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Assessment of diseases on rice (Oriza sativa L.) in major growing fields of Pawe district, Northwestern Ethiopia
Wubneh, Wasihun Yaregal
Bayu, Flagote Alemu
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Oriza sativa
Disease survey was carried out on 37 rice fields in Pawe woreda of Metekel zone to evaluate the prevalence and distribution of different diseases on rice. 0.5m by 0.5m (0.25m2) quadrates was used to assess the type of diseases prevailed in the field. Disease prevalence was calculated as the proportion or percentage of fields showing the disease, out of the total number of fields assessed. Disease incidences were determined as the proportion of plants showing symptoms, expressed as a percentage of the total number of plants assessed. The diseases prevalence, incidence and severity were leaf blast showed the highest prevalence, incidence as well as severity rate 80.08, 75 and 5.2%, respectively at vegetative growth stage as compared to other diseases. From vegetative to heading growth stage leaf blast, panicle blast and bacterial panicle blight were radically increased in prevalence, incidence and severity percentage; leaf blast recorded 80.08, 75, 5.2% at vegetative while 100, 96 and 7.21%, respectively at heading, panicle blast recorded 13.51, 11.15, 1.15 at vegetative while 100, 100 and 10.3% at heading stage and bacterial panicle blight was recorded 9.67, 13.46, 0.9% at vegetative while 21.2, 32.3 and 4.2%, respectively at heading growth stage. In general, the future rice diseases management research direction should be on the diseases with high incidence and severity such as leaf blast, panicle blast and bacterial panicle blight.
World Scientific News; 2016, 42; 13-23
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analysis of insomnia in those over 60 year of age
Wolińska, Weronika
Pawlak, Iwona
Mroczek, Bożena
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Medycyny Rodzinnej i Lekarzy Rodzinnych
Beck Depression Inventory
Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS )
Insomnia Severity Index (ISI ).
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review; 2016, 4; 482-485
Pojawia się w:
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Trudności szkolne/akademickie w rok po I epizodzie schizofrenii, zależnie od płci i wieku badanych, obciążenia rodzinnego schizofrenią, czasu nieleczonej psychozy, nasilenia jej objawów przed leczeniem i stopnia uzyskanej poprawy stanu psychicznego
Scholastic and academic difficulties one year after the first episode of schizophrenia, depending on gender, age, family history of schizophrenia, duration of untreated psychosis, severity of symptoms prior to treatment and degree of improvement of mental state under treatment
Wojtczak, Kamila
Pawełczyk, Tomasz
Rabe-Jabłońska, Jolanta
Nawarski, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
I epizod schizofrenii
czas nieleczonej psychozy
degree of improvement of mental state
duration of untreated psychosis
family history of schizophrenia
first episode of schizophrenia
nasilenie objawów przed leczeniem
obciążenia rodzinne schizofrenią
scholastic/academic problems
severity of symptoms prior to treatment
stopień poprawy stanu psychicznego
trudności szkolne/akademickie
Aim of the study: Determination of prevalence of scholastic and academic problems one year after the first episode of schizophrenia and their correlation with duration of untreated psychosis, severity of symptoms prior to institution of treatment, degree of improvement obtained, age and gender of patients and positive family history of schizophrenia. Method: One hundred and fourteen patients aged 14-23 years after the first episode of schizophrenia (acc. to ICD-10) were enrolled. These persons were treated at the Department of Psychiatry and Affective and Psychotic Disorders for Adolescents, at the Outpatient Consultation Unit of the Medical University in Lodz and at a private psychiatric practice. Information concerning type and duration of neuroleptics administration, scholastic and academic curriculum, interruption or cessation thereof, learning problems and notes obtained 1 year after the first episode of schizophrenia, duration of untreated psychosis, severity of psychosis according to the CGI-S scale, degree of improvement according to the CGI-I scale and family history of schizophrenia, was obtained based on medical documentation and custom-made questionnaire. Results: A large majority (90% and 80% acc. to subjective and objective assessment, respectively) of patients after the first episode of schizophrenia experience academic problems upon resuming their education. Overall, 80% of the patients resumed education, thereof 60% in normal mode and 30% in individual mode. Twenty percent of patients interrupted temporarily their education and had to repeat classes. Twenty percent of patients interrupted education permanently. No statistically significant correlations were found between parameters analyzed. Conclusions: Our results indicate that patients after the first episode of schizophrenia require a comprehensive and effective support if they are to continue their education.
Cel badań: Ustalenie częstości występowania trudności szkolnych/akademickich w rok po I epizodzie schizofrenii oraz ewentualnego wpływu na trudności szkolne czasu nieleczonej psychozy, nasilenia objawów choroby przed leczeniem, stopnia uzyskanej poprawy, wieku, płci i obciążenia rodzinnego schizofrenią. Metoda: Badaniem objęto 114 osób (14-23 lat) po I epizodzie schizofrenii (ICD-10), pacjentów Kliniki Zaburzeń Afektywnych, Psychotycznych i Psychiatrii Młodzieży, Poradni Leczniczo-Konsultacyjnej UM w Łodzi oraz gabinetu prywatnego. Informacje o rodzaju i czasie stosowania neuroleptyków, trybie kontynuacji nauki, przerwie w nauce, porzuceniu nauki, trudnościach w nauce, uzyskiwanych ocenach w rok od I epizodu schizofrenii, o czasie nieleczonej psychozy, nasileniu psychozy wg CGI-S, stopniu poprawy wg CGI-I oraz obciążeniu rodzinnym schizofrenią uzyskano z dokumentacji medycznej oraz z ankiet. Wyniki: Stwierdzono, że większość pacjentów po I epizodzie schizofrenii po powrocie do edukacji ma trudności w nauce: wg oceny subiektywnej - 90% badanych, a wg oceny obiektywnej - 80%. Naukę kontynuowało 80%: w trybie normalnym - 60%, w indywidualnym - 30% osób. Przerwa i konieczność powtarzania klasy dotyczyły 20% pacjentów. Całkowicie edukację zakończyło 20% ankietowanych. Nie zaobserwowano statystycznie istotnych związków między analizowanymi parametrami. Wnioski: Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na konieczność zaplanowania odpowiedniej pomocy dla tej grupy chorych w zakresie podtrzymywania kontynuacji edukacji.
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna; 2008, 8, 1; 6-19
Pojawia się w:
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Architektura a wolność
Architecture and freedom
Włodarczyk, J. A.
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Techniczna w Katowicach
private properties
public properties
Architektura, wbrew jakże częstemu traktowaniu jej jako homogenicznej dyscypliny, zajmującej się wyłącznie zrealizowanymi budynkami/budowlami, w dodatku wybranymi, bez kontekstu przestrzennego, jest w istocie fenomenem niesłychanie szerokiego kąta postrzegania, w przeciwieństwie do większości innych dyscyplin, artystycznych, technicznych czy humanistycznych. Wbrew pozorom zależność jej od stopnia wolności, w jakim powstaje, od jej nadmiaru do niedoboru czy wręcz braku, świadczy o jej kondycji. Z zależnością architektury od wolności jest podobnie, czyli ambiwalentnie, jak w przypadku prawa, władzy, religii czy stopnia własności: własne – wspólne.
Architecture is usually treated as the homogenous and independent phenomenon strictly tight with the material result of human activity in the space we live. The problem is quite different: architecture depends on rules and laws, also on the kind of property – private or public, and on other, various circumstances. In creating of architecture we can not be quite free.
Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Technicznej w Katowicach; 2015, 7; 41-45
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Technicznej w Katowicach
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena stanu bezpieczeństwa pracy w oparciu o analizę wypadkowości bezwzględnej i rodzajowej w zakładzie tworzyw sztucznych i materiałów wybuchowych
Safety at Work Assessment Based on an Analysis of Severity and Nature of Accidents in a Plastics and Explosives Production Plant
Wandzich, D.
Płaza, G.
Data publikacji:
Centrum Naukowo-Badawcze Ochrony Przeciwpożarowej im. Józefa Tuliszkowskiego
bezpieczeństwo pracy
wypadkowość bezwzględna
wypadkowość rodzajowa
bezpieczeństwo i higiena pracy
safety at work
severity of accident
nature of accident
health and safety at work
Cel: Ocena stanu bezpieczeństwa pracy w zakładzie zajmującym się produkcją tworzyw sztucznych i materiałów wybuchowych. Wprowadzenie: Wypadki przy pracy, jako nagłe wydarzenie związane z pracą, wywołane przyczyną zewnętrzną i prowadzące do urazów lub utraty życia stanowią z globalnego punktu widzenia poważny problem zdrowotny oraz ekonomiczny. Na całym świecie w wypadkach przy pracy ginie rocznie kilkaset tysięcy osób, a wiele milionów ludzi staje się w ich następstwie niepełnosprawnymi. W Polsce rocznie zdarza się kilkadziesiąt tysięcy wypadków przy pracy, w których ginie około tysiąca osób (dane GUS – 2014). Jedną z najniebezpieczniejszych gałęzi przemysłu, związanych z nieodłącznym ryzykiem, niosącą ze sobą wiele zagrożeń jest produkcja materiałów wybuchowych. Produkcja, magazynowanie i transport materiałów wybuchowych zawsze były zajęciem niebezpiecznym. W wypadkach, które wydarzyły się podczas tej działalności człowieka zginęły tysiące ludzi, a straty materialne są wręcz niemożliwe do oszacowania. Nieszczęścia, które wydarzyły się podczas produkcji i stosowania materiałów wybuchowych doprowadziły z biegiem czasu do powstania licznych aktów prawnych i innych przepisów mających na celu zminimalizowanie zagrożenia związanego z tymi materiałami zawierających szereg wymagań, które muszą być spełnione podczas produkcji, dystrybucji i stosowania materiałów wybuchowych. Metodologia: Analiza wypadkowości rodzajowej i bezwzględnej oraz analiza wskaźników wypadków przy pracy. Wnioski i znaczenie dla praktyki: Badanie i rejestrowanie wypadków przy pracy, analiza ich przyczyn i okoliczności, a także analiza wypadkowości w zakładzie, branży, regionie czy też w skali kraju jest ważnym elementem monitorowania środowiska pracy i ma istotne znaczenie dla prewencji wypadkowej. W celu poprawy stanu bhp w przedsiębiorstwach, należy wprowadzić usprawnienia organizacyjne takie jak poprawa jakości szkoleń, informowanie pracowników o zagrożeniach i o konieczności stosowania środków ochronnych, rozszerzenie palety stosowanych środków ochronnych, wprowadzenie na terenie zakładu plakatów o tematyce bhp docierających do pracowników i uświadamiających im o konieczności przestrzegania przepisów bhp oraz środków ochrony indywidualnej.
Aim: To assess work safety levels at an industrial plant engaged with the production of plastics and explosives. Introduction: Accidents at work are unexpected incidents occasioned by external causes, giving rise to injury or loss of life. From a global viewpoint, they create a serious health and economic problem. Worldwide, hundreds of thousands people lose their life each year and many millions become disabled as a result of accidents at work. In Poland, every year, there are tens of thousands accidents at work where about a thousand people die (Data GUS – 2014). One of the most hazardous industries, associated with an inherent risk of much danger, involves the production of explosives. Production, storage and transportation of explosives was always a hazardous occupation. Accidents associated with these activities culminated in thousands of deaths, but material losses are simply impossible to estimate. Tragedies, which occurred during production and use of explosives gave rise, eventually, to an emergence of many laws and other regulations aimed at minimising dangers associated with such materials. Regulatory documents contain a range of requirements, which must be complied with, during production, distribution and use of explosive substances. Methodology: Analysis of severity and nature of accidents, and evaluation of accident indicators at work. Conclusions and relevance for practice: Survey and recording of accidents at work, analysis of causes and circumstances, as well as analysis of accident frequency at individual plants, industry, region and across the entire country, are all important elements of monitoring in the work domain and are essential for prevention of accidents. In order to improve industrial health and safety at work it is necessary to introduce organisational improvements such as improvements to the quality of training, dissemination of information about dangers and need for application of protective measures, expanding the range of protective measures, display of safety posters across the plant and making employees aware of the necessity for compliance with health and safety regulations as well as personal protection measures.
Bezpieczeństwo i Technika Pożarnicza; 2015, 4; 139-148
Pojawia się w:
Bezpieczeństwo i Technika Pożarnicza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Safety Performance Factor
Venkataraman, N.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
frequency rate
severity rate
Workplace safety performance is computed using frequency rate (FR) and severity rate (SR). Only work time lost due to occupational incidents that need to be reported is counted. FR and SR are the 2 most important safety performance indicators that are applied universally; however, calculations differ from country to country. All injuries and time lost should be considered while calculating safety performance. The extent of severity does not matter as every incident is counted. So, a new factor has to be defined; it should be based on the hours or days lost due to each occupational incident, irrespective of its severity. The new safety performance factor is defined as the average human-hour unit lost due to occupational accidents/incidents, including fatalities, first-aid incidents, bruises and cuts. The formula is simple and easy to apply.
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics; 2008, 14, 3; 327-331
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ lokalizacji budynku mieszkalnego na jego parametry energetyczne
The impact of the location of the residential building on its energy parameters
Ujma, A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Częstochowska
charakterystyka energetyczna budynku
właściwości cieplne budynku
współczynnik ostrości klimatu
audyt efektywności energetycznej
energy performance of building
thermal characteristics of the building
factor of the climate severity in energy efficiency audit
audit of the energy efficiency
Warunki klimatyczne w istotny sposób wpływają na zapotrzebowanie na energię, na potrzeby ogrzewania. W artykule przeanalizowano wpływ lokalizacji budynku mieszkalnego na terenie Polski, na jego wskaźniki energetyczne. W szczególności oceniono zapotrzebowanie na moc grzewczą, na energię końcową i energię pierwotną paliw nieodnawialnych. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników obliczeń określono również wartości współczynnika ostrości klimatu i porównano z zalecanymi do opracowywania audytu efektywności energetycznej.
The climatic conditions have a significant impact on the energy demand for the purpose of heating. In the following paper the location impact of the residential building in Poland and its energy indicators have been analyzed. Particularly the demand for heating power, the final energy and non-renewable primary energy fuels have been estimated. On the base of the results of calculations the harsh climate values have been determined and they have also been compared with the recommended for development the audit of energy efficiency.
Budownictwo o Zoptymalizowanym Potencjale Energetycznym; 2012, 2 (10); 104--110
Pojawia się w:
Budownictwo o Zoptymalizowanym Potencjale Energetycznym
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The relationship of biochemical parameters and radiological parameters in the evaluation of the clinical severity of acute pancreatitis in the emergency department – a retrospective analysis
Tortum, Fatma
Tekin, Erdal
Aydın, Fahri
Özdal, Emine
Tatlısu, Kübra
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
acute pancreatitis
computed tomography severity index
emergency department
Introduction and aim. Computed tomography severity index (CTSI) and Balthazar score are among the most frequently used scorings in the determination of severe acute pancreatitis. The primary purpose of this study is evaluation of the effects of biochemical parameters, Balthazar score and CTSI on mortality in acute pancreatitis. At the same time, correlations with biochemical parameters, CTSI and Balthazar score were evaluated in patients with AP. Material and methods. In this study, the amylase, lipase, CRP, and procalcitonin values of patients diagnosed with acute pancreatitis were retrospectively recorded. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) images obtained at the time of presentation to the emergency department or within seven days of admission were re-evaluated by two radiologists. The CTSI scores and Balthazar scores of the patients were calculated. Results. The study included 240 patients. The amylase level of the patients was positively correlated with the Balthazar score at a statistically significant level (R=0.189, p=0.003). In addition, the relationship between pancreatic scoring systems and mortality, the AUC value for CTSI was 0.9 (95% CI: 0.826-0.973) and was higher than other scoring systems. Conclusion. CTSI had better performance in the prediction of mortality in patients with acute pancreatitis.
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine; 2023, 2; 277-282
Pojawia się w:
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The evaluation of canine atopic dermatitis extent and severity index (CADESI) test in dogs with atopic dermatitis (AD) treated with cyclosporine or prednisone
Taszkun, I.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
canine atopic dermatitis extent and severity index test
atopic dermatitis
animal disease
The purpose of this study was to assess the clinical state of dogs with atopic dermatitis (AD) by use of CADESI test in own modification during the first visit in the Dermatology Consult Room as well as during the treatment. The study was performed in two groups (I-E and II-C) of 20 dogs in each group. In dogs which were qualified to the I-E group, as antiallergic, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic treatment, prednisone (oral preparation Encorton – Polfa Pabianice) at dose 0.5 mg/kg b.w./day was administered, while in dogs qualified to the II-C group – cyclosporine (oral preparation Sandimmun Neoral – Novartis Pharma) at a dose of 5 mg/kg b.w./day; the treatment was continued for 6 weeks in both groups. During the study, skin lesions were assessed in 15 specified body areas using 4 parameters and 5-point scale. In group I-E and II-C the amount of received points in CADESI test was decreased by 82.26% and by 83% respectively, after the treatment. Statistical analyses of the results obtained revealed no statistically significant (P=0.05) differences between means of I-E and II-C groups in consecutive examinations, which indicates comparable clinical efficacy of both drugs. Statistically significant differences (P=0.05) of the parameters assessed were found after secondary dermatoses treatment, and after every two weeks of antipruritic and anti-inflammatory treatment.
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences; 2010, 13, 4
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of Diesel Particulate Matter Exposure of Underground Miners in Indonesia
Susanto, A.
Purwanto, P.
Sunoko, H. R.
Setiani, O.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
airflow obstruction
spatial interpolation
severity measurement
underground miners
In Indonesia, there are underground mines for mineral metal such copper (Cu) and gold (Au), built by tunneling towards the mineral location. The purpose of this study was to determine the mapping a concentration of diesel particulate matter (DPM) and assess the impact on health by severity measurement of airflow obstruction of the miners experiencing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The data of DPM were measured with NIOSH method no. 5040 and applied a geostatistical method in mapping concentration at the area of underground mining. A spirometric measurement was conducted to diagnose COPD that is done to the 314 miners. The results showed that the concentrations exceeding the permissible exposure limit (PEL) and spirometric measurement were found for 26 miners (8.3%) who experience COPD (post bronchodilator <0.70). The severity measurement of airflow obstruction of the miners experiencing COPD, severity of airflow limitation for moderate (GOLD 2) was obtained for 14 miners (54%); severe (GOLD 3) for 10 miners (38%) and very severe (GOLD 4) for 2 miners (8%). It can be concluded that the amount of DPM exposure against the severity of airflow limitation with COPD by 0.03, in which the other factors also affect the severity.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2018, 19, 4; 34-42
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
General linear model – an effective tool for analysis of claim severity in motor third party liability insurance
Šoltés, Erik
Zelinová, Silvia
Bilíková, Mária
Data publikacji:
Główny Urząd Statystyczny
general linear model
claim severity
motor third party liability insurance
least squares means
The paper focuses on the analysis of claim severity in motor third party liability insurance under the general linear model. The general linear model combines the analyses of variance and regression and makes it possible to measure the influence of categorical factors as well as the numerical explanatory variables on the target variable. In the paper, simple, main and interaction effects of relevant factors have been quantified using estimated regression coefficients and least squares means. Statistical inferences about least-squares means are essential in creating tariff classes and uncovering the impact of categorical factors, so the authors used the LSMEANS, CONTRAST and ESTIMATE statements in the GLM procedure of the Statistical Analysis Software (SAS). The study was based on a set of anonymised data of an insurance company operating in Slovakia; however, because each insurance company has its own portfolio subject to changes over time, the results of this research will not apply to all insurance companies. In this context, the authors feel that what is most valuable in their work, is the demonstration of practical applications that could be used by actuaries to estimate both the claim severity and the claim frequency, and, consequently, to determine net premiums for motor insurance (regardless of whether for motor third party liability insurance or casco insurance.
Statistics in Transition new series; 2019, 20, 4; 13-31
Pojawia się w:
Statistics in Transition new series
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Validation of the Polish language version of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 in a population of adults aged 35–64
Ślusarska, B.J.
Nowicki, G.
Piasecka, H.
Zarzycka, D.
Mazur, A.
Saran, T.
Bednarek, A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
depression severity
general population
psychometric assessment
Introduction. Depressive disorders are one of the most common psychiatric disorders. Recognition of signs of mental health disorders is not always easy, hence the availability of simple and accurate tools for assessing them is very important in the practice of primary care. Objective. The aim of the study is to assess the theoretical accuracy and reliability of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) in Polish conditions, when applied to general population studies for adults aged between 35–64. Materials and method. The study comprised a population of 4,040 people. Women constituted 59% of the research population and people living in the countryside 65%. The average age of participants was 53.45 ± 7.05 years. According to PHQ-9, 727 people (18.0%) had moderate, moderate to severe or severe depression. PHQ-9 showed a significant positive internal cohesion (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.77), and factor charges oscillated between 0.43–0.63, and the R2 coefficients of determination were in the range of 0.21–0.40. Conclusions. The Polish version of PHQ-9 is a valid tool for diagnosing depression in the general population aged 35–64. Good psychometric properties and compactness make the PHQ-9 a useful clinical and research tool.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2019, 26, 3; 420-424
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An analysis of influential factors associated with rural crashes in a developing country: a case study of Iran
Sheykhfard, Abbas
Haghighi, Farshidreza
Abbasalipoor, Reza
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
rural roads
severity of crashes
injury-fatal crashes
logit model
crash data collected
drogi wiejskie
ciężkość wypadków
wypadki śmiertelne
model logiczny
Road traffic deaths continue to rise, reaching 1.35 million in recent years. Road traffic injuries are the eighth leading cause of death for people of all ages. Note that there is a wide difference in the crash rate between developed and developing countries and that developed countries report much lower crash rates than developing and underdeveloped countries. World Health Organization reports that over 80% of fatal road crashes occur in developing countries, while developed countries account for about 7% of the total. The rate of road crashes in developing countries is higher than the global average, despite some measures reducing deaths over the last decade. Numerous studies have been carried out on the safety of urban roads. However, comprehensive research evaluating influential factors associated with rural crashes in developing countries is still neglected. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how factors influence the severity of rural road crashes. In the present study, rural roads in Mazandaran province were considered a case study. The Crash data collected from the Iranian Legal Medicine Organization covers 2018 to 2021, including 2047 rural crashes. Dependent variables were classified as damage crashes and injury-fatal crashes. Besides, independent variables such as driver specifications, crash specifications, environment specifications, traffic specifications, and geometrical road specifications were considered parameters. The logit model data indicate that factors associated with driver and crash specifications influence rural crashes. The type of crashes is the most critical factor influencing the severity of crashes, on which the fatal rate depends. The findings suggested that implementing solutions that minimize the effect of the factors associated with injury and death on rural roads can reduce the severity of crashes on rural roads that share the same safety issues as the case study. Further studies can also be conducted on the safety and mechanics of the vehicle by focusing the research on the types of vehicles and the sources of the damage.
Archives of Transport; 2022, 63, 3; 53--65
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Transport
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Applying Hunger Game Search (HGS) for selecting significant blood indicators for early prediction of ICU COVID-19 severity
Sayed, Safynaz AbdEl-Fattah
ElKorany, Abeer
Sayed, Sabah
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
ICU severity prediction
clinical blood tests
Hunger Game search
optimization algorithm
support vector machine
feature selection
This paper introduces an early prognostic model for attempting to predict the severity of patients for ICU admission and detect the most significant features that affect the prediction process using clinical blood data. The proposed model predicts ICU admission for high-severity patients during the first two hours of hospital admission, which would help assist clinicians in decision-making and enable the efficient use of hospital resources. The Hunger Game search (HGS) meta-heuristic algorithm and a support vector machine (SVM) have been integrated to build the proposed prediction model. Furthermore, these have been used for selecting the most informative features from blood test data. Experiments have shown that using HGS for selecting features with the SVM classifier achieved excellent results as compared with four other meta-heuristic algorithms. The model that used the features that were selected by the HGS algorithm accomplished the topmost results (98.6 and 96.5%) for the best and mean accuracy, respectively, as compared to using all of the features that were selected by other popular optimization algorithms.
Computer Science; 2023, 24 (1); 113--136
Pojawia się w:
Computer Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Joint hypermobility in fibromyalgia patients has no impact on tests for disease severity
Ribel-Madsen, S.
Bartels, E.M.
Gronemann, S.T.
Danneskiold-Samsoe, B.
Bliddal, H.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
human disease
joint hypermobility
disease severity
FM zob.fibromyalgia
FMS zob.fibromyalgia
disease syndrome
Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research; 2008, 02, 2
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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