purpose, we use multilevel hierarchical Bayesian model and provide it with post stratification. We propose model assumptions, construct the model and evaluate it, and perform computations using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. This method is known as the Bayesian workflow. We have analyzed three different models showing that, in case of small device variance, it can be ignored, or at least compensated, while significant differences require hierarchical modeling. We also show that hierarchical model shows significant robustness to a small amount of data. We have shown attractiveness of Bayesian approach to modeling failures of IoT devices. Ability to diagnose and tune models, and assure their computational fidelity is a great advantage of Bayesian workflow.
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność; 2022, 24, 2; 248--259
Pojawia się w:
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Approximately optimum strata boundaries for two concomitant stratification variables under proportional allocation
Danish, Faizan
Rizvi, S. E. H.
Data publikacji:
Główny Urząd Statystyczny
stratification points
proportional allocation
minimal equation
The proper choice of strata boundaries is an important factor determining the efficiency of the estimator of the considered characteristics of a population. In this article, the Cum Di(x,z) Rule (i=3,4) for obtaining approximately optimum strata boundaries has been applied, taking into account a single-study variable along with two concomitant variables serving as the basis of the stratification variables. The relative efficiency of the proposed methods has been demonstrated theoretically and empirically by comparing them to a selection of already-existing methods in a simulation study with the use of the proportional allocation method.
Statistics in Transition new series; 2021, 22, 4; 19-40
Pojawia się w:
Statistics in Transition new series
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Globalny system akademicki i stratyfikująca rola badań naukowych
The global academic system and the stratifying role of research
Kwiek, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
academic profession
social stratification
high participation systems
global science
The global stratification of higher education institutions is accompanied by the vertical differentiation of the academic profession. The various segments of the profession and the various components of higher education systems have been drifting apart. A general contrast emerges between the haves and have-nots in terms of working conditions and the attractiveness of the academic profession at the individual level; and the global visibility in league tables and access to national research funding at the institutional level. In massified systems, the traditional teaching-research nexus will be maintained in practice almost exclusively in the small elite sub-sector. The opportunities at the disposal of institutions will vary immensely in the future, but the most important, qualitative distinction will be between the top 1,000 universities and the rest (comprising about 25,000–30,000 institutions).
Człowiek i Społeczeństwo; 2021, 52; 71-90
Pojawia się w:
Człowiek i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Retirees Are Also Stratified: Pre-Retirement Socio-Occupational Status and the Well-Being of Older Adults in Central Europe
Večerník, Jiří
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne
Central Europe
social stratification
Most stratification research concerns solely the economically active population and omits inactive seniors. Retirees are often treated as a separate and rather homogeneous social category. However, this approach is only partially valid. Retirees can still be differentiated in regard to their objective and subjective well-being, which is linked to their former occupations. Using large EU-SILC datasets for Central European countries, this article focuses on the effect of pre-retirement socio-occupational category on the well-being of retirees. The category is found to be an important explanatory variable after controlling for age, sex, marital status, and other characteristics. However, there are substantial differences among countries. While in Czechia, retirees are most homogeneous in regard to their objective and subjective well-being across socio-occupational categories, the differences are considerably larger in Hungary and Poland, and on a similar level as in our benchmark country, Austria.
Polish Sociological Review; 2021, 213, 1; 27-46
Pojawia się w:
Polish Sociological Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Winter upwelling in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea
Suursaar, U.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Oceanologii PAN
nearshore region
Finland Gulf
Baltic Sea
vertical flux
water temperature
Traditionally, upwelling-related studies in the Baltic Sea have been limited to the period from May to September. Based on wintertime in situ measurements at two nearshore locations in the Gulf of Finland, clear evidence of winter “warm” upwelling events was detected and analysed. The process was very common. At a 10 m deep location, upwelling caused water temperature (T) to switch from 0—1 to 4—5°C and salinity (S) to switch from 4.5 to 6 PSU; at 20 m depth it caused a switch in T between 1 and 2—4°C and in S between 5.5 and 6.8 PSU. Differently from summer upwelling, T and S variations were positively correlated to each other. Salinity variations remained roughly the same throughout the winter, whereas T differences were higher in winter onset, then decreased to ca. 1°C, and increased again after the process reversed to summer-type upwelling in April—May. Based on analysis of SatBaltyk (January to March) sea surface temperature and salinity product imagery, winter upwelling occurrence along the North Estonian coast was 21—28% over 2010—2021, and slightly less along the Finnish coast. Regarding S variations, winter upwelling occurred with roughly similar frequencies and impacts in the northern and southern parts of the gulf. However, the impacts on T and sea ice conditions were highly asymmetrical. Upwelling kept the Estonian coast ice-free longer and water temperatures slightly higher than at the Finnish coast. Winter upwelling as a phenomenon has long been ignored and therefore probably underestimated.
Oceanologia; 2021, 63, 3; 359-369
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Darcy-Forchheimer 3D Williamson nanofluid flow with generalized Fourier and Fick’s laws in a stratified medium
Ramzan, M.
Gul, H.
Zahri, M.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Generalized Fourier and Fick’s laws
Darcy-Forchheimer porous medium
Thermal and solutal stratification
Williamson nanofluid
Mathematical analysis for 3D Williamson nanofluid flow past a bi-directional stretched surface in Darcy-Forchheimer permeable media constitutes the focus of this study. The novelty of the proposed model is augmented by the addition of thermal and solutal stratification with chemical species and variable thermal conductivity. Calculations of the suggested model are conducted via the renowned homotopy analysis method (HAM). The results obtained are validated by comparing them in a limiting form with an already published article. Excellent harmony is achieved in this regard. Graphical structures, depicting impacts of assorted arising parameters versus the profiles involved are also provided. It is noticed that the velocity profile is a dwindling function of the Williamson parameter and Hartmann number. It is also stated that the Cattaneo-Christov heat flux exhibits conventional Fourier and Fick’s laws behavior when both coefficients of thermal and concentration relaxations are zero.
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences; 2020, 68, 2; 327-335
Pojawia się w:
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Integration in the Educational System in Israel and Its Influenceon Social Stratificationin a Changing World
Integracja w systemie oświaty w Izraelu i jej wpływ na rozwarstwienie społeczne w zmieniającym się świecie
Franco, Manor Sali
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
economic status
Among the phenomena that characterize modern society it is possible to note the appearance of complex political, occupational, and sectorial systems of status and the weakening of the ‘class’ factor in its ideological meaning. The main result of this development was the steadily increasing conflictbetween, on the one hand, the trends of economic development and the new centers of power and, on the other hand, the mobility of new groups. All the groups competed among themselves over the additions of income, accessibility to economic resources, and positions of influencein the government system as well as over the creation of autonomous frameworks. An important part in these sectorial formations is related to the positioning of education in the entire stratifiedsystem. The statement that the extension of education has not resulted in the reduction of social gaps in the professional field,especially between employees, is correct, yet conversely it did drive a process of change in the evaluation of different subjects and a change in the perception of education as a necessary state of specialization. This aspect constitutes an important factor in the processing of the stratifiedmap and in the formation of the class awareness. The education systems, which are the main organizations to inculcate education, can determine who is qualifiedand who is not qualifiedto filldifferent employment roles; they have become the main device for the achievement of social and economic status.
Studia Edukacyjne; 2017, 46; 439-449
Pojawia się w:
Studia Edukacyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Middle-Class Formative Factors in the Moldovan Contemporary Society
Mocanu, Victor
Malcoci, Ludmila
Mocanu, Ion
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
rozwarstwienie społeczne; klasa społeczna; status społeczno-zawodowy; samoidentyfikacja społeczna; klasa średnia
social stratification; social class; socio-occupational status; social self-identification; middle class
Czynniki formacyjne klasy średniej we współczesnym społeczeństwie mołdawskim Badania socjologiczne na temat formacji klasy średniej w Republice Mołdawii, przeprowadzone w okresie od czerwca do września 2016 r. przez naukowców z Centrum Socjologii i Psychologii Społecznej, pokazują, że społeczeństwo jest podzielone na 6 różnych warstw społecznych według statusu społeczno-zawodowego, poziomu wykształcenia i poziomu dobrobytu. Niespójność statusu i niski poziom krystalizacji statusu są cechami charakterystycznymi wszystkich warstw w warunkach dysfunkcjonalności łańcucha logicznego: edukacja – status społeczno-zawodowy – dobrobyt. Analiza warstw społecznych pod kątem kryteriów klasy średniej: wysoki status społeczno-zawodowy, wysoki poziom wykształcenia, wysoki poziom dobrobytu, pokazuje pewne perspektywy kształtowania się klasy średniej w wyższych warstwach w następujących warunkach: opracowanie polityki płac, reforma polityk podatkowych poprzez promowanie progresywnego opodatkowania dochodów, eliminacja korupcji w strukturach władzy, poprawa ustawodawstwa, gwarancja odpowiednich warunków w celu zapewnienia dostępu do edukacji i usług zdrowotnych.
The sociological research on the formation of middle class in the Republic of Moldova, conducted from June to September 2016 by the researchers from the Sociology and Social Psychology Centre, shows that the Moldovan society is stratified into 6 levels that is diversified by the socio-professional status, education and the level of wellbeing. Status inconsistency and the low level of status crystallisation are characteristics for all the strata within the conditions of dysfunctionality of the logical chain: education — social and occupational status — welfare. The analysis of social strata in terms of middle class criteria (high socio-occupational status, high education level, high level of welfare) shows some prospects for the formation of middle class in the upper strata under the following conditions: development a salary policy, reforming tax policies by promoting the progressive taxation, elimination of corruption in structures of power, improving legislation, assuring proper conditions to enable the population to access educational and health services.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2019, 47, 2; 87-100
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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