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Nauczanie projektowania - symulacja realnej praktyki zawodowej
The project education - simulating a real professional practice
Kosiński, W.
Data publikacji:
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane ZUT w Szczecinie
kultura społeczeństwa
konflikt zawodowy
projektowanie zintegrowane
szkoła gustu
izba zawodowa
profil osobowości absolwenta
society's culture
professional conflict
integrated designing
school of taste
vocational chamber
graduate's personality profile
Misja profesji architektów krajobrazu i procesu ich kształcenia, nabiera kapitalnej roli w warunkach transformacji. Wzrasta zapotrzebowanie na kształtowanie przestrzeni o wysokich standardach krajobrazowych, a jednocześnie narastają zagrożenia wartości krajobrazowych ze strony brutalnych inwestorów i niekompetentnych władz. Architekci krajobrazu napotykają ignorancję społeczeństwa i blokadę pozycji zawodowej ze strony architektów, zazdrosnych o konkurencję. Kapitalnym czynnikiem zawodu i edukacji AK jest wielodyscyplinarność, w tym projektowanie zintegrowane. AK jest wyrazem wysokiej kultury. Formalne fundamenty wykonywania zawodu architekta krajobrazu w Polsce nie są ustabilizowane. Pluralizm nauczania w uczelniach przyrodniczo-rolniczych i w politechnikach, tworzy atrakcyjne spektrum absolwentów. Interesujące jest wyważenie pomiędzy etosem przyrodniczym - rodem ze sztuki ogrodowej, oraz budowlanym - rodem z architektury. Nauczanie na tym kierunku jest szczególnie wielodyscyplinarne, wyrazistym przykładem jest projektowanie zintegrowane. Praca nauczycielska nad przyszłymi adeptami wymaga prócz ścisłego nauczania zawodu - także intensywnej pracy nad profilem osobowości absolwentów.
The mission of the landscape architects' profession and of the process of teaching them gains a major significance under the transformation conditions. The demand for shaping spaces of high landscape standards increases, while, at the same time, there is a growing threat to landscape values from brutal investors and incompetent authorities. Landscape architects face the ignorance of society, and their professional position is blocked by architects, who are envious of competitors. The fundamental factor in the landscape architect's profession and education is multidisciplinarity. Landscape architecture is an expression of a high culture. Formal foundations of practising the profession of a landscape architect in Poland are not stabilised. The pluralism of teaching in nature and agriculture schools, as well as in technical universities creates an attractive spectrum of graduates. What is interesting is the balance between the natural ethos (derived from the art of gardening) and the building ethos (derived from architecture). Teaching landscape architecture is especially multidisciplinary, with integrated designing being a distinctive example of that. The work of a teacher on future novice landscape architects requires - in addition to a rigorous teaching them profession - also an intensive work on their personality profiles.
Przestrzeń i Forma; 2009, 11; 7-26
Pojawia się w:
Przestrzeń i Forma
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Conservative or liberal? Patterns of professional and family roles of female specialists: A study of professional biographies in the Human Resources Management sector
Piekarska, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydział Ekonomiczno-Socjologiczny
human resources management
conflict of roles
professional biography
The Human Resources Management industry is feminised and gives women the opportunity to achieve high managerial and expert positions. Female specialists in this field, who are strongly involved in their professional duties, are subject to twofold pressure. On the one hand, they are expected to adjust their working style and time management to the needs of the world of business, governed by the rules of liberalism. On the other hand, they are confronted with traditional expectations concerning family roles. The aim of this article is to present the strategies of combining professional and domestic roles and the ways of coping with the organisation of time and space in a complex life situation by women for whom professional work is an important element of identity and who have a sense of high value of their work. Selected aspects of women’s work are presented on the example of professional biographies obtained from narrative interviews with female informants working in the HR industry. The results of the study indicate three strategies of combining professional and family roles, which can be set on a scale from the most liberal to a mix of traditional and liberal models.
Władza sądzenia; 2019, 17; 91-101
Pojawia się w:
Władza sądzenia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The sources of conflict in combining family and professional roles
Woźniak, Edyta
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
family role
family-work conflict
men’s role
professional role
sources of conflict
women’s role
work-family conflict
Presented article analyzes the sources of conflict between the family role and the professional role. The article is focused on the sources of conflict between work and family. The possibility of interference between these two roles should be closely investigated and better understood. Despite that in some cases the lines between professional and family life tend to blur, both of these types of life still have different roles and requirements. The article is an investigation of attainable literature and studies regarding the subject. The empirical investigation imply that the conflict of roles starts when the time committed to the requirements of one of them makes it difficult to meet the requirements of the other. Even though lately the number of investigations of this subject has grown, the results are still differentiated and sometimes even self-contradictory. The comparison of the results of different investigators showed that the work-family and family-work conflicts are positively correlated which indicates mutual strengthening and necessity of searching for common and individual causes that condition their coexistence, domination and strength. The received results are consistent with the results of many other studies, whose authors tried to indicate that each of these conflicts could have specific causes and course.
World Scientific News; 2019, 136; 78-94
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Conflict resolution as an entrepreneurial competence: a review of the secondary school population and the role of professional associates
Rješavanje konflikata kao poduzetnička kompetencija: osvrt na srednjoškolsku populaciju i ulogu stručnih suradnika
Dabo, Krešimir
Lovrić, Rosanda
Data publikacji:
European Business School Zagreb
upravljanje konfliktima
vršnjački sukobi
stručni suradnici
conflict management
peer conflicts
professional associates
Conflict between students, as a possible beginning of a crisis situation at school, is an integral part of the school process and is regularly encountered by teachers and professional associates. However, conflict, although it can cause a crisis, opens up opportunities for establishing better and more adequate communication among students as much as it creates space for learning about nonviolent communication, mediation as a form of conflict resolution and assertive representation of their attitudes, beliefs and entrepreneurial competencies. Although some peer conflicts persist only at the student level and possibly teachers in the classroom, when conflicts escalate, the aid from professional school associates such as psychologists or pedagogues is regularly sought. What is the communication role of these professionals in the process of mediation between students, what techniques they use in their counseling work, whether they notice changes in student behavior after mediation, which in their practice proves to be the most successful method of overcoming and understanding conflict - the paper examines all these aspects through in-depth interviews. On the other hand, the paper also analyzes students’ perception through a survey questionnaire. Whether they turn to professional associates for help, how they resolve and manage their conflicts, what they need to overcome conflict, and whether they develop their entrepreneurial competencies are some of the problematic issues of this paper. In an effort to identify the capacity of counseling and the role of mediation of professional associates in peer conflicts at school, Metković High School was selected for research analysis, with the aim of determining the role of pedagogues and psychologists in critical situations of student conflicts through practical examples. The research showed that professional associates have a role in the process of resolving conflicts among students, but there is room for improvement in terms of additional involvement of professional associates in counseling and educating students on the role of mediation in interpersonal communication and entrepreneurship.
Konflikt između učenika kao mogući početak krizne situacije u školi dio je školskog procesa i s njim se redovito susreću nastavnici i stručni suradnici. Međutim, konflikt, iako može izazvati krizu, s druge strane, otvara mogućnosti za uspostavljanje bolje i adekvatnije komunikacije među učenicima i stvara prostor za učenje o nenasilnom komuniciranju, medijaciji kao formi rješavanja sukoba te asertivnom zastupanju svojih stavova i uvjerenja, što dugoročno vodi ka jačanju i poduzetničkih kompetencija. Iako se neki vršnjački konflikti zadržavaju samo na razini učenika i eventualno nastavnika u razredu, kada sukobi eskaliraju redovito se traži pomoć stručnih suradnika u školi poput psihologa ili pedagoga. Kakva je komunikacijska uloga tih profesionalaca u procesu medijacije između učenika, kojim tehnikama se oni služe u svom savjetodavnom radu, primjećuju li pomake ili promjene u ponašanju učenika nakon provedene medijacije, što se u njihovoj praksi pokazuje kao najuspješnija metoda svladavanja i razumijevanja konflikta, dio je ispitivanja ovoga rada kroz dubinske intervjue. S druge strane, rad analizira i percepciju učenika kroz anketni upitnik. Javljaju li se stručnim suradnicima za pomoć, kako rješavaju i upravljaju svojim konfliktima, što im je potrebno da prevladaju sukob, te razvijaju li svoje poduzetničke kompetencije, neka su od problemskih pitanja ovoga rada. U nastojanju da se prepoznaju kapaciteti savjetodavnoga rada i uloge medijacije stručnih suradnika u vršnjačkim sukobima u školi, za istraživačku analizu odabrana je Srednja škola Metković, s ciljem determiniranja uloge pedagoga i psihologa u kriznoj situaciji rješavanja učeničkih konflikata kroz primjer iz prakse. Istraživanje je pokazalo kako stručni suradnici imaju ulogu u procesu rješavanja konflikata između učenika, međutim postoji prostor za poboljšanje u smislu dodatnog uključivanja stručnih suradnika u savjetodavni rad s učenicima te rad u edukaciji učenika o ulozi medijacije u interpersonalnoj komunikaciji i poduzetništvu.
Obrazovanje za poduzetništvo - E4E : znanstveno stručni časopis o obrazovanju za poduzetništvo; 2020, 10, 2; 7-20
Pojawia się w:
Obrazovanje za poduzetništvo - E4E : znanstveno stručni časopis o obrazovanju za poduzetništvo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wybór między rodziną a pracą zawodową
Choice between family and work
Mudrecka, Irena Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego
praca zawodowa
konflikt wewnętrzny
zasoby osobiste
zasoby społeczne
professional work
internal conflict
personal resources
social resources
Współczesnemu człowiekowi coraz trudniej godzić wypełnianie przypisanych ról społecznych, zwłaszcza rolę rodzica i rolę pracownika. Rodzina i praca zawodowa to jedne z najważniejszych wartości, których urzeczywistnianie nadaje życiu sens. Jednakże są sytuacje, w których wartości te znajdują się w konflikcie, gdyż nie można ich realizować równocześnie. Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony jest analizie przyczyn tego konfliktu, dróg jego rozwiązywania, jak również omówieniu strategii umożliwiających zapobieganie powstawaniu sytuacji trudnych tego rodzaju. Od dorosłego, odpowiedzialnego człowieka wymaga się bowiem umiejętności radzenia sobie z sytuacjami trudnymi, np. poprzez uświadamianie sobie, że istnieje wiele dróg prowadzących do osiągnięcia własnych celów. Przeszkody mogą być traktowane jako wyzwania, a ich pokonywanie – źródłem satysfakcji życiowej.
It is more and more difficult for modern man to reconcile assigned social roles, especially the role of a parent and the role of an employee. Family and work are one of the most important values, the implementation of which gives life meaning. However, there are times when these values conflict because they cannot be implemented simultaneously. This article is devoted to the analysis of the causes of this conflict, the ways of solving it, as well as discussing the strategies to prevent such difficult situations. A responsible adult is required to be able to cope with difficult situations, as well as to be aware that there are many ways to achieve your own goals and flexibly react. Obstacles can be treated as challenges, and overcoming them - a source of life satisfaction.
Family Forum; 2021, 11; 35-50
Pojawia się w:
Family Forum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Application of eye-tracking technology as a diagnostic tool for assessing flight operators. Part 2: A study of qualities important for operators in the aviation industry
Arinicheva, Olga
Lebedeva, Natalia
Malishevskii, Aleksei
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
professional psychological selection
mental stability
conflict management strategy
behavioral style
profesjonalny dobór psychologiczny
stabilność psychiczna
strategia zarządzania konfliktem
styl zachowania
This paper is based on the results of an experiment aimed at studying attention distribution and switching among students using a stationary eye-tracking device. The hypothesis was that the operator’s distraction tolerance should be influence by his or her general mental strength; temperament, which is a derivative of the characteristics of the nervous system; and the level of intelligence, as a general indicato of the state of the nervous system. In addition, the paper discusses the results of psychological assessment, which are not directly related to the issue of distraction tolerance but indirectly affect it. These results are compared with characteristics that directly affect distraction tolerance.
Transport Problems; 2020, 15, 4, cz. 1; 5-18
Pojawia się w:
Transport Problems
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konflikt ról społecznych w świetle etyki zawodowej
The Conflict of Social Roles on the Light of Professional Ethics
Gasparski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie
etyka zawodowa
kodeksy etyczne
dobre praktyki w szkołach wyższych
rola społeczna
konflikt interesów
konflikt ról społecznych
etyka pracownika naukowego
professional ethics
codes of ethics
researcher’s ethics
good practices at higher education institutions
social role
conflict of interests
conflict of social roles
Artykuł poświęcony jest zagadnieniu konfliktu ról społecznych w działalności zawodowej wykonywanej w tzw. wolnych zawodach, w szczególności przez pracowników naukowych. Omówiono normatywne ujęcie zagadnienia przez kodeksy Pracownika Naukowego i Dobrych Praktyk w Szkołach Wyższych. Zwrócono uwagę na rodzaje konfliktów oraz na ich znaczenie dla etycznego wymiaru aktywności zawodowej i przypomniano, że konflikt bywa czynnikiem zachowania równowagi aksjologicznej w społeczeństwie i jego funkcjonalnej sprawności.
The article discusses the issue of the conflict between social roles in the professional activity pursued by so-called liberal professions, especially by researchers. It offers a normative approach to the issue as covered in the Code of Ethics for Research Workers (Kodeks Etyki Pracownika Naukowego) and in the Code of Good Practices in Universities (Dobre Praktyki w Szkołach Wyższych). Emphasis has been placed on the types of conflicts and on their significance to the ethical aspect of professional activity, accompanied by a simultaneous reminder that conflict tends to be a factor contributing to the axiological balance in society and to society’s efficiency.
Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne Studia nad Prawem; 2020, 12, 2; 20-30
Pojawia się w:
Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne Studia nad Prawem
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-7 z 7

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