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An Efficient Two-phase Clocked Sequential Multiply -Accumulator Unit for Image Blurring
Samanth, Rashmi
Nayak, Subramanya G.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
multiply-accumulator (MAC) unit
modified sequential multiplier
finite state machine (FSM)
two-phase clockin
carry-save adder (CSA)
image blurring
The multiply-accumulator (MAC) unit is the basic integral computational block in every digital image and digital signal processor. As the demand grows, it is essential to design these units in an efficient manner to build a successful processor. By considering this into account, a power-efficient, high-speed MAC unit is presented in this paper. The proposed MAC unit is a combination of a two-phase clocked modified sequential multiplier and a carry-save adder (CSA) followed by an accumulator register. A novel two-phase clocked modified sequential multiplier is introduced in the multiplication stage to reduce the power and computation time. For image blurring, these multiplier and adder blocks are subsequently incorporated into the MAC unit. The experimental results demonstrated that the proposed design reduced the power consumption by % and improved the computation time by % than the conventional architectures. The developed MAC unit is implemented using standard CMOS technology using CADENCE RTL compiler, synthesized using XILINX ISE and the image blurring effect is analyzed using MATLAB.
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications; 2022, 68, 2; 307--313
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Комунікативний вимір формування і просування публічного іміджу держави
Communicative Dimension of Formation and Promotion of the State`s Public Image
Нагорняк (Nagornyak), Тетяна (Tetyana)
Польовий (Polovyi), Микола (Mykola)
Бондаренко (Bondarenko), Сергій (Sergii)
Осмоловська (Osmolovska), Анна (Anna)
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
інформаційний простір
політика формування іміджу держави
інтегральна модель формування іміджу держави
комунікаційні моделі
держав світу
імідж держави
image of the state
information space
integral model of state’s image
communication models of the states of the world
policy of state’s image formation
Within the framework of the author’s scientific research, three types of communicative models of the world’s states were identified, which reflect the basic principles of building state information policy and reflect the key characteristics of the political system. Among them are subsidiary, vertical, and transitional models. The institutional method was used to prove the specifics of the state as a political institution that is the bearer of national images, as well as the role and degree of influence of public policy on the formation of ideas about the state in the external information space, on the policy of promoting and transforming these images, with an emphasis on the actions of those states that shape the global political discourse of today. The authors propose an integral model of state’s public image formation, which provides for the synergy of actors of public diplomacy. The result of its implementation is the formation of the components of the state image (regional, multicultural, culinary, educational, expert) together with official products (national symbols, reputation characteristics, socio-economic development indicators, rating indicators and e-diplomacy products) «from below». Both the central government and local communities in the context of the implementation of «bottom-up» policy should be involved in the realization of a successful image formation policy. The authors emphasize that the policy of state’s image formation in the external information space should be considered as a multifaceted component of the foreign policy of the state. The tools, channels and subjects of formation and adjustment of the stateʼs image should be embedded in each of the vectors of foreign policy- in security, diplomatic, economic, social, legal, and directly information vectors.
У рамках авторських наукових пошуків виділено три типи комунікативних моделей держав світу, що відображають базові принципи побудови державної інформаційної політики та віддзеркалюють найважливіші характеристики політичної системи. Серед них – субсидіарна, вертикальна та перехідна моделі. За допомогою інституційного методу проаналізовано специфіку держави як політичного інституту, що є носієм загальнонаціональних образів, а також роль і ступінь впливу саме державної політики на формування уявлень про державу в зовнішньому інформаційному просторі, на політику просування і трансформації цих іміджів з акцентом на дії тих держав, які формують глобальний політичний дискурс сучасності. Автори пропонують інтегральну модель формування публічного іміджу держави, що передбачає синергію суб’єктів публічної дипломатії. Результатом її має стати формування «знизу» частини складових іміджу держави (регіональних, полікультурних, кулінарних, освітніх, експертних) разом з офіційними продуктами (державними символами, репутаційними характеристиками, соціально-економічними показниками розвитку, рейтинговими індикаторами та продуктами цифрової дипломатії). Для реалізації успішної політики формування іміджу слід залучати і центральну владу, і локальні громади в контексті впровадження політики «знизу». Автори наголошують на тому, що політику формування іміджу держави в зовнішньому інформаційному просторі слід розглядати як багатоаспектний складник зовнішньополітичного курсу держави. Інструменти, канали та суб’єкти формування і коригування іміджу держави мають бути закладені в кожному з векторів зовнішньої політики, а саме в безпековому, дипломатичному, економічному, соціальному, правовому та безпосередньо інформаційному.
Copernicus Political and Legal Studies; 2022, 1; 14-27
Pojawia się w:
Copernicus Political and Legal Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Теоретико-методологічні аспекти поняття міжнародний імідж держави
Theoretical and Methodological Aspects the Concept of International Image of the State
Єремєєва, Ірина
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
nation branding
political marketing
international state image-making
international relations
національний брендинг
політичний маркетинг
зовнішня політика
міжнародний державний іміджмейкінг
міжнародні відносини
The article considers the theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of the international image of the state through: analysis of conceptual approaches to the concept of international image of the state; identification of factors influencing the formation of an effective image of the state in the international arena; formulation of essential features of the state image and determination of their influence on the international competitiveness of the state; defining criteria for assessing the international image; analysis of areas of international state image-making. The international image of the state is a strategic tool for strengthening the status of the state in the international arena and the main criterion for its effectiveness. The international image is formed under the influence of natural factors and purposeful activity of state and other actors. The author identifies specific features of the international image of the state: compliance with the level of political, socio-economic and cultural development of the state; emphasis on the brightest and specific characteristics of the state; the presence of significant emotional and psychological composition; easy to display object; symbolization of some aspects of state life. The main criterion for the effectiveness of the state image is to strengthen the status of the state in the international arena. The result of the analysis of the main directions of international state image-making is the allocation of three areas: geopolitical direction forms the idea of geographical space as a territory for domestic and foreign policy; marketing direction provides promotion of economic processes of the state on the world stage; branding direction based on the recognizability of formal and informal symbols of the state contributes to the recognizability of the state on the world stage. Thus, the international image is a manageable category that can be built according to the political or economic demands of the state.
У статті розглядаються теоретичні та методологічні аспекти формування міжнародного іміджу держави через вирішення наступних завдань: аналіз концептуальних підходів до визначення державного іміджу; визначення чинників, що впливають на формування ефективного іміджу держави на міжнародній арені; формулювання основних особливостей державного іміджу та визначення їх впливу на міжнародну конкурентоспроможність держави; визначення критеріїв оцінки та аналіз структури міжнародного іміджу. Імідж є стратегічним інструментом зміцнення позицій і статусу держави та основним критерієм ефективності її діяльності на міжнародній арені. Міжнародний імідж формується під впливом об’єктивних чинників та цілеспрямованої діяльності державних та інших акторів. Автор визначає наступні особливості міжнародного іміджу держави: відображення рівня політичного, соціально-економічного та культурного розвитку держави; акцент на найяскравіших та специфічних характеристиках держави; наявність вагомої емоційної та психологічної складової; символізація деяких аспектів державного життя. Результатом змістовної характеристики іміджу держави є виділення трьох напрямків його формування: геополітичний напрям розглядає географічний простір як територію внутрішньої та зовнішньої політики; маркетинговий напрям забезпечує підтримку зовнішньоекономічної діяльності держави; брендинг сприяє розвитку формальних та неформальних символів держави та її пізнаваності у світі. Таким чином, міжнародний імідж є керованою категорією, що побудована відповідно до національних інтересів держави.
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie; 2022, 4(36); 61-77
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Filmallegorien der Nationen. Über die Position der Zuschauenden
National allegories in film. The viewers’ perspective
Narodowe alegorie filmowe. O perspektywie widza
Gradinari, Irina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
gatunek narodowy
alegorie narodowe
obrazy afektywne
kultury pamięci
feministyczne teorie postrzegania
State genre
national allegories
affect image
memory cultures
feminist theories of the gaze
nationale Allegorien
feministische Blicktheorien
Das Kino hat neue Formen der Kollektivität geschaffen, nämlich einen identitätspolitischen und affektiven Anschluss der Zuschauenden an einen Staat, eine Nation und die Macht der Geschichte. Dieser Anschluss wird zunächst mit dem Neologismus Staatsgenre diskutiert, um die sozialpolitische Hierarchisierung der Genres und deren Produktions- und Rezeptionsbedingungen zu konzeptualisieren. In Anlehnung an feministische Theorien der Zuschauenden wird daraufhin versucht, eine Sehperspektive zu erfassen, die an der Gemeinschaftsbildung beteiligt wird. In diesem Zusammenhang wird zum einen der narratologische Ansatz von Teresa de Lauretis interessant, mit dem Identifikationsprozesse mit dem Bild beschrieben werden. Zum anderen wird die Allegorie als eine affektive Figur gedacht, mit der die Zuschauenden performativ eine exzentrische Position erlangen bzw. mit der Abstrahierung des Bildes zur Allegorie die Umwandlung mitvollziehen. Diesen Prozessen können sich die Zuschauenden nicht entziehen, weil es um deren affektive Überwältigung durch die Bilder geht, die u.a. durch die Auflösung der Gendersemantiken bedingt wird. Als Beispiel fungiert der oscarprämierte Blockbuster Saving Private Ryan (USA 1998).
Kino stworzyło nowe formy wspólnotowe: związek z państwem, narodem i historią opierający się na politycznej i emocjonalnej tożsamości widzów. Związek ten rozpatrywany jest w artykule za pomocą neologizmu „gatunek narodowy“. Umożliwia to usytuowanie gatunku filmowego w hierarchii społeczno-politycznej oraz w kontekście produkcji i recepcji dzieła filmowego. W oparciu o teorie feministyczne podjęta zostaje próba uchwycenia perspektywy widza w procesie tworzenia wspólnoty. Interesująca w tym kontekście okazała się propozycja interpretacji narratologicznej Teresy de Lauretis, opisującej proces budowania tożsamości pod wpływem mowy obrazów. Z drugiej strony jako figura afektywna rozumiana jest alegoria, dzięki której widzowie nabierają dystansu do oglądanej treści lub też modyfikują swą postawę, ponieważ traktują obraz jako alegorię. Widzowie ulegają temu procesowi, ponieważ chodzi w nim o afektywne poddanie się obrazom, co jest między innymi uwarunkowane rozpadem semantyki płci. Jako przykład służy nagrodzony Oskarem hit filmowy Szeregowiec Ryan (Saving Private Ryan, USA 1998).
Cinema has created new forms of collectivity, namely identity-political and affective connections between the viewers and the state, nation, and the power of history. The article discusses this connection using the “state genre” neologism. This enables the Author to place the film genre within the socio-political hierarchy and in the context of film production and reception. Based on feminist theories of spectatorship, an attempt is then made to capture a viewer’s perspective as part of community formation. In this context, Teresa de Laurentis’ narratological approach is of interest, as it describes the process of building identity through the image. As an affective figure, the allegory also seems relevant, as it enables the viewers to attain some perspective on the projected images – or to modify their opinions, as they perceive the images to form an allegory. The viewers allow for this process to happen, and to be overpowered by the images (this is conditioned, among others, by the dissolution of gender semantics). The Oscar-winning blockbuster Saving Private Ryan (USA 1998) is presented as an example.
Convivium. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Polen; 2021; 41-63
Pojawia się w:
Convivium. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Polen
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“The struggle of pamphlets” (1791) . Ukrainian diplomats in London at the end of the XVIIIth century
Zakharova, Oksana
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
international relations
public diplomacy
state image
Throughout the XVIIIth century, Anglo-Russian relations were very contentious. The Ochakov crisis of 1791 risked escalating into direct military action between Russia and England. Ambassador Count S.R. Vorontsov managed to garner the support of members of the House of Lords and the House of Commons of the English Parliament, come in contact with the Prime Minister, members of his cabinet and opposition leaders. The above mentioned allowed him to handle the possibilities of the press, publishing houses and the opposition during the Ochakov crisis of 1791 as well as influenced a public opinion in Britain. In large part, because of the active actions of S.R. Vorontsov and his office staff, it was possible to avoid an armed conflict between Russia and England. One of the closest employees of Semyon Romanovich was the son of a Ukrainian priest Yakov Ivanovich Smirnov, who was considered by many contemporaries as one of the outstanding employees of the office of the Russian Embassy. Ya. I. Smirnov was knighted of the Order of St. John under Paul I, and then the Emperor’s stunning decision took place – the priest was appointed charge d’affaires of Russia in London. V.F. Malinovskiy, the future first director of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, served in Vorontsov’s office. After leaving London, he worked as a secretary at the negotiations in Iași in 1792. As well as V.F. Malinovskiy, V.P. Kochubey hailed from Ukraine. The nephew of Count A.A. Bezborodko was in London from the early spring of 1789 until January of 1791. In 1793, Vorontsov gave V.P. Kochubey, who was diligently engaged in his education, a brilliant character reference. Over the course of his service, Count S.R. Vorontsov regularly defended the interests of the employees of his office; he knew how to gather individuals for his inner circle and work. In the XIXth century, there was a concept of “official of the Vorontsov school”. S.R. Vorontsov and members of his office used the methods of modern public diplomacy, which implies means used by governments, private groups and particular persons to change the views of other people and governments in order to influence their external political decisions. Public diplomacy is a tool for creating the image of the state. Appealing to public opinion, publication of government documents, use of the mass media and issuance of brochure for manifesting one’s position are methods which play a crucial role in modern public diplomacy, which originated due to Ukrainian diplomats as well.
Reality of Politics; 2020, 13; 71-82
Pojawia się w:
Reality of Politics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Diplomatic Counterculture as a Tool of the Soviet Foreign Policy
Zakharova, Oksana
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
international relations
state image
diplomatic etiquette
The article deals with the study of the issue of diplomatic counterculture the definition of which the author introduces into scientific use. The breach of protocol takes place either due to its ignorance, which is non-typical for professional politicians, or for a public demonstration of zero tolerance to particular political objectives. In this context, the meeting of the Polish charge d’affaires with a representative of the People’s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs (NKID) in Moscow dated February 1, 1995 is of special interest. The latter demanded from the diplomat to comment behavior of some members of the diplomatic corps, who didn’t stand up when signing the Internationale (anthem in that period) during one of the official events. Another NKID’s complaint against the diplomatic corps concerned the reluctance of diplomats to stand up for greeting the Soviet vozhds (leaders), including J.V. Stalin who didn’t hold any official leadership post in the system of the Soviet state. In the author’s opinion, J.V. Stalin was one among Soviet politicians of the most sophisticated improvisers, professionally manipulating the norms of diplomatic protocol and etiquette. In 1939, J. Ribbentrop had talked about vozhd as a man with extraordinary power. Stalin managed to daze Minister of Foreign Affairs of German and, in August 1942, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom W. Churchill marked Stalin’s hospitality at a dinner in the Kremlin and offered to drink to his health. It has been found that one of the blatant cases of diplomatic counterculture is the conduct of N.S. Khrushchev during the meeting at the United Nations General Assembly in 1960. “Shoe diplomacy” didn’t raise the credibility of the Soviet leader in the minds of the global community. The ignorance of protocol rules may lead to the loss of the reputation of a government leader, and as a consequence, negatively affect the country’s image, its attractiveness, which is a hallmark of the “softpower” of the state.
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie; 2020, 3(27); 7-21
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Interaction of Arts in Diplomatic Ceremonials of the USSR (Early 20s – mid 80s XX Century)
Yuryevna, Zakharova Oksana
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
international relations
art of diplomacy
foreign visits
cultural programs
state image
The relevance of the study is determined both by the insufficient study of the diplomatic ceremonials of the USSR, and the fact that knowledge of the laws of their functioning expands our ideas about the cultural component of the life of Soviet society. Taking into account the absence in Russian historiography of a special study devoted to the problem of the interaction of arts at diplomatic ceremonies, the author set the goal to conduct a comprehensive research of the problem of the interaction of arts in diplomatic ceremonials. The article considers the stay of the Diplomatic Corps in Moscow from the point of view of the influence of foreign policy priorities on the norms of the diplomatic protocol. Examples of balls, sports, receptions, organized by the embassies of Germany and Italy, which in the 20–30s played a leading role in the life of the Diplomatic Corps, are given. The content of concert programs of official foreign visits, which contributed to the creation of a positive image of the country on the world stage, is analyzed. For the first time the term “diplomatic counterculture” is introduced into scientific circulation – an intentional violation of the diplomatic protocol and diplomatic etiquette in order to achieve a specific result in international communication. It was revealed that the diplomatic ceremonial in itself is a synthesis of arts – the picturesque design of space, music, choreography, costume. Already in the first years of Soviet power, symbols of power entered the “struggle for power.” At diplomatic ceremonies this struggle was in the form of a confrontation between European protocol traditions and the rules of the Soviet diplomatic protocol and etiquette newly created by the employees of the Protocol Division of the USSR People’s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs. Dress code, concert programs, a list of dishes served – everything had to meet the standards of Bolshevik ideology. Hospitality is an important component of national politics. The Protocol Division, through its work, tried to destroy stereotypes about the USSR as an evil empire. The multinational Soviet culture contributed to the creation of a positive image of the state on the world stage.
Reality of Politics; 2020, 11; 107-117
Pojawia się w:
Reality of Politics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Oficjalna strona internetowa jako narzędzie kreowania wizerunku głowy państwa w Polsce, Rosji i Wielkiej Brytanii
The official website as a tool for creating the image of the head of state in Poland, Russia and the United Kingdom
Noińska, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
head of state
internet image
the United Kingdom
The paper analyzes the role of official websites in creating the image of the head of state in Poland, Russia and the United Kingdom. The official website is a convenient tool allowing not only the appropriate presentation of the leader, but also the immediate publication of new content. The wide variety of semiotic resources used on the webpages attracts and maintains the attention of the recipient. The author describes the history of the official websites, identifies the genres characteristic of individual political cultures and observes similarities and differences related to the image of the current head of state.
Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski; 2020, XI, 2; 419-431
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Podzielona ukraińska pamięć historyczna
Varga, Beata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
historical remembrance
“divided history”
“large and powerful nation”
sovereign historical image
“national history”
the “Cossack state”
“Nation’s Father”
“legitimization” of history
“civilizational peri
pamięć historyczna
“podzielona historia”
“wielki i potężny naród”
suwerenny obraz historyczny
“historia narodowa”
“państwo kozackie”
“Ojciec narodu”
“legitymizacja” historii
“cywilizacyjny status peryfer
This text analyzes the reasons for the formation of a divided Ukrainian historical remembrance. One must stress out that it is in fact the “interpretation of its national history that divides Ukrainians in the first place”. As regards the East Ukrainians, being closely linked to Russians, Ukrainian identity can be seen as being continually in a state of “belatedness”, hence the Soviet version of historical remembrance emerged. In Western-Ukraine, the territories of which were only taken-over by the Soviet Union in 1945, a sovereign historical image independent to the Russian had taken shape. Finally, in the central region of Ukraine, Russian-speaking intellectuals of Russian culture were forced to, in order to strengthen their position, prove their “Ukraineness”.
Tekst ten analizuje przyczyny powstania podzielonej pamięci historycznej Ukrainy. Należy podkreślić, że tak naprawdę “to właśnie interpretacja historii narodowej dzieli Ukraińców w pierwszej kolejności”. Jeśli chodzi o wschodnich Ukraińców, którzy są ściśle związani z Rosjanami, ukraińska tożsamość może być postrzegana jako nieustannie “spóźniona”, stąd wyłoniła się sowiecka wersja pamięci historycznej. Na Ukrainie Zachodniej, której terytoria przejęte zostały przez Związek Radziecki dopiero w 1945 roku, ukształtował się suwerenny, niezależny od Rosjan, historyczny obraz. Wreszcie w centralnym regionie Ukrainy rosyjskojęzyczni intelektualiści kultury rosyjskiej zostali zmuszeni do udowodnienia swojej “ukraińskości” w celu wzmocnienia swojej pozycji.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio M – Balcaniensis et Carpathiensis; 2020, 5; 113-122
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio M – Balcaniensis et Carpathiensis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The image-concept of Russia in the British mass media texts (2017-2019)
Posternyak, Ksenia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
linguistic imagology
linguistic conceptology
British media discourse
image-concept of state ‘Russia’
nominative field of the concept
structure of the concept, nominative
metaphorical value
associative components of the concept
The subject of this article are the linguistic means used to form the image-concept “Russia”. Corpus content analysis on the wide range material of the British print and electronic press for 2017-2019 is the base for constructing the nominative field with the core and near, far and final peripheries of image ”Russia”. The conceptual analysis revealed verbal means used for expansion of the concept volume and its component layers- metaphorical, nominative, evaluative and associative. These devices create the negative image-concept of state Russia in British public consciousness.
Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski; 2020, XI, 2; 95-106
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Regulatory Framework of the Soviet Diplomatic Protocol. History of Formation
Zakharova, Oksana
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
foreign policy
state image
diplomatic recept ions
foreign visits
The concept of “diplomacy” combines the foreign policy activities of state leaders and supreme authorities. At various stages of the development of society the methods and means of diplomacy changed. In the Middle Ages the protocol is the rules of paperwork and archiving. Subsequently ceremonial issues began to be attributed to the diplomatic protocol. Currently the diplomatic protocol is a set of generally accepted norms, traditions and conventions that are observed in international communication. The purpose of the study is to analyze the evolution of the Soviet protocol as an instrument of the state’s foreign policy based on the analysis of regulatory documents. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the author considers the diplomatic legal culture as a component of the image of the state, in which ideology influenced all aspects of society, including the rules of communication between a Soviet citizen and foreign partners. It was revealed that the employees of the Protocol Department of the People’s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs (PCFA), and primarily its head D.T. Florinsky (repressed in 1934) and V.N. Barkov (repressed in 1941, rehabilitated in 1958), were able to “reconcile”, as evidenced by regulatory documents, the European diplomatic protocol with the norms of Soviet ideology. Through its work the Protocol Department tried to destroy the idea of the USSR as an “empire of evil”; it was part of the positive image of the USSR, like the Bolshoi Theater, Soviet sports and Russian literature. As an actor in world politics the Soviet Union could not but accept the main provisions of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. Ignoring the international norms of the protocol is a denial of equality, sovereignty, territorial integrity of the state, and as a result, loss of reputation in the eyes of the world community.
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie; 2020, 2(26); 150-163
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
US president’s inauguration ceremonial as a factor in intercultural communication
Zakharova, Oksana
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
ruling elite
state image
foreign policy
The article considers the history and development of the inauguration ceremonies of US presidents. Their role in legitimizing power and their influence on creating the image of the state is evaluated. The very specificity of the inauguration as a social phenomenon makes this ceremonial action a kind of illustration of the cultural condition, mores and tastes of society, national characteristics, becoming a symbolic characteristic of hierarchical differences. Its norms reflect not only ideology, but also the social psychology of society, without an adequate interpretation of which it is impossible to correctly understand the behavior of statesmen in specific situations related to their social status. State civil and military ceremonies, being, as a rule, striking events in the life of the state, have symbolic meaning. They establish a balance between their immediate participants and the highest environment, testify to the stability/instability within the ruling elite. Modern ceremonials of the inauguration of world presidents are politics, prestige, and the image of the government in power.
Reality of Politics; 2020, 12; 114-124
Pojawia się w:
Reality of Politics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rynek turystyczny w Kazachstanie – wybrane zagadnienia
Tourist market in Kazakhstan – selected issues
Туристический рынок в Казахстане – избранные вопросы
Gburzyńska, Natalia
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
the image of the state
Central Asia
государственный имидж
Центральная Азия
This article concerns the modern tourist market in Kazakhstan. I focused to a large extent on the indications of the tourist industry’s characteristics in this country as well as the potential chances and threats that may be encountered in this area of the economy. The conclusions contained in the publication were based not only on source materials, but also on the author’s personal observations and memories of friends of the traveler. The aim of the article was to draw attention to the unusual tourism richness that can be observed by traveling through this country of Central Asia, as well as changing the stereotypical view of Kazakhstan.
Данная статья касается современного туристического рынка Казахстана. Я сосре- доточилась в основном на показателях туристической индустрии в этой стране, а также на потенциальных шансах и угрозах, которые могут встретиться в этой области экономики. Выводы, содержащиеся в публикации, основывались не только на исходных материалах, но и на личных наблюдениях автора и воспоминаниях друзей. Целью статьи было привлечь внимание к необычному туристическому богатству, которое можно наблюдать, путешествуя по этой стране Центральной Азии, а также изменить стереотипный взгляд на Казахстан.
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia; 2019, 1(20); 159-176
Pojawia się w:
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Industrial X-ray testing without intermediate data carriers of information
Przemysłowe badanie rentgenowskie bez pośrednich nośników informacji
Troitskiy, V.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Mechaników Polskich
film radiography
digital image
solid-state transducer
X-ray mini technology
radiografia błonowa
radiografia błyskowa
obraz cyfrowy
przetwornik półprzewodnikowy
technologia przenośnych urządzeń X-ray
The new direction of radiography is Flash-radiography (FR ) which doesn’t have intermediate data carriers (films and storage plates). FR produces a quick image. It provides low testing cost, and capability of multi-angle real time internal defects monitoring of the objects. In film radiography, if relative photometric density is more than 4, then the snapshots become virtually unreadable and they can be difficult to be digitized. Current film-free technologies do not have this disadvantage and, besides, give results in a digital form without special digitizing systems. Digital data contain radiation images of internal defects, expand the flawdetection possibilities and reduce testing cost. Flash-radiography is based on portable X-ray television, which allows the observation of X-ray testing results on a monitor screen. The internal defects examination from different angles may be carried out. Flash-radiography with digital solid-state transducers is the most perspective one with sensitivity up to 0.1% of examined metal’s thickness at resolution exceeding 10 pairs of lines per mm. Application of small-size movable solid-state transducers opens new technological capabilities. They can be located and moved in the zones where positioning of film holders and storage plates is impossible. The new X-ray mini technology expands the application of NDT. The examples of practical application of solid-state miniature transducers are presented.
Nowym kierunkiem radiografii jest radiografia błyskowa (ang. flash radiograpy, FR), która nie ma pośrednich nośników danych (błon i płyt pamięciowych). FR tworzy szybki obraz. Zapewnia niskie koszty testowania oraz możliwość monitorowania obiektów pod kątem błędów wewnętrznych w czasie rzeczywistym. W radiografii błonowej, jeśli względna gęstość fotometryczna jest większa niż 4, migawki stają się praktycznie nieczytelne i mogą być trudne do digitalizacji. Obecne technologie wolne od błon radiograficznych nie mają tej wady, a poza tym dają wyniki w formie cyfrowej bez specjalnych systemów do digitalizacji. Dane cyfrowe zawierają obrazy promieniowania z defektów wewnętrznych, rozszerzają możliwości wykrywania wad i zmniejszają koszty testowania. Promieniowanie błyskowe jest oparte na przenośnym aparacie rentgenowskim, który umożliwia obserwację wyników badań rentgenowskich na ekranie monitora. Można przeprowadzić badanie wad wewnętrznych pod różnymi kątami. Promieniowanie błyskowe z cyfrowymi przetwornikami półprzewodnikowymi jest najbardziej perspektywiczne z czułością na poziomie do 0,1% badanej grubości metalu przy rozdzielczości przekraczającej 10 par linii na mm. Zastosowanie przenośnych przetworników półprzewodnikowych o niewielkich rozmiarach otwiera nowe możliwości technologiczne. Można je lokalizować i przemieszczać w strefach, w których nie jest możliwe pozycjonowanie uchwytów błon i płyt do przechowywania. Nowa mini technologia rentgenowska rozszerza zastosowanie NDT. Przedstawiono przykłady praktycznego zastosowania miniaturowych przetworników półprzewodnikowych.
Badania Nieniszczące i Diagnostyka; 2018, 2; 29-34
Pojawia się w:
Badania Nieniszczące i Diagnostyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Two Phases and Constructed Objectives of Public Diplomacy in the Peoples Republic of China - A Historical Review
Yading, Liu
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Studiów Międzynarodowych
Public policy instruments
State policy
Foreign policy
National culture
Cultural determinants
Cultural differences
Image of the country
Non-governmental organisation
International economic relations
Marketing propaganda
Narzędzia polityki publicznej
Polityka państwowa
Polityka zagraniczna
Kultura narodowa
Kulturowe uwarunkowania
Różnice kulturowe
Wizerunek państwa
Organizacje pozarządowe
Międzynarodowe stosunki gospodarcze
Propaganda marketingowa
In the study of general public diplomacy, China can be regarded as a special example with regard to all case studies. E. Gilboa defines a 'framework of analysis' in which public diplomacy is broken down into three parts: a short initial period, a medium period, and a long period. The article will focus on the latter period of the framework of analysis, represented by the two periods since the founding of the People's Republic of China.For this academic inquiry, M. Leonard's instruments for public diplomacy, from domains such as those of NGOs and political parties, were analysed. In addition to these tools, external propaganda was also researched. The period from 1949 to 1978 was the first phase of the public diplomacy of the PRC. At the beginning of the founding of New China, the official diplomatic space was relatively narrow because there were few countries that had established diplomatic relations with China. Public diplomacy could have played a larger role. The article analyses mostly the diplomatic environment and the modes of practice for the main actors within Chinese public diplomacy. It also takes China's diplomatic relations with Japan as a case study of success. It examines all public diplomacy practices from 1979 until the present time. China faces the task of interpreting itself through public diplomacy and shaping its image for the rest of the world. This article also pays close attention to China's public initiatives, offered to the outside world through the One Belt One Road initiative. The author analyses the construction process of the objectives of public diplomacy and reveals its intrinsic direction, from idealism to realism, and eventually back to idealism. The article also examines the relationship between public diplomacy and China's traditional official diplomacy.(original abstract)
Stosunki Międzynarodowe - International Relations; 2018, 54, 2; 163-183
Pojawia się w:
Stosunki Międzynarodowe - International Relations
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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