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Pełnienie roli męża/partnera życiowego przez mężczyzn odbywających karę pozbawienia wolności jako wyzwanie dla poradnictwa rodzinnego włączonego w proces resocjalizacji
Fulfilling the role of a husband/life partner by men serving prison sentences as a challenge for family counselling in the resocialization process
Łukaszek, Maria
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
skutki izolacji
resocjalizacja penitencjarna
żony/partnerki więźniów
isolation consequences
penitentiary resocialization
prisoners’ wives/life partners
W materiale zawarto wyniki projektów (2003 – N = 100 i 2013-2014 – N = 485) zrealizowanych w siedmiu męskich więzieniach podległych Okręgowemu Inspekto-ratowi Służby Więziennej w Rzeszowie. Stwierdzono następujące prawidłowości w relacjach więźniów z żonami/partnerkami: niski odsetek więźniów posiadających żony/partnerki (34-51%); wielokrotne próby stworzenia przez mężczyzn stałej relacji (84-93%), niską trwałość związków (do 3 lat), niedojrzałe motywy wchodzenia w związki – często przypadek, materialne lub emocjonalne korzyści. Badani unikają obowiązków rodzinnych, zmuszają kobiety do współudziału w przestępstwach, stosują wobec nich przemoc – również seksualną, lekceważą zdrowie seksualne kobiet, podejmują współżycie z innymi, w tym prostytutkami. Pomimo tak poważnych problemów w związku więźniowie bardzo dobrze oceniają swoje partnerki, są gotowi kontynuować związek, są przekonani o ich wierności, a także pozytywnie oceniają kontakty seksualne sprzed uwięzienia. Stwierdzono, że w procesie socjalizacji osadzonych wystąpiły czynniki, które mogą w sposób destrukcyjny oddziaływać na pomyślne wypełnianie przez nich roli męża/partnera: wychowywanie się bez jednego rodzica lub obojga rodziców (35%), restrykcyjny model wychowania seksualnego w rodzinie (42%), niekorzystne doświadczenia seksualne. Uwzględniając, że wielu mężczyzn nagannie realizuje rolę męża/partnera życiowego, a izolacja więzienna przyczynia się do rozluźnienia i zerwania więzi z żonami/partnerkami, postuluje się włączyć w proces resocjalizacji poradnictwo rodzinne.
The material describes the results of research conducted in seven male correctional facilities of the Regional Prison Service Inspectorate in Rzeszów (in 2003 N = 100, in 2013-2014 N = 485). On the basis of the research results, the following conclusions on prisoners’ relations with their wives or life partners were drawn: the percentage of prisoners who have wives or life partners is very low (34-51%); prisoners strive for stable relationships but often fail (84-93%); prisoners’ relationships do not last long (up to 3 years); their motives for forming relationships are often immature and they result mainly from a coincidence, material or emotional profits. The interviewees avoid family obligations, force women to commit crimes, they are violent against their female partners (also in sexual contacts), neglect women’s sexual health, have sex with other women and prostitutes. Despite so serious problems in prisoners’ relationships, the respondents evaluate their female partners very well and they want to continue the relationships. Moreover, they are convinced about their partners’ faithfulness and loyalty and they are also very satisfied with their sexual contacts from the period preceding the imprisonment. It was stated that during the process of socialisation, the prisoners experienced some factors that could negatively influence the fulfilment of their role as a husband or life partner. The factors were the following: growing up in a single parent family or without parents (35%), a restrictive model of sex education within family (42%), bad sexual experience such as early sexual initiation age, numerous sex partners, sexual contacts with random and unknown partners, having sex under the influence of psychoactive drugs, using or offering sexual services with the use of sexual violence and avoiding contraception. The research also revealed that many men fulfil their role of a husband or life partner in the righteous way and that prison isolation contributes to loosening the bonds and ending the relationship with their wives and female life partners. Hence, it is recommended that one of resocialization process elements is family counselling.
Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów; 2018, 19; 255-270
Pojawia się w:
Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O (nie)szkodliwości kary długoterminowego pozbawienia wolności na psychikę i zdrowie fizyczne więźniów
On the harmful/harmless effect of long-term imprisonment on the mental and physical health of prisoners
Miszewski, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
kara długoterminowego pozbawienia wolności
psychologiczne skutki pozbawienia wolności
powrót do przestępstwa
skutki długotrwałej izolacji
więźniowie seniorzy
In his 1940 book, The Prison Community, Donald Clemmer introduced the term ‘prisonisation’ into criminal science. This notion expresses the view that as the inmate continues to serve their sentence, their mental and physical health sees a continual decline; the inmate becomes more and more involved in destructive activity as part of the prison subculture, prisons as such being responsible for these negative developments. Erving Goffman, who coined the term ‘total institution’, speaks in a similar tone, describing prison as a place where the individual self is forcibly remoulded. We could also add Gresham Sykes to this group of theorists, with his conception of the ‘pain of imprisonment’, i.e. types of deprivation that every inmate experiences while in detention. But are these gentlemen not exaggerating? Does the prisoner really stand no chance of adapting to imprisonment in a way that would leave his or her mental and physical health intact?The European Committee on Crime Problems, set up in 1957, is an organ of the Council of Europe. It has drafted many international agreements and European conventions, including Resolution 76/2 on the Treatment of Long-term Prisoners, adopted by the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers on 17 February 1976. The resolution draft was preceded by a report from two years of research on, inter alia, the consequences of long-term imprisonment, including psychiatric and psychological studies. As Elżbieta Janiszewska-Talago writes, the psychiatric studies indicated that after 4-6 years of imprisonment inmates were subject to the occurrence of a functional psycho-syndrome which could be called the isolation syndrome, leading to overall decline of intellectual function, lower concentration, stereotypical and monotonous reactions, and loss of one’s sense of reality. The occurrence of this syndrome depended on the personality of the inmate, their age, how long they had been detained, and the routine (rules) followed in the penitentiary facility. The longer the term of imprisonment and the more intense the isolation, the more the nervous defence mechanisms of the inmate deteriorated and the symptoms enumerated above became more frequent. Yet, as Janiszewska-Talago continues, the psychological research indicated quite the contrary. ‘It did not discover any case of loss of overall intelligence that would be proportional to the length of time spent in prison, in fact to the contrary – a statistically significant improvement was noted. Meanwhile motor reactions had declined and a significant drop in the averages pertaining to extraversion was reported. As a result, no mental decline was found to have occurred among long-term prisoners, nor was there any advanced deterioration of cognitive function or personality traits during the time in prison’ (Janiszewska-Talago 1980: 39). In light of these discrepant findings, the Committee concluded that the consequences of long-term imprisonment depended on the convict’s personality, the social circle they belonged to in prison, their opportunities to interact, develop and make decisions regarding themselves as well as the strictness of the rules followed in the prison. Since the 1960s there has been ongoing discussion in English-language literature regarding the harmfulness of imprisonment (it continues today [Hulley, Crewe, Wright 2015]). To my knowledge no one has yet unequivocally proven that such harmfulness is the case. What is striking, moreover, is that the condition of many long-term prisoners actually improves. This does not mean that mental or physical deterioration never occurs, but no one really knows what factors are responsible. Laying the blame on long-term imprisonment is a shortcut, an oversimplification that proves true every once in a while, seemingly at random. I try to present a comprehensive overview of the large body of works on this subject. At the end I present my own findings from research on long-term prisoners carried out in Polish prisons. Although my research did not relate directly to the issue of the harmfulness/harmlessness of long-imprisonment (I studied inmates’ ways of adapting to prison conditions over the course of at least 20 years, their involvement in work, study, ways of spending free time, strength of attachment to family, relations with prison staff and many other issues), yet is casts a certain light on the problem.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2017, XXXIX
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola związków partnerskich w resocjalizacji i wykonywaniu kary wobec skazanych długoterminowych
The role of domestic partnerships during resocialization and the execution of the penalty towards long-term convicts
Kowalczyk, Małgorzata Henryka
Adamowska, Olga
Data publikacji:
Akademickie Towarzystwo Andragogiczne
kara pozbawienia wolności
kara długoterminowa
skutki izolacji
związki partnerskie
czynniki wzmacniające i osłabiające związki
custodial sentence
long-term penalty
effects of the isolation
domestic partnerships
factors strengthening and weakening domestic partnerships
Długoterminowa kara pozbawienia wolności powoduje szereg dolegliwości psychicznych i społecznych. Odizolowanie od dotychczasowych warunków życia na wolności, od rodziny, przyjaciół zmienia zachowania osadzonych, którzy zaczynają coraz bardziej koncentrować się na aktualnej sytuacji. Prowadzi to do zerwania więzi z osobami bliskimi pozostającymi na wolności. Celem opracowania było zbadanie roli związków partnerskich zarówno w życiu skazanych, jak i w procesie resocjalizacji, a w szczególności ustalenie specyfiki tych związków, roli, jaką pełnią w życiu obojga partnerów, oraz ewentualnych zmian, jakie dzięki tym relacjom zaszły w zachowaniu badanych w trakcie pobytu w zakładzie karnym. Na podstawie badań przeprowadzonych w oparciu o strategię jakościową i przy wykorzystaniu metody wywiadu omówiono dwa typy związków. Na podstawie materiału badawczego wskazano na oczekiwania badanych par dotyczące związków, czynniki wzmacniające i osłabiające funkcjonowanie ich relacji oraz na prognozę penitencjarną.
Long-term custodial sentence causes a number of psychological and social problems. Isolating from current living conditions, family, and friends changes the bahaviour of prisoners who begin to increasingly focus on their current situation. This influences bonds with close relatives who are at large. The aim of the article was to examine the role of domestic partnerships, not only in the life of the convicts, but also during the process of resocialization. Particularly, the main objective was to establish the specificity of these relationships, the role they perform in the life of both partners and possible changes resulting from the relationships which could be observed in the behaviour examined during the course of the stay in the penitentiary. With regard to the collected material, it was possible to present the respondents’ expectations towards their relationships, strengthening and weakening factors influencing the functioning of relationships and the forecast of penitentiary.
Rocznik Andragogiczny; 2014, Tom 21; 237-248
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Andragogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-3 z 3

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