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The occurrence of rare and protected plant species on the peat bog near Lake Bikcze (Leczynsko-Wlodawskie Lakeland)
Występowanie gatunków roślin rzadkich i chronionych na torfowisku nad jeziorem Bikcze (Pojezierze Łęczyńsko-Włodawskie)
Pogorzelec, M.
Banach, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
rare species
protected species
plant species
peat bog
Lake Bikcze
Leczna-Wlodawa Lakeland
habitat condition
This paper presents the results of a pilot field study, conducted in July 2007, designed to make fl oristic evaluation of the peat bog area adjacent to the western shore of Lake Bikcze (Łęczyńsko-Włodawskie Lakeland). The main aim of the study was to confi rm the occurrence of populations of rare and legally protected plant species in this area and to identify, on a preliminary basis, habitat conditions in their stands. The occurrence of populations of the following strictly protected plant species: Betula humilis, Salix lapponum, Salix myrtilloides, Carex limosa, Drosera intermedia, Drosera rotundifolia, Dactylorhiza incarnata; and partially protected species: Menyanthes trifoliata, has been confi rmed in the studied peat bog. Both an investigation of abiotic factors, conducted in situ, and an analysis of the species composition of the flora in terms of habitat preferences of particular groups of taxa have shown that the described rare plant species find suitable conditions for their growth and development in the studied peat bog.
Praca przedstawia wyniki terenowych badań pilotażowych prowadzonych w lipcu 2007 roku, mających na celu waloryzację fl orystyczną terenu torfowiska sąsiadującego z zachodnim brzegiem jeziora Bikcze (Pojezierze Łęczyńsko-Włodawskie). Głównym celem badań było potwierdzenie występowania na tym terenie populacji rzadkich i objętych ochroną prawną gatunków roślin oraz wstępne rozpoznanie warunków siedliskowych w ich stanowiskach. Potwierdzono występowanie na badanym torfowisku populacji gatunków roślin objętych ochroną ścisłą: Betula humilis, Salix lapponum, Salix myrtilloides, Carex limosa, Drosera intermedia, Drosera rotundifolia, Dactylorhiza incarnata oraz ochroną częściową Menyanthes trifoliata. Zarówno badania czynników abiotycznych, prowadzone in situ, jak i analiza składu gatunkowego fl ory pod kątem preferencji siedliskowych poszczególnych grup taksonów wykazały, że opisane gatunki roślin rzadkich znajdują dogodne warunki do wzrostu i rozwoju na badanym torfowisku.
Acta Agrobotanica; 2008, 61, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Plant cover of the Szum River valley [Roztocze, South-East Poland]
Czarnecka, B
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
river valley
ecological condition
vascular flora
plant community
protected species
nature conservation
plant cover
threatened species
Roztocze macroregion
geobotanical cartography
Szum River
The break section of the Szum river and the mouth part of its left tributary, Miedzianka (Roztocze, SE Poland) were the object of the research conducted in the years 1999-2001. The aim of the study was to establish the abiotic conditions of the diversity of vegetation and the richness of vascular flora in a small lowland river valley. A real vegetation map was drawn in the scale 1:5000. The syntaxonomic classification of plant communities and habitat trophism were established on the basis of 120 phytosociological relevés and 160 soil samples, respectively. On the area of barely 35.4 ha identified were 48 plant associations and communities representing 11 phytosociological classes, among them habitats protected in Poland (16 types) and important at the EU scale (3). There were found 378 species of 72 families, including: 21 species under strict protection, 9 under partial protection, 25 plants threatened on the regional scale, and 2 included into the Polish Red Data Book. Most of interesting species and non-forest communities occur in the parts of the valley above and below a landscape reserve 'Szum', established in 1958, covering presently 18.17 ha. The greatest floral richness was found in the peatbog-meadow complexes (Phragmitetea, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Scheuchzerio-Caricetea), in bog-alder forests and willow bushes (Alnetea glutinosae), and streamline ash-alder carrs (Querco-Fagetea, Alno-Ulmion), while the smallest - in the pine and poorer upland mixed fir forests (Vaccinio-Piceetea). Vascular flora appears to be the richest in the sections of the valley where the bottom is overgrown by non-forest communities. The results of the study indicate that it is necessary to enlarge the area of the existing nature reserve.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2005, 74, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Habitat conditions of Sisymbrio-Stipetum capillate and Koelerio-Festucetum sulcatae steppe plant associations in the Ostoja Nidzianska specially protected area
Misztal, A.
Zarzycki, J.
Bedla, D.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Stowarzyszenie Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich PAN
habitat condition
Sisymbrio-Stipetum capillate association
steppe plant
Koelerio-Festucetum sulcatae association
plant association
Ostoja Nidzianska area
protected area
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich; 2015, IV/3
Pojawia się w:
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Habitat and phytocenosis conditions of the occurrence of Ostericum palustre in the Natura 2000 „Lisi Kat” site
Krasicka-Korczynska, E.
Stosik, T.
Korczynski, M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
habitat condition
Ostericum palustre
protected species
Natura 2000 area
Lisi Kat area
Ostericum palustre Besser is a species protected by the domestic and EU laws. In Poland it occurs in about 150 sites one of which is located in the area covered by Natura 2000 “Lisi Kąt”. The population existing there, estimated as 35,000 individuals, covers the acreage of 342 ha. The species persists there mostly in over-dried and transformed-by-meadow-management reed beds with the share of Carex acutiformis and C. gracilis, in phytocenoses of Scheuchzerio-Caricetea nigrae with a large share of mosses, in overgrowing patches of the alliances of Molinion as well as sporadically within reed beds with Carex pseudocyperus. Its share in similar phytocenoses coincides with the reports in literature in the region of the Noteć Valley. In most cases those are heavily disturbed systems, transitional in nature, which must have been the reason for a relatively high level of species variation. The habitat preferences of Ostericum palustre, determined with Ellenberg's indicator values (L, T), correspond to the values optimal for the species. Soil, on the other hand, can be referred to as slightly acid, average fertile and mostly moist.
Steciana; 2014, 18, 1
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evaluation of efficiency of a nursery system for production of strawberry potted plants in protected conditions
Treder, W.
Tryngiel-Gac, A.
Klamkowski, K.
Masny, A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Stowarzyszenie Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich PAN
growing medium
plug plant
fruit production
protected condition
plant cultivar
Fragaria x ananassa
soilless nursery
In many strawberry production areas, traditional bare-root transplants are being replaced by plug plants produced from runners. Tips (unrooted runners) are rooted into trays filled with various substrates. The success of rooting depends on various factors such as cultivar, growing medium, air humidity. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of soilless nursery to produce strawberry potted planting material. ‘Elsanta’, ’Grandarosa’ and ‘Pink Rosa’ mother plants were planted in containers and set on a special rack in the greenhouse. Emerging plantlets were clipped with metal clips in micro-pots filled with peat or coconut substrate and detached from the mother plants after 14 days. Efficiency of the nursery and quality of obtained plantlets were evaluated. Efficiency of the nursery depended on the number of runners emerging from the mother plants and the number of plantlets on the runners. The highest number of plantlets was obtained from ‘Grandarosa’ (29.3), followed by ‘Pink Rosa’ (23.1), and ‘Elsanta’ (19.5). Rooting of plantlets before detaching them from the mother plants caused all plantlets were properly rooted. Growing media used in the experiment did not have significant influence on the plantlet rooting. The greenhouse soilless system for production of strawberry potted plantlets offers an important alternative to the conventional field grown plantlets.
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich; 2014, IV/3
Pojawia się w:
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Beetles (Coleoptera) occurring on hazel (Corylus L.) in different habitat conditions
Gantner, M.
Jaśkiewicz, B.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie
hazel shrub
protected plantation
hazelnut plantation
Curculio nucum
habitat condition
unprotected plantation
The aim of the study was to recognise the species composition of beetles (Coleoptera) population occurring on hazel shrubs. Three-year studies were carried out on three ecosystems: on the cultivated hazelnut plantation, on an unprotected one and on shrubs of common hazel in the forest. The presence of 63 species was detected. The smallest number of species (22) and individuals (535) was noted in the protected plantation and the highest number in an unprotected one (46 species and 2787 individuals). In the forest the presence of 46 species and 1317 individuals was observed. The dominant species among beetles on hazel plantation in south-eastern Poland are from weevils’ family (Curculionidae). Curculio nucum and leaf-eaters from Phyllobius sp. genus were most often collected. The remaining species that were observed are non-economic pests of hazelnut, but giving up suitable chemical pest control and horticultural treatment results in an increase of their number. At that situation the number of species characteristic of common hazel growing in the forest increased on large-fruited hazel too. The species composition, number, dominance and the topic and trophic groups of Coleoptera adults are given in this paper.
Badania dotyczące występowania chrząszczy (Coleoptera) na leszczynie (Corylus L.) prowadzono w trzech obiektach różniących się intensywnością użytkowania i warunkami siedliskowymi. Były to: plantacja leszczyny chronionej przed szkodnikami, plantacja leszczyny nie chronionej oraz krzewy leszczyny leśnej. W ciągu trzech lat badań zebrano ogółem 4639 osobników należących do 63 gatunków i 35 rodzajów. Warunki siedliskowe kształtowały skład gatunkowy i liczebność chrząszczy. Najmniej gatunków (22) i osobników (535) odłowiono na plantacji chronionej, a najwięcej (46 gat. i 2787 osobn.) zebrano na plantacji prowadzonej ekstensywnie. Entomofauna chrząszczy w środowisku leśnym charakteryzowała się zbliżonym zestawem gatunków (45) i mniejszą w porównaniu z plantacją nie chronioną liczbą osobników (1317). Na plantacjach leszczyny w południowo-wschodniej Polsce dominującymi okazały się gatunki z rodziny ryjkowców (Curculionidae). Do chrząszczy najliczniej odławianych należały gatunki arborealne, a mianowicie Curculio nucum oraz liściojady z rodzaju Phyllobius sp. Pozostałe gatunki stwierdzonych chrząszczy należy zaliczyć do szkodników nie mających znaczenia gospodarczego na plantacjach produkcyjnych leszczyny wielkoowocowej. Dopiero zaniechanie zabiegów uprawowych i pielęgnacyjnych prowadzi nie tylko do wzrostu ich liczebności, ale również do gradacyjnych pojawów gatunków charakterystycznych dla leszczyny pospolitej rosnącej w lesie.
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus; 2002, 01, 1; 55-66
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-6 z 6

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