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Wyszukujesz frazę "relative temperature" wg kryterium: Temat

Zarys bioklimatu Zamościa
The Bioclimate of Zamość
Samborski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Akademia Zamojska
temperatura powietrza
wilgotność względna
prędkość wiatru
suma opadów atmosferycznych
wskaźnik wielkości ochładzającej
temperatura ekwiwalentna
temperatura efektywna
air temperature
relative humidity
wind speed
cooling magnitude indicator
equivalent temperature
effective temperature
W pracy wykorzystano dane ze stacji meteorologicznych funkcjonujących na terenie Zamościa w okresie od 1976 do 2020 roku. Opisano zmienność wartości wybranych elementów meteorologicznych i charakterystyk klimatycznych w skali czasowej, wykorzystując najczęściej stosowane statystyki rozkładu, tzn. wartości średnie oraz miary zmienności. Wyznaczono kierunek trendu zmian temperatury powietrza. W celu określenia warunków bioklimatycznych obliczono wartości wybranych wskaźników, takich jak: temperatura ekwiwalentna, temperatura efektywna i wielkość ochładzająca powietrza. Przeprowadzone badania wskazują, że w Zamościu optymalne warunki termiczne określane jako przyjemnie chłodno występują w okresie letnim (czerwiec, lipiec, sierpień), przy czym w lipcu są one łagodne. W kwietniu, maju i we wrześniu odczucie cieplne charakteryzowane jest jako chłodne. Generalnie w okresie od listopada do marca jest zimno, a w styczniu i w lutym bardzo zimno.
The paper uses data from meteorological stations operating in Zamość in the period from 1976 to 2020. The variability of the values of selected meteorological elements and climatic characteristics on a time scale was presented using the most commonly used distribution statistics, i.e. average values and variability measures. The direction of the trend of changes in air temperature was determined as well. In order to determine the bioclimatic conditions, the values of selected indicators were calculated, including equivalent temperature, effective temperature, and air cooling quantity. The conducted research indicates that in Zamość optimal thermal conditions described as pleasantly cool occur in the summer ( June, July, August), while in July they are mild. In April, May and September, the thermal sensation is characterized as cool. Generally, it is cold from November to March and very cold in January and February.
Facta Simonidis; 2023, 16, 1; 341-356
Pojawia się w:
Facta Simonidis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zielone dachy jako sposób zagospodarowania wód opadowych na terenach miejskich
Deska, Iwona
Borutko, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Częstochowska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Częstochowskiej
temperatura powietrza
wilgotność względna powietrza
zagospodarowanie wód opadowych
zdolność retencyjna
zielone dachy
air temperature
air relative humidity
green roofs
rainwater management
retention capacity
Postępujący proces urbanizacji i wzrost liczebności populacji prowadzą do zmian w przestrzennej strukturze miast i do ciągłego uszczelniania powierzchni terenu. Zwiększenie ilości powierzchni nieprzepuszczalnych prowadzi do zmian w cyklu hydrologicznym na terenach miejskich, przede wszystkim do zmniejszenia udziału infiltracji wód opadowych w głąb gruntu kosztem zwiększenia udziału spływu powierzchniowego. W konsekwencji może to prowadzić do powstawania podtopień i powodzi, jak również do ilościowej degradacji zasobów wodnych. Sposobem na poprawienie tej sytuacji może być stosowanie zrównoważonych systemów drenażu (ZSD), które wspomagają działanie tradycyjnych systemów kanalizacji i pozwalają na zagospodarowanie wody deszczowej w miejscu powstawania opadu. Przykładem ZSD mogą być zielone dachy. Zdolność zielonych dachów do retencjonowania wody deszczowej zależy od rodzaju elementów użytych do ich konstrukcji, od długości okresu bezdeszczowego poprzedzającego opad (ADWP), jak również od czynników atmosferycznych panujących w okresie poprzedzającym opad. Celem badań opisanych w rozdziale było ustalenie wpływu czynników atmosferycznych (temperatury powietrza i wilgotności względnej) na zdolność retencyjną siedmiu modeli ekstensywnych zielonych dachów. Modele były zróżnicowane pod względem konstrukcji oraz zastosowanej roślinności. Część z nich posiadała substrat wzbogacony dodatkiem superabsorbentu polimerowego (SAP), natomiast na pozostałych modelach zastosowano substrat bez domieszek. Otrzymane wyniki wskazały, że zielone dachy mogą być efektywnym sposobem zagospodarowania wody opadowej. Wyniki potwierdziły, że wraz ze wzrostem temperatury powietrza atmosferycznego panującej podczas ADWP wzrastała zdolność retencyjna zielonych dachów, przy czym najwyższy współczynnik determinacji uzyskano w przypadku modeli niezawierających superabsorbentu w składzie substratu. Z kolei najsłabszą korelację odnotowano w przypadku modelu, na którym przeważającym rodzajem roślinności był mech, a także w przypadku modelu, który nie zawierał warstwy roślinności. Obydwa te modele dodatkowo zawierały dodatek SAP w składzie substratu. Badania potwierdziły, że wpływ wilgotności względnej powietrza na zdolność retencyjną modeli zielonych dachów był znacznie mniejszy niż wpływ temperatury (w większości przypadków wyniki wskazały na brak korelacji). Należy jednak podkreślić, że wilgotności względne panujące w trakcie prowadzenia badań były stosunkowo wysokie i bardzo zbliżone do siebie, co mogło mieć wpływ na uzyskane wyniki. W związku z tym badania powinny być kontynuowane w bardziej zróżnicowanych warunkach atmosferycznych.
Rozwiązania proekologiczne w inżynierii środowiska; 29-43
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Four-parameter electromagnetic method for determining the parameters of brewery effluents
Sebko, V. V.
Pyrozhenko, Ye. V.
Zashchepkina, N. M.
Zdorenko, V. G.
Markina, O. M.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Komputerowej Nauki o Materiałach i Inżynierii Powierzchni w Gliwicach
four-parameter electromagnetic method
brewery effluents
magnetic flux probe
conversion function
joint measurement
electrical conductivity
relative permittivity
metoda elektromagnetyczna
strumień magnetyczny
funkcja konwersji
przewodność elektryczna
względna przenikalność elektryczna
Purpose of the article is to study a four-parameter electromagnetic method for joint measurements of electrical resistivity k, relative permittivity εr, temperature t and density ρ of samples of acidic, alkaline and average effluents from a microbrewery based on a magnetic flux probe (MFP), which considers the influence of informative parameters of beer effluents on the components of the amplitude and phase signals of a multiparameter device. Design/methodology/approach The implementation of the four-parameter method is carried out on the basis of the dependences G1 = f (A1) and G2 = f (A2) at two frequencies of the electromagnetic field f0 and f1 for acid, alkaline and average effluent and allows you to jointly determine the four parameters of effluent samples with the same converter in the same control area. The proposed method makes it possible to improve the accuracy of identifying effluent samples since the obtained multiparameter information makes it possible to determine the nature and properties of effluent samples using only one transducer with certain physical characteristics. The research results lead to the expansion of the technical capabilities of electromagnetic measurement methods, as well as to an increase in the metrological characteristics of electromagnetic transducers and an increase in the accuracy of measuring the parameters of effluent samples compared to reference methods and measuring instruments. Thus, the implementation of this approach contributes to the prediction and prevention of the reasons for the deviation of beer effluent samples from the specified indicators of environmental safety. Findings The universal conversion functions MFP have been established, connecting the amplitude and phase components of the converter signals with the parameters k, εr, t and ρ of acidic, alkaline and average effluents. Based on the universal transformation functions G1 = f (A1) and G2 = f (A2), a four-parameter electromagnetic method for joint measurements of electrical resistivity k, relative permittivity εr, temperature t and density ρ of acidic, alkaline, and average effluents from breweries has been developed. When conducting research at two close frequencies of the electromagnetic field f0 = 20.3 MHz and f1 = 22 MHz, algorithms were obtained for measuring and calculating procedures for determining k, εr, t and ρ for samples of acidic, alkaline and average effluents from the brewing industry. Research limitations/implications Research perspectives consist in the creation of automated systems for multiparameter measuring control of the physicochemical characteristics of acidic and alkaline effluent from food and processing industries based on the immersed electromagnetic transducer. Based on the data obtained using informative methods to measure the parameters of effluent samples, an integrated method for treating beer effluents of various compositions will be proposed. At the same time, the scheme of the integrated treatment method should include a filter that provides the introduction of a magnetic fluid and a separation device that allows us to remove a fraction, including pollution in itself. Practical implications Is that the proposed four-parameter electromagnetic method makes it possible to determine to what composition the controlled samples of wastewater should be attributed (acidic or alkaline). It, in turn, makes it possible to choose a rational method for treating beer effluents and to prevent the reasons for the deviation of effluent samples from the environmental safety indicators set by the standards. Originality/value of the article is the research related to the expansion of the functional and technical capabilities of the electromagnetic two-frequency transducer MFP through the implementation of a four-parameter electromagnetic method of joint measurements of electrical resistivity k, relative permittivity εr, temperature t and density ρ of acidic, alkaline and average effluents from breweries. The universal transformation functions G1 = f (A1) and G2 = f (A2) found in the work at two close magnetic field frequencies, f0 = 20.3 MHz and f1 = 22 MHz, make it possible to control four physicochemical parameters of acidic, alkaline and average wastewater at the same time by the same MFP. An algorithm has been developed for determining the signal components of a two-frequency thermal MFP, the ranges of which correspond to the ranges of changes in electrical resistivity k, relative permittivity εr, temperature t and density ρ of acidic, alkaline, and average brewery effluents. The basic relations that describe the two-frequency four-parameter electromagnetic method of joint measurements of the physicochemical parameters of acidic, alkaline and averaged beer effluents have been obtained.
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering; 2022, 113, 2; 49--64
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Influence of the Types of Grass of Green Roofs for the Design of Thermal Comfort in Buildings
Rodríguez, José
Vilela, Karina
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
Stenotaphrum secundatum
Zoysia japonica
ambient temperature
relative humidity
thermal comfort
extensive green roof
The main objective of the research was to study the effect of the Stenotaphrum secundatum and Zoysia japonica grasses on the higher and lower environment temperature and lower relative humidity; the secondary objective was to compare whether the Stenotaphrum secundatum grass has a greater impact on the environment parameters of comfort than the Zoysia japonica species. Six materials were used for the extensive green roof, each one forming a layer of the system, which were placed on the concrete slab and in an upward direction, including: PVC geomembrane, Polyester asphalt carpet, Pumice stone, Planar geodren, Prepared soil with guano, compost, muss, and Substrate. In order to make measurements of the higher and lower ambient temperature, a digital thermometer and lower relative humidity meter was used. Stenotaphrum secundatum and Zoysia japonica were used as grass species, as they were the most representative of the grasses used in extensive green roofs. The experimentation was carried out for 2 months from September to October of 2021, having built 3 modules of 1000x600mm roofs, including 1module of the concrete roof with ceramic covering and 2 modules of extensive green roof with two types of grass: Stenotaphrum secundatum and Zoysia japonica. The readings of the environment temperature and relative humidity of the higher and lower part were taken in six points of each module to have a greater number of representative measurements. The watering of the 2 green roof modules with grass was carried out twice a week, applying 5L of water per module. The results indicate that the Zoysia japonica grass is the one that presents a better behavior before the higher ambient temperature and that the Stenotaphrum secundatum grass behaves better before the lower ambient temperature and lower relative humidity. The conclusions indicate that the Stenotaphrum secundatum grass behaves better temperature and relative humidity; the two grass types exhibit different behavior.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2022, 23, 3; 223--229
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analysis of climate change and its potential influence on energy performance of building and indoor temperatures, part 1: Climate change scenarios
Analiza zmiany klimatu i jego wpływu na charakterystykę energetyczną budynku oraz temperatury wewnętrzne, część 1: Scenariusze zmian klimatu
Firląg, Szymon
Miszczuk, Artur
Witkowski, Bartosz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
zmiana klimatu
parametr zewnętrzny
representative concentration pathways
temperatura powietrza
wilgotność względna
prędkość wiatru
promieniowanie słoneczne
climate change
outdoor parameter
air temperature
relative humidity
wind speed
solar radiation
The subject of this paper is to analyse the climate change and its influence on the energy performance of building and indoor temperatures. The research was made on the example of the city of Kielce, Poland. It was was carried out basing on the Municipal Adaptive Plan for the city of Kielce and climate data from the Ministry of Investment and Development.The predicted, future parameters of the climate were estimated using the tool Weather Shift for Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP). The analysis took into consideration the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios for years 2035 and 2065, representing different greenhouse gas concentration trajectories. Scenario RCP4.5represents possible, additional radiative forcing of 4.5 W/m2 in 2100, and RCP8.5 an additional 8.5 W/m2. The calculated parameters included average month values of temperature and relative humidity of outdoor air, wind velocity and solar radiation. The results confirmed the increase of outdoor temperature in the following year. The values of relative humidity do not change significantly for the winter months, while in the summer months decrease is visible. No major changes were spotted in the level of solar radiation or wind speed. Based on the calculated parameters dynamic building modelling was carried out using the TRNSYS software. The methodology and results of the calculations will be presented in the second part of the paper.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza zmiany klimatu oraz jej wpływu na charakterystykę energetyczną budynku i temperaturę wewnętrzną. Badania przeprowadzono na przykładzie miasta Kielce. Ich podstawą był Miejski Plan Adaptacyjny dla miasta Kielce oraz dane klimatyczne z Ministerstwa Inwestycji i Rozwoju. Przewidywane, przyszłe parametry klimatu zostały oszacowane za pomocą narzędzia Weather Shift dla Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP). W analizie uwzględniono scenariusze RCP4.5 i RCP8.5 na lata 2035 i 2065, reprezentujące różne trajektorie wzrostu stężenia gazów cieplarnianych. Scenariusz RCP4.5 reprezentuje przewidywane, dodatkowe wymuszenie radiacyjne wynoszące 4,5 W/m2 w 2100 r., a RCP8.5 dodatkowe 8,5 W/m2. Wyznaczone parametry obejmowały średnie miesięczne wartości temperatury i wilgotności względnej powietrza zewnętrznego, prędkości wiatru i wielkości promieniowania słonecznego. Wyniki obliczeń potwierdziły wzrost temperatury zewnętrznej w kolejnych latach. Wartości wilgotności względnej powietrza nie zmieniają się znacząco dla miesięcy zimowych, natomiast w miesiącach letnich widoczny jest ich spadek. Nie zaobserwowano większych zmian w poziomie promieniowania słonecznego i prędkości wiatru. Na podstawie obliczonych parametrów przeprowadzono dynamiczne modelowanie budynku przy użyciu oprogramowania TRNSYS. Metodologia i wyniki obliczeń zostaną przedstawione w drugiej części artykułu.
Archives of Civil Engineering; 2021, 67, 3; 29-42
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Civil Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of temperature and relative humidity on the milk production of dairy cows
Imrich, Ivan
Toman, Róbert
Pšenková, Martina
Mlyneková, Eva
Kanka, Tomáš
Mlynek, Juraj
Pontešová, Barbora
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Tarnowie
dairy cows
relative humidity
milk yield
krowa mleczna
wilgotność względna
wydajność mleka
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of environmental housing conditions on the milk yield of dairy cows. Measurements were taken in the summer period from June to September, 2020 and in the winter period during January, 2021 on a large-capacity farm of Holstein Friesian cattle. Cows were housed in free stall barn with the lying boxes and selected during the second or third lactations, in the summer period from the 51st day to the 135th day and in the winter period from the 64th day to the 120th day of lactation. The average temperature in the housing was 23°C in summer, and 7.05°C in winter. The average THI (thermal humidity index) value in summer was 70.43, but during the day the THI values sometimes reached 75. The dairy cows were therefore exposed to heat stress during summer. Increasing THI and temperature values negatively affected the milk yield, as there was a negative correlation between both THI and milk yield (r = −0.641; p < 0.01) and temperature and milk yield (r = −0.637; p < 0.01). Milk production in winter was at 58.77 kg per day and in summer at 49.55 kg per day. In the summer, the milk had a significantly lower content of fat (p < 0.05), proteins (p < 0.001), lactose (p < 0.001), minerals (p < 0.001) and conversely, a higher number of somatic cells (p < 0.01). These results show that worse environmental conditions during the summer negatively affected the level of milk yield and the composition of the cows’ milk.
Science, Technology and Innovation; 2021, 13, 2; 22-27
Pojawia się w:
Science, Technology and Innovation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Influence of Environment Conditions on Ultrasonic and Electrostatic Precipitation of Aerosols of Wood Flour
Stepkina, Maria
Kudryashova, Olga
Antonnikova, Alexandra
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
dispersive medium
relative humidity
ultrasonic radiation
electrostatic field
finely-dispersed aerosol particles
The risk of human exposure to finely-dispersed aerosol particles being airborne indoors is determined by the size and the number concentration of particles, the intensity of an aerosol emission source, the air filtration and ventilation efficiency, etc. The emphasis in this article is on behaviour patterns of aerosol particles when exposed to ultrasonic and electrostatic fields in different conditions of air temperature and relative humidity. Wood flour having sizes of interest (characteristic particle diameter about 10 μm) is chosen as a model aerosol. The article considers a physical and mathematical model presenting the evolution of aerosol particles in external fields, taking into account the moisture content and the temperature of a dispersive medium. The efficiency of ultrasonic and electrostatic precipitation in different relative humidity and temperature conditions in an enclosed space was studied using optical measurement methods of particle size and concentration.
Archives of Acoustics; 2020, 45, 1; 29-34
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Acoustics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Activated carbon adsorption behaviour of toluene at various temperatures and relative humidity
Görgülü, Adnan
Yağli, Hüseyin
Koç, Yildiz
Koç, Ali
Baltacioğlu, Ertuğrul
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
activated carbon
relative humidity
environmental pollution
węgiel aktywny
wilgotność względna
zanieczyszczenie środowiska
Filtration plays a major role in managing the rapid increase of environmental pollution and deterioration of atmospheric air quality. One of the most damaging noxious gases in the atmosphere is toluene, which is a common gas that appears in crude oil and is used in various production processes. The adsorption behaviour of activated carbon was examined in dependence of the concentration, temperature and relative humidity. The results showed that increasing air temperature decreased the time to reach the maximum saturation ratio, which occurred due to the increasing pore diffusion coefficient and pore diffusion rate.
Environment Protection Engineering; 2019, 45, 1; 111-126
Pojawia się w:
Environment Protection Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Variation in Direct Solar Irradiation with Relative Humidity and Atmospheric Temperature
Wazwaz, Aref
Khan, Mohd Shariq
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
solar irradiation
relative humidity
atmospheric temperature
accumulative solar flux
A class first Pyranometer was used to measure the direct solar irradiation and the obtained results were analyzed. Separate sensors were used to measure the relative humidity and the atmospheric temperature (RH/AT sensors). The measurements were conducted for the whole year of 2013. The author analyzed the collected solar data during one day, month, and year. The maximum, minimum, average, and accumulative solar irradiation (SR) were calculated and analyzed with connection to relative humidity and atmospheric temperature. The author found that April was characterized by the average maximum solar irradiation (SR= 1112±1W/m2), May had the maximum SR accumulation (13276552± 1W/m2). The maximum average percentage relative humidity found in July (% RH = 97± 3%), while the minimum average % RH is in December (% RH = 25± 3%). In May, the maximum average atmospheric temperature was 36.0 ± 0.6°C, while the average minimum was in January (AT= 19.1 ± 0.6°C). The total accumulation of solar flux during the year 2013 is 222 ± 1MW/m2.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2019, 20, 9; 38-43
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Development of Selected Parameters of Microclimate in a Stand Alone Cellar Plunged into Soil
Nawalany, G.
Sokołowski, P.
Herbut, P.
Angrecka, S.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
cellar plunged into soil
air temperature
air relative humidity
The thesis presents the analysis of development of selected parameters of microclimate in a standalone cellar plunged into soil. The scope of studies included measurement of air internal and external temperature and relative humidity of internal and external air. The thesis also concerns the analysis of heat exchange of cellar compartments with the surrounding soil. The studies were carried out from July 11, 2012 to July 10, 2013. The analysis of the obtained results of studies proved that the internal air temperature in the examined cellar was mainly formed by the external air temperature as well as by the surrounding soil. For 42% of storage period, the thermal conditions in the cellar plunged into soil were unfavorable which disqualifies the cellar’s purpose for storage of vegetables, e.g. potatoes. Too high temperature was observed in the initial and final period. Favorable storage conditions were experienced only in the period from December 14, 2012 to April 11, 2013. To adjust this kind facility for storage of vegetables, thermal insulation of compartments and installation of cooling units is required.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2017, 18, 3; 156-161
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evaluation of models for the dew point temperature determination
Górnicki, K.
Winiczenko, R.
Kaleta, A.
Choińska, A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
dew point temperature
relative humidity
artificial neural networks
The accuracy of the available from the literature models for the dew point temperature determination was compared. The proposal of the modelling using artificial neural networks was also given. The experimental data were taken from the psychrometric tables. The accuracies of the models were measured using the mean bias error MBE, root mean square error RMSE, correlation coefficient R, and reduced chi-square χ2 . Model M3, especially with constants A=237, B=7.5, gave the best results in determining the dew point temperature (MBE: -0.0229 – 0.0038 K, RMSE: 0.1259 – 0.1286 K, R=0.9999, χ2 : 0.0159 – 0.0166 K2 ). Model M1 with constants A=243.5, B=17.67 and A=243.3, B=17.269 can be also considered as appropriate (MBE=-0.0062 and -0.0078 K, RMSE=0.1277 and 0.1261 K, R=0.9999, χ2 =0.0163 and 0.0159 K2 ). Proposed ANN model gave the good results in determining the dew point temperature (MBE=-0.0038 K, RMSE=0.1373 K, R=0.9999, χ2 =0.0189 K2 ).
Technical Sciences / University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn; 2017, 20(3); 241--257
Pojawia się w:
Technical Sciences / University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effects of Changes in Temperature, Rainfall and Relative Humidity on Banana Production in Ondo State, Nigeria
Salau, Opeyemi R.
Momoh, Marvelous
Olaleye, Oluwatosin A.
Owoeye, Rufus S.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Relative Humidity
The effects of climate change on agriculture may have strong impacts on the world’s food economy and are likely to threaten both the welfare of the world’s population and the economic development of the global society. Hence, the impacts of changes in important climate variables like temperature, rainfall and relative humidity on the production of a major food commodity called banana is investigated using the data obtained within 1998-2012 from Ondo State, Nigeria. The results suggest that excessive rainfall and extremely high temperature can reduce banana productivity while the production is also small when both rainfall and temperature are very low with poor humidity. On the average, the findings show that a mean temperature of about 26 °C and average rainfall of around 1891mm with relative humidity of approximately 77% will lead to good annual banana production above 61,000 tons in Ondo State. Since these climate variables will fluctuate under a future climate change condition, the coping strategies recommended for farmers in the area and in similar places might include planting of drought- and disease resistant banana types, monitoring of weather conditions, use of irrigation and chemicals. Improved storage facilities are also important while transportation of banana should be done under controlled conditions to avoid spoiling the quality.
World Scientific News; 2016, 44; 143-154
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Changes in Temperature and Relative Humidity in Lagos State, Nigeria
Salau, Opeyemi R.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
relative humidity
global warming
heat stroke
The variability in the temperature and Relative Humidity (RH) observed within Lagos State, a coastal region in Nigeria, is investigated using data from Nigeria Meteorological Agency (NIMET) for 1980 to 2010. The results reveal an annual mean value of 27.20°C and 83.01% for the temperature and RH respectively and an increasing trend in RH over the study period while such rising trend in the mean temperature is reversed from 2005 to 2010. The findings show an inverse relationship between the temperature and RH while it further indicates that low temperature is associated with increased rainfall under the accompanying cloudy condition and vice versa. These observations are supported by the strong correlation coefficients between the RH and the rainfall (0.72) and that between the RH and the temperature (-0.95) while -0.59 is obtained between the rainfall and the corresponding temperature. The correlations show that the impacts of the precipitation on RH are stronger than the effects it has on the temperature while both temperature and RH strongly depends on each other. Hence, under a future global warming, extremely warm atmospheric condition characterized by high RH in the coastal region could cause heat stroke, discomfort and health problems among the inhabitants. However, the area becomes conducive and attractive to tourists under moderate RH and good temperature.
World Scientific News; 2016, 49, 2; 295-306
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Raschetnyjj metod opredelenija rezhimov oroshenija s ispolzovaniem klimaticheskikh pokazatelejj
Calculating method for defining irrigation modes using climatic indices
Karaiev, A.
Susho, S.
Gorbach, N.
Data publikacji:
Komisja Motoryzacji i Energetyki Rolnictwa
calculation method
air temperature
relative air humidity
climate index
Motrol. Motoryzacja i Energetyka Rolnictwa; 2015, 17, 9
Pojawia się w:
Motrol. Motoryzacja i Energetyka Rolnictwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Variability and changes in selected climate elements in Madrid and Alicante in the period 2000-2014
Cielecka, K.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Śląski. Wydział Nauk o Ziemi
Mediterranean Region
air temperature
relative humidity
Iberian Peninsula
region Morza Śródziemnego
temperatura powietrza
wilgotność względna
Półwysep Iberyjski
The aim of this study is to compare climatic conditions between the interior of the Iberian Peninsula and the southeastern coast of Spain. The article analyzes selected elements of climate over the last 15 years (2000-2014). Synoptic data from airport meteorological stations in Madrid Barajas and Alicante Elche were used. Attention was focused on annual air temperature, relative humidity and precipitation. The mean climatic conditions over the period 2000-2014 were compared with those over the 1961-1990 period which is recommended by WMO as climate normal and with data for the 1971-2000 coming from ‘Climate Atlas’ of Spanish meteorologists group AEMET. Two of climate elements discussed were characterized by significant changes. The annual air temperature was higher by about 0.2°C in Alicante and 0.9°C in Madrid in the period 2000-2014 compared to the 1961-1990. The current winters were colder than in years 1961-1990 at both stations. Gradual decrease in annual precipitation totals was observed at both stations. In 1961-1990 the annual average precipitation in Madrid amounted to 414 mm, while in Alicante it was 356 mm. However, in the recent years of 2000-2014 these totals were lower compared to 1961-1990 reaching 364.1 mm in the central part of Spain and 245.7 mm on the south-western coast.
Contemporary Trends in Geoscience; 2015, 4, 1; 56-65
Pojawia się w:
Contemporary Trends in Geoscience
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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