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‘It’s not worth it, it’s just a bike’. Reporting property crimes in South-eastern European countries
Pavlović Vinogradac, Valentina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
zgłaszanie przestępstw
ciemna liczba przestępstw
przestępstwa przeciwko mieniu
Europa Południowo-Wschodnia
reporting crimes
dark figure
property crimes
South-eastern Europe
Celem artykułu jest analiza doświadczeń studentów z krajów Europy Południowo-Wschodniej odnośnie do stania się ofiarą lub świadkiem przestępstw przeciwko mieniu oraz składania zawiadomień o ich popełnieniu. Przedstawiając badanym hipotetyczną sytuację, w której ktoś ukradł im rower, autorka zbadała także gotowość do zgłaszania kradzieży mienia o niewielkiej wartości. W analizie danych zostały uwzględnione również kraj pochodzenia oraz wcześniejsze doświadczenie w zgłaszaniu przestępstw. Badanie przeprowadzono przy wykorzystaniu ankiety internetowej, którą wypełniło 1419 studentów z siedmiu krajów Europy Południowo-Wschodniej (Bośni i Hercegowiny, Czarnogóry, Chorwacji, Węgier, Północnej Macedonii, Słowenii oraz Serbii). Wyniki badania pokazują, że duża część przestępstw przeciwko mieniu nie jest zgłaszana, mimo że większość studentów deklaruje teoretyczną gotowość do ich zgłaszania.    
The aim of this paper is to examine South-eastern European students’ experiences being victims of criminal offences against property or being witnesses to criminal offences against property; to compare the extent to which students reported the crimes they were victims of or had witnessed; and to examine their willingness to report a theft of property of minor value (bicycle theft) in a hypothetical victimization situation, considering their country of residence and previous experience of reporting. The survey was conducted by an online survey in seven countries of South-eastern Europe (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Hungary, Northern Macedonia, Slovenia, and Serbia) on a sample of 1,419 students. The results indicate that a large proportion of property crimes go unreported, although most students are willing to report them.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2020, XLII/2
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Janik, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Międzynarodowy Instytut Innowacji Nauka – Edukacja – Rozwój w Warszawie
kodeks karny
przestępstwa przeciwko mieniu
zabór rzeczy
penal code
crimes against property
W artykule omówiono treść i zakres pojęcia włamania. Artykuł został wzbogacony, omówieniem przestępstwa włamania na przykładzie wybranych krajów Unii Europejskiej.
The article discusses the content and scope of the concept of burglary. The article has been enriched, discussing burglary on the example of selected EU countries
International Journal of Legal Studies (IJOLS); 2017, 1(1); 51-77
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Legal Studies (IJOLS)
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Amendments to Chinese Criminal Law Concerning Intellectual Property Crimes
Łągiewska, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
intellectual property
Chinese authorities have taken decisive steps to tackle violations of intellectual property (IP) rights in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The National People’s Congress (NPC) adopted a new amendment to China’s criminal law on December 26, 2020. These regulations entered into force on March 1, 2021. The article aims to draw attention to the recent developments and ways to fight against the IP infringement in China. The study focuses on the IP courts in China and then analyzes the recent amendment to Chinese criminal law. Therefore, it is based on the descriptive and dogmatic methods. The article seeks to answer the question of whether the regulations are effective and significantly prevent the spread of IP infringements in China. It brings us to the conclusion that China’s accession to the WTO was a turning point that influenced the development and the improvement of domestic IP regime. Hence, China became a country with complex, multifaceted, and contentious environment regarding IP rights. One of the most significant changes concern the establishment of IP courts across China. It is too early to determine whether these solutions are effective due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in China.
Azja-Pacyfik; 2022, XXV; 29-41
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Neutralizacja normy „nie kradnij” w genezie przestępczości nieletnich
Neutralization of the Rule „DO NOT STEAL” in the Origin of Juvenile Delinquency
Stańdo-Kawecka, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
przestępczość nieletnich
zachowania przestępcze
badania kryminologiczne
przestępstwa przeciwko mieniu
zakład poprawczy
juvenile delinquency
delinquent behavior
criminological research
crimes against property
youth detention center
The paper discusses the findings of a study aimed at an empirical verification of a well-known criminological concept: the Sykes and Matza concept of neutralization techniques from the classical trend of positivist criminology. What Sykes and Matza see as the factor of juvenile delinquency are mechanisms of justification of one’s own delinquent behavior. Reverting to functionalim, the authors assume a social consensus on the basic values and norms of behavior. Juvenile delinquents generally recognize the same values and norms as non-delinquent youth but, unlike that youth, they grow proficient in neutralizing those norms so as to prevent them from influencing their behavior. According to Sykes and Matza, norms are neutralized through finding and accepting justifications for one’s own deviant behavior. Five types of such neutralization techniques heve been distinguished according to the contents of those justifications: denial of responsibility, denial of injury, denial of the victim, condemnation of the condemners, and appeal to higher loyalties. In their conception of neutralization  techniques, G.M. Sykes and D. Matza mainly describe and classify the ways of excusing one’s own deviant behavior and provide but a perfunctory discussion of the mechanizm of neutralization itself. L. Festinger’s theory of cognitive dissonance proves useful in explaining the psychological mechanizm of neutralization of recognized norms. Assumptions of the conception of neutralization techniques and the theory of cognitive dissonance provided the grounds for hypotheses which were subsequently submitted to empirical verification. The subject was limited to neutralization of the rule “do not steal” interpreted as a ban appropriation on theft and a rule of respect for another person’s property. Criminologists have long questioned the desing of empirical study where achool youth are treated as non-delinquent and examined as a control group oppesed to juvenile delinquents in houses of correction or educational institutions. In the present study, three groups were examined: ‒ juvenile delinquents confined to a reformatory or home for detained juveniles by a judicial decision as perpetrators of offences against property (84 persons); ‒ school youth not involved in acts against another person’s property, called non-delinquent youth (70 persons); ‒ school youth involved in acts againts another person’s property, called actually delinquent (37 persons); The groups of “non-delinquent” and “actually delinquent” persons were distinguished from school youth by means of a self-report survey. Of the original hypotheses, only one was confirmed by the findings. The exemined groups appeared to differ significantly in their approval of the techniques of neutralization of the norm of honesty, the differences trending as expected. The lowest approval of statements expressing various excuses for breaches of another person’s property was found among the non-delinquent youth. The group that most often approves ot such excuses are wards of  reformatories and juvenile homes; however, they do not differ much in this respect from the actually delinquent youth. All of the examined groups have similar priorities as to the separate types of excuses. The type accepted most often is “condemnation of the condemners”. In particular, a statement that “the police and judges are corruptible and malicious”enjoys great popularity. The types  accepted least often, instead, are excuses consisting in “denial of injury” and “appeal to higher loyalties”. What could not be conformed are hypotheses as to absence of differences between the groups with respect to appraisal of one’s own honesty and acceptance of the rule “do not steal”. Non -delinquent youth appraise themselves much higher in terms of honesty than the remaining two groups. Wards of reformatories and juvenile homes, instead, appraise themselves somewhat lower than the actually delinquent youth. The non-delinquent youth show the strongest acceptance of the norm of honesty. The degree of acceptance of that norm among wards of reformatories is similar to that among actual  delinquents, the former showing a somewhat stronger acceptance of the rule “do not steal” than the actually delinquent group. Another hypothesis that was not confirmed concerned a tendency to neutralize the rule “do not steal” once it has been violated; the method used here was projection where the respondents were to complete unfinished stories.  Against expectations, the tendency to neutralize that norm once it has been violated appeared to occur much more often among school youth than among wards of reformatories and juvenile homes. Of the various methods of reducing the anxiety resulting from a breach of another person’s property, both groups of school youth most often suggested neutralization of the norm of honesty. Wards of institutions, instead, much more often mentioned methods other than neutralization of the violated norm: e.g., focus on the derived or potential profit, or focus on the absence of threat with any negative consequences from without. The study questioned the role of delinquent neutralizations as conceived by Sykes and Matza in the origin of juvenile delinquency.  Unforfunately, the findings could not be interpreted explicitly. According to the theoretical assumptions made, a number of possible explanations of the  findings can be suggested which at least party exclude one another. A new empirical study would be necessary to verify those explanations.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1994, XX; 21-51
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Związanie sądu cywilnego wyrokiem skazującym sądu karnego za popełnienie przestępstwa konkretnego lub abstrakcyjnego zagrożenia dobra prawnego
Michał, Wantoła,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
binding of the civil court with a criminal court ruling
property damage
preliminary ruling
crimes posing a real threat to a legal right
crimes posing an abstract threat to a legal right
związanie sądu cywilnego wyrokiem sądu karnego
szkoda majątkowa
przestępstwa konkretnego zagrożenia dobra prawnego
przestępstwa abstrakcyjnego zagrożenia dobra prawnego
According to art. 11 sentence 1 k.p.c., the civil court is bound by the findings of a non-appealable verdict issued in criminal proceedings, concercing committing a crime. Generality and vagueness of this term causes considerable problems in practice, in particular with regard to binding of the civil court with findings of the criminal court on the amount of damage caused by the offender. The author, after outlining the situation of applying different procedures to the same act and identifying the normative basis of binding of the civil court with the criminal court judgment, analyzes the situations of determining the amount of property damage by the criminal court in case of conviction for: 1) crimes which element is danger of a damage property, 2) crimes which element is the possibility of causing damage to property, 3) crimes, in case of which the question of causing damage to property is with no meaning to constituting elements of a crime. It is essential whether the appropriate findings were made by the criminal court in the operative part or the grounds of the judgment. The study also addresses the problem of binding of a civil court with the conciction for an attempt of a crime.
Studia Iuridica; 2017, 69; 47-62
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Katalog zbrodni w świetle statutu stałego międzynarodowego trybunału karnego
The war crimes catalog under the statute of the permanent international criminal court
Niewiada, Olga
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach
konflikt zbrojny
międzynarodowe prawo humanitarne
Międzynarodowy Trybunał Karny
Polski Czerwony Krzyż
ochrona dóbr kultury
zbrodnie wojenne
military conflict
International humanitarian law
International Criminal Court
Polish Red Cross
the protection of cultural property
War crimes
W ciągu ostatnich 50 lat na świecie wybuchło ponad 250 konfliktów i zginęło ponad 86 milionów osób cywilnych, głównie kobiet i dzieci. Ponad 170 milionów ludzi pozbawionych zostało godności, praw i dobytku. O większości ofiar zapomniano, a tylko w minimalnym stopniu zbrodniarze wojenni zostali osądzeni. Istnienie w prawie międzynarodowym wielu postanowień zakazujących zbrodni wojennych, ludobójstwa, zbrodni przeciwko ludzkości, ochrony dóbr kultury, a ostatnio agresji nie stanowi skutecznego środka do respektowania prawa. Do dziś brakuje sprawnego systemu egzekwowania tych praw oraz pociągania do odpowiedzialności karnej indywidualnych sprawców.
In the last 50 years more than 250 conflicts broke worldwide out and killed more than 86 million civilians, mostly women and children. Over 170 million people have been deprived of their dignity, rights and possessions. The majority of the victims were forgotten, and only a few war criminals were tried. The regulations existing in international law, which are prohibiting war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity, protection of cultural heritage and, most recently aggression are not effective and not respected. To this day an effective system of enforcing those rights and bringing the individuals responsible for it to justice does not exist.
De Securitate et Defensione. O Bezpieczeństwie i Obronności; 2015, 1(1); 101-112
Pojawia się w:
De Securitate et Defensione. O Bezpieczeństwie i Obronności
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestępczość przeciwko zabytkom na terenie województwa małopolskiego – studium przypadku
Crime against historical monuments in the Małopolskie Voivodeship – a case study
Durek, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
dobro o szczególnym znaczeniu dla kultury
przestępstwo przeciwko zabytkom
przestępstwo przeciwko przedmiotom o szczególnym znaczeniu dla kultury
wykrywalność przestępstw
województwo małopolskie
property of special importance for culture
crime against monuments
crime against items of special importance for culture
detectability of crimes
Małopolskie Voivodeship
W swoim artykule postanowiłam skupić się na sposobach radzenia sobie z przestępczością przeciwko dziedzictwu narodowemu i zbadać zjawisko w jednym z województw na przestrzeni pięciu lat, aby ocenić jego ewolucję. Straty poniesione w wyniku popełnienia zbrodni przeciwko dziedzictwu narodowemu są nie do naprawienia. Wartość zabytków polega nie tylko na ich materialnej reprezentacji, ale przede wszystkim na ich wartości historycznej i edukacyjnej. Stanowią jeden z najważniejszych elementów tworzenia materialnego dziedzictwa kulturowego, pomnik minionych epok, źródło tożsamości narodowej i dokumentujący historię ludzkości.
In my article I’ve decided to focus on ways of dealing with crime against national heritage and to study the phenomenon in one of the voivodship over the course of five years in order to estimate its evolution. The losses incurred as a result of committing crimes against national heritage are irreparable. The value of monuments lays not only in its material representation but most of all in their historical and educational value. They are one of the most important elements in creating the material cultural heritage, a monument to past eras, the source of national identity and documenting the history of mankind.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Politologica; 2022, 28, 370; 61-70
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Politologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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