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An assessment of the natural value of selected meadow-pasture communities in the Middle Sudetes region
Ocena wartości przyrodniczej wybranych zbiorowisk łąkowo-pastwiskowych w regionie Sudetów Środkowych
Żyszkowska, M.
Paszkiewicz-Jasińska, A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
zbiorowiska użytków zielonych
wartość przyrodnicza
gatunki rzadkie chronione i zagrożone
grasslands communities
natural value
protected and endangered plant species
The paper presents an assessment of the natural values of grassland communities situated in the region of the Middle Sudetes in meso-regions of the Sowie, Kamienne and Wałbrzyskie Mountains. The study was carried out in the years 2009-2010 on utilised meadows and pastures. Two hundred and thirty two phytosociological relevés were made with the Braun-Blanquet method to estimate phytosociological affiliation of grassland communities. Moreover, species richness and the index of floristic diversity were calculated. Protected species were recorded and their risk categories were estimated. The studies showed that grassland communities belonged to the class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea. Five phytosociological units in the rank of association or community with the dominating species were distinguished within this class: Arrhenatheretum elatioris, the community Poa pratensis-Festuca rubra, the community with Agrostis capillaris, the association Lolio-Cynosuretum and the community with Alopecurus pratensis. The distinguished grassland communities were characterised by relatively high species richness ranging from 57 species in the community with Alopecurus pratensis to 103 species in the community with Agrostis capillaris and by mean diversity indices H' ranging from 2.6 to 3.1. In part of analysed grasslands there were 10 strictly or partly protected species. Six of them: Dactylorhiza maculata (L.) Soó, Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) subsp. conopsea R. Br., Trollius europaeus L. s. str. Dactylorhiza majalis (Rchb.) P. F. Hunt & Summerh., Colchicum autumnale L. and Platanthera bifolia (L.) Rich belonged to endangered or rare species in Lower Silesia. The presence of protected and rare species in grasslands increases their natural value. Most valuable phytocoenoses classified as the association Arrhenatheretum elatioris and the community Poa pratensis- Festuca rubra are identifiers of valuable habitats protected within the Natura 2000 system. Obtained results indicate that the studied grassland communities are characterised by a high natural value.
W górskim regionie polskich Sudetów łąki i pastwiska pełnią ważną rolę w strukturze użytkowania ziemi, zajmując ponad 50% powierzchni użytków rolnych. Po okresie transformacji ustrojowej, na skutek spadku opłacalności produkcji zwierzęcej, doszło tam do niekorzystnych zmian w sposobie wykorzystywania przestrzeni rolniczej, odłogowania, zalesiania i zaorywania użytków zielonych. Zmiany te doprowadziły do przekształcenia zbiorowisk oraz zmniejszenia ich wartości przyrodniczej, a nawet do utraty wielu cennych gatunków i zbiorowisk. Wprowadzenie od 2004 r. wsparcia w ramach WPR spowodowało wznowienie użytkowania na wielu użytkach zielonych, co zapobiega niekorzystnym przekształceniom zbiorowisk łąkowo-pastwiskowych oraz prowadzi do poprawy struktury ich składu gatunkowego i różnorodności. Dlatego na terenach górskich, gdzie udział użytków zielonych w strukturze użytków rolnych jest znaczny, badania walorów przyrodniczych obszarów łąkowo-pastwiskowych jest bardzo istotne. Celem pracy jest ocena wartości przyrodniczej wybranych zbiorowisk łąkowo-pastwiskowych w regionie Sudetów Środkowych, w mezoregionach: Gór Sowich, Gór Kamiennych i Gór Wałbrzyskich. W Górach Sowich badaniami objęto użytki zielone, położone w okolicy miejscowości Glinno, Jugowice i Walim, w Górach Kamiennych - w miejscowości Sokołowsko, a w Górach Wałbrzyskich - Lubiechów. Badania przeprowadzono w latach 2009-2010 na użytkowanych łąkach i pastwiskach. W tym okresie wykonano 232 zdjęcia fitosocjologiczne metodą Brauna-Blanqueta, które posłużyły do określenia przynależności fitosocjologicznej zbiorowisk użytków zielonych. Ponadto określono bogactwo gatunkowe na podstawie liczby gatunków ogółem w zbiorowisku oraz obliczono wskaźnik różnorodności florystycznej, odnotowano obecność gatunków chronionych oraz określono kategorie ich zagrożenia. Wskazano również zbiorowiska, będące identyfikatorami siedlisk podlegających ochronie w ramach sieci obszarów chronionych Natura 2000, oraz inne formy ochrony przyrody na badanym obszarze.
Journal of Water and Land Development; 2011, 15; 53-64
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Water and Land Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analysis and distributional patterns of the invasive flora in a protected mountain area - a case study of Medvednica Nature Park (Croatia)
Vukovic, N.
Bernardic, A.
Nikolic, T.
Hrsak, V.
Plazibat, M.
Jelaska, S.D.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
distribution pattern
invasive flora
protected area
mountain area
Medvednica Nature Park
invasive plant
alien plant
dispersal strategy
In this paper we have analysed invasive flora of Medvednica Nature Park, Croatia with respect to their origins, life forms, systematic positions, types of seed dispersal, Ellenberg indicator values and spatial distributions using MTB 1/64 grid units for analyses. A total of 27 invasive plant species, belonging to 14 families, were recorded with Asteraceae being the most frequently occurring family. Therophytes were the most common life form, as is generally true of Croatian invasive plants; however, hemicryptophytes and geophytes were more frequent in Medvednica. Here, invasive plants originated mainly from both Americas with slightly lower portion in comparison to all Croatian invasive plants, while contrary was the case when comparing those originated from Asia. The most widespread species was Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers., and the species with the lowest occurrence were Chamomilla suaveolens (Pursh.) Rydb and Datura innoxia Mill. A multiple regression model explains 44% of the spatial variability in the invasive plants data per MTB 1/64 unit, using the number of all recorded plant species, the average elevation and the lengths of paths and roads as estimators. The latter two variables also had the most influence on the ordination axes in analyses of the spatial distribution of seed dispersal types present in each MTB 1/64 unit. Anemochory was the most frequent type of seed dispersal.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2010, 79, 4
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Behaviour of pyrimethanil residues on tomato plants
Sadlo, S
Szpyrka, E.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
pyrimethanil residue
plant protection
tomato plant
greenhouse vegetable
protected product
The objective of this work was to estimate the disappearance of pyrimethanil the active ingredient of Mythos 300 SC. At present, Mythos 300 SC is commonly used for the protection of greenhouse vegetables against diseases of fungal origin. The behaviour of pyrimethanil deposits was studied on tomato plants grown in commercial greenhouses sprayed with homogenous 0.15% aqueous solution of this plant protection product. It was found that the value of pyrimethanil residues on ripening fruits decreased by half and reached zero levels in 5.7 and 13.7 days after Mythos 300 SC application, respectively. Pyrimethanil residues on tomato leaves decreased by half within 4.0 days and reached zero level in the first 10.5 days. Therefore, in conditions of high infection pressure, there is a need to repeat the fungicide application as early as after 3 or 4 days after previous application of Mythos 300 SC.
Tematem niniejszej pracy było oszacowanie przebiegu zanikania pirymetanilu, substancji biologicznie czynnej fungicydu o nazwie Mythos 300 SC, powszechnie stosowanego do ochrony warzyw szklarniowych przed chorobami pochodzenia grzybowego. Przebadano zachowanie się pirymetanilu na roślinach pomidora szklarniowego opryskiwanych jednorodną zawiesiną preparatu o stężeniu 0,15%. Stwierdzono, iż pozostałości pirymetanilu na dojrzewających owocach spadły o połowę już w okresie 5, 7 dni, osiągając poziom zerowy w trzynastym dniu po aplikacji Mythosu 300 SC. Początkowe depozyty pirymetanilu na liściach spadły o połowę po czterech dniach, osiągając poziom zerowy w jedenastym dniu po aplikacji. W warunkach zatem dużej presji czynnika chorobotwórczego istniała potrzeba powtórnej aplikacji fungicydu już po 3-4 dniach.
Journal of Plant Protection Research; 2001, 41, 3
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Plant Protection Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bladdernut (Staphylea pinnata L.) in Polish folklore
Kłokoczka południowa [Staphylea pinnata L.) w polskim folklorze
Luczaj, L.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Dendrologiczne
Beskid Niski Mountains
Carpathians Mountains
Jaslo region
Lubzina village
Staphylea pinnata
protected plant
traditional use
Staphylea pinnata occurs in Europe, mainly in central and SE areas, and in Asia Minor. In Poland it has a few dozen localities in the Carpathians, plus scattered localities in other regions of southern Poland. The aim of the article was to summarise records on its traditional use in Poland. In some places of its occurrence Staphylea used to be a revered shrub, with many uses. Its hard seeds were used for making beads in rosaries. Its very hard wood was used to make butter-making dashers and small crosses. Due to the magic, apotropaic properties the plant was believed to have, not only were crosses made of it, but the plant’s branches were blessed in churches (with other important plants) on Palm Sunday, on the eighth day after Corpus Christi, and on August the 15th. The branches were also attached to cows’ horns, for magic purposes. Most of the presented traditonal uses are practically extinct now, but are still remembered by the most elderly people. Only the making of bladdernut seed rosaries is still practiced by some monks, nuns and hobbyists. In Lubzina near Ropczyce a special church service is organised on the 15th of August, in which the plant is blessed. Branches with bladdernut fruits are also blessed ( by single individuals) on that day in some churches in the region south of Jasło. The variety of traditional uses of bladdernut in magic rituals strongly supports the hypotheses that the plant was grown from times immemorial and many of its localities are of anthropogenic origin.
Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Dendrologicznego; 2009, 57
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Dendrologicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chronione grzyby porażające pomnikowe drzewa – konflikt gatunkowej i indywidualnej ochrony przyrody
Protected fungi infesting monument trees - a conflict between species protection and protection of invidual natural objects
Grzywacz, A.
Referowska-Chodak, E.
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania Środowiskiem w Tucholi
ochrona przyrody
gatunki chronione
ochrona prawna
drzewa pomnikowe
choroby roslin
zgnilizna drewna
drzewa stare
porazenie drewna
porazenie drzew
nature protection
protected species
legal protection
monumental tree
plant disease
old tree
wood rotting fungi
tree infestation
Zarządzanie Ochroną Przyrody w Lasach; 2017, 11
Pojawia się w:
Zarządzanie Ochroną Przyrody w Lasach
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evaluation of efficiency of a nursery system for production of strawberry potted plants in protected conditions
Treder, W.
Tryngiel-Gac, A.
Klamkowski, K.
Masny, A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Stowarzyszenie Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich PAN
growing medium
plug plant
fruit production
protected condition
plant cultivar
Fragaria x ananassa
soilless nursery
In many strawberry production areas, traditional bare-root transplants are being replaced by plug plants produced from runners. Tips (unrooted runners) are rooted into trays filled with various substrates. The success of rooting depends on various factors such as cultivar, growing medium, air humidity. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of soilless nursery to produce strawberry potted planting material. ‘Elsanta’, ’Grandarosa’ and ‘Pink Rosa’ mother plants were planted in containers and set on a special rack in the greenhouse. Emerging plantlets were clipped with metal clips in micro-pots filled with peat or coconut substrate and detached from the mother plants after 14 days. Efficiency of the nursery and quality of obtained plantlets were evaluated. Efficiency of the nursery depended on the number of runners emerging from the mother plants and the number of plantlets on the runners. The highest number of plantlets was obtained from ‘Grandarosa’ (29.3), followed by ‘Pink Rosa’ (23.1), and ‘Elsanta’ (19.5). Rooting of plantlets before detaching them from the mother plants caused all plantlets were properly rooted. Growing media used in the experiment did not have significant influence on the plantlet rooting. The greenhouse soilless system for production of strawberry potted plantlets offers an important alternative to the conventional field grown plantlets.
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich; 2014, IV/3
Pojawia się w:
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gatunki, zbiorowiska roślinne i siedliska decydujące o różnorodności biologicznej doliny górnej Narwi
Species, vegetation types and habitats decisive of the biodiversity of the upper Narew valley
Szewczyk, M.
Oświęcimska-Piasko, M.
Dembek, W.
Siedlecki, T.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
chronione gatunki roślin
dolina górnej Narwi
zbiorowiska roślinne
priority habitats
priority vegetation types
protected plant species
upper Narew valley
W artykule zaprezentowano najważniejsze dla różnorodności biologicznej doliny górnej Narwi gatunki, zbiorowiska oraz siedliska roślin. W pracy wykorzystano wyniki badań autorów z lat 1993-2001 oraz materiały archiwalne. Zebrano również dane na temat istniejących obszarów chronionych na analizowanym odcinku i porównano ich lokalizację z rozmieszczeniem opisywanych siedlisk i zbiorowisk roślinnych. Sformułowano podstawowe, wstępne zalecenia ochronne oraz potrzeby badawcze w zakresie rozpoznania roślinności i siedlisk doliny.
Habitat and vegetation types prioritised for their biodiversity values in the upper Narew Valley are reviewed in the paper. Criterion for their selection was based on the naturalness of the hydroecological processes. Priority vegetation types of highly natural character were distinguished on the basis of habitat characteristics, specifically for each section of the valley. The study was based on available historical information sources about the area in question and on field studies of the valley section between the villages of Suraż and Rzędziany in 2000 and 2001. In addition, data on protected areas localised within the investigated area were collected and compared with the distribution of priority habitats and vegetation types.
Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie; 2003, 3, 1; 89-106
Pojawia się w:
Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Goździk kosmaty Diathus armeria L. na Pogórzu Cieszyńskim (południowa Polska)
Deptford pink Diathus armeria L. in the Cieszyn Foothills (southern Poland)
Beczała, Tomasz
Chmura, Damian
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Bielsko-Bialski
gatunek chroniony
zasoby populacji
stanowiska rzadkich gatunków roślin
protected species
abundance of population
localities of rare plant species
Deptford pink Dianthus armeria L. is a representative of Caryophyllaceae family. It is plant species that is strictly protected since 2014. In the local Red List for the Silesian Province it was considered an endangered species. During 2023-2024 fieldwork was done that aimed to update the list of the localities of this species in the Cieszyn Foothills region. The locality was marked on the map using methodological assumptions of Atlas of Distribution of Vascular Plants in Poland. The density of population was counted or estimated. As a result of the field studies in the study area 9 localities (a total of 17 local populations) of Dianthus armeria were found in grassland, meadow, fringe and ruderal communities. Totally 8 localities were new to this area. Only localities from Tuł Mt has been known earlier. There were also the highest abundance of population, estimated at 600-700 individuals but population contain several small populations that amounting from tens to several hundreds of plants. Two populations are in Cisownica village and they occupy slopes of two local mountains: Kopieniec Mt (475 m a.s.l.) and Malcowa Mt (510 m a.s.l.). In Cieszyn population grows close to the nature reserve “Kopce”, and ecological use are “Łąki na kopcach”. In Leszna Górna village populations occupy xerothermic grasslands. The other situation is Górki Wielkie where the species grows in ruderal habitats: levees along Brennica river and in the vicinity of market. The other human-made habitats which were grown by Dianthus armeria were found in Puńców. These ones were abandoned quarry of dolomites and the vicinity of sports field but close to the fring of oak-hornbeam forest. In general, the population in the Cieszyn Foothills, size ranged from a few individuals to approximately several hundred. The lack of accurate data from previous years does not allow to assess the dynamics of the distribution and abundance of this species. Based on the general trends of Dianthus armeria in Poland, the population status appears to be satisfactory.
Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering; 2024, 7(27); 56-62
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Habitat conditions of Sisymbrio-Stipetum capillate and Koelerio-Festucetum sulcatae steppe plant associations in the Ostoja Nidzianska specially protected area
Misztal, A.
Zarzycki, J.
Bedla, D.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Stowarzyszenie Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich PAN
habitat condition
Sisymbrio-Stipetum capillate association
steppe plant
Koelerio-Festucetum sulcatae association
plant association
Ostoja Nidzianska area
protected area
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich; 2015, IV/3
Pojawia się w:
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Introdukcja kukułki szerokolistnej Dactylorhiza majalis (Rchb.) P.F.Hunt & Summerh. w parku krajobrazowym Góry Opawskie
Introduction of the marsh orchid Dactylorhiza majalis (Rchb.) P.F.Hunt & Summerh. in the landscape park Góry Opawskie
Sporek, M.
Sporek, K.
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej
kukułka szerokolistna
gatunek chroniony
Marsh Orchid (Dactylorhiza majalis)
protected plant species
Z początkiem 2006 roku Zakład Wydobycia i Przemiału Łupka w Jarnołtówku zasygnalizował poszerzenie obszaru eksploatacji, co wiązało się z całkowitym zniszczeniem siedliska, a tym samym gatunku chronionego Dactylorhiza majalis. Zaistniała więc pilna konieczność przeniesienia zagrożonej populacji w inne siedlisko. Przeniesienie poprzedzono analizami glebowymi (wilgotność, odczyn) i klimatycznymi siedliska macierzystego. Wykonano także pomiary biometryczne, tj. zmierzono wysokość osobników, długość kwiatostanu, policzono liczbę liści, określono zagęszczenie. Stwierdzono występowanie 207 osobników, z czego 109 to osobniki kwitnące, a 98 niekwitnące. Po przeprowadzeniu badań przeniesiono populację kukułki szerokolistnej na 6 wytypowanych stanowisk. Introdukcję przeprowadzono trzema różnymi metodami: wykopywano storczyki w monolitach, wprowadzając je w nowy biotop, wykopywano pojedyncze bulwy i wprowadzano w nowe siedlisko, ochrona ex situ z późniejszą próbą wprowadzenia w siedlisko naturalne. Rok po introdukcji Dactylorhiza majalis obserwuje się liczne wschody storczyków na wszystkich sześciu powierzchniach.
In Poland, the Marsh Orchid (Dactylorhiza majalis) is the most common species of the orchid family. For years in the Landscape Park Gory Opawskie, namely in the area of the Shale Extraction and Grinding Factory in Jarnoltowek, there has been a location of the Marsh Orchid, which has never been described. At the beginning of 2006, the factory mentioned plans of extension of the exploitation area, which would cause a complete destruction of this location, and thus - specimens of protected plant species. This caused an urgent need to move the endangered population to a different location. Displacement was preceded by analysis of soil (humidity, reaction) and climate condition of the native habitat. Biometric measurements were taken - the height of specimens and length of inflorescences were measures, leaves were counted, and the density was described. Occurrence of 207 individuals was found, including 109 flowering and 98 - not flowering specimens. After this survey, the population of the Marsh Orchid was moved to 6 selected locations. This introduction was conducted by three different methods: orchids were dug out in monoliths, which were then introduced in a new habitat, single bulbs were dug out and introduced in a new habitat, protection ex situ followed by the later attempt of introduction in a natural habitat. Almost a year after the introduction of Dactylorhiza majalis numerous sprouting of orchids are observed at all six plots.
Chemistry-Didactics-Ecology-Metrology; 2009, 14, 1-2; 65-68
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Materials on the flora of vascular plants of the General Dezydery Chlapowski Landscape Park
Materialy do flory roslin naczyniowych Parku Krajobrazowego im.Gen.Dezyderego Chlapowskiego
Goldyn, H.
Kujawa, A.
Arczynska-Chudy, E.
Jezierska-Madziar, M.
Sobczyk, D.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
plant species
rare species
agricultural landscape
General Dezydery Chlapowski Landscape Park
protected species
vascular plant
threatened species
Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu. Botanika-Steciana; 2005, 08
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu. Botanika-Steciana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Natural attractiveness of „Łąki Pyzderskie” area
Przyrodnicza atrakcyjność „Łąk Pyzderskich”
Klarzyńska, A.
Kryszak, A.
Kryszak, J.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Przemysłowy Instytut Maszyn Rolniczych
meadow communities
protected plant species
zbiorowisko łąkowe
gatunek chroniony
The aim of the research was to present a floristic and phytosociological assessment of „Łąki Pyzderskie” complex in terms of its natural and touristic attractiveness as well as the determination of existing and potential risks for the flora of this area. The research was conducted in the years 2012-2016. Natural values of grassland and pasture communities which influenced their touristic attractiveness were defined on the basis of a complex analysis of 226 phytosociological relevés completed with Braun-Blanquet’s method in representative areas of 50 m2. The results show that natural values of this area are determined by:geomorphology of the area i.e. small dry hills and basins; presence of halophile communities, especially with Glaux maritima, Triglochin maritima, Samolus valerandi; floral diversity visible in the richness of phytocenoses (30 communities from 5 phytosociological classes), richness in species (a total number of 233 observed species including 16 endangered and protected, inter alia: Samolus valerandi, Glaux maritima, Epipactis palustris, Orchis palustris, Dactylorhiza maculata, Triglochin maritima, Tetragonolobus maritimus), domination of native species, presence of numerous (89) melliferous plants, presence of 55 species with medicinal/herbal properties and 28 poisonous ones.
Celem prowadzonych badań była ocena florystyczno-fitosocjologiczna kompleksu Łąk Pyzderskich w kontekście atrakcyjności przyrodniczo-turystycznej oraz określenie istniejących i potencjalnych zagrożeń dla szaty roślinnej tego terenu. Badania prowadzono w latach 2012-2016. Walory przyrodnicze zbiorowisk łąkowo-pastwiskowych wpływające na ich atrakcyjność turystyczną określono na podstawie wielokierunkowej analizy 226 zdjęć fitosocjologicznych wykonanych metodą BraunBlanqueta, na reprezentatywnych powierzchniach wielkości 50 m2 . Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że o walorach przyrodniczych badanego terenu decydują: geomorfologia terenu, tj. niewielkie przesychające wyniesienia oraz nieckowate zagłębienia; występowanie zbiorowisk halofilnych, szczególnie z udziałem Glaux maritima, Triglochin maritima, Samolus valerandi; różnorodność florystyczna wyrażona bogactwem fitocenoz (30 zbiorowisk z 5 klas fitosocjologicznych), bogactwem gatunkowym (łącznie zanotowano ponad 233 gatunki, w tym 16 zagrożonych objętych ochroną Samolus valerandi, Glaux maritima, Epipactis palustris, Orchis palustris, Dactylorhiza maculata, Triglochin maritima, Tetragonolobus maritimus), dominacją gatunków rodzimych, obecnością licznych (89) gatunków miododajnych, obecnością 55 gatunków o właściwościach leczniczych/zielarskich i 28 trujących.
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering; 2018, 63, 2; 115-119
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Natural monuments in the Srem county (Wielkopolska voivodship, Poland)
Antkowiak, W.
Wisniewski, G.
Wachowiak, D.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
natural monument
Srem town
protected species
plant species
Wielkopolska voivodship
The paper presents results of a survey of natural monuments in the Śrem county, Poland. The survey inventoried eight avenues, 30 tree clusters, six erratics, two localities of a protected plant species, and 85 trees-natural monuments. Among all trees the most numerous group comprised small-leaved limes (447 trees – 36.6%), horse chestnuts (372 Aesculus hippocastanum – 30.4%) as well as Acer platanoides and Quercus robur (with 99 trees each – 8.1%). Among single trees classified as natural monuments the greatest numbers belong to Quercus robur (34 trees – 40.0%) as well as Aesculus hippocastanum and Tilia cordata (with 8 trees each – 9.4%). In the area of the survey there are 30 clusters of trees registered as natural monument. These clusters comprise 99 trees belonging to eight species. Among them English oaks vastly predominate – 65 trees (65.7%). Eight avenues are composed of 1038 trees belonging to seven species. The avenue with the highest number of trees is situated in Przylepki (the Brodnica comune), extending for 1.5 km and composed of 265 Tilia cordata specimens. Former manor and palace parks in the Śrem county account for 33% trees-natural monuments and 63% tree clusters. Considerable differences were recorded in the numbers of natural monuments registered in individual decades – in the 1950’s nine natural monuments were established (6.9% total number of natural monuments), in the 1960’s – one (0.8%), the 1970’s – one (0.8%), the 1980’s – 41 (31.3%), the 1990’s – 73 (55.7%), while in the first decade of the 21st century six natural monuments were registered (4.6%).
Steciana; 2014, 18, 4
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Occurrence of onerow yellowcress Nasturtium microphyllum (Boenn.) Rchb. in the Ilanka River (Lubusz Land)
Czarna, A.
Mrozowska, M.
Jedrzejczyk, I.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
onerow yellowcress
Nasturtium microphyllum
flowering stage
fruiting stage
protected plant
genome size
Ilanka River
Lubusz Land
Polish Red Book
plant protection
The paper presents three new localities of Nasturtium microphyllum reported on the Ilanka River near Rzepin. In one of the localities onerow yellowcress specimens were in the flowering and fruiting stages, while in the two other localities plants were flowering, but they were not bearing fruits. Fruiting specimens were identifi ed on the basis of seed sculpture traits, while flowering plants – by flow cytometry, based on the genome size.
Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu. Botanika-Steciana; 2013, 17
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu. Botanika-Steciana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Plant cover of the Szum River valley [Roztocze, South-East Poland]
Czarnecka, B
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
river valley
ecological condition
vascular flora
plant community
protected species
nature conservation
plant cover
threatened species
Roztocze macroregion
geobotanical cartography
Szum River
The break section of the Szum river and the mouth part of its left tributary, Miedzianka (Roztocze, SE Poland) were the object of the research conducted in the years 1999-2001. The aim of the study was to establish the abiotic conditions of the diversity of vegetation and the richness of vascular flora in a small lowland river valley. A real vegetation map was drawn in the scale 1:5000. The syntaxonomic classification of plant communities and habitat trophism were established on the basis of 120 phytosociological relevés and 160 soil samples, respectively. On the area of barely 35.4 ha identified were 48 plant associations and communities representing 11 phytosociological classes, among them habitats protected in Poland (16 types) and important at the EU scale (3). There were found 378 species of 72 families, including: 21 species under strict protection, 9 under partial protection, 25 plants threatened on the regional scale, and 2 included into the Polish Red Data Book. Most of interesting species and non-forest communities occur in the parts of the valley above and below a landscape reserve 'Szum', established in 1958, covering presently 18.17 ha. The greatest floral richness was found in the peatbog-meadow complexes (Phragmitetea, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Scheuchzerio-Caricetea), in bog-alder forests and willow bushes (Alnetea glutinosae), and streamline ash-alder carrs (Querco-Fagetea, Alno-Ulmion), while the smallest - in the pine and poorer upland mixed fir forests (Vaccinio-Piceetea). Vascular flora appears to be the richest in the sections of the valley where the bottom is overgrown by non-forest communities. The results of the study indicate that it is necessary to enlarge the area of the existing nature reserve.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2005, 74, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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