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Zachowania zdrowotne młodzieży gimnazjalnej na przykładzie środowiska miejskiego i wiejskiego Część I. Palenie tytoniu i spożywanie napojów alkoholowych
Salubrious behaviour of the secondary schools’ adolescents on example of city and country communities Part I. Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol
Szczepańska, Elżbieta
Matjeka, Teresa
Bielaszka, Agnieszka
Niedworok, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach
zachowania zdrowotne
palenie tytoniu
spożywanie alkoholu
salubrious behaviour
smoking cigarettes
drinking alcohol
INTRODUCTION Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to threats and temptations arising from the surrounding world. Lack of perspectives for the utilization of free-of-school time may result in many negative behaviors, like smoking and alcoholism. The aim of the study was an analysis of selected salubrious behaviour of the secondary schools’ pupils, identifi cation of the diff erences in occurrence of this behavior between the adolescents from the city and the country and estimation which sociological factors infl uenced the occurrence of the analysed behavior. MATERIAL AND METHODS The research tool was an author questionnaire conducted among 167 pupils of the secondary schools in Tarnowskie Góry and Boronów. Part I included questions referring to socio-economic status, the next parts referred to the occurrence of smoking and drinking alcohol. RESULTS The problem of smoking concerns 30% of the surveyed adolescents. In the city the percentage was 31 including more boys than girls, whereas in the country smoke 10% of the tested including more girls. 30% of the examined adolescents admitted to drinking alcohol. Alcohol had been drunk by more pupils from the city (28%) than from the country (14%). More boys drank alcohol in the city milieu whereas the comparable percent of boys and girls in the country. CONCLUSIONS Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol was the common phenomenon in the milieu of the tested secondary schools’ adolescents. Differences had been discovered in the frequency of occurrence of that behaviour between the pupils living in the city and in the country. The factor significantly determining the occurrence of the discussed behaviour was the family structure.
WSTĘP Młodzież jest grupą szczególnie narażoną na zagrożenia i pokusy płynące z otaczającego świata. Brak perspektyw i warunków do zużytkowania czasu pozaszkolnego skutkować może szerzeniem się wielu negatywnych zachowań, jak nikotynizm czy alkoholizm. Celem badania była analiza wybranych zachowań zdrowotnych gimnazjalistów, identyfi kacja różnic w występowaniu tych zachowań między młodzieżą zamieszkałą na wsi i w mieście oraz ocena zależności między czynnikami socjologicznymi a występowaniem analizowanych zachowań. MATERIAŁ I METODY Materiał badawczy stanowiło 167 uczniów uczęszczających do szkół gimnazjalnych w Tarnowskich Górach i w Boronowie. Narzędziem badawczym był autorski kwestionariusz wywiadu. I część zawierała pytania dotyczące statusu społeczno-ekonomicznego ankietowanych, kolejne części dotyczyły występowania wśród młodzieży wybranych zachowań, tj. palenia papierosów, spożywania alkoholu. WYNIKI Problem palenia papierosów dotyczy 30% ankietowanej młodzieży. Spośród osób zamieszkałych w mieście obecnie pali papierosy 31% osób, w tym więcej chłopców niż dziewcząt, z kolei wśród mieszkających na wsi 10% badanych, z czego więcej dziewcząt niż chłopców. Do spożywania alkoholu przyznało się 30% ankietowanej młodzieży. Alkohol spożywa więcej osób zamieszkałych w mieście (28%), niż zamieszkałych na wsi (14%). Spośród osób, które mieszkają w mieście, alkohol spożywa więcej chłopców, natomiast wśród mieszkańców wsi porównywalny był odsetek chłopców i dziewcząt. WNIOSKI Palenie tytoniu i spożywanie alkoholu jest zjawiskiem powszechnym w środowisku badanej młodzieży gimnazjalnej, przy czym stwierdzono różnice w częstości występowania tych zachowań między uczniami zamieszkałymi na wsi i w mieście. Czynnikiem determinującym występowanie omawianych zachowań jest struktura rodziny.
Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis; 2010, 64, 1-2; 35-47
Pojawia się w:
Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wiedza kobiet w wieku prokreacyjnym dotycząca Alkoholowego Zespołu Płodowego FAS
The knowledge about the fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) among women at the procreative age
Zimnowoda, Alicja
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Instytut Nauk o Zdrowiu
alkoholowy zespół płodowy
spożywanie alkoholu w ciąży
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
alcohol consumption during pregnancy
Wstęp. Spożywanie alkoholu w ciąży, czyli wewnątrzmaciczna ekspozycja alkoholu na płód może skutkować wieloma poważ-nymi zaburzeniami w rozwoju fizycznym i/lub intelektualnym dziecka. Najgroźniejszym z tych zaburzeń jest Płodowy Zespół Alkoholowy FAS, który obejmuje: ograniczenie wzrostu wewnątrzmacicznego i zaburzenia wzrastania po porodzie, dysfunkcje OUN oraz liczne wady anatomiczne. Rozpoznanie zespołu FAS skutkuje obciążeniem na całe życie dziecka, dlatego niezwykle ważna jest profilaktyka. Cel pracy. Zbadanie poziomu wiedzy kobiet w wieku prokreacyjnym dotyczącej szkodliwości spożywania alkoholu w ciąży oraz Alkoholowego Zespołu Płodowego FAS, poznanie źródeł, z których młode kobiety czerpią wiedzę dotyczącą szkodliwości picia alkoholu podczas ciąży i analiza powszechności spożywania napojów alkoholowych przez kobiety w wieku rozrodczym. Materiał i metody. Badanie prowadzone metodą ankietową z wykorzystaniem ankiety autorskiej wśród 100 młodych kobiet, studentek w okresie od maja 2011 do marca 2012. Wyniki. 97% ankietowanych spożywa alkohol, najczęściej wino, drinki i piwo. Zdecydowana większość uważa, że picie alkoholu w ciąży jest szkodliwe (97%) i deklaruje chęć zaprzestania picia na okres ciąży. Znajomość pojęcia zespołu FAS jest niewielka (tylko 19%), a poziom wiedzy nt. szkodliwości spożywania alkoholu w ciąży ankietowane określają średnio na 7.34/10. Informacje dotyczące szkodliwości wewnątrzmacicznej ekspozycji alkoholu na płód ankietowane najczęściej czerpią z Internetu i mediów, rzadko od personelu medycznego. Jako najczęstsze przyczyny sięgania po wyroby alkoholowe przez ciężarne określono: uzależnienie, cele rozrywkowe i towarzyskie, niewiedzę. Za możliwe powikłania ciąży i porodu, spowodowane spożywaniem alkoholu w ciąży, ankietowane wyznaczyły: wady rozwojowe płodu, niską masę urodzeniową i wcześniactwo. Większość ankietowanych uważa, że nawet niewielkie ilości alkoholu spożywanego w ciąży mają wpływ na zdrowie dziecka oraz, że spożywanie alkoholu podczas karmienia piersią jest również szkodliwe dla dziecka. Wnioski. Kobiety w wieku rozrodczym są świadome szkodliwości spożywania alkoholu w ciąży, również w małych ilościach. Większość deklaruje zaprzestanie spożywania alkoholu w ciąży. Znajomość terminu zespołu FAS wśród ankietowanych jest mała, mimo to kobiety oceniają swoją wiedzę na temat szkodliwości picia alkoholu w ciąży bardzo wysoko. Wiedzę dotyczącą negatywnych skutków spożywania alkoholu w ciąży kobiety czerpią głównie z niefachowych źródeł. Spożywanie alkoholu w okresie rozrodczym jest powszechne.
Introduction. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy, namely intrauterine alcohol influence on a fetus, might result in plenty of very serious disorders in physical and intellectual development of a child. The most dangerous of the disorders is FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome), which includes the limitation of intrauterine growth, growing problems after birth, dysfunctions of Central Nervous System and numerous anatomical defects. The diagnosis of FAS seems to be a serious burden in the further life of a child. Therefore, the prophylaxis is so essential. Aim of the work. The aim of the paper was to estimate the knowledge on the topic of dangerous influence of alcohol consumption during pregnancy and the FAS among women at the procreative age. Additionally, the research was conducted to learn about the sources young women derive the knowledge from and to analyze the popularity of alcohol consumption in women at the reproductive age. Materials and methods. The research was conducted with the use of a questionnaire among a hundred of young women from May 2010 to March 2011. Results. 97 % of the respondents often drink alcohol such as wine, beer and alcoholic drinks. Most women (97 %) are fully aware of the fact that drinking alcohol in pregnancy is harmful and declare the readiness to give it up during this period. The knowledge about FAS is little (19%), however, the level of the knowledge on dangerous influence of alcohol on a baby the interviewees determine as 7.34/10. The knowledge on the fetal intrauterine alcohol exposition is said to come from the internet and other media, rarely from the medical staff. Most common reasons why women drink alcohol during pregnancy are addiction, entertainment, social factors, and finally, lack of proper knowledge. The respondents named developmental defects of fetus, low birth body weight and premature labours as most frequent complications during pregnancy. Most of the women claim that even small amounts of alcohol consumed during pregnancy might have negative influence on the child’s health and that drinking alcohol during breast feeding is also harmful for a child. Conclusions. Women in reproductive age are aware of the harmfulness of alcohol consumption during pregnancy even in small amounts. The majority of them declare to stop drinking alcohol when they get pregnant. The knowledge of FAS among respondents is little, although the women assess their knowledge about the harmfulness of alcohol as quite high. The information about negative results of alcohol consumption during pregnancy is usually taken from unprofessional sources. Unfortunately, drinking alcohol at the reproductive age is very common.
Puls Uczelni; 2012, 2
Pojawia się w:
Puls Uczelni
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Internet jako źródło zagrożenia propagowania spożywania alkoholu przez dzieci i młodzież
The Internet as a source of threat propagating alcohol consumption by children and adolescents
Olszewska, Marta
Data publikacji:
Collegium Witelona Uczelnia Państwowa
spożywanie alkoholu przez dzieci
alcohol consumption by children
Celem pracy jest zwrócenie uwagi na problem spożywania alkoholu przez dzieci i młodzież. W obecnych czasach alkohol propagowany jest intensywnie w Internecie nie tylko przez specjalistów od marketingu, ale również przez samą młodzież. Na portalach internetowych i społecznościowych codziennie łamane jest prawo, a reklamy i treści 18+ związane ze spożywaniem alkoholu atakują w każdy możliwy sposób dzieci i młodzież. Jak wynika ze statystyk, obniża się wiek inicjacji alkoholowej, a jednorazowe epizody libacji alkoholowych są coraz częstsze. Dodatkowo w przestrzeni internetowej króluje zjawisko tzw. patostreamu, które polega na rejestrowaniu zachowań uznanych za dewiacyjne i publikowaniu ich w sieci, często na żywo. Niesie to coraz poważniejsze konsekwencje dla zdrowia fizycznego oraz psychicznego dziecka.
The aim of the study is to draw attention to the problem of alcohol consumption by children and adolescents. Nowadays, alcohol is promoted intensively on the Internet not only by marketing specialists but also by young people themselves. On the Internet and social networking sites, the law is broken on a daily basis, while children and adolescents are bombarded by advertising and 18+ content related to alcohol consumption in every possible way. Statistics show that the age of alcohol initiation is decreasing and single episodes of binge drinking are becoming more and more common among adolescents. In addition, the phenomenon of the so-called pathostreaming, which consists in recording instances of behaviour considered as deviant and uploading such content on the Internet, or broadcasting it live, is becoming more and more widespread. This results in increasingly serious consequences for children’s physical and mental health.
Zeszyty Naukowe Collegium Witelona; 2022, 4, 45; 39-57
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Collegium Witelona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Młodzież nie przystosowana społecznie (badania katamnestyczne)
The socially maladjusted youth (a follow-up study)
Ostrihanska, Zofia
Wójcik, Dobrochna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
niedostosowany społecznie
badania katamnestyczne
spożywanie alkoholu
sądy karne
socially maladjusted
catamnestic research
alcohol consumption
              The paper presents further fates of socially maladjusted children from Warsaw elementary schools in the period from 1976-1978 (when they were examined for the first time) till 1985 (when they were interviewed again and their criminal records were checked). The children to be included in the study had been indicated by their teachers due to intense and cumulated symptoms of social maladjustment (though nor necessarily offences). The following acts were found to be symptoms of maladjustment: regular truancy, loitering, running away from home; contacts with demoralized peers; thefts; drinking of alcohol; sexual depravation; vandalism; aggressive behaviour. Further fates of those examined persons were compared with the fates of their non-maladjusted classmates whose fathers, socio-professional status was the same as in the basic group.                Four to six years passed from the initial interview till the catamnesis. Criminal records were checked for a period of about seven years. During the first study, boys from both groups were aged 10-16; accordingly, they were aged 16-24 during the follow-up period. The second study included  243 maladjusted boys, with the control group of  139, while 262 and 151 boys respectively had been examined during the first study.                Longitudinal studies of social maladjustment are very important, as they render it possible to appraise the initial symptoms of social maladjustment and to define their prognostic value. Such studies also make a discrimination possible between transitory difficulties which are frequently related to a definite stage of the child’s development, and behavior that requires specialistic treatment . Moreover, basing of such studies, the quality and results of interventions taken towards the socially maladjusted youth can be appraised.                The follow-up study was aimed at answering the following questions:  a) What - if any were the changes of family situation of boys from both groups ? b)What were the further fates of the socially maladjusted boys as compared with member of the control group? In particular, did they finish elementary school, did they continue their education, what secondary school did they choose and did they finish that school? c) Do those out of school work? What profession are they in? Are they satisfied with that profession and the work they perform? d) What are the leisure habits of the examined boys? e) What are the drinking habits, delinquency, and criminal records of the socially maladjusted boys as compared with their peers from the control group ? In both groups, the examined persons family situation underwent various changes during the catamnesis, and so did the relations between them and their parents. The changes consisted mainly in 42.8 per cent of the maladjusted boys staying temporarily away from which frequently resulted from the court's or educational authorities decisions to send them to educational or correctional institutions. Boys from the control group usually spent the entire follow-up period at home.               The two groups differed as regards their family environments, those of the  socially maladjusted boys being much less favourable. These differences grew during the follow-up period as regards many factors (broken home, the fathers irregular employment or lack of permanent job, excessive drinking). Also the school situations clearly differentiated the two-groups both in the first study and during the follow-up period. At the moment of the second examination, only one boy from the control group was still going to elementary school, while there were as many as 40 (16.5 per cent) of such boys among those socially maladjusted. This proportion seems very large the fact considered we deal here with young persons whose intellectual development is normal, and with the educational level necessary for the individual’s future professional activities and participation in the country’s social and cultural life . (The fact should also be stressed here that in the first study, nearly half of the socially maladjusted boys were in standard VII at the very least, and thus not far from finishing school). As shown by our study, the chances for learning and finishing elementary school later in life are extremely poor.                All members of the control group and two-thirds of the socially maladjusted boys learned on after finishing elementary school. It appeared that those from the basic group not only continued education less frequently (this fact being related to their educational backwardness), but also changed and left schools (35.1 per cent) much more frequently than boys from the control group (21.1 per cent).  It seems, however, that changing and leaving school takes place very often in the control group, too. This testifies to learning difficulties of elementary school graduates and to their frequent mistakes in choosing the line and type of education. It is worth mentioning here that, in the light of the  examined persons statements, the institutions assigned to render professional guidance to young persons influenced their decisions to a minimal degree only.                At the moment of follow-up interviews, as many as 162 socially maladjusted boys and only 35 members of the control group were already out of school. Less than a half (46.9 per cent) of  the former finished elementary school, while nearly all (97.6 per cent) of those from the control group who were  not learning anymore managed to reach that educational level. The secondary schools which the socially maladjusted boys who were not learning anymore finished were frequently (in 35.5 per cent of case) shortened courses.                The examined persons often left elementary school defeated and hostile towards it; they had no professional aspirations and acceptable leisure habits. Our findings seem to demonstrate that elementary school and the associated institutions frequently fail confronted with difficult children from negative families. An appraisal of the examined persons, employment is difficult due to their different life situations and ages. Among those employed from the control group there was a greater number of apprentices as compared with the socially maladjusted group (where  apprentices constituted 5-per cent only of those employed). Nearly half of those from the basic group (46.4 per cent) were skilled workers, and 44.3 per cent performed manual work that required no professional qualifications. Thus in nearly half of the cases, when starting on their professional careers, socially maladjusted boys had no chance to train in a profession.                The two groups also differ greatly as regards professional aspirations and their fulfillment.  The socially maladjusted  boys  had no particular professional plans in a greater proportion of cases (27 per cent) than members of  the control group (7 per cent). Asked whether  the professional plans they hand on finishing elementary school ever came true , nearly  half (48 per cent) of the socially maladjusted answered in the negative, and just 20 per cent-in the affirmative. The respective proportions were reversed In the control group: 53 per cent of affirmative and 30.7 per cent of negative answers.               Generally speaking, those employed are not pleased with their earnings. Asked about the wages which which satisfy them, they frequently mentioned sums several times higher than what they were paid. The fact is worthy of notice that those who finished a secondary school are not at all those who earn most. As shown by the analysis of the examined persons, leisure habits, the socially maladjusted are more passive in this respect, their leisure activities being less diversified and restricted to having fun and social contacts only. The leisure habits they follow create frequent opportunities to drink alcohol, and some of their activities (like a game of billiards or cards) make it necessary for them always to have money which they would spend on such games. The following conclusions can be drawn from the analysis of the examined persons drinking habits: during catamnesis, 43.1 per cent of the socially maladjusted and 25.1 per cent of members of the control group drank alcohol (vodka or wine) at least once a week and or drank larger amounts on one occasion (i. e. more than 200 cl. Vodka or 600 cl. wine). the respective proportions of teetotalers (according to their own and their mothers statements) were 15.7 and 19.6 per cent. The boys who had drunk repeatedly in the first study were also found to drink regularly during the follow-up period, while a considerable proportion of those who had abstained from alcohol before drank only seldom and small amounts later on, too. An opinion is thus justified that repeated drinking by children and young persons, if it stars at a young age (and particularly if it accompanied by other symptoms of social maladjustment), is not a transistory phenomenon but develops into a relatively persistent lifestyle and leisure habit with time, those affected following that habit in the company of similarly oriented peers. In the first study, repeated drinking coexisted with other symptoms of social maladjustment, such as truancy, running away from home, stealing etc. As shown by the analysis of such persons further life situation, their attitude towards and extent of drinking does not change with time as a rule, instead, their drinking habits grow more excessive and are related, like before, to disturbed socialization.                Moreover, regular drinking is related to other negative factors as well. Excessive drinkers among those socially maladjusted frequently failed to finish school; is they succeeded after all, it was usually a year or more later than their peers. This fact negatively influenced their chances to learn on and to train in a profession. Among such boys there was also a greater proportion of those who neither learned nor worked during the catamnesis (p<0.05). Stealing was also more frequent among them (p<0.001), and so were contacts with peers who committed thefts (p<0.01) and who drank regularly (p<0.02), as well as drug abuse (p<0.05) and self-mutilations (p<0.02), committed more frequently as compared with the remaining socially maladjusted boys.                Also in the control group, boys who drank during the fallow-up period stole (p<0.01), belonged to regularly drinking peer groups (p<0.001), and stayed out of school and work (p<0.01) more frequently than others from that group.                Therefore, regular drinking renders difficult such examined persons proper start into adult life.                As regards criminal records, the group of socially maladjusted proved to be differentiated. This concerns both the initial stage of our study when one-third of those boys had already had cases at family courts, and the follow-up period when the percentage of those with criminal records went up to 55.8. As many as 30 per cent of the examined persons had cases at criminal courts after the age of 17, and every fourth of those who had cases at courts (both family and common courts) had been convicted at least four times. Despite the differentiation, the data concerning criminal records are rather alarming, the extent of delinquency gradually becoming higher during the seven years of catamnesis.                If we compare socially maladjusted boys who never had any cases at court with those previously convicted, the number of convictions taken into account, these two groups prove to differ not only as regards their respective careers in this regards. It appears that various negative factors found both in the examined persons themselves and in their families and peer groups are more frequent in those previously convicted and repeatedly convicted as compared with those. who have no criminal record. Fathers of the former have their own criminal records more frequently, and the boys themselves more often have stealing and drinking friends. They also reveal a greater number of various symptoms of social maladjustment; during the follow-up period, more of them neither learned nor worked, and more failed to finish elementary school or only finished it behind time.                As follows from our study social maladjustment when going to elementary school does not necessarily determine such young persons' further demoralization. The group of socially maladjusted boys is highly diversified in many respects. At the same time, it also differs greatly from the control group, being much worse: those socially maladjusted reach a lower educational level and wages, are more displeased with their own lives, and more excessive in their drinking habits, and also commit offences and have cases at court more frequently. The extent of maladjustment found in that group seems rather large which manifests among others the small range and poor effectiveness of preventive actions taken towards the examined persons by the competent educational institutions.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1989, XVI; 141-188
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chosen aspects of lifestyles of physically active women aged 45-59 and 60-74
Wybrane aspekty stylów życia aktywnych fizycznie kobiet w wieku 45-59 i 60-74 lat
Nowak, M.A.
Troczyńska, N.
Forjasz, J.
Nowak, L.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
physical activity
alcohol consumption
health and physical fitness self-evaluation
aktywność fizyczna
palenie tytoniu
spożywanie alkoholu
samoocena zdrowia i samoocena sprawności fizycznej
Background. The aim of the study was to compare chosen aspects of lifestyle of women aged 45-59 and 60-74. Material and methods. The study, carried out between 2013 and 2015, embraced 120 women who engaged in physical activity. Respondents were students of the University of the Third Age in Gorzów Wlkp. and the Elderly and Disabled Activation Center in Piła. Two age categories were distinguished: 45-59 and 60-74 years old. In the study a diagnostic survey was employed, with the use of the techniques of questionnaire, interview and observation. The qualitative and quantitative analysis was carried out with the employment of: frequency of characteristics, chi-squared independence test and multiple correspondence analysis. Results. Older women far more often chose positive health behaviors than those under 60 years of age. There were more current nonsmokers among them, as well as nondrinkers or those who drank less frequently and controlled their health more often. Younger women assessed their own health and physical fitness higher. There were no obese people among the subjects. Conclusions. There is a need for t he dissemination of healthy lifestyle among people aged 60+, especially in the situation of an aging population with unstable retirement age. Activation of people belonging to this age group is a chance to improve their life quality.
Wprowadzenie. Celem pracy było porównanie wybranych aspektów stylu życia kobiet w wieku 45-59 lat i 60-74 lat. Materiał i metody. Badaniami, w latach 2013-2015, objęto 120 kobiet podejmujących aktywność fizyczną. Respondentki były słuchaczkami Uniwersytetu Trzeciego Wieku w Gorzowie Wlkp. oraz Centrum Aktywizacji Osób Starszych i N iepełnosprawnych w Pile. Wyróżniono dwie kategorie wieku: 45-59 lat oraz 60-74 lata. W badaniach zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem technik badawczych: kwestionariusza ankiety, wywiadu i obserwacji. Analizę jakościową i ilościową przeprowadzono stosując: frekwencję cech, test niezależności chi-kwadrat oraz wielowymiarową analizę korespondencji. Wyniki. Kobiety w starszym wieku zdecydowanie częściej dokonywały wyboru pozytywnych zachowań zdrowotnych niż badane poniżej 60. roku życia. Wśród nich występowało więcej niepalących obecnie, niepijących lub pijących z mniejszą częstotliwością oraz kontrolujących częściej swoje zdrowie. Kobiety młodsze wyżej oceniały stan własnego zdrowia i sprawności fizycznej. Wśród badanych nie było osób otyłych. Wnioski. Istnieje potrzeba upowszechniania prozdrowotnego stylu życia wśród osób w wieku 60 lat i więcej, zwłaszcza w sytuacji starzejącego się społeczeństwa i niestabilnego wieku emerytalnego. Aktywizacja osób należących do tej grupy wieku jest szansą na poprawę jakości ich życia.
Health Problems of Civilization; 2016, 10, 3; 30-37
Pojawia się w:
Health Problems of Civilization
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozmiary nieprzystosowania społecznego uczniów warszawskich szkół podstawowych
The extent of social maladjustment among children of Warsaw elementary schools
Ostrihanska, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
szkoła podstawowa
uczniowie warszawscy
nieprzystosowanie szkolne
spożywanie alkoholu
social maladjustment
primary school
Warsaw students
school maladjustment
alcohol consumption
In the school year 1976/77 the Department of Criminology, Institute of State and Law, Polish Academy of Sciences, began research whose object was - among others - to ascertain the extent of social maladjustment among children from Warsaw elementary schools. As socially maladjusted were recognized children, whose behavior was characterized by a complex of comparatively persistent symptoms pointing to inobservance by those children of fundamental rules of behavior obligatory for the youth of this age (that is, truancy, hour-long gallivating round the streets without control, keeping company of demoralized colleagues, thefts, running away from home, drinking, taking drugs, sexual demoralization, vandalism, aggression). In the study were included all children of 3rd- 8th grades of 50 elementary schools in Warsaw: it was a random sample from all schools of this type in the city. There were over 600 classes included in the study, with the total of 17,662 children aged 9- 15.             The main object of the study was to find out how many children with the symptoms of social maladjustment there are among the pupils of grades 3- 8. It was to be achieved by obtaining information from the teachers about those among their pupils whose behavior covered by the definition of social maladjustment as presented above.             The extent of social maladjustment among the children of Warsaw elementary schools was found to be substantial, as there were 6.5% of socially maladjusted children in the classes examined (10% of the boys and 2.7% of the girls). The extent is greater in the higher grades (there were as many as 15.4% of socially maladjusted boys and 4.4% of such girls in the 8th grade), and lower in the lower grades (respectively 7.4% of boys and 1.4% of girls in the 3rd grade). From the 7th grade an exceptionally distinct increase is pronounced.             The percentage of boys revealing symptoms of social maladjustment is 3,7 times higher than that of girls. Among girls, there is a more pronounced increase in the extent of social maladjustment in higher grades as compared with lower grades, than it is the case among boys. Among the eldest girls the symptoms of social maladjustment intensified than among the eldest boys.             The study revealed also large differences in the extent of social maladjustment among different schools. The percentage of socially maladjusted children ranged from 2.3% in the ’’best” school to 17% in the "worst" one. The classes in the "worsts" schools were found to be smaller than those in the “best” ones where the disclosure of a smaller number of socially maladjustment children could have been connected with the poorer acquaintance of the teachers with their pupils in larger classes. The districts of the “worst” schools were also often defined by the head-masters as "difficult”, that is inhabited by families estimated by them as unfavorable educational environment.             The definition of social maladjustment assumed in the study revealed first of all the children who: gallivanted (77% of socially maladjusted boys and 75% of girls), played truant (70% of boys and 79% of girls), kept company of demoralized colleagues (55 and 44% respectively). The next most frequently occurring type of behavior was stealing (1/3 of boys and 1/5 of girls), while it was seldom that the children with the symptoms of social maladjustment were considered as drinking alcohol (merely 16% of boys and 14% of girls), which result not only from the fact that the children start drinking in the higher grades, but also from the teachers being only poorly informed as to the extent of drinking among their pupils. Running away from home occurs seldom among the socially maladjusted children (13% of boys and 15% of girls), as well as the symptoms of sexual demoralization (which were, however, found in as many as 20% of socially maladjusted girls from the highest grade, and in only 5% of boys from this grade); the teachers gave no information whatever as to the taking of drugs by socially maladjusted children.             In the obtained picture of social maladjustment among school children there was a variety of the types of behavior regarded as symptoms of maladjustment; the intercorrelations between separate symptoms were not strong. Connections between these symptoms are more frequent and stronger in the case of children from higher grades, in whom the process of social maladjustment is more intense. The child from the 3rd grade defined as socially maladjusted is first of all a neglected child: gallivanting, playing truant, keeping company of demoralized colleagues, often behaving aggressively. Among the 8th grade children a larger cumulation of various types of behavior was found and also other symptoms were noted much more frequently. In the lower grades, truancy is the behavior which initiates and intensifies the process of social maladjustment: among those playing truant the cumulation of other symptoms can be found much more often than among other children. In the case of older boys, it is the company of demoralized colleagues that acquires the initiating and intensifying role in the process of social maladjustment.. It increases and shapes aggressive attitudes, provides patterns and encouragement to drinking alcohol, and is also conducive to gallivanting, stealing and sexual demoralization.             According to the teachers, the majority (over 2/3) of the socially maladjusted children had severe learning problems, which had distinct repercussion on their unsatisfactory school progress. Such children were termed maladjusted to school education. Apart from the socially maladjusted children, the teachers also named 6,2% of boys and 3,5% of girls from the examined classes as revealing symptoms of school maladjustment. Every sixth boy from the classes included in the study was socially maladjusted or maladjusted to school, and every sixteenth girl. As the children grew up, there was a trend to cumulation of the symptoms of social and school maladjustment in them. Among the socially maladjusted boys from the lowest grades, an essential dependence was found between their reading and writing problems and their truancy, which - as stated above - initiates the process of social maladjustment in these grades. When asked about the causes of the child’s learning problems, which occur among the half of socially maladjusted children, the teachers indicated the insufficient care at home and bad family situation as the cause. Among boys, this cause is particularly important in the case of socially maladjusted children from lower grades (2/3 of all cases), and diminishes in the higher grades when - according to the teachers - it is the child himself who is to blame, particularly for his laziness.             According to the teachers, among the families of socially maladjusted children those are prevailing who - for various reasons - are incapable of coping with their protective and educational tasks. Among the socially maladjusted children, the contribution of those from incomplete families (approximately 1/3 of the families of socially maladjusted boys and as many as 42.2% of the families of girls) and those brought up by mothers alone (approximately 1/4 of boys and 1/3 of girls) is much greater than in the average population. The degree of education of the parents is usually low with physical workers prevailing, and while the fathers usually have some professional training, the majority of mothers have no profession at all. In the families examined both parents usually work out of home (which is typical of a Polish urban family).             In the families of over 1/3 of maladjusted boys and nearly 1/2 of girls, there are conditions that decided about their distinct socially deprived character as educational environment. According to the teachers, alcoholism or excessive drinking of one of the parent accurs in over 1/3 of these families. The family background of socially maladjusted girls is more socially negative than this of boys. The intensity of negative characteristics of the environment was particularly explicit among the children whose social and school maladjustment symptoms were cumulated.             The majority of socially maladjusted children had learning problems concerning at least two school subjects. The majority had also problems in learning to read and write and were still below the level of their grade at the time of the study as regards their command of these skills which are essential for school education.             Protective and educational activities undertaken by schools in respect of socially maladjusted children are minimal as compared with the needs. Only 10% of boys and 15% of girls visit day-rooms or day stay-in schools. As few as 11% of boys and 8% of girls attend youth clubs in the culture clubs. While the day-rooms and day stay-in schools are visited by children from worse family environment, usually those taken better care of in their families attend youth clubs.             A large part (approximately 2/3) of socially maladjusted children were included in the "summer holiday action” and participated in holiday camps. Also, regarding a large part of them psychologists and educators were consulted; however, the teachers await assistance of guidance centre not only in the form of diagnosis but also of a long-term treatment of maladjusted child and his family.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1982, VIII-IX; 191-231
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Młodociani sprawcy przestępstw przeciwko mieniu
Young Adult Perpetrators of Offences Against Property
Paszkowska, Hanna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
przestępca młodociany
środowisko rodzinne
spożywanie alkoholu
przestępstwo przeciwko mieniu
juvenile offender
family environment
alcohol consumption
crime against property
The new Polish penal legislation of 1969 introduced special rules of criminal liability of young adult offenders' aged 17-20. In 1972 criminological research was undertaken in order to characterize this group of offenders, i.e., its most numerous category - those found guilty of offences against property. The research ended in 1975. In 1980 a follow-up of convictions of the persons, under observation was carried out. The object of the study of young adults found guilty of offences against property was to analyse the psycho-social factors connected with their social maladjustment and demoralization, particularly their family and school environment, personality, extent of drinking and offending. It was also the object of the study to compare two groups of young adult towards whom different measures had been adjudicated. As the most typical offences of young adults are those against property, a group of young adults convicted for this very type of offences was included in the study. There were 100 persons under examination who had been sentenced to immediate imprisonment. This group consisted of all prisoners of two Warsaw prisons in the years 1973-75 (group A). The group of young adults (group B) consisted of 100 persons conviced in 1973 for offences against property and sentenced to fine, limitation of freedom, imprisonment with suspension of execution, or educational-corrective measures. The two groups of convicted persons that were selected for the study, different as regards the adjudicated and executed measures, were compared in many respects in order to ascertain the distinctions between them as regards the degree of intensity of the process of social maladjustment which had been related to the application of various penal measures. Empirical research consisted in gathering detailed information on the persons under scrutiny concerning their previous convictions, their school career and the course of work. Also interviews were carried out with them and separately with their mothers, by means of a detailed questionnaire. Three psychological tests were also employed towards each person, that is Raven’s intelligence test, Eysenck’s questionnaire to measure extroversion and neurotism and Buss-Durkee inventory to measure aggression. 3.1. Offences against property constituted the criterion for selection to the study. The most numerous group were convictions for larceny qualified as “stealing in a particularly audacious manner or by a breaking and entering” (Art. 208 of the Penal Code), though the “audacious theft” was extremely rare as compared with the second choice. 64% of the persons of group A had been  convicted for offences described in this article, the percentage as regards group B being 35%. Many persons also committed thefts of social property, while the receiving of stolen goods was the least frequent. Generally, the persons of group A had been active for a longer time than those of group B, and their offences were more frequently qualified as continuous. It should also be emphasized that the mean value of the objects stolen by the persons of group B was considerably lower than it was the case with the young adults of group A. It also happened (16% of cases) that the act of the young adults of group B ended as a mere attempt at committing an offence. To sum up, the offences against property committed by the persons, sentenced to immediate imprisonment were more serious than those committed by the young adults towards whom other measures had been adjudicated. 3.2. 69% of the persons of group A had cases in juvenile courts, while as many as 84% admitted having committed offences, mostly thefts, at that age. On the other hand, 44% of the persons of group B had committed offences for which they were brought to court as juveniles. The difference between both groups is significant (p < 0.00l). The origins of delinquency dating back from before the age of 13 were found in as many as 23 persons of group A and 10 persons of group B. The earlier they started to commit offences and had their first case in juvenile court, the more numerous were their subsequent convictions in that period. The mean number of convictions in juvenile court was 2,2 in group A and 1,6 in group B. The structure of delinquency of the persons under examination is hardly differentiated: they committed first of all offences against property (85.7%), mostly larceny. The juvenile court, had employed such measures as admonition and charge of parents in the case of persons of group B considerably more frequently than towards those of group A (25% and 8.7% respectively). On the other hand, the persons of group A had been much more frequently sent to children’s homes and to corrective schools (44.9%) than those of group B (25%). 3.3. In the period discussed below all the persons were young adults, with the mean age similar in both groups: 19 in group A and 18.9 in group B. The mean number of convictions of the persons of groups A from the age of 17 was 1.7, and in group B 1.2. Each member of group A was responsible for 3.3. offences, while in group B the mean number of offences was 2.2. It should not be forgotten that many persons, particularly those of group A, were  repeatedly imprisoned in the discussed period. A considerable majority of the persons of both groups who had committed more than one offence, were convicted for offences against property only. The data quoted above illustrate the whole of delinquency of the persons under examination and recidivism among them. Taking into account both the period of minority and the later period from 17 years of age on, there were as many as 4 per every five persons of group A who had already been convicted before, and in group B nearly every second person had had a conviction previously (the difference is significant, p < 0.01). These data confirm the conclusion as to the more advanced process of demoralization of the young adults of group A as compared with group B. 49% of the persons guilty of offences against property of group A came from unbroken homes; the respective percentage in group B was 71% (difference significant, p < 0.001). Broken homes resulted mostly from the death of one parent (23% of cases in group A and 15% in group B), or from divorce (28% of cases in group A, 14% in group B). A majority of the persons came from workmen’s families (90.5% in group A, 70.7% in group B). The level of professional qualifications and education of parents of the persons examined is significantly lower (p < 0.01) in group A as compared with group B. Approximately 60% of families of the persons of group A and 67% of group B had been living in poor financial conditions, which was connected, among others, with excessive drinking of the fathers. 56.3% of fathers of the persons of group A had regularly been drinking excessively, that is drinking vodka at least twice a week. This percentage was only 26.3% in group B, it was lowered, however, as the examination of young adults of young adults of group B was carried on at home, often with the fathers themselves present. 37% of fathers in group A and 19% of those in group B had been taken to a detoxication centre, including 21% and 14% respectively taken at least three times. As in other criminological studies, in the present one young adults have not been found to live in criminal family environment. It was extremely rare that the fathers of the persons examined had criminal records. To sum up, certain negative phenomena were more frequent in the families of young adults of group A (for instance, broken home, excessive drinking of fathers). However, the cumulation of a number of negative factors could have influenced in a particulary unfarourable way the process of socialization of the persons under examination. 5.1. There were 37% of the persons of group A and 23% of those (p< 0.001) of group B with elementary education, and 18% and 5% respectively with incomplete elementary education. The difference is significant (p < 0.001). School retardation which appears more often among delinquents than among non-delinquents is connected with a lower level of education of young adults. Among the young adults of group A as few as 17% revealed no  retardation, the percentage as regards group B being 46.5%. The difference is significant (p < 0.001). The retardation of the persons of group B usually amounts to one year only, while it is often 3 years or more among the persons of group A. School problems are also connected with truancy (group A - 78%, group B – 66% of the examined persons), which begins in the very first grades of elementary school. Early and regular truancy of the persons of group A was one of the symptoms of their maladjustment. Truancy is conducive to running away from home. The persons under scrutiny, particularly those of group A, had  been running away from home considerably often and for longer periods. 2. Among those who were employed, every second person in group A and every fifth person in group B worked casually only. They usually took jobs requiring low professional qualifications, as only few of them had any professional training (group A-38%, group B-62%). 6.1. Raven’s test was employed to estimate the level of intelligence of the persons examined. 53.6% of young adults of group A and 31.7% of group B scored low and very low (up to 25 centile). 10.3% of group A and 29.3% of  group B scored high and very high (centile 75 and more). The mean score was 35.4 in group A standard deviation: 9.87, and 41.1 in group B (standard deviation 10.09). The difference between both groups is significant (p < 0.01). Low scares on the Raven’s scale were often found among those persons whose level of education had been low, which was accompanied by a considerable school retardation. 2. To measure the level of extroversion and neurotism, Eysenck’s MPI scale was employed. The level of extroversion and neurotism among the young adult perpetrators of offences against property was not found to be higher than that of the average youth. 6.3. The level of aggressiveness was examined by means of the Buss-Durkee questionnaire. None of its scales differentiated significantly the persons of both groups. The mean total score was 61.7 (standard deviation 21.4) in group A and 61.06 (standard deviation 23.6) in group B. The data given below concern the persons of group A only, as the information obtained from those of group B as to the volume and frequency of drinking among them do not seem reliable. The analysis of statements of the subjects reveals that the percentage of teetotallers diminishes with age. The persons examined have been drinking large amounts of alcohol from their earliest years. 36% of them stated that they had drunk such quantities of various spirits at the age of 15, which converted  to 40 proof vodka would amount to 2.5 litres a month. From the age of 17 on, 60% of the persons drank over 2.5 litres of 40 proof alcohol a month. They  drank vodka as well as wine and beer, which leads relatively quickly to the “treshold of intoxication”. Mean yearly consumption of alcohol per 1 examined person was 34.2 litres at the age of 15, and increased sed from year to year to reach 113.7 litres yearly at the age of 19, which means that approximately 9.5 litres of 40 proof vodka were consumed monthly; this quantity goes far beyond the mean level of drinking by men at this age. 3/4 of the subjects can be recognized as excessive drinkers. A significant correlation was found between the excessive drinking among the persons under scrutiny and their early delinquency and recidivism. The highest percentage (40%) of the persons who did not drink excessively was found among those convicter once only, while the lowest (14.8%) was found among those who had 5 or more convictions. The analysis of the young adults’ information as to their , peer groups revealed that also their closest friends had been drinking excessively and often intoxicated. In February 1980, further convictions of the persons examined, then aged 25 on the average, were checked up again. As revealed by the analysis, the persons of group A (60%) still continued to commit offences and indeed many of them become multiple recidivists. The difference between the persons of groups A and B is significant (p < 0.001). 40% of the persons of group A and 67% of those of group B have not been convicted within the period of the follow-up. The majority of the persons under observation continued to commit offences against property. The courts have mainly adjudged the penalty of immediate imprisonment (group A - 92.3%, group B - 78.2%). Among those sentenced to immediate imprisonment there were in group A 57.1% sentenced to 2 years or less of imprisonment, and in group B - 93%. There was significant correlation (p < 0.01)between the convictions in juvenile courts and further convictions in the period of the follow-up. As the data reveal, group B towards which the sanctions other than immediate imprisonment were adjudicated, differed from the imprisoned group A as to the smaller extent and intensity of their offending -  also during the follow-up - and their lower degree of progress in the process of social maladjustment. However, there were quite many persons in group B as well (though less than in group A), who had been convicted as juveniles; they had  yet no convictions during the follow-up in a much highter percentage of cases than the subjects of group. A who had been convicted by the juvenile court previously. On the basis of the above information, criminal policy can be discussed as regards young adults found guilty of offences against property. One should not postulate a total abandonment of the penalty of immediate imprisonment, and yet, as shown by the above data, its adjudgement should be considerably limited. The limitation in question should concern first of all young adults convicted for the first time and socially demoralized to a small degree. Within the years 1970 -76 imprisonment was the measure most frequently adjudicated towards young adults. In the years 1970 - 1974 the percentage of young adults sentenced to immediate imprisonment increased regularly. It is only since 1975 that a favourable phenomenon of regular decrease of the percentage of adjudicated penalties of immediate imprisonment can be noticed, with simultaneous increase of the percentage of measures which are not connected with deprivation of liberty. As it seems, the application of immediate imprisonment towards young adults should undergo further limitations. When postulating the re-orientation of the criminal policy of the courts towards a maximum realization of the instructions of Art. 51of the Penal Code, one should also demand changes in the stage of execution of penalty. As indicated , by many studies of readaptive effectiveness of corrective schools and prisons, their influence is minimal and sometimes their resocializing activities are destructive for the convicted persons. Imprisonment causes a state of deprivation of essential physical and mental needs, destroys the ties of those convicted with their family, gives rise to socially negative patterns of prisoners’ subculture. In the present study also the offenders of group A were described, the considerable part of whom had been changing various types of institutions and prisons, first as juveniles, then as young adults, and the effects of these imprisonments were negative as measured by further convictions within the period of the follow-up. The information presented in this study concerning the family background of the persons of group A (particularly the alcoholism or excessive drinking of the fathers, which is frequent in these families), and information concerning the early and large social maladjustment of these persons, indicate a need to consider the problem of young adult perpetrators of offences against property not only in relation to the measures that should be adjudged and their execution. It is also of almost importance to consider the prevention of social maladjustment of this category of youth.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1982, VIII-IX; 403-445
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Public health management in a crisis situation: alcohol consumption in terms of socio-economic status
Zarządzanie zdrowiem publicznym w sytuacji kryzysowej: konsumpcja alkoholu w zakresie stanu społeczno-gospodarczego
Gavurova, Beata
Ivankova, Viera
Kubak, Matus
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Częstochowska
zarządzanie zdrowiem publicznym
podejmowanie decyzji
używanie substancji
spożywanie alkoholu
status społeczno-ekonomiczny
kryzys zdrowotny
public health management
substance use
alcohol consumption
socio-economic status
health crisis
In order to strengthen public health management, the main aim of the study was to identify possible changes in alcohol consumption during the health crisis, classified according to the socio-economic status of the Slovak population. The research sample consisted of 506 respondents (33% males and 67% females), and data were collected through an online questionnaire distributed from 29th of April 2020 to 1st July 2020. A crosstabulation showed that alcohol consumption did not change in about half of the respondents, while the majority of the remaining respondents reported a decrease in alcohol consumption compared to those who reported an increase. Females were more stable in their drinking than males. Correspondence analysis showed that high-income males (2500 to 2999 EUR) were more likely to drink excessively. Conversely, high-income females reported much less alcohol consumption. Health care professionals should pay increased attention to alcohol consumption in vulnerable groups at risk of developing an addiction. The findings of this study provide valuable information for improving public policy management and for effective decision-making in public health.
W celu wzmocnienia zarządzania zdrowiem publicznym, głównym celem badania była identyfikacja możliwych zmian w spożyciu alkoholu podczas kryzysu zdrowotnego, sklasyfikowanych według statusu społeczno-ekonomicznego ludności słowackiej. Próba badawcza składała się z 506 respondentów (33% mężczyzn i 67% kobiet), a dane zostały zebrane za pomocą ankiety internetowej rozprowadzanej od 29 kwietnia 2020 r. do 1 lipca 2020 r. Tabela krzyżowa wykazała, że spożycie alkoholu nie zmieniło się w około połowie badanych, podczas gdy większość pozostałych respondentów zgłosiła spadek spożycia alkoholu w porównaniu z tymi, którzy zgłosili wzrost. Kobiety były bardziej stabilne w piciu niż mężczyźni. Analiza korespondencji wykazała, że mężczyźni o wysokich dochodach (2500 do 2999 euro) częściej nadużywali alkoholu. Z drugiej strony kobiety o wysokich dochodach zgłaszały znacznie mniejsze spożycie alkoholu. Pracownicy służby zdrowia powinni zwracać większą uwagę na spożywanie alkoholu w grupach wrażliwych, zagrożonych uzależnieniem. Wyniki tego badania dostarczają cennych informacji na temat poprawy zarządzania polityką publiczną oraz skutecznego podejmowania decyzji w zakresie zdrowia publicznego.
Polish Journal of Management Studies; 2021, 24, 1; 80--95
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Management Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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