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Wpływ masowego zamierania świerka w drzewostanach Białowieskiego Parku Narodowego na odnowienie naturalne dębu
Influence of spruce decline in stands of the Bialowieza National Park on natural oak regeneration
Bobiec, A.
Bobiec, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Bialowieski Park Narodowy
siedlisko boru mieszanego swiezego
siedlisko lasu mieszanego swiezego
powierzchnie badawcze
drzewostany swierkowe
dynamika drzewostanu
swierk pospolity
Picea abies
zamieranie drzew
struktura grubosci
odnowienia naturalne
diameter structure
ground fires
regeneration wave
stand decline
The study aimed at analyzing the oak population structure was performed on the 29−hectare plot representing stands dominated by spruce in the strict reserve of the Białowieża National Park. It revealed that oaks represent two distinct cohorts: the old, emerged in the late 1800s, and the new that is being established in the area subject to mass decline of spruce. We suggest that the first regeneration wave was the result of ceasing the frequent ground fire regime that prevented the regeneration of trees except for pine. The current wave has been prompted by a set of changes in the habitat quality, following the breakdown of dense spruce−dominated stands. These changes, such as access to sunlight, accelerated decomposition of spruce litter, local exposure of mineral soil, and protective structures of lying spruce logs, provide regeneration advantage to oak and other intolerant species.
Sylwan; 2012, 156, 04; 243-251
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Biblioteka Nauki
Konsekwencje hodowlane obumierania dębów
Sylvicultural consequences of oak decline
Bernadzki, E.
Grynkiewicz, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
drzewostany debowe
hodowla lasu
zamieranie lasow
zamieranie drzew
drzewa lesne
oak decline
stand conversion
transitional communities
The rate of oak decline has greatly accelerated in recent years. It has been reported that in October 2005, the amount of standing dead trees in oak stands of 14 Forest District Administrations situated within the Regional Directorate of State Forests in Warsaw exceeded 70,000 m3 and an area of 103 hectares was selected where sanitary fellings need to be applied. The restocking of cut areas in the thinned stands with substitutional species was proposed. Besides, the paper presents a conception of oak regeneration by planting trees in wider spacing, under the shelter of pioneer species (mainly birch), using the tending species (i. a. hornbeam).
Sylwan; 2006, 150, 08; 61-69
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Biblioteka Nauki
Stand structure and natural regeneration of Taxus baccata at "Stiwollgraben" in Austria
Dhar, A
Ruprecht, H.
Klumpp, R.
Vacik, H.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Dendrologii PAN
English yew
Taxus baccata
tree species
gene conservation
natural regeneration forest
stand structure
population structure
yew decline
English yew (Taxus baccata L.) is a rare tree species in Austria and gene conservation forests reserves are used to maintain English yew populations by silvicultural treatments. This paper describes the current situation of an English yew population at “Stiwollgraben”in Austria with regard to stand structure, vitality and natural regeneration. The area is one of the most important sites in Austria as it consists of 2236 yews.The vitality condition of the yew is very good, and more than 79% of the yews have been assessed as very vital to vital. The potentiality for natural regeneration (13019 one-year seedlings ha–1) is very high, but not all height classes are represented. This indicates a high survival ability of English yew at this site. Three different treatment strategies are described to maintain the yew population. The future effects of these treatments are discussed in the light of the environmental requirements of English yew.
Dendrobiology; 2006, 56; 19-26
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Biblioteka Nauki
Changes of Abies alba crown state and stand quality class in the Sudety Mountains
Filipiak, M
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Dendrologii PAN
Sudetes Mountains
Abies alba
forest decline
stand quality class
industrial pollution
environment pollution
acid fog
plant regeneration
air pollution
Sudeteny Mts. are a region where the level of industrial air pollution was very high due to brown coal combustion. In this paper I presents the assessments concerning the fir stand quality class and crown vitality.The study were carried out between 1999 and 2001 and supplemented with studies made in 1997 and 2005. My conclusions are based on measurements of 3529 fir trees representing 481 populations of this species in different parts of the Sudety Mts. The stand quality class of the fir in the Sudety Mts. are better than expected but about 0,5 degree lower than in the Carpathians. Our results confirm the reports concerning the strong and very strong damage of fir crowns in the Sudety Mts. in the 1990’s. It was calculated that the average fir in the Sudety Mts. stands has a primary crown with a length that is approximately 19% of the total tree height and which is damaged in approximately 36%. At approximately 23% of the total height the average fir develops a regeneration crown. An additional factor which contributed to fir damage was their frequent presence in thinned stands. In these places the process of crown reconstruction from a wide to a denser is observed. In the recent years the level of industrial pollution in the Sudety Mts. has been strongly reduced. This particularly concerns sulphur oxides. This has contributed to the improvement of the crown health of the studied species, but the crown regeneration is slower than the trunk diameter increment. The crown damages have so far been proportional to the altitude. Trees which grow in stands located in lower areas have healthier crowns. Trees which grow in broken canopy and on hilltops are more vulnerable to the impact of pollution carried by wind and fog. The severe damage to the top parts of the crown has a negative effect on the cone crop of the fir.
Dendrobiology; 2005, 54; 11-17
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Biblioteka Nauki
Badania nad zamieraniem jesionu [Fraxinus excelsior L.] w drzewostanach Nadlesnictwa Wloszczowa
The studies on ash dying [Fraxinus excelsior L.] in the Wloszczowa Forest Unit stands
Kowalski, T
Lukomska, A
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
Nadlesnictwo Wloszczowa
sklad gatunkowy
zamieranie wierzcholkow pedow
drzewa lisciaste
jesion wyniosly
plamistosc pedow
objawy chorobowe
zamieranie lisci
czynniki chorobotworcze
Fraxinus excelsior
przebarwienia lisci
zamieranie drzew
zamieranie pedow
grzyby chorobotworcze
Wloszczowa Forest Inspectorate
species composition
shoot apex
plant decline
deciduous tree
European ash
plant disease
pathogenic symptom
leaf decline
pathogenic factor
tree stand
leaf discolouration
tree decline
shoot decline
pathogenic fungi
The studies were carried out in the Włoszczowa Forest Unit, in 9 ash stands differing in respect of age, origin (natural, artificial), site and in the nursery on 3 quarters differing due to a silvicultural method (transplanted and not transplanted) and seedlings age. In each stand an analysis of disease symptoms was carried out on 100 trees (2 - 20 years old stands) or 50 trees (21 - 80 years old stands) growing side by side in central part of the stand, while in the nursery in each block 200 seedlings were analyzed (4 sectors with 50 seedlings each). From the infected seedlings and trees 120 fragments of dead branches, living branches with cankers, and dead roots were taken. Identification of fungi was made on the basis of fructification and over 300 isolations of fungi on malt agar medium. The most frequent disease symptoms in ash stands were: the dead top (34.7% trees), the dying of whole branches (83.5%), the dying of the top of branches (20.1%), the occurrence of healed (36.0%) and unhealed cankers (18.9%) and the slime flux (23.7%) on the trunk, also the chlorosis of leaves (7.5%) and their atrophy (11.2%). Most of the types of disease symptoms appeared irrespectively of the tree age, origin and site, sometimes showing only a difference in the frequency of occurrence. On the seedlings in the nursery the shoot discolouration, healed and unhealed cankers on shoots and necrosis of a part of leaves were recorded most frequently. Disease symptoms occurred more frequently on 4-year-old seedlings in comparison with 3-year-old. In respect of transplanted seedlings the leaves dying was more frequent. Within cankers and on dead tops of shoots the most frequent were: Alternaria alternata, Chalara sp., Cytospora ambiens, Diplodia mutila, Fusarium lateritium, Gloeosporidiella turgida, Phomopsis controversa and Phomopsis scobina. In sparsely found dead roots of living trees appeared mostly: Cryptosporiopsis radicicola, Cylindrocarpon destructans and Phialocephala sp.
Badania prowadzono w Nadl. Włoszczowa w 9 drzewostanach jesionowych różniących się wiekiem, pochodzeniem (naturalne, sztuczne) i siedliskiem oraz w szkółce leśnej na 3 kwaterach różniących się sposobem hodowli (sadzonki szkółkowane, nie szkółkowane) i wiekiem sadzonek. W każdym drzewostanie dokonano analizy symptomów chorobowych u 100 (2 do 20-letnie drzewostany) lub 50 drzew (21 do 80-letnie drzewostany) rosnących obok siebie w części środkowej drzewostanu, zaś w szkółce leśnej na każdej kwaterze zbadano 200 sadzonek (4 sektory po 50 sadzonek). Z chorych sadzonek i drzew pobrano 120 fragmentów zamarłych gałęzi, żywych gałęzi z nekrozami oraz zamarłych korzeni. Identyfikacji grzybów dokonano na podstawie owocników oraz ponad 300 izolacji na pożywkę agarowo-maltozową. Do najczęstszych objawów chorobowych w drzewostanach jesionowych należały: zamieranie wierzchołków (34,7% drzew), zamieranie całych gałęzi (83,5%), zamieranie szczytów gałęzi (20,1%), obecność na pniu zabliźnionych (36,0%) i nie zabliźnionych nekroz (18,9%) oraz wycieków brunatnej substancji (23,7%), a także przebarwienie liści (7,5%) i ich atrofia (11,2%). Większość rodzajów objawów chorobowych występowała niezależnie od wieku drzew, pochodzenia i siedliska, wykazując jedynie niekiedy różnice w częstości występowania. Na sadzonkach w szkółce najczęściej stwierdzano plamistości na pędach, nekrozy zabliźnione i nie zabliźnione na pędach oraz nekrozę części liści. Objawy chorobowe częściej występowały u sadzonek 4-letnich w porównaniu z 3-letnimi. U sadzonek szkółkowanych częściej dochodziło do obumierania liści. W obrębie nekroz i na obumarłych szczytach pędów najczęściej stwierdzano grzyby: Alternaria alternatei, Chalara sp., Cytospora ambiens, Diplodia mutila, Fusarium lateritium, Gloeosporidiella turgida, Phomopsis controversa i Phomopsis scobina. W nielicznie stwierdzanych obumarłych korzeniach żywych drzew występowały głównie: Cryptosporiopsis radicicola, Cylindrocarpon destructans i Phialocephala sp.
Acta Agrobotanica; 2005, 58, 2; 429-439
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wystepowanie symptomow chorobowych i wybranych czynnikow biotycznych zwiazanych ze zjawiskiem zamierania buka [Fagus sylvatica L.] w drzewostanach Magurskiego Parku Narodowego
Occurrence of disease symptoms and selected biotic factors connected with beech [Fagus sylvatica L.] dieback phenomenon in stands of the Magurski National Park
Rojek, P
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
Magurski Park Narodowy
szkodniki roslin
drzewa lisciaste
czynniki abiotyczne
temperatura powietrza
choroby roslin
objawy chorobowe
czynniki chorobotworcze
buk zwyczajny
czerwiec bukowiec
czynniki biotyczne
Cryptococcus fagisuga
Fagus sylvatica
zamieranie drzew
Magura National Park
plant pest
deciduous tree
abiotic factor
air temperature
plant disease
pathogenic symptom
tree stand
European beech
biotic factor
tree decline
The studies were carried out in 12 beech stands, growing on mountain fresh forest site in Magurski National Park. Stands differed in respect of exposition (northern and southern) and age - lower age classes (21-60 years old) and higher age classes (81-120 years old). This paper presents evaluation of frequency of disease symptoms occurrence in the crowns and on the trunks of beeches. The presence and the place of occurrence of fungus Ascodichaena rugosa and insects Cryptococcus fagisuga and Ectoedemia liebwerdella, which could be connected with beech bark necrosis on the trunks were noted down. In each stand 50 trees, growing side by side in center of the stand, were analyzed. Among 600 analyzed trees of Fagus sylvatica, 2.6% had a dead top. Crown thinning were present on 51.8% of trees. It appeared frequently in higher age class stands and didn’t cover more than ¼ of the crown. Moreover, in crowns of 4.1% of trees the leaf chlorosis appeared. The most frequent symptom on trunks of beeches were local necroses (98% of trees), that were sometimes connected with slime fluxing (3.3%). Necroses were the most number in stands growing on the southern exposition and on south parts of the trunks. Cryptococcus fagisuga appeared mostly in high age class stands. Intensity of its appearance was similar on the trees growing on the southern and northern exposition (respectively, 48.3% and 53.3%). Particular parts of the trunks were colonized with similar frequency by C. fagisuga irrespective of cardinal points (N-29.3%; S-21.7%; W-22.7%; E-26.2%) and number of necroses on the trunks. Ascodichaena rugosa appeared on 8.6% of trees, more frequently on their north parts of the trunks (7.3%). In the places colonized by fungi A. rugosa, insect C. fagisuga was absent. Occurrence of larvae of Ectoedemia liebwerdella was mostly found on trunks of beeches growing on the southern exposition (43.0%), on 35.3% of trees they colonized south parts of trunks. There wasn’t observed any connection between the occurrence of these larvae and symptoms of local necroses.
Badania przeprowadzono w 12 drzewostanach bukowych, rosnących na siedlisku lasu górskiego świeżego w Magurskim Parku Narodowym. Drzewostany różniły się wystawą (północna i południowa) oraz wiekiem - wyróżniono drzewostany młodszych klas wieku (21-60 lat) i starszych klas wieku (81-120 lat). Celem pracy była ocena częstotliwości występowania symptomów chorobowych w koronach drzew i na pniach buków. Odnotowywano również obecność oraz miejsce usytuowania na pniach grzyba Ascodichaena rugosa oraz owadów Cryptococcus fagisuga i Ectoedemia liebwerdella mogących mieć związek z nekrozami kory buka. W każdym drzewostanie analizie poddano 50 drzew, rosnących obok siebie w części środkowej drzewostanu. Wśród 600 zbadanych drzew Fagus sylvatica, u 2,6% stwierdzono martwy wierzchołek. Przerzedzenie korony wykazywało 51,8% drzew. Częściej stwierdzano je w drzewostanach starszych klas wieku, lecz na ogół obejmowało nie więcej niż ¼ stanu ulistnienia. Ponadto w koronach 4,1% drzew wystąpiło chlorotyczne przebarwienie liści. Najczęstszym objawem na pniach buków były lokalne nekrozy (98% drzew), które niekiedy były połączone z wyciekami śluzu (3,3%). Nekrozy najliczniej występowały na południowych stronach pni oraz w drzewostanach rosnących na wystawie południowej. Cryptococcus fagisuga występował głównie w drzewostanach starszych klas wieku. Nasilenie jego występowania było podobne w drzewostanach rosnących na wystawie południowej i północnej (odpowiednio 48,3% i 53,3%). Poszczególne partie pni owad ten zasiedlał ze zbliżoną częstotliwością niezależnie od strony świata (N-29,3 %; S-21,7%; W-22,7%; E-26,2%), oraz od liczby nekroz występujących na pniach. Grzyb Ascodichaena rugosa występował na 8,6% drzew, częściej na północnych stronach pni (7,3%).W miejscach zasiedlenia pni przez A. rugosa nie występował czerwiec C. fagisuga. Oznaki minowania kory przez larwy Ectoedemia liebwerdella występowały głównie na pniach buków rosnących na wystawie południowej (43%), zajmując głównie południowe ich strony (35,5%). Nie stwierdzono zależności pomiędzy minowaniem kory przez te larwy a występowaniem lokalnych nekroz.
Acta Agrobotanica; 2005, 58, 2; 441-452
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dynamika rozpadu drzewostanów świerkowych w Beskidzie Śląskim
Decline of Norway spruce stands in the Beskid Slaski Mts.
Dmyterko, E.
Bruchwald, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Beskid Slaski
drzewostany swierkowe
zamieranie drzew
swierk pospolity
Picea abies
rozpad drzewostanow
System Informatyczny Lasow Panstwowych
model wzrostu drzewostanu
rozmiar uzytkowania rebnego
zagrozenia lasu
szkody od wiatru
modele ryzyka uszkodzenia
Nadlesnictwo Wisla
Nadlesnictwo Wegierska Gorka
Nadlesnictwo Ustron
Nadlesnictwo Bielsko
forest decline
picea abies
stand growth model
harvest volume model
wind damage risk model
threat measure
The dynamics of decline of Norway spruce forests in the Beskid Śląski Mts. (S Poland) in a 2007−2016 period was analysed based on data from the State Forests Information System. For that purpose we used modified growth model and wind damage risk model. The harvested timber volume (salvage cuts) exceeded the allowable harvest modeled with the stand growth model by 270% in years 2007−2010 (earlier period) and by 89% in the 2011−2016 (later period) period. The highest volume exceed (503 and 307% for earlier and later period respectively) was recorded for the Wisła Forest District. For the deadwood, the harvested volume exceeded the modeled one by 45% (162 in earlier, and 59% in later period). In the Węgierska Górka Forest District the harvested volume amounted to 287% of the modeled one (438 in earlier, and 70% in later period). The largest amount of wind−broken and wind−fallen trees was found in Wisła. Their volume amounted to 48% of the modeled volume (59 in earlier, and 40% in later period). The highest exceed occurred in Węgierska Górka (89 and 70% in the later period respectively). The species composition in the analysed region changed significantly as the share of spruce decreased and share of beech and fir increased (tab. 1). Changes in the aeral fraction of stands in age classes in the Bielsko and Ustroń forest districts were insignificant (tab. 2). For Węgierska Górka, share of stands in age class <20 years increased from 11 to 40%, while the older stands fraction decreased. Major changes occurred in Węgierska Górka and Wisła as far as structure of the stands in the risk damage factor classes is concerned. Fraction for the risk factor classes I and II increased, while for class VI decreased (tab. 3, fig. 4). The highest dynamics of the wind threat measure was recorded especially in Węgierska Górka, where its value decreased from 42 in 2009 to 19 in 2016 (fig. 5). The biggest changes are likely to occur in Wisła in the next years due to the very high fraction of spruce. A significant damage caused by wind may also be expected in Ustroń, where the threat measure is high.
Sylwan; 2018, 162, 03; 189-199
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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