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Koncepcja tax expenditures w systemie podatkowym
Tax Expenditures in the Tax System
Wyszkowski, Adam
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie. Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych
tax expenditures
public finances
tax system
government spending
public spending efficiency
The paper discusses the use of what are known as tax expenditures in various member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), with a view to analyzing the scope of state aid in these countries. Tax expenditures are defined as losses to the Treasury from granting certain deductions, exemptions, or credits to specific categories of taxpayers. Tax breaks are one method that the government uses to promote certain policy objectives. Tax expenditures are an alternative to direct government spending on policy programs. A specific feature of this type of assistance is that it takes place through the revenue side of the budget and not through direct spending. In most countries, government revenue is predominately generated from taxes. This explains why tax expenditures are usually part of the tax system and take the form of various tax breaks, exemptions, deferments or credits. Their use leads to reduced tax burdens, thus being a hidden form of subsidizing specific policy objectives or groups of taxpayers. This invariably leads to a situation in which an increased part of public spending spins out of control and is not subject to standard budgetary rules, the author says. This form of assistance needs to be identified and evaluated properly, Wyszkowski says, because it leads to a lack of transparency in the government’s policies with regard to businesses and the public. The author analyzes this method of subsidizing in comparison with direct spending from the budget. In some cases, the use of tax expenditures in the tax system may prove to be more expensive than direct spending from the budget, according to Wyszkowski. An analysis of tax expenditures helps determine the effectiveness of specific government policies. This is especially important in the context of the ongoing debate on reforming the public finance system, Wyszkowski says.
Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics; 2010, 242, 9; 65-82
Pojawia się w:
Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Spending Reviews – a Tool to Support the Effcient Management of Public Funds
Postuła, Marta
Data publikacji:
Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie
public fnance
spending reviews
Spending Reviews – a Tool to Support the Effcient Management of Public Funds
Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe; 2017, 2; 63-90
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Structural Pensions and Earlier Retirements
Renty strukturalne a wcześniejsze emerytury
Łuczka-Bakuła, Władysława
Jabłońska-Porzuczek, Lidia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
Pension benefits
Government spending
Poland, undertaking the activities aiming at rural areas development has introduced structural pensions. These pensions increase the income level of rural areas inhabitants as well as the competitiveness and rentability of agriculture. Moreover, the structural pensions influence the decrease of state expenditure on insurance paid out by Agricultural Social Insurance Fund (ASIF).
Polska w ramach prowadzonej w Unii Europejskiej Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej podjęła działania w zakresie restrukturyzacji i modernizacji sektora żywnościowego oraz rozwoju obszarów wiejskich. W tym celu są stosowane instrumenty sprzyjające poprawie struktury agrarnej, a mianowicie renty strukturalne. W początkowym okresie można było zaobserwować małe zainteresowanie tymi świadczeniami. Z pewnością było to spowodowane ograniczonymi kryteriami dostępu do programu rent strukturalnych oraz funkcjonowaniem w Polsce świadczeń o podobnym charakterze, jakimi są wcześniejsze emerytury. Jednakże stopniowo liczba osób korzystających z programu rent strukturalnych wzrasta. Świadczenia te zachęcają rolników w wieku przedemerytalnym do zaprzestania prowadzenia działalności rolniczej i przekazania użytków rolnych osobom młodym. Ponadto przyczyniają się do wzrostu dochodów ludności wiejskiej zarówno starszej, która zrezygnowała z prowadzenia gospodarstw rolnych, jak i młodszej, która uzyskuje wyższe dochody z działalności rolniczej. Jednocześnie renty strukturalne zmniejszają wydatki państwa na świadczenia długoterminowe wypłacane przez KRUS.
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development; 2006, 5, 377; 191-201
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Absolute value and diversity of household spending: analysis on International Comparison Program (ICP) 2011 data
Verba, Denys
Kudinova, Alevtyna
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badań Gospodarczych
household spending
entropy of consumption basket
consumption patterns
consumer choice
grouping of household spending categories
Research background: This article investigates the connection between consumer?s budget growth and diversification of household spending. The main question of research is ?are there new drivers of modern processes of consumer spending's diversification, at a time when spending on food has reached the minimum share in the consumer budget. Purpose of the article: The objective of the article is to clarify the hypothesis about the existence of a certain limit of income (and consumer spending) after which the growing of consumer?s purchasing capacity loses power of influence on spending diversity. Methods: Theil entropy index was used for measuring the diversity of household spending. This index was defined as a sum of within-group and between-group entropy, which allows for comparing the diversification of household spending in two aggregate groups of expenditure, which were formed by the authors. The Workings? equation was used for modeling the spending entropy?s dependence on their absolute value. Two categories of household spending were regrouped (consolidated) by us through forming a group more related to the development of human economic potential (SMRHD) and less related to these processes (SLRHD). The research was done on the basis of ICP (2011) data, which covers 178 countries and refers to 2011 year ? the latest available on the moment of the article was completed. Findings & Value added: The results obtained in this research confirmed that there is a limit of household spending?s size, beyond which further increasing of consumers? economic opportunities loses a significant impact on the diversity of consumption spending. However, the weakening of the link between size of spending and its entropy reflects impact of two qualitative differenced factors. The first is relatively much more radical decrease of spending growth influence on within-group entropy for SLRHD. The second ? is relatively much less significant decrease of entropy?s sensitivity to spending growth for SMRHD. Such results reflect the increase in the importance of "non-functional demand components", which reduces the capacity of data on functional distribution of household expenditures to characterize the extent of their diversification.
Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy; 2019, 14, 1; 99-127
Pojawia się w:
Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The influence of macroeconomic factors on the financial expenditures and development of the marketing research
Tarka, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Advertising spending
Macroeconomic factors
Market research industry
This article diagnoses the selected macroeconomic factors, such as: rate of unemployment, inflation, GDP, spending power of the households, and characterizes their indirect impact on the enterprises’ market research expenditures and research industry turnovers. The problems of financial expenditures, i.e., their allocation on the marketing researches (depending on the supply and demand market situational perspective in a given market) are also discussed. Moreover, as indicated in the article, enterprises are forced not only to cut their financial sources on the marketing research projects in unfavorable economic situation, but they choose different methods of the research.
Journal of Economics and Management; 2015, 22; 151-161
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Economics and Management
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wydatki na turystykę w budżecie polskich gospodarstw domowych
Spending on tourism in the budget of Polish households
Suchecki, Kajetan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Gospodarstwa domowe
W pracy przedstawiono miejsce wydatków na turystykę w strukturze budżetów polskich gospodarstw domowych, ich wybory i preferencje z tym związane. W artykule wykorzystano istniejącą literaturę przedmiotu oraz dane statystyczne GUS z lat 2007-2013. Za pomocą danych z opracowań GUS określono wydatki gospodarstw domowych na turystykę zorganizowaną i noclegi na poziomie 1,5%-1,8% w badanym okresie, a także oszacowano łączne wydatki na turystykę zorganizowaną i indywidualną w strukturze budżetu przeciętnego polskiego gospodarstwa domowego na poziomie niespełna 4%.
The work is expected to show a place of tourism spending in the structure of Polish households’ budgets, their choices and preferences associated with it. The article uses the existing literature and GUS statistics of 2007-2013. Using the data from the GUS studies identified household expenditure on organized tourism and accommodation – 1,5%-1,8% in researched period, as well as the estimated total expenditure on organized tourism in the structure of the budget of the average Polish household, less than 4%.
Studia Ekonomiczne; 2016, 302; 186-196
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The effect of business strategy on r&d expenditure and firm performance – evidence from Taiwan
Nga, Tran Thi Thanh
Vy, The Hoang
Pham, Khanh Duy
Data publikacji:
business strategy
firm performance
R&D spending
This paper aims to investigate the effect of generic strategy on R&D spending and the impact of R&D spending on firms’ performance conditional on their strategic position. This empirical study uses accounting data of 597 listed Taiwanese firms in the manufacturing industry from 2013 to 2017. The data was obtained from Taiwan Economic Journal (TEJ) database. The results indicate that firms that adopt a differentiation strategy have more R&D spending than companies with a cost leadership strategy. Furthermore, the authors find that R&D spending positively affects firms’ performance if they pursue a differentiation strategy. Meanwhile, the relationship between R&D spending and firm performance forms an inverted U-shape for those who adopt a cost leadership strategy. First, for firms adopting the differentiation strategy, the investment in R&D is critical because the more investment on R&D these firms spend, the better performance they will gain. Second, for firms with a cost-leadership strategy, R&D spending is also essential to improve efficiency. However, they should allocate the budgets wisely and reasonably, as controlling cost is the main focus of this strategy to keep their competitive advantages. This study examines the relationship between R&D spending, business strategy, and firm performance in Taiwan. Further, the study suggests that manufacturing firms in Taiwan allocate their resources wisely and efficiently according to their system.
Management Systems in Production Engineering; 2022, 1 (30); 80--90
Pojawia się w:
Management Systems in Production Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wydatkowa reguła dyscyplinująca (WRD) i stabilizująca reguła wydatkowa (SRW) oraz stanowisko Komisji Europejskiej w zakresie ograniczeń co do tempa wzrostu wydatków
The disciplinary spending rule, the stabilising spending rule and the European Commission’s position on limits to the rate of growth of spending
Szpringer, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Kancelaria Sejmu. Biuro Ekspertyz i Oceny Skutków Regulacji
public finances
European Union
The article presents the assumptions and objectives of both rules and the reasons for the replacement of the disciplinary spending rule by the stabilising spending rule in 2013. These included, among others, the limited scope of the adopted solutions and the need to automatically prepare public finances for periods of bad economic situation. The author also presents the position of the European Commission with regard to the rate of spending growth in 2021–2023. She indicates that this position has been variable over the years. The author presents the recommendations addressed to Poland by the Council of the European Union with regard to the conduct of fiscal policy.
Zeszyty Prawnicze BAS; 2023, 4(80); 221-253
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Prawnicze BAS
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Digitalisation of public procurement: The case study of Ukraine
Synyutka, Nataliya
Kurylo, Oksana
Bondarchuk, Mariya
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
public spending
public procurement
e-procurement platform ProZorro
Theoretical background: There is an ongoing global acceleration of automation and digitalisation in financial processes, which points to significant changes in public spending policies. After an analysis of several scientific studies, fundamental approaches have been elaborated to understand public consumption and the system of state purchases. The basic hypothesis for this research was to study the possible impact of the electronic procurement market ProZorro on state purchases in Ukraine. Possible directions are: increasing competitiveness, optimising state expenditures and saving the budget funds of public services based on innovative digital technology.Purpose of the article: The main goal is to investigate the impact of the electronic public procurement system ProZorro on corruption and bureaucracy in the public sector of Ukraine. The study object is an analysis of the volume and structure of the public procurement market, the number of procedures and participants in a bidding process, and the savings amounts in ProZorro’s public purchases during the study period in Ukraine.Research methods: The following methods were used during the research of the Ukrainian electronic procurement system: dialectical method; analysis and synthesis method – for a comparison of certain types of public procurement; subthreshold and suprathreshold statistical methods – for analysing the dynamics of indicators of the domestic system of public procurement during the period under research for a comparison of the indicators of public consumption of certain ministries and departments, different regions and territorial entities; structural and logical analysis – for generalising the theoretical and methodological principles of building a public consumption system in Ukraine. The main source of data was the data and analytical base of the ProZorro electronic public procurement system.Main findings: Effects of the innovative digital paradigm on the transparency and efficiency of public procurement are determined. Considerable attention is paid to the implementation of the electronic public procurement system ProZorro in Ukraine. The expediency is substantiated for its implementation in the national practice of budget expenditures, and the principles and procedures of implementation are analysed. The practice and dynamics of the public procurement market in Ukraine are summarised. The conclusions of the advantages of electronic system are provided, including transparency and impartiality, stimulation of competition and non-discrimination of bidding participants, reduction of corruption and the effect of reducing the savings of budget funds. Potential risks, threats and disadvantages of the ProZorro system in Ukraine are highlighted. Among them are: a high proportion of non-competitive procedures; possible latent conflict regarding the participants’ interests; unreasonable time spent on individual procedures; the justification of the procurement procedure to one participant due to a dubious “urgent need”; unreasonable application of the procurement procedure to one participant due to the falsification of conditions or the division of the procurement subject; the existence of discriminatory requirements in the documentation of competitive bidding; and a lack of efficiency in the complaints handling mechanism.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio H – Oeconomia; 2019, 53, 3; 61-71
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio H – Oeconomia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
COMPARATIVE STUDY OF ECONOMIC BUDGET OF PODKARPACIE IN GMINAS BETWEEN THE YEAR 1999-2008 (Analiza porównawcza gospodarki budzetowej gmin województwa podkarpackiego w latach 1999-2008)
Strojny, Jacek
Skica, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania z siedzibą w Rzeszowie
This article deals with the economic budget of local governments units. This paper includes the study of local government units in the Podkarpacie region and the main subject of the article are evolution directions of income policy and government spending in 'gminas' (communes). The analysis of local government finance between the years 1999-2008 emphasizes the changes in the priorities of public spending. Reorientation are not only trends, also the nature of realizing budgetary economy. As a result, it seems a reasonable approach to the revision of these changes.and analysis of their substrate. Not without significance is the impact of legislative amendments to change the financial management local government units. The article outlines the above subjects and the nature of its deliberations in a way that reflects the theme of comprehensive changes taking place in local government finance.
Finansowy Kwartalnik Internetowy e-Finanse; 2010, 6, 2; 76-87
Pojawia się w:
Finansowy Kwartalnik Internetowy e-Finanse
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Defense Spending as a Determinant of Poland’s Military Strength
Sałek-Imińska, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego i Indywidualnego Apeiron w Krakowie
defense spending
state military strength
state budget
The purpose of the study is to analyze the level of Poland’s defense spending in the years 2008–2018, in the context of their impact on the military strength of the state. The research question of this study is whether the amount of defense spending included in the state budget is a determinant of Poland’s military strength. In accordance with the methodology adopted by NATO, the analysis includes the following aspects: total planned and executed defense spending, the share of defense spending in the state budget spending, the relation of defense spending to the GDP growth rate, and the share of defense spending in GDP. In analyzing Poland’s military strength, a world military strength ranking, Global Firepower, was used. The result of the research is that the most important factors that impact the military strength of individual state economies include the amount of budget spending incurred for the functioning and modernization of the armed forces.
Security Dimensions; 2020, 33(33); 118-131
Pojawia się w:
Security Dimensions
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Political alignment and the allocation of the COVID-19 response funds-evidence from municipalities in Poland
Matuszak, Piotr
Totleben, Bartosz
Piątek, Dawid
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
political alignment
COVID-19 response funds
public spending
This paper aims to analyse the allocation of the COVID-19 response funds from the perspective of the political alignment hypothesis. eTh authors focus on the allocation of the second and third rounds of the Governmental Fund for Local Investments (part of the COVID-19 Response Fund) in Poland. Using the logit and OLS models and the regression discontinuity design the authors show that mayors aligned with the central government were significantly more likely to receive the funds, as well as in higher per capita values, than mayors aligned with the opposition or unaligned with any party in parliament when the allocation was based on a discretionary decision. eTh results support the political alignment hypothesis and highlight the danger of partiality in the allocation of the COVID-19 response funds.
Economics and Business Review; 2022, 8, 1; 50-71
Pojawia się w:
Economics and Business Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Impact of performance budgeting on the structure of expenditure: the experiences of euro area countries
Postuła, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
public spending
performance budgeting
fiscal adjustment
public services
Goal – The aim of the paper is to assess to what degree the advancement in the implementation of instruments from the area of the so-called performance budgeting contributes to the rational management of public expenditure structure. Research methodology – Qualitative research based on descriptive analysis using extensive subject literature (chiefly foreign) composed of monographs, journals, scientific studies, and reports of international institutions helps the author solve research problems and achieve the paper’s objective. Among the methods used are also deductive and inductive reasoning, and comparative analysis. Qualitative studies employ the method of systemizing statistical information, based on analysis of reference statistical data, and the methodology of statistical dependence. Score – The research results show that irrespective of the detailed legal provisions introduced at the EU level under the modified Stability and Growth Pact, the decisions regarding the structure of expenditures are made on the basis of election platforms. The structure of expenditures cannot be modelled because it depends on the political decisions made in individual countries. Additionally, no impact of performance budgeting on the structure of expenditures in the euro area countries has been found. The two identified groups-spending on defense and housing policy – are rigid expenditures and cannot be part of fiscal consolidation in the short term. Uniqueness/value – Not only does the paper discuss concepts related to the models of contemporary economic processes, but it also contributes to the debate on the extent of state interference in the sector of financial institutions in the global economy. The conducted research is an original attempt to explain the mechanism of the analysed phenomenon and to illustrate its progress in the changing economic environment.
Optimum. Economic Studies; 2018, 3(93); 143-158
Pojawia się w:
Optimum. Economic Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Impact of shadow economy and corruption on tax efficiency
Buszko, Andrzej
Skorwider-Namiotko, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie. Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów
shadow economy
social spending
Shadow economy exists in any economy, having a substantial impact on legal economy. It can be conducted separately, but most often it brings about significant consequences to the economic order. It is, therefore, very important to identify the relationships among factors fostering shadow economy. The universal roots of shadow economy are generally recognised, but there is still a considerable area left to be explored. Even though much attention is paid to taxes as the main cause of shadow economy, few investigations have been dedicated to tax effectiveness in terms of social budget expenditure versus total budget revenue. The aim of the study was to investigate the dependence between social budget spending and shadow economy performance. The MIMIC approach was employed to assess the level of shadow economy in selected OECD countries. Furthermore, the correlation between overall tax burdens and shadow economy was estimated. Moreover, the correlation between social spending and tax burdens was assessed. The correlation value between overall social budget expenditure and shadow economy was calculated to be high, at – 0.6682. This means quite a strong negative correlation. The higher level of social spending reduces shadow economy performance. However, the correlation level between overall tax burdens and shadow economy is positive, reaching the level of 0.4458. There is a very strong positive correlation between overall tax burdens and social budget spending, estimated at 0.8984. Based upon the results, it can be concluded that close attention should be paid to tax effectiveness and its relationship with shadow economy performance.
Journal of Management and Financial Sciences; 2021, 42; 9-24
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Management and Financial Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The determinants of local public spending on culture
Kopańska, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych
fiscal decentralisation
municipal spending on culture
expenditure demand model
Municipalities in Poland are important makers of local cultural life. Municipalities organise and fund public cultural entities: libraries, houses of culture and so on. They decide on 70% of public spending on culture. The local spending on culture was grown in the past years. But the level of this spending varies between municipalities. The aim of this study is to find determinants of these differences. Public spending on culture is important in less-developed or peripheral regions where citizens do not have access to private cultural institutions. That is why this study focuses on rural municipalities. In econometric panel model, 1,565 units and their operational spending on culture in the years 2002–2014 is analysed. Four groups of potential determinants of spending are analysed: characteristics of local society, the financial condition of local government, characteristics of local politicians and the factors that influence the costs of cultural services. Such an approach has roots in the median voter model and is widely used in the analysis of decentralised spending, but the studies related to cultural spending are rare. To my knowledge, there is no such analysis for Poland or other East European countries. This study proved that an expenditure demand model is good for the analysis of local spending. This kind of analysis can help to understand local spending’s variation. It also helps to design the proper revenues equalisation system.
Central European Economic Journal; 2018, 5, 52; 67 - 80
Pojawia się w:
Central European Economic Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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