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"Droga ta była ciężka, lecz została stopniowo pokonana". Dzieje polityczne i społeczne Andrychowa w latach 1945-1950
"It was a long way, yet the hardships were gradually overcome". The political and social history of Andrychów in the years 1945-1950.
Matyjasik, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Wadowickie Centrum Kultury im. Marcina Wadowity
political history
social history
The topic of this article is Andrychów’s history after World War II. The time-frame includes the events from 1945 (the city’s liberation by the Red Army and the creation of the communist system in Andrychów) to 1950 (the beginnings of the Six-Year Plan). The purpose of the article is to present the postwar history of Andrychów regarding the city’s political and social history over the examined period. The article was divided into two parts. In the first part – Political life – I presented the politcal situation in the city after its liberation in January 1945. The Polish Worker’s Party (Polska Partia Robotnicza, PPR) was active in 1944 in Andrychów. Thanks to the fact that the German army was driven out of Andrychów by the Red Army, the Polish Worker’s Party could begin its activity. The political situation had an influence over the politics of the Andrychów’s authorities. In 1946 was hold a referendum „Three Time Yes referendum” in Andrychów. At the beginning of the year 1948, the most important parties in the city – the Polish Socialist Party (Polska Partia Socjalistyczna, PPS) and the PPR strived for unification. Andrychów’s authorities were fighting with the anti-communist resistance. The inhabitants, however, were also affected by the repressions. In the second part – Social life – I described the most important social problems of Andrychów’s inhabitants after the war. As the social life is concerned, the communist authorities were well-disposed towards certain pursuits of Andrychów’s inhabitants. In 1948, a radio network was installed in the city. In 1949, the authorities tried to establish a seondary school.
Wadoviana. Przegląd historyczno-kulturalny; 2017, 20; 55-86
Pojawia się w:
Wadoviana. Przegląd historyczno-kulturalny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Scientific Belts as a Factor of National Integration on Polands Leaders at the time of the 19th and 20th centuries
Cabaj, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach
Political history
Social history
19th Century
In the second half of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century Polish scientific and professional communities took action to tighten contacts between compatriots living in the area of the three partitioning powers, and the emigration. This was a response to the unsuccessful attempts at regaining independence by using weapons. Engaging in scientific activity and building relations were supposed to replace the armed struggle. It meant that connections were established between Polish scientific societies, and first of all, conventions were organised. The initiatives taken on this forum served the development of Polish science and helped Poles to act collectively, which gradually assumed an organised form embracing the three partitions. Polish scholars also aspired to establish a common representation on the international forum. Such initiatives taken by scientific and professionalcommunities largely contributed to the restoration of independent Poland.
Historia i Świat; 2018, 7; 209-219
Pojawia się w:
Historia i Świat
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Nie chodzi o to, czy nienawidzi czy nie. Muzułmanie mu przeszkadzali” – kategoria zakłócenia w narracjach o muzułmanie w literaturze Szoa
“It is not important whether he hates or not. Muselmänner disturbed him”– a Category of Disturbance in the Narrations about a Muselmann in the Literature of the Shoah
Bock, Dennis
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
competitive narrations
social history
In the literary recollections of camp survivors the figure of the Muselmann is a recurring motif. The author puts forward a thesis about the existence of a dominating, prototypical narration about a Muselmann, which occurs not only in literary texts but also in scholarly studies. The questioning of the exemplary forms of depicting a Muselmann may lead to irritation and evoke in readers the feeling of “disturbance”. The re-enactment of such disturbances possesses a hidden analytical potential, as it reveals routinized and partly problematic cultural structures of reception and cquisition apparent especially in the context of post-catastrophic narrations and remembrance of the Shoah.
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka; 2015, 25; 137-163
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Is Nicolaus Copernicus still mysterious? Images from the life of the astronomer on the eve of the 550th anniversary of his birth
Mikołaj Kopernik wciąż tajemniczy? Obrazki z życia astronoma w przededniu 550. rocznicy urodzin
Mikulski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Nicolaus Copernicus
Late Medieval Period
social history
historical anniversary
This article is a summary of the author's research into the background, social environment and other elements of Nicolaus Copernicus' biography. The author draws attention to the genesis of the dispute over the astronomer's “nationality” and emphasises his nineteenth-century origins. The author points to the influ- ence of the partitions of Poland on the one hand, and the rise of German nationa- lism on the other, as the main reasons for its emergence. He emphasises the fact of Copernicus' loyalty to the Polish king and, consequently, Copernicus' histo- rically understood “Polishness”. The author discusses the history of the astrono- mer's home town - Toruń, its economic and political role in the 13–16th centuries and, in particular, the commercial confederation linking the city and its merchants with Western and Northern Europe, the lands of the Polish Kingdom, Upper Hungary (today's Slovakia) and Silesia. These links indicate the causes and directions of merchant migration that led to the appearance of the Copernicus family in Toruń. The author put forward a thesis on the Westphalian origin of the family of Nicolaus Copernicus' mother, Watzenrode. The family came from the village of Wazerath (in the 15th century Watzenrode), situated near the German- Belgian border. The Watzenrode family arrived in Toruń in the first half of the Mikołaj Kopernik wciąż tajemniczy? 89 14th century together with a wave of migrants from Westphalian towns with Soest and Dortmund at the head. Of the 8 great-grandmothers of Copernicus, 6 came from families directly descended from Westphalia, one from Ruthenia, and one from Livonia. The Watzenrode family belonged to the elite of Toruń's patri- cians - three of its members were local councillors and three jurors, and five of its representatives went on to study at university. There was a tradition in the fa- mily of striving to achieve high social prestige through a clerical career for its members, taken from John Abezier, and continued by the astronomer's uncle, Łukasz Watzenrode, both bishops of Warmia. The astronomer's father's family came from Silesia, not from the village of Koperniki, but from the town of Nysa. The surname “Copernicus” had a professional character, being connected with the mining or processing of copper. In Nysa the Koperniks were recorded in the bench book under the name “Kopersmed”, which was a translation of their Slavic surname into the official language of the books – German. Considered in earlier literature to be the astronomer's grandfather, John Copernicus was probably his father Andrew's cousin. However, he played a significant role in the life of the astronomer's family. It was probably thanks to Jan Nicolaus Copernicus that his father went from Nysa to Cracow for a merchant apprenticeship to Jan Sweid- niczer, and later, thanks to the relationship with this merchant, he went to Prussia and settled in Toruń. Nicolaus Copernicus was not the youngest child in his family. This misconception was caused by the order in which the children of Nicolaus and Barbara Copernicus were listed in a genealogical table prepared by the Gdańsk writer Stanisław Bornbach. Earlier biographers of Copernicus con- sidered this order to be chronological, whereas it was alphabetical. In contem- porary sources Nicolaus appears twice before his brother Andrew (never in re- verse order), which is sufficient evidence for the recognition of his seniority in relation to his brother. The astronomer was born in Toruń, but not in the tene- ment house at 15 Kopernik Street, where today there is a part of the museum devoted to him. This house belonged to the astronomer's family in the years 1458–1480, but probably already in 1468 they moved to the tenement house at 36 Rynek Staromiejski, half of which belonged to the Watzenrode family already at the end of the 14th century, and the other half was bought by the astronomer's father in 1468. Anna Schilling, hailed in literature as the “lady of the heart” of the astronomer approaching the end of his days, was most probably his cousin from Gdańsk. She was the daughter of Nicolaus Copernicus' cousin. She lived in From- bork as a widow, rather as a carer of her elderly and probably already ailing cou- sin. The question of Copernicus' place of rest in Frombork Cathedral is still open. The identification of his remains still raises some doubts among researchers, especially anthropologists and geneticists. Despite these reservations, the author concludes that our knowledge of Nicolaus Copernicus' background, youth and private life on the eve of his 550th birthday is much greater than it was even several decades after his death and only a few years ago
Nauka; 2022, 1; 73-92
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wdowy w universum wczesnych chrześcijan – trzy perspektywy badawcze
Nakonieczny, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
wczesne chrześcijaństwo
historia społeczna
early Christianity
social history
W niniejszym tekście przedstawione zostały wnioski z analizy metabadawczej tematu sytuacji wdowy w społeczności wczesnych chrześcijan. Temat ten badany jest współcześnie co najmniej w trzech perspektywach. Jest on bowiem nadal interesujący dla historyków badających rozwój gmin wczesnochrześcijańskich. Po drugie sytuacja kobiet (w tym wdów) stanowi bardzo interesujące pole badawcze dla autorów nurtu krytycznego (nie zawsze zdecydowanie feministycznego), którzy zastanawiają się nad możliwością alternatywnej rekonstrukcji stosunków społecznych. Założeniem tych badań bywa przyjęcie, iż wysoka pierwotnie pozycja kobiet w gminie chrześcijańskiej stopniowo ulegała umniejszeniu. Szczególny akcent postawiono jednak w tym studium na trzeci aspekt badawczy, jakim jest ukazanie sytuacji wdowy w świecie starożytnym (biblijnym, hellenistycznym, wczesnochrześcijańskim) jako impulsu do głębokiego namysłu nad naszym stosunkiem do jednostek ex definitione najsłabszych. Zaliczają się do nich – podobnie jak w przeszłości – samotne starsze kobiety (często owdowiałe). Liczne prace współczesne postulują podjęcie wysiłku, by nie dopuścić do ich marginalizacji i osamotnienia. Domaga się tego antropologia chrześcijańska i właściwie rozumiana cnota solidarności – bez wykluczania kogokolwiek. Jedną z możliwości realizacji takiego celu może być reaktywacja stanu wdów we współczesnych wspólnotach chrześcijańskich.
This article presents the findings of a metascientific analysis of the topic of the widow's situation in the early Christian community. This topic is studied today from at least three perspectives. It is still interesting for historians studying the development of early Christian communities. Secondly, the situation of women (including widows) is a very interesting field of research for authors of the critical school (not always definitely feminist) wondering about the possibility of an alternative reconstruction of social relations. The assumption of these studies is often that the originally high position of women in the Christian community was gradually diminished. A special emphasis in this study however is placed on the third research aspect, which is the presentation of the widows' situation in the ancient world (biblical, Hellenistic, early Christian) as an impulse for a deep reflection on our attitude to the weakest individuals. These include – as in the past – lonely and elderly women (often widowed). Numerous contemporary studies postulate that efforts should be made to prevent their marginalization and loneliness. This is demanded by Christian anthropology and the properly understood virtue of solidarity - without excluding anyone. One possibility for the realization of such an objective may be the reactivation of the orders of widows in contemporary Christian communities.
Vox Patrum; 2022, 83; 7-20
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Food, Housing, Work, Retirement: Resourcefulness in Everyday Life as an Element of the Functioning of Society and the Economy in the People’s Republic of Poland (Selected Aspects)
Jarosz, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Poland after II WW
social history
everyday life
The article attempts to determine the usefulness of the concept of resourcefulness for research in the field of social history of the People’s Republic of Poland. On the basis of examples concerning problems with provisions, housing, professional work and retirement benefits, an analysis of specific issues was made, where this resourcefulness manifested itself particularly intensively. The research shows that in many cases it was pathological. It meant a strategy of behavior consisting in achieving the assumed goals by individuals or various groups of people using means that are in conflict with the norms, rules, procedures accepted as appropriate in a given political and socio-economic order.
Studia Historiae Oeconomicae; 2023, 41, 1; 29-52
Pojawia się w:
Studia Historiae Oeconomicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pogranicza i punkty wspólne – historia Kościoła, historia społeczna i historia kultury w epoce staropolskiej: możliwości badań (wybrane przykłady)
Borderlands and Common Points – the History of the Church, Social and Cultural History in the Old Polish Era: Research Prospects (Selected Examples)
Jabłońska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
historia społeczna
historia kultury
historia Kościoła
social history
cultural history
history of the Church
Artykuł ma na celu pokazanie punktów wspólnych historii Kościoła, historii społecznej i historii kultury na przykładzie epoki staropolskiej oraz zróżnicowanych perspektyw badawczych. Punkt wyjścia stanowi historia Kościoła i źródła typowo kościelne o określonym charakterze, które przy nowym ujęciu mogą stwarzać wiele innych niż tradycyjne możliwości badań. Konieczna jest jednak interdyscyplinarność oraz sięgnięcie do socjologii i antropologii kulturowej. Ze względu na obszerność zagadnienia zostało ono przedstawione na podstawie kilku wybranych przykładów. Ukazano propozycje wykorzystania ksiąg wizytacyjnych, ksiąg brackich oraz ksiąg chrztów pod kątem historii społecznej i historii kultury. Do efektów takiego działania należy rekonstrukcja instytucji oraz poszczególnych grup społecznych, ich struktury, interakcji, hierarchii, systemu wartości i kontroli oraz form działania. Wspólny mianownik wielu płaszczyzn stanowi natomiast kultura (np. idee, mentalność, religijność). Połączenie historii Kościoła, historii społecznej i historii kultury daje możliwość lepszego zrozumienia społeczeństwa, jego charakteru oraz funkcjonowania w epoce staropolskiej.
This paper aims to show common points in the history of the Church and social and cultural history on the example of the Old Polish era as well as diversified research perspectives. The starting point is the history of the Church and ecclesiastical historical sources of a certain type, which may, with the new approach, create many non-traditional research opportunities. Interdisciplinarity and referring to sociology and cultural anthropology is crucial. Due to the complexity of the issue, it has been presented on a few selected examples. The possible use of visiting books, confraternity books or baptism books when describing social and cultural history was shown. The results include, among others, the reconstruction of institutions and particular social groups, their structure, interactions, hierarchy, values, system of control and forms of action. Culture is a common ground of those many layers (ideas, mentality, and religiousness among others). A bridge between history of the Church and social and cultural history allows for a better understanding of the society, its character and functioning in the Old Polish era.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2022, 70, 2; 41-53
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fehér, Andrea
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
women history female crime infanticide witchcraft sodomy death penalty social history of crime
The purpose of this presentation is to address the issue of female criminality in early modern Cluj, and to analyze women’s position before the law. Our investigation is based on the records of the secular Court from the town Cluj, where we have identified more than 250 cases of women accused of fornication, adultery, witchcraft, infanticide, theft and drunkenness, poisoning, swearing and slander. There were a significant number of female convictions during the century, from which most ended with light sentences, such as banishment, corporal punishments, stigmatizations with hot iron, mutilations and only occasionally death. We would like to analyze in detail the types of crime  and their punishments presenting the legal background, the jurisdiction and the habitual practices of the Court. We would also like to underline the importance of the narrative strategies used in these inquisitorial trials, since our documents reveal female criminality from a male perspective, as in these times men ran the legal system, consequently the Court records, in our reading contain moral, legal and sexual elements of a male discourse on female crime.
Journal of Education Culture and Society; 2015, 6, 2; 33-42
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education Culture and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Od izolacji do leczenia. Ewolucja stosunku do psychicznie chorych w dziewiętnastowiecznych Prusach na przykładzie funkcjonowania Prowincjonalnego Zakładu dla Chorych Psychicznie w Darłowie (1841–1900)
From Isolation to Treatment: Evolution of Attitudes towards the Mentally Ill in the Nineteenth-Century Prussia, as Seen in the Case of the Provincial Department for the Mentally Ill in Darłowo (1841–1900)
Chróściak, Emil
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
social history
history of medicine
mental ward
mental disorders
nineteenth century
The situation of the mentally ill changed significantly at the end of the eighteenth and in the nineteenth century, the era that saw a gradual dissemination of humanitarian ideas. In Prussia, the humanitarian reforms began in the early nineteenth century and resulted in the establishment of several institutions for the mentally ill, which were to appear in all provinces of the Hohenzollern monarchy. One of these facilities was the institution in Darłowo (Rügenwalde), which was established in 1842. The aim of the paper is to answer the question whether the humanitarian proposals were implemented in practice. To date, Polish researchers have studied these issues only in the context of the Province of Silesia and Province of Posen. The application of the comparative method and the analysis of the documents, including rules and guidelines for the facility in Darłowo, have demonstrated that the implementation of the reforms in the Province of Pomerania was significantly delayed. The facility in Darłowo was not meant as an institution for treating patients with mental illness until the 1860s. The organisation of the staff, little or no variety in categorising patients, and slim chances of leaving the facility indicate that its main aim was to isolate patients from the society. The humanitarian ideas can be deemed to have been implemented only as of 1863, i.e. after the institution had been reorganised. It was then that the main task of the facility became to effectively and non-violently treat the mentally ill and enable their return to society.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2020, 85, 2; 95-112
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kobiety z okresu socjalizmu w ujęciu oral history – metodologiczne wyzwania badań interdyscyplinarnych.
Women from the period of socialism in oral history – methodological challenges for interdisciplinary studies
Wachowiak, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
historie mówione
społeczna historia kobiet
oral stories
social history of women
Czy naprawdę dokonał się awans kobiet w socjalizmie? Aby odpowiedzieć na to pytanie, warto przyjrzeć się, jakie prace z tego zakresu powstały wówczas w socjologii. Zwartych monografii, rezultatów prac empirycznych było mało. Uderza ograniczony katalog tematów, takich jak: przemiany rodziny w warunkach industrializacji i urbanizacji, pozycja zawodowa kobiet a rodzina, procesy laicyzacji rodziny, modele rodziny w środowisku robotniczym, rodziny w Polsce Ludowej, rodzina wielkomiejska, współczesna rodzina, kobieta – dom – praca oraz oczywiście dominujący motyw pracy zawodowej kobiet. Opracowania te zupełnie nie oddają głosu samym kobietom. Ukierunkowana analiza tych całkiem niedawno powstałych historii mówionych kobiet żyjących w Polsce w komunizmie oraz wywiadów własnych uzyskanych w trakcie realizacji omawianego projektu stanowiła główny problem badawczy projektu: „Odbudować przeszłość, aby uzyskać przyszłość. Narracje kobiet o życiu w komunizmie”. Dylematy metodologiczne, które wynikały z interdyscyplinarności zespołu realizującego ten projekt, stanowiły dominujący wątek zaprezentowanego artykułu. Głównym jego wnioskiem jest to, że postulat pracy w interdyscyplinarnym zespole jest bardzo na czasie. Zarazem realizacja projektów historii społecznej kobiet może dokonywać się według różnych paradygmatów, które czasami stoją wobec siebie w opozycji. Umiejętność elastycznego ich łączenia stanowi o sile takich projektów, jak i o ich wynikach.
Did women’s promotion in socialism really happen? To answer this question, it is worth looking at what works in this field were created then in sociology. There were few compact monographs and results of empirical work. There is a limited catalog of topics such as: family transformation in the conditions of industrialization and urbanization, professional position of women and the family, processes of secularization of the family, family models in the workers’ milieu, families in People’s Poland, urban family, modern family, woman-home-work and obviously dominant motif of women’s professional work. These studies do not give voice to women themselves. A focused analysis of these quite recent stories of spoken women living in Poland under communism, as well as personal interviews obtained during the implementation of this project, was the main research problem of the project: Regaininh the future by rebuilding the past. Narratives of women living in communism. Methodological dilemmas that resulted from the interdisciplinary nature of the team implementing this project constituted the dominant theme of the presented article. His main conclusion is that the postulate of working in an interdisciplinary team is very timely. At the same time, women’s social history projects can be implemented according to various paradigms that sometimes stand in opposition to each other. The ability to combine them flexibly determines the strength of such projects as well as their results.
Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów; 2020, 21; 365-375
Pojawia się w:
Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problemy dzieci wymagających szczególnej opieki w Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej na przykładzie działalności ks. Henryka Szumana, ks. Wacława Blizińskiego i m. Elżbiety Róży Czackiej
Problems of children requiring special care in the Second Polish Republic on the basis of the activities of Fr. Henryk Szuman, priest Wacław Bliziński and mother Elżbieta Róża Czacka
Skotnicka-Palka, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
historia społeczna
dwudziestolecie międzywojenne
social history
interwar period
W dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym sytuacja dzieci była wypadkową wielu czynników, warunków ekonomicznych, społecznych i kulturalnych, w jakich żyły. Dzieci zmagające się z rozmaitymi problemami potrzebowały wsparcia ze strony różnego rodzaju instytucji opiekuńczych, zarówno świeckich, jak i kościelnych. W artykule zaprezentowano sytuację nieletnich w niepodległej Polsce, problemy, które ich dotykały, a także formy pomocy dzieciom wymagającym szczególnej opieki podejmowane przez ks. Henryka Szumana, ks. Wacława Blizińskiego oraz m. Elżbietę Różę Czacką. Wymienieni społecznicy troszczyli się o dzieci osierocone, zmagające się z niepełnosprawnością oraz zagrożone alkoholizmem. Starali się zaradzić ich problemom, tworząc instytucje pomocowe. Pieniądze na prowadzenie swojej działalności pozyskiwali od darczyńców. Korzystali także ze środków publicznych.
In the interwar period, the situation of children was the cumulation of many factors, including the economic, social and cultural conditions in which they lived. Children struggling with various problems needed support from various types of care institutions, both secular and church. The article presents the situation of children in independent Poland, the problems that affected them, as well as the forms of help provided to children requiring special care by Fr. Henryk Szuman, priest Wacław Bliziński and Mrs. Elżbieta Róża Czacka. The above-mentioned social activists cared for orphaned children, struggling with disabilities and exposed to the risks of alcoholism. They tried to solve their problems by creating aid institutions. They obtained money to run their activities from donors while also using public funds.
UR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences; 2023, 29, 4; 68-87
Pojawia się w:
UR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Królestwo Cypru jako obiekt zainteresowań państw śródziemnomorskich w latach 1192–1489. Próba zarysowania problemu
Burkiewicz, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
(Polish title: Królestwo Cypru jako obiekt zainteresowan panstw sródziemnomorskich w latach 1192-1489. Próba zarysowania). Under the rule of the French Lusignan dynasty, Cyprus quickly became the focus of interest to other countries: Sicily under the reign of the Hohenstaufen, Anjou and Aragon houses, Italian countries of Genoa, Venice and Duchy of Savoy, England and African Mamluk Sultanate. Initially the interest was based on political reasons, however, with the arrival of the Crusaders to the Holy Land and then the development of trade with Muslims there were economic reasons for seizing power over the island. What is more, the above deliberation clearly reveals the declining political position of the Lusignan dynasty who starting from the end of the 14thcentury could only observe how Mediterranean countries fought for control over Cyprus. After the death of Peter I of Cyprus (1359-1369), the most prominent king and the conqueror of Alexandria, the period of glory, when the island infl uenced international policy mostly - though not only - in the eastern region of the Mediterranean Sea, came to an end. From then on Cyprus was merely a subject of diplomatic, economic as well as military efforts and conflicts undertaken by Mediterranean countries. The present paper does not assume to exhaust the subject. However, it is an introduction to a broader research on the matter in question which is immensely relevant for depicting the medieval political and economic situation in the Mediterranean Sea region.
Prace Historyczne; 2010, 137
Pojawia się w:
Prace Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Instytucja zebrania ogólnego profesorów w państwowych szkołach akademickich II Rzeczypospolitej
Jastrzębski, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
The article describes the institution of the Professors' General Meeting which constituted the highest collegial self-government body at universities in the Second Polish Republic. The basic formal and legal conditions for the functioning of the institution are described. The body of the article is divided into six parts. The introduction points to the unique nature of the General Meeting in the context of Polish academic legislation of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century as well as the grounds for commencing the research from the date of 15 September 1920. Subsequently, the system of public academic education is described, including the classification of universities within the scope relevant for the subject of the research, and academic privileges considered unique in comparison with other research and education units are specified. The second chapter discusses the institution of the Professors' General Meeting and its three stages of development that can be identified in the interwar period. The author also analyzes the member roster and its changes in time as well as the impact that the academic groups (teachers, administrative employees and students, including all ranks and categories) exercised upon the functioning of the university, comparing the 1920-1939 period and the Third Polish Republic. The next chapter describes the basic procedures of the Professors' General Meeting. The further deliberations concern the detailed competences of the body with special emphasis put on the reduction of these competences and their classification in terms of dependence on or independence from the approval of the Minister of Religious Denominations and Public Education. Additionally, the specific character of the Professors' General Meeting in one-faculty universities in 1933-1937 is also discussed since the rights of that body in such cases were extended by the responsibilities of the faculty council and the university senate. The article is concluded with a summary of basic facts from the history of the institution of the Professors' General Meeting at public universities in the interwar Poland and an attempt to explain the conspicuous tendencies in its development and the reasons for this development.
Prace Historyczne; 2010, 137
Pojawia się w:
Prace Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Żydzi i chrześcijanie, z dziejów życia religijnego społeczności żydowskiej w Tarnowie
Jews and Christians ‒ from the history of the religious life of the Jewish community in Tarnów
Pachowicz, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
życie religijne
historia społeczna
religious life
social history
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie religijnego obrazu społeczności żydowskiej w Tarnowie, charakterystyka miejsc kultu i relacji ze społecznością chrześcijańską. W 1772 r. Tarnów zamieszkiwało 1 200 Żydów (34%), w 1890 r. 11 677 (42%), w przededniu II wojny światowej około 25 tys. Na stosunkowo niewielkim obszarze, w niedalekiej odległości od tarnowskiej katedry wybudowano dwie synagogi. Na początku XX w., w latach 20., w mieście funkcjonowało około 40 domów modlitw. W 1939 r. Żydzi stanowili 45% ogółu mieszkańców Tarnowa, jednak II wojna zniszczyła ich dziedzictwo.
The aim of the article is to depict the religious life of the Jewish community in Tarnów and provide a characterization of their places of worship and their relationship with the Christian community. In 1772, Tarnów was home to 1,200 Jews (34% of the population), and by 1890, the Jewish population had grown to 11,677 (42%). On the eve of World War II, there were approximately 25,000 Jews living in Tarnów. Within a relatively small area, and in close proximity to the Tarnów Cathedral, two synagogues were built. In the early 20th century, particularly in the 1920s, the city had around 40 prayer houses. In 1939, Jews accounted for 45% of the total population in Tarnów; however, their heritage was devastated by the war.
Galicja. Studia i materiały; 2023, 9; 300-323
Pojawia się w:
Galicja. Studia i materiały
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Służba i milczenie
On Service and Silences
Steedman, Carolyn
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
social history
women history
domestic servant
life writing
historia społeczna
historia kobiet
służba domowa
dokument osobisty
Tekst jest wstępnym rozdziałem z książki Carolyn Steedman „Służąca i jej pan. Miłość i praca w Anglii wieku industrialnego” (Master and Servant. Love and Labour in the English Industrial Age). Tytułowa służąca to Phoebe Beatson, której losy Steedman rekonstruuje na podstawie dziennika jej pracodawcy – pastora Johna Murgatroyda. Zestawiając to świadectwo z innymi dokumentami życia społecznego epoki, Steedman pisze historię klasy pominiętą w tradycyjnych marksistowskich historiografiach – historię kobiecej służby domowej.
A translated chapter of Carolyn Steedman’s book Master and Servant. Love and Labour in the English Industrial Age. This text reconstructs the experience of a 18th-century servant, Phoebe Beatson, on the basis of a diary of John Murgatroyd, her employer. Confronting this testimony with other documents of social life, Steedman constructs a history of a class overlooked by traditional Marxist historiography – female domestic servants.
Praktyka Teoretyczna; 2017, 23, 1; 64-83
Pojawia się w:
Praktyka Teoretyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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