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Wyszukujesz frazę "psychopatia" wg kryterium: Temat

Neurobiologiczne podłoże osobowości psychopatycznej
Siemienkowicz, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie
obrazowanie mózgu
osobowość dyssocjalna
Badania kliniczne nad psychopatią prowadzone są już od ponad stu lat, jednak wciąż zagadnienie to stanowi dla badaczy zagadkę. Dzięki licznym odkryciom zebrano nowe informacje o tym niepokojącym zaburzeniu. Analizy z użyciem badań obrazowych mózgu dowiodły, że istnieje wyraźna różnica w budowie strukturalnej mózgu osób cierpiących na psychopatię i pozostałych ludzi. W porównaniu z innymi zaburzeniami psychicznymi, psychopatia rzadko jest obiektem systematycznych badań, mimo iż wywołuje znacznie więcej społecznego zamętu niż pozostałe choroby
Przegląd Policyjny; 2017, 3(127); 154-166
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Policyjny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wczesne predyktory psychopatii – analiza stanu i kierunków badań psychopatii dzieci i młodzieży
Groth, Jarosław
Andrałojć, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
psychopatia, dzieci, młodzież, psychopatologia, osobowość
The aim of this article is to present the concept of child and adolescent psychopathy and to discuss its utility in scientific research and clinical practice, including early diagnosis and intervention. The authors review the literature on the subject, showing the current directions in research on early manifestations of psychopathy in children and adolescents, and the reasons for conducting empirical studies in this field; they also indicate the associated problems of methodological and ethical nature. This article is an attempt to examine the possibility of identifying early predictors of psychopathy, indicating the need for further investigation of this construct towards building a developmental model of psychopathy. The article shows the complexity and variety of directions that make up the mainstream of theoretical and empirical research on psychopathy in children and adolescents. It also points to the value of adopting a general theoretical model that allows for the integration of research results and to the potential of the paradigm of developmental psychopathology as the most promising framework for research in this area.
Psychologia Rozwojowa; 2014, 19, 3
Pojawia się w:
Psychologia Rozwojowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mroczna triada a kody moralne: mediacyjna rola kodów moralnych w relacji między płcią a psychopatią
Klimczak, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
Mroczna Triada
kody moralne
Celem przedstawionego badania była empiryczna weryfikacja natury relacji między cechami Mrocznej Triady osobowości a kodami moralnymi w próbie polskiej. Dodatkowym celem była eksploracja mediacyjnej roli kodów moralnych w związku między płcią a cechami triady. Badanie przeprowadzono z udziałem 202 uczestników (50% mężczyzn) w wieku od 20 do 61 lat (M = 33,74, SD = 9,32) przy użyciu skali Parszywej Dwunastki (do pomiaru cech Mrocznej Triady) oraz Kwestionariusza Kodów Moralnych (do pomiaru kodów moralnych). Wyniki analiz wskazują, że wszystkie cechy Mrocznej Triady występują w ujemnej relacji z kodem Troski/krzywdy. Makiawelizm i psychopatia są ujemnie związane z Świętością/upodleniem. Ponadto istnieje również ujemny związek między psychopatią a kodem Lojalności/zdrady. Po kontroli wspólnej zmienności jedynie psychopatia występuje w istotnym związku z kodami: Troski/krzywdy, Sprawiedliwości/oszustwa i Świętości/upodlenia. Wyniki badania wskazują, że kody moralne odgrywają rolę mediatora jedynie w relacji między płcią a psychopatią. Przeprowadzono interpretację i dyskusję otrzymanych wyników.
Polskie Forum Psychologiczne; 2019, XXIV, 1; 25-41
Pojawia się w:
Polskie Forum Psychologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nasilenie cech psychopatii wśród kobiet osadzonych w zakładach karnych. Charakterystyka psychospołeczna
Intensity of Psychopathic Traits and Agression, Styles of Interpersonal Functioning, Hierarchy of Values and Conditions of Socialization among Imprisoned Women
Bolek, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pedagogium
Zaprezentowane badanie miało na celu określenie nasilenia cech psychopatii u kobiet przebywających w polskich zakładach karnych oraz zależności pomiędzy nim a warunkami socjalizacji rodzinnej, stylem funkcjonowania interpersonalnego, nasileniem i formami przejawianej agresji oraz hierarchią uznawanych przez nie wartości. Grupa badawcza liczyła 99 kobiet, spośród których wyłoniono trzy grupy nasilenia cech psychopatycznych (opierając się na wynikach uzyskanych w Skali Obserwacyjnej Skłonności Psychopatycznych – PCL-R). Zastosowano takie narzędzia diagnostyczne jak: Skala Agresji (SABD), Skala Ustosunkowań Interpersonalnych (SUI), Skala Wartości Rokeacha (SW), analiza akt penitencjarnych, ankieta i dane z wywiadu. Badanie pokazało, iż wraz ze wzrostem nasilenia cech psychopatycznych w badanych grupach rosła liczba kobiet mających w swej przeszłości doświadczenia przebywania w placówkach opiekuńczych lub opiekuńczo-wychowawczych oraz kontaktu z rodzicem uzależnionym od alkoholu. Zgodnie z przewidywaniami okazało się, iż badane grupy różnią się pod względem przejawianych form agresji (zwłaszcza agresji fizycznej i słownej) oraz irytacji, a także stylów funkcjonowania interpersonalnego. Częściowe potwierdzenie znalazła również hipoteza mówiąca o istnieniu związku pomiędzy hierarchią wartości a nasileniem cech psychopatycznych. Kobiety o wyższym nasileniu cech psychopatycznych niżej ceniły wartość bezpieczeństwa rodziny w swojej hierarchii wartości ostatecznych.
The presented study was to assess the level of psychopathic traits women in Polish prisons and the relationship between that and the conditions of family socialization, interpersonal behaviour styles, intensity and forms of aggression and the hierarchy of values. The participants of the study were female inmates (n = 99) among which emerged three psychopathy intensification groups (based on score in Psychopathy Checklist – Revised, PCL-R). There has been used such diagnostic tools as the Buss-Durkee Aggression Scale (SABD), the Scale of Interpersonal Relations (SUI), the Rokeach Value Survey (RVS) and penitentiary records analysis. The gathered results of the research indicate that with increasing severity of psychopathic traits in the studied groups growing number of women having in their past experience of staying in institutions or care centers and contact with a parent addicted to an alcohol.As expected, it turned out that the treatment groups differ in terms of expression of the forms of aggression (especially physical aggression and verbal), irritation and interpersonal behaviour styles. Partially confirmed was the hypothesis of the existence of the relationship between the hierarchy of values and the intensity of psychopathic traits. Women with a higher psychopathic traits valued the Family Security less in their hierarchy of terminal values.
Resocjalizacja Polska; 2016, 12; 195-215
Pojawia się w:
Resocjalizacja Polska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poczytalność i wina psychopaty w świetle ewolucyjnych koncepcji genezy psychopatii
Sanity and psychopath’s guilt in light of the evolutionary concepts of the origin of psychopathy
Małecki, Mikołaj
Zyzik, Radosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
criminal responsibility
odpowiedzialność karna
In the paper a thesis that psychopathy can be understood as a stable evolutionary strategy has been presented. We believe that this view may generate implications for criminal law, especially in the sphere of criminal responsibility. We propose a thesis that traditional understanding of legal insanity is not an adequate tool to assess the criminal actions of psychopaths. Moreover, the application of security measures may be de lege lata impossible. However, natural-born psychopaths can be isolated according to the provisions of the statue on proceedings against persons with mental disorders.
W artykule zostały zaprezentowane wyniki badań nauk ewolucyjnych; na ich gruncie psychopatia może być ujmowana jako stabilna strategia ewolucyjna. Takie rozumienie psychopatii prowadzi do kilku implikacji w sferze odpowiedzialności karnej psychopatów. W artykule wskazano na nieadekwatność kategorii niepoczytalności do oceny prawnej czynów psychopatów, de lege lata niemożliwość stosowania wobec psychopatów środków zabezpieczających, określonych w Kodeksie karnym, oraz generalną dopuszczalność izolacji psychopatów na podstawie ustawy o postępowaniu wobec osób z zaburzeniami psychicznymi.
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny; 2014, 76, 3; 161-174
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Psychologia bezpieczeństwa narodowego. Współczesne rozumienie psychopatii
Psychology of national security. Contemporaryunderstandind of psychopathy
Mausch, Karol
Data publikacji:
Akademia im. Jakuba z Paradyża w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim
bezpieczeństwo narodowe
geneza zaburzeń
national security
the genesis of disorders
More and more empirical research and theoretical concepts indicate that psychopathy is a more complex disorder than it seemed to date. Psychopathy can have negative and positive faces. Research indicates that it is good to be a functional psychopath, that is, not acting antisocial.
Studia Administracji i Bezpieczeństwa; 2018, 4; 21-31
Pojawia się w:
Studia Administracji i Bezpieczeństwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Obraz psychopaty we współczesnej kulturze a wiedza naukowa na temat psychopatii. Refleksje inspirowane przeglądem wybranych badań nad wizerunkiem psychopatii w kulturze i świadomości społecznej
Image of Psychopath in Current Culture vs. Scientific Knowledge About Psychopathy. Reflections Inspired by a Review of Selected Studies on the Portrayal of Psychopathy in Culture and Social Consciousness
Nowakowski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
wiedza naukowa
zaburzenia osobowości
kultura popularna
scientific knowledge
personality disorders
pop culture
Jednym z podstawowych źródeł kształtujących społeczną percepcję zaburzeń psychicznych jest kultura. Sposób, w jaki osoby z zaburzeniami psychicznymi przedstawiane są w mediach, telewizji, filmie czy popkulturze, znajduje swoje odbicie w obiegowych przekonaniach i społecznych postawach wobec nich. Do zaburzeń, z których kulturowym obrazem najczęściej spotyka się masowy odbiorca, niewątpliwie należy psychopatia. W niniejszym artykule podjęto się poszukiwania odpowiedzi na pytanie, w jakim stopniu wizerunek psychopaty obecny we współczesnej kulturze pokrywa się z perspektywą naukową i badaniami nad osobowością psychopatyczną. Analizę oparto na przeglądzie badań weryfikujących ten związek. Wskazano również na problematykę wpływu kultury na tworzenie się wiedzy potocznej na temat psychopatii. Wnioski płynące z przeprowadzonej analizy mogą się okazać przydatne zarówno w rozważaniach nad relacją nauka-media-społeczeństwo, jak i stanowić inspirację do dalszych poszukiwań badawczych dotyczących specyfiki obrazu osobowości psychopatycznej, którego nośnikiem jest kultura.
Culture is one of the salient sources shaping social perception of mental disorders. The way that mentally disordered people are portrayed in media, TV, movies and pop culture reflects in common beliefs and social attitudes toward them. Undoubtedly, psychopathy falls within the realm of these disorders, the cultural depiction of which is increasingly presented to the mass audience. This article endeavors to explore whether the portrayal of psychopaths in modern culture aligns with scientific perspectives and research on psychopathic personality traits. Drawing on a review of pertinent research, the analysis delves into the relationship between cultural representations and scientific understanding. Additionally, it highlights the impact of cultural influences on public knowledge of psychopathy. The conclusions derived from this analysis could prove valuable not only in the exploration of the interplay between science, media, and society, but also in stimulating further inquiry into the distinct portrayal of psychopathy evident in cultural contexts.
Perspektywy Kultury; 2024, 44, 1; 385-396
Pojawia się w:
Perspektywy Kultury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Psychopatia – specyficzne zaburzenie osobowości – kryteria diagnostyczne i ujęcie teoretyczne
Psychopathy – a specific personality disorder – diagnostic criteria and theoretical approach
Leśniak, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pedagogium
zaburzenia osobowości
dyssocjalne zaburzenia osobowości
personality disorders
dissocial personality disorders
Osoby o osobowości psychopatycznej należą do bardzo złożonych przypadków ze względu na trudność pojęcia, jakim jest psychopatia, a także na problemy związane z ich diagnostyką oraz resocjalizacją. Psychopatia stanowi specyficzną podkategorię zaburzeń osobowości, ciężkie zaburzenie struktury charakteru oraz sposobu zachowania. Terapia osób wykazujących cechy osobowości psychopatycznej nie jest zadaniem łatwym do wykonania. W literaturze przedmiotowej przeważa pesymizm jeśli chodzi o skuteczność terapii tej grupy osób. Psychopatia jest tym zaburzeniem osobowości, które w bardzo ograniczonym stopniu wykazuje podatność na zmianę terapeutyczną. W artykule wyjaśniono pojęcia związane z dyssocjalnymi zaburzeniami osobowości w kontekście międzynarodowej klasyfikacji chorób oraz problemów zdrowotnych. Przedstawiono zagadnienia diagnozy zaburzeń osobowościowych oraz pojęcie psychopatii wraz z ewentualnymi przyczynami jej występowania. Na końcu przedstawiono formy terapii stosowane w przypadku osób wykazujących cechy osobowości psychopatycznej, ich efektywność oraz najistotniejsze czynniki hamujące ten proces.
Individuals with psychopathic personality represent very complex cases due to the difficulty of the very concept that is psychopathy, as well as the problems associated with their diagnostics and social rehabilitation. Psychopathy constitutes a specific subcategory of personality disorders, a severe disorder of the structure of character and manner of behavior. Therapy of individuals exhibiting psychopathic personality traits is not an easy task. The literature on the subject is predominantly pessimistic with regard to the effectiveness of therapy in this group of patients. Psychopathy constitutes this kind of personality disorder that demonstrates very limited susceptibility to therapeutic change. The article explains the concepts associated with dissocial personality disorders in the context of the international classification of diseases and health problems. The issues regarding the diagnosis of personality disorders and the concept of psychopathy along with possible causes of its occurrence are also presented. Finally, forms of therapy applied for people with psychopathic personality traits, its effectiveness and the most important factors inhibiting the therapy process are discussed.
Resocjalizacja Polska; 2021, 21; 113-128
Pojawia się w:
Resocjalizacja Polska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Modus operandi wybranych seryjnych sprawców zabójstw. Czynniki ryzyka i możliwości oddziaływań resocjalizacyjnych i profilaktycznych
Modus operandi of Selected Perpetrators of Serial Homicide Risk: Factors and Possibilities of Rehabilitation and Prevention Interventions
Dzienniak-Pulina, Daniela
Wolska, Klaudia
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Seryjni mordercy
dysfunkcje środowiskowe
zaburzenia seksualne
serial killers
dysfunctional environment
sexual dysfunctions
Artykuł ma charakter przeglądowy i jego celem jest poprzez zrekonstruowanie portretu seryjnego zabójcy wskazanie głównych czynników, które powodują, że dziecko w życiu dorosłym przekształca się w psychopatycznego mordercę. Nie wszystko zostało zbadane i udowodnione odnośnie czynnika, który powoduje, że niektórzy się nimi stają. Artykuł ten wskazuje na czynniki środowiskowe i wychowawcze, które zwiększają szansę na uruchomienie tego mechanizmu, które często doprowadzają do wybierania przez ludzi drogi zła i stawania poza społecznymi normami. Analiza wybranej w artykule literatury ukazała, że ani narodowość ani rasa nie są tutaj determinujące.
The aim of the article is to identify the main factors that may shape the development of the psychopathic killer personality. In order to unveil these factors, a “composite drawing” needed to have been created depicting the characteristics of serial killer. What has been indicated in particular are environmental and educational factors which, by triggering a certain mechanism, contribute to the probability of a given individual’s entering the path of evil and breaking social norms. Based on the analysis of selected subject literature, the article propounds a thesis that neither ethnicity nor race influence the development of the psychopathic killer personality features.
Chowanna; 2021, 2(57); 1-21
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jacy ludzie mogą liczyć na wsparcie? Ciemna triada i konwersacyjna niebezpośredniość jako predyktory wsparcia społecznego
Filipkowski, Jakub
Gerymski, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
social support
the Dark Triad
conversational indirectness
wsparcie społeczne
ciemna triada
konwersacyjna niebezpośredniość
Presented study was conducted on 118 people – 48 men and 70 women, aged between 18 and 65 (M = 24.70; SD = 10.90). The recruitment of the subjects was done online. Snowball method of selection was used. The main goal of the study was to explore potential predictors of social support – the Dark Triad, a construct that consists of three features considered as undesirable: psychopathy, Machiavellianism and narcissism, as well as a conversational style of indirectness, a tendency to both generate statements in which content is hidden, and to look for concealed messages in the statements of others. In addition, it was checked if there was an interaction between the explanatory variables. The discussed results partly confirm two hypotheses about the relationship of social support with the Dark Triad and conversational indirectness. It turned out that statistical analyzes partly confirmed two of the expected conclusions. Relations between Machiavellianism and psychopathy and social support, as well as between the subscale of conversational indirectness (generation) and social support proved to be significant. The expected interaction between the independent variables did not occur.
W przedstawionym badaniu wzięło udział 118 osób – 48 mężczyzn i 70 kobiet, w wieku między 18. a 65. rokiem życia (M = 24,70; SD = 10,90). Rekrutacji osób badanych dokonano za pomocą metody kuli śnieżnej drogą internetową. Głównym celem badania była eksploracja potencjalnych predyktorów wsparcia społecznego – ciemnej triady, czyli konstruktu, na który składają się trzy cechy uznawane za niepożądane: psychopatia, makiawelizm i narcyzm, a także stylu konwersacyjnej niebezpośredniości, czyli skłonności zarówno do generowania wypowiedzi, w których ukryte są jakieś treści, jak i do doszukiwania się niejawnych komunikatów w wypowiedziach innych. Dodatkowo sprawdzono, czy między zmiennymi wyjaśniającymi zachodzi interakcja. Poddane dyskusji wyniki częściowo potwierdzają dwie hipotezy mówiące o związku między ciemną triadą i konwersacyjną niebezpośredniością a wsparciem społecznym. Okazało się, że analizy statystyczne częściowo potwierdziły dwa z przewidywanych wniosków. Istotne okazały się związki między makiawelizmem i psychopatią a wsparciem społecznym oraz między podskalą konwersacyjnej niebezpośredniości (generowaniem) a wsparciem społecznym. Nie udało się potwierdzić przewidywanej interakcji między zmiennymi niezależnymi.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio J – Paedagogia-Psychologia; 2020, 33, 2
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio J – Paedagogia-Psychologia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Empiryczna weryfikacja dymensjonalnego ujęcia psychopatii
Empirical Verification of the Dimensional Approach to Psychopathy
Nowak, Katarzyna
Neckar, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
antyspołeczne zaburzenie osobowości
dymensjonalne ujęcie zaburzeń osobowości
antisocial personality disorder
dimensional approach to personality disorders
Istnieje duża rozbieżność pomiędzy osobowością dyssocjalną w rozumieniu ICD–10, a psychopatią według klasycznego podejścia reprezentowanego przez Harveya Cleckleya czy Roberta Hare. Nowe kryteria zawarte w Sekcji III w DSM–5 dla antyspołecznego zaburzenia osobowości nie uwzględniają już zachowań przestępczych, tak jak DSM–IV–TR lub ICD–10. Skupiają się natomiast na cechach osobowości przypisywanych do tej pory psychopatii, takich jak nasilony egocentryzm, niska empatia, antagonizm czy rozhamowanie, łącząc kategorialne i dymensjonalne podejście do zaburzenia. Celem prezentowanych badań była weryfikacja modelu psychopatii ujmowanej z perspektywy dymensjonalnej. Psychopatia potraktowana została jako cecha latentna, przewidywana w niniejszym modelu teoretycznym przez cztery zmienne: empatię, źródła samooceny, makiawelizm oraz poszukiwanie doznań. Badanie przeprowadzone zostało na grupie mężczyzn. W zastosowanym modelowaniu równań strukturalnych uzyskano wysokie wskaźniki dopasowania modelu do danych empirycznych.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Psychologica; 2015, 8; 65-78
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Psychologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Funkcjonowanie w środowisku społecznym osób wykazujących cechy psychopatyczne. Analiza teoretyczna
The functioning of people with psychopathic traits in a social environment. A theoretical analysis
Bokuniewicz, Sylwia
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
osobowość psychopatyczna
osobowość dyssocjalna
antyspołeczne zaburzenie osobowości
psychopatia konstytucjonalna
psychopathic personality
dissocial personality disorder
antysocial personality disorder
constitutional psychopathy
Cechy człowieka posiadającego osobowość psychopatyczną przez wieki były potępiane przez społeczeństwo, natomiast współcześnie zaczynają być pożądane, a sam psychopata może stać się człowiekiem sukcesu. Samo słowo ,,psychopatia” ma pejoratywny wydźwięk, wobec czego trudno uwierzyć, że są to osoby mające wachlarz cech pozytywnych. Media odpowiadają za wykreowanie tak negatywnego ich obrazu, że nie dziwi fakt, iż większość ludzi nie wie, że znaczna część psychicznych właściwości, które posiadają psychopaci, jest przez społeczeństwo ponowoczesne pożądana. Są to na przykład: umiejętność manipulacji, powierzchowny czar, wysokie poczucie własnej wartości, bezwzględność, brak wyrzutów sumienia. Cechy te charakteryzują nie tylko psychopatów, ale również polityków, przywódców czy ludzi biznesu.
For centuries people with psychopatic personality traits were condemned by sociaty. Nowadays, these traits are becoming desirable and the psychopath can be man of succes. The very word 'psychopath' has a pejorative connotaion, and in this situation it is dfficult to belive that they are people with a wide range of positive character traits. The media are responsible for create this.negative image, and it is not suprising that most people are unaware that a significant part of the psychopath's traits are desirable in the post-modern society. These are, for example. the ability to manipulate, superficial charm, high self-esteem, ruthlessness, and lack of remorse. These traits are possessed not only bypsycopaths, but also politicians, leaders and businessmen.
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk; 2015, 5; 173-182
Pojawia się w:
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zagadnienia psychopatii i resocjalizacji przestępców-psychopatów w dziejach polskiej myśli kryminologicznej
The problems of psychopathy and resocialization of psychopathic offenders in the history of polish criminological thought
Nelken, Jan
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
              The notion of psychopathy as deficiency of emotions, will, and drives was shaped in the late  19th and early 20th century (Koch, Birnbaum, Kraepelin, Schneider). In Poland between the two world wars, studies of psychopathy were carried out by outstanding psychiatrists (Radziwiłłowicz, Wachholz, Nelken, Łuniewski) whose works initiated the development of criminal psychopathology in our country. Their opinions were as follows: the basic trait of a psychopathic character is a pathological moral defect the intensity of which rnay differ in different individuals. Against that background, many other disorders exist, most frequent being a pathological increase of affectivity. The pathological moral defect results from the psychopaths deficient emotions. The pathological mental changes are quantitative and not qualitative which is why psychopathy cannot be considered a mental illness. The opinion prevailed that psychopathy has constitutional grounds as opposed to pathological changes of character caused by other factors (e. g. brain lesions). It was also believed, that external factors, the social environment, alcohol and drugs above all, contribute to the shaping of a psychopathic character.                Psychopathy was considered a highly crime-generating factor and the ground of many cases of alcoholism and drug addiction. As a constitutional and permanent condition psychopathy is not susceptible to psychiatric treatment; the researchers believed that imprisonment creates the proper conditions of resocialization of psychopathic offenders. The type of prison for psychopaths who commit offences was discussed, the question being whether they should be kept in normal prisons with other prisoners, or in special penal institutions. In the 1930's, a criminal-biological examination of prisoners starred, initiated by the Ministry of Justice, with psychiatric and psychological examination playing the leading part. The aim was mainly to work out a system of segregation of  prisoners who were to be put in appropriate prisons with different rules. The outbreak of World War II stopped the project.                The postwar Polish publications usually point to the crime-generating faculties of psychopathy which result from its being a deficiency of emotions, will, and drives and an individual's permanent condition although it may be lessened or aggravated in various stages of life according to physiological processes and external conditions. As manifested by studies carried out in Poland, mainly the psychiatric ones, there is a considerable number of psychopaths among the perpetrators of various types of offences. Among those guilty of murder, 29.4 per cent of psychopaths were found (Fleszar-Szumigajowa it al.), among thieves of public property-26.19 and of private properly - 28.12 per cent (Malik). There were 48 per cent of psychopaths among recidivists ( Ostrihanska). The above proportions do not include offenders with psychopathological traits similar to psychopathy but resulting from a disease or lesion of brain (the so-called characteropaths).                Among the different types of psychopaths, particular attention should be drawn to unqualified psychopaths (emotionless according to Schneider’s classification) and to schizoidal psychopaths. Representatives of both these types can be found among serious criminals, murderes in particular, and among recidivists. As follows from psychiatric examination of murderers, sex murderers ale usually unqualified or schizoidal psychopaths (Szymusik). Despite their common characteristic, i. e. the deficient emotions, there two typ.. of psychopaths differ from each other to some extent which is important from the point of view of criminal psychopathology. An unqualified psychopath is usually characterized by a more marked deficiency of emotions and behaviour his environment frequently perceives as contradictory to the rules of social life. Instead, the emotional deficiency of a schizoidal psychopath is accompanied by his tendency to conceal his real emotions and intentions from the environment and to ambivalence, making this type of psychopath more difficult to diagnose as dangerous to others. The above findings have been obtained from specially selected groups  i. e. persons suspected of offences or convicted, who were subjected to psychiatric examination because of their unusual behaviour as a rule.                As regards the problem of criminal responsibility of psychopaths, an opinion prevails that such persons are accountable in principle. This follows from the fact that psychopathy is not a mental disease, a psychopath retaining his ability to understand the nature of his act as he is not mentally deficient and usually has a normal I.Q.A psychopaths is also able to control his conduct: as shown in practice by a number of cases, psychopaths. usually desist from the intended act if they find the conditions to be unpropitious; they also retain critical judgement of the separate elements of a given situation, thus to secure for themselves the necessary conditions and to be safe after the act. Thus in such psychopaths, intellect is able to control the deficient emotions and will to the extent that they discern the chances of a temporary gain. A psychopath may be found to have diminished accountability in particular cases only, and to be non-accountable -exceptionally. This takes  place if his ability to control his own conduct was largely limited or entirely supressed due to the type of psychopathy (e. g. in depressive or vehement psychopaths), the particular, circumstances of the act which increased the psychopathic reaction,  or the additional mental complications (e. g. mental deficiency found jointly with psychopathy).               Resocialization of psychopathic offenders proved a difficult problem in practice due to their abnormal personality and reaction to imprisonment. Psychopaths serve their terms in special prisons for persons in need of particular medical and educational measures. Among   their inmates who deviate from the mental norm, psychopaths constitute 40 per cent. They are resocialized through initiation into discipline, order and work, and through additional general or professional schooling if necessary.  They also undergo psychocorrective treatment individually or in groups with specialized prison staff; the treatment is aimed at arousing in them a critical attitude towards their own conduct. Having served their term, psychopathic recidivists are subjected to protective supervision of a court-appointed curator, the aim of which is their further resocialization and prevention or their relapse into crime. If a recidivist evades supervision on release, he is placed in a social adjustment centre by a court's decision. In the centre, psychopaths should receive a treatment conducive to their resacialization. Psychopaths receive postpenitentiary assistence, if necessary, which consists mainly in finding a job and lodgings (e. g. in a worker’s hostel) for them. Yet many psychopaths relapse into crime despite that assistance. To end with, the fact is stressed in the paper that small differences in the definitions of psychopathy given by the  separate authors and the sometimes found diagnostic differences- are not sufficient grounds for the term ,,psychopathv’’ to be replaced with other terms leading to considerable ambiguity. ,,Psychopathy’’ is a diagnostically established term and its replacement with ,, personality disorders’’ or ,,abnormal personality’’ only makes the problem obscure, blurring the difference between psychopathy and characteropathy, and between psychopathy and conditions such as neuropathic disposition and pathological character changes resulting from alcoholism or drug addiction. An explicit definition of the differences between these psychopathological conditions is most important for  judicial decisions and forensic psychiatry, for defining the chances and methods of treatment, and for criminological prognosis.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1989, XVI; 245-276
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polska myśl kryminologiczna od schyłku XIX w. do 1939 r.
The Polish Criminological Thought from the Close of the 19th Century till 1939
Nelken, Jan
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
prawo karne
szkoła antropologiczna
polityka kryminalna
criminal law
anthropological school
criminal policy
polish criminological thought
Both the anthropological school of Lombroso, established in the late half of the 19th century, and the sociological school established by Ferri and other criminologists ( Liszt, Prins, van Hammel, Tarde) met with a keen interest in Poland. However, the anthropological school was criticized, as it was the case in other countries too, both by the classical school of penal law, and from the sociological point of view. A critical analysis of the views of Lombroso and his successors was made by the leading representative of the classical school of penal law in Poland in those days Krzymuski who  postulated that recognition of the individual’s free will to be condition of his penal liability, Krzymuski opposed free will to be conception of a born criminal propagated by Lombroso. Lombroso’s theory was also criticized by  Krzywicki, a sociologist and anthropologist who considered the former’s  approach towards the conditions of crime to be too narrow, leaving out of account those resulting from the social and economic conditions. On the other  hand, Polish criminologists considered it to be Lombroso’s unquestionable merit that he had called attention to the necessity of studying the offender's personality, and in this way initiated the modern criminology. Opinions of various sociological schools were discussed in the Polish literature and accepted by the majority of authors starting from the close of the 19th century. In particular, the most accepted one was the opinion that offence is a result of both individual and social factors, and the aim of punishment meted out by the court should be not only to deter. the perpetrator from committing offences, but also to reeducate him. Due to the fact that in the 19th-centuiy judicial practice the sentence depended on the extent of damage caused by the offender, it was emphasized in the Polish literature that punishment should take into consideration also the offender's individual features, as it is only then that it can fulfil its tasks (Stebelski). With the accepted division of offenders into professional and causal, the fact was stressed that - if the offender reveals a tendency to relapse into crime- the measures the society applies towards him should be more drastic since the society has to defend itself against incorrigible criminals in an effective way. Instead, more lenient measures should be applied towards causal offenders, such measures  being sufficient for their reeducation. In the period between the two world wars, criminology in Poland became a separate branch and extended its range; the establishment of the Polish Criminological Society in 1921 and of the Department of Criminology at the Free Polish University in 1922, later (I932) transformed into the Criminological Institute, contributed to this situation. The Polish criminology of that period faced the task of studying and defining in detail the basic factors of crime: individual (endogenous) and social (exogenous). This was related to the necessity to learn about the sources of crime with the aim of its effective control by means of preparing a Penal Code and properly shaping the criminal policy (Wróblewski). When studying the individual factors of crime, particular attention was paid to the psychopathic personality. Criminal psychopaths were believed to suffer from a pathological moral defect resulting from their underdevelopment in the sphere of emotions. It was stated that psychopaths who committed an offence should not be recognized as mentally irresponsible (Nelken). Psychopathy cannot be treated psychiatrically; on the other hand, intensified resocialization of the offender is necessary here, conditions for this treatment created during his prison term. At the same time, an adequate segregation of prisoners should be applied based on the psychopathological criterion (Łuniewski). The science of the offender's personality was called criminal biology; it dealt with the physical and mental structure of the offender. Criminal biology was to make use of the general anthropological, psychological and psychiatric data as well as those gathered by means of other clinical methods. Aimed at  gathering comprehensive data concerning the whole of the offender’s mental and physical properties, criminal biology should not confine itself to a mere specification of his various traits: it should also study their origin, methodically examining the development of these properties in the milieu in which the offender’s personality was formed. Thus the criminal-biological research must be made from the psychological and medical as well as sociological points of view. Particular importance was attached to detailed environmental research in the study of juvenile delinquents (Batawia). In the early Thirties, the Ministry of Justice initiated criminological- biological research in prisons. The research was carried out by special commissions with the use of a specially prepared comprehensive questionnaire . The greatest part was played by psychiatric and psychological examination. The  criminal-biological research in prisons was interrupted by the outbreak of the war. In connection with the criminogenic role of alcoholism, criminologists spoke for a considerable reduction of production and sale of spirits. Moreover, an opinion was expressed that a commission of an offence in the state of a normal (the so-called physiological) intoxication should not result in the recognition of the offender as mentally irresponsible. Only pathological intoxication may be considered from the point of view of irrespossibility. The offender should not avail himself of his intoxication as a mitigating circumstance (Nelken). The scientists opposed the introduction of compulsory sterilization which was to be applied toward persons whose children could inherit serious  pathological traits from them. The opposition had both scientific and humanistic grounds (Łuniewski, Nelken). Compulsory sterilization was not introduced. The main trend of the Polish criminology in the period between the wars corresponded with the sociological school which took into account the relationship between the endogenous (biological) and the exogenous (social) factors in the origins of crime. A vast majority of Polish criminologists opposed the conception of a “born criminal” put forward by Lombroso. Some of the Polish scholars of the period between the wars who used the term “criminal anthropology” (e.g. Rabinowicz), emphasized the evolution of this science which differed from the Lombroso’s doctrine, and postulated the social milieu as a factor be largely taken into consideration in the studies on the causes of crime. In the Polish criminology of those days, the stress was laid principally on criminal biology due to the fact that the internal factor is usually less  conspicuous and more difficult to prove than the external one in the etiology of crime. It was emphasized that not all of persons who  found themselves in unfavourable social conditions turned offenders (Neymark, Lemkin); therefore, the biological (somato psychological) factor determines the individual’s moral resistance to the unfavourable external conditions. On the other hand, also the social factor, in addition to the biological one, was included in the causes of crime, due to the considerable impact of living conditions on the human mind. The opinion was that - though the etiology of an offence is usually determined by a combination of the external and internal factors - in each case one should attempt to find out which of these factors prevailed in the origin of a given act; this should also be taken into account in the criminological prognosis. In general, the chance for correction is smaller in the case of an offender of the endogenous type who requires a more thorough and longer resocialization as compared with one of the exogenous type; this should be taken into account by the court when meting out punishment (Rabinowicz, Lemkin). The Polish  Penal Code of 1932 (in force till 1969) was an expression of the compromise between the classical school of penal law and the sociological school. In the code, many legal structures included in the General Part were formulated in accordance with the achievements of the science of penal law in its classical form; this concerns particularly the definition or the essence of crime and the principles of liability including that of subjectivism as responsibility for a culpable act. A compromising character was given in the code to meting out punishment which was conditioned not only  by the weight of the offence according to the classical principle of retribution and deterrence, but also by the offender's personality and the life he had led hitherto according to the instructions of the sociological school (Art. 54). The discussed code did not adopt from the Italian positivism the so-called ante-criminal prevention, i.e.. the application of sanctions towards an individual who has not committed any prohibited act yet. Also indeterminate sentences were not adopted in the Code in relation to penalties and not protective measures, as this would be contradictory to the principle of individualization of punishment. Under the influence of the sociological school the Code contained of a possibility of suspension of ęxceution of the penalty, and of its extraordinary rnitigation, as well as the release from prison before the expiration of term (separately regulated by the law of 1927-) and a possibility to mete out a more severe penalty in the case of recidivists. In addition to the medical security measures, which consisted in the commitment of the offender to a mental hospital and which the court could apply towards the persons guilty of acts committed in the state of mental irresponsibility or decreased responsibility, the code introduced - basing on the postulates of the sociological school-isolating security measures applied towards the offenders whose acts were connected with reluctance to work, and towards recidivists and professional as well as habitual criminals if their staying at liberty endangered the legal order. The isolating security measures were applied together with the penalty (not instead of it), the necessity of their application connected with the ‘’ state of danger", i.e. the perpetrator's probability of commission of further offences; in the criminological literature, subjective and state of objective criteria of the danger were distinguished (Strasman). According to Art. 84 of the  Penal Code, offenders of this type were  committed to a special institution  for at least 5 years, and the court decided after the termination of each such period whether it was necessary to prolong the commitment for the next five years. In the Penal Code of 1932, also the measures applied towards juvenile delinquents were divided into educational measures on the one hand, and commitment to a corrective institution on the other hand, depending  on the juvenile's age and of his possible discernment or lack there of when committing the forbiden act.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1986, XIII; 223-260
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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