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Family policy and social and educational work as actions for single-parent families
Izabela, Krasiejko,
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
single-parent family
single-parent family support services
social andeducational work with a single-parent family
Contemporary family policy in Poland offers universal programs addressed to all families in order to support their functioning (e.g. maternity and parental leave, ‘500+’ program, ‘Maluch +’ program), as well as so-called selective forms of support, targeted at a given group of people or families (e.g. family benefits for the poor families and alimony found for single-parent families or those in a difficult life situation). This study presents the characteristics of single-parent families and selected forms of support addressed to them. For this purpose, the law and literature on the subject have been analysed. The text describes the social and educational work with a single-parent family and how to apply the principle of individualization in the work with the family in order to select the services adequate for a particular family from the variety of possible solutions.
Praca Socjalna; 2018, 33(4); 88-108
Pojawia się w:
Praca Socjalna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Interpretation Problems Relating the Scope of Meaning of the Term “Person Single-Handedly Raising Child” in the Polish Law
Problemy interpretacyjne dotyczące zakresu znaczeniowego pojęcia „osoba samotnie wychowująca dziecko” w polskim prawie podatkowym
Bobrus-Nowińska, Ewelina
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
person single-handedly raising children
single parent and legal guardian
tax relief for a single parent
Until the end of 2021, in accordance with the Act on Personal Income Tax (PIT Act), persons single-handedly raising children  benefited from joint taxation with a child, while as of the beginning of 2022, they are entitled to the tax relief of PLN 1500. After growing criticism of the recent amendment to the act, our government decided to return to the former legal status.  The aforementioned tax advantage, while being of great practical importance, raised and will continue to raise several doubts after the amendment. One of the most important issues is the precise definition of who is a “single parent” – whether this criterion is met when a child lives with one parent, but contacts the other parent and spends time with him or her occasionally, or when divorced parents have joint custody of a child. The Polish Deal (Polski Ład) partially addresses these doubts, but obviously does not dispel all of them.
Preferencyjne zasady opodatkowania osoby samotnie wychowującej dziecko stanowią wyraz szczególnej troski i wsparcia ustawodawcy dla osób, które nie mogą liczyć na pomoc drugiego rodzica dziecka. Do końca 2021 roku ustawa PIT gwarantowała możliwość wspólnego rozliczenia się z dzieckiem. Polski Ład wprowadził w tym zakresie niezwykle istotną zmianę – mianowicie dotychczasowe zasady korzystnego rozliczenia podatkowego zastąpiono ulgą w wysokości 1500 zł. Pod wpływem lawiny krytyki rząd podjął próbę wyeliminowania z ustawy nowej ulgi na rzecz powrotu możliwości wspólnego rozliczenia się osoby samotnie wychowującej dziecko z dzieckiem. Rozważania dotyczą w pierwszej kolejności przesłanek skorzystania z preferencji, rozbieżności interpretacyjnych pojawiających się w związku z kwalifikacją danej osoby jako „samotnego rodzica” oraz oceny czy zmiany wprowadzone od 2022 roku oraz proponowane zmiany w Polskim Ładzie zminimalizują wątpliwości istniejące dotychczas na gruncie omawianej instytucji.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych; 2022, 32, 2; 7-23
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dzieciństwo osamotnione w rodzinie niepełnej. Raport z badań
Bożena, Matyjas,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
a single-parent family
Lonely childhood constitutes one of the forms of children’s existence, bringing pain and suffering, which are caused by unfavourable situations and environmental conditions, mainly family-related, towards which a child is helpless, defenceless, and which lead to weakening or breaking the emotional bond between the child, parents, siblings or other family members and which always result in the child feeling lonely. The article is an attempt at a diagnosis of the situation of the child in the environment in which one of the parents is absent. The issues discussed are family determinants which can lead to loneliness. The aim of the research is also to show ways to prevent isolation of the child and to indicate some pedagogical strategies aimed at positive changes that should occur in the life of a child affected by loneliness.
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny; 2015, 60(1 (235)); 207-224
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dzieciństwo osamotnione w rodzinie niepełnej. Raport z badań
Matyjas, Bożena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
a single-parent family
Lonely childhood constitutes one of the forms of children’s existence, bringing pain and suffering, which are caused by unfavourable situations and environmental conditions, mainly family-related, towards which a child is helpless, defenceless, and which lead to weakening or breaking the emotional bond between the child, parents, siblings or other family members and which always result in the child feeling lonely. The article is an attempt at a diagnosis of the situation of the child in the environment in which one of the parents is absent. The issues discussed are family determinants which can lead to loneliness. The aim of the research is also to show ways to prevent isolation of the child and to indicate some pedagogical strategies aimed at positive changes that should occur in the life of a child affected by loneliness.
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny; 2015, 60(1 (235)); 207-224
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Danuta, Lalak,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
social pedagogy
single parent
The twentieth century has been a time of many modernist transformations within society. Mostly they affected family. The transition from a large family – a stable and multi-generational, structured and strongly linked economically – to the nuclear family – alienated from the environment, liquid and hybrid – has been a process that is not finished yet.
Papers of Social Pedagogy; 2016, 5(2); 5-5
Pojawia się w:
Papers of Social Pedagogy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Świat wartości kobiet samotnie adoptujących dziecko
World of values of single women adopting a child
Kamyk-Wawryszczuk, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Uczelnia Zawodowa we Włocławku
samotne macierzyństwo
single motherhood
single parent adoption
W pierwszej połowie 2016 roku łącznie orzeczono 1660 adopcji . Nie ma statystyk dotyczących liczby kobiet niepozostających w związku małżeńskim ani partnerskim, które podjęły decyzję o byciu adopcyjną matką. Jednak można zauważyć (na podstawie przeprowadzonych rozmów z pracownikami ośrodków adopcyjnych, wpisach na forach internetowych dotyczących adopcji), że coraz więcej samotnych kobiet podejmuje decyzję o przysposobieniu dziecka. Doświadczenie przez dziewczynkę/chłopca zaniedbania czy przemocy ze strony rodzica wiąże się z brakiem znajomości prawidłowego wzorca rodziny, pełnionych ról zarówno matki, jak i ojca, a w rezultacie obcowania z (ważnymi dla rozwoju dziecka) wartościami. Rozpoczęcie wspólnego życia – samotnej matki i przysposobionego dziecka – otwiera przed dziećmi nowy świat. Często jest to doświadczenie obarczone trudnościami wychowawczymi, poczuciem osamotnienia i porzucenia. Matki adopcyjne dostrzegają, jak ważne jest, aby ich dzieci – pomimo złych doświadczeń związanych z relacją z biologicznym rodzicem – miały szanse na życie pełne miłości i szacunku. Cały ten proces nieodłącznie związany jest ze światem wartości wyznawanych przez kobiety samotne, które podjęły decyzję o przysposobieniu niespokrewnionego biologicznie dziecka. Stąd istotne wydają się pytania: jakie wartości chciałaby przekazać matki adopcyjne w procesie wychowania swoim dzieciom? Czy hierarchia wartości uczestniczek badań zmieniła się po przysposobieniu niespokrewnionego biologicznie dziecka?
In the first half of 2016, a total of 1660 adoptions were adjudicated. There is no data on the number of women who, being unmarried or single, have decided to be an adoptive mother. However, on the basis of the interviews conducted with employees of adoption centres and entries on Internet forums on adoption, it can be noticed that more and more single women decide on adopting a child. Children who experienced neglect or violence from the parent have insufficient knowledge of a correct family model, roles of both mother and father, and as a result, they did not have a chance to grow up in a world of values, which is important for child development. Starting a life together - by a single mother and an adopted child - opens a new world to these children. This experience is often burdened with educational difficulties, a sense of loneliness and abandonment. Adoptive mothers see how important it is for their children to have a chance for a life full of love and respect despite the negative experiences associated with the relationship with their biological parents. This entire process is integrally connected with the world of values of single women who decide to adopt a child that is not related biologically to them. Hence, the essential questions seem to be: what values would the adoptive mothers like to convey in the process of upbringing their children? Has the hierarchy of values of research participants changed after the adoption of an unrelated child?
Zeszyty Naukowe Zbliżenia Cywilizacyjne; 2018, 14, 2; 11-23
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Zbliżenia Cywilizacyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Korzeniecka, Klaudia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
samodzielne macierzyństwo
samodzielne rodzicielstwo
rodzina niepełna
single motherhood
single parent families
incomplete families
Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje zjawisko samodzielnego macierzyństwa. Opisano w nim dwie grupy samodzielnych matek: tych, które zostały samotnymi rodzicami z konieczności, w wyniku zaistnienia zdarzeń losowych oraz matki, które dokonały świadomego wyboru, aby wychowywać dziecko bez pomocy drugiego rodzica. W pracy zostało przedstawione również samodzielne macierzyństwo z perspektywy realizacji funkcji rodzicielskich. Autorka poruszyła kwestię zaspokojenia potrzeb samodzielnych matek oraz opisała warunki rozwojowe dzieci samotnych matek.
The paper describes an issue of single motherhood. It provides information about two groups of single mothers: mothers by choice and those out of necessity. The author draws attention to the role of mother. Additionally, the work presents a parental needs satisfaction analysis and describes the developmental conditions of upbringing children in incomplete families.
Forum Pedagogiczne; 2014, 2; 105-116
Pojawia się w:
Forum Pedagogiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Child from Single Parent Family in Preschool Environment – a Theoretical Outline and Practical Tips
Dziecko z rodziny niepełnej w środowisku przedszkolnym – zarys teoretyczny i wskazówki praktyczne
Schmidt, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
single parent family
families models
child development
preschool environment
Nowadays, the subject of a family is often mentioned and researched. It’s needs, transformations, crisis, roles and functioning are widely discussed. It is indeed a very complex issue. The article present the theoretical background and mention diverse sources concerning issues such as: single families, preschool environment, child development, single parenting – definitionsand models, pre-school environment, child development, challenges and support for a child from single parent family in a kindergarten. The great role of teacher-educator and other specialists, but also working with institutions in the process of supporting the family. In the text the organization of comprehensive assistance for the child was also highlighted. In conclusion, the author referred to the results of her mini-resources and pointed to the need to support the child in the area of emotional and social functioning, which in case of children from single parent family is particularly vulnerable and shaky.
Studia Edukacyjne; 2017, 44; 363-375
Pojawia się w:
Studia Edukacyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Social Aspects Regarding the Single-Parent Families Vulnerability - The Case Of Arad County
Iovan, Marţian
Oprea, Maria
Data publikacji:
Academicus. International Scientific Journal publishing house
single-parent family
social marginalization
socio-professional integration
arad county
Based on empiric investigations and the study of documents from specialized public institutions, the authors analyse in this article the extent, manifestations, causes and consequences of single-parent families in Arad County. As social entities with a high risk of social exclusion, the authors identify practical measures for intervention by public authorities in the sense of optimizing socialization, social work and balancing these families, especially their children, by taking into account both Romanian and European legislation in this field. Preventing the reproduction/increase in the number of single-parent families must rely on the complete knowledge of this social phenomenon, with the need to establish databases and map the dispersion of single-parent families within administrative-territorial units. The decrease in the number of families with a high social risk over time is the result of correlated and harmonized public policies, aimed at fighting poverty, discrimination, unemployment, lack of access to education, while ensuring the general background for economic development and prosperity. The study is determined by the fact that many times the parents and the children of single parent families find themselves in the situation of not being able to make ends meet, the lack of finances, education and proper housing making it impossible for them to live a decent life. By identifying, through specific scientific methods such as document analysis, interviews, case studies, the particular types of problems facing single parent families, we consider we will succeed in offering a strong basis to motivate decision makers to establish additional social protection measures that will contribute to the reduction of the causes that maintain this social category among vulnerable groups.
Academicus International Scientific Journal; 2016, 14; 69-93
Pojawia się w:
Academicus International Scientific Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Samotne macierzyństwo w różnych odsłonach
Various aspects of single motherhood
Włodarczyk, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
samotne matki
samotne macierzyństwo
rodziny niepełne
single mothers
single motherhood
single-parent families
Artykuł poświęcony jest matkom samotnie wychowującym dzieci, nazywanym także „samodzielnymi matkami” lub „solomatkami”. Celowo uwaga zogniskowana jest tutaj nie na ich dzieciach, lecz na nich samych i uwarunkowaniach ich sytuacji, powiązanych z przyczynami monoparentalności (trwałej i czasowej). Przegląd różnych odsłon samotnego macierzyństwa, jaki został tu zaprezentowany – na podstawie propozycji wyróżnienia ich typów przez Ewę Kozdrowicz – uwydatnia jego heterogeniczność. W każdym typie samotnego macierzyństwa można wskazać problemy częściowo podobne, lecz częściowo także zróżnicowane. Ta specyfika każdego z omówionych tu typów samotnego macierzyństwa wymusza nieszablonowość myślenia o nich, jak również konieczność odmienności i różnorodności form wsparcia społecznego.
The article is devoted to single mothers, also known as „independent mothers” or „solo mothers”. The attention is intentionally focused not on their children, but on themselves and the conditions of their situation, related to the causes of monoparentality (permanent and temporary). The review of various aspects of single motherhood, which has been presented here, based on Ewa Kozdrowicz’s proposal to distinguish their types, highlights its heterogeneity. In each type of single motherhood, it is possible to identify problems that are partially similar, but partially also varied. This specifi city of each of the types of single motherhood discussed here forces out-of-the-box thinking about them, as well as the need for diversity and variety of forms of social support.
Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze; 2021, 596(1); 3-17
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ewolucja pojęcia rodziny. Aspekty teologiczno-etyczne
Evolution of the concept of the family. Theological and ethical aspects
Machinek, Marian
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego
family, communio personarum, same-sex relationships, “family centership", single-parent family, family rights
Contemporary changes in family structures, and first of all changes in social mentality and perception of the importance of family relationships, undoubtedly bear the evolution hallmarks. This concept does not necessarily mean a change for the better, but it may also identify the degeneration and the change of adverse quality. There is no doubt that appreciation of woman’s role and impact, emphasis put on the equal dignity of the spouses, the necessity of their mutual respect and subjectivity of children are the steps in the right direction. However, the attempt to redefine the concept of the family without taking into account the type and quality of bonds between parents (whether they are married or not) and aiming to treat any kind of adult relationship (regardless of their gender) to whom children are assigned as a family should be considered a highly problematic trend. It contrasts with the essential elements of the Christian perspective on family. The starting point of Christian reflection on the family is, on one hand, God’s pre-intention towards the man included on the first pages of the Bible with the covenant marriage as the main element, and on the other hand, a kind of anthropological realism which perceives fragility and threats of this primary and natural communion. However, irrespective of accepted assumptions, there is no doubt that the stability of the family whose key element is a permanent heterosexual relationship between parents becomes a prerequisite of the successful socialization of the young generation. In this sense the future fate of the society depends on durability and quality of the family. All attempts of relativization of the family should be considered as disquieting, beginning with promotion of informal relationships up to attempts at giving privilege to same-sex relationships and granting them privileges analogical to those enjoyed by the family. Concern for the family is one of the most important responsibilities of the state, therefore one of the elements of restoring its proper social status is demanding from the government not to confine the family policy only to pre-election promises.
Family Forum; 2011, 1; 13-27
Pojawia się w:
Family Forum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Samotne rodzicielstwo oczami matek
Single parenthood according to mothers
Róg, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych. Instytut Pedagogiki. Zakład Historii Edukacji
samotne macierzyństwo
wsparcie społeczne
problemy rodzin niepełnych
single motherhood
social support
problems of single-parent families
Cel: Artykuł poświęcony jest analizie opinii matek dotyczących samotnego rodzicielstwa. Istotnym celem badań była próba znalezienia odpowiedzi na pytanie o to, jak samotne matki postrzegają swoje rodzicielstwo. Jak oceniają swoją sytuację oraz jakie wskazują trudności w zakresie samotnego wychowywania dzieci i prowadzenia gospodarstwa domowego. Metody: Badania z wykorzystaniem metody sondażu diagnostycznego i techniki ankiety przeprowadzono w grupie 159 kobiet. Wyniki: W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań dotyczących takich kwestii, jak sytuacja ekonomiczna rodzin niepełnych oraz problemy i trudności wynikające z samotnego macierzyństwa. Uzupełnienie artykułu stanowią swobodne wypowiedzi respondentek na temat samotnego rodzicielstwa. Wypowiedzi te uporządkowane zostały w kategorie ukazujące, jak samotne matki postrzegają swoją sytuację życiową. Opinie te podzielono na następujące kategorie: samotne macierzyństwo jako źródło problemów finansowych i wyrzeczeń, samotne macierzyństwo jako źródło dyskryminacji społecznej i problemów związanych ze zbyt niskim poziomem wsparcia dla matek, samotne macierzyństwo jako brak wsparcia ze strony ojca dziecka, samotne macierzyństwo z wyboru, samotne macierzyństwo jako wyzwanie i radość. Wnioski: Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań można wnioskować, że samotnym matkom brakuje wsparcia dostosowanego do rzeczywistych potrzeb ich samych, jak i ich rodzin. Badania zaprezentowane w niniejszym opracowaniu nie mają charakteru zamkniętego. Nadal prowadzone są wywiady, których celem jest pogłębienie wiedzy na temat funkcjonowania rodzin samotnych matek oraz wypracowanie kierunków pomocy umożliwiającej takie wspieranie kobiet, by nie zakłócać ich podmiotowego funkcjonowania i samodzielnego decydowania o życiu swoim oraz swoich dzieci.
Aim: The article concerns the analysis of mothers's opinion regarding single parenthood. The significant purpose of the research was the attempt to find the answer to the question how single mothers perceive their parenthood, how they assess their situation and what kind of difficulties concerning single upbringing of a child and running a household they indicate. Methods: The research based on diagnostic survey method and a questionnaire were conducted within the group of 153 women. Results: The article presents results of the research concerning the economic situation of one-parent families and problems and difficulties resulting from single motherhood. Free comments of respondents concerning single parenthood are supplement information to the article. These comments were arranged according to categories which prove how single mothers perceive their life situation. These opinions were divided into the following categories: single motherhood as the source of financial problems and renunciations, single motherhood as the source of social discrimination and problems concerning insufficient assistance provided to mothers, single motherhood as no father's support, single motherhood by choice, single motherhood as the challenge and happiness. Conclusions: According to the conducted research the following conclusions have been reached: single mothers lack the relevant support adjusted to their own real needs and the needs of their families. The research presented in this article has not been completed, yet. Still, the inquiries are being conducted, the purpose of which is to extend the knowledge regarding existence of single-mother families and to develop the methods of assistance which will provide women with support so that their life and independent decisions concerning themselves and their children would not be interrupted.
Wychowanie w Rodzinie; 2018, XVII, (1/2018); 381-397
Pojawia się w:
Wychowanie w Rodzinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rodzina niepełna i jej wpływ na sytuację wychowawczą dziecka
A Single-Parent Family and Its Influence on Child Upbringing
Pyźlak, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
rodzina niepełna
struktura rodzin niepełnych
przedwczesne macierzyństwo
samotne macierzyństwo
sytuacja losowa
samotne ojcostwo
a single-parent family
the structure of the single-parent families
premature parenthood
lone parenthood/single parenthood
fateful situation
Raising children in single-parent families has been recognized as a serious problem which results in the situation where single parents (except for families where the absence of either parent is caused by their death) find themselves in conflict with the Catholic teaching on marriage. The situation influences the functioning of the family and the way the offspring are raised. The categories of single-parent families show certain similarities in the ways of their functioning. It is important to notice that in the single-parent families of unmarried people there appears to be significant lack of the emotional bond between the child and the absent parent. It is unique in such a group of families not to allow the presence of the other parent, mostly the father. In most cases the single parent who raises the child creates a negative image of the absent parent. In case of divorce, the excluded parent is deprived of the possibility to positively influence his or her own children. In fateful situations, it is death that excludes one of the parents from the family life. In order to prevent creating single-parent families we should take care of forming personal culture and the proper choice of a partner who will aim at setting up a full family. The partners who are going to set up a family should be taught how to be responsible for their life decisions and for the members of their families. The future parents should set up their full families in a mature and wise way because only such full families can be an ideal place for upbringing the child and for preparing him or her for their life in society.
Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne; 2010, 2; 91-104
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Motivational readiness of children to school in nuclear and single parent families
Ostrovska, Kateryna
Grabovska, Sophia
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
psychological readiness of the child to go to school, nuclear and single parent families, motivation
The aim of the paper is a comparison of psychological readiness of the child to go to school in nuclear and single parent families. To obtain the objectives of the paper the following methods were used: 1) methods “Two schools” by L.A Venger to identify the level of formation of internal position of the student; 2) the method “Motivational research studies in older preschoolers” by M.R. Ginsburg; 3) method “Pattern” by L.I. Tsehanskaya to determine the degree of development of skills training activities; 4) method “Graphic dictation” by D. El’konin to study the ability to follow adult instructions. The investigated group consisted of 40 students from first grade secondary school - 20 students from nuclear families (12 girls and 8 boys) and 20 students from single parent families (9 girls and 11 boys). As a result of qualitative, comparative and correlation analysis it was shown that readiness of children to go to school susbstantially depends on completness of their families. The children from families have a higher level of skill training and internal position than children from single parent families. This occurs because both parents pay more attention to the children in the forming of a willingness to learn in school. The studies have shown that in the group of children from nuclear families dominate the highest level of development of skills training activities, increased formation of internal positions and childrens social motivation. These indicators are the hallmarks of readiness to learn at school. Also, some recommendations to teachers are provided as for increase of motivation to learn in children from single parent families.
Journal of Education Culture and Society; 2015, 6, 2; 141-150
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education Culture and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rodziny w Polsce – charakterystyka demograficzna
Families in Poland – demographic characteristics
Pawlus, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Kancelaria Sejmu. Biuro Analiz Sejmowych
marriages contracted and dissolved
types of families
structure of families
single parent families
large families
The article describes the Polish families in light of demographic characteristics and trends of major demographic phenomena observed between 2000 and 2014. In the first section the author presents selected data on vital statistics, including marriages, separations, divorces, births. The second part focuses on the crucial data on the size and structure of households and families. The brief examination of this question is conducted of the basis of Population and Housing Census 2011.
Studia BAS; 2016, 1(45); 7-30
Pojawia się w:
Studia BAS
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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