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Pierwsza odsłona politycznej i militarnej batalii o Górny Śląsk. I powstanie śląskie w polskich szkolnych podręcznikach historii XXI wieku
The first stage of the political and military battle for Upper Silesia. The First Silesian Uprising in Polish school history textbooks of the 21st century
Białokur, Marek
Gołębiowska, Anna
Gołębiowski, Dariusz
Hojka, Zbigniew
Ruchniewicz, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe „Śląsk"
I powstanie śląskie
Górny Śląsk
edukacja historyczna
podręczniki szkolne
batalia polityczna
First Silesian Uprising
Upper Silesia
history education
school textbooks
political strife
Szkolna edukacja historyczna, pomimo wielu zmiennych wpływających na jej kształt i charakter, wciąż bardzo mocno opiera się na przekazie ustnym nauczyciela oraz podręcznikach. Zbadanie treści przekazywanych przez poszczególnych nauczycieli za zamkniętymi drzwiami klas lekcyjnych jest praktycznie niemożliwe do zrealizowania w większej skali. Inaczej wygląda sytuacja w odniesieniu do szkolnych podręczników do historii, które, po pierwsze – zostały opracowane na bazie ogłaszanych przez ministra edukacji i nauki podstaw programowych; po drugie – są recenzowane przez specjalnie powoływanych w tym celu ekspertów; a po trzecie – są ogólnodostępne, a przez to możliwe do kompleksowej oceny. Opisane uwarunkowania pozwalają na ocenę poszczególnych wydarzeń z przeszłości, a wśród nich pierwszej odsłony politycznej i militarnej batalii o Górny Śląsk ze szczególnym akcentem położonym na I powstanie śląskie z 1919 roku. Wydarzenia z sierpnia tegoż roku na kartach podręczników, z których korzystano i korzysta się w polskich szkołach od ponad 20 lat, zajmują miejsce adekwatne do roli i znaczenia, jakie odegrały w procesie kształtowania się granic państwa polskiego po I wojnie światowej. Z oczywistych względów znacznie więcej miejsca zajmują w podręcznikach przeznaczonych dla szkół ponadpodstawowych, w których znalazło się również więcej materiałów ikonograficznych oraz poleceń dla uczniów. Konkludując, należy stwierdzić, że z większości poddanych analizie podręczników uczniowie mogą dowiedzieć się najważniejszych rzeczy dotyczących genezy, przebiegu oraz znaczenia powstania.
School history education, despite many variables affecting its shape and character, is still very much based on the oral transmission of the teacher and on textbooks. Examination of the content provided by individual teachers behind the closed doors of the classrooms in which they work with students is practically impossible on a larger scale. The situation is different with regard to school history textbooks, which, first of all, have been developed on the basis of the core curricula announced by the minister of education and science. Secondly, they are reviewed by experts specially appointed for this purpose. Thirdly, they are publicly available, and thus can be comprehensively assessed. The described conditions allow for the assessment of particular events from the past, including the first political and military battle for Upper Silesia, with particular emphasis on the First Silesian Uprising of 1919. The events of August of that year occupy a place adequate to the role and importance they had in the process of shaping the borders of the Polish state after World War I in the pages of textbooks that have been used in the Polish schools for over twenty years. For obvious reasons, they occupy much more space in textbooks for secondary schools, which also contain more iconographic materials and instructions for students. In conclusion, it should be stated that most of the textbooks analyzed enable the students to learn the most important facts about the genesis, course and significance of the uprising.
Zaranie Śląskie. Seria druga; 2023, 9; 143-165
Pojawia się w:
Zaranie Śląskie. Seria druga
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Podręczniki do nauczania języka polskiego wobec figury Innego. Studium podręczników z serii Między nami
Textbooks for teaching the Polish language to the figure of the Other. A study of textbooks from the Między nami series
Cichocki, Eryk
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Akademia Nauk Stosowanych we Włocławku
podręczniki szkolne
metodyka języka i literatury polskiej
school textbooks
methodology of Polishlanguage and literature
Artykuł traktuje o obecności figur Innego w podręcznikach do nauczania języka polskiego na drugim etapie edukacyjnym. Praca charakteryzuje teoretyczne podstawy i źródła w mówieniu o inności, zawiera analizę fundamentalnych składników definiujących kogoś jako nie-Swojego, a w części empirycznej analizuje zawartość tekstów na podstawie wyznaczonych kryteriów konfrontacji. Praca może przysłużyć się zarówno badaczom dydaktyki języka i literatury polskiej, jak i może okazać się pomocą przy planowaniu zajęć z języka polskiego o Innym.
The article concerns the presence of the figures of the Other in textbooks for teaching Polish at the second stage of education. The work explains the theoretical foundations and sources in speaking about otherness, includes an analysis of the fundamental components that define someone as not-mine, and in the empirical part I analyze the content of the texts on the basis of the defined criteria of confrontation. The work can be of benefit to researchers of the didactics of Polish language and literature, and it can also be helpful in planning Polish language classes about the Other.
Zeszyty Naukowe Zbliżenia Cywilizacyjne; 2022, 18, 1; 119-138
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Zbliżenia Cywilizacyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Threats Related to Patriotic Education. An Analysis of the Primary School Textbooks
Gruntkowska, Dominika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
The article presents the issue of patriotic discourse in school textbooks for teaching Polish for grades 4–8 of primary schools. At the same time, this issue is placed in the aspect of recent changes in education made and announced by the minister of science and education. The analysis of the textbooks carried out using the KAD method shows that, although we constantly deal with a romantic vision of patriotism due to the canon of reading, it is sometimes broken through reflection on historical events and the past. The martyrdom tendency, formed in the period of Romanticism, is still the dominant one, the presence of which is part of the paradigm of the long duration of Romanticism. The article also addresses what patriotic education at school should be today. Not only today, but for a long time now, we have been dealing with a tendency to produce and reproduce a conservative discourse and be closed within a martyrological narrative. This way of understanding patriotism today may lead young people to consider any form of patriotism as anachronistic and inadequate to our times.
Kultura i Edukacja; 2022, 4(138); 216-233
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Trzy nierówne połówki” odrodzonej Polski, czyli pierwsze miesiące niepodległości w świetle współczesnych podręczników do nauczania historii w szkołach ponadpodstawowych i ponadgimnazjalnych
“Three unequal halves” of reborn Poland, i.e. the first months of independence in the light of modern history textbooks in secondary and post-lower secondary schools
Białokur, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Druga Rzeczpospolita
edukacja historyczna
podręczniki szkolne
The Second Republic of Poland
historical education
school textbooks
Prezentowany artykuł stanowi próbę ukazania wyzwań, przed którymi stanęła Polska tuż po odzyskaniu niepodległości w 1918 r. Podstawę źródłową artykułu stanowią wydane pod koniec XX i na początku XXI w. szkolne podręczniki do nauczania historii. Tego rodzaju opracowania należą do najpopularniejszych i najważniejszych książek historycznych, o czym decyduje ich charakter i krąg odbiorców.
The presented article is an attempt to show the challenges Poland faced just after regaining independence in 1918. The source of the article are school history textbooks published at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century. These types of studies are among the most popular and most important history books, which is determined by their nature and audience.
Studia Podlaskie; 2021, 29; 119-149
Pojawia się w:
Studia Podlaskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Inne kraje – inni ludzie. Państwa, ludy, narody w podręcznikach szkolnych dla klas I–III w latach 2000–2020
Different countries – different people: Countries, peoples and nations in textbooks for Year 1–3 students between 2000 and 2020
Landau-Czajka, Anna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii Nauki im. Ludwika i Aleksandra Birkenmajerów
podręczniki szkolne
edukacja wczesnoszkolna
podstawa programowa
primary school education
core curriculum
The article aims to show the patterns and changes that occur in teaching about continents, countries and their inhabitants in school textbooks at the level of primary school education. It analyses selected textbooks for Year 1–3 students, published in the 21st century, with particular emphasis on the most popular series. The study presents examples of characteristic narratives that appear in textbooks, with an indication of which of them are prevalent and which appear only occasionally. It exposes the problems of the contemporary Polish school, such as Eurocentrism, Polonocentrism and the reproduction of stereotypes about the ‘Others’. Although the official message in the core curriculum and school textbooks is unequivocal: everyone, regardless of skin colour or nationality, is equal, in practice, the curriculum content and textbook illustrations clearly divide the world into wealthy and modern ‘Us’ and the poor and backward Third World. The ‘Others’ are presented as an exotic, even wild element, needy of assistance from the citizens of the civilised countries. The author draws attention to the dangers associated with underestimating the richness of the multiethnic and multicultural world and failing to notice the diversity of its population, different cultures and educational systems present on different continents and in different countries.
Rozprawy z Dziejów Oświaty; 2021, 58; 49-70
Pojawia się w:
Rozprawy z Dziejów Oświaty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konwergencyjny charakter pytań jako jeden z inhibitorów twórczości
The convergent nature of tasks as one of the inhibitors of creativity
Jasiulewicz, Anna
Data publikacji:
Ośrodek Badawczy Facta Ficta
Creativity is the area of interest of many scientific disciplines, including psychology, sociology and pedagogy. Within each of these sciences, the biggest attention is paid to the essence of getting to know the creative process and ways to develop it. In the case of education, the need to develop creativity is written in every educational document. However, in order to strengthen and support creativity, it’s necessary to know the mechanisms that have negative effect of limiting it. Any, even the most creative, teaching method can be ineffective if it comes with inhibitors that the educator may not even know about. In the literature, inhibitors are defined as any factor that blocks, inhibits or limits the development of creative processes. In the psychology of creativity, four types of inhibitors have been described. Within each of them, there are those, that result from ineffective methods of didactic work. The knowledge that students receive is barren, it doesn’t provoke thought and it doesn’t encourage them to look for answers by their own. Education is focused on the amount of memorized knowledge and not on the ability to formulate problems. The nature of the tasks often prevents the beginning or full development of the creative process. As the research results show, the tasks that students give are most often of a convergent nature and accept only one correct answer or only one solution. This problem is not only at the level of higher education, but also appears in the first grades of primary school and even in kindergarten. It would seem that the reason of this problem is the teacher's work and teaching methods, but students can also deal with this way of formulating instructions in school textbooks. The study of one of the textbooks used in the first grade of primary school, in terms of the nature of the tasks it contains, is just one example of what pedagogy of creativity is struggling today. Because if from in early age we don’t teach children to ask questions and search for results by their own, we can’t speak of effective creative education at all.
Facta Ficta. Journal of Theory, Narrative & Media; 2021, 8, 2; 119-134
Pojawia się w:
Facta Ficta. Journal of Theory, Narrative & Media
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polityczne uwarunkowania powrotu Polski nad Bałtyk w latach 1918–1920 w podręcznikach do nauczania historii. Casus krajowych opracowań dla szkół ponadgimnazjalnych i ponadpodstawowych minionego trzydziestolecia
Political Circumstances of Poland’s Return to the Baltic Sea in 1918–1920 in History Textbooks: The Case of Polish Textbooks for Secondary Schools of the Past Thirty Years
Białokur, Marek
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
Second Polish Republic
Paris Peace Conference
Poland’s Wedding to the Sea
Józef Haller
history education
school textbooks
The year 2020 saw the centenary of the return of Pomerania to Poland, which regained access to the Baltic Sea. This event, along with many other issues connected with the establishment of the Polish state after the First World War, has been the subject of historians’ research for years. This also applies to history educators who analyse the contents of school textbooks. The author of this article, which is consistent with this research trend, decided to analyse dozens of the most popular textbooks for teaching history in secondary schools used by Polish pupils over the past 30 years, i.e. in the period from 1990 to 2020. The article primarily uses the philological and comparative methods. The undertaken analysis helped to distinguish from the school textbooks three main threads concerning Poland’s return to the Baltic Sea, namely the speech by the President of the United States Thomas Woodrow Wilson of 8 January 1918, the resolutions of the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 and Poland’s Wedding to the Sea of February 1920. As a result, it has been shown that these issues have an adequate place in textbooks, as far as it was required by curricula for teaching history in the 1990s, as well as the later reformed curricula created during the first two decades of the present century. This results from the fact that practically all analysed textbooks provide basic facts concerning the circumstances of the retaking of part of Pomerania by the Republic of Poland after the end of the First World War, which are presented with a short commentary and sometimes with additional content for learning, and with particular consideration of international conditions of this process. What should be noted in the analysed textbooks is that they are free of ideological influences, which had been visible in Polish history textbooks before 1990.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2021, 86, 2; 33-56
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ruch ludowy w Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej na kartach wybranych szkolnych podręczników do nauczania historii. Casus opracowań dla klas pierwszych szkół ponadgimnazjalnych
Białokur, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Druga Rzeczpospolita
ruch ludowy
podręczniki szkolne
edukacja historyczna
The Second Republic of Poland
the peasant movement
school textbooks
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie ruchu chłopskiego w II Rzeczypospolitej w wybranych szkolnych podręcznikach do nauczania historii w klasach pierwszych szkół ponadgimnazjalnych. Na podstawie podręczników uczniowie mogą dowiedzieć się, że ruch ludowy powstał w Galicji pod koniec XIX wieku. W II Rzeczypospolitej istniało kilka partii nazywanych Polskim Stronnictwem Ludowym. Przez wiele lat główną partią było Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe „Piast”. Po odzyskaniu przez Polskę niepodległości w 1918 r. działacze tego ugrupowania weszli w skład kilku rządów. Tworzyli między innymi koalicyjny rząd Chjeno-Piasta w 1923. Jej głównymi politykami byli Wincenty Witos i Maciej Rataj. Drugą co do wielkości partią, o której w analizowanych podręcznikach jest dużo informacji, było Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe „Wyzwolenie”, które powstało w 1915 r. W porównaniu z Polskim Stronnictwem Ludowym „Piast” było partią lewicową. PSL ,,Wyzwolenie” poparło przewrót majowy w 1926 r., do którego autorów szybko się jednak zdystansowało i przyłączyło do opozycji. W 1931 r. centroprawicowy „Piast”, centrolewicowe „Wyzwolenie” oraz lewicowe Stronnictwo Chłopskie połączyły się tworząc Stronnictwo Ludowe. Obraz ruchu ludowego na kartach podręczników szkolnych jest wielowymiarowy i pozwala uczniom poznać jego głównych przedstawicieli oraz program polityczny.
The purpose of this article is to present the peasant movement in the Second Polish Republic in contemporary school history textbooks. On the basis of textbooks, students can learn that the peasant movement arose in Galicia in the late nineteenth century. In the Second Polish Republic there were a few parties named Polish People’s Party. For many years the main party was Polish Peasant party ,,Piast”. After Poland regained independence in 1918, it formed a part of several governments, most notably after the Lanckorona Pact and in the Chjeno-Piast coalition. Its major politicians included Wincenty Witos and Maciej Rataj. The second largest party, about which there is a lot of information in the analyzed textbooks was Polish Peasant Party ,,Wyzwolenie” which was formed in 1915. In comparison to Polish People’s Party ,,Piast”, it was a left-wing party. PSL ,,Wyzwolenie” supported the May Coup in 1926, but soon afterwards distanced itself from Sanation and joined the opposition. In 1931 it merged with several other parties forming the People’s Party. In 1931 it was created from the merger of three other, smaller, peasant-based parties: centre-right ,,Piast”, centre-left ,,Wyzwolenie” and left wing Peasant Party. The image of the peasant movement on the pages of school textbooks is multidimensional and allows pupils to get to know its main representatives and the political program.
Zeszyty Wiejskie; 2021, 27; 103-129
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Wiejskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Toward a new energy paradigm in geography: revisiting the curriculum and teaching practices
Mažeikienė, Natalija
Norkutė, Odeta
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
school geography
geography curriculum
geography textbooks
energy geography
energy literacy
nuclear energy
Aim. The aim of the article is to investigate how energy topics are presented in the geography curriculum in Lithuania and how school geography becomes an educational response to the current global challenges related to energy production and consumption. Methods. The article presents research using several methods: review of literature on energy geography and energy literacy, analysis of Lithuanian national curriculum for geography, content analysis of 14 geography textbooks for forms 6–12, expert interview with 9 geography teachers. Results. The empirical research reveals that the national curriculum and textbooks still represent the old energy paradigm with a profound focus on fossil fuel and nuclear energy resources. Meanwhile, the new energy paradigm is realised in the teaching of experienced and qualified teachers who, in addition to the new green energy economy, emphasise environmental and social issues of energy use. Conclusions. The conclusions include observations on necessary changes in teaching energy geography: on the one hand, by revising the formal curriculum and textbooks and integrating concepts of energy literature and new energy developments; on the other hand, by initiating changes in primary and continuous teacher education. Professional development of teachers could include new energy topics, new teaching and learning sources (political debates in media, TV, strategic energy development documents), new teaching and learning strategies and methods.
Journal of Education Culture and Society; 2021, 12, 1; 131-150
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education Culture and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Na cmentarzysku polonistycznych podręczników – kilka myśli
At the cemetery of Polish language textbooks – a few thoughts
Uryga, Zenon
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
school textbooks/handbooks
didactic imagination
outline of historical and literary knowledge
tool of Polish language education
szkolne podręczniki literatury
wyobraźnia dydaktyczna
zarys wiedzy historycznoliterackiej
narzędzie kształcenia polonistycznego
Szkolne podręczniki literatury, naznaczone przez reformy edukacyjne ryzykiem nietrwałości, stanowią godne uwagi dokumenty nauczycielskiej twórczości. W badawczym do nich podejściu nie wystarczy historyczno-kulturowa perspektywa oceny ich roli w przemianach horyzontów i metod kształcenia polonistycznego. Trzeba również uwzględnić wymiar prakseologiczny: poświęcić uwagę twórczej roli wyobraźni dydaktycznej autorów w budowaniu podręcznika jako projektu określonych działań edukacyjnych. Pod tym względem można obecnie obserwować istotne zmiany w pojmowaniu relacji podręcznika wobec aktów „żywego nauczania”. Podręczniki autorstwa profesjonalnych badaczy literatury pozostają w zgodzie z tradycją uzupełniających działania lekcyjne zarysów wiedzy historycznoliterackiej o przedmiocie, ograniczających zobowiązania dydaktyczne do przestrzegania zasad jasności i przystępności przekazu oraz (niekiedy) zorientowanego na ucznia stylu narracji. Natomiast nowatorskie konstrukcje podręcznikowe, które powstają z inicjatywy zespołów nauczycielskich w bliskości szkolnego warsztatu, skupiają uwagę na projektowaniu narzędzia wspomagającego pracę nauczyciela i uczniów, sięgając do doświadczeń polonistów i apelując na różne sposoby do ich wyobraźni dydaktycznej. Wartość tak tworzonych konstrukcji podręcznikowych w wielu przypadkach równoważy się z osiągnięciami prac naukowych. Należy do nich sięgać w kształceniu polonistów.
School literature textbooks, marked by the risk of impermanence by educational reforms, are noteworthy documents of teaching creativity. In the research approach, the historical and cultural perspective of assessing their role in the transformation of horizons and methods of Polish language education is not enough. One should also take into account the praxeological dimension: devote attention to the creative role of the didactic imagination of the authors in building the textbook as a project for specific educational activities. In this respect, significant changes can now be seen in the understanding of the handbook’s relationship to “live teaching” acts. Textbooks by professional literature researchers are in line with the tradition of complementary lesson outlines of historical and literary knowledge of the subject, limiting didactic obligations to comply with the principles of clarity and accessibility of the message, and (sometimes) student-oriented narrative style. In contrast, innovative textbook constructions, which are created by the initiative of teaching teams in the vicinity of the school workshop, focus attention on the design of a tool to support the work of teachers and students, reaching for the experience of Polish speakers and appealing in different ways to their didactic imagination. The value of a textbook constructions created in this way is in many cases balanced with the achievements of scientific works. One should reach for them in educating Polish students.
Polonistyka. Innowacje; 2020, 11; 21-34
Pojawia się w:
Polonistyka. Innowacje
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Orientowanie się w przestrzeni bez przestrzeni – o budowaniu świadomości przestrzennej w edukacji wczesnoszkolnej
Orientating in a space without space – about building spatial awareness in early school education
Nowicka, Marzenna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
spatial orientation
spatial awareness
early school education
Orientation in physical space is a skill that allows functioning well in everyday life. The task of the school is to support this skill. The article presents the results of an analysis of 3 packages of school textbooks intended for I–III classes of primary school. It was agreed that textbook instructions concerning building spatial awareness are of a narrow instrumental nature and are focused solely on achieving efficiency in school understanding. The focus is on static situations organized in the classroom and exercises on the plane. Children acquire only knowledge about space, and do not accumulate useful experience related to everyday functioning in it.
Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji; 2020, 50, 3; 18-31
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“To Educate a Xenophobe”: Outcomes Review of the Advocacy Campaign for Tolerance in Education (Verbal and Visual Contents in Primary School Textbooks) in Bulgaria
Stoychev, Venellin
Borissova, Sylvia
Marinova, Ani
Goleshevska, Nora
Borissov, Julian
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
tolerance toward diversity in society
intercultural dialogue
screening of textbooks’ verbal and visual contents
primary school
EU educational policies
In recent years, the problem of methods of education in values of tolerance to difference is subject to increased public attention at the EU level. However, even a sparse reading of the Bulgarian primers and readers shows that the first meeting of children with what is officially “normal” in the social world excludes the “different” people. The main objective of the project “To Educate a Xenophobe” (2015-2016) implemented by the Bulgarian NGO Political Science Center in collaboration with Institute for Creative Civil Strategies was to address the absence of systematic orientation to the initial stage of education as crucial for assimilating a tolerant attitude towards the different people in society. The project aimed to increase public attention and initiate a constructive dialogue with Bulgarian decision makers and stakeholders on the need for conducting reforms in state education requirements and legislation via a package of analyses, surveys and in-depth interviews.
Kultura i Edukacja; 2019, 2(124); 157-174
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assumptions vs the reality – a case study on developing writing in a foreign language at the level of early school education in Poland and Lithuania
Budzyńska, Paula
Mazlaveckiene, Gerda
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
early school education
English language
foreign language writing skills
The study aims at providing a potential answer to the question about the extent to which selected currently available ELTs for early school education in Poland and Lithuania allow developing pupils’ writing skills in English described in the most recent academic studies and official regulations at both European (e.g. the CEFR Volume Companion) and national level (e.g. the Core Curriculain the countries in question). The analysis of selected ELTs is performed with the use of a model created by the authors and based on the scientific background and the aforementioned documents. The study demonstrates changes that should be introduced to the content of the examined textbooks in order to make them possibly the most compliant with researchers’ stands and valid recommendations, for instance, (1) it would apparently be beneficial to diversify the types of writing activities included in the chosen ELTs, and (2) pupils could significantly benefit from introducing to the analysed textbooks more writing activities referring to their experience.
Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji; 2019, 45, 2; 102-112
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Different languages, different nations, common humanistic tradition: meetings of cultures in seventeenth-century Gdańsk
Partyka, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Juan Luis Vives
Nicolaus Volckmar
school textbooks
seventeenth-century Gdańsk
meetings of cultures
School textbooks written by a Spanish erudite and pedagogue Juan Luis Vives were used in schools of Protestant denominations in Royal Prussia – in Gdańsk, Toruń, Elbląg, but also in other towns and cities of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth– for teaching Latin. Nicolaus Volckmar, of German descent, a Polish language teacher at the Academic Gymnasium in Gdańsk, utilized the structure and themes of Vives’ dialogues Exercitatio linguae latinae  (1538) for teaching the Polish language. In this manner, paradoxically, the “phrasebook” of the Spanish humanist, as well as its subsequent editions, still in the 18th century was used by Gdańsk schoolers of German origin to learn the language which they needed for everyday communication in the community of multi-cultural and multi-ethnic Gdańsk. The Vives-Volckmar phrasebook was undoubtedly used by Arnold von Holten, later a lifetime mayor of the city, sent on a diplomatic mission to Spain by the Hanseatic League.
Nauka; 2019, 2
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Biblioteka Nauki
How authentic is language included in English and German language textbooks for primary education in Poland? A case study
Budzyńska, Paula
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
corpus stylistics method
early school education in Poland
English language textbooks
German language textbooks
literary materials in textbooks
This study aims at investigating the authenticity of vocabulary and grammar structures included in two selected English language textbooks (hereafter ELTs) and two German language textbooks (hereafter GLTs) for the first stage of education in Poland. In order to achieve the assumed objective, the author examined literary materials, that is, songs, rhymes, or short stories, included in selected ELTs and GLTs in accordance with the principles of the corpus stylistics method developed, for example, by Semino & Short (2004), Mahlberg (2014), or McIntyre (2015). With the support of BYU-BNC and DWDS corpora, the performed analysis indicated, for instance, that in the case of both types of textbooks studied, the number of authentic words that children are to learn seems to be rather insufficient. The outcomes of the study enable suggesting certain modifications targeted at the increase of the authenticity of language that the analysed textbooks include.
Glottodidactica. An International Journal of Applied Linguistics; 2018, 45, 1; 27-40
Pojawia się w:
Glottodidactica. An International Journal of Applied Linguistics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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