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Zmienność wybranych cech makrostruktury i gęstości drewna świerkowego (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) z regla dolnego i górnego
Variability of selected macrostructural features and density of Picea abies (L.) Karst. wood from lower and upper subalpine forest zones
Michalec, K.
Wąsik, R.
Barszcz, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
wysokosc nad poziomem morza
lasy gorskie
regiel gorny
regiel dolny
drzewa lesne
swierk pospolity
Picea abies
drewno swierkowe
drewno pozne
gestosc drewna
sloje przyrostu rocznego
czynniki siedliska
tree−ring width
latewood share
height above mean sea level
The paper compares the properties of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) wood from stands growing in the lower and upper subalpine forest zone in terms of the tree−ring width, the share of latewood and the wood density. The investigation concerned material originating from plots established within the boundaries of the south−western incidence of spruce in Poland. Plots were located in the Sudety Mts. and in the Carpathians (tab. 1). On each plot fifteen Norway spruces were chosen and increment cores were sampled using the Pressler borer. The surface of the cores was smoothed and the tree−ring width was measured. The latewood zones were determined and the share of latewood was calculated. Then, the cores were divided into 2 cm sections, for which the relative wood density was determined. Tree−rings were wider in trees growing in the lower when compared with those from the upper subalpine forest zone (tab. 2). Weak negative correlation was revealed between the elevation and the tree−ring width (r=–0.308). The latewood share was slightly higher in trees from the upper than those from the lower subalpine forest zone (tab. 2). However, no statistically significant correlation between the latewood share and elevation was recorded. The wood density was slightly lower in trees from the lower than those from the upper subalpine forest zone (tab. 2), but the difference was not statistically significant. The correlation between the wood density and the elevation turned out to be insignificant.
Sylwan; 2016, 160, 10; 855-860
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmienność form cyrkulacji środkowotroposferycznej według klasyfikacji Wangenheima-Girsa i ich relacje z polem ciśnienia na poziomie morza
Variability of Mid-Tropospheric Circulation Forms According to Wangenheim-Girs Classification and Their Relations to Sea-Level Pressure Patterns
Kożuchowski, K.
Degirmendžić, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwa Geofizyczne
klasyfikacja Wangenheima-Girsa
formy cyrkulacji
epizody cyrkulacyjne
zmienność form cyrkulacji
pola ciśnienia na poziomie morza
cyrkulacja atmosferyczna Europy
cyrkulacja atmosferyczna Atlantyku Północnego
Wangenheim-Girs classification
circulation forms
circulation episodes
variability of circulation forms
sea level pressure
atmospheric circulation in Europe
atmospheric circulation in the North Atlantic
Opracowanie przedstawia wyniki statystycznej analizy zmienności form cyrkulacji atmosferycznej na podstawie klasyfikacji Wangenheima-Girsa. W analizie wykorzystano dwie miary frekwencji form cyrkulacji: 1. roczne liczby dni z formami cyrkulacji W, E i C (częstość nd), 2. roczne liczby epizodów poszczególnych form (Ne), tj. liczby okresów, w których przez kolejne dni w roku utrzymuje się dana forma. Wykonano ocenę wieloletnich zmian frekwencji form cyrkulacji na podstawie kumulowanych odchyleń częstości nd i Ne od średnich z okresu 1949-2015 oraz porównano frekwencję form cyrkulacji w trzech tzw. epokach cyrkulacyjnych: E+C (1950-1969), E (1970-1991) i W (1992-2015). Ponadto, analizowano zmiany frekwencji nd i Ne z roku na rok oraz następstwo występowania epizodów form W, E i C. W okresie 1949-2015 wydzielono 3 476 epizodów cyrkulacyjnych o średnim czasie trwania około siedmiu dni. W analizowanym okresie wzrastała znacząco częstość nd formy W, głównie wskutek wzrostu liczby epizodów (Ne). Skróceniu uległy natomiast epizody form E i C. Stwierdzono istotną, rosnącą tendencję rocznej liczby epizodów trzech form cyrkulacji Ne (W+E+C). Częstotliwość zmian form cyrkulacyjnych wzrosła szczególnie po roku 2003 (rys. 3). Istotne statystycznie różnice wystąpiły między frekwencją form cyrkulacji w trzech wyróżnionych podokresach – tzw. epokach cyrkulacyjnych. Największą zmienność można przypisać formom W i C. Największą inercją zmian czasowych wyróżnia się częstość formy W (tab. 3, 4, 5). Zmiany z roku na rok frekwencji form cyrkulacyjnych, jak i związki między zmianami rocznych częstości poszczególnych form wykazują stochastyczny charakter krótkookresowej zmienności form cyrkulacji atmosferycznej. Niemniej, w analizowanej próbie sześćdziesięciu sześciu zmian z roku na rok frekwencji nd i Ne znaleziono słabą zbieżność zmian częstości form W i C oraz E i C. Znaleziono także śladowo zaznaczoną tendencję, zgodnie z którą po epizodach formy E następują ze względnym nadmiarem epizody formy W, po epizodach W – epizody C, a po epizodach C – epizody E (rys. 4). W przeważającej liczbie przypadków (około 2/3 lat analizowanej serii) stwierdzono zbieżność względnej dominacji form W i C lub zbieżność dominacji form E i C (lata te oznaczono indeksami WWC, ECC i ECE, zob. tab. 10). Przedstawiono hipotezę, według której losowe zmiany form cyrkulacji mogą powodować powstawanie znaczących fluktuacji, obserwowanych w przebiegu częstości poszczególnych form (forma W nieznacznie sprzyja powstawaniu formy C, forma C sprzyja formie E itd., zob. rys. 8). Pole średniego ciśnienia, odpowiadające formom cyrkulacji W, E i C (rys. 6-11) wskazuje, że formie W odpowiada silnie pogłębiona depresja w strefie wysokich szerokości geograficznych nad Europą. Formom cyrkulacji południkowej E i C odpowiadają dodatnie anomalie ciśnienia, położone w pobliżu osi klinów na powierzchni 500 hPa (odpowiednio w pobliżu południków 40-50°E i 0-10°E). Podczas panowania formy E nad północno-wschodnią Europą kształtują się układy wyżowe; w zimie przybierające postać rozległego klina Wyżu Azjatyckiego. Podczas epizodów formy C wyż kształtuje się nad Europą Zachodnią; w sezonie letnim ma on postać klina Wyżu Azorskiego.
The paper presents the results of a statistical analysis of the temporal variations in the occurrence of atmospheric circulation forms based on the Wangenghim-Girs classification. Two statistical measures of the occurrence of circulation forms are used: 1) annual frequency of circulation forms, i.e. the number of days with individual forms (nd); 2) annual frequency of circulation episodes (Ne). An episode denotes a period in which a sole form in successive days occurs. An assessment of long-term changes in frequencies of circulation forms is provided on the basis of cumulative deviations from averages of the period 1949-2015, and so in the comparison of the frequency of circulation forms in three so-called circulation epochs: E+C (1950-1969), E (1970-1991) and W (1992-2015). Moreover, the year to year changes in nd and Ne frequencies, and the succession of the circulation episodes of W, E and C forms were analyzed. In the 1949-2015 period 3 476 circulation episodes with average duration of ca. 7 days were identified. In the analyzed period, the nd frequency of the form W was significantly growing, mostly due to the rise of the number of W episodes. In contrast, the episodes of the E and C forms shortened. A remarkable rising tendency in the number of episodes of the three forms Ne (W+E+C) was also identified. The changeability of circulation form rose particularly after 2003 (fig. 3). Statistically significant differences were observed between the frequency of circulation forms in three identified sub-periods – the so called circulation epochs. The greatest variability may be attributed to the W and C forms. The greatest persistence in temporal changes characterizes the frequency of the W form (tab. 3, 4, 5). Year to year changes in frequencies of circulation forms, and relations between changes in yearly frequencies of particular forms demonstrate stochastic character of short-term variability of circulation patterns. However, in the analyzed sample of 66 year to year changes in nd and Ne frequencies a slight association in frequency changes of the W and C forms, and E and C forms was identified. Moreover, a detectable tendency was observed for the W form episodes to succeed with relative higher frequency the E form episodes, as the C form episodes succeed the W form episodes, and the E form episodes succeed the C form episodes (F=fig. 4). The majority of he analyzed cases (about 2/3 of the years in question) were characterized by the association of relatively dominant W and C forms, or the association of the E and C forms prevalence (these years were marked with WWC, ECC, and ECE indexes, see tab. 10). According to the hypothesis presented random changes in circulation forms may cause significant frequency fluctuations of particular forms (the C form occurs slightly frequently after the W form, and the E form after the C one, etc., see fig. 8). The average sea level pressure field, related to the W, E and C circulation forms (fig. 6-11) indicates that zonal W form is related to a deep depression in high latitudes over Europe. Meridional circulation forms E and C are related to the positive pressure anomalies located near the axes of ridges at the 500 hPa level (near to the 40-50°E and 0-10°E meridians respectively). During the prevalence of the E form over North-Eastern Europe highs are being formed, which take the shape of the spacious ridge of the Asian high in winter. During the C form episodes the high is being formed over Western Europe, and it takes shape of the ridge of the Azorian high in summer.
Przegląd Geofizyczny; 2018, 1-2; 89-122
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geofizyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany poziomu morza : przyczyny, skale czasowe i historia ich poznania
Sea level changes : causes, time scales and the history of their recognition
Boski, Tomasz
Wilamowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
zmiana poziomu morza
zapis geologiczny
zapis miernika pływów
altimetria satelitarna
wpływ antropogeniczny
sea level change
geological record
tide gauge record
satellite altimetry
anthropogenic impact
Sea level changes provoked by multiple forcings that act in a wide range of time scales attracted human interest for several millennia. However, the bases of modern understanding of this phenomenon and its quantitative expression were achieved during the last two centuries. At present, owing to a series of altimetric observations made by 4 satellite missions in the last 30years, the mean sea level (MSL) rise calculated for the whole Earth is estimated to be 3-3.5 mm per year, with at least half of this value being attributable to human-induced climate warming. About 125,000 years ago, during the last interglacial (Eemian) that was warmer than the current period, the MSL was about 5 m higher than today. Approximately 116,000 years ago, the sea level began to decline as a result of gradual cooling of the climate that led to glaciation, which in the Northern Hemisphere had a climax at 20-30 ka BP. The transition from the last glacial maximum to the current warm period, covering the last 20,000years, includes the transfer of about 35 106 km3 of water from melting ice caps of the Northern Hemisphere to the oceanic reservoir, causing an increase in sea level of about 130 m. The average rate of MSL rise was about 10 mm per year, although over the last seven millennia, the MSL rising rate dropped to about 1-1.5 mm per year. These changes are considered representative of the natural variability of the Earth's climate system over the past 2 million years.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2020, 68, 11; 820--823
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ wybranych elementów siedliska na zawartość manganu w runi górskich użytków zielonych
The effect of selcted environmental factors on the manganese content in sward of mountain grasslands
Kopeć, M.
Zarzycki, J.
Kaczmarczyk-Przetaczek, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
ruń łąkowa
wzniesienie n.p.m.
height above sea level
Badaniom poddano 210 próbek materiału roślinnego i glebowego (głównie gleby brunatne) z użytków zielonych położonych w paśmie Radziejowej Beskidu Sądeckiego. Materiał badawczy był zróżnicowany pod względem warunków siedliskowych (wysokość nad poziomem morza 360-960 m; pH gleby 3,59-6,53; udział traw w runi 6-87%). Zbiorowiska opisano metodą Brauna-Blanqueta, a w runi oznaczono zawartość manganu. W przeprowadzonych badaniach prawie 1/3 zawartości manganu w runi użytków zielonych z obszaru badań zależała od odczynu gleby, udziału roślin bobowatych i wysokości n.p.m. Wraz ze zwiększaniem się wartości dwóch pierwszych czynników zmniejszała się zawartość manganu w runi. Im wyżej nad poziomem morza były położone użytki zielone, tym bardziej zawartość ta się zwiększała. Duża zawartość manganu w runi górskich użytków zielonych zlokalizowanych na glebach brunatnych powoduje zwiększenie jego dawki podawanej zwierzętom w paszy, co może skutkować zmniejszeniem przyswajalności innych składników.
In the Radziejowa mountain range in the Beskid Sądecki Mts 210 samples of plant material were collected from grasslands (mainly brown soil). The material originated from diversified habitat conditions (altitude 360-960 m a.s.l., pH 3.59-6.53; share of grasses in sward 6-87%). Plant communities were described using the Braun-Blanquet method and manganese content was determined in the sward. The study revealed that almost 1/3 of the manganese content in grassland sward from the investigated region depended on soil reaction, the share of legumes and the elevation above sea level. The higher the values of two first factors, the lower was the content of manganese in sward. Manganese content increased with altitude above sea level. High manganese content in the sward of mountain grasslands located on brown soils increases its dose administered to animals with fodder, which may result in lower assimilation of other components.
Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie; 2006, 6, 2; 203-211
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Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wartość gospodarcza runi pastwiska górskiego ekstensywnie użytkowanego, położonego na przeciwległych stokach
The economic value of mountain pasture used extensively, located on opposite slopes (N–S)
Twardy, S.
Domagała, B.
Matoga, W.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
ekspozycja stokowa
pastwisko górskie
położenie n.p.m.
ruń pastwiskowa
skład botaniczny
skład chemiczny
botanical composition
chemical composition
location above sea level
mountain pasture
slope exposure
W latach 2014–2016 przeprowadzono w Małych Pieninach prace badawcze na pastwisku położonym na stokach N–S, w przedziale hipsometrycznym 550–950 m n.p.m. Na różnej wysokości n.p.m. (co 50 m n.p.m) zlokalizowano cztery poletka doświadczalne (po 20 m2). Skoszoną ruń z poszczególnych poletek ważono bezpośrednio, a pobrane próbki wykorzystywano do analiz. Wyniki przeliczano na jednostkę powierzchni i odnoszono do ustalonych stref wysokości oraz ekspozycji stokowych. W warunkach ekspozycji północnej plony kształtowały się w przedziale 4,2–5,9 t∙ha–1 s.m., a w warunkach ekspozycji południowej 3,6–5,3 t∙ha–1 s.m. Dane liczbowe przeanalizowano w aspekcie trendów zmian biomasy na poziomie ufności p = 0,05. Próbki pobranego materiału roślinnego analizowano też pod względem składu botanicznego. Z wyodrębnionych gatunków roślin utworzono trzy grupy traw (zróżnicowanych pod względem wartości użytkowej – Lwu), grupę bobowatych oraz grupę roślin dwuliściennych. Średnią wartość użytkową obliczano dla każdego roku, strefy wysokości i ekspozycji pastwiska, rejestrując wyraźne różnice. Skład chemiczny runi analizowano z pierwszego odrostu pod kątem zawartości N, P, K, Ca, Mg i Na. Stwierdzono małą lub średnią zawartość podanych składników, bez względu na położenie n.p.m. i ekspozycję. W latach badań występowały zmienne warunki pogodowe. Bardzo duże opady atmosferyczne (1179,7 mm) zarejestrowano w okresie wegetacji 2014 r. Były one, w odniesieniu do średnich z wielolecia (678,4 mm), o ponad 70% większe. Natomiast najmniejsze opady (661,1 mm) i największe wartości temperatury (12,9°C) stwierdzono w okresie wegetacyjnym 2015 r. Warunki pogodowe w poszczególnych okresach wegetacyjnych różnicowały plonowanie runi, a także jej jakość, co wyraźniej objawiało się w warunkach ekspozycji południowej.
The study was conducted in Lesser Pieniny Mountain Range in the years 2014–2016 on a pasture located at the altitude range of 550–950 m above sea level along the N–S profile. Experimental plots (4 x 20 m2) were established at the fixed altitudes above sea level. The pasture sward from individual plots was cut and weighed directly. Harvested grass samples were subjected to laboratory analysis. Results were calculated per unit area and referenced to delineated altitude zones and slope exposures. The level of yield ranged from 4.2–5.9 Mg∙ha–1 DM at N slope and 3.6–5.3 Mg∙ha–1 DM at the opposite slope. Figures were analyzed in terms of trends in the biomass at a confidence level of 0.05. Samples of collected plant material were also analyzed for botanical composition of the sward. From the extracted species three groups of grass (diverse in terms of use value), a group of Fabaceae and a group of dicotyledonous plants were created. The average use value was calculated for each year, height zone and pasture exposure, recording distinct differences. Chemical composition of the sward was analyzed from the first regrowth for the content of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na. Regardless of the sea level and exposure, low or medium content of these components was found. Weather conditions were varying during the research period. Very high precipitation (1179.7 mm) was recorded in the growing season of 2014. It was over 70% higher than the multi-year average precipitation (678.4 mm), whereas the lowest precipitation (661.1 mm) and the highest temperatures (12.9°C) were registered in the growing season in 2015. The weather conditions in particular growing seasons determined the yields and the quality of the sward, especially on the S exposure
Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie; 2017, 17, 4; 129-146
Pojawia się w:
Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Vulnerability assessment of Southern coastal areas of Iran to sea level rise: evaluation of climate change impact
Goharnejad, H.
Shamsai, A.
Hosseini, S.A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Oceanologii PAN
climate change
sea level rise
coastal area
general circulation model
sea-level change
artificial intelligence
artificial neural network
hydrological model
Oceanologia; 2013, 55, 3
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Vulnerability and adaptation of Polish coast to impact of sea-level rise (SLR)
Pruszak, Z.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Budownictwa Wodnego PAN
Polish coast
sea level rise (SLR)
The paper presented contains results of the latest studies on assessment of the vulner-ability of the Polish coast to sea-level rise, thus providing the synthesis, development and update of all current works in this field. Apart from a general description of the basic physical and socio-economic coastal characteristics, boundary conditions were defined for further studies on Poland's vulnerability to ASLR. For each of the four areas, into which the Polish coastal zone was divided, a synthesis of threats and vul-nerability to the expected SLR was carried out, taking into account characteristic elements and features of the regions. Basing upon two extreme scenarios of sea-level rise, i.e. ASLR1 with 30 cm/100 yrs (optimistic variant) and ASLR2 with 100 cm/100 yrs (pessimistic variant), the assessment and cost calculation of total protection measures of the endangered areas in the coastal zone related to their capital value to be lost was executed. Finally, it was found that the protective investments should mainly be undertaken on the west and east coasts, where economically justified. Because of limited funds, it is necessary to concentrate on particularly important and simultaneously strongly threatened regions. The detailed analysis of costs implies that the activities should be undertaken first on the coastal segments adjacent to Gdańsk and Szczecin, where vast agglomerations are located, with concentrated industry and related infrastructure, as well as centres of science and culture.
Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics; 2001, 48, 2; 73-90
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Validation of the hydrodynamic part of the ecohydrodynamic model for the Southern Baltic
Jedrasik, J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Oceanologii PAN
water temperature
hydrodynamic model
sea level
ecohydrodynamic model
Baltic Sea
The first part of the Baltic Sea ecohydrodynamic model, based on the Princeton Ocean Model (POM), was validated by long-term observations of sea level, salinity and water temperature fluctuations. The modelled sea surface temperature (SST) fields were also compared to satellite images – satisfactory correlation coefficients were obtained. The model bias and efficiency coefficients of the modelled variables in relation to the observed values were determined. The quality of model simulations in relation to measured values was estimated with respect to spatial and seasonal variability in shallow and deep coastal waters as well as in the open sea. The results indicated the high quality of simulations by the hydrodynamic model.
Oceanologia; 2005, 47, 4
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tree stumps from the bottom of the Vistula Lagoon as indicators of water level changes in the Southern Baltic during the Late Holocene
Leczynski, L.
Miotk-Szpiganowicz, G.
Zachowicz, J.
Uscinowicz, S.
Krapiec, M.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Oceanologii PAN
tree stump
palynological analysis
Vistula Lagoon
Baltic Sea
Gdansk Gulf
water level change
Late Holocene
The Vistula Lagoon is situated along the south-eastern shore of the Gulf of Gdańsk and is linked with the gulf through the Strait of Baltiysk. Separated from the open sea by the Vistula Spit, the Vistula Lagoon is a shallow body of water with a mean depth of 3 m; the bottom is covered with a layer of mud several metres thick. This article presents a unique, newly discovered locality of tree stumps occurring in situ at the bottom of the Vistula Lagoon. The radiocarbon age of the alder stumps and the top of the peat in which they are rooted is Subboreal. The alder wood was dated to 4770±35 and 3295±35 years BP. The top layers of peat were dated to 4670±40, 4410±35 and 3690±35 years BP. The considerable scatter of the dates indicates the significance of erosional processes during marine transgressions. Radiocarbon dates and pollen analyses indicate that in the late Atlantic – early Subboreal periods, the water level of the Vistula Lagoon was about 3 m lower than it is today. The −2 m level was passed no earlier than c. 3500 years ago; the −1 m level was reached around 2000 years ago.
Oceanologia; 2007, 49, 2
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tide and mean sea level trend in the West coast of the Arabian Gulf from tide gauges and multi-missions satellite altimeter
Siddig, N.A.
Al-Subhi, A.M.
Alsaafani, M.A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Oceanologii PAN
sea level
Arabian Gulf
West coast
satellite altimetry
Oceanologia; 2019, 61, 4
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tidal Level Predictions in Reference to Their Datum, Based on Particular, Selective Sources
Kabzinski, B.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni. Wydział Nawigacyjny
Tides, Tidal Level Predictions
Chart Datum
Tide Tables
Tidal Data
safety at sea
Nautical Publications
The article presents differences between tidal datum of predictions taken from six official data sources (British, American and Caribbean comprising both paper and electronic form) for three pairs of ports located on the Atlantic coast of North, Central and South America. Two day of predictions represent spring and neap tide. It can be treated as a continuation, a deeper stage of works focused on tidal comparisons. The most essential trial of tidal datum unification for particular ports gives the more adequate base for comparison of Height Deviations from reference values (for particular ports: local or mean) and shows wide variety of the results.
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation; 2008, 2, 2; 149-154
Pojawia się w:
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tidal characteristics in the Gulf of Khambhat, Northern Arabian Sea — based on observation and global tidal model data
Mitra, A.
Kumar, V.S.
Jena, B.K.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Oceanologii PAN
tidal model
sea level
MIKE21 model
FES2014 model
Khambhat Gulf
Arabian Sea
Tidal characteristics of the Gulf of Khambhat are described based on measured and modelled sea-level data. Data were recorded at three locations inside and two locations outside the Gulf with record lengths of 6–12 months to study the tidal propagation. A northward increase in tidal amplitude is noticed from Daman (eastern side) and Diu (western side) and attains maxima at Bhavnagar. A similar trend is followed by the amplitude of the major tidal constituents, although there are discrepancies for that of the minor constituents. The non-tidal factor which influences the sea-level is the local wind, especially the alongshore component of wind. A positive correlation is obtained between the sea-level and the meridional component of wind at each location. Harmonic analysis of sea-level data shows that M2 is the major tidal constituent which propagates in a non-linear fashion inside the Gulf. Tides from two global tide models (MIKE21 and FES2014) have been compared with the measured data, which could be used for further prediction of the tides and sediment transport in the Gulf. The tide elevation derived from the MIKE21 model has further been used for the harmonic analysis of tide. The tides predicted using one-month data are up to 10% smaller than those predicted using the one-year data. The global tide model FES2014 data performs well with measured data for offshore locations, whereas it fails to predict the same for the inner Gulf locations. The study manifests the fact that to understand the dynamics of complex tidal areas, regional models should better be used than global tidal models.
Oceanologia; 2020, 62, 4PA; 443-459
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Role of Operational Ocean Forecasting in E-Navigation
Graff, J.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni. Wydział Nawigacyjny
Operational Ocean Forecasting
Climate Changes
Tide Tables
Sea Level
Marine Electronic Highway (MEH)
Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS)
Advances in ocean modelling have led to improved performance for operational ocean forecasting and the availability of continuously reliable forecast information for certain ocean regions of the world. Although such forecasts are being increasingly adopted into a wide range of services across the maritime industry they have not yet been considered as candidates to supplement or to substitute conventional tide tables for navigation use. The issue is important in the context of climate change and the added uncertainty now placed on the use of conventional tide table for navigation in complex coastal waters. In the context of e-navigation it is timely to begin to explore the issue and examine how such forecasts might be used and adopted. This requires closer connectivity between ocean forecasting and navigation communities and the involvement of overarching organisations such as IMO and I GOOS. This paper raises the issue and opens the debate.
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation; 2008, 2, 3; 259-262
Pojawia się w:
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The role of neo-tectonics in the variation of the relative mean sea level throughout the last 6000 years on the Taman Peninsula (Black Sea, Azov Sea, Russia)
Fouache, E.
Porotov, A.
Müller, C.
Gorlov, Y.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
sea level
Black Sea
Sediments, carbon-datings on seashells, allow us to reconstruct the evolution of the average sea level for some 6000 years on the Taman Peninsula. The current sea level, regionally, appears to be the highest level ever reached on the peninsula. It seems that for the Anapa area and Tchouchtchka Spit area it is possible to propose a sea level curve characterised by a slow, continuous rising during the past 6000 years. On the Taman Peninsula itself, the sedimentary record of this slow ascent has been distorted by a heavy tectonic subsidence. We have identified this neo-tectonic subsidence effect on at least two areas on the peninsula. The south of the peninsula, Burgaz Spit and Vityazevos Lagoon, is the most affected area. The Taman Gulf is an intermediate area. The tectonic subsidence is particularly noticeable from 1500 to 500 BC, which we believe to have been misinterpreted until now, and to be at the origin of the notion of "Phanagorian Regression".
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers; 2004, 11; 47-57
Pojawia się w:
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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