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“A la manière de Proust” or post-Proust: Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz’s short story “A New Love”
„Po proustowsku” i „po Prouście”. O „Nowej miłości” Jarosława Iwaszkiewicza
Mazur, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Polish literature of the 20th century
French-Polish literary relations
literature and homoeroticism
Marcel Proust’s In Search of Lost Time (1913–1927)
Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz (1894–1980)
Harold Bloom (b. 1930)
Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz
Marcel Proust
Harold Bloom
"W poszukiwaniu straconego czasu"
"Nowa miłość"
This article analyses the transformative infl uence of Marcel Proust’s fi ction on early works of Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz (1925–1927) in the light of the short story Nowa miłość [A New Love]. The article argues – on the basis of a reconstruction of the order in which Iwaszkiewicz read the volumes of In Search of Lost Time – that the date of its composition has be to revised and proceeds to explore the affi nity between the two writers. The analyses, which draw on Harold Bloom’s infl uence theory, compare and contrast their handling of scenes and narratives, relations of analogy and visions of love. The article claims that Iwaszkiewicz was keen to enter into dialogue with the French author and adopted some of Proust’s techniques, yet without compromising his own creative autonomy. In the course of that dialogue he developed a notion of Proust’s literary art which, it is argued, provides the key to the interpretation of homoeroticism and narcissism in Nowa miłość.
Ruch Literacki; 2018, 5; 571-587
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Literacki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Bo w Ługańsku jest tak pięknie, jak w Cannes” – historia o marzeniach i cierpieniach ukraińskiej społeczności, przedstawiona w Polskiej przestrzeni teatralnej (spektakl Mój sztandar zasikał kotek. Kroniki z Donbasu wg. Leny Laguszonkowej)
„Бо в Луганську так гарно, як у Каннах” – історія про мрії та страждання української громади, представлена в польському театральному просторі (вистава Мій прапор запісяв котик. Хроніки з Донбасу за Лєною Лягушонковою)
Staszkiewicz, Wiktoria
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
пошуки ідентичності
search for identity
poszukiwanie tożsamości
  W niniejszym artykule autorka przybliża postać Leny Laguszonkowej oraz spektakl, który powstał w oparciu o jej dramaturgię – Mój sztandar zasikał kotek. Kroniki z Donbasu w reżyserii Aleksandry Popławskiej, wystawiany w Teatrze Rozmaitości w Warszawie. Lena Laguszonkowa urodziła się w 1984 roku w Stanicy Ługańskiej. Ukończyła wydział historii Ługańskiego Państwowego Uniwersytetu im. Tarasa Szewczenki. W Ługańsku podejmowała różnego rodzaju pracę, a po kilku latach przeniosła się do Kijowa. Jako dramatopisarka zadebiutowała w 2018 roku sztuką Baza. Autorka poruszyła w niej tematykę związaną z kobietami i prostytucją. Sztuka można było zobaczyć na festiwalu „Tydzień sztuki aktualnej”. W 2022 roku w wyniku wojny, Lena wraz z bliskimi wyjechała do Polski. Ciepło przyjęło ją tutaj środowisko teatralne, dzięki czemu podjęła współpracę z Teatrem Rozmaitości i Teatrem Polskim w Bydgoszczy. Mój sztandar zasikał kotek. Kroniki z Donbasu powstał na podstawie trzech tekstów Laguszonkowej – Pipidówy, Matki Gorkiego i Mój sztandar zasikał kotek. To sztuka o marzeniach, pragnieniach, rozczarowaniach, bólu i cierpieniu, o kryzysie i poszukiwaniu tożsamości. Główna bohaterka, pochodząca z prowincjonalnego miasteczka – Stanica Ługańska chce jak najszybciej z niego wyjechać i spełniać swoje artystyczne aspiracje. Sztuka pokazuje różne pokolenia wychowywane w Ukraińskich realiach, próbując nam je przybliżyć i pokazać jak wojna wpływa na społeczność.
Метою даної статті є ознайомлення з постаттю української драматургині Олени Лягушонкової та виставою, поставленої за її творами Мій прапор запісяв котик. Хроніки з Донбасу польської режисерки Александри Поплавської в Театрі “Розмаїтості” у Варшаві. Лєна Лягушонкова народилася в 1984 році в Станиці Луганській в Україні. Закінчила історичний факультет Луганського державного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. У Луганську вона працювала на різних роботах, а через кілька років переїхала до Києва. Дебютувала на фестивалі «Тиждень актуальної п’єси» у 2018 році з п’єсою BAZA. Тут авторка торкнулася тем, пов’язаних з жінками та проституцією. У 2022 році, унаслідок війни, Лєна разом із родичами виїхала до Польщі. Тут її тепло зустріла театральна спільнота, завдяки чому вона розпочала співпрацю з Театром Розмаїтості та Польським Театром у Бидгощі. Вистава Мій прапор запісяв котик. Хроніки з Донбасу поставлена на основі трьох текстів Лягушонкової – ПГТ. Хроніка, Мати Горького та Мій прапор запісяв котик. Це вистава про мрії, бажання, розчарування, біль і страждання, про кризу та пошук ідентичності. Головна героїня, яка походить із провінційного містечка Станиця Луганська, хоче якомога швидше покинути його та здійснити свої мистецькі прагнення. Вистава показує різні покоління, виховані в українських реаліях, намагаючись наблизити їх до нас і показати, як війна впливає на громаду.
In this paper, the author introduces the character of Lena Laguszonkowa and the performance based on her dramaturgy – A kitten peed on my banner. Chronicles from Donbas, directed by Aleksandra Popławska, staged at the Rozmaitości Theater in Warsaw. Lena Laguszonkowa was born in 1984 in Stanytsia Luhanska of Luhansk Oblast in eastern Ukraine. She graduated from the history department of Lugansk State University named after Taras Shevchenko. In Lugansk, she took various jobs, and after a few years she moved to Kiev. She made her debut as a playwright in 2018 with Baza. The author touched on topics related to women and prostitution. The art could be seen at the "Current Art Week" festival. In 2022, as a result of the war, Lena and her relatives left Ukraine and moved to Poland. She was warmly welcomed here by the theatrical community, thanks to which she started cooperation with Rozmaitości Theater and Polski Theater in Bydgoszcz. A kitten peed on my banner. Chronicles from Donbas was based on three texts by Laguszonkowa – Rural Town. Chronicles, Gorky’s Mother and A kitten peed on my banner. It is a play about dreams, desires, disappointments, pain and suffering, about crisis and the search for identity. The main character, who comes from a provincial town, Stanica Ługańska, wants to leave it as soon as possible and fulfill her artistic aspirations. The play shows different generations brought up in Ukrainian realities, trying to bring them closer to us and show how war affects the community.
TEKA Komisji Polsko-Ukraińskich Związków Kulturowych; 2023, 6, 18; 1-16
Pojawia się w:
TEKA Komisji Polsko-Ukraińskich Związków Kulturowych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Domu jutra” nie ma
There is No “House of Tomorrow”
Stożek, J.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki. Wydział Architektury. Katedra Kształtowania Środowiska Mieszkaniowego
dom jutra
architekt jutra
dramatyczna natura rzeczywistości
tomorrow's house
tomorrow's architect
dramatic nature of reality
„Domu jutra” nie ma. Będzie dopiero jutro, choć być może jego zarys istnieje już dziś w postaci kiełków.
There is no “house of tomorrow”. The “house of tomorrow” will be here only tomorrow, although, perhaps, its outline can be seen already today in the form of sprouts.
Środowisko Mieszkaniowe; 2013, 12; 149-150
Pojawia się w:
Środowisko Mieszkaniowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
"EKSPEDYCJA ORZEŁ BalexMetal" w poszukiwaniu legendarnego polskiego okrętu podwodnego
"ORZEŁ BalexMetal EXPEDITION" - in search of the legendary polish submarine
Siadek, A.
Jando, H.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Medycyny i Techniki Hiperbarycznej
poszukiwania podwodne
underwater search
W artykule przedstawiono genezę i przebieg realizowanej przez Morska Agencję Poszukiwawczą ekspedycji, której celem było odnalezienie zaginionego podczas II Wojny Swiatowej okretu podwodnego ORP "Orzeł".
In the paper depicted the genesis and proceedings of realized by Marine Search Agency expedition, which destination was lost during the Second World War submarine ORP "Orzeł" retrieving
Polish Hyperbaric Research; 2008, 3(24); 29-33
Pojawia się w:
Polish Hyperbaric Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Wiara i poszukiwanie Boga. Lumen fidei w perspektywie teologii religii
"Faith and the search for God". Lumen fidei from the Perspective of the Theology of Religion
Ferdek, Bogdan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
search for God
theology of religion
desire of faith
path of seekers
poszukiwanie Boga
teologia religii
pragnienie wiary
droga poszukujących (Boga)
Lumen Fidei (The Light of Faith) is intended as the guiding magisterial document for the Year of Faith. Faith is the gateway to salvation. To reach eternal salvation, it is necessary: to have been baptized sacramentally; and to die sincerely professing the Catholic faith. A U.S. Jesuit priest, poet, lyricist, and essayist Leonard Edward Feeney (1897-1978) articulated and defended a strict interpretation of the Roman Catholic doctrine, extra Ecclesiam nulla salus (outside the Church there is no salvation). He took the position that baptism of blood and baptism of desire are unavailing and that therefore no non-Catholics will be saved. Fighting against what he perceived to be the liberalization of Catholic doctrine, he came under ecclesiastical censure. The Vatican’s Holy Office rejected his restrictive view by distinguishing between those who really belong to the Church (in re) and those who belong by desire (in voto). The desire would be explicit in those who were catechumens and implicit in those people of goodwill who would join the Church if they knew it to be the one true Church of Christ. St. Augustine also distinguishes between the sacrament of baptism and the turning of the heart to God. He teaches that if either of these conditions cannot be secured, the other will be sufficient. A baptized child is saved without turning its heart to God, should it die before coming to the age of reason, and a man who turns his heart to God is saved without water baptism, provided he in no way despises the sacrament. St. Thomas states, „some have received the invisible sanctification without visible sacraments, and to their profit; but though it is possible to have the visible sanctification, consisting in a visible sacrament, without the invisible sanctification, it will be to no profit”. The encyclical Lumen Fidei presents faith as a light that dispels the darkness and illuminates the way which is the human being. Respecting the religious sensibility of searchers who lack explicit faith, the letter recognizes that “Religious man strives to see signs of God, in the daily experiences of life, in the cycle of the seasons, in the fruitfulness of the earth and in the movement of the cosmos” (no. 35). It continues, “To the extent that they are sincerely open to love and set out with whatever light they can find, the popes tell us, “[searchers] are already, even without knowing it, on the path leading to faith.” The light of faith in Jesus illumines the path of seekers. Letter to the Hebrews speaks about Enoch and Abel who believed in God before Abraham. Christ is the concentration of light of God, who illumines every human experience and journey of man to God.
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne; 2014, 28; 165-176
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Comparison of Citation Sources for Reference and Citation-Based Search in Systematic Literature Reviews
Ali, Nauman bin
Tanveer, Binish
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
snowball sampling
search strategy
systematic review
systematic mapping
Context: In software engineering, snowball sampling has been used as a supplementary and primary search strategy. The current guidelines recommend using Google Scholar (GS) for snowball sampling. However, the use of GS presents several challenges when using it as a source for citations and references. Objective: To compare the effectiveness and usefulness of two leading citation databases (GS and Scopus) for use in snowball sampling search. Method: We relied on a published study that has used snowball sampling as a search strategy and GS as the citation source. We used its primary studies to compute precision and recall for Scopus. Results: In this particular case, Scopus was highly effective with 95% recall and had better precision of 5.1% compared to GS’s 2.8%. Moreover, Scopus found nine additional relevant papers. On average, one would read approximately 15 extra papers in GS than Scopus to identify one additional relevant paper. Furthermore, Scopus supports batch downloading of both citations and papers’ references, has better quality metadata, and does better source filtering. Conclusion: This study suggests that Scopus seems to be more effective and useful for snowball sampling than GS for systematic secondary studies attempting to identify peer-reviewed literature.
e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal; 2022, 16, 1; art. no. 220106
Pojawia się w:
e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A critical review of the newest biologically-inspired algorithms for the flowshop scheduling problem
Duda, J.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Gdańska
flowshop scheduling
local search
hybrid algorithms
The three most recent bio-inspired heuristics proposed in the OR literature for solving the flowshop scheduling problem are revised in the paper. All of these algorithms use local search procedures to improve solutions achieved by the main procedure. The author tries to asses the gains from hybridizing such heuristics with local search procedures. The achieved results confirm that simple local search algorithms can compete successfully with much complex hybrids.
TASK Quarterly. Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk; 2007, 11, 1-2; 7-19
Pojawia się w:
TASK Quarterly. Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A graphical model to determine the influence of surface currents on small objects immersed in water
Kijewska, M.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Morska w Szczecinie. Wydawnictwo AMSz
estimating survivor location
search survivor movement
object searching
search planning
trajectory prediction
search and rescue
graph theory
hydrodynamic models
This paper proposes a model of the interactions between surface currents and small, moving objects. These objects are immersed in water so that the part extending above the water is no larger than a human head. These interactions are defined as the weighted-directed graph. The basis for determining the edge weights are the directions of the surface currents. The speeds of these currents are used to calculate the time of moving objects. According to the modelling method of the surface-current influence on small objects, presented in this paper, it is possible to implement an application supporting search-and-rescue-operation planning. This method can be used to locate small objects, such as survivors, when planning search-and-rescue operations. Thus, the routes of these objects moving together with surface-water masses can be predicted using this method.
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie; 2016, 47 (119); 170-175
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A hybridized approach for design and optimization of ORPD under unbalanced conditions
Shareef, S. M.
Rao, R. S.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Badań Systemowych PAN
power loss
voltage profile
Cuckoo Search
Glow Worm Swarm
The issue of ORPD (Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch) for enhancing security and economy of a power system has been given substantial consideration in recent days. The major inspiration behind deploying an ORPD system for enhancing power system efficiency is to reallocate the RP (reactive power) in such a manner that power loss be minimized, and voltage profiles get enhanced. Hence, this paper concerns the major objectives, namely, reduction of power loss and voltage deviation that are related to solving ORPD problem under unbalanced condition. To attain these objectives, an amalgamation of two algorithms, called CS (Cuckoo Search) and GWSO (Glow Worm Swarm), is adopted for optimizing, and hence the proposed model is referred to as CP-GWSO. This algorithm functions with the control parameters, namely load reactance, voltage and transformer tap settings that are tuned to attain the optimum outcome. The entire empirical part of the investigations is performed on two IEEE standard test bus systems, the IEEE 14 and the IEEE 39 bus systems. Finally, the proposed scheme is compared to the conventional methods, and its efficiency is confirmed.
Control and Cybernetics; 2018, 47, 4; 309-328
Pojawia się w:
Control and Cybernetics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A metaheuristic for a numerical approximation to the mass transfer problem
Avendaño-Garrido, M. L.
Gabriel-Argüelles, J. R.
Quintana-Torres, L.
Mezura-Montes, E.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
Monge–Kantorovich mass transfer problem
finite dimensional linear programming
transport problem
metaheuristic algorithm
scatter search
programowanie skończenie wymiarowe
zadanie transportowe
algorytm metaheurystyczny
This work presents an improvement of the approximation scheme for the Monge–Kantorovich (MK) mass transfer problem on compact spaces, which is studied by Gabriel et al. (2010), whose scheme discretizes the MK problem, reduced to solve a sequence of finite transport problems. The improvement presented in this work uses a metaheuristic algorithm inspired by scatter search in order to reduce the dimensionality of each transport problem. The new scheme solves a sequence of linear programming problems similar to the transport ones but with a lower dimension. The proposed metaheuristic is supported by a convergence theorem. Finally, examples with an exact solution are used to illustrate the performance of our proposal.
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science; 2016, 26, 4; 757-766
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A new method for estimating fault location in radial medium voltage distribution network only using measurements at feeder beginning
Ngoc-Hung, Truong
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
characteristic equation
distribution network
fault location
fault ranking index
global search
This paper proposes a new fault location method in radial medium voltage distribution networks. The proposed method only uses the measurement data at the feeder beginning to approximate the characteristic equation showing the dependence between the positive-sequence voltage and phase angle at the monitoring point with the distance to the fault location for each fault type on each line segment. To determine these characteristic equation coefficients, the entire distribution network will be modeled and simulated by four types of faults at different locations along the lines to build the initial database. Based on this database, the mathematical functions in MATLAB software are applied to approximate these coefficients corresponding to each type of fault for each line segment in the network. Then, from the current and voltage measurement data at the feeder beginning, the algorithms of global search, comparison, and fault ranking are used to find out where the fault occurs on the distribution network. Two types of distribution network with and without branches are studied and simulated in this paper to verify and evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Archives of Electrical Engineering; 2023, 72, 2; 503--520
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Electrical Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A new method of decision making in multi-objective optimal placement and sizing of distributed generators in the smart grid
Khoshayand, Hossein Ali
Wattanapongsakorn, Naruemon
Mahdavian, Mehdi
Ganji, Ehsan
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
backward-forward load distribution
fuzzy logic
iterative search algorithm
multi-objective optimization
shortest distance from the origin
weighted sum
One of the most important aims of the sizing and allocation of distributed generators (DGs) in power systems is to achieve the highest feasible efficiency and performance by using the least number of DGs. Considering the use of two DGs in comparison to a single DG significantly increases the degree of freedom in designing the power system. In this paper, the optimal placement and sizing of two DGs in the standard IEEE 33-bus network have been investigated with three objective functions which are the reduction of network losses, the improvement of voltage profiles, and cost reduction. In this way, by using the backward-forward load distribution, the load distribution is performed on the 33-bus network with the power summation method to obtain the total system losses and the average bus voltage. Then, using the iterative search algorithm and considering problem constraints, placement and sizing are done for two DGs to obtain all the possible answers and next, among these answers three answers are extracted as the best answers through three methods of fuzzy logic, the weighted sum, and the shortest distance from the origin. Also, using the multi-objective non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) and setting the algorithm parameters, thirty-six Pareto fronts are obtained and from each Pareto front, with the help of three methods of fuzzy logic, weighted sum, and the shortest distance from the origin, three answers are extracted as the best answers. Finally, the answer which shows the least difference among the responses of the iterative search algorithm is selected as the best answer. The simulation results verify the performance and efficiency of the proposed method.
Archives of Electrical Engineering; 2023, 72, 1; 253--271
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Electrical Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A novel hybrid cuckoo search algorithm for optimization of a line-start PM synchronous motor
Knypiński, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
hybrid cuckoo search algorithm
heuristic algorithms
multi-objective optimization
permanent magnet synchronous motor
algorytm kukułki hybrydowy
algorytm Cuckoo
algorytm heurystyczny
optymalizacja wielocelowa
silnik synchroniczny z magnesem trwałym
The paper presents a novel hybrid cuckoo search (CS) algorithm for the optimization of the line-start permanent magnet synchronous motor (LSPMSM). The hybrid optimization algorithm developed is a merger of the heuristic algorithm with the deterministic Hooke–Jeeves method. The hybrid optimization procedure developed was tested on analytical benchmark functions and the results were compared with the classical cuckoo search algorithm, genetic algorithm, particle swarm algorithm and bat algorithm. The optimization script containing a hybrid algorithm was developed in Delphi Tiburón. The results presented show that the modified method is characterized by better accuracy. The optimization procedure developed is related to a mathematical model of the LSPMSM. The multi-objective compromise function was applied as an optimality criterion. Selected results were presented and discussed.
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences; 2023, 71, 1; art. no. e144586
Pojawia się w:
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A performance analysis of a hybrid golden section search methodology and a nature-inspired algorithm for MPPT in a solar PV system
Mostafa, Hazem H.
Ibrahim, Amr M.
Anis, Wagdi R.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
hybrid optimization
golden sections search
multi-verse optimization algorithm
maximum power point tracking
perturb and observe
photovoltaic (PV)
This research presents a comparative study for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) methodologies for a photovoltaic (PV) system. A novel hybrid algorithm golden section search assisted perturb and observe (GSS-PO) is proposed to solve the problems of the conventional PO (CPO). The aim of this new methodology is to boost the efficiency of the CPO. The new algorithm has a very low convergence time and a very high efficiency. GSS-PO is compared with the intelligent nature-inspired multi-verse optimization (MVO) algorithm by a simulation validation. The simulation study reveals that the novel GSS- PO outperforms MVO under uniform irradiance conditions and under a sudden change in irradiance.
Archives of Electrical Engineering; 2019, 68, 3; 611-627
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Electrical Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A random search algorithm for cyclic delivery synchronization problem
Wykorzystanie algorytmu heurystycznego do rozwiązania problemu synchronizacji dostaw cyklicznych do centrów przeładunkowych
Gdowska, K.
Książek, R.
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki
cyclic delivery synchronization n problem
mixed-integer programming
heuristic algorithms
random search
harmonogramowanie dostaw cyklicznych
programowanie całkowitoliczbowe mieszane
algorytmy heurystyczne
Background: The paper is devoted to the cyclic delivery synchronization problem with vehicles serving fixed routes. Each vehicle is assigned to a fixed route: the series of supplier’s and logistic centers to be visited one after another. For each route the service frequency is fixed and known in advance. A vehicle loads at a supplier’s, then it delivers goods to a logistic center and either loads other goods there and delivers them to the next logistic center along the route or goes to another logistic center. Each logistic center can belong to several routes, so goods are delivered there with one vehicle and then they departure for the further journey with another truck. The objective of this cyclic delivery synchronization problem is to maximize the total number of synchronizations of vehicles arrivals in logistic centers and their load times, so that it is possible to organize their arrivals in repeatable blocks. Methods: Basing on the previously developed mathematical model for the cyclic delivery synchronization problem we built a random search algorithm for cyclic delivery synchronization problem. The random heuristic search utilizes objective-oriented randomizing. In the paper the newly-developed random search algorithm for cyclic delivery synchronization problem is presented. Results: A computational experiment consisted of employing the newly-developed random search algorithm for solving a series of cyclic delivery synchronization problems. Results obtained with the algorithm were compared with solutions computed with the exact method. Conclusions: The newly-developed random search algorithm for cyclic delivery synchronization problem gives results which are considerably close to the ones obtained with mixed-integer programming. The main advantage of the algorithm is reduction of computing time; it is relevant for utilization of this method in practice, especially for large-sized problems.
Wstęp: W pracy przedstawiono problem synchronizowania dostaw cyklicznych do centrów przeładunkowych. Dostawy realizowane są na stałych trasach: pojazd, obsługujący daną trasę ma dostarczyć towar do centrum przeładunkowego, załadować tam inny towar i przewieźć go do kolejnego punktu trasy lub wykonać pusty przejazd do punktu załadunku. Punktami synchronizacji obsługi tras są centra logistyczne, w których niejednokrotnie towar przywieziony przez jeden pojazd, wyrusza w dalszą drogę innym. Dostawy na każdej trasie realizowane są ze stałą częstotliwością. Trasy dostaw oraz ilości przewożonego towaru są znane. Celem w zadaniu synchronizacji dostaw cyklicznych jest maksymalizacja liczby synchronizacji przyjazdów i pobytu pojazdów w centrach logistycznych tak, aby możliwe było grupowanie ich obsługi w bloki rozładunkowo-załadunkowe. Metody: Na podstawie opracowanego wcześniej modelu matematycznego dla problemu synchronizowania dostaw cyklicznych do centrów przeładunkowych został zbudowany algorytm heurystyczny poszukujący rozwiązań poprzez ukierunkowane losowanie. W artykule przedstawiono opracowany algorytm losowego przeszukiwania. Wyniki: Eksperyment obliczeniowy polegał na rozwiązaniu zestawu zadań synchronizowania dostaw cyklicznych przy pomocy opracowanego algorytmu i porównaniu uzyskanych wyników ze znanymi rozwiązaniami dokładnymi. Wnioski: Przedstawiony algorytm heurystyczny dla zadania synchronizowania dostaw cyklicznych pozwala na uzyskanie rozwiązań zbliżonych do wyników otrzymanych przy zastosowaniu modelu programowania matematycznego. Zaletą zastosowanego algorytmu jest znaczne skrócenie czasu poszukiwania rozwiązania, co może mieć znaczenie dla praktycznego wykorzystania zaproponowanej metody.
LogForum; 2017, 13, 3; 263-272
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Biblioteka Nauki

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