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“Bird in a Cage”: Traditions and Customs That Restrict Women’s Rights in the Kazakh Context as a Research Topic
Absatar, Aruzhan
Alishayeva, Botakoz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Bride kidnapping
Kazakh customs
traditions and wisdom
violence against women
women’s rights in Kazakhstan
restricted freedoms
personal boundaries
legal prevention of violence
the feminist thought and movement in Kazakhstan
Kazakh traditional wisdom says “Kaytyp kelgen kyz zhaman” - a girl who returns to her parental home after marriage is a disgrace to the family. According to a women’s rights organization, up to 5,000 bride kidnapping acts occur annually in contemporary Kazakhstan. The authors would like to approach this socio-cultural phenomenon through considering the current situation of women and their rights in Kazakhstan. The article examines how outdated traditions and customs violate women’s’ personal boundaries and rights in Kazakhstan. Its main purpose is to attract the attention of the reader and potential researcher and to familiarize them with the topic (a specific form of violence against women), research methods, and research challenges. Until September 2019, there was no special legislation in Kazakhstan aimed at combating domestic violence. However, with the adoption of the Law “On the Prevention of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence” in September 2019, Kazakhstan introduced institutional measures to prevent and punish domestic violence. Nevertheless, people continue to follow their traditional customs, rather than live in accordance with new legislation.
Ethics in Progress; 2023, 14, 2; 38-49
Pojawia się w:
Ethics in Progress
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
"Kryminalne" aspekty przestępczości podatkowej
Criminal aspects of tax delinquency
Wilk, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
przestępczość podatkowa
polityka kryminalna
tax delinquency
crime prevention
There is a common opinion that fiscal offence has no criminal character but is merely an administrative offence and consists only of petty deeds of little social noxiousness. This opinion is not accurate with regard to basic types of tax crimes which very often are varieties of common frauds or forgery that may seriously endanger financial transactions of a country or local government. They are characterised by the fact that the tax procedures and legal structures are faked or falsely initiated and employed to commit or de facto to camouflage offences of criminal character. One example could be tax fraud involving simulation of a series of transactions which have no real economic of commercial significance and serve to fake alleged tax obligations and to initiate the procedure of VAT and ultimately to obtain from the Treasury substantial amounts of unjust VAT refunds under false pretences. These are in fact ordinary criminal offenses committed with the use of tax refund procedures. Possibility of moving VAT free goods between countries of the European Union with the lack of adequate monitoring mechanisms in the Member States resulted in a dangerous increase in the number of organized frauds, which are simply regarded as a mechanism “embedded” in the EU VAT system. They are referred to as tax carousels or carousel frauds. Tax law, its mechanisms, and its procedures are sometimes used not only for this type of criminal extortion of property from the tax authorities but also as for a so-called money laundering and legalization of illegal incomes. Generally, tax offences shows more and more close links with strictly criminal offences, it is becoming more and more organised, professionalism of the perpetrators is increasing, and even a growth in brutalization of such crimes can observed. This should change a traditional approach to tax crime.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2009, XXXI; 209-221
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Niebieskoocy” w naszej szkole – przezwyciężanie stereotypów drogą do tworzenia uczniom lepszych warunków rozwoju w klasie szkolnej
‘The Blue-Eyed’ in Our School – Overcoming Stereotypes as a Way to Create Better Classroom Development Conditions for Students
Deptuła, Maria
Borisch, Szymon
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
peer rejection
stereotype threat
universal prevention
elective prevention
teacher-research cooperation
The article outlines a universal and selective prevention program aiming at weakening the risk factors – child peer rejection and the emergence and prevalence of a low skills stereotype. It is based on the cooperation of researchers with pairs of faculty members teaching in the same 4th grade: the class host and a Polish, math or a foreign language teacher. The goal of this cooperation is to create better psychosocial development conditions in interactions with teachers and peers, diminishing the sense of helplessness during Polish and math classes, the risk of stereotypes and the school– and learning-re-lated stress. The results of the seven-month cooperation will be assessed through research conducted in 18 classes randomly assigned to the trial group (9 classes) and the control group (9 classes). The pretest, after-test and the measurement of results extended for a year after the conclusion of the program will include students with the after-test covering also teachers. The socio-economic status of students’ families will be the variable controlled for.
Studia Edukacyjne; 2017, 46; 153-168
Pojawia się w:
Studia Edukacyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Orandum est ut sit mens sana in corpore sano”, czyli początki profilaktyki zdrowotnej w starożytności
„Orandum est ut sit mens sana in corpore sano”, or the Beginnings of health Prevention in Antiquity
Krajewska, Judyta
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
promocja zdrowia
profilaktyka zdrowotna
health promotion
health prevention
The article makes an attempt at providing answers to questions necessary to clarify the doubts related to the universal conviction about the breakthrough of the nineteenth century for the development of health promotion and health prophylaxis. Can ancient texts provide any evidence that it was actually the antiquity that laid the foundations for preventive medicine? Can it be concluded, on the basis of the research conducted by archaeologists, anthropologists and historians, that the increased physical activity and use of diet in antiquity were deliberate preventive actions?
W artykule podjęta zostanie próba odpowiedzi na pytania, które są konieczne dla wyjaśnienia wątpliwości związanych z powszechnym przekonaniem o przełomowości XIX wieku dla rozwoju promocji zdrowia i profilaktyki zdrowotnej. Czy na podstawie tekstów starożytnych można stwierdzić, że to właśnie starożytność zapoczątkowała podstawy profilaktyki zdrowotnej? Czy na podstawie badań archeologów, antropologów oraz historyków można jednoznacznie stwierdzić, że wzmożona aktywność fizyczna i stosowanie diety były świadomymi działaniami profilaktycznymi?
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2019, 40, 4; 133-146
Pojawia się w:
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“The Good Start Method for English” or how to support development, prevent and treat risk of dyslexia in children learning English as a second language
Bogdanowicz, Katarzyna M.
Bogdanowicz, Marta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
risk of dyslexia
development’s support
early second language acquisition
Children with developmental dyslexia and at its risk have difficulties in the acquisition of foreign languages, especially non-transparent English. The problems of such pupils concern various aspects of the language system but in particular relate to the ability to read and spell. The research literature dedicated to effective preventative methods and dyslexia treatment suggests that both children with dyslexia and at its risk need phonological awareness training and multi-sensory learning. It is also known that prevention and early treatment is more effective than therapeutic intervention used in older students. Experts in foreign language acquisition recommend that children have contact with longer oral texts and live language (e.g., poems and songs). A recently-published report on the methods of English language teaching in Polish primary schools shows that the lessons conducted there do not realise the majority of the aforementioned recommendations. As a consequence, they do not serve any pupils including those with dyslexia and at its risk. A method which meets most of the demands mentioned above is “The Good Start Method for English”. It is a new program of teaching the English language designed for five to seven-year-olds, which at the same time ensures support for the psychomotor development of children, leading to acceleration in learning progress.
Polish Psychological Bulletin; 2016, 47, 3; 265-269
Pojawia się w:
Polish Psychological Bulletin
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Tutoring szkolny – program pedagogiki dialogu” jako profilaktyczny program rekomendowany. Założenia i zastosowanie w świetle edukacyjnej analizy transakcyjnej
Sarnat-Ciastko, Adrianna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
school tutoring
recomended programmes
educational transactional analysis
tutoring szkolny
programy rekomendowane
edukacyjna analiza transakcyjna
W połowie 2020 roku w polskim systemie rekomendacji programów profilaktycznych i promocji zdrowia psychicznego pojawiła się nowa propozycja „Tutoring szkolny – program pedagogiki dialogu”. Program ten został pozytywnie oceniony przez niezależnych recenzentów i uzyskał drugi z trzech poziomów rekomendacji – dobrą praktykę. Tym sposobem poszerzyła się oferta wsparcia placówek oświatowych w realizowanych przez nie działaniach profilaktyczno-wychowawczych. Celem niniejszego artykułu będzie przybliżenie założeń „Tutoringu szkolnego – programu pedagogiki dialogu”, z uwzględnieniem tła związanego z obecnością i znaczeniem samego systemu rekomendacji działań profilaktycznych. Artykuł zawierać będzie także opis, istotnej dla przeprowadzonej procedury weryfikującej jakość omawianego programu, ewaluacji, która w swoich założeniach opierała się na koncepcji edukacyjnej analizy transakcyjnej.
In the middle of 2020, in the Polish system of recommending preventive programmes and promotion of mental health, a new publication “School tutoring – pedagogy of dialogue programme” was released. The programme was positively assessed by independent reviewers and obtained the second out of three recommendation levels – good practice. In this way, the offer of educational institutions support and preventive-educational activities executed by them was enlarged. The aim of this article is to present the assumptions of “School tutoring – pedagogy of dialogue programme”, taking into account the presence and significance of the system of recommending preventive measures itself. The article shall also contain a description of the procedure evaluating the quality of the aforesaid programme. The evaluation was based, among others, on the concept of educational transactional analysis. 
Edukacyjna Analiza Transakcyjna; 2021, 10; 15-32
Pojawia się w:
Edukacyjna Analiza Transakcyjna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Tylko życie poświęcone innym warte jest przeżycia”Problemy zawodu lekarza
„Only life dedicated to others is worth living”. Difficulties of the medical doctors
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
work satisfaction
satysfakcja z pracy
Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja ryzyka i problemów zawodowych w grupie lekarzy medycyny. W części pierwszej autorka analizowała stopień ryzyka różnych czynników: niebezpiecznych (urazowych, wypadkowych), szkodliwych (fizyczne, chemiczne, biologiczne i psychofizyczne), a także wymagania stanowiskowe i możliwości rozwoju zawodowego w Polsce. W drugiej części, na bazie dostępnych wyników badań, zostały wskazane czynniki wpływające na stan zdrowia lekarzy, określone przez warunki pracy i godziny pracy, czynniki stresujące oraz uzależnienia. W trzeciej części zostały zaprezentowane aktualne dobre praktyki i możliwe ozwiązania tych problemów, które jednocześnie są przyjazne dla lekarzy.
The aim of the study was to identify risk and issues in the profession of medical doctors. In the first part the author has studied threats levels connected with various dangerous (traumatic, accidental), harmful (physical, chemical, biological and psychophysical), job requirement and career development opportunities in Poland. In the second part on the basis of the available research results were indicated factors determining the health condition of doctors and were determined by work conditions and work schedules, stress factors and addiction. In the third part was presented actual best practice and possibly answers to this problem which are also kind for the medical doctors.
Przegląd Krytyczny; 2019, 1, 1; 30-44
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Krytyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
‘What we give to others, come back to us’. The role of peer leadership in creating a positive school climate and bullying prevention
Tłuściak-Deliowska, Aleksandra
Gubenko, Alyona
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
bullying prevention
peer-based programs
peer support
school climate
In this article, the authors discuss the nature of peer-based prevention programs. The analyzes are conducted in the context of school bullying prevention and the associated need to build a friendly and safe school environment. Attention was paid to shaping a positive peer culture by involving young people in various types of prosocial activities. Peer leadership programs are a special kind of activity where the driving force is youth. Implementation of a peer program into school life enables the full potential of young people to be activated. Such programs mobilize young people to make positive changes in their social surroundings, to help themselves and others through constructive cooperation. Taking into account that these programs are carried out within the school environment, the condition of the effectiveness is the attitude of school toward such activities. It is important to foster positive peer relationships, to encourage students to participate and create the right conditions for change.
International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies; 2020, 7(2); 31-39
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
4D gas geological research on coal seam with gas hazard potential in mining panel
Cui, Hongqing
He, Xin
Wang, Zehua
Data publikacji:
Główny Instytut Górnictwa
gas geology
gas hazard prevention
small geological structure
fine geological survey
4D analysis
geologia gazowa
zapobieganie zagrożeniom gazowym
mała struktura geologiczna
szczegółowe badania geologiczne
analiza 4D
According to regulations of the mining industry in China, it is necessary to carry out gas hazard prevention projects in advance when mining coal seams with gas hazard potential, and gas geological research should be taken as the basic work for optimal design and effective construction of gas hazard prevention projects. Research on coal seam with gas hazard potential have shown that anomalous geological area could be the gas hazard potential area as well, where superimposed tectonic and mining stress field usually results in tectonically disturbed coal and pressured gas. A 4D gas geological research method is used to find out the anomalous geological area and assess its gas hazard potential. The method covers two ranges of gas geological research: fine geological survey and 4D analysis. The former includes a comprehensive prospect of concealed small geological anomalies (such as small fault, small fold and coal thickness variation) by use of gas extraction projects; The latter includes a dynamic forecast of gas hazard potential from space-time perspective based on numerical simulation analysis on additional stress fields around small geological structures beyond coal mining face. Its research benefit the optimal design and effective implementation of gas hazard prevention measures in coal mining panel with high coal and gas outburst potential.
Journal of Sustainable Mining; 2022, 21, 2; 112--119
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Sustainable Mining
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A case study of pre-service cracks in the concrete decks of a two-level basement car park
Studium przypadku zarysowania dwupoziomowego parkingu podziemnego
Kossakowski, P. G.
Ślusarczyk, J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
zapobieganie uszkodzeniu
strop betonowy
garaż podziemny
studium przypadku
failure prevention
concrete floor
basement car park
This paper deals with the prevention of failure of structural elements made of reinforced concrete. It discusses preservice cracks in the concrete decks of an underground parking facility. The cracks were assessed by analyzing their morphology. The results were used to determine the crack causes and the mechanisms of their initiation and growth. Some design solutions to prevent or reduce the occurrence of pre-service cracks are also presented.
Przy realizacji budynku na drogim gruncie standardem jest wykonywanie kondygnacji podziemnych. Są one niezbędne chociażby ze względu na zapewnienie odpowiedniej liczby miejsc parkingowych. Niejednokrotnie zdarza się, że poziomy podziemne dochodzą do granic działki. Wymaga to zastosowania odpowiedniej technologii realizacji. Najczęściej w tym celu jest wykorzystywany zamknięty układ ścian szczelinowych. Przedsięwzięcia tego typu wymagają zarówno dobrych projektów jak i starannego wykonawstwa. Ich złożoność sprzyja powstawaniu różnego typu usterek. W artykule na stosownym przykładzie opisano jedną z możliwych. Dotyczy ona niepożądanego zarysowania podziemnych stropów parkingu ujawnionego tuż przed rozpoczęciem eksploatacji.
Archives of Civil Engineering; 2017, 63, 2; 79-97
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Civil Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A History and Present Situation of Social Pedagogy
Hroncová, Jolana
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
social pedagogy
social work
directions of social pedagogy
supporting professions
formative education
The attention of this contribution is paid to the prehistory, history and the present time situation of social pedagogy in our country and abroad. Social pedagogy must now solve numerous problems that have remained unsolved over its more than 150-year-long history. It is about the subject’s elaboration, terminology, clarification of its relation to different sciences, specification of contemporary problems that have priority, and the professiogram of social pedagogues.
The New Educational Review; 2005, 5; 27-34
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A new approach to the professional role of the school psychologist
Sokołowska, Ewa
Katra, Grażyna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
school psychologist
psychological intervention
The article is an invitation to discuss the role and tasks of the psychologist in the modern school. It advances the thesis that the primary role of the psychologist is to co-create the school environment and the educational process. Being a co-creator is the essence of the presented model of the psychologist’s work in the school system. The model covers psychological activities defined as monitoring promotion prevention, and intervention. It identifies the need to continually expand the possibilities of psychological influences and to create an autonomous vision of their realization. Adopting and performing this role in the way described in the model seems to be crucial to building the professional identity of the educational psychologist—and a well-defined and clarified professional identity is the basic regulator of a person’s functioning in his/her professional role.
Roczniki Psychologiczne; 2019, 22, 3; 193-211
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Psychologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A new quantitative approach to measure perceived work-related stress in Italian employees
Cevenini, Gabriele
Fratini, Ilaria
Gambassi, Roberto
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
multivariate statistics
non productivity costs
occupational safety
risk assessment
work-related stress
Objective We propose a method for a reliable quantitative measure of subjectively perceived occupational stress applicable in any company to enhance occupational safety and psychosocial health, to enable precise prevention policies and intervention and to improve work quality and efficiency. Materials and Methods A suitable questionnaire was telephonically administered to a stratified sample of the whole Italian population of employees. Combined multivariate statistical methods, including principal component, cluster and discriminant analyses, were used to identify risk factors and to design a causal model for understanding work-related stress. Results The model explained the causal links of stress through employee perception of imbalance between job demands and resources for responding appropriately, by supplying a reliable U-shaped nonlinear stress index, expressed in terms of values of human systolic arterial pressure. Low, intermediate and high values indicated demotivation (or inefficiency), well-being and distress, respectively. Costs for stress-dependent productivity shortcomings were estimated to about 3.7% of national income from employment. Conclusions The method identified useful structured information able to supply a simple and precise interpretation of employees’ well-being and stress risk. Results could be compared with estimated national benchmarks to enable targeted intervention strategies to protect the health and safety of workers, and to reduce unproductive costs for firms.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2012, 25, 4; 426-445
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A spatial study on Keshan disease prevalence and selenoprotein P in the Heilongjiang Province, China
Wang, Yanan
Zhang, Xiao
Wang, Tong
Hou, Jie
Guo, Zhongying
Han, Xiaomin
Zhou, Huihui
Liang, Hong
Xing, Zhifeng
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
prevention and control
endemic cardiomyopathy
selenoprotein P
spatial regression analysis
ObjectivesFew spatial studies on Keshan disease (KD) prevalence and serum selenoprotein P (SELENOP) levels have been reported in the Heilongjiang Province, China. This study aimed to investigate the spatial relationships between KD prevalence, SELENOP levels, and the socio-economic status for the precise prevention and control of KD.Material and MethodsThe study was carried out in all the 66 KD endemic counties in the Heilongjiang Province using a non-probability sampling method of a key village survey based on county-wide case-searching. The participants completed a questionnaire and had their serum SELENOP levels measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Thematic maps were created, and spatial regression analysis was performed by ordinary least squares using ArcGIS 9.0.ResultsOverall, 53 676 residents were surveyed based on case-searching, and blood samples were collected from 409 residents. In total, 50 chronic KD cases were identified with a total prevalence of 9.3/10 000 population. The prevalence in the Tangyuan County was the highest (250/10 000 population). The mean serum SELENOP level was 13.96 mg/l. The spatial regression analysis showed that KD prevalence positively correlated with SELENOP levels and negatively with per capita disposable income among rural residents.ConclusionsThe Tangyuan County should be considered for the precise prevention and control of KD. Further research is necessary to verify the reliability of SELENOP for estimating body selenium levels, and to better understand the relationship between selenium intake and KD in the investigated area.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2021, 34, 5; 659-666
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ability to activate pelvic floor muscles among women during the early postpartum period – initial findings
Umiejętność aktywacji mięśni dna miednicy wśród kobiet we wczesnym połogu – doniesienia wstępne
Łataś-Zagrajek, Karolina
Starzec, Małgorzata
Sierdziński, Janusz
Szymański, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Bronisława Czecha w Krakowie
pelvic floor
pelvic floor disorders
postpartum period
urinary incontinence
pelvic organ pro-lapse
mięśnie dna miednicy
dysfunkcje dna miednicy
nietrzymanie moczu
obniżenie narządu rodnego
Introduction: One of the main elements in the conservative treatment of postpartum pelvic floor dysfunctions is muscle training. The aim of the study was to verify the ability to contract pelvic floor muscles (PFM) among Polish puerperae and to confirm the rationale to implement early instructions already during the hospital stay. Material and methods: Analysis included 591 reports from PFM physiotherapeutic examination carried out at maternity wards. The reports of patients aged 18 to 45 (mean 31.03, SD 4.42) after vaginal delivery were included in the study. Based on the examination conducted according to the PERFECT scheme, the ability to perform and the quality of PFM contraction were assessed. Results: Conscious PFM contraction was noted in 68% of the participants. Proper isolated PFM contraction coordinated with breathing was observed in 54% of the subjects. In 13% of the women, apart from conscious contraction of PFM, contraction of additional structures was also noted. In 32% of the participants, initial lack of conscious PFM contraction was noted. Among them, 25% contracted other muscle groups, 6% pushed, while for 1% of the subjects, no reaction was observed. Nearly 20% of the participants reported that they did not know what PFMs are. Previous PFM training was declared by 55% of the study participants, while 22.5% of them did not perform conscious PFM contraction. Conclusions: During early postpartum stage, women are able to activate the PFMs similarly to those not shortly after labour. Implementing instructions on how to contract pelvic floor muscles appropriately at the early postpartum phase is needed due to the existing large number of errors related to this action.
Wstęp: Trening mięśniowy to jeden z głównych elementów terapii zachowawczej poporodowych dysfunkcji mięśni dna miednicy (MDM). Celem badania było sprawdzenie, jaka część położnic potrafi wykonać prawidłową aktywację MDM oraz potwierdzenie zasadności wprowadzenia wczesnego instruktażu dotyczącego aktywacji tych struktur, już w trakcie pobytu w szpitalu. Materiał i metody: Analizie poddano 591 kart z fizjoterapeutycznego badania MDM wykonywanego na oddziale położnicznym. Do badania włączono karty pacjentek po porodach siłami natury, w wieku od 18 do 45 lat (średnio 31,03, SD 4,42). Na podstawie badania wykonywanego według schematu PERFECT oceniano umiejętność i jakość samodzielnej aktywacji MDM. Wyniki: Świadome napięcie MDM uzyskano u 68% badanych. Prawidłową, izolowaną aktywację MDM, w koordynacji z oddechem uzyskano u 54%. Wśród 13% badanych, oprócz świadomego napięcia MDM, zanotowano również aktywację innych mięśni. U 32% nie uzyskano początkowo świadomej aktywacji MDM: 25% uruchamiało inne grupy mięśniowe, 6% parło, u 1% nie zanotowano żadnej reakcji. Prawie 20% badanych zgłosiło, że nie wie czym są MDM. Wcześniejszy trening MDM zadeklarowało 55% badanych – 22,5% z nich nie wykonało świadomego napięcia MDM. Wnioski: Kobiety we wczesnym okresie połogu mają zbliżoną zdolność do samodzielnej aktywacji MDM co kobiety nie będące we wczesnym okresie poporodowym. Ze względu na częste błędy podczas samodzielnych prób uruchomienia mięśni dna miednicy potrzebny jest instruktaż dotyczący prawidłowej ich aktywacji.
Medical Rehabilitation; 2019, 23(1); 23-28
Pojawia się w:
Medical Rehabilitation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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