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Zaburzenia w odżywianiu wynikające z troski o zdrowie
Babicz-Zielińska, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Medycyny Rodzinnej i Lekarzy Rodzinnych
zaburzenia w odżywianiu.
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review; 2012, 2; 123-125
Pojawia się w:
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Changes in the Educational Practice in Kindergartens in the Czech Republic
Zmiany w praktyce edukacyjnej w przedszkolach w Republice Czeskiej
Burkovičová, Radmila
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
inclusive education
awareness raising
Relatively extensive changes are currently taking place in the system of preschool education in the Czech Republic, which will mainly affect the educational landscape of kindergartens. A personality--oriented model of preschool education requires a considerate, understanding and helping approach to each child. The joint education of all children, where inclusion occurs for certain children who were excluded from children’s communities in the past, is happening within the context of Czech and international legislation. Supporting measures are provided to children where required. However, such measures may ultimately also benefit the teacher
Studia Edukacyjne; 2017, 46; 373-387
Pojawia się w:
Studia Edukacyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uczestnictwo strony pozwanej w procesie o stwierdzenie nieważności małżeństwa
Participation of a respondent party in the process for the declaration of the nullity of marriage
Nowakowski, Bartosz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
nieważność małżeństwa
respondent party
nullity of marriage
This publication discusses the significance of active participation of a respondent, their rights and obligations in the process for the declaration of the nullity of marriage. The author  stresses a judge’s duty to do their best to, on the one hand, enable a respondent to participate in the process, and on the other hand, to make sure that a respondent does take part. It is therefore about the effectiveness of notifying about the process as well as the respondent ’s failure to appear, which cannot be accepted too easily, and the attempt to notify a party should not be a mere formality. Moreover, the author emphasises that respondent’s testimony are a important criterion helping to find the objective truth about a marriage. Finally, discusses the question of the inviolability of the right to defense and presenting respondent’s own arguments.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2013, 24, 18; 151-163
Pojawia się w:
Ius Matrimoniale
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Consumer Characteristic Related to the Polish Cars Market Between 2009 and 2012
Bodziony, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula
rynek samochodów osobowych
cars market
Celem opracowania jest analiza klientów polskiego rynku samochodów osobowych w latach 2009-2012. Przeprowadzone badania w postaci ankiety wypełnianej anonimowo przez respondentów stanowi tło dla analizy własnych wniosków. Rynek samochodów osobowych w Polsce w swojej szerokiej ofercie proponuje wielorakość rozwiązań przy zakupie samochodu. Samochód stał się ważną częścią gospodarstwa domowego stanowiąc o komforcie życia, a czasami również o prestiżu właściciela. Posiadanie samochodu stało się powszechne, dlatego analizie poddano badanych w podziale na ich wiek, wykształcenie czy posiadany kapitał. Zmieniają się formy pozyskiwania dobra jakim jest samochód. Zmianie ulegają również czynniki mające decydujący wpływ na zakup samochodu. Badani w swojej opinii różnią się w ocenie wyboru samochodu ze względu na wybór nadwozia czy typu zasilania. Ankietowani różnią się również w wyborze samochodu przy założeniu, że nie ograniczają ich warunki finansowe. Ciekawym czynnikiem jest również postrzeganie klientów polskiego rynku samochodów osobowych i ich opinia na temat, które marki samochodowe uważają za solidne, a które za wadliwe.
Purpose of this elaboration is analysis of the consumer related to the polish cars market in 2009-2012 period. Anonymous questionnaire conducted by respondents became a tool implemented in order to express final conclusions. The cars market in Poland offers a broad scope of plenty purchase solutions. Vehicles became important elements of households related to the comfort, but also financial status of their owners. Cars possession is nowadays common and affordable for many. Analysis in this elaboration has divided the examined to few groups related to their age, education and their funds and assets. Either the way of purchasing the cars, but also the factors leading to this process has been changed lately. Clients are differed by the type of car, by its shape or a power. The difference is also noticeable within the clients for whom the price is not an issue, as well as their funds. Other quite interesting factor is analyzing the vehicle brands by the rate of susceptibility to defects, and also by the perception of polish consumers in this matter.
Kwartalnik Naukowy Uczelni Vistula; 2019, 4(62); 126-137
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Naukowy Uczelni Vistula
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Udział biegłego psychologa w sprawach o stwierdzenie nieważności małżeństwa z uwzględnieniem nieobecności w procesie strony pozwanej
The contribution of psychological assessor in cases of ascertainment annulment of marriage including the faultless absence of a respondent
Trojnar, Tomasz
Wójcik, Maria
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
biegły psycholog, nieważność małżeństwa, strona pozwana
psychological assessor, annulment of marriage, respondent
The paper presents problem related with participate psychological experts in causes to declare of nullity of marriage in situation absence respondent in trial. According with Codex of Canon Law, in cases of impotence or defect of consent because of mental illness, the Judg is to use the services of one or more experts unless it is clear from the circumstances that it would be useless to do so.The Authors claim that incorrect is the situation of impanelling the psychological experts by judge in every case if it is only done for strict keeping to the procedure without consideration if it is necessary. Faultless absence of a respondent requires from the judge to particularly pay attention if the rights of a respondent are not infringe.In described situation the opinion of psychological experts may not comply with requirements and it may cause ruling that is not based on substantial truth as it is shown in this article.
W artykule przedstawiono problem udziału biegłych psychologów w sprawach o stwierdzenie nieważności małżeństwa w przypadku nieobecności w procesie strony pozwanej. Kodeks Prawa Kanonicznego nakazuje, aby w sprawach dotyczących impotencji lub braku zgody spowodowanej chorobą umysłową, sędzia powinien skorzystać z pomocy jednego lub kilku biegłych, chyba że z okoliczności wyraźnie wynika, że jest to bezużyteczne. Według autorów artykułu, niewłaściwa jest sytuacja powoływania biegłego psychologa w każdej sprawie, jeśli nie jest to konieczne. Niezawiniona nieobecność strony pozwanej wymaga od sędziego zwrócenia szczególnej uwagi, by prawa tej strony nie były naruszane. Opinia biegłego w zaistniałej sytuacji może nie spełnić stawianych jej wymagań i przyczynić się do wydania orzeczenia, które nie będzie oparte na prawdzie materialnej.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2018, 29, 2; 41-64
Pojawia się w:
Ius Matrimoniale
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Integrated Science and Biology Education as Viewed by Czech University Students and Their Attitude to Inquiry-based Scientific Education
Vácha, Zbyněk
Rokos, Lukáš
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
university student respondent
integrated science and biology education
inquiry-based scientific education
The article is focused on the Czech university students’ attitudes to integrated science at elementary school and biology at secondary school and their experiences with inquiry-based scientific education (IBSE) of these subjects. Results show students’ opinions about teaching methods in nature science education and the direction in which it would be beneficial to aim he future teaching and learning process in Czech educational environment. Our results show that the main reason for integrated science or biology to gain popularity is teacher personality, implementation of field work and usefulness of gained knowledge in everyday life. Respondents’ answers revealed that the new educational methods, e.g. IBSE, could have a positive effect on students’ approach to natural science subjects.
The New Educational Review; 2017, 47; 241-252
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wybrane aspekty problematyki ochrony środowiska w ocenie respondentów
Selected aspects of environment protection in the assessment of respondents
Krupa, J.
Mantaj, A.
Koszelnik, P.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza. Oficyna Wydawnicza
ochrona środowiska
badania ankietowe
działania rzeczywiste
environmental protection
real actions
W pracy przedstawiono wypowiedzi 685 osób dotyczące ich codziennych działań na rzecz ochrony oraz oceny stanu środowiska w Polsce i warunkujących go czynników. Zdecydowana większość respondentów pochodziła z woj. podkarpackiego, a ich wiek, płeć, poziom wykształcenia oraz deklarowany stopień zainteresowania problematyką ochrony środowiska pełniły rolę determinant ich opinii w powyższym zakresie. W celu sprawdzenia statystycznej istotności zróżnicowania opinii i praktyk badanych osób posłużono się nieparametrycznym testem chi-kwadrat z uwagi na charakter zebranych informacji. Stwierdzono, że głównym źródłem informacji o problematyce ochrony środowiska był Internet. Stan zanieczyszczenia środowiska w Polsce został określony, w przeważającej liczbie przypadków, jako średni, przy czym jako główny powód nieprzestrzegania zasad ochrony środowiska podano bezkarność sprawcy. Najpowszechniejszymi działaniami na rzecz zachowania czystości środowiska okazały się: segregacja odpadów, oszczędne zużycie energii elektrycznej oraz wody, a głównym ograniczeniem zachowań proekologicznych był brak czasu oraz sytuacja finansowa respondentów.
The work presents statements of 685 people regarding their everyday activities for the protection and assessment of the condition of the environment in Poland and the factors determining it. The vast majority of respondents came from the province Podkarpackie, and their age, gender, level of education and the declared level of interest in the issues of environmental protection played the role of determinants of their opinion in the above-mentioned field. In order to check the statistical significance of the diversity of opinions and practices of the respondents, a nonparametric Chi-square test was used due to the nature of the collected information. It was found that the main source of information on environmental issues was the Internet. The state of environmental pollution in Poland has been determined, in the majority of cases, as medium, with the perpetrator being impunity for the main reason for non-compliance with environmental protection rules. The most-advanced activities for environmental cleanliness have been proven waste segregation, economical use of electricity and water, and the main limitation of pro-ecological behavior was the lack of time and financial situation of the respondents.
Czasopismo Inżynierii Lądowej, Środowiska i Architektury; 2017, 64, 4/II; 121-141
Pojawia się w:
Czasopismo Inżynierii Lądowej, Środowiska i Architektury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Didaktické pracoviská – KD model
Didactic Workpalces – KD Model
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
materiálne vyuĉovacie prostriedky
didaktické pracovisko
material teaching means
didactic workplace
Príspevok sa zaoberá tvorbou integrovaných didaktických pracovísk. Autori ukazujú miesto integrovaných didaktických pracovísk v rámci materiálnych didaktických prostriedkov. Ďalej sa zaoberajú KD modelom Integrovaných didaktických pracovísk, kde uvádzajú ich základné kategórie medzi ktoré radia ńkolské dielne stredných ńkôl, ńpeciálne pracoviská pre nadaných ņiakov, ńpeciálne pracoviská pre integrovaných telesne postihnutých ņiakov, laboratóriá a ńpeciálne uĉebne odborných predmetov. Na záver príspevku uvádzajú moņné vybavenie týchto pracovísk pre výuĉbu odborného výcviku a odborných predmetov. Tieto pracoviská sú zamerané na predmety ńpecializácií v strojárenstve.
The paper deals with the creation of integrated didactic workplaces. The authors point to the place of integrated didactic workplaces within the material didactic means. They also deal with the KD model of Integrated didactic centres where they list their core categories, including high school secondary workshops, special workplaces for gifted pupils, special workplaces for integrated disabled students, laboratories and special classrooms for vocational subjects. At the end of the paper they mention the possible equipment of these workplaces for the vocational training and teaching the vocational subjects. These workplaces are focused on subjects of specialization in engineering.
Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka; 2017, 8, 3; 112-117
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Spożycie napojów alkoholowych w Polsce w 1980 r.
Consumption of Alcohol in Poland in 1980
Jasiński, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
napoje alkoholowe
spożycie alkoholu
alcohol consumption
; consumer
    The study described in the paper and has been conceived as a continuation and  partly a repetition or studies carried out in 1961 and 1962 by A. Swięcicki and then in 1968 by J. K. Falewicz.  All of these studies were carried out by the Centre for Public Opinion Survey (now: Centre for Public Opinion Survey and Program Studies) of the Committee for Radio and TV in Warsaw. The instrument used in them was a questionnaire filled in by the interviewer during his interview with the respondent.     The first study, conducted in February and March 1961, included a sample of a population aged 20 and over, while in the second one, which was made in October  1962, u sample aged 18 and over was included. In both studies, the assumed samples numbered 3000 respondents each, the obtained sample being 95.6 per cent and 93.6 per cent of the assumed sample  respectively. The third study was carried out in March and April 1968: it included a sample of population aged 18  and over (assumed sample - 3212 respondents, obtained sample – 91.7 per cent). The present, i.e., the fourth study, was conducted in September  1980 and it included a sample  of population aged 16 and over, of the assumed size of 2000 respondents; the obtained sample  numbered 1972 persons, which  is 98.6 per cent of the assumed one. In the case of all the four studies the deviation  of the obtained sample from the assumed one was slight which permitted them to be treated as random sample of the general population.      The chief aim of the 1980 study was to obtain data which would be comparable with those previously  acquired  and those up-to-date, concerning the distribution of consumption of alcohol among the population of Poland. The previous studies, dating back at least a dozen years, were not only old, but they were carried out in the period when general level of consumption of alcohol was approximately half of that in 1980. It seemed more  difficult to answer the question to what degree the observations then made still applied to the new situation. There was a demand for some new data it last to replace the guesses made from the factual basis which, as the years went by, became more and more uncertain.          In spite of the fact that the present study wbs made in the same way as the previous ones, it seems that the above aims have not been achieved. The data now obtained are not fully comparable with the previous, first of all because the 1980 survey successfully covered a considerably smaller amount of alcohol consumed  in our country than those of  1961 and 1962. Undoubtedly, this was caused by various factors, the most important of which being probably the fact that the representation among the respondents of persons who drank intensively and most intensively was scantier in the present study than it had been in the studies conducted by A. Swięcicki. Consequently, the 1961-1962 and 1980 surveys  concerned different categories of drinking persons, the ranges of which were not identical in both cases.        As regards the scond aim of the study, which was to obtain current data on consumption of alcohol in Poland, we were unsuccessful again, as life proved to run too fast. The 1980 survey was carried out in October 1980, that is one might say at the last moment before the difficulties with alcohol supplies began, as yet unknown in our country, which resulted in regulated sale of alcoholic beverages. This caused the appearance of new phenomena as well as the aggravation of those hitherto existing, Undoubtedly, it was a new phenomenon that people started to buy alcohol not only to consume it, but also to gret rid of the rapidly devaluating money, or in order to obtain a kind of exchange value. Other new phenomena were: trade in coupons entitling one to buy alcohol, and the appearance of black-market prices of spirits produced by the State-controlled distilleries; in certain periods, these prices were twice as high as the official ones. Speaking of aggravation of the existing phenomena, we had in mind first of all the illicit distillation of liquor, the attractiveness of which increased greatly in the face of joint effect of two circumstances: the rapid increase in the price of legally distilled and imported alcohol, and the difficulties in its legal (and even illegal) purchase. It was impossible for the 1980 survey to answer the following questions: what the influence of all these phenomena on the patterns of drinking that had already been shaped before in our country was, and how these patterns were modified. It is known that people drink somewhat differently now. It may be supposed that the persons who used to consume small amounts of alcohol before and who used to drink with restraint now drink less or do not drink at all, while those who used to drink much before - even if they do drink less now, the difference is slight, the illegally distilled liquor playing a greater part in the total amount of alcohol they consume. As to this last problem, opinions are expressed according to which consumption of the illegally distilles liquor has become a much more popular experiences in the course  of the ‘80s than it had been before. Finally, conjectures are made that alcohol-dependent persons, after the first period of difficulties with providing themselves with the amount of alcohol which would be adequate to their habits, in general have now found ways to satisfy their needs in this respect. It remains a guess if the above conjectures are true or not, and the same applies to suppositions concerning persistent or temporary character of the abovementioned changes in patterns of consumption of alcohol. Thus the results of the survey describe the situation as it was a few years ago as this situation undoubtedly changed later on.        As the paper clearly shows, consumption of alcohol in Poland is a common phenomenon: an everyday habit for many of our fellow citizens, a regular one (though not necessarily at regular intervals)- for the majority. In a statistical-descriptive sense drinking should, therefore, be termed normal behaviour, as it appears more or less regularly in the behaviour of a majority of adult members of our society, whenever they find themselves in situations such as celebrations family, meeting  friends, or official occasions.        The above remarks by no means solve the question of estimation of drinking, which- in spite of its habitual character in the statistical-descriptive sense- may in some cases be recognized as most deeply pathological in the medical sense, and in the same adn frequently also in other cases- as pathological in its social expression.       As regards the medical appraisal- the questionnaire did not contain a large set of questions of this kind, therefore, it was able to yield but a most scanty basis fof conjectures as to the symptoms of alcohol dependence of some of the respondents.       The situation was different as regards the social appraisal of the consumption of alcohol. In order to make use of such an  appraisal, an initial poblem had to be solved: what amount, frequency, and way of consuming alcohol should or should not be regarded as that included within the limits of a „social norm”. The problem is complex, for, on the one hand, the opinions as to where the limits are vary in our socjety, and, on the other hand, there are probably many such limits, depending not only on the person who is to fix them, but also on that to whom they may apply. It is generally known that in our society there are advocates of prohibition (who are of opinion that zero consumption should be the social norm), as well as propagators of „reasonable consumption” which is a term with many shades, and finally adherents of opinion that consumption of alcohol is a private matter for everyone to decide by himself (that is those who consider  any  kind of drinking, as well as abstinence, to come within the limits of socially approved norm).  Apart from the advocates of the two extreme opinions, which provide one norm for all members of the society,  others, i.e., the propagators of „reasonable” drinking tend to emploi a norm according to who the drinking person is. This finds expression in a different attitude towards drinking by men and women, tolerance towards the drinking by adults accompanied by strict disapproval in the case of the youth, different expectations as to the attitude towards alcohol drinking by members of different socio-professional groups. In this situation, with the lack of a common opinion as regards „socially normal” drinking, it seemed preferable to refrain from estimating the alcohol consumption in terms of social pathology.        In a survey of alcohol consumption in which samples of population of the entire country or a smaller territory are included, it is vital how the questions about the respondents’  drinking habits are asked. In the research practice, two solutions of this problem have been provided: first, to ask about the last occasion on which the respondent drank, what he drank then, how much he drank and in what circumstances, and second, to ask about his drinking within a given, shorter or longer, period of time. It has been a tradition of Polish studies in this field to choose the first of these solutions, so this method has also been employed in the present study. The last occasion was treated as typical of the respondent’s  way of drinking, and a yearly consumption was calculated for each of tchem, as well as for all persons included in the sample. As compared with the data on alcohol sale gathered in our country, it appeared that the 1980 survey covered 43 per cent of the total of consumed vodka. This percentage corresponds to that which can be found in analogous foreign studies, yeti t is considerably lower than the one obtained by A. Święcicki in his 1961 and particularly 1962 studies. The probable effect on the comparability of this studies with the present one has already been discussed  above. Interest was also paid in the questionnaire to the consumption of home-made wine, which appeared to account for 39 per cent of the consumption of purchased wine covered by the study, and the consumption of „home-distilled vodka” (i.e., moonshine alcohol) which, according to the present study, accounted for 5.5 per cent of the consumption of purchased vodka. Ona may guess that the latter percentage was in reality higher, and that it has now increased even more.       As is generally known, Poland is one of the countries where the general level of consumption of alcohol is medium, yet the structure of consumption is most unfavourable. Over  3/4 of the consumed alcohol  is being drunk in Poland in the from of vodka and other strong drinks. A similar structure of consumption can be found in most parts of the Soviet Union, and to a smaller degree in the Scandinavian countries (except Denmark, where the dominating alcoholic beverage is beer).      One of the common features of alcohol consumption is its great concentration,  which means that relatively few consumers drink a share of alcohol disproportionately large  to their number.  As revealed by the 1980 survey, 45 per cent of the entire  purchased and home-made wine covered by the study was being drunk by3.5 per cent of consumers of wine, 52 per cent of vodka  was being  drunk by 9 per cent of consumers of vodka,  and 46 per cent of beer  was being drunk by 10 per cent of consumers of beer. Taking into account that the study included a relatively small numer of persons  who drink intensively and particularly those who drink most intensively, the real concentration of consumption of separate types of alcoholic beverages must be expected to be still higher in our country.              The interdependence of consumption of different alcoholic beverages is closely connected  with the problem of concetration of consumption. It appeared that the  fact of drinking one kind of alcoholic  beverage augmented the likelihood of drinking another one as well. This convergence was most marked as regards consumption of vodka and beer, as well as vodka and purchased wine  (and also purchased and home-made wine); it was the least  marked in the case of the consumption of home-made wine and vodka, and home-made wine and beer.Among the persons who drank at least two of the above mentioned kinds of beverages, the frequent drinking of one of them was not necessarily connected with frequent drinking of the other:  on the other hand, those who drnak large amounts of one of the beverages, drank also large amounts of the other, while those who drank small amounts of one kind,  drank also small amounts of  the other.          According to the results of our survey, teetotallers, i.e., persons who do  not drink alcohol  at all, constituted nearly 17 per cent of our respondents.  As regards separate kinds of beverages, there were many more persons  who did not drink them; yet a significant regularity appeared, which should  be stressed in connection with the unfavourable structure of alcohol consumption in our country: the group of persons who never drank  vodka  was the least numerous, 25 per cent only, while there were 57-58 per cent of persons who never drank purchased wine and beer, and as many as 70 per cent of those who never drank home-made wine (the percentage for moonshine alcohol was 89 per cent). To repeat, not only as much as 71 per cent of alcohol  was consumed in our country in the form of vodka (strong drinks) in 1980, but also it was consumed by 75 per cent of the country's population aged 16 and over.          Opportunity, place, and company are the usually distinguished elements of the patterns of alcohol consumption  which can be found in the society. The 1980 survey permitted to separate three such patterns (of drinking vodka or wine):  family-celebration, friendly-social, drinking for purpose. According to the first one,  which has been mentioned by nearly half of the respondents who drank, the opportunity for drinking was a family meeting or celebration, with many participants, the place was a private appartment, the amounts of alcohol consumed were relatively smaller, and the participants were first of all persons who drank less than the average.  According  to the second pattern, which was mentioned by nearly every  third respondent, the opportunity was a social meeting or celebration, in which a smaller number of persons participated (as compared with the family meetings), the place was often also a private appartment, but in every fourth case  a restaurant as well, more alcohol was consumed, and among the participants the persons prevailed who drank a little more than the average.  According to the third pattern, drinking for purpose, mentioned by every seventh respondent, "no special occasion" was required for drinking, or drinking took place "in order to handle some business which made it necessary to drink a  glass", a small group of 3-4 persons participated, the most frequently chosen place, apart from one's own apartment, was a restaurant or place of employment, a relatively largest amount of alcohol was consumed, and a majority of participants drank much more than the average.        As is generally known, a particular problem in Poland is drinking at the place of employment;  the Goverment has repeatedly prohibited it, only to  learn that the renewal of the prohibition is apparently as timely as it is ineffective. Among the respondents employed in the State-controlled economy, two of every three persons happened to drink at work, every fourth happened to drink at least during the last month. The opportunity was usually a birthday or a name-day;  yet every sixth respondent happened to drink at work last "without special reason".        The information concerning the frequency of drinking and the amount of alcohol consumed permits one to separate four ways of drinking: much and often, much and seldom, little and often, little and seldom. Among the consumers of different beverages the group of persons drinking little and seldom was the most numerous, particularly as regards the consumers of wine (both purchased and home-made), to a smaller degree - the consumers of vodka (and moonshine alcohol), and to the smallest degree - the consumers of beer. Also the groups of persons drinking much and seldom were relatively numerous, apart from consumers of beer, among whom the second most numerous group was that of persons drinking little and often. Every fourth or fifth consumer of beer, every seventh consumer of vodka, every fifteenth consumer of purchased wine and every twenty-seventh consumer of home-made wine drank much and often. As regards persons who, drank any two of the above mentioned beverages,  a convergence of their drinking patterns  could be noticed which consisted in the following regularity: if one of the beverages was consumed according to one of the patterns, the other was generally also consumed according to the same pattern.        Drinking "too much", "several consecutive days",  „more often than the respondent wishes”,  were considered an indicators of alcohol abuse. The persons who never happened to drink like this drank, on the whole, considerably smaller amounts of vodka than the average;  those who had happened to drink like this before consumed  markedly more vodka than the average; while those who have happened to drink like this at the time of the study consumed over twice as much vodka  than the average.       As shown by the analysis of answers to a variety of questions in the questionnaire, the amount of consumed alcohol  is connected with the respondent's  satisfaction with his life and his relations with others. Thus persons who were of opinion that life generally brings the people more  good than evil used to drink significantly less (vodka, purchased wine, as well as beer) than those who thought the opposite. Likewise, the respondents who considered themselves frequently underestimated by their closest family, drank significantly more than those who thought that they happened, though seldom, to have been underestimated. Finally, the persons who were of the opinion that their relations with their  families, neighbours, workmates, and superiors went badly,  used to drink significantly more than those who had no problems in this field.             The drinking persons' experiences with alcohol are both good and bad, and the tendency to study first of all, if not exclusively, the latter does not seem appropriate. In the 1980 survey questions about both kinds of experience were asked, which brought in a good deal of interesting  information. Thus it appeared that the drinking of a certain amount of alcohol in the company of a given person helped to solve professional prbblems for a number of persons which was two and a half times larger than the number of those whose  drinking  brought about serious professional trouble. In over   2/5 of the persons examined, alcohol helped to improve their relations with close friends and relatives, while it helped every third of them to settle their own subsistence problems profitably. As for the troubles resulting from drinking, it is striking that persons problems (poor health, family or financial problems) were mentioned two or  three Times more often than those connected with the respondents'  participation in a broader social environment (problems with neighbours, professional problems, and those with the authorities). The above seems to prove that in the customs and climate which exists in our country, the drinking persons perceive alcohol as bringing them more good than evil. As revealed by a closer analysis of the good and bad experience involved in drinking, they usually coexisted: the more good experience the respondents had, the larger was also the amount of their bad experience, and the more they drank. One could say that the persons who used to drink much and thus fell into trouble realized at the same time that drinking brought them various forms of satisfaction and profits. This undoubtedly intensified  their  tendency do drink, in spite of the trouble resulting from drinking.          The last problem to be discussed in the paper is the respondents'  victimization by aggressive behaviour of drunken persons and by their own intoxication. As regards the first problem, it should be stressed that contacts with attempted physical aggression (a drunken person trying to stop or catch the respondent) were frequent: within the year previous to the study nearly every third respondent experienced such an event. Every ninth respondent fell  victim to more serious acts of aggression ("more serious" meaning at least being physically assaulted). As regards unpleasant consequences of the respondent being intoxicated, the most frequent of them were: getting involved in a quarrel (which happened to every fourth or fifth respondent within the year previous to the study), loosing money or other valuable things (which happened to every ninth respondent). It is significant that the persons who experienced unpleasant consequences of being in the state of intoxication, drank over twice as much as on the average.         The  results of the study the extent, structure, and some correlates of the consumption of alcohol in our country described in the paper are an attempt at filling the gap in the studies of this problem which emerged in the '70s. Such studies should be repeated at not too, long intervals, in order to prevent the occurence of such gaps in the future
      The study described in the paper and has been conceived as a continuation and  partly a repetition or studies carried out in 1961 and 1962 by A. Swięcicki and then in 1968 by J. K. Falewicz.  All of these studies were carried out by the Centre for Public Opinion Survey (now: Centre for Public Opinion Survey and Program Studies) of the Committee for Radio and TV in Warsaw. The instrument used in them was a questionnaire filled in by the interviewer during his interview with the respondent.     The first study, conducted in February and March 1961, included a sample of a population aged 20 and over, while in the second one, which was made in October  1962, u sample aged 18 and over was included. In both studies, the assumed samples numbered 3000 respondents each, the obtained sample being 95.6 per cent and 93.6 per cent of the assumed sample  respectively. The third study was carried out in March and April 1968: it included a sample of population aged 18  and over (assumed sample - 3212 respondents, obtained sample – 91.7 per cent). The present, i.e., the fourth study, was conducted in September  1980 and it included a sample  of population aged 16 and over, of the assumed size of 2000 respondents; the obtained sample  numbered 1972 persons, which  is 98.6 per cent of the assumed one. In the case of all the four studies the deviation  of the obtained sample from the assumed one was slight which permitted them to be treated as random sample of the general population.      The chief aim of the 1980 study was to obtain data which would be comparable with those previously  acquired  and those up-to-date, concerning the distribution of consumption of alcohol among the population of Poland. The previous studies, dating back at least a dozen years, were not only old, but they were carried out in the period when general level of consumption of alcohol was approximately half of that in 1980. It seemed more  difficult to answer the question to what degree the observations then made still applied to the new situation. There was a demand for some new data it last to replace the guesses made from the factual basis which, as the years went by, became more and more uncertain.          In spite of the fact that the present study wbs made in the same way as the previous ones, it seems that the above aims have not been achieved. The data now obtained are not fully comparable with the previous, first of all because the 1980 survey successfully covered a considerably smaller amount of alcohol consumed  in our country than those of  1961 and 1962. Undoubtedly, this was caused by various factors, the most important of which being probably the fact that the representation among the respondents of persons who drank intensively and most intensively was scantier in the present study than it had been in the studies conducted by A. Swięcicki. Consequently, the 1961-1962 and 1980 surveys  concerned different categories of drinking persons, the ranges of which were not identical in both cases.        As regards the scond aim of the study, which was to obtain current data on consumption of alcohol in Poland, we were unsuccessful again, as life proved to run too fast. The 1980 survey was carried out in October 1980, that is one might say at the last moment before the difficulties with alcohol supplies began, as yet unknown in our country, which resulted in regulated sale of alcoholic beverages. This caused the appearance of new phenomena as well as the aggravation of those hitherto existing, Undoubtedly, it was a new phenomenon that people started to buy alcohol not only to consume it, but also to gret rid of the rapidly devaluating money, or in order to obtain a kind of exchange value. Other new phenomena were: trade in coupons entitling one to buy alcohol, and the appearance of black-market prices of spirits produced by the State-controlled distilleries; in certain periods, these prices were twice as high as the official ones. Speaking of aggravation of the existing phenomena, we had in mind first of all the illicit distillation of liquor, the attractiveness of which increased greatly in the face of joint effect of two circumstances: the rapid increase in the price of legally distilled and imported alcohol, and the difficulties in its legal (and even illegal) purchase. It was impossible for the 1980 survey to answer the following questions: what the influence of all these phenomena on the patterns of drinking that had already been shaped before in our country was, and how these patterns were modified. It is known that people drink somewhat differently now. It may be supposed that the persons who used to consume small amounts of alcohol before and who used to drink with restraint now drink less or do not drink at all, while those who used to drink much before - even if they do drink less now, the difference is slight, the illegally distilled liquor playing a greater part in the total amount of alcohol they consume. As to this last problem, opinions are expressed according to which consumption of the illegally distilles liquor has become a much more popular experiences in the course  of the ‘80s than it had been before. Finally, conjectures are made that alcohol-dependent persons, after the first period of difficulties with providing themselves with the amount of alcohol which would be adequate to their habits, in general have now found ways to satisfy their needs in this respect. It remains a guess if the above conjectures are true or not, and the same applies to suppositions concerning persistent or temporary character of the abovementioned changes in patterns of consumption of alcohol. Thus the results of the survey describe the situation as it was a few years ago as this situation undoubtedly changed later on.        As the paper clearly shows, consumption of alcohol in Poland is a common phenomenon: an everyday habit for many of our fellow citizens, a regular one (though not necessarily at regular intervals)- for the majority. In a statistical-descriptive sense drinking should, therefore, be termed normal behaviour, as it appears more or less regularly in the behaviour of a majority of adult members of our society, whenever they find themselves in situations such as celebrations family, meeting  friends, or official occasions.        The above remarks by no means solve the question of estimation of drinking, which- in spite of its habitual character in the statistical-descriptive sense- may in some cases be recognized as most deeply pathological in the medical sense, and in the same adn frequently also in other cases- as pathological in its social expression.       As regards the medical appraisal- the questionnaire did not contain a large set of questions of this kind, therefore, it was able to yield but a most scanty basis fof conjectures as to the symptoms of alcohol dependence of some of the respondents.       The situation was different as regards the social appraisal of the consumption of alcohol. In order to make use of such an  appraisal, an initial poblem had to be solved: what amount, frequency, and way of consuming alcohol should or should not be regarded as that included within the limits of a „social norm”. The problem is complex, for, on the one hand, the opinions as to where the limits are vary in our socjety, and, on the other hand, there are probably many such limits, depending not only on the person who is to fix them, but also on that to whom they may apply. It is generally known that in our society there are advocates of prohibition (who are of opinion that zero consumption should be the social norm), as well as propagators of „reasonable consumption” which is a term with many shades, and finally adherents of opinion that consumption of alcohol is a private matter for everyone to decide by himself (that is those who consider  any  kind of drinking, as well as abstinence, to come within the limits of socially approved norm).  Apart from the advocates of the two extreme opinions, which provide one norm for all members of the society,  others, i.e., the propagators of „reasonable” drinking tend to emploi a norm according to who the drinking person is. This finds expression in a different attitude towards drinking by men and women, tolerance towards the drinking by adults accompanied by strict disapproval in the case of the youth, different expectations as to the attitude towards alcohol drinking by members of different socio-professional groups. In this situation, with the lack of a common opinion as regards „socially normal” drinking, it seemed preferable to refrain from estimating the alcohol consumption in terms of social pathology.        In a survey of alcohol consumption in which samples of population of the entire country or a smaller territory are included, it is vital how the questions about the respondents’  drinking habits are asked. In the research practice, two solutions of this problem have been provided: first, to ask about the last occasion on which the respondent drank, what he drank then, how much he drank and in what circumstances, and second, to ask about his drinking within a given, shorter or longer, period of time. It has been a tradition of Polish studies in this field to choose the first of these solutions, so this method has also been employed in the present study. The last occasion was treated as typical of the respondent’s  way of drinking, and a yearly consumption was calculated for each of tchem, as well as for all persons included in the sample. As compared with the data on alcohol sale gathered in our country, it appeared that the 1980 survey covered 43 per cent of the total of consumed vodka. This percentage corresponds to that which can be found in analogous foreign studies, yeti t is considerably lower than the one obtained by A. Święcicki in his 1961 and particularly 1962 studies. The probable effect on the comparability of this studies with the present one has already been discussed  above. Interest was also paid in the questionnaire to the consumption of home-made wine, which appeared to account for 39 per cent of the consumption of purchased wine covered by the study, and the consumption of „home-distilled vodka” (i.e., moonshine alcohol) which, according to the present study, accounted for 5.5 per cent of the consumption of purchased vodka. Ona may guess that the latter percentage was in reality higher, and that it has now increased even more.       As is generally known, Poland is one of the countries where the general level of consumption of alcohol is medium, yet the structure of consumption is most unfavourable. Over  3/4 of the consumed alcohol  is being drunk in Poland in the from of vodka and other strong drinks. A similar structure of consumption can be found in most parts of the Soviet Union, and to a smaller degree in the Scandinavian countries (except Denmark, where the dominating alcoholic beverage is beer).      One of the common features of alcohol consumption is its great concentration,  which means that relatively few consumers drink a share of alcohol disproportionately large  to their number.  As revealed by the 1980 survey, 45 per cent of the entire  purchased and home-made wine covered by the study was being drunk by3.5 per cent of consumers of wine, 52 per cent of vodka  was being  drunk by 9 per cent of consumers of vodka,  and 46 per cent of beer  was being drunk by 10 per cent of consumers of beer. Taking into account that the study included a relatively small numer of persons  who drink intensively and particularly those who drink most intensively, the real concentration of consumption of separate types of alcoholic beverages must be expected to be still higher in our country.              The interdependence of consumption of different alcoholic beverages is closely connected  with the problem of concetration of consumption. It appeared that the  fact of drinking one kind of alcoholic  beverage augmented the likelihood of drinking another one as well. This convergence was most marked as regards consumption of vodka and beer, as well as vodka and purchased wine  (and also purchased and home-made wine); it was the least  marked in the case of the consumption of home-made wine and vodka, and home-made wine and beer.Among the persons who drank at least two of the above mentioned kinds of beverages, the frequent drinking of one of them was not necessarily connected with frequent drinking of the other:  on the other hand, those who drnak large amounts of one of the beverages, drank also large amounts of the other, while those who drank small amounts of one kind,  drank also small amounts of  the other.          According to the results of our survey, teetotallers, i.e., persons who do  not drink alcohol  at all, constituted nearly 17 per cent of our respondents.  As regards separate kinds of beverages, there were many more persons  who did not drink them; yet a significant regularity appeared, which should  be stressed in connection with the unfavourable structure of alcohol consumption in our country: the group of persons who never drank  vodka  was the least numerous, 25 per cent only, while there were 57-58 per cent of persons who never drank purchased wine and beer, and as many as 70 per cent of those who never drank home-made wine (the percentage for moonshine alcohol was 89 per cent). To repeat, not only as much as 71 per cent of alcohol  was consumed in our country in the form of vodka (strong drinks) in 1980, but also it was consumed by 75 per cent of the country's population aged 16 and over.          Opportunity, place, and company are the usually distinguished elements of the patterns of alcohol consumption  which can be found in the society. The 1980 survey permitted to separate three such patterns (of drinking vodka or wine):  family-celebration, friendly-social, drinking for purpose. According to the first one,  which has been mentioned by nearly half of the respondents who drank, the opportunity for drinking was a family meeting or celebration, with many participants, the place was a private appartment, the amounts of alcohol consumed were relatively smaller, and the participants were first of all persons who drank less than the average.  According  to the second pattern, which was mentioned by nearly every  third respondent, the opportunity was a social meeting or celebration, in which a smaller number of persons participated (as compared with the family meetings), the place was often also a private appartment, but in every fourth case  a restaurant as well, more alcohol was consumed, and among the participants the persons prevailed who drank a little more than the average.  According to the third pattern, drinking for purpose, mentioned by every seventh respondent, "no special occasion" was required for drinking, or drinking took place "in order to handle some business which made it necessary to drink a  glass", a small group of 3-4 persons participated, the most frequently chosen place, apart from one's own apartment, was a restaurant or place of employment, a relatively largest amount of alcohol was consumed, and a majority of participants drank much more than the average.        As is generally known, a particular problem in Poland is drinking at the place of employment;  the Goverment has repeatedly prohibited it, only to  learn that the renewal of the prohibition is apparently as timely as it is ineffective. Among the respondents employed in the State-controlled economy, two of every three persons happened to drink at work, every fourth happened to drink at least during the last month. The opportunity was usually a birthday or a name-day;  yet every sixth respondent happened to drink at work last "without special reason".        The information concerning the frequency of drinking and the amount of alcohol consumed permits one to separate four ways of drinking: much and often, much and seldom, little and often, little and seldom. Among the consumers of different beverages the group of persons drinking little and seldom was the most numerous, particularly as regards the consumers of wine (both purchased and home-made), to a smaller degree - the consumers of vodka (and moonshine alcohol), and to the smallest degree - the consumers of beer. Also the groups of persons drinking much and seldom were relatively numerous, apart from consumers of beer, among whom the second most numerous group was that of persons drinking little and often. Every fourth or fifth consumer of beer, every seventh consumer of vodka, every fifteenth consumer of purchased wine and every twenty-seventh consumer of home-made wine drank much and often. As regards persons who, drank any two of the above mentioned beverages,  a convergence of their drinking patterns  could be noticed which consisted in the following regularity: if one of the beverages was consumed according to one of the patterns, the other was generally also consumed according to the same pattern.        Drinking "too much", "several consecutive days",  „more often than the respondent wishes”,  were considered an indicators of alcohol abuse. The persons who never happened to drink like this drank, on the whole, considerably smaller amounts of vodka than the average;  those who had happened to drink like this before consumed  markedly more vodka than the average; while those who have happened to drink like this at the time of the study consumed over twice as much vodka  than the average.       As shown by the analysis of answers to a variety of questions in the questionnaire, the amount of consumed alcohol  is connected with the respondent's  satisfaction with his life and his relations with others. Thus persons who were of opinion that life generally brings the people more  good than evil used to drink significantly less (vodka, purchased wine, as well as beer) than those who thought the opposite. Likewise, the respondents who considered themselves frequently underestimated by their closest family, drank significantly more than those who thought that they happened, though seldom, to have been underestimated. Finally, the persons who were of the opinion that their relations with their  families, neighbours, workmates, and superiors went badly,  used to drink significantly more than those who had no problems in this field.             The drinking persons' experiences with alcohol are both good and bad, and the tendency to study first of all, if not exclusively, the latter does not seem appropriate. In the 1980 survey questions about both kinds of experience were asked, which brought in a good deal of interesting  information. Thus it appeared that the drinking of a certain amount of alcohol in the company of a given person helped to solve professional prbblems for a number of persons which was two and a half times larger than the number of those whose  drinking  brought about serious professional trouble. In over   2/5 of the persons examined, alcohol helped to improve their relations with close friends and relatives, while it helped every third of them to settle their own subsistence problems profitably. As for the troubles resulting from drinking, it is striking that persons problems (poor health, family or financial problems) were mentioned two or  three Times more often than those connected with the respondents'  participation in a broader social environment (problems with neighbours, professional problems, and those with the authorities). The above seems to prove that in the customs and climate which exists in our country, the drinking persons perceive alcohol as bringing them more good than evil. As revealed by a closer analysis of the good and bad experience involved in drinking, they usually coexisted: the more good experience the respondents had, the larger was also the amount of their bad experience, and the more they drank. One could say that the persons who used to drink much and thus fell into trouble realized at the same time that drinking brought them various forms of satisfaction and profits. This undoubtedly intensified  their  tendency do drink, in spite of the trouble resulting from drinking.          The last problem to be discussed in the paper is the respondents'  victimization by aggressive behaviour of drunken persons and by their own intoxication. As regards the first problem, it should be stressed that contacts with attempted physical aggression (a drunken person trying to stop or catch the respondent) were frequent: within the year previous to the study nearly every third respondent experienced such an event. Every ninth respondent fell  victim to more serious acts of aggression ("more serious" meaning at least being physically assaulted). As regards unpleasant consequences of the respondent being intoxicated, the most frequent of them were: getting involved in a quarrel (which happened to every fourth or fifth respondent within the year previous to the study), loosing money or other valuable things (which happened to every ninth respondent). It is significant that the persons who experienced unpleasant consequences of being in the state of intoxication, drank over twice as much as on the average.         The  results of the study the extent, structure, and some correlates of the consumption of alcohol in our country described in the paper are an attempt at filling the gap in the studies of this problem which emerged in the '70s. Such studies should be repeated at not too, long intervals, in order to prevent the occurence of such gaps in the future.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1984, XI; 7-92
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wywiady eksperckie i wywiady delfickie w socjologii – możliwości i konsekwencje wykorzystania. Przykłady doświadczeń badawczych.
Possibilities and consequences of using an expert opinion survey and delphi interviews in sociological studies. Some examples of application into research practice.
Stempień, Jakub Ryszard
Rostocki, Włodzimierz Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
wywiad socjologiczny
wywiad ekspercki
wywiad delficki
sociological interview
expert opinion survey
Delphi interview
W artykule zaprezentowano technikę wywiadów eksperckich oraz ich szczególnej podklasy – wywiadów delfickich. Wskazano przyczyny, dla których zastosowanie tej techniki w socjologicznej praktyce badawczej jest współcześnie uzasadnione. Omówiono skrótowo doświadczenia z wykorzystaniem wywiadów eksperckich (w tym: delfickich) w innych dyscyplinach naukowych oraz w badaniach aplikacyjnych. Charakterystyka wywiadów eksperckich (w tym: delfickich) została uzupełniona o prezentację własnych doświadczeń badawczych. Artykuł kończą rozważania dotyczące konsekwencji, z jakimi wiąże się odwołanie w badaniach socjologicznych do wiedzy fachowej i doświadczenia aktorów społecznych. Odnosi się to przede wszystkim do konieczności przemodelowania dotychczasowej roli socjologa oraz respondenta. Sama relacja badacza i badanego powinna zostać przeformułowana w kierunku relacji partnerskiej, kosztem relacji władzy i/lub statusu. W artykule wskazane są te obszary dociekań socjologicznych, w których przypadku wykorzystanie wywiadów eksperckich (w tym: delfickich) jest szczególnie uzasadnione.
In the article the technique of an expert opinion survey and Delphi interviews (as a kind of expert interviews) is described. Reasons for using those interviews in contemporary sociological investigations are presented as well. Experiences of implementing those interviews into research practice of other disciplines of science and among applied researches are shortly shown. The description of the expert opinion survey and Delphi interviews is enlarged with presentation of an own research experiences. In the article some consequences of referring among academic sociological investigations to expertise and experience of social actors are analyzed. Those consequences mean the necessity of redefining the role of a sociologist and a respondent. The relation of the sociologist and the respondent should be redefined in order to implement the factor of partnership and diminish significance of the aspect of power and status. In the article some areas of sociological researches are suggested as especially adequate for using the expert opinion survey and Delphi interviews.
Przegląd Socjologiczny; 2013, 62, 1; 87 - 100
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Socjologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Materiálne vyučovacie prostriedky a ich využívanie vo vysokoškolskej výučbe
Material teaching resources and their utilization in college and university teaching
HRMO, Roman
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
materiálne vyučovacie prostriedky
didaktické pracovisko
material teaching resources
teaching department
V príspevku autori uvádzajú požiadavky kladené na materiálne vyučovacie prostriedky a ich základné funkcie (informačná, transformačná, aktivizačná a regulačná). Poukazujú na skĺbenie materiálnych didaktických prostriedkov a učební do didaktických pracovísk, ktoré zvyšujú intenzitu výučby a uvádzajú rozdelenie materiálnych vyučovacích prostriedkov vo vyučovacom procese. V prieskumnej časti článku autori dotazníkovým prieskumom zisťovali využívanie materiálnych vyučovacích prostriedkov vo vyučovacom procese na vysokých školách a univerzitách v Českej republike (393 respondentov), Slovenskej republike (208 respondentov) a v Poľsku (98 respondentov).
This article aims to show the position and dividing of material resources in teaching process. It describes them as accompaniment of teaching from the very beginning of the teaching and these reflected the level of their period. At the same time the authors state the requirements for teaching material resources and their basic functions (information, transformation, activation and regulation). In the next part of the article there is shown the joint of material didactical resources and schoolrooms for didactical departments, which increase the intensity of teaching by the fact that the teacher can prepare his practical demonstrations, experiments in advance or for example illustrate the production of the component on CNC machine programmed in advance and so on. In the exploratory part of the article the authors investigated by questionnaire survey the utilization of the teaching equipment in teaching process at colleges and universities in the Czech Republic (393 respondents), Slovak Republic (208 respondents) and Poland (98 respondents). In total 699 respondents participated in the survey.
Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka; 2014, 5, 1; 481-488
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Некоторые аспекты кодификации феномена современного славянского язычества по данным полевых исследований
Some aspects of the codification phenomenon of contemporary Slavic paganism (in light of from field study material)
Niektóre aspekty kodyfikacji zjawiska współczesnego pogaństwa słowiańskiego (w świetle badań terenowych)
Шиженский [Shizhenskiĭ], Роман [Roman]
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
contemporary paganism
współczesne pogaństwo
badania ankietowe
On the basis of material received from a survey of three Russian pagan associations, the author discusses some features of "rodnovercheski" communities, as well as world view of followers of this religious and socio-political phenomenon. More attention is paid, in the first place, to the social composition of neo-pagan communities. Criteria such as age, place of work and education of neo-pagan adepts are taken into consideration, as well as the following question: Who do the representatives of neo-paganism regard as their allies and who as their opponents?
Na podstawie materiałów uzyskanych z badań ankietowych w trzech rosyjskich gminach neopogańskich autor artykułu omawia niektóre cechy wspólnot rodzimowierskich („rodnovercheskich”) oraz światopogląd wyznawców neopogaństwa, zjawiska o charakterze religijnym i społeczno-politycznym. Autor skupia uwagę przede wszystkim na społecznej strukturze wspólnot neopogańskich. Pod rozwagę bierze kryteria takie, jak: wiek, miejsce pracy i wykształcenie wyznawców neopogaństwa. Zadaje też pytanie: kogo przedstawiciele nurtu neopogańskiego uznają za swych sprzymierzeńców, a kogo za przeciwników?
Acta Baltico-Slavica; 2014, 38; 279-295
Pojawia się w:
Acta Baltico-Slavica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nowe regulacje procesowe w dignitas connubii – wybrane zagadnienia
The new procedural regulations in the instruction dignitas connubii
Nowakowski, Bartosz
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
process law
the petitioner
the respondent
the judge
The Code of Canon Law
Dignitas connubii
the Instruction
On 25th January 2005 The Instruction Dignitas connubii became effective, which should be used in the diocese’s and interdiocese’s courts within the causes of the marriage invalidity judgment. It initiated many new elements into the process practice. The author makes a reflection about some of them, namely: Notifying the passive parties in the process of the procedural acts, Attaching the clauses prohibitive in the verdict ; Passing the legal remedies in the verdict and the evidence discussion being controversial as the lawless proofs in the process. This study is also a kind of the form of the practical grade of the application these novelties into the tribunals of the lower instances.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2010, 28; 55-64
Pojawia się w:
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Comparison of consumer and nutritional behaviours of respondents aged 55 and older living in selected regions of Poland and France: BIO LIFE project - pilot studies
Czlapka-Matyasik, M.
Fejfer, M.
Gramza-Michalowska, A.
Jeszka, J.
Fabre, O.
Issler, F.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
consumer behaviour
nutritional behaviour
Wielkopolska region
Lorraine region
BIO LIFE project
Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research; 2014, 08, 1
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lean official statistics concept based on the working conditions survey
Koncepcja oszczędnej statystyki publicznej na przykładzie badania warunków pracy
Auksztol, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Główny Urząd Statystyczny
Lean approach in official statistics
working conditions survey
respondent burden
koncepcja oszczędnościowa w statystyce publicznej
badanie warunków pracy
obciążenie respondenta
The Lean approach refers to the elimination of waste from the value stream. In other words, it excludes any activities which fail to be of any value to the client, thus enabling an organisation to adapt to the growing customer demands while providing high quality products and keeping unit costs under control. The aim of this paper is to assess the possibility of applying the Lean concept in official statistics on the basis of the working conditions survey, which is characterised by an increasing number of the surveyed units and a growing scope of the collected data. The implementation of the Lean concept within the working conditions survey began in 2017 as a pilot project with the aim to reduce the labour intensity that the survey involves. The research methods used in the paper were case study and the Design Science Research. The case study covered the period from 1987 to 2019 and related to the operational areas of the survey, such as its completeness, the number of reporting units and the scope of the collected variables. In order to present the topic in a broader context, additional data were also used, namely the wages and salaries of selected groups of professions, such as IT specialists. The obtained results confirm that the Lean approach is an effective tool applicable in the process of limiting respondent burden. It facilitates the modernisation of the working conditions survey through the elimination of any unnecessary work while maintaining the usefulness of the final results. It may therefore form the foundation for the construction of lean official statistics.
Podejście oszczędnościowe (ang. Lean approach) odnosi się do eliminowania marnotrawstwa z łańcucha wartości, inaczej mówiąc, polega na rezygnacji z działań, które nie wnoszą wartości istotnej dla klienta. Dzięki temu organizacja stosująca to podejście może dopasować się do rosnących wymagań klientów przy zapewnieniu wysokiej jakości produktów końcowych i jednoczesnym kontrolowaniu kosztów jednostkowych. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ocena możliwości wykorzystania koncepcji oszczędnościowej w statystyce publicznej na przykładzie badania warunków pracy, które charakteryzuje się stałym wzrostem liczby badanych jednostek oraz powiększającym się zakresem zbieranych danych. Wdrażane w jego ramach podejście oszczędnościowe, rozpoczęte jako projekt pilotażowy w 2017 r., ma przynieść ograniczenie pracochłonności badania. Jako metody badawcze w artykule wykorzystano studium przypadku oraz podejście projektowe. Studium przypadku objęło okres od 1987 r. do 2019 r. i dotyczyło obszarów operacyjnych badania, takich jak jego kompletność, liczba badanych jednostek oraz zakres zbieranych zmiennych. Aby uzyskać szerszy kontekst, posłużono się również danymi uzupełniającymi na temat wynagrodzeń wybranych grup zawodów, np. informatyków. W wyniku przeprowadzonej oceny uzyskano potwierdzenie, że podejście oszczędnościowe jest skutecznym narzędziem w procesie ograniczania obciążeń respondentów. Wspomaga modernizację badania warunków pracy w kierunku eliminacji niepotrzebnych działań, nie umniejszając przydatności wyników końcowych, może zatem stworzyć podwaliny pod budowę oszczędnej statystyki publicznej.
Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician; 2021, 66, 12; 75-97
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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