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Alternative Means of Child Care Considerations from the Perspective of Article 20 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989
Alternatywne sposoby opieki nad dzieckiem. Rozważania z perspektywy przepisu artykułu 20 Konwencji o Prawach Dziecka z 1989 roku
Prucnal-Wójcik, Marta
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
środowisko rodzinne
alternatywna opieka
zobowiązania państwa
prawa dziecka
Family environment
alternative care
state?s obligation
children?s rights
Millions of children around the world are deprived of their family environment. All those children are a particularly vulnerable group and therefore there are entitled to special protection and assistance from the State. The basis for that protection have been incorporated into the provision of Article 20 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989 which requires from the States to ensure alternative care for such children. The aim of the article is to present the scope and content of Article 20 of the CRC. The author focuses on the interpretation of the most essential terms used in Article 20, such as “family environment” and “deprivation of child’s family environment.” She also analyses the nature and content of State’s obligations towards a child living outside his or her family. The analysis of Article 20 is made from the legal perspective. Analyzed are the Travaux Préparatories of the article in question,Article 20 itself, The UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children adopted in 2010, others provisions of the CRC and other relevant international documents and chosen subject literature.
Miliony dzieci na całym świecie są pozbawione środowiska rodzinnego. Dzieci te mają prawo do specjalnej ochrony i pomocy ze strony państwa. Prawną podstawę  tej ochrony stanowi przepis artykułu 20 Konwencji o Prawach Dziecka z 1989 roku, który nakłada na państwa obowiązek zapewnienia opieki zastępczej dzieciom pozbawionym opieki rodzinnej. Artykuł przedstawia cel i treść przepisu artykułu 20 Konwencji o Prawach Dziecka. Autorka skupia się na interpretacji najważniejszych terminów użytych w artykule, takich jak pojęcie „rodziny” oraz „pozbawienia dziecka środowiska  rodzinnego”. Analizuje również charakter i zakres zobowiązań państwa wobec dziecka żyjącego poza swoją rodziną. Analiza artykułu 20 dokonana została w kontekście prawnym. Poddano jej Travaux Préparatories artykułu 20, treść przepisu artykułu 20, wytyczne dotyczące alternatywnej opieki nad dziećmi uchwalone w 2010 roku, a także adekwatne postanowienia zawarte w Konwencji o Prawach Dziecka i innych relewantnych dokumentach prawa międzynarodowego oraz wybranej literaturze przedmiotu.
Horyzonty Wychowania; 2015, 14, 29; 47-62
Pojawia się w:
Horyzonty Wychowania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Boczne skrzywienia kręgosłupa u uczniów czternastoletnich, a niektóre czynniki środowiska pozaszkolnego
Ignar-Golinowska, B.
Roszkowska, H.
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego. Państwowy Zakład Higieny
wady postawy
choroby czlowieka
mlodziez szkolna
czynniki srodowiska
analiza statystyczna
skrzywienie kregoslupa
srodowisko rodzinne
miejsce zamieszkania
rozwoj fizyczny
masa ciala
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny; 1988, 39, 2
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Charakterystyka środowiska rodzinnego dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym badanych w 1996 i 2005 roku
Description of family environment of children of nursery school age studied in 1996 and 2005
Kotarska, K.
Drohomirecka, A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
dzieci przedszkolne
srodowisko rodzinne
wiek czlowieka
warunki materialne
warunki bytowe
badania ankietowe
Stargard Szczecinski
Zeszyty Naukowe. Prace Instytutu Kultury Fizycznej. Uniwersytet Szczeciński; 2007, 24
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe. Prace Instytutu Kultury Fizycznej. Uniwersytet Szczeciński
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Doświadczenie bycia wychowywanym przez homoseksualnych rodziców a ryzyko zaburzenia rozwoju dziecka
Experience of being brought up by homosexual parents and risk of disorders in the child’s development
Sieński, Michał
Stachowiak, Katarzyna
Zielona-Jenek, Monika
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
family environment
risk of developmental disorders
ryzyko zaburzeń rozwoju
środowisko rodzinne
The article presents the results of the literature review on psychological functioning of children brought up by parents remaining in homosexual relationships. The main focus was on the research describing the specificity of the development context of this group of children and its significance for, alleged in broader social discourse, risk of disordered development. An answer was sought to the question whether children raised in homosexual families are significantly different from their peers in the risk of psychological disorders, and if so, which specific factors the risk is related to. Analysed were the reports from studies on large community samples, besides meta-analyses were used. Although most of the results were foreign, some native reports were also included, which could verify the possibility of applying these results to Polish families’ situation. The review allowed to describe two groups of factors that determine children’s development conditions in families formed by homosexuals. The first are universal factors, possible to identify in all families, regardless of gender and sexual orientation of caregivers. These are: quality and durability of partner relationship, stability of the upbringing environment, psychological well-being of caregivers, competence and commitment to parental role. The second are factors specific to families created by parents of homosexual identity. These include: the minority status of the couple, the lack or limitation of social acceptance and support for the partner relationship. The results of the review do not allow to draw general conclusions about an increased risk of disorders in the development and functioning of children raised by homosexual couples. The analysis also revealed a significant diversity in family contexts in which children of homosexual parents are grown up. The model of organizing data on family risk factors of disorders in children, used here in the literature review, appears to be a possible model of integrating diagnostic data in clinical work with children and their families.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wyników przeglądu literatury na temat funkcjonowania psychologicznego dzieci wychowywanych przez rodziców pozostających w związkach homoseksualnych. Skupiono się na badaniach przybliżających specyfikę kontekstu rozwoju tej grupy dzieci i jego znaczenia dla domniemywanego w szerszym dyskursie społecznym ryzyka zaburzenia ich rozwoju. Poszukiwano odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy dzieci wychowywane w rodzinach homoseksualnych znacząco różnią się od swoich rówieśników pod względem ryzyka zaburzeń funkcjonowania, a jeśli tak, z jakimi czynnikami owe ryzyko należałoby wiązać. Posłużono się doniesieniami z badań dużych prób populacyjnych, jak również badaniami o charakterze metaanaliz. Choć większość stanowiły publikacje zagraniczne, podjęto również działania w kierunku włączenia do analizy doniesień rodzimych, które mogłyby zweryfikować możliwość odniesienia wyników do warunków polskich. Zgromadzone wnioski pozwoliły na wyodrębnienie dwóch grup czynników, które determinują warunki wychowawcze w rodzinach tworzonych przez osoby homoseksualne. Pierwsza to czynniki uniwersalne, możliwe do opisania we wszystkich rodzinach, niezależnie od płci i orientacji seksualnej opiekunów. Są to: jakość i trwałość relacji partnerskiej, stabilność środowiska wychowawczego, dobrostan psychiczny opiekunów oraz kompetencje i zaangażowanie w rolę rodzica. Druga to czynniki specyficzne, charakterystyczne dla rodzin tworzonych przez rodziców o tożsamości homoseksualnej. Należą do nich mniejszościowy status pary oraz brak lub ograniczenie społecznej akceptacji i wsparcia dla relacji partnerów. Wyniki przeprowadzonej analizy badań nie pozwalają wyciągać generalnych wniosków o podwyższonym ryzyku wystąpienia zaburzeń rozwoju i funkcjonowania u dzieci wychowywanych przez homoseksualną parę. Jednocześnie wskazują na znaczące zróżnicowanie rodzinnych kontekstów, w których wychowywane są dzieci osób homoseksualnych. Wydaje się, iż użyty w przeglądzie literatury model porządkowania danych dotyczących rodzinnych czynników ryzyka zaburzeń może być wykorzystywany również w klinicznej pracy z dziećmi i ich rodzinami, przy integrowaniu danych diagnostycznych.
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna; 2014, 14, 3; 218-223
Pojawia się w:
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Doświadczenie wstydu w wewnętrznym świecie rodziny
Experience of shame within the family
Czerka-Fortuna, Eliza
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
środowisko rodzinne
family environment
W literaturze z zakresu nauk społecznych trudno znaleźć badania koncentrujące się na subiektywnym opisie doświadczenia wstydu. Większość tekstów to analizy teoretyczne zogniskowane bardziej na społecznych konsekwencjach odczuwania tej emocji (por. Czykwin, 2013; Czykwin, 2019). Dlatego celem artykułu było rozpoznanie obszarów/tematów jakie badani łączą ze wstydem przeżywanym w środowisku rodzinnym. W badaniach posłużono się metodą biograficzną. Na podstawie autorskiego kwestionariusza zawierającego pytania otwarte dotyczące doświadczeń związanych z odczuwaniem wstydu, zebrano materiał badawczy, który poddano analizie pod kątem kategorii, które pojawiały się najczęściej w narracjach badanych. Wyniki badań wskazują na to, że w przypadku kobiet, które reprezentowały próbę badawczą, zawstydzanie przede wszystkim dotyczyło ich fizyczności i seksualności. Istotne znaczenie w wywoływaniu podatności na wstyd miały niewłaściwe (przemocowe) praktyki wychowawcze. Wyniki badań pokazały, że doświadczenia rodzinne mogą mieć istotne znaczenie dla rozwijania skłonności do odczuwania wstydu, przez co należy większą wagę przywiązywać do edukowania rodziców w zakresie ich własnych sposobów regulowania tej emocji i rozwijania odpowiedniej (niewartościującej) komunikacji z ich dziećmi.
It is difficult to find research focusing on the subjective description of the shame experience in the social sciences literature. Most articles about shame are theoretical analyses focused more on the social consequences of this emotion (cf. Czykwin, 2013; Czykwin, 2019). Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify some fields/topics associated by the respondents with shame experienced in their families. The research is based on the biographical method. Based on the author's questionnaire with open-ended questions about experiences related to the feeling of shame, research material was collected and analysed in terms of categories that appeared most often in the narratives of the respondents. The results of the research show that in the case of women who represented the research sample, embarrassment was primarily related to their physicality and sexuality. Improper (violent) upbringing practices were significant in inducing vulnerability to shame. The results of the research showed that family experiences can be important in developing a tendency to shame proneness, and therefore more emphasis should be placed on educating parents about their own ways of regulating this emotion and developing appropriate (non-valued) communication with their children.
Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze; 2022, 612(7); 40-50
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Funkcjonowanie pokolenia Alpha – wyzwania i zagrożenia. Rola edukacji medialnej w kształtowaniu nowej generacji
Dacka, Monika
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Alpha generation
media education
family and school environment
digital hygiene
pokolenie Alpha
edukacja medialna
środowisko rodzinne i szkolne
higiena cyfrowa
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie specyfiki funkcjonowania pokolenia Alpha oraz ukazanie znaczenia podejmowania edukacji medialnej przez środowisko rodzinne i szkolne dla utrzymania higieny cyfrowej tej generacji. Artykuł ma charakter teoretyczny i obejmuje charakterystykę pokolenia Alpha, w tym ukazanie mocnych i słabszych stron tej grupy generacyjnej. Istotną częścią jest przedstawienie ważności edukacji medialnej dla kształtowania właściwych postaw, myślenia, rozumowania i wartości młodego pokolenia. Współczesne dzieci bywają opisywane jako pokolenie ekranów dotykowych czy też pierwsza generacja, która urodziła się w mediatyzowanych środowiskach domowych. Od najmłodszych lat korzystają z mediów ekranowych (telewizorów, komputerów, smartfonów, tabletów czy gier komputerowych). Dostępność osiągnięć technologicznych niewątpliwie wpływa na rozwój dzieci w sferze emocjonalnej, społecznej i motywacyjnej. Podjęte rozważania ukazują z jednej strony potencjał młodej generacji, jej potrzeby, możliwości, specyfikę funkcjonowania, a z drugiej wskazują na zasadność podejmowania edukacji medialnej. Celem dobrego wychowania medialnego powinno być również rozwijanie empatii, samodzielności, życzliwości i samokontroli oraz rozbudzanie ciekawości intelektualnej. Kształtowanie właściwych nawyków w zakresie higieny cyfrowej powinno stanowić jedno z ważniejszych zadań współczesnego procesu edukacji. Właściwe użytkowanie inteligentnych urządzeń technologicznych może przyczynić się do rozwijania poznawczych, językowych i społecznych umiejętności najmłodszych.
The aim of the article is to present the specifics of the functioning of the Alpha generation and to show the importance of undertaking media education by the family and school environment in order to maintain the digital hygiene of this generation. The article is theoretical in nature and covers the characteristics of the Alpha generation, including the presentation of the strengths and weaknesses of this generational group. An important part is the presentation of the importance of media education for shaping the right attitudes, thinking, reasoning, and values of the younger generation. Today’s children are sometimes described as the touchscreen generation or the first generation to be born into mediatized home environments. From an early age, they use screen media (televisions computers, smartphones, tablets, or computer games). The availability of technological achievements undoubtedly affects children’s development in the emotional, social, and motivational spheres. The considerations undertaken show, on the one hand, the potential of the young generation, their needs, possibilities, and the specificity of functioning, and, on the other, indicate the legitimacy of undertaking media education. The aim of good media education should also be to develop empathy, self-reliance, kindness, and self-control as well as to arouse intellectual curiosity. Shaping proper digital hygiene habits should be one of the most important tasks of the modern education process. The proper use of smart technological devices can contribute to the development of the cognitive, linguistic, and social skills of the youngest.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio J – Paedagogia-Psychologia; 2023, 36, 2; 109-123
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio J – Paedagogia-Psychologia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Młodociani sprawcy przestępstw przeciwko mieniu
Young Adult Perpetrators of Offences Against Property
Paszkowska, Hanna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
przestępca młodociany
środowisko rodzinne
spożywanie alkoholu
przestępstwo przeciwko mieniu
juvenile offender
family environment
alcohol consumption
crime against property
The new Polish penal legislation of 1969 introduced special rules of criminal liability of young adult offenders' aged 17-20. In 1972 criminological research was undertaken in order to characterize this group of offenders, i.e., its most numerous category - those found guilty of offences against property. The research ended in 1975. In 1980 a follow-up of convictions of the persons, under observation was carried out. The object of the study of young adults found guilty of offences against property was to analyse the psycho-social factors connected with their social maladjustment and demoralization, particularly their family and school environment, personality, extent of drinking and offending. It was also the object of the study to compare two groups of young adult towards whom different measures had been adjudicated. As the most typical offences of young adults are those against property, a group of young adults convicted for this very type of offences was included in the study. There were 100 persons under examination who had been sentenced to immediate imprisonment. This group consisted of all prisoners of two Warsaw prisons in the years 1973-75 (group A). The group of young adults (group B) consisted of 100 persons conviced in 1973 for offences against property and sentenced to fine, limitation of freedom, imprisonment with suspension of execution, or educational-corrective measures. The two groups of convicted persons that were selected for the study, different as regards the adjudicated and executed measures, were compared in many respects in order to ascertain the distinctions between them as regards the degree of intensity of the process of social maladjustment which had been related to the application of various penal measures. Empirical research consisted in gathering detailed information on the persons under scrutiny concerning their previous convictions, their school career and the course of work. Also interviews were carried out with them and separately with their mothers, by means of a detailed questionnaire. Three psychological tests were also employed towards each person, that is Raven’s intelligence test, Eysenck’s questionnaire to measure extroversion and neurotism and Buss-Durkee inventory to measure aggression. 3.1. Offences against property constituted the criterion for selection to the study. The most numerous group were convictions for larceny qualified as “stealing in a particularly audacious manner or by a breaking and entering” (Art. 208 of the Penal Code), though the “audacious theft” was extremely rare as compared with the second choice. 64% of the persons of group A had been  convicted for offences described in this article, the percentage as regards group B being 35%. Many persons also committed thefts of social property, while the receiving of stolen goods was the least frequent. Generally, the persons of group A had been active for a longer time than those of group B, and their offences were more frequently qualified as continuous. It should also be emphasized that the mean value of the objects stolen by the persons of group B was considerably lower than it was the case with the young adults of group A. It also happened (16% of cases) that the act of the young adults of group B ended as a mere attempt at committing an offence. To sum up, the offences against property committed by the persons, sentenced to immediate imprisonment were more serious than those committed by the young adults towards whom other measures had been adjudicated. 3.2. 69% of the persons of group A had cases in juvenile courts, while as many as 84% admitted having committed offences, mostly thefts, at that age. On the other hand, 44% of the persons of group B had committed offences for which they were brought to court as juveniles. The difference between both groups is significant (p < 0.00l). The origins of delinquency dating back from before the age of 13 were found in as many as 23 persons of group A and 10 persons of group B. The earlier they started to commit offences and had their first case in juvenile court, the more numerous were their subsequent convictions in that period. The mean number of convictions in juvenile court was 2,2 in group A and 1,6 in group B. The structure of delinquency of the persons under examination is hardly differentiated: they committed first of all offences against property (85.7%), mostly larceny. The juvenile court, had employed such measures as admonition and charge of parents in the case of persons of group B considerably more frequently than towards those of group A (25% and 8.7% respectively). On the other hand, the persons of group A had been much more frequently sent to children’s homes and to corrective schools (44.9%) than those of group B (25%). 3.3. In the period discussed below all the persons were young adults, with the mean age similar in both groups: 19 in group A and 18.9 in group B. The mean number of convictions of the persons of groups A from the age of 17 was 1.7, and in group B 1.2. Each member of group A was responsible for 3.3. offences, while in group B the mean number of offences was 2.2. It should not be forgotten that many persons, particularly those of group A, were  repeatedly imprisoned in the discussed period. A considerable majority of the persons of both groups who had committed more than one offence, were convicted for offences against property only. The data quoted above illustrate the whole of delinquency of the persons under examination and recidivism among them. Taking into account both the period of minority and the later period from 17 years of age on, there were as many as 4 per every five persons of group A who had already been convicted before, and in group B nearly every second person had had a conviction previously (the difference is significant, p < 0.01). These data confirm the conclusion as to the more advanced process of demoralization of the young adults of group A as compared with group B. 49% of the persons guilty of offences against property of group A came from unbroken homes; the respective percentage in group B was 71% (difference significant, p < 0.001). Broken homes resulted mostly from the death of one parent (23% of cases in group A and 15% in group B), or from divorce (28% of cases in group A, 14% in group B). A majority of the persons came from workmen’s families (90.5% in group A, 70.7% in group B). The level of professional qualifications and education of parents of the persons examined is significantly lower (p < 0.01) in group A as compared with group B. Approximately 60% of families of the persons of group A and 67% of group B had been living in poor financial conditions, which was connected, among others, with excessive drinking of the fathers. 56.3% of fathers of the persons of group A had regularly been drinking excessively, that is drinking vodka at least twice a week. This percentage was only 26.3% in group B, it was lowered, however, as the examination of young adults of young adults of group B was carried on at home, often with the fathers themselves present. 37% of fathers in group A and 19% of those in group B had been taken to a detoxication centre, including 21% and 14% respectively taken at least three times. As in other criminological studies, in the present one young adults have not been found to live in criminal family environment. It was extremely rare that the fathers of the persons examined had criminal records. To sum up, certain negative phenomena were more frequent in the families of young adults of group A (for instance, broken home, excessive drinking of fathers). However, the cumulation of a number of negative factors could have influenced in a particulary unfarourable way the process of socialization of the persons under examination. 5.1. There were 37% of the persons of group A and 23% of those (p< 0.001) of group B with elementary education, and 18% and 5% respectively with incomplete elementary education. The difference is significant (p < 0.001). School retardation which appears more often among delinquents than among non-delinquents is connected with a lower level of education of young adults. Among the young adults of group A as few as 17% revealed no  retardation, the percentage as regards group B being 46.5%. The difference is significant (p < 0.001). The retardation of the persons of group B usually amounts to one year only, while it is often 3 years or more among the persons of group A. School problems are also connected with truancy (group A - 78%, group B – 66% of the examined persons), which begins in the very first grades of elementary school. Early and regular truancy of the persons of group A was one of the symptoms of their maladjustment. Truancy is conducive to running away from home. The persons under scrutiny, particularly those of group A, had  been running away from home considerably often and for longer periods. 2. Among those who were employed, every second person in group A and every fifth person in group B worked casually only. They usually took jobs requiring low professional qualifications, as only few of them had any professional training (group A-38%, group B-62%). 6.1. Raven’s test was employed to estimate the level of intelligence of the persons examined. 53.6% of young adults of group A and 31.7% of group B scored low and very low (up to 25 centile). 10.3% of group A and 29.3% of  group B scored high and very high (centile 75 and more). The mean score was 35.4 in group A standard deviation: 9.87, and 41.1 in group B (standard deviation 10.09). The difference between both groups is significant (p < 0.01). Low scares on the Raven’s scale were often found among those persons whose level of education had been low, which was accompanied by a considerable school retardation. 2. To measure the level of extroversion and neurotism, Eysenck’s MPI scale was employed. The level of extroversion and neurotism among the young adult perpetrators of offences against property was not found to be higher than that of the average youth. 6.3. The level of aggressiveness was examined by means of the Buss-Durkee questionnaire. None of its scales differentiated significantly the persons of both groups. The mean total score was 61.7 (standard deviation 21.4) in group A and 61.06 (standard deviation 23.6) in group B. The data given below concern the persons of group A only, as the information obtained from those of group B as to the volume and frequency of drinking among them do not seem reliable. The analysis of statements of the subjects reveals that the percentage of teetotallers diminishes with age. The persons examined have been drinking large amounts of alcohol from their earliest years. 36% of them stated that they had drunk such quantities of various spirits at the age of 15, which converted  to 40 proof vodka would amount to 2.5 litres a month. From the age of 17 on, 60% of the persons drank over 2.5 litres of 40 proof alcohol a month. They  drank vodka as well as wine and beer, which leads relatively quickly to the “treshold of intoxication”. Mean yearly consumption of alcohol per 1 examined person was 34.2 litres at the age of 15, and increased sed from year to year to reach 113.7 litres yearly at the age of 19, which means that approximately 9.5 litres of 40 proof vodka were consumed monthly; this quantity goes far beyond the mean level of drinking by men at this age. 3/4 of the subjects can be recognized as excessive drinkers. A significant correlation was found between the excessive drinking among the persons under scrutiny and their early delinquency and recidivism. The highest percentage (40%) of the persons who did not drink excessively was found among those convicter once only, while the lowest (14.8%) was found among those who had 5 or more convictions. The analysis of the young adults’ information as to their , peer groups revealed that also their closest friends had been drinking excessively and often intoxicated. In February 1980, further convictions of the persons examined, then aged 25 on the average, were checked up again. As revealed by the analysis, the persons of group A (60%) still continued to commit offences and indeed many of them become multiple recidivists. The difference between the persons of groups A and B is significant (p < 0.001). 40% of the persons of group A and 67% of those of group B have not been convicted within the period of the follow-up. The majority of the persons under observation continued to commit offences against property. The courts have mainly adjudged the penalty of immediate imprisonment (group A - 92.3%, group B - 78.2%). Among those sentenced to immediate imprisonment there were in group A 57.1% sentenced to 2 years or less of imprisonment, and in group B - 93%. There was significant correlation (p < 0.01)between the convictions in juvenile courts and further convictions in the period of the follow-up. As the data reveal, group B towards which the sanctions other than immediate imprisonment were adjudicated, differed from the imprisoned group A as to the smaller extent and intensity of their offending -  also during the follow-up - and their lower degree of progress in the process of social maladjustment. However, there were quite many persons in group B as well (though less than in group A), who had been convicted as juveniles; they had  yet no convictions during the follow-up in a much highter percentage of cases than the subjects of group. A who had been convicted by the juvenile court previously. On the basis of the above information, criminal policy can be discussed as regards young adults found guilty of offences against property. One should not postulate a total abandonment of the penalty of immediate imprisonment, and yet, as shown by the above data, its adjudgement should be considerably limited. The limitation in question should concern first of all young adults convicted for the first time and socially demoralized to a small degree. Within the years 1970 -76 imprisonment was the measure most frequently adjudicated towards young adults. In the years 1970 - 1974 the percentage of young adults sentenced to immediate imprisonment increased regularly. It is only since 1975 that a favourable phenomenon of regular decrease of the percentage of adjudicated penalties of immediate imprisonment can be noticed, with simultaneous increase of the percentage of measures which are not connected with deprivation of liberty. As it seems, the application of immediate imprisonment towards young adults should undergo further limitations. When postulating the re-orientation of the criminal policy of the courts towards a maximum realization of the instructions of Art. 51of the Penal Code, one should also demand changes in the stage of execution of penalty. As indicated , by many studies of readaptive effectiveness of corrective schools and prisons, their influence is minimal and sometimes their resocializing activities are destructive for the convicted persons. Imprisonment causes a state of deprivation of essential physical and mental needs, destroys the ties of those convicted with their family, gives rise to socially negative patterns of prisoners’ subculture. In the present study also the offenders of group A were described, the considerable part of whom had been changing various types of institutions and prisons, first as juveniles, then as young adults, and the effects of these imprisonments were negative as measured by further convictions within the period of the follow-up. The information presented in this study concerning the family background of the persons of group A (particularly the alcoholism or excessive drinking of the fathers, which is frequent in these families), and information concerning the early and large social maladjustment of these persons, indicate a need to consider the problem of young adult perpetrators of offences against property not only in relation to the measures that should be adjudged and their execution. It is also of almost importance to consider the prevention of social maladjustment of this category of youth.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1982, VIII-IX; 403-445
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nieprzystosowanie społeczne i środowiska rodzinne młodzieży systematycznie nadużywającej alkoholu
The Social Maladjustment and Family Background of Young Heavy Drinkers
Mościskier, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
nadużywanie alkoholu
środowisko rodzinne
social maladjustment
alcohol abuse
family environment
The present paper is a report on the studies conducted in the years 1975-77, dealing with a group of young regularly excessively drinking men aged 18-25. The population from which the sample was randomly drawn consisted of men aged 18-25 inhabiting 4 of the 7 districts of Warsaw and reported by the district constables of the police as persons regularly excessively drinking (that is, getting drunk more frequently than once a week). The district constables reported the total of 1,273 men meeting the above criteria, which makes about 3% of the number of all men of this age living in these districts. In reality, the percentage of men of this age regularly excessively drinking is probably much higher, as a considerable number of constables stated that they worked in their districts for too short a period to know all the persons living there who would qualify for the study. From the mentioned population, 331 persons were randomly drawn for the study. The materials employed consist of interviews with the mothers of the examined persons and of information from official sources court records, prison files, documents of juvenile courts and detoxication centres. The similar data were gathered as regards all brothers of the examined persons who were also aged 18-25. When beginning the study, it was acknowledged that considering the criteria for the selection of the population, first of all persons with negative family background would be selected and that this very environmental  characteristic would be the main determinant of differentiating the main group from the control group, where the family background - as it was easy to foresee - would be of a more favourable character. It was thus decided to eliminate the influence of family background variable in the selection of the control group, so as to render possible the protrusion - of other characteristics which differentiate the persons regularly excessively drinking from those of the control group. Considering this, the control group was made of all brothers of the examined persons who were also aged 18-25 but were not reported by the district constables as regularly excessively drinking. There were 111 brothers meeting these criteria, and they make the control group in the present study. The first part of the study was to verify if the family background of the examined persons and those included in the control group was indeed as negative as presumed. In this case, the hypnothesis was fully confirmed. Among the 311 families of those examined as many as 166 (53,3%) were one-parent or broken families which dated back to the time when the persons under examination had been minors. The families were in general numerous, average being 3 children per family, while there were 88 (28.3%) families with 4 or more children. For the further characterization of the families the data regarding fathers were employed. It turned out that 158 (50.8%) fathers were regularly excessively drinking; in fact in the majority of cases they were alcoholics. At least 98 (31.5%) fathers were convicted by courts and 91 (29.3%) by the Penal Administrative Commissions. Taking all these three characteristics together, it was stated that as many as 194 (62,4%) fathers were regularly excessively drinking or had criminal records. These data point to the large intensity of pathological phenomena in the families of persons under examination and their brothers from the control group. And yet on the other hand, taking into account the social and professional status (education and profession) of the fathers, their situation in this respect was found better than supposed, though they belonged to the lower social classes. The second part of the study deals with the extent of social maladjustment of persons under examination and their brothers from the control group. Apart from the fact that - according to the principles of sample selection - all the persons should have been regular heavy drinkers, the gathered data were verified in respect of their confirmation of this fact. As regularly excessively drinking the persons were recognized who - according to their mother’s statements - got drunk more often than once a week or had been taken into the detoxication entre. There were 253 (76.4%) such persons in the main group and 44 (40%) in the control group. Also, a category of persons who drank most frequently was distinguished, those who were probably alcoholics. In this category there were included persons who - according to their mothers’ statements - got drunk at least twice a week or had been taken into the Detoxication Centre at least three times. There were 122 (37%) such persons in the main group, and 17 (16%) in the control group. As to the symptoms of social maladjustment, they were decidedly greater in the main group than in the control group, which dated back as far as their childhood. And so, for instance, severe school problems (uncompleted elementary education or repeating classes) were found in 60.7% of the examined persons and in 42.3% of their brothers from the control group. 57.1% of the examined persons and 30.6% of their brothers from control group  committed thefts outside their home and respectively 23.9% and 10.8% were placed in reformatories in consequence of their stealing. The differences in the extent of social maladjustment among both groups increased with age, and grew particularly large in the age of adulthood. And so, as many as 57.1% of the examined persons stayed out of work or worked irregularly as compared with 21.6% of their brothers from the control group. Suicidal attempts and self-injuries were performed by 29.3% of persons under scrutiny and by 9% of their brothers from the control group. There are also obvious differences as to the extent of delinquency in both groups. 42% of the persons examined and only 17.1% of their brothers had action brought against them in Penal Administrative Commissions and 60.1% of the persons examined and 28.8% of their brothers were convicted by court. Taking into account those convicted by court only, the percentage of recidivists was 50.8% in the test group and 46.9% in the control group, whereas the character of delinquency was similar in both groups, the majority being violent offences. Considering the fact that the control group consisted of brothers of the examined persons who were also aged 18-25, the great difference in the occurrence of the symptoms of social maladjustment between the two groups should be emphasized. Considering the decidedly negative character of the family background of both the persons examined and their brothers from the control group, the extent of social maladjustment in both groups could have been expected to be similar. On the other hand, it could be assumed that from the very criterion of selection to the main group - that is, from the information that the person in question regularly drank excessively, while there was no such information as to the brothers from the control group - it appears that alcohol is the factor that causes the larger extent of social maladjustment among the persons examined as compared with their brothers from the control group. However, this argument seems doubtful in the light of the data as to the social maladjustment during childhood, when drinking did not as yet come into question. As early as in the childhood, the persons examined manifested symptoms of social maladjustment to a decidedly higher degree than their brothers from the control group. In thus seems more probable that the larger intensity both of drunkness, and of other symptoms of social maladjustment is based on the personality characteristics, which are revealed in the early childhood. It is, however, beyond the limits of the present study to supply documentary evidence for this argument or to point out - on the basis of the empirical data - some individualistic characteristics influencing the subsequent social maladjustment; it will be accomplished in another study. This problem was, however, worthy of attention, being important for the theory as well as for practice, all the more so as the trend now prevails to take into account first of all the environmental factors in preventive and corrective treatment. The material presented above seems to suggest that the extent of social maladjustment among different persons with equally negative family backgrounds is influenced at least to the same and perhaps even greater degree by individual psychological than by environmental factors.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1982, VIII-IX; 339-362
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Partnerki życiowe recydywistów i ich rola w powstrzymywaniu aktywności przestępczej.
Life partners of reoffenders and their role in the containment of criminal activity.
Szczepanik, Renata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Stosowanych Nauk Społecznych i Resocjalizacji. Instytut Profilaktyki Społecznej i Resocjalizacji
przestępczość mężczyzn
partnerki życiowe przestępców
środowisko rodzinne przestępców
readaptacja społeczna recydywistów
powstrzymywanie się od przestępczości
zrywanie z wizerunkiem recydywisty
criminality in men
life partners of offenders
family environment of offenders
social resettlement of reoffenders
restrain from criminal activity
leave behind the reoffender image
Pojęcia i relacje opisane w niniejszym artykule zostały wygenerowane z biografii mężczyzn odbywających karę pozbawienia wolności w więzieniu dla recydywistów (więcej niż trzeci raz). Analizie danych towarzyszyły procedury metodologii teorii ugruntowanej. W artykule podjęto się próby opisu pewnych typów kobiet oraz nadania znaczenia relacjom, jakie łączą ich z recydywistami w kontekście osłabiania aktywności przestępczej mężczyzn. Zainteresowaniem objęto jedynie te kobiety, z którymi recydywista nie pozostawał w relacji z powodu więzi biologicznych, a które pojawiły się w jego życiu w okresie, gdy „kariera przestępcza” była już ugruntowana. Okazuje się, że dla recydywistów, którzy po opuszczeniu zakładu karnego podejmują próby zerwania z wizerunkiem przestępcy, relacje z pewnym typem kobiet stanowią kluczowy czynnik sukcesu. To właśnie tego rodzaju związki (stanowiące narzędzie kontroli społecznej oraz źródło motywacji do zerwania z przestępczym stylem życia) i kobiety je tworzące znajdują się w głównym polu analiz podjętych w artykule.
Concepts and personal relations discussed in this paper have been generated based on biographies of men who have served their prison sentence (more than three times) in the reoffender penitentiary center. Data analysis has been performed following the methodology of the grounded theory. The paper attempts at featuring the “profiles” of women and at making meaningful their relations with reoffenders, and in particular at determining their impact on reducing their criminal activities. The study covers solely those women who are in relations with reoffenders for reasons other than biological kinship, and who entered their lives when their “criminal career” had been in full bloom. The analysis shows that for reoffenders who, after leaving prison, try to leave behind their image of criminal, the relations with a “specific type” of women are a key factor of success. These relationships (as a tool of social control and a source of motivation to leave behind the criminal lifestyle) and women who get involved are the main research topics discussed in the paper.
Profilaktyka Społeczna i Resocjalizacja; 2015, 26; 35-57
Pojawia się w:
Profilaktyka Społeczna i Resocjalizacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poszukiwanie ognisk toksoplazmozy rodzinnej w środowisku wiejskim
Detecting centres of family Toxoplasmosis in rural environment
Umiński, J.
Cisak, E.
Chmielewska-Badora, J.
Skomra, S.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Parazytologiczne
choroby pasozytnicze
ogniska chorobowe
srodowisko rodzinne
rodziny wiejskie
srodowisko wiejskie
badania serologiczne
In order to detect centres of family toxoplasmosis in rural environment 24.546 patients, suspected of invasion of T. gondii, 504 healthy persons coming from villages and 1.681 live stock were examined. Among persons suspected of infection of T. gondii, 65 cases of congenital family toxoplasmosis and 19 cases of environment family toxoplasmosis, involving several members of the family were detected. In animals a comparatively high percentage with positive reaction in the direct agglutination test (cattle 55.5%, swine 27.90/o, sheep 23.4%) was detected. The following serological tests were applied to humans: complement-binding test (OWD), indirect immunofluorescence test (OIF), direct agglutination test with 2-mercaptoethanol (CA), ELISA IgM and, selectively, immunoperoxidase test IgM (OIP). The results suggest that the environment conditions can play an important role in the occurrence of family toxoplasmosis in our country, especially in the countryside. Detecting active toxoplasmosis in a family member should be a signal to start serological-epidemiological examination of the remaining family members and live stock.
Wiadomości Parazytologiczne; 1989, 35, 4; 289-297
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Parazytologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problem przemocy w środowisku rodzinnym jako źródło zagrożenia egzystencji człowieka
The problem of Violetce in family environment as the Skurce of the threat of te human existence
Porębiak, Anna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
środowisko rodzinne
family environment
Zagadnienie przemocy w środowisku rodzinnym jest bez wątpienia znane. Szybki rozwój mass mediów dostarcza ułamkowej wiedzy na ten temat. W XXI wieku nadal można się spotkać z pewnymi stereotypami dotyczącymi tego zjawiska. Bardzo często doprowadzają one do ukrywania przez rodzinę problemu przemocy. Osoby z zewnątrz również wolą się nie angażować w pomoc poszkodowanym. Dzieje się tak przez błędne przekonania, że jest to prywatna sprawa każdej rodziny. Wielu ludzi uważa agresję, przemoc oraz brutalne zachowania za występujące tylko i wyłącznie w rodzinach patologicznych, którym nie da się pomóc, ponieważ ich sposób funkcjonowania i postępowania jest kontynuowany z pokolenia na pokolenie, a agresywne zachowanie odziedziczyli w genach. Zdarza się też, że osoby z zewnątrz krytykują ofiary, twierdząc, że same doprowadziły do tego zjawiska, akceptując problem oraz nie podejmując starań, aby uwolnić się od władzy tyrana. Przemoc może dotyczyć każdej rodziny oraz występować w wyższych klasach społecznych. Zarówno sprawcy, jak i ofiary mogą być ludźmi inteligentnymi, po wyższych studniach, pracującymi w dobrze prosperujących firmach. Bez wątpienia jest to zjawisko, które może dotknąć każdego człowieka. Dlatego bardzo ważne jest, aby podjąć walkę z istniejącymi stereotypami. Nie jest to jednak łatwe, gdyż społeczeństwo często nie wie, że zjawisko przemocy w środowisku rodzinnym jest wspólnym problemem. Przejawy agresji nie tylko psują relacje rodzinne, społeczne, lecz także powodują duże zagrożenie dla zdrowia psychicznego i fizycznego jednostki ludzkiej. Mogą nieodwracalne zmienić człowieka, jak również zaburzać całą dotychczasową egzystencję.
The issue of domestic violence is undoubtedly commonly known. The fast growing mass media pay little attention to it. Stereotypes concerning this phenomenon are still seen in the 21st century and it is them that make the families hide their problem. Outsiders prefer not to get engaged in helping the victims as it is wrongly believed that the issue is a private matter. A vast majority of people assume that aggression, violence and brutal behaviour occurs only in pathological homes, where help cannot be provided due to the way those families function, behaviour is believed to be continued from generation to generation and aggressive behaviour is inherited. There are cases where people from the outside criticise victims claiming it is them who lead to this situation, accepting the issue and not trying to free themselves from the tyrant. Domestic violence may concern any family of any social status. Perpetrators, as well as the victims, may be intelligent, well educated people working on prestigious positions. This phenomenon may undoubtedly touch anyone in society. It is important to fight the existing stereotypes but is not an easy task as the society is often unaware that domestic violence is a collective issue. Changing the common beliefs and increasing social consciousness may be particularly helpful to young people who in a dozen or so years will be the adults creating their countries future. Examples set at home play a basic but vital role in functioning of young generations. The symptoms of aggression not only spoil family and social relationships but also cause a great threat to mental health and the physical human unit. They can irreversibly change a person, as well as disturb all existing existence.
Roczniki Pedagogiczne; 2019, 11(47), Numer specjalny; 355-369
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Pedagogiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przemoc fizyczna i seksualna wobec dzieci w środowisku rodzinnym jako problem społeczno-pedagogiczny w publicystyce Królestwa Polskiego na przełomie XIX i XX wieku
Physical and sexual violence towards children in the family environment as a social and pedagogical problem in the journalism of the Kingdom of Poland at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries
Bołdyrew, Aneta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych. Instytut Pedagogiki. Zakład Historii Edukacji
przemoc wobec dzieci
publicystyka społeczna
środowisko rodzinne
violence towards children
social journalism
family environment
Cel: Celem artykułu jest zbadanie obecności problemu przemocy wobec dzieci w środowisku rodzinnym w prasie fachowej i publicystyce społecznej w Królestwie Polskim na przełomie XIX i XX w. Istotnym zadaniem jest analiza tekstów publicystów, intelektualistów i działaczy społecznych pod kątem tego, jakie problemy, dotyczące przemocy fizycznej i seksualnej wobec dzieci, były podejmowane w publicystyce społecznej i naukowej, i jakie kryteria stosowano w ich wyjaśnianiu. Metody: Zastosowano metody wykorzystywane w badaniach historyczno-pedagogicznych, w tym metodę filologiczną, pozwalającą na dokonanie analizy tekstów pisanych. Wyniki: Ustalono, że w czasopiśmiennictwie na przełomie XIX i XX wieku dokonywano opisu przejawów przemocy i jej uwarunkowań, dążono do określenia przyczyn destabilizacji rodziny, próbowano wskazać sposoby zapobiegania przemocy domowej. Na początku XX wieku już nie tylko w czasopismach specjalistycznych, ale także w prasie społeczno-kulturalnej pisano o przemocy fizycznej oraz molestowaniu i wykorzystywaniu seksualnym. Przedstawiano wyniki badań pedagogów, lekarzy i prawników, dotyczących przemocy w rodzinie wobec dzieci. Podkreślano potrzebę wspierania rodzin mających trudności z wychowaniem potomstwa oraz powołania organizacji społecznej chroniącej dzieci przed zaniedbywaniem, samowolą i okrucieństwem rodziców. W przededniu I wojny wielu specjalistów wypowiadało się o konieczności legitymizacji kontroli państwa nad życiem prywatnym obywateli i ingerencji w życie rodzinne w imię ochrony dziecka. Pisał o tym Z. Pietkiewicz i A. Mogilnicki. Wnioski: Na przełomie XIX i XX wieku znacznie wzrosło zainteresowanie problematyką przemocy wobec dzieci i młodzieży. Publicyści starali się zwrócić uwagę opinii publicznej na zjawisko wcześniej tabuizowane, dążąc do rozbudzenie poczucia wspólnej odpowiedzialności za los dzieci w rodzinach dysfunkcyjnych. Problem przemocy wyjaśniano wykorzystując aparat pojęciowy i ustalenia teoretyczne z zakresu pedagogiki i nauk jej pokrewnych.
Aim: The aim of the article is to research the presence of the violence towards children in the family environment in the technical press and social journals in the Kingdom of Poland at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The crucial task is the analyses of the publicists, intellectuals and community activists’ texts in respect of the kind of problems connected with physical and sexual violence against children, which appeared in the social and science journals. Another big issue is the choice of criteria used in explaining those problems. Methods: In the article some methods were applied which are usually used in the historical and pedagogical researches, including the philological method, which enables the carrying out the analysis of written texts. Results: The research showed that at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries the symptoms of the violence and its considerations were described in the print media. There were attempts to determine the causes of family destabilisation andattempts to show ways of preventing domestic violence. At the beginning of the 20th century the problem of physical violence, sexual harassment and abuse was described not only in the technical journals, but also in the social and cultural press. The results of research conducted by pedagogues, doctors and lawyers’ in reagrdto the violence against children in the family environment were presented there. They stressed the need to support families which had difficulties with raising their offspring and to establish a social organisation which would protect children from lawlessness, cruelty and neglect from their parents. On the eve of the outbreak of the First World War, many experts spoke about the need to legitimise the state’s control over the private life of its citizens and interference in the family life for the sake of protecting the child. Z. Pietkiewicz and A. Mogilnicki were among those who wrote about these issues. Conclusions: At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries there was a sudden growth of interest in issues of violence against children and young persons. Publicists tried to capture audience attentionto condition of children in dysfunctional families, which earlier was taboo. The aim of this was to awaken people’ sense of responsibility. The issue of the violence was explained by conceptual apparatus and theoretical arrangements from the field of pedagogy and sciences connected with it.
Wychowanie w Rodzinie; 2018, XVIII, (2/2018); 53-68
Pojawia się w:
Wychowanie w Rodzinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rodzinne i intelektualne środowisko ostatniego kuratora Warszawskiego Okręgu Naukowego Iwana Anatoljewicza Kurakina (1874–1950)
The family and intellectual background of the last superintendent of the Warsaw Scientific District – Ivan Anatoljevich Kurakin (1874–1950)
Kula, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych. Instytut Pedagogiki. Zakład Historii Edukacji
Warszawski Okręg Naukowy
środowisko rodzinne
środowisko intelektualne
Iwan Anatoljewicz Kurakin
Warsaw Scientific District
family background
Ivan Anatoljevich Kurakin
intellectual background
Cel: Artykuł powstał w celu przedstawienia sylwetki księcia Iwana Anatoljewicza Kurakina. W artykule podjęto próbę ukazania jego najbliższego środowiska rodzinnego, szkolnego i uniwersyteckiego, które miało wpływ na kształtowanie zainteresowań zawodowych i społecznych przyszłego (w latach 1915–1917) kuratora Warszawskiego Okręgu Naukowego. Metody: Zgodnie z zasadami prac badawczych o charakterze biograficzno-historycznym zastosowano analizę dokumentów. Do przygotowania artykułu wykorzystano przede wszystkim wspomnienia nauczycieli i wychowanków gimnazjum petersburskiego, a także opublikowane materiały dotyczące historii Uniwersytetu w Petersburgu. Wyniki: W rezultacie badań było możliwe ukazanie środowiska rodzinnego Iwana Kurakina, jego stanu zamożności oraz koneksji ojca z wysoko postawiony mi członkami petersburskiej elity. Poza tym przybliżono sylwetki znaczniejszych jego nauczycieli gimnazjalnych oraz profesorów uniwersyteckich. Wnioski: Analiza źródeł umożliwiła wykazanie dużego znaczenia rodziny, w szczególności ojca, dla kariery Iwana Kurakina. Zarówno wysoki status społeczny oraz materialny tej rodziny, jak i powiązania ojca z wysokimi rangą członkami elity petersburskiej były czynnikami ułatwiającymi drogę edukacyjną i zawodową Iwana oraz jego rodzeństwa. Nie bez wpływu na awans zawodowy rosyjskiego szlachcica pozostawało środowisko nauczycieli gimnazjalnych oraz akademickich. Zaprezentowana sylwetka urzędnika państwowego i działacza społecznego, jak też wizerunek jego otoczenia świadczą o dużej staranności, z jaką rosyjskie władze oświatowe wybierały kandydatów na stanowisko kuratora Warszawskiego Okręgu Naukowego. Wykazano przy tym, że Rosjanie podejmujący pracę na wysokich szczeblach rosyjskiej administracji w Królestwie Polskim nie zawsze kierowali się nadzwyczajnymi przywilejami ekonomicznymi, jakie im przysługiwały.
The aim: The article was created to portray the figure of Prince Ivan Anatolijevich Kurakin. The article attempts to show his closest family, school and university environments, which had an impact on shaping the professional and social interests of the future (in 1915–1917) curator of the Warsaw Scientific District. Methods: In abidance with the principles of biographical and historical research, document analysis was used. The resulting paper is largely based on memories of the St. Petersburg Junior High School teachers and pupils as well as on a selection of published materials on the history of said educational facility. Results: The undertaken research made it possible to capture the family environment of Ivan Kurakin, including, the state of their affluence as well as illustrating his father’s connections with high-ranking members of the St. Petersburg elite. Moreover, some key junior high school teachers were profiled and discussed. Conclusions: The s tudy of the source materials allowed demonstrating the great importance of the family, especially the father, for the career of Ivan Kurakin. The wealthy family home and the father’s connections with high-ranking members of the St. Petersburg elite were both certainly pivotal in facilitating the educational and professional paths of Ivan A. Kurakin and his siblings. Also, undoubtedly, academic and high school teachers were considered influential social groups; thus, they could easily foster the career of the Russian nobleman. Finally, the personal profile of the civil servant and social activist, as well as of his closest associates, prove the great diligence with which the Russian educational authorities would choose candidates for the post of the curator of the Warsaw Scientific District. It was also shown that the Russians, taking high-level positions in the Russian administration in the Kingdom of Poland, would not generally abuse the extraordinary economic privileges they were entitled to.
Wychowanie w Rodzinie; 2018, XIX, (3/2018); 31-45
Pojawia się w:
Wychowanie w Rodzinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola przemocy doświadczonej w dzieciństwie w podejmowaniu samouszkodzeń
The role of childhood abuse in non-suicidal self-injury
Kubiak, Anna
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę
samouszkodzenia, przemoc w dzieciństwie, dysocjacja, psychopatologia rozwojowa, środowisko rodzinne
non-suicidal self-injury, childhood abuse, dissociation, developmental psychopathology, family environment
Wśród wielu różnych wskazywanych w piśmiennictwie uwarunkowań samouszkodzeń bez intencji samobójczej (non-suicidal self-injury) za ważne uznaje się doświadczaną w dzieciństwie przemoc fizyczną, emocjonalną i wykorzystanie seksualne. Istnieją jednak również dane wskazujące na niewielki związek wskazanych wyżej form przemocy z dokonywaniem samouszkodzeń. Celem artykułu jest przegląd wybranych modeli wiążących przemoc z samouszkodzeniami, a także analiza aktualnych badań empirycznych na temat związków różnych form przemocy z samouszkodzeniami z uwzględnieniem takich zmiennych, jak dysocjacja i wczesnodziecięca separacja, a także swoiste cechy środowiska rodzinnego.
Alongside various factors there are certain forms of childhood abuse, i.e. physical, emotional and sexual abuse regarded as important in the etiology of non- suicidal self- injury (NSSI). However, there is also evidence for a limited link between theseforms of abuse and NSSI. The aim of this article is to review certain models explaining the link between childhood abuse and NSSI, and analyze current empirical research on the relationship between different forms of abuse and NSSI. Factors such as dissociation, early childhood separation, as well as specific features of the family environment also will be taken into account.
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka; 2016, 15, 2; 32-55
Pojawia się w:
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozwijanie samodzielności przedszkolaków. Wybrane zagadnienia
Developing independence in preschoolers. Selected issues
Burak, Ewa
Jacewicz, Agata
Data publikacji:
Niepaństwowa Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna w Białymstoku
płaszczyzny samodzielności
etapy rozwoju samodzielności
aspekty samodzielności
dziecko w wieku przedszkolnym
środowisko rodzinne
levels of independence
stages of development of independence
aspects of independence
preschool child
family environment
W artykule zamieszczono wybrane zagadnienia dotyczące rozwijania samodzielności dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym. Rozważania rozpoczęto od wyjaśnienia podstawowych pojęć, nawiązano do wybranych koncepcji i teorii. Dokonano krótkiej charakterystyki płaszczyzn samodzielności. Zasygnalizowano etapy samodzielności (elementarna i praktyczna) w rozwoju przedszkolaków oraz jej trzy aspekty: samodzielność praktyczną, umysłową i społeczną. Zwrócono uwagę na szczególną rolę środowiska rodzinnego i przedszkola w usamodzielnieniu dziecka.
The article presents selected issues related to the development of independence of children in preschool age. It begins with explaining the basic terms and references to selected concepts and theories. A brief characterization of the areas of independence has been made. The stages of independence (elementary and practical) in the development of preschoolers and its three aspects: practical, mental and social independence have been described, as well as the very special role of family and kindergarten environments.
Zagadnienia społeczne; 2021, 2, 16; 7-34
Pojawia się w:
Zagadnienia społeczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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