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Zróżnicowanie przestrzenne przestępczości nieletnich w województwie wielkopolskim
Kulczyńska, Katarzyna
Pawlak, Natalia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
przestrzenne zróżnicowanie przestępczości
czynniki przestępczości
nieletni sprawcy przestępstw
województwo wielkopolskie
Celem artykułu jest zbadanie przestrzennego zróżnicowania przestępczości nieletnich, a także próba określenia czynników sprzyjających przestępczym zachowaniom nieletnich na obszarze województwa wielkopolskiego w układzie powiatów w latach 1999 i 2015. Analiza dotyczy zmian natężenia przestępczości nieletnich sprawców przestępstw i czynów przez nich popełnionych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem przestępstw kryminalnych w kategorii przestępstwa narkotykowe, cechujących się najwyższymi wartościami wskaźników natężenia przestępstw. Uzupełnieniem prowadzonych analiz jest ustalenie współzależności pomiędzy poziomem przestępczości nieletnich a czynnikami przestępczości przy wykorzystaniu współczynnika korelacji liniowej Pearsona.
Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna; 2017, 40; 127-147
Pojawia się w:
Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zobowiązanie do określonego postępowania w strukturze sądowych środków wychowawczych stosowanych wobec nieletnich. Analiza pedagogiczna.
Commitment to a Specific Conduct in Court Educational Measures for Minors; a Pedagogical Analysis.
Jaros, Agnieszka
Staniaszek, Magdalena
Szczepanik, Renata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Stosowanych Nauk Społecznych i Resocjalizacji. Instytut Profilaktyki Społecznej i Resocjalizacji
środki wychowawcze stosowane przez sąd wobec nieletnich
prace społeczno-użyteczne
zobowiązanie nieletniego do określonego postępowania
sprawiedliwość naprawcza
demoralizacja nieletnich
nieletni sprawcy czynów karalnych
przestępczość nieletnich
court educational measures targeting minors
socially useful work
commitment of a minor to a specific conduct
restorative justice
demoralization of minors
juvenile offenders
juvenile delinquency
Polski model zapobiegania demoralizacji i przestępczości nieletnich zorientowany jest przede wszystkim na osiąganie celów wychowawczych, a podstawową przesłanką prawno-społecznych form reakcji jest kierowanie się dobrem (i ochroną dóbr) dziecka. Ustawodawca daje sędziom szerokie możliwości i swobodę operowania oraz modyfikacji wymienionych w ustawie o postępowaniu w sprawach nieletnich środków, które stanowią formalno-prawny, acz nasycony przesłankami pedagogicznymi, rodzaj reakcji wobec przejawów demoralizacji dziecka. Celem artykułu jest pedagogiczna analiza środka wychowawczego wymienionego w ustawie pod nazwą zobowiązanie do określonego postępowania oraz ukazanie jego miejsca i charakteru, a przede wszystkim potencjałów, jakie w sobie mieści. Analiza wyników badań pozwoliła na sformułowanie podstawowego wniosku, że treści oraz charakter orzeczonych zobowiązań nie wykorzystują potencjału pedagogicznego tkwiącego w tym środku wychowawczym, a zakres i charakter jego stosowania w minimalny sposób wychodzi poza schematy paternalistycznego modelu taktowania nieletnich. Ponadto sądy wykazują niską inwencję oraz nie sięgają po możliwości korzystania z rzeczywiście pedagogicznych przesłanek sprawiedliwości naprawczej w postępowaniu z nieletnimi. W praktyce nie mamy do czynienia z funkcją kompensacyjną, ale co ważniejsze – także z istotnie wychowawczym (w znaczeniu psychopedagogicznym) charakterem oddziaływania środka wychowawczego, jakim jest zobowiązanie do określonego postępowania.
The Polish model of juvenile demoralization and delinquency is oriented, first of all, towards educational goals, with the well-being (and welfare protection) of the child as an overarching reason for any legal and social response. The legislator provides judges with a wide range of options, the margin of operation and the possibility to modify means which are set forth in the Act on handling minor-related cases and which are a formal and legal form of response to manifestations of child demoralization, yet imbued with some pedagogical premises. The aim of the paper is to analyze, in pedagogical perspective, one of the educational measures included in the Act, and labelled “commitment to a specific conduct”, and to discuss the place, the nature and, most of all, the potential of this measure. Based on the analysis of research results, we were able to draw our basic conclusion: contents and nature of commitments decided by court do not make use of the full potential of the said educational measure, while the scope and mode of its application only slightly go beyond the paternalistic approach to minors. In practice, the commitment to a specific conduct does not play its compensatory function, and what’s more, has no intended educational impact(in a psycho-pedagogical sense of the term).
Profilaktyka Społeczna i Resocjalizacja; 2015, 25; 79-109
Pojawia się w:
Profilaktyka Społeczna i Resocjalizacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znaczenie diagnozy prognostycznej w resocjalizacja nieletnich sprawców przestępstw seksualnych
The importance of prognostic diagnosis in the rehabilitation of juvenile sexual offenders
Pastwa-Wojciechowska, Beata
Grzegorzewska, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pedagogium
agresja seksualna
nieletni sprawcy
szacowanie ryzyka
Artykuł ma charakter przeglądowy. Zaprezentowane i omówione zostały zagadnienia związane z diagnozą prognostyczną w resocjalizacji nieletnich sprawców przestępstw. Skoncentrowano się na takich zagadnieniach, jak: istota diagnozy prognostycznej, charakterystyka nieletnich sprawców przemocy seksualnej, uwarunkowania powrotu do przestępczości nieletnich sprawców, specyfika szacowania powrotności do przestępstwa seksualnego nieletnich oraz resocjalizacja nieletnich w kontekście diagnozy prognostycznej.  Przyjęcie takiej konstrukcji rozważań pozwala na analizę wczesnych predyktorów przestępczości seksualnej nieletnich a tym samym zidentyfikowanie ścieżek rozwojowych o odrębnych czynnikach przyczynowych. Podejście takie ma istotne znaczenie teoretyczne i aplikacyjne albowiem daje szansę na rozróżnienie przyczyn od konsekwencji, a tym samym zrozumienie procesów rozwojowych w kontekście normatywnym i nienormatywnym. Z kolei w aspekcie diagnostycznym i interwencyjnym pozwoliłoby na uwspólnienie tych czynności i dopasowanie ich do okresu rozwojowego.
This article is for review. Issues related to prognostic diagnosis in the rehabilitation of juvenile offenders have been presented and discussed. The focus was on issues such as the substance of the prognostic diagnosis, the characteristics of juvenile perpetrators of sexual violence, the conditions for the return to juvenile deeds, the specificity of estimating the return to sexual crime of minors and the rehabilitation of minors in the context of prognostic diagnosis.  The adoption of such a design of considerations makes it possible to analyse the early predictors of sexual crime of minors and thus to identify developmental pathways with distinct causal factors. Such an approach is of significant theoretical and application importance, for it offers an opportunity to distinguish between causes and consequences and thus to understand development processes in a normative and non-normative context. On the other hand, from a diagnostic and interventional point of reference, it would make it possible to make these activities common and adapt them to the development period.
Resocjalizacja Polska; 2021, 22; 123-138
Pojawia się w:
Resocjalizacja Polska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Złożoność zjawiska przemocy domowej wobec starszych kobiet na obszarach wiejskich. Charakterystyka współwystępowania form przemocy i relacji między sprawcami a ofiarami
The complexity of domestic violence against older women in rural areas. Characteristics of the co-occurrence of forms of violence and the relationship between perpetrators and victims
Terelak, Albert
Kołodziejczak, Sebastian
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe EDUsfera
przemoc domowa
starsze kobiety
sprawcy przemocy
przemoc fizyczna
przemoc psychiczna
przemoc ekonomiczna
przemoc seksualna
domestic violence
elderly women
perpetrators of violence
physical violence
psychological violence
economical violence sexual violence
Cel. Badanie nad zjawiskiem przemocy domowej wobec kobiet w wieku senioralnym, zrealizowane na obszarach wiejskich Pomorza Zachodniego, zorientowane zostało na charakterystykę struktury zjawiska (w postaci – ugruntowanych w tradycji badawczej i opisanych w literaturze – pięciu jego form: przemocy psychicznej, fizycznej, zaniedbań, przemocy ekonomicznej i seksualnej), a także charakterystykę relacji między sprawcami a ofiarami. Metody. Koncepcja badawcza zrealizowana została przy zastosowaniu techniki wywiadu audytoryjnego bazującego na kwestionariuszu. Wyniki. 35,5% starszych kobiet doświadcza przemocy psychicznej, 22,3% doświadcza zaniedbań ze strony bliskich, 8,3% – aktów przemocy ekonomicznej, 5,8% przemocy fizycznej oraz 0,8% przemocy seksualnej. Mając na uwadze sprawców przemocy domowej wobec starszych kobiet, 60,6% stanowią mężczyźni, najczęściej mężowie ofiar (50%) oraz synowie (25%). Sprawcami przemocy częściej są mężowie ofiar niż ich dzieci, te z kolei są sprawcami przemocy wobec starszych częściej niż ich małżonkowie (czyli zięciowie/synowe ofiar), konkubenci czy partnerzy. Wnioski. Zaniedbania częściej współwystępują niż nie współwystępują z przemocą psychiczną. Dwa rodzaje aktów przemocy psychicznej: poniżanie, uporczywe naigrywanie się/przykre wyśmiewanie/ośmieszanie w oczach innych oraz obwinianie za choćby drobne porażki, niepowodzenia/wielokrotne zrzucanie winy za własne błędy charakteryzują się wysokim potencjałem wiązania krzywd psychicznych z zaniedbaniami. Pozostają one w zależności z niemal wszystkimi, przyjętymi do badania, aktami zaniedbań. Taka korelacja form przemocy domowej może być odczytywana jako swoisty kompleks dysfunkcji relacji między członkami rodziny. Wyniki badania potwierdzają tezę, iż sytuację rodzin charakteryzuje swoista kumulacja warunków posiadających znamiona patologii wzorców życia rodzinnego, wyrażająca się występowaniem całych kompleksów doświadczanych krzywd, należących zwykle do więcej niż jednej formy przemocy.
Aim. The study of the phenomenon of domestic violence against senior women, carried out in rural areas of Western Pomerania, was oriented to the characteristics of the structure of the phenomenon (in the form of – well-established in the research tradition and described in the literature – five of its forms: psychological violence, physical violence, neglect, economic violence and sexual violence), as well as the characteristics of the relationship between perpetrators and victims. Methods. The research concept was carried out using an auditory interview technique based on a questionnaire. Results. 35.5% of elderly women experience psychological violence, 22.3% experience neglect by relatives, 8.3% - acts of economic violence, 5.8% physical violence and 0.8% sexual violence. Considering the perpetrators of domestic violence against older women, 60.6% are men, most often the husbands of victims (50%), and sons (25%). Perpetrators of violence are more likely to be the victims’ husbands than their children, who in turn are perpetrators of violence against elders more often than their spouses (i.e., the victims’ sons-in-law/daughters-in-law), concubines or partners. Conclusion. Neglect is more likely than not to co-occur with psychological violence. Two types of acts of psychological violence: humiliation, persistent teasing/mocking/mocking in the eyes of others, and blaming for even minor failures, failures/multiple blames for one’s own mistakes are characterized by a high potential for associating psychological harms with neglect. They remain correlated with almost all, accepted for study, acts of neglect. This correlation of forms of domestic violence can be read as a kind of complex of dysfunctional relationships between family members. The results of the study confirm the thesis that the situation of families is characterized by a peculiar accumulation of conditions having the hallmarks of pathological patterns of family life, expressed in the occurrence of entire complexes of experienced harms, usually belonging to more than one form of violence.
Wychowanie w Rodzinie; 2023, XXX, (1/2023); 249-282
Pojawia się w:
Wychowanie w Rodzinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Założenia modelowe i standardy międzynarodowe dotyczące nieletnich sprawców przestępstw
Model Assumptions and International Standards Related to Juvenile Offenders
Stańdo-Kawecka, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
przestępczość nieletnich
sprawcy przestępstw
nieletni sprawcy przestępstw
prawo karne nieletnich
juvenile delinquency
juvenile offenders
penal law
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2008, XXIX-XXX; 417-430
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zabójstwa w Polsce w latach 1951–1971 oraz sprawcy zabójstw w świetle akt sądowych (streszczenie wyników badań)
Homicide in Poland in the Years 1951-1971 and the Offenders in the Light of Court Records (Summary of the Investigation)
Janowska, Halina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
sprawcy zabójstw
akta sądowe
court records
Summary of the Investigation   This study is devoted to an analysis of homicide in Poiand during the 20 years 1951-1971 as compared with the pre-war period. This part of investigation is based on data taken from the police and prosecutor’s office statistics from before the war and for the years 1951-1971. The analysis deals also with the court records’ data on 308 offenders convicted for homicide throughout the country in the year 1961. The offenders represented almost all the persons convicted during that year for crimes covered by Arts. 225, paras 1 and 2 of the Penal Code of 1932. As many as 75 per cent of them were convicted for committed and 25 per cent for attempted homicides. The incidence of homicide was during the pre-war period more than five times that during the 25 years after the war. The social reasons for this phenomenon undoubtedly involve the important socio-economic and cultural transformations which have taken place in the country since the war. The diminished frequency of acts of homicide was brought about by changes in the social structure, an increase in the range of values made universally accessible, a rising level of culture and education, and changes in certain behavioural patterns. As between pre-war times and the last few years, a significant dynamic aspect in the territorial distribution of homicide has been noticeable; fundamentally, this is a change in the trend of dependence between the rate of homicide and the level of industrialization and urbanization. In the years 1935-1937, this dependence was negative, the greatest rate of homicide being recorded in the economically backward regions of eastern and southern Poland. In the years 1956-1962, this dependence persisted but at the same time the highest coefficient of homicide was noted in areas with an extremely high level of industrialization. In the years 1963-1965 there was an interdependence between the homicide rate and the low level of industrialization and urbanization; the highest coefficient of these crimes appears at that time in voivodeships marked by a high ‒ or an extremely low ‒ level of industrialization and urbanization. In recent years, 1969-1971, the dependence between the homicide rate and the low level of industrialization and urbanization further decreased, but the dependence of the high coefficient of homicide on the high level of industrialization became still more obvious. The highest homicide rate before the war in markedly agricultural areas of what was then called Poland “B” is to be linked with, above all, the influence exerted by such factors as: low level of economic development of these regions, low level of culture and education, the local type of social bonds, favouring ‒ in the then existing conditions ‒ lynch law, the spread of models called “subculture of aggression”. The fact that after the war (with a coefficient of homicide less than one-fifth of the former) a relatively higher coefficient of homicide remained unchanged in the eastern voivodeships is to be connected, above all, with residues of the pre-war situation which were of a cultural nature and whose influence ‒ because of the urbanization of rural culture ‒ was expected to diminish. This hypothesis finds confirmation in the results of the analysis of statistitical data for the years 1956-1971 related to the dynamic changes in the territorial distribution of homicide. Analyzing the reasons for a greater homicide rate in the western voivodeships, and even of tendencies indicating increase in the homicide coefficient in these areas, primarily taken into account should be the enormous intensification of social migration processes and the rapid rate of industrialization and urbanization of these regions. As regards the first of these factors, it should be borne in mind that the coefficient of homicide in the various voivodeships is greater in voivodeships with a higher percentage of people frorn those areas of Poland which before the war were known for a high coefficient of the crime of homicide. In conditions inevitably giving rise to social frustrations, there is an increased probability of homicide by people with certain psycho-social features. It should be emphasized that the offenders examined were in the majority of cases individuals marked by serious personality disorders and not having had even primary school education or any professional qualifications. Not without significance seems to be the fact that the overwhelming majority of such came from environments where aggressive behavioural patterns had been widespread. The indirect influence of social factors on the frequency of homicide seems to be insignificant in the case of people who commit such a crime in states of mind definable as psychotic, giving rise to irresponsibility. This assumption found confirmation in data from some other countries indicating that during a period when there is an increase in homicide, no increasing number of homicides by mentally ill people is to be observed. There seems, however, no doubt as to the influence of factors of a social nature on homicide by people who are not mentally sick but suffer from psychic anomalies. Among offenders examined by court psychiatrists (70.4% of the total in the court record material studied) 69.8 had psychic anomalies of various kinds; this fact is to be connected with their difficulties in social adjustment as well as with violent, extremely aggressive reactions to frustrating situations. Analyzing by comparison with the years before the war, the structure of motives for homicide, on the basis of court records, it was found that in the categories of motives differentiated in pre-war works by P. Horoszowski, the following changes have taken place as regards the number of convictions for homicides with given motives. The annual number of convictions for homicide with economic motives decreased five times (by approximately 300 cases); homicides for erotic motives less than two and a half times (by approximately 100); in defence of honour and person ‒ five times (by over 500); and infanticide ‒ also five times (by about 70). Examining the structure of motives for homicide ‒ i.e., the proportional share of convictions appropriate to the various categories ‒ it was found that the number of convicted offenders decreased by 7% as regards economic motives and defence of honour and person, and increased by about 14% in the category of homicides with erotic motives, while the percentage of convictions for child murder remained in the general structure of motives unchanged. Although the results of research on court records of one year are in principle insufficient as a basis for generalization in regard to a longer period of time, nevertheless we feel justified in generalizing the basis of statistical data supplied by the police. Such data enables the statement that there is a similarity between the average annual number of cases of homicide in the various categories of motives for the years 1962-1964 and 1968-1970. Since, moreover, the all-over number of cases of homicide for those years also reveals similarities, it may be concluded that the structure of motives for homicide in those periods was relatively stable. Changes in the structure of motives for homicide since the war period may, as compared with the pre-war period be attributed primarily to the changes in the structure of classes and strata in Poland and to changes in the hierarchy of socially accepted values. The typology of motives for homicide followed F. Horoszowski’s typology, which served as a basis for analysis of court records before the war but had to be extended for the purpose of this work. An effort has been made to find out whether offenders prompted by different motives differ essentially in respect to socio-demographic and psycho-social features. It was found that offenders, whether prompted by economic or erotic motives, or acting in defence of their personal dignity, etc., did not differ essentially as regards the features indicated above. But such differences can be observed when in the grouping of cases account is taken of, in addition to the motive for a crime, the objective situation on the background of which such motive took shape. Typotogy of the material examined, developed as indicated, led to the establishing of the following groups: (1) homicide in defence of personal dignity, arising out of a serious, developing conflict between the offender and the victim (26 cases); (2) homicide in defence of personal dignity, arising from a momentary, trivial conflict caused by the insobriety of the offender (40 cases); (3) homicide in defence of personal dignity during a brawl arising out of a trivial, passing conflict, caused by the insobriety of the offender (21 cases); (4) homicide for erotic reasons, arising out of the victim’s failure to satisfy the slayer’s emotional expectations (excluded are marital conflicts, caused by the slayer-husband’s alcoholism) ‒ 32 cases; (5) homicide with erotic motives connected with marital conflict, arising out of the slayer-husband’s alcoholism (32 cases); (6) homicide with erotic motives, to eliminate someone who constituted an obstacle to the offender’s realization of a plan to marry (18 cases); (7) homicide with economic motives arising out of claims to property (36 cases); (8) homicide with economic motives with intent to rob (29 cases); (9) homicide in self-defence or in defence of intimates (27 cases); (10) homicide to eliminate a witness to another crime committed by the offender (6 cases); (11) child-murder, as a rule of illegitimate infants, for various motives (23 cases), (a) by women (17 cases), (b) by men (6 cases); (12) homicide with pathological motives, arising out of a pathological reaction to intoxication (12 cases); (13) murder with pathological motives, arising out of a pathological way of achieving sexual satisfaction (6 cases). Note that the homicide category with the largest number of cases is that in defence of personal dignity (over 28%), including homicide for trivial reasons, a momentary confiict, arising out of the slayer’s being intoxicated (in police statistics such homicides figure as “hooligan”' killings; in literature ‒ often as “homicide arising from alcoholic motive”). Of the total of slayers examined, 90% were men. Of those ‒ 51% were under 30 years of age, and of female slayers ‒ 47%. 41% of male and 61% of the female offenders were single. From among male offenders 60% of them lived in the countryside, and from among female ones ‒ 63%. As many as 58% of offenders of both sexes had failed to complete primary school education (56% of men and 72% of women). Only 7% of the male and 9% of the female offenders were white collar workers. Analysis of the symptoms of social degradation among homicidals, showed that in only half of the cases was there evidence of intensification of such symptoms, which appearing together, indicated previous social deviance of the individual. Thus among the examined men 43% had already been tried for previous criminal offences before they were convicted of homicide; 22% of the total had been convicted once, 11% ‒ twice, and only 10% three times or more (among women there was not a single case of having 3 prior convictions). As to the structure of previous offences, it was found that there was a predominance (54.5%) of offences involving theft; 23% were offences combined with physical aggression, but of these only 17 out of a total of 75 could be considered serious (four involving manslaughter, 1 a brawl ending fatally, 5 serious bodily injuries, and 7 robberies). 58% of the total of homicidals systematically drank alcohol to excess (large quantities at least several times a week) and 68% of offenders were under the influence of alcohol at the moment of the crime. Alcohol is undoubtedly a very significant factor in the etiology of homicide; it plays an essential criminogenic role, especially as regards the very frequent cases in which an intoxicated offender simultaneously had serious disorders of personality. Data concerning recurrence of aggressive behaviour by offenders prior to the homicide were found in the court records of 65% of the cases; 60% of these received adverse references from their places of residence or of work. Only 20% did not work during the period preceding the homicide. The data given above show that not all homicidals reveal features indicating previous social maladjustment. In this connection, an examination was made of the correlation between certain psycho-social features o the criminals and the motives which prompted them to homicide. A statistical analysis, on the basis of which groups of the most strongly correlated variables were formed enabled further typology of groups of homicides differentiated according to motives. The principle of this typology was the connection between certain groups of homicides and the syndromes of psychosocial features, considered negative or “positive” from the point of view of social evaluation. Groups most strongly correlated with syndromes of negative features thus included individuals who had committed such crimes as: homicide with intent to rob; homicide in defence of own dignity arising out of a trifling, momentary conflict caused by the insoberity of the offender, homicide for erotic motives arising out of conflict caused by the offenderhusband’s alcoholism, homicide arising out of the offender’s pathological reaction caused by alcohol. It was found that the groups of offenders most markedly correlated with the “positive” syndrome of psycho-social features from the point of view of social evaluation were: homicide occurring in defence of personal dignity; arising out of a seriously gnowing conflict between slayer and victim; homicide with erotic motives aimed at the elimination of someone regarded as an obstacle to the realization of an offender’s plans to marry; homicide with economic motives arising out of claims to property; homicide in self-defence; child-murder committed by women. Of interest is the fact that in the light of court records a considerable majority of slayers (approximately 80%), men as well as women, committed homicide under the influence of strong negative emotional states, prolonged and belonging to affective experiences of the type frequently qualified in criminology and psychopathological literature as “states of continuous affect”. Only in about 10% of homicides did the records not reveal any intensified emotional stress on the part of the slayers – neither in the form of prolonged emotional stress nor in the form of marked exasperation arising directly before the homicide and caused by the victim’s aggressive, provocative behaviour. A mere 17% of the cases examined could be considered homicide “with malice aforethought”; this also includes homicide committed under considerable affect. The courts considered onry14.5% of the total of offenders to have committed their crimes “under the influence of strong emotion”, and applied para. 2, Art. 225 of the penal code (of 1932). Note that in the years 1961-1965 the courts invoked para. 2, Art. 225 of the penal code in connection with – annual average – only 14.7% of the total of individuals convicted of homicide, and in the years 1966-1971 in connection with a bare 10.3%. But during the pre-war years 1934-1937, of all cases of homicide, an average of 49% were considered by the court as having been committed under the influence of strong emotion. Data from the records examined as regards homicide victims are very scant and incomplete. Thus this work took into account only information related to the connections between the offender and victim and such features as: sex, age and state of sobriety at the time the offence was committed and also data contained in opinions given about the victims. It is of some interest that such features of the victims differed, depending on whether the offender was a man or woman. Close relatives constituted as much as 53% of the total of victims of female offenders and only 9% – of the males. On the other hand, there was marked similarity as regards the percentage of husband or wife as victims, of the partner, lover or fiancé (fiancée). In the case of men this percentage amounted to 24%, of women – 21%. The percentage of more distant relatives as homicide victims was 10.4% for men and only 3% for women. The percentage of victims unknown to slayers was fon men – 13% and for women 12%. Entirely different as between the sexes of offenders was the percentage of their victims who were closer or more distant friends: for men – 43%, and for women only 12%. 60.4% of the victims of offenders (men and women) were men, 37% – women and 2.6% – children of both sexes. Consideration of the age of homicide victims showed that the average age of victims was slightly higher than the average age of offenders, being on an average around 35 years (children excluded). Approximately 45% of the victims were given unfavourable references and in 45.5% of the cases the victims were in a state of insobriety at the time the crime was committed. The undoubtedly important role played by the victim in provoking of some of the homicides could not be examined in this work, due to the lack in appropriate records of more detailed characteristic traits of the victims and the lack of analysis of the circumstances preceding the murder.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1974, VI; 179-187
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Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The media image of the perpetrator of the murder and his crimes
Medialny portret zabójcy i jego zbrodni
Sidor, Paulina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
portret sprawcy
analiza medialna
media analysis
portrait of the perpetrator
The subject of this article is the media image of the perpetrator of the murder and his crimes. The aim of the article is to indicate the discrepancy between the actual picture of the murder and its media representation as well as the characteristics of the differences found. The article contains basic issues regarding the media and statistical data of the Police and the Ministry of Justice statistics regarding this kind of crime. The considerations were supported by the results of quarterly media monitoring, which included 292 criminal reports.
Tematem niniejszego artykułu jest medialny obraz sprawcy zabójstwa i jego zbrodni. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie rozbieżności pomiędzy obrazem faktycznym zabójstwa, a jego medialnym odzwierciedleniem oraz charakterystyka odnalezionych różnic. Artykuł zawiera podstawowe zagadnienia dotyczące mediów oraz dane statystyczne Policji i Ministerstwa Sprawiedliwości odnoszące się do tego przestępstwa. Rozważania zostały poparte wynikami kwartalnego monitoringu mediów, który objął 292 doniesienia kryminalne.
Biuletyn Kryminologiczny; 2018, 25; 35-60
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Kryminologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sylwetki społeczne nieletnich – późniejszych dorosłych sprawców przestępstw
Social Profiles of Juveniles Who Become Adult Perpetrators
Rzeplińska, Irena
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
przestępczość nieletnich
badania kryminologiczne
sprawcy przestępstw
czyn karalny
juvenile delinquency
punishable act
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2008, XXIX-XXX; 409-415
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Świadomość sprawcy czynu zabronionego jako ontyczna podstawa tzw. subiektywnego przypisania odpowiedzialności karnej
The Perpetrator’s Consciousness as the Ontic Basis of Subjective Attribution of Criminal Responsibility
Giezek, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
reconstruction of perpetrator’s consciousness
dynamics of consciousness
subjective attribution
objective attribution
strona podmiotowa
świadomość sprawcy czynu zabronionego
rekonstrukcja stanu świadomości
dynamika stanu świadomości
subiektywne przypisanie
obiektywne przypisanie odpowiedzialności karnej
Zakładając, że świadomość sprawcy czynu zabronionego – podobnie jak jego strona zewnętrzna – stanowi ontyczną podstawę odpowiedzialności karnej, autor formułuje szereg uwag dotyczących rekonstruowania tejże świadomości w procesie karnym. Rekonstrukcja ta podlega swoistej intersubiektywizacji, bowiem z oczywistych powodów następuje dopiero po popełnieniu czynu zabronionego (czyli ex post), a dokonującym jej podmiotem jest sędzia. Istotne znacznie ma także podział świadomości na diagnostyczną oraz prognostyczną. Rzecz bowiem w tym, że sprawca czynu zabronionego – jak każdy człowiek – nie tylko diagnozuje otaczającą go rzeczywistość, ale jednocześnie ją prognozuje, zwłaszcza wówczas, gdy zmierza do jakiegoś celu (skutku zabronionego zachowania). Odróżnienie diagnozy od prognozy może wpływać na interpretowanie błędu, sytuowanego wśród podstaw wyłączania odpowiedzialności karnej. Rekonstruując stan świadomości sprawcy czynu zabronionego, należy również pamiętać o tym, że nie jest on statyczny, lecz – wraz z odbiorem napływających informacji – podlega mniej lub bardziej dynamicznym zmianom. W chwili podejmowania zamiaru określonego zachowania sprawca wie przecież zazwyczaj znacznie mniej o otaczającej go rzeczywistości, niż na kolejnych etapach jego wykonywania, co w wielu przypadkach nie powinno pozostawać bez wpływu na odpowiedzialność karną. Dla stwierdzenia, czy sprawca popełnił czyn zabroniony, sama rekonstrukcja stanu jego świadomości nie jest jednak wystarczająca, gdyż – przenosząc się na płaszczyznę normatywną – trzeba ją poddać ocenie. Przypisanie zamiaru w obu jego postaciach lub świadomej albo nieświadomej nieumyślności nie ogranicza się wszak do rekonstrukcji stanu jego świadomości, lecz dokonuje się go w oparciu o wypracowane przez prawników kryteria normatywne. Zamiaru ewentualnego oraz świadomej nieumyślności (a także granicy dzielącej obie te formy) nie odkryli bowiem psychologowie, lecz wykreowali prawnicy, kierując się względami kryminalnopolitycznymi.
Assuming that the perpetrator’s consciousness – as well as his actions – constitute the ontic basis of criminal responsibility the author formulates a number of remarks regarding reconstruction of the aforementioned consciousness in a criminal trial. The Reconstruction consists of some kind of intersubjectivization, since for obvious reasons it can only take place after the deed was committed (i.e. ex post), and the subject performing it is a judge. An important distinction is that between diagnostic and predictive consciousness. This is because the perpetrator – as any human being – is not only diagnosing the surrounding reality, but, particularly when trying to achieve some purpose (the effect of the forbidden behavior), is making predictions simultaneously. Distinguishing between diagnoses and predictions may affect the interpretation of errors, constituting a base for exclusion of criminal responsibility. Reconstructing the state of perpetrator’s consciousness one should also remember it is not static, but, as new information keeps coming in, subject to more or less dynamic changes. At the moment of formulation of intention of particular behavior the perpetrator usually knows far less about the surrounding than at the successive stages of its execution, which in many cases should affect criminal responsibility. To determine whether an agent committed a prohibited deed a reconstruction of his consciousness alone is not sufficient, since – moving now to the normative plane – one should assess it. Attribution of intent in both its forms, as well as conscious or unconscious lack of intent is not limited to reconstruction of the agent’s state of consciousness, but is performed based on normative criteria developed by lawyers. Conceivable intent and conscious lack of thereof (as well as the distinction between the two) have not been discovered by psychologists, but created by lawyers, having, amongst other issues, crime-fighting policies in mind.
Acta Iuris Stetinensis; 2018, 21, 1; 45-67
Pojawia się w:
Acta Iuris Stetinensis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Świadkowie cyberbullyingu – między obojętnością a reakcją
Witnesses of cyberbullying – between indifference and response
Knol-Michałowska, Kamila
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę
Artykuł stanowi teoretyczną analizę potencjalnej roli świadków cyberbullyingu w powstrzymywaniu aktów agresji poprzez udzielanie wsparcia ofiarom, dyscyplinowanie sprawców czy swoistą bierność. Wstępem do rozważań na temat możliwych działań świadków jest przedstawienie definicji i charakterystyki zjawiska cyberbullyingu oraz omówienie znaczenia aktywizacji świadków, jak również scharakteryzowanie specyficznej ich roli w kontekście agresji realizowanej online. Druga część artykułu poświęcona jest prezentacji wyników badań wybranych autorów uwzględniających obecność świadków w cyberbullyingu.
The paper analyzes potential role of witnesses in moderating cyberbullying by supporting victims, disciplining the perpetrator, or being a bystander in the process of online aggressive behaviour. An introduction to the discussion about possible witnesses’ actions is describing the definition and characteristics of cyberbullying, highlighting importance of activating this group and characterizing their specific role in cyberbullying. The second part of the article focuses on the presentation of results of several studies concerning participation of witnesses.
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka; 2013, 12, 1; 111-120
Pojawia się w:
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stan psychiczny kierowców – sprawców wypadków drogowych
Mental health status of drivers – Motor vehicle accidents perpetrators
Merecz-Kot, Dorota
Waszkowska, Małgorzata
Wężyk, Agata
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
zdrowie psychiczne
wypadki drogowe
bezpieczeństwo ruchu drogowego
Mental Health
motor-vehicle accidents
road safety
Wstęp W prezentowanym artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań nad konsekwencjami psychologicznymi uczestnictwa w wypadku drogowym u jego sprawców. Poszukiwano odpowiedzi na następujące pytania badawcze: jakie są bezpośrednie reakcje sprawców na wypadek drogowy, czy u sprawców wypadków drogowych występują objawy zaburzenia po stresie traumatycznym (post-traumatic stress disorder – PTSD) i co różnicuje osoby o wysokim nasileniu symptomów PTSD od osób o niskim nasileniu tego stresu? Materiał i metody W badaniu wykorzystano Kwestionariusz do badania zaburzenia po stresie traumatycznym (K-PTSD) i ankietę pozwalającą uzyskać informacje na temat charakteru wypadku, deklarowanych przyczyn wypadku, bezpośrednich reakcji na wypadek oraz cech demograficznych badanych. Badanie przeprowadzono wśród 209 sprawców wypadków drogowych, w czasie nie krótszym niż miesiąc od wypadku. Wyniki Jedna trzecia badanych zadeklarowała, że tuż po wypadku nie doświadczała żadnych fizjologicznych reakcji na niego. Czterdzieści sześć procent osób doświadczyło takich stanów jak drżenie całego ciała lub kończyn, a około 30% płakało lub miało łzy w oczach na miejscu zdarzenia. Współczucie dla ofiar, poczucie winy, bezradności i strach były najpowszechniejszymi doznaniami ze wszystkich badanych bezpośrednich reakcji na wypadek. W dniu badania psychologicznego u 11,2% sprawców wypadku można było rozpoznać PTSD zgodnie z kryteriami DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth edition – Diagnostyczny i statystyczny podręcznik zaburzeń psychicznych, wydanie 4). Osób o wysokim i niskim natężeniu symptomów PTSD nie różniły wiek, wykształcenie ani subiektywne postrzeganie przyczyn wypadku. Z kolei wśród osób z rozpoznanym PTSD istotnie częściej występowały kobiety. Wnioski Wyniki badania wskazują na konieczność wprowadzenia monitoringu stanu zdrowia psychicznego u kierowców uczestniczących w poważnych wypadkach drogowych jako części strategii poprawy bezpieczeństwa na drogach. Med. Pr. 2015;66(4):525–538
Background This study aimed at exploring the phenomenon of motor vehicle accidents (MVA). The following research questions were addressed: what are the immediate reactions to accidents among MVA perpetrators, do MVA perpetrators develop posttraumatic stress symptoms, and what are the differences between high and low symptomatic signs in terms of socio-demographics and accident features? Material and Methods Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) questionnaire by Watson et al. in the Polish adaptation was applied to assess PTSD and its subclinical symptoms. The information on the MVA nature, declared MVA causes, drivers’ reactions after MVA, as well as on the age, education and history of driving in the study group was collected. The results of psychological examination obtained from 209 MVA perpetrators were analyzed. The examination took place at least 1 month after the accident. Results In 1/3 of the study group no physiological reactions were observed directly after the accident, while 46% of respondents experienced trembling and shaking and about 30% of subjects were crying or having tears in their eyes. Compassion for the injured and victims, guilt, helplessness and fear were the most common among immediate psychological reactions related to the accident. On the day of psychological examination 11.2% of drivers met diagnostic criteria for PTSD according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth edition (DSM-IV). Drivers showing low and high PTSD symptoms did not differ in terms of age, education, and subjective perception of accident cause. Women were significantly overrepresented it the group meeting the diagnostic criteria for PTSD. Conclusions The results of the study indicate the need to carry on systematic screening for mental health problems in drivers involved in serious MVA as a part of strategy for improving road safety. Med Pr 2015;66(4):525–538
Medycyna Pracy; 2015, 66, 4; 525-538
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sprawcy przemocy motywowanej uprzedzeniami wobec cudzoziemców
Klaus, Witold
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
przestępstwa motywowane uprzedzeniami
przemoc na tle uprzedzeń
przemoc przeciw cudzoziemcom
sprawcy przemocy motywowanej uprzedzeniami
bias crimes
biased violence
violence against immigrants
perpetrators of bias crimes
The level of biases and xenophobic attitudes in a society is influenced mostly by the fear towards immigrants and their influx instead of the real number of immigrants residing in a particular country. That’s why the level of bias towards the Others is much higher in homogeneous societies. The results of Polish opinion polls research on bias attitudes of our society towards Muslims or immigrants echo these findings. In the criminological research we find strong relations between xenophobic attitudes of the family of the perpetrator and acts of bias violence committed by the latter. Biased crimes are usually committed by young males (under 25 years old), and the main motivation of their actions is either thrill (usually connected with the consumption of alcohol) or specifically understood defence of their community from the Others and their presence. An important factor of the perpetrators’ behaviour is also the conviction that no one will stand up for the victims, neither the police, nor the society.
Na poziom uprzedzeń i ksenofobii w społeczeństwach wpływa nie tyle liczba imigrantów, którzy mieszkają w danym kraju, a raczej poczucie zagrożenia, jakie panuje w danym społeczeństwie przed napływem imigrantów. Stąd poziom uprzedzeń jest wyższy w tych społeczeństwach, które są bardziej homogeniczne. Potwierdzają to wyniki badań nad polskimi uprzedzeniami w stosunku do muzułmanów czy ogólnie wobec imigrantów. Badania kryminologiczne pokazują silny związek między ksenofobicznymi postawami rodziny sprawców a popełnianiem przez nich czynów na tle uprzedzeń. Sprawcami tych czynów są przede wszystkim działający w grupie młodzi mężczyźni (poniżej 25 lat), a podstawowymi motywacjami ich czynów jest poszukiwanie wrażeń (połączone ze spożyciem alkoholu) czy też specyficznie rozumiana próba ochrony społeczeństwa przed napływem Obcych. Ważnym motorem działań sprawców jest także przekonanie, że za pokrzywdzonymi nikt się nie ujmie – ani policja, ani społeczeństwo. The level of biases and xenophobic attitudes in a society is influenced mostly by the fear towards immigrants and their influx instead of the real number of immigrants residing in a particular country. That’s why the level of bias towards the Others is much higher in homogeneous societies. The results of Polish opinion polls research on bias attitudes of our society towards Muslims or immigrants echo these findings. In the criminological research we find strong relations between xenophobic attitudes of the family of the perpetrator and acts of bias violence committed by the latter. Biased crimes are usually committed by young males (under 25 years old), and the main motivation of their actions is either thrill (usually connected with the consumption of alcohol) or specifically understood defence of their community from the Others and their presence. An important factor of the perpetrators’ behaviour is also the conviction that no one will stand up for the victims, neither the police, nor the society.
Biuletyn Kryminologiczny; 2016, 23; 57-78
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Kryminologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozbój i sprawcy rozboju
Robbery and its perpetrators
Łukaszewicz, Zdzisław
Szymanowski, Teodor
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
sprawcy rozboju
statystyka kryminalna
napad rabunkowy
perpetrators of robbery
criminal statistics
police statistics
In the period immediately following the end robberies of the hostilities the number of recorded in polish police statistics was very high. In 1945 there were 26 471 robberies recorded, and 23 987 in 1946. As from 1947 onwards that number underwent a visible and considerable decrease, which found its expression in the figures of 10 231, 5224, 3018 and 2089 for the years 1947, 1948, 1949 and 1950 respectively. In later years, beginning with 1955, an increase in the number of robberies was once more recorded; that number reached the figure of 3185 in 1957. The coefficient of robberies (as per 100 000 of the inhabitants) amounted to 7.6 in 1954 and to 8.9 in 1958. The highest coefficients were recorded in the capital city of Warsaw, in Łódź, the second largest city in the country, in the voivodeship of Katowice and in the western voivodeships, consequently in industrial regions and areas with large numbers of inhabitants who had immigrated there from other parts of the country. While, in 1958, this coefficient for rural areas amounted to 4.6, in the cities and towns it was as high as 13.8, in cities of more than 200 000 inhabitants the same coefficient amounted to as much as 21.3. It ought to be noted that in the immediate post-war period, i.e. the years 1945 to 1946 the largest number of robberies were committed in rural areas, and a very big percentage of them consisted in armed robberies, committed by bands armed with firearms. By 1958 robberies committed arms in hand constituted a mere 10.4 per cent of the total number. The number of robberies involving manslaughter amounted to an average of 50 yearly in the years 1954 to 1958. Below we shall discuss the results of the examination of 302 judicial records concerning 474 perpetrators of robbery convicted in 1955; such examination has been undertaken in order to find out what robberies in recent period looked like and out of what kind of offenders their perpetrators were recruited. Investigation has comprised 63 per cent of all the persons convicted of robbery in 1955 by all the courts in the country; the rack of any selection in collecting such records allows us to treat the material collected as representative for robbery in Poland in this period. Our materials comprised 94.1 per cent of men and 5.9 per cent of women. 36.2 per cent of the perpetrators acted singly, 34.7 per cent of them - in twos, 17.3 per cent - in threes, and only 11.8 per cent in larger groups. 32,4 per cent of all the robberies were committed in the countryside, and 67.6 per cent of them - in the cities and towns, an overwhelming majority of them in cities of above 100 000 inhabitants. The perpetrators of robbery are, as a rule, young people: 69.5 per cent of those convicted of robbery were below 26 years of age. Only 13.2 per cent of the perpetrators were over 30. 78.3 per cent of the convicts lived in the cities and towns, 21.7 per cent of them - in the countryside; part of the offenders who now live in towns recruit from the rural population recently arrived in the towns. Part of the robberies in rural areas were perpetrated by persons recently living in towns, and who went to the country in order to perpetrate a robbery. Nearly all those convicted of robbery who lived in cities and towns figure in the records as workers (95.7 per cent of them), but 50 per cent of the perpetrators of robbery did not work in the period immediately preceding the commission of robbery. As far as the convicts who lived in the country are concerned, only 17.5 per cent of them have been recorded as farmers, while 77.7 per cent said they were workers. The percentage of non-working persons is high, as it amounts to 37.8 per cent. The perpetrators of robbery have had plenty of criminal experience behind them. In spite of the lack of complete data covering the period up to 17 years of age it appears that out of 474 perpetrators of robbery 320 had already committed at least one criminal offence in the past. The percentage of recidivism in this sense of the word consequently amounts to 67.5 per cent. The data concerning the criminal past of these 320 offenders present the following picture: 60.3 per cent of those convicted of robbery had committed one or two offences in the past, 20.6 per cent - three or four offences, 19.1 per cent - five or more offences. When we analyze the kinds of offences previously committed by the 320 recidivists, we are in a position  to select the following groups among them: a) 22.3 per cent of the recidivists had already committed robberies in the past, along with other offences, which, as a rule, were thefts; b) 42 per cent of the recidivists had committed only thefts in the past; c) 10.6 per cent of them committed mostly thefts, but also offences against authorities and offices, as weII as injury to the body (acting from hooligan motives); d) 14.8 per cent committed almost exclusively offences of a hooligan character; e) 10.8 per cent of the recidivists committed various other offenses, not previously enumerated. As can be seen from the above, the criminal past of the perpetrators of robbery is far from uniform, while with the majority dominate of the recidivists there, offences against property, nearly all of them thefts (74 per cent). A very large majority of the recidivists were town-dwellers (84.5 per cent), 58.6 per cent of the recidivists were under 26 years of age, but the share of recidivists among the perpetrators of robbery increases in the older age groups. Among the convicts aged from 26 to 30 years there were 70.7 per cent of recidivists, among those aged 31 to 40 years – 75.5 per cent of recidivists. Thus the majority of the older perpetrators of robbery consists of recidivists. Very essential are the differences which occur between the robberies committed in the towns and those committed in rural areas. A typical town robbery is perpetrated with the use of violence (86 per cent), which, as a rule, boils down to the aggressor beating up his victim. The place where robberies take place are, in 56 per cent of the cases, streets, squares and parks, in 12.4 per cent of the cases - suburban groves, fields while it only in exceptional cases that we have to do with assaults with the purpose of robbery at home (6.6 per cent), just like robberies of shops (7.1 per cent). On the other hand, robbery in the countryside is done with using violence (beating up) only in 46 per cent of the cases, and in 54 per cent of the cases with the use of threats, frequently supported with a show of weapons or mock-revolvers. The place where robberies are committed are roads, fields and forests in 52 per cent of the cases, and the dwelling or croft of the victim in 33 per cent. The value of the loss sustained by the victim did not exceed 500 zlotys in 37 per cent of the cases in towns and 30 per cent of the cases in the countryside. Robberies in which the victims sustained big losses exceeding 5000 zlotys amounted to only 7.1 per cent in the towns and to 22.6 per cent in the countryside. It should be added that in the robberies involving the use of violence (73 per cent of the total number of robberies) it was only in 22 per cent of the cases, both in town and country, that the victims sustained more serious bodily harm, which caused serious injury of the body. In the remaining cases we have to do with beating up, causing only sight injury of the body, or even merely an infringement of bodily inviolability. As for the towns, special attention is deserved by the numerous category of robberies on passers-by (55.4 per cent of the total) perpetrated, without any previous planning, in the streets, in the evening or at night, as a rule, by young men in a state of ebriety, 61 per cent of whom had already been punished by the law-courts previously. An interesting fact is that, in the towns, really only one-third of the robberies comprised by the material under investigation can be described as having previously planned and prepared. For, indeed, with, part of the robberies classified as the planned ones we have to do with offenders with whom the intention of committing offence has arisen in special circumstances, after having met a drunken individual in a restaurant. After thus striking acquaintance and, usually, a common consumption of alcohol such offenders entice their victim to some out-of-the-way place (frequently with the participation of women), where, after severely beating up their victim, they rob him of money, watch, etc. Among such offenders there is also a very large percentage of recidivists, as well as of young individuals who systematically abuse alcohol. Research on robbery brings to light the importance of the problem of young adult delinquents. 69.5 per cent of the perpetrators of robbery are below 25 years of age. The majority of them are recidivists who, in spite of their youth, mix with a criminal environment and refuse to do any work. The remaining ones, who constitute about 40 per cent of the total number, are to be sure, individuals not previously punished by the law-courts and seemingly leading a normal life, but highly demoralized, with a clearly hooligan attitude; all of them systematically abuse alcohol. With regard to such juvenile offenders it is indispensable to apply a special penitentiary policy, based on Borstal principles.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1960, I; 215-239
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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