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Wyszukujesz frazę "przemoc wobec kobiet" wg kryterium: Temat

Przemoc domowa wobec kobiet
Domestic violence against women
Zboina, Bożena
Wieczorek, Ilona
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu i Przedsiębiorczości w Ostrowcu Świętokrzyskim
przemoc wobec kobiet
fazy przemocy
przyczyny i skutki przemocy
przemoc fizyczna
przemoc psychiczna
violence against women
phases of violence
reasons and results of violence physical violence
psychological violence
Przemoc wobec kobiet jest ważnym problemem społecznym. Dotyka różnych środowisk i niestety nadal bywa w wielu przypadkach skrywana przed otoczeniem. Tym bardziej należy zabierać w tej kwestii głos. Przemoc wywołuje bolesne skutki zarówno w sferze fizycznej, jak i psychicznej ofiary. Osoby takie należy otoczyć pomocą, ale warto również zgłębiać wiedzę na temat przemocy. Artykuł ukazuje przyczyny, rodzaje i skutki przemocy wobec kobiet. Przy tej okazji zwrócono także uwagę na fazy przemocy, osobowość sprawcy i czynniki wywołujące przemoc. Wskazano również na formy pomocy kobietom.
The violence against women is a vital social problem. It concerns various environments and, unfortunately, is in many cases hidden from the environment. That is one, it is crucial to speak about it. The violence brings painful results both in the physical and psychological spheres of the victim life. These people should be taken care of, however, the knowledge concerning this issue should be enlarged. The article shows the reasons, types and results of violence against women. Moreover, the phases of violence, the personality of the offender and the factors causing violence are discussed. Various forms of help for women are also presented.
Acta Scientifica Academiae Ostroviensis. Sectio A, Nauki Humanistyczne, Społeczne i Techniczne; 2013, 1; 319-343
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientifica Academiae Ostroviensis. Sectio A, Nauki Humanistyczne, Społeczne i Techniczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Obowiązki nakładane na osoby skazane z art. 207 § 1 k.k. w orzecznictwie sądów rejonowych
Duties imposed under 207§1 of Polish Criminal Code in district courts’ judicature
Wrona, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
przemoc domowa
przemoc wobec kobiet
polityka kryminalna
criminal law
The article contains an analysis of district court sentences which included protective and re-straining orders under article 72§1 of Polish Criminal Code (hereinafter referred to as PCC) on perpetrators of harassment punishable under article 207§1 of PCC. Because of the character of the crime of harassment, the main part of the article concerns orders of refraining from contacts with victims and of leaving the common place of residence. The article contains analysis and conclusions of a research of cases which ended in a decree absolute in 2008 – 2009 and concerned prosecution under article 207§1 of the Code. The research, completed in 2010, was conducted in eleven district courts, all of them subordinate to different courts of appeals. The results of the research show a significant divergence in the manner of sentencing restraining orders throughout the country. One may notice the extremes of the approach, particularly as far as the order of leaving the common place of residence is concerned. As a result, the courts use such opportunity only in a few percent of the cases where such orders can be sentenced. It is hard to speak of any line of sentencing with such a small number of cases. Meanwhile, the legislator amended the Act on Family Violence Prevention with the view on the duties imposed under article 72§1 of PCC. As a result of this amendment, two changes were introduced. The first consisted in distinguishing correctional and educational actions in section 6a. The second concerned the order of refraining from contacts with the victim in section 7a of the said article which was extended by adding a restraining order of staying away at a minimum distance from the victim. At the same time the legislator did not take into account the doubts expressed by the doctrine about possibility of successful enforcement of orders under sections 7a and 7b (order to leave the common place of residence). The conclusions of the article concern the necessity of more frequent interpretation of duties under article 72§1 sections 7a and 7b PCC by the courts and, as a consequence, of es-tablishing a uniform and consistent judicature in sentencing such restraining orders. It is sug-gested that this can be achieved if the guidelines by Polish Attorney General on preliminary proceedings in family violence cases include an instruction for the prosecutors to apply to courts for such restraining orders. This way, the courts of law will be obliged to take a stance on such motions and a chance to standardise the manner of sentencing them will arise.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2011, XXXIII; 213-225
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawne możliwości walki ze zjawiskiem stalkingu - czy w prawie polskim konieczna jest penalizacja prześladowania?
Fight against stalking-legal options. Is there a necessity of stalking penalization in Polish law?
Woźniakowska-Fajst, Dagmara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
przemoc wobec kobiet
polityka kryminalna
crime prevention
The article concerns the phenomenon of stalking, or emotional persecution. It also presents legal solutions concerning stalking in the countries where this type of behavior is penalized, and includes a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of criminalization of stalking in Poland. In contrast with the admiration, stalking is a behavior which a victim does not wish. Stalking is an English verb denoting a quiet human or animal tracking in order to capture or kill. In accordance to the definition of an American psychologist J. Reid Meloy, stalking is a form of malicious and repeated harassing and annoying of another person which increases his or her feeling of threat. Stalking, just like domestic violence, and mobbing are classified as so-called "emotional violence", by which we understand “interference in the psyche of another person directed against his or her emotions, resulting both immediate and delayed negative effects”. Emotional violence is never a single event. Stalking most often exhibits in such behaviors as: calls, silent calls, night calls, wandering in the vicinity of victim's home, making contact through a third party, questioning about the victim in his or her surroundings, persisting at the door / home / work, sending letters, e-mails, text messages, and gifts, placing postal orders in victim's name, tracking and following the victim, slander (distributing false information and rumors), burglary to victims house or car, stealing victim's belongings, harassing victim's family and friends, as well as attacking and assaulting them. The main problem with providing an adequate legal protection to a victim of a stalker lies in the fact that some of these behaviors are criminal, and some are not prohibited by law, nevertheless if repeated, they carry severe consequences for the victim which cannot be counteracted by means of criminal law. The tragedy of stalking victims lies in the fact that a persecutor may intimidate his victims and force them to change habits and plans, to live in constant fear. Stalker often causes huge mental suffering through actions which, under Polish law, are legally indifferent. What is also important is that actions of a stalker do not have to result from his or her wrongful intentions or desire to annoy the victim (in many law systems malicious intention of the stalker is a sine qua non for criminalization of stalking). Sometimes the persecutor acts with good intentions (the desire to win the love of a loved one), nevertheless behavior of the stalker is frightening for the victim. Results of a study taken to estimate the scale of stalking differ between countries where such studies have been conducted. This discrepancy is probably influenced by the definition assumed by researchers, research methodology, sample size and selection, but also by the different temperament of the inhabitants of these countries.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2009, XXXI; 173-208
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przemoc domowa wobec seniorów na obszarach wiejskich Zachodniej Polski – charakterystyka zjawiska w relacjach starszych kobiet, ofiar przemocy domowej
Domestic violence against seniors in rural areas of western Poland – characteristics of the phenomenon in the relations of older women, victims of domestic violence
Terelak, Albert
Kołodziejczak, Sebastian
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe EDUsfera
obszary wiejskie
analiza jakościowa
teoria ugruntowana
przemoc wobec kobiet
przemoc domowa
przemoc wobec starszych
rural areas
grounded theory
elder abuse
qualitative analysis
domestic violence
violence against women
Cel. Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań nad przemocą domową (PD) wobec osób starszych. Badania realizowane są w ramach zachodniopomorskiego systemu przeciwdziałania przemocy w rodzinie, a ich główną oś problemową stanowią: obraz, czynniki sprawcze oraz konsekwencje zjawiska, ujawniające się w relacjach starszych kobiet na temat PD, formułowanych przez osoby jej doświadczające, a także na temat stosunków rodzinnych między sprawcami a ofiarami. Metody i materiały. Dla realizacji zamierzeń badawczych przyjęte zostało podejście właściwe teorii ugruntowanej, cechujące się „nienarzucaniem” uczestnikom badania jakichkolwiek kategorii pojęciowych związanych z przemocą domową. Badanie zostało zrealizowane techniką zogniskowanego wywiadu grupowego wśród 48 starszych kobiet, będących ofiarami, a także świadkami przemocy w środowisku domowym. Wszystkie uczestniczki badania są mieszkankami obszarów wiejskich jednej z gmin Pomorza Zachodniego. Wyniki i wnioski. Zastosowanie paradygmatu jakościowego pozwoliło dostrzec: 1) złożoność relacji między członkami rodzin: sprawcami, ofiarami, a także świadkami przemocy; 2) wielowymiarowość form przemocy. Oba te wymiary w procesie analizy ujawniły kompleks czynników tworzących warunki konstytuujące charakterystyczny status „seniora-ofiary” w rodzinie z problemem przemocy. Przestrzeń poznawczą doświadczeń przemocy tworzą następujące kategorie analityczne wyłonione w procedurze kodowania materiału empirycznego: cechy ładu społecznego sprzyjające wykluczeniu seniorów, dysfunkcjonalne wzorce życia rodzinnego, degradacja statusowa osoby starszej, instrumentalna orientacja życiowa w pokoleniu młodych, katalizujące występowanie przemocy: sukcesja i nałogi w rodzinie, niezapewnienie koniecznej opieki, eksploatowanie osób starszych, naruszanie poczucia godności osób starszych, marginalizowanie osób starszych.
Aim. The article presents the results of research on domestic violence (PD) against older people. The research was carried out within the framework of the West Pomeranian system of counteracting domestic violence, and its main problem axis is the image, the perpetrators, and the consequences of the phenomenon, as revealed in older women’s accounts of PD, as formulated by those experiencing it, as well as the family relations between perpetrators and victims. Methods and materials. In order to achieve the research objectives, an approach appropriate to grounded theory was adopted, characterised by “not imposing” any conceptual categories related to domestic violence on the research participants. The study was carried out using a focus group interview technique amongst 48 elderly women who are both victims and witnesses of domestic violence. All participants in the study are residents of rural areas of one of the municipalities of Western Pomerania. Results and conclusion. The application of the qualitative paradigm made it possible to see: 1) the complexity of relations relationships between family members: perpetrators, victims, and also witnesses of violence; 2) the multidimensionality of the forms of violence. Both of these dimensions, in the process of analysis, revealed a complex of factors creating the conditions constituting the characteristic status of the “senior-victim” in a family with a problem of violence. The cognitive space of the experience of violence is formed by nine analytical categories emerged in the procedure of coding the empirical material.
Wychowanie w Rodzinie; 2023, XXX, (4/2023); 81-110
Pojawia się w:
Wychowanie w Rodzinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stalking w Polsce. Rozmiary-formy-skutki. Raport z badania nt. uporczywego nękania
Stalking in Poland. Scale,forms, consequences. A report from a survey on stalking
Siemaszko, Andrzej
Woźniakowska-Fajst, Dagmara
Gruszczyńska, Beata
Marczewski, Marek
Ostaszewski, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
przemoc wobec kobiet
The phenomenon of stalking had not been studied extensively and the real scale, its forms, and consequences had remained unknown. For this reason, in December 2009, the Minister of Justice requested the Institute of Justice to conduct a research concerning stalking. It was performed by TNS OBOP in December last year on a representative, random sample of households. Over 10 thousand respondents were questioned in computer assisted telephone interviews. This is ten times more than in typical public opinion polls which undoubtedly increases credibility of the results. Every tenth respondent (9,9%) appeared to have experience stalking. This is more than expected. It these results were to be extrapolated on the whole Polish population over 18 (and there are significant ground for such extrapolation as the sample was representative), it could be estimated that as much as 3 million of adult Poles have experienced stalking. In almost half of the cases, stalking happened repeatedly and 80% of victims experienced stalking within past five years. On the average, stalking lasted for less than a year, most often from a week to three months, but as much as 15% of victims were stalked for at least three years. Every fifth person declared they are still stalked at the moment. The most common methods of stalking were: spreading slander, lies and gossip (70% of responses), getting in touch with the aid of third parties (55%), threats or blackmail and “telephone persecution” (almost half of responses). Every third victim indicated also accosting or threatening family members, physical stalking (persistent following) and unwanted correspondence. It needs to be emphasised that stalking most often appeared in more than one form at a time (e.g. following – phone calls - getting in touch with the aid of third parties). As much as three quarters of victims regarded staling as serious, one third as very serious. These extremely high percentages prove that stalking is a considerable problem – almost a social one. This is confirmed by its effects declared by respondents. Almost 70% of victims experienced negative effects of stalking. More than a half reported psychological problems (depressed mood or depression, anxiety) every fourth physical ones (pains, aches, nausea, eating disorders). Because of these, 45% of the victims sought medical consultation which proves how serious the problems were. One third of the harmed declared financial or general consequences (cost of legal fees, need to change their lifestyle, change of telephone number, sometimes even change of residence). Although as expected most perpetrators were persons known by the victims (a current or ex-partner in every fourth case), a significant number of strangers needs to be reported (one quarter). Almost 40% of stalking victims asked for help, out of which only a half to prosecution organs – this is as little as 20%.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2010, XXXII; 45-80
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stereotypy dotyczące płci a przemoc wobec kobiet w dorobku prawnomiędzynarodowym. Od identyfikacji do kształtowania instrumentów prawnych
Sękowska-Kozłowska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
przemoc wobec kobiet
prawo międzynarodowe
Międzynarodowy Trybunał Praw Człowieka
Konwencja Stambulska
Konwencja o zapobieganiu i zwalczaniu przemocy wobec kobiet i przemocy domowej
regulacje prawne
violence against women
international law
European Court of Human Rights
Committee on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
regulation by law
The obligation to counteract gender stereotypes resulting in discrimination against women, including violence against women, was anchored in international law by the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women of 1979. The article aims to demonstrate that although the relevant regulations are of a very general nature, the recognition of this issue in international law allowed the particular instruments which may counteract violence against women to be developed. The international output in this matter may be divided into two key stages – a stage of recognition of particular stereotypes in the case law of international human rights bodies and a stage of development of legal instruments aimed to counteract gender stereotyping. Thus the article attempts to link the stereotypes identified in the practice of the Committee on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the European Court of Human Rights with instruments developed in the most comprehensive international treaty concerning the violence against women, i.e. the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence of 2011.
Studia Prawnicze; 2016, 2 (206); 7-29
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawnicze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kryminologiczno-epistemologiczne i genderowe aspekty przestępstwa zgwałcenia
Criminological-epistemological and gender aspects of the crime of rape
Płatek, Monika
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
kryminologia feministyczna
przemoc wobec kobiet
gender and crime
According to government information from November 2010, only 8% of committed sex crimes are reported in Poland. In 90% of cases, the perpetrators remain unpunished. Taking into account the statistics for 2009, 6,700 cases of sexual violence show the scale of the problem. The article tries to investigate the reasons of such situation. How does it happen that in a legal order, which since 1932 is based on extremely modern approach to the crime of rape, it remains in practice so often unpunished? The reasons of this are seen in the accepted procedure of prosecution, on the motion of the injured. This procedure results from the fact that provisions from 1932 have been accepted as they were, without a deeper reflection or analysis of the state of affairs of the time. What was acceptable in the criminological-epistemological and dogmatic perspective then, has been accepted by the legislator at present. This leaves a question why regulations from 1932 are still in force at present, with the detriment to the victims. In seeking an answer to this question, a methodology provided by feminist jurisprudence is assumed. The text also explains the very notion of feminist jurisprudence and gender analysis of law. The method allows to notice the elements earlier neglected by the law and to explain why corruption of the perpetrator reaches the victim. The development of feminist jurisprudence over the past three decades has contributed to significant enrichment of the theory of law in many countries and has led to many reforms of criminal law, including changes to the regulations concerning the rape of crime. Taking feminist criminology and feminist jurisprudence into account allows to consider the causes of placing joint responsibility for rape on a victim. It allows to demonstrate that what is hidden under the euphemism of morals and morality is also supported by laws and does not result from tradition as much as from the influence of contemporary law. The accepted procedure of prosecution of the crime is a significant element of this process. Assuming a gender perspective introduces a perspective of experiences and values essential for women to the analysis of language, evaluation and events, although it is not limited to this. The text, while analysing the determinants of regulations concerning rape, questions the basic axioms of criminal law dogma pertaining to neutrality and objectivity of criminal law. The example of regulations on rape proves that both axioms in fact sustain a loss to the benefit of the interest of the legislator who has a greater tendency to identify with a perpetrator than with a victim. The text analyses various perspectives of justifying accepted norms and indicates that higher arguments at each time serve to justify current interests. Using instruments of gender analysis of law here as well, reader’s attention is drawn to the perspective resulting from the experiences and values presented by women.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2010, XXXII; 345-378
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Postrzeganie kobiet w Korei Południowej przez pryzmat okupacji japońskiej w latach 1910–1945 – zderzenie konfucjańskiego porządku społecznego z sytuacją comfort women
The Perception of Women in South Korea through the Prism of the Japanese Occupation in the Years 1910–1945: Confronting the Confucian Social Order with the Comfort Women Situation
Oleksiuk, Marlena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
comfort women
okupacja japońska
przemoc wobec kobiet
konfucjanizm a kobieta
prawa kobiet
Japanese occupation
violence against women
and a woman
women rights
The social situation of women in contemporary South Korea should be considered through the prism of various events taking place in the past on the Korean Peninsula. Although the state is modern, there is still no full equality between the sexes, and the women are perceived as subordinate to men. The reason of status quo is worth considering. Certainly one of the factors that had significant impact on this phenomenon was the comfort women social situation during World War II and thus during the 1910–1945 Japanese occupation in Korea and after its end. The aim of the article is to show the relationship between comfort women and contemporary perception of women in South Korea. Surely not only comfort women situation but also Confucianism has had an influence on Korean society.
Sytuację społeczną kobiet we współczesnej Korei Południowej należy rozpatrywać przez pryzmat różnych wydarzeń z przeszłości na Półwyspie Koreańskim. Choć państwo to jest nowoczesne, wciąż nie ma pełnego równouprawnienia między płciami, a kobietę postrzega się jako podrzędną mężczyźnie. Warto zastanowić się, dlaczego tak jest. Na pewno jednym z czynników, który miał znaczący wpływ na to zjawisko, była sytuacja społeczna comfort women w okresie II wojny światowej (a więc jednocześnie w trakcie trwającej od 1910 do 1945 r. okupacji japońskiej w Korei) i po jej zakończeniu. Celem artykułu jest próba pokazania zależności między comfort women a współczesnym postrzeganiem kobiet w Korei Południowej.
Historia i Polityka; 2020, 31 (38); 27-36
Pojawia się w:
Historia i Polityka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dziewczyna, która pokonała ISIS : moja historia
Mädchen, das den IS besiegte
Khalaf, Farida.
Hoffmann, Andrea C. (1973- ).
Tarnas, Barbara. Tłumaczenie
Prószyński Media. pbl
Data publikacji:
Warszawa : Prószyński Media
Khalaf, Farida
Państwo Islamskie (ISIS ; organizacja)
Przemoc wobec kobiet
Pamiętniki i wspomnienia
Tyt. oryg.: Das Mädchen, das den IS besiegte.
Mapy na wyklejkach.
U dołu s. tyt.: Prószyński i S-ka.
Laureatka nagrody Pen
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Po wykładzie wysłuchanym na stojąco. Strategie uciszania głosów żydowskich studentek wobec getta ławkowego
After the lecture heard standing up. Strategies of silencing the voices of Jewish female students towards ghetto benches
Judzińska, Natalia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
ghetto benches
violence against women
getto ławkowe
przemoc wobec kobiet
dwudziestolecie międzywojenne
W swoim artykule przeprowadzam analizę porównawczą dwóch postępowań dyscyplinarnych wszczętych przeciwko studentkom Wydziału Matematyczno-Przyrodniczego Uniwersytetu Stefana Batorego w Wilnie, Rywce Profitkier i Esterze Tajc, jeszcze przed wprowadzeniem getta ławkowego, które nie chcąc podporządkować się ówczesnej praktyce studenckiej, nie zajęły miejsca po lewej stronie sali wykładowej, a w końcu wysłuchały wykładu, stojąc pomiędzy ławkami. Analizę swoją osadzę w kontekście wydarzeń całego roku akademickiego 1936/1937, w którym to uniwersytet był zamknięty przez prawie trzy miesiące z uwagi na przemoc antyżydowską. Materiałem badawczym będą dokumenty dwóch postępowań dyscyplinarnych, których podstawą były zdarzenia mające miejsce w odstępie zaledwie jednego dnia, lecz, co najważniejsze, wydarzenia te miały podobny przebieg. Ze względu jednak na różne strategie obrane przez bohaterki sankcje, które spotkały je za niepodporządkowanie się ówczesnej praktyce wydzielania miejsc studentom i studentkom żydowskim, były znacząco odmienne.
In my article I propose an outline of a comparative analysis of two disciplinary proceedings initiated against students of the Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty of Stefan Batory University in Vilnius, Rywka Profitkier and Estera Tajc, before the introduction of the so-called ghetto benches. Two female students refused to subordinate to the student practice at that time, and did not take a seat on the left side of the lecture hall. Hence, they both listened to the lecture standing between the benches. I will situate my analysis in the context of the events of the entire 1936/1937 academic year, in which the university was closed for almost three months due to the anti-Jewish violence. The sources consist of the documents of two disciplinary proceedings based on events that occurred only one day apart, but most importantly, they took a similar course. However, due to the different strategies chosen by the female students, the sanctions imposed on them for not subordinating to the practice of taking seats assigned to Jews at the time were significantly different.
Autobiografia Literatura Kultura Media; 2020, 14, 1; 275-291
Pojawia się w:
Autobiografia Literatura Kultura Media
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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