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Stosowanie środków specjalnych – nadzoru ochronnego i ośrodka przystosowania społecznego – wobec recydywistów skazanych w warunkach art. 60 k.k.
Employment of special measures (protective supervision and social readaptation centre) towards recidivists coming under art. 60 of the Penal Code
Rzeplińska, Irena
Szamota, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
środki specjalne
nadzór ochronny
przystosowanie społeczne
sąd penitencjarny
zwolnienie warunkowe
pozbawienie wolności
special measures
protective supervision
social adaptation
penitentiary court
deprivation of liberty
The Penal Code of 1969 introduced in Chapter VIII a complex of regulations defining the criminal liability tfor offences committed in the conditions of special recidivism. Two categories of special recidivism were introduced: basic recidivism (Art. 60 § 1 of the Penal Code) and multiple recidivism (Art. 60 § 2 of the Penal Code). To assume the first category, the following criteria are required: 1) commission of an intentional offence similar to the previous one, 2) execution of at least 6 months of imprisonment, 3) commission of a new offence within 5 years after discharge from prison. To impute the offender the commission of an offence coming under the second category of recidivism, the following conditions are necessary: 1) conviction for at least the fourth time, in this twice under the conditions of basic special recidivism, 2) repeated commision of an intentional offence to profit financially or of hooligan character, 3) total imprisonment of at least one year, 4) commission of a new offence within 5 years after the last imprisonment. For each of those two categories of recidivism, the principles of aggravated criminal liability are fixed by the Code, and they refer to less - serious - offences only. Towards persons coming under Art. 60 § 1 and 2, imprisonment within the raised limits is adjudicated. Towards such persons, absolute suppression of suspension of the execution of penalty was formulated. The strictness of these regulations is partly diminished by Art. 61 of the Penal Code, which created the possibility to depart from the aggravation of penalty as expressed in Art. 60, in "particularly justified cases, when even the lowest penalty inflicted on the basis of Art. 60 § 1 and 2 of the Penal Code, would be incommensurably severe". The Code fights special recidivism also by providing special measures against special recidivists coming under Art. 69 § 1 and 2: protective supervision (called "supervision" further on) and social readaptation centre (called "centre" further on). The first of them - supervision - is a non isolating measure, consisting in the control of behavior of the supervised person in the conditions of liberty. It is adjudicated for a period of 3 to 5 years (Art. 63 § 1 of the Penal Code). The second measure - centre - is of isolating character. The duration of stay in the centre is not appointed beforehand in the sentence: it is at least 2 years, at most 5 years long. After 2 years, the recidivist may be discharged by the execution of penalty court if there are good reasons to presume that he will not commit any offence after discharge (Art. 65 of the Penal Code). Special measures are executed after the sentence has been served.             The principles of application of the special measures differ as regards both categories of recidivists: those coming under Art. 60 § 1 of the Penal Code (called "common recidivists" further on) and those coming under Art. 60 § 2 (called further "multiple recidivists"). The organs authorized to adjudge these measures are the criminal and execution of penalty courts. Their decision as to adjudgement of them may be taken at various stages of legal and executive proceedings: in the sentence (criminal court), in the latter part of imprisonment (execution of penalty court), and during the supervision (execution of penalty court).             The principles of application of the special measures by the court which is to pass judgement in the case are stated in Art. 62 of the Penal Code. According to § 1, the application of supervision is optional towards the offenders coming under Art. 60 § 1. The court is here at liberty to decide as to the possible measures, as no premises to adjudge supervision are specified by the regulation. As to the recidivists coming under Art. 60 § 2, the adjudgement of one of the two special measures is obligatory, that of supervision as a rule. The adjudgement of the centre takes place only if the court recognizes supervision insufficient to prevent recidivism (Art. 62 § 2 of the Penal Code).             The second instance when decisions are taken as to the application of the special measures is the close of imprisonment of the recidivists. The rulings of the execution of penalty taken at this stage of the proceedings modify those taken previously - that is, in the sentence - as regards the application of the special measures.  In the case of common recidivists, these modifications may consist in adjudgement of supervision if it was not adjudicated in the sentence (Art. 91 of the Code of Execution of Penalties), or - if the recidivist is released on probation - in the specific conditional simulation of the supervision adjudicated in the sentence (Art. 98 § 1 of the Penal Code). If the release on probation is not cancelled by the court, the adjudgement of supervision loses effect (Art. 98 § 2 of the Penal Code). In the case of multiple recidivists, the modifications which may take place in the latter part of imprisonment as regards the adjudication of the special measures always consist in substitution of a strict measure by a milder one: the penitentiary court may replace the adjudgement of the centre with supervision (Art. 103 of the Code of Execution of Penalties) or release multiple recidivists on probation.             The third closing stage of proceedings when the decisions on application of special measures are taken is the execution of supervision. In this stage, the position of recidivists coming under Art. 60 § 1 and 2 of the Penal Code is identical: they can both be sent to the centre in consequence of failure of the supervision (Art. 64 of the Penal Code). Thus the adjudgement of the centre in consequence of failure of supervision serves here as a measure to discipline the execution of supervision. The present study was based on the data from criminal records of the Criminal Register and the Central Files of Convicted and Temporarily Arrested Persons. The material from these records enables one to notice the differences, as regards the data they include, between the groups of recidivists distinguished in respect of the special measure adjudicated towards them, and thus, to define initially the criteria for application of these measures. As a conclusion, an attempt was made to define the general range of adjudgement of the special measures towards recidivists regardless of the stage of proceedings in which it took place.             The research was of cross-sectional character. The examined population consisted of recidivists (coming under Art. 60) from the entire country and selected to 3 random samples: the first sample included all recidivists whose sentences had become valid within the period from March 1 till April 30, 1979 (1181 persons), the second sample included all recidivists discharged from prison within the period from February 1 till March 31, 1979 (874 persons), and the third one - all recidivists whose supervision had been completed within the period from April 1 till May 31, 1979 (544 persons). There were the total of 2599 cases, from which 72 cases had been excluded because of the lack of complete data in the Criminal Register. The final populations of the separate samples were thus as follows: I - 1146 persons, II - 869 persons, III - 512 persons (the total of 2 527 persons).             The collected material was then analysed, that is, the groups of persons were compared, distinguished on the grounds of the type of the special measure adjudicated towards them, for instance the group of multiple recidivists towards whom supervision had been adjudicated was compared with the group sent to the centre. The above comparisons were made for each sample separately, and within the sample - separately as regards the common and multiple recidivists. The method of representing the results reflects , the analysis scheme: each sample has been represented in a separate part of the present paper. The study is summed un by an attempt to estimate the general range of adjudgement of the special measures towards recidivists. The results of the estimation indicate that the application of the special measures towards recidivists is of a very broad range. As many an approximately a half of the common recidivists had been subjected to supervision; failure occurred as regards 40 per cent of the supervised persons, which makes about 1/5 of all common recidivists, and these persons came under the regulation providing the adjudgement of the centre in consequence of the failure of supervision. In 40 per cent of the cases the cause of the unsuccessful termination of supervision was the non-compliance with orders and duties by the supervised person, and in 60 per cent - commission of a new offence.             As regards multiple recidivists, there were as few as 14 per cent of them towards whom no special measure whatever had been adjudicated, owing to adjudgements of the execution of penalty courts. Approximately 27 per cent of the multiple recidivists had been sent to the centre immediately from prison, while approximately 59 per cent had been subjected to supervision. In over a half of these cases supervision was unsuccessful, which makes about 1/3 of the multiple recidivists. The cause of the unsuccessful termination of supervision was in 2/3 of the cases commission of a new offence, and in 1/3 of the cases non-compliance with orders and duties.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1982, VIII-IX; 151-190
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zakład karny i wykonanie kary pozbawienia wolności w opinii społeczności lokalnej
Prison and Imprisonment in the Opinion of Local Community
Mościskier, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
zakład karny
wykonanie kary
pozbawienie wolności
opinia społeczna
społeczność lokalna
execution of a sentence
public opinion
local community
Basically, the study concers three  problems. Firstly, an attempt was made to explain the mechanism which led to the results obtained by other authors. They found a supposedly most rigorous attitude of the Polish society towards law breakers, which was to become manifest in the demands for relentless and severe punishment of such persons. This highly rigorous attitude has been confirmed in the present study too, yet only in answers to questions drawn up as generally as those put by the mentioned authors. As the level of abstractness of the questions is lowered, the rigorous attitude diminishes, which finds expression, among others, in the disapproval of a number of penalties applied by regulation during the execution of imprisonment.       Secondly  the attitude of the local community was presented not only towards prisoners, but also towards prison einployees. As compared with many other occupations, the prestige of prison employees is rather low, yet in spite of a certain social isolation, their general opinion is not negative. It is also worthy of attention that the sense of social distance between prisoners and community was les marked than expected.       Thirdly, the attitude was described towards prison as a physical object and an institution in the local community. This problem was studies by means of questions about the opinion on the very fact of existence of such an object in twon, the possible impact the prison has on economy, supplies, etc., an  the citizens’  feeling of safety. In this formulation, the results fail to point to the existence of markedly negative attitudes, though some socio-demographic features of the examined persons tend  to differentiate their answers.       The study was realized from 1979 till 1981. In spite of the considerable interval and the differences in the country's respective social situations, the answers given by the examined persons from both groups were nearly parallel to each other.      In 1979, random samples of adults were examined, inhabitants of two towns, about 25 thousand inhabitants each, in which there were prisons. In one of these towns, the prison had been established over 20 years before, while in the second one, it was only a few years old. In each town, 200 persons were examined by means of a questionnaire, which makes the total of 400 examined persons.        In 1981, 462 persons were examined by means of the same questionnaire, who were selected with the use of "Quota Sampling" from the population of 10 towns of 11 to 95 thousand of inhabitants, in which there were prisons.        The study was intentionally realized in towns of medium population. The aim was to examine communities large enough for the prison not to dominate them on the one hand, and on the other hand, small enough to enable an assumption that a majority of inhabitants have a certain knowledge and opinions about the prison acquired through observation and nin-institutionalized flow of information.       As regards the opinion on imprisonment, it should first of all be stressed that over  50 per cent of the examined persons are of opinion that the essential aim oi this type of penalty should be the resocialization of prisoners. About 23 per cent of answers concerning this problem referred to the idea of individual prevention; 12-18 per cent of the examined persons were of opinion that imprisonment should serve to protect the society from the criminal by isolating him for a certain period of time; about 6 per cent of answers pointed to retribution as the aim of punishment, while  as few as 2-3 per cent considered the aim to be general prevention.        However, to find out if the attitude of the examined persons was rigorous or tolerant, answers to other questions were more significant, that is those concerning the mothods of execution of imprisonment, i.e., the penalties and rewards applied  towards  prisoners and the rights they enjoy. Here, a significant trend appeared to turn from rigorous to tolerant  attitudes as the level of generality of questions lowered. It seems that questions about certain abstract principles, which in the mind of an average man have no connection with any actual situation or person,  provoked answers which hinted at a rigorous attitude; yet whenever the same respondent had to answer a question which allowed him to realize the details of a given situation or the position of a given persons in such circumstances, the tolerant attitude prevailed.       Thus, for instance, as many as over 70 per cent of the examined persons approved of the most  general  statement that  „in prison, strict discipline should reign”.  When another question was asked, this time less generally formulated,  if „all amenities of life and attractive activities should be reduced to a minimum”, the numbers of approving and disapproving answers were more or less equal, which points to the lowering of the level of rigorism. The answers to further questions concerning definite cases frankly contradict  those given  to the former questions and point to a markedly tolerant attitude. Thus, for example, the question if „a prisoner should have free access to newspapers, radio, and TV in his leisure time”, was answered in the affirmative by over 75 per cent of the examined persons.       Also the questions about definite penalties and rewards applied towards prisoners were answered in a way which seems to point to the prevalence of tolerant attitudes over rigorism. The majority of the examined persons are for abolition or limitation of penalties provided by prison regulations and for granting the prisoners with a number of rights, such as unlimited receipt of parcels, letters, and visitors from the outside (prison regulations limit the number of such prisoners' contacts with the outside world and treat any extension of these contacts as a special reward). The examined  persons were also for alegal regulation of the sphere of prisoners' work, pointing to the need for making the working conditions in prison resemble those generally found in State-controlled economy.       Also the rational attitude of the public opinion towards prison should be stressed. The prison is perceived as an institution which could play a greater part than before in the life of the local community, particularly through including prisoners in the borader social unit and increasing their participation in the town’s economic activity. The citizens’ expectations point in this direction, accompanied also by the favourable opinion as to the extending of the prisoners' range of personal liberty outside the prison walls. In this connection, also the attitude of fear of the prisoners was much less marked than had been expected, as well as the bias against them, both of which appear in principle only as regards a small group of dangerous criminals.       The attitude of the local community towards prison employees is a completely separate problem. It is characterized by a peculiar ambivalence: on the one hand, prison employees enjoy a good reputation as persons and members of the local community, their financial status perceived as decidedly higher than that of an average citizen. On the other hand, however, the social status of a prison employee is estimated as very low, as compared with other professions, which is accompanied by a stressed disapproval revealed by the examined persons of the very fact of working in a prison. This may lead to a conclusion that in the social consciousness disfavourable opinion persists as to the human relations in prison and the nature of work of prison employees. This is an additional factor which speaks for changes in the system of execution of the penalty of deprivation of liberty which would modernize it and adjust it to the contemporary progressive trends in the world. The present study has not only confirmed the existence of social support for such changes but it has also revealed the conducive atmosphere to a far-reaching reform in this field.
     Basically, the study concers three  problems. Firstly, an attempt was made to explain the mechanism which led to the results obtained by other authors. They found a supposedly most rigorous attitude of the Polish society towards law breakers, which was to become manifest in the demands for relentless and severe punishment of such persons. This highly rigorous attitude has been confirmed in the present study too, yet only in answers to questions drawn up as generally as those put by the mentioned authors. As the level of abstractness of the questions is lowered, the rigorous attitude diminishes, which finds expression, among others, in the disapproval of a number of penalties applied by regulation during the execution of imprisonment.       Secondly  the attitude of the local community was presented not only towards prisoners, but also towards prison einployees. As compared with many other occupations, the prestige of prison employees is rather low, yet in spite of a certain social isolation, their general opinion is not negative. It is also worthy of attention that the sense of social distance between prisoners and community was les marked than expected.       Thirdly, the attitude was described towards prison as a physical object and an institution in the local community. This problem was studies by means of questions about the opinion on the very fact of existence of such an object in twon, the possible impact the prison has on economy, supplies, etc., an  the citizens’  feeling of safety. In this formulation, the results fail to point to the existence of markedly negative attitudes, though some socio-demographic features of the examined persons tend  to differentiate their answers.       The study was realized from 1979 till 1981. In spite of the considerable interval and the differences in the country's respective social situations, the answers given by the examined persons from both groups were nearly parallel to each other.      In 1979, random samples of adults were examined, inhabitants of two towns, about 25 thousand inhabitants each, in which there were prisons. In one of these towns, the prison had been established over 20 years before, while in the second one, it was only a few years old. In each town, 200 persons were examined by means of a questionnaire, which makes the total of 400 examined persons.        In 1981, 462 persons were examined by means of the same questionnaire, who were selected with the use of "Quota Sampling" from the population of 10 towns of 11 to 95 thousand of inhabitants, in which there were prisons.        The study was intentionally realized in towns of medium population. The aim was to examine communities large enough for the prison not to dominate them on the one hand, and on the other hand, small enough to enable an assumption that a majority of inhabitants have a certain knowledge and opinions about the prison acquired through observation and nin-institutionalized flow of information.       As regards the opinion on imprisonment, it should first of all be stressed that over  50 per cent of the examined persons are of opinion that the essential aim oi this type of penalty should be the resocialization of prisoners. About 23 per cent of answers concerning this problem referred to the idea of individual prevention; 12-18 per cent of the examined persons were of opinion that imprisonment should serve to protect the society from the criminal by isolating him for a certain period of time; about 6 per cent of answers pointed to retribution as the aim of punishment, while  as few as 2-3 per cent considered the aim to be general prevention.        However, to find out if the attitude of the examined persons was rigorous or tolerant, answers to other questions were more significant, that is those concerning the mothods of execution of imprisonment, i.e., the penalties and rewards applied  towards  prisoners and the rights they enjoy. Here, a significant trend appeared to turn from rigorous to tolerant  attitudes as the level of generality of questions lowered. It seems that questions about certain abstract principles, which in the mind of an average man have no connection with any actual situation or person,  provoked answers which hinted at a rigorous attitude; yet whenever the same respondent had to answer a question which allowed him to realize the details of a given situation or the position of a given persons in such circumstances, the tolerant attitude prevailed.       Thus, for instance, as many as over 70 per cent of the examined persons approved of the most  general  statement that  „in prison, strict discipline should reign”.  When another question was asked, this time less generally formulated,  if „all amenities of life and attractive activities should be reduced to a minimum”, the numbers of approving and disapproving answers were more or less equal, which points to the lowering of the level of rigorism. The answers to further questions concerning definite cases frankly contradict  those given  to the former questions and point to a markedly tolerant attitude. Thus, for example, the question if „a prisoner should have free access to newspapers, radio, and TV in his leisure time”, was answered in the affirmative by over 75 per cent of the examined persons.       Also the questions about definite penalties and rewards applied towards prisoners were answered in a way which seems to point to the prevalence of tolerant attitudes over rigorism. The majority of the examined persons are for abolition or limitation of penalties provided by prison regulations and for granting the prisoners with a number of rights, such as unlimited receipt of parcels, letters, and visitors from the outside (prison regulations limit the number of such prisoners' contacts with the outside world and treat any extension of these contacts as a special reward). The examined  persons were also for alegal regulation of the sphere of prisoners' work, pointing to the need for making the working conditions in prison resemble those generally found in State-controlled economy.       Also the rational attitude of the public opinion towards prison should be stressed. The prison is perceived as an institution which could play a greater part than before in the life of the local community, particularly through including prisoners in the borader social unit and increasing their participation in the town’s economic activity. The citizens’ expectations point in this direction, accompanied also by the favourable opinion as to the extending of the prisoners' range of personal liberty outside the prison walls. In this connection, also the attitude of fear of the prisoners was much less marked than had been expected, as well as the bias against them, both of which appear in principle only as regards a small group of dangerous criminals.       The attitude of the local community towards prison employees is a completely separate problem. It is characterized by a peculiar ambivalence: on the one hand, prison employees enjoy a good reputation as persons and members of the local community, their financial status perceived as decidedly higher than that of an average citizen. On the other hand, however, the social status of a prison employee is estimated as very low, as compared with other professions, which is accompanied by a stressed disapproval revealed by the examined persons of the very fact of working in a prison. This may lead to a conclusion that in the social consciousness disfavourable opinion persists as to the human relations in prison and the nature of work of prison employees. This is an additional factor which speaks for changes in the system of execution of the penalty of deprivation of liberty which would modernize it and adjust it to the contemporary progressive trends in the world. The present study has not only confirmed the existence of social support for such changes but it has also revealed the conducive atmosphere to a far-reaching reform in this field.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1984, XI; 245-267
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestępczość i polityka karna sądów w Węgierskiej Republice Ludowej
Crime and the penal policy of courts in the Hungarian peoples republic
Kubiak, Jacek R.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
polityka karna
republika ludowa
prawo karne
pozbawienie wolności
people's republic
criminal law
deprivation of liberty
criminal policy
criminal Policy
There is in Hungary a many years tradition. of gathering and publishing criminal statistics and its theoretical analysis. This tradition dates back to the early 19th century. In the modern days, it was discontinued in the years 1944-1956 only. However, in 1957, the publication of the basic data of criminal statistics in Statistical Yearbooks published by the central statistical Office was started anew. As shown by an analysis of the trends of the number of convictions of adults in the years 1944-1984 based on official sources, there is a high substantial changes in these trends with changes in the provisions of the penal law and to some extent in the socio-political climate. The following can thus be noticed: A very big number of convictions in the late fourties and early fifties (with the culminating point in 1952), accompanied by rapid drops in the years when amnesty laws were passed or new provisions of the penal law were introduced. A great drop in the number of convictions in 1956 and, 1957 which was related directly first of all to the course of events before and after October 23, 1956, and to the fact that a part of the jurisdiction of common courts of law was taken over by special courts of law was taken over by special courts the activity of which is not reflected in the analysed statistical data. A relative stabilization of the number of convictions in the years of gradual socio-political consolidation ( 1958-1962). A gradual increase in the number of convictions after the entering into force of the Penal Code of 1961 and its amendment of 1971. Accompanied by intermittent drops in the amnesty years and in the years when provisions that modified the Penal Code entered into force. An increase in the number of convictions after the entering into force of the Penal Code of 1978. The rate of convictions per 100,000 of the population in 1984 was 2'5 times higher than in 1952, but not much lower than the 1961 rate. The rise in crime in the recent years is also evident in the available data from the police and public prosecutor's statistics. The number of reported offences went up by one-third in the period 1965-1985 and has a constant upward trend. Among the offences reported most numerous are offences against property (about 60 per cent of all reported offences), traffic offences (about 12-13 per cent), offences against public order (hooliganism and parasitism in particular), and offences against person (about 7-8 per cent).  As compared with 1965, the number of burglaries was 3.5 times as big in the eighties, and the number of robberies - 7 . times. The number of traffic offences increased by over one-third as well. Also offences against person reveal a small upward trend, with the number of homicides being stable. However, the number of homicides in Hungary has for many years been considerably larger than the mean European figure (mean homicide rate per 100,000 of the population amounting to 3.8 in the years 1979--1983). The rise in crime concerned financial offences also (offences against the foreign currency exchange regulations, against customs regulations, tax offences) which are included in ,the group of offences against the national economy. The penal policy of the Hungarian courts has rather frequently been subject to spectacular transformations. In the early seventies, stabilization was achieved in this policy which manifested itself by a limited application of unconditional deprivation of liberty and by a broad use of fine and other measures not involving deprivation of liberty. However, the rise in crime in the eighties influenced a more frequent application of unconditional deprivation of liberty, which resulted in the growth of prison population. In 1979, the number of persons deprived of liberty amounted to 16,764 (157 per 100,000 of the population), while in 1984 the respective number was 21,884 (205 per 100.000 of the population). In Hungary, conditional suspension of the execution of the penalty of deprivation- of liberty is not as popular as in other European socialist countries. For every fifth convicted person, the execution of penalty is suspended. In 1973, the courts for the- first time passed a greater number of fines (48.8 per cent) than prison sentences (43.9 per cent). In the-following years, the share of fines in the structure of penalties even exceeded 50 per cent. However, after entering into force of the new Penal code, an unexpected drop in the number of fines took place things to the which was due among other fact that some of the  petty offences were removed from the Penal Code , and that a new penal measure without deprivation of liberty, i.e. probation, was introduced. In 1983, the share of fines dropped to 40 per cent of all sentences. The Hungarian courts were most reluctant to apply the penalty of corrective and educational work as soon as the penalty was introduced in 1950. For a dozen-odd years the share of this penalty in all penalties imposed never exceeded 10 per cent. After the 1961 Penal Code was introduced the penalty of corrective and educational work  showed an upward trend (up to 15,8 per cent in 1964), but later on started to fall up, to 4 per cent in 1983. In the years 1962 -1983. common courts sentenced 105 persons to death penalty, for qualified homicide in the vast majority of cases. Since 1968, this penalty has been applied exlusively towards the perpetrators of homicide. In 1984, the extent of reported crime in Hungary was similar to that found in Poland (1, 470 per 100,000 o0f the population); however, in Hungary the response to the rise in crime has been in general much more balanced and quiet.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1987, XIV; 43-95
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wykonywanie kary pozbawienia wolności w ramach systemu dozoru elektronicznego a konstytucyjna zasada równości wobec prawa
Białowąs, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
pozbawienie wolności
dozór elektroniczny
W niniejszym artykule omówiono ustawę o wykonaniu kary pozbawienia wolności w ramach systemu dozoru elektronicznego, oraz projekt jej nowelizacji. Wskazano na ich mankamenty, a w szczególności na naruszenie zasady równości wobec prawa wyrażonej w art. 32 ust. 1 Konstytucji RP, z uwagi na etapowość jej wprowadzania i nie objęcia nią w jednym czasie skazanych na terytorium całego państwa. Autorka zastanawia się także nad tym czy ustawa, oraz jej nowela, chociaż częściowo przyczynią się do rozwiązania problemu przeludnienia w polskich jednostkach penitencjarnych, oraz zapobiegną zjawisku długotrwałego oczekiwania skazanych na odbycie kary. A zatem czy przyniosą one korzyści w wymiarze społecznym.
The article discusses the Execution of the Penalty of Deprivation of Liberty within a System of Electronic Monitoring Act and its draft amendment. It demonstrates its drawbacks, in particular the contravention of the principle of equality under the law, expressed in art. 32, section 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. This contravention stems from the gradual implementation of the Act, which would not apply to every convicted person in Poland at the same time. The author also questions whether the Act and its amendment will, at least partially, help to solve the problem of overpopulated Polish prisons and long delays for convicts waiting to serve their sentence. Namely, the author considers whether the Act will beget social improvements.
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego; 2011, 1 (5); 179-204
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kilka uwag na marginesie uzasadnienia do wyroku SN z dnia 6 listopada 2012 r. (sygn. V KK 139/12)
Some remarks on the justification of the judgment of the Supreme Court of November 6, 2012 (ref. V KK 139/12)
Elegańczyk, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
reguła ne peius
dożywotnie pozbawienie wolności
ne peius rule
life imprisonment
W glosie autor krytycznie odnosi się do uzasadnienia wyroku Sądu Najwyższego z dnia 6 listopada 2012 r. (sygn. V KK 139/12). Sąd zmienił zaskarżony wyrok dożywotniego pozbawienia wolności poprzez wyznaczenie surowszego ograniczenia do skorzystania z warunkowego zwolnienia (dopiero po odbyciu 40 lat pozbawienia wolności). Zdaniem autora takie rozstrzygnięcie narusza regułę ne peius. Sąd błędnie zinterpretował art. 454 § 3 Kodeksu postępowania karnego poprzestając jedynie na jego językowej wykładni, bez odniesienia się do wartości leżących u jego podstaw.
In this commentary the author criticizes the justification of the judgment of the Supreme Court of 6 November 2012 (ref. V KK 139/12). The Court changed the contested judgment of life imprisonment by imposing stricter restriction to be released on parole (after completing 40 years of imprisonment). According to the author such conclusion violates ne peius rule. The Court misinterpreted art. 454 § 3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure by limiting himself only to the linguistic interpretation, without reference to its underlying values.
Zeszyt Studencki Kół Naukowych Wydziału Prawa i Administracji UAM; 2013, 3; 165-174
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyt Studencki Kół Naukowych Wydziału Prawa i Administracji UAM
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poczucie winy u skazanych odbywających karę pozbawienia wolności.
The feeling of guilt among convicts who serve their sentence.
Florczykiewicz, Janina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Stosowanych Nauk Społecznych i Resocjalizacji. Instytut Profilaktyki Społecznej i Resocjalizacji
poczucie winy
pozbawienie wolności
zakład karny
feeling of guilt
W artykule zaprezentowano badania nad poczuciem winy u skazanych odbywających karę pozbawienia wolności. Badano zależność między poczuciem a stopniem demoralizacji. Badaniami objęto 296 skazanych, mężczyzn w wieku od 18. do 64. roku życia, odbywających kary pozbawienia wolności w różnych typach i rodzajach zakładów karnych. Ustalono, że znaczna część osadzonych odbywających karę pozbawienia wolności przeżywa poczucie winy spowodowane wyrządzeniem krzywdy ofiarom swoich przestępstw. Najniższa skłonność do przeżywania winy oraz najwyższe tendencje do ignorowania ofiary i uruchamiania neutralizacji wystąpiła u osób zdemoralizowanych w wysokim stopniu.
The article presents the findings of the study on the feeling of guild among convicts who serve their sentence. We investigated the relation between the feeling of guilt and the level of demoralization. The study involved 298 male inmates, aged 18 to 64, who serve their sentence in different types and kinds of prisons. It was found that a significant proportion of convicts who serve their sentence experience the feeling of guilt for the harm caused to the victims of their crimes. The lowest propensity to experience guilt and the highest tendency to ignore the victim and start neutralization were manifest among individuals who show a high level of demoralization.
Profilaktyka Społeczna i Resocjalizacja; 2015, 27; 65-87
Pojawia się w:
Profilaktyka Społeczna i Resocjalizacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawnokarna ochrona wolności w wybranych państwach europejskich w ujęciu porównawczym, cz. I.
Kulik, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
crimes against freedom
illegal deprivation of freedom
human trafficking
stalking and impersonation
taking the image of a naked person
medical treatment without consent and violation of domestic peace
przestępstwa przeciwko wolności
pozbawienie wolności
handel ludźmi
stalking i podszywanie się
utrwalanie wizerunku nagiej osoby
zabieg leczniczy bez zgody i naruszenie miru domowego
The article is to discuss models of accountability for crimes against freedom in selected European countries in the continental system of criminal law. In turn discussed the system of offenses against freedom and then crimes of illegal deprivation of freedom, human trafficking, threat, stalking and impersonation, coercion, taking the image of a naked person, medical treatment without consent and violation of domestic peace in different countries. The whole discussion is an attempt to extract the model solutions.
Themis Polska Nova; 2015, 2(9); 26-56
Pojawia się w:
Themis Polska Nova
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Prawnoczłowiecze” spojrzenie na czynne prawo wyborcze
Human right dimension of the right to vote
Frydrych-Depka, Anna
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
czynne prawo wyborcze
pozbawienie praw wyborczych osób ubezwłasnowolnionych prawa wyborcze więźniów
prawa człowieka
kodeks wyborczy
right to vote
disenfranchisement of persons being incapacitated
prisoners voting rights
human rights
electoral code
Artykuł poświęcony jest zagadnieniu czynnego prawa wyborczego jako podstawowego prawa politycznego przysługującego w oparciu o przepisy i standardy prawa między¬naro¬dowego. Spojrzenie „prawnoczłowiecze” na prawo do głosowania przedstawione zostało w oparciu o dwa zagadnienia, ukazujące niewłaściwe wywiązywanie się Polski z ciążących na niej zobowiązań międzynarodowych. Pierwsze – kwestia pozbawienia prawa wyborczego osób ubezwłasnowolnionych – to problem najbardziej palący dla rodzimego ustawodawcy i ustrojodawcy. Drugie – zapewnienie prawa głosu osobom odbywającym karę pozbawienia wolności – ma wymiar bardziej praktyczny. Nie można bowiem poprzestać na nadaniu jednostce prawa udziału w głosowaniu w przepisach prawa np. rangi konstytucyjnej, ale należy przede wszystkim obudować je niezbędnymi gwarancjami korzystania z niego przez wszystkich uprawnionych. To bowiem nadaje mu w pełni realny „prawnoczłowieczy” wymiar.
The article discusses the issue of the right to vote as a basic political right expressed in rules and standards of international law. Right to vote as a crucial human right has been presented based on two examples, showing lack of or problematic compliance of Polish electoral law with international human rights law. As first is analyzed the question of disenfranchisement of persons being incapacitated – this is the most important dilemma for the domestic legislator. The second – implementation of the voting rights of persons held imprisonment – is more practical. For it is not enough to grant voting rights in the legal acts eg. in the constitution. It is essential to build the necessary guarantees, which allows to use it by all eligible voters. Only then we can say that right to cast a vote has an actual “human right” dimension.
Studia Wyborcze; 2016, XXI; 33-53
Pojawia się w:
Studia Wyborcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Glosa do uchwały Sądu Najwyższego z dnia 14 października 2015 roku – I KZP 7/15.
Gloss to the resolution of The Supreme Court of 14 October 2015 – file ref. No. I KZP 7/15
Słotwińska, Karolina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
criminal law
international law
deprivation of liberty
a crime against humanity
zbrodnia przeciwko ludzkości
prawo międzynarodowe
pozbawienie wolności
prawo karne
Podjęty w glosie problem dotyczy możliwości uznania za „zbrodnię przeciwko ludzkości” (a w konsekwencji również wyłączenia biegu przedawnienia karalności) czynu zabronionego, który nie spełnia ustawowych przesłanek wskazanych w art. 118a § 2 pkt 2 k.k. Na potrzeby przeprowadzonych analiz, nakreślono niezbędny kontekst związany z ustaleniem skutków niezgodności zachodzącej pomiędzy ratyfikowaną umową międzynarodową a ustawą karną.
Gloss to the resolution of the Supreme Court of 14 October 2015 of file ref. no. I KZP 7/15. Main problem of a gloss is the possibility of recognition for the „crime against humanity” and, as a result – the exclusion of the limitation period, of an offense that does not meet the statutory conditions laid down in art. 118a § 2 pt. 2 Polish Penal Code. Second problem is relations between the incompatibility of a ratified international agreement and criminal law.
Acta Iuris Stetinensis; 2016, 13, 1; 79-90
Pojawia się w:
Acta Iuris Stetinensis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawnokarna ochrona wolności w wybranych państwach europejskich w ujęciu porównawczym, cz. II.
Kulik, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
crimes against freedom
illegal deprivation of freedom
human trafficking
stalking and impersonation
taking the image of a naked person
medical treatment without consent and violation of domestic peace
przestępstwa przeciwko wolności
pozbawienie wolności
handel ludźmi
stalking i podszywanie się
utrwalanie wizerunku nagiej osoby
zabieg leczniczy bez zgody i naruszenie miru domowego
The article is to discuss models of accountability for crimes against freedom in selected European countries in the continental system of criminal law. In turn discussed the system of offenses against freedom and then crimes of illegal deprivation of freedom, human trafficking, threat, stalking and impersonation, coercion, taking the image of a naked person, medical treatment without consent and violation of domestic peace in different countries. The whole discussion is an attempt to extract the model solutions.
Themis Polska Nova; 2016, 1(10); 24-48
Pojawia się w:
Themis Polska Nova
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Genesis of the act amendment of 24 July 2015 depriving the municipal police of the authorization to use speed cameras
Geneza ustawy zmieniającej z 24 lipca 2015 r. pozbawiającej straże gminne uprawnień do używania fotoradarów
Gurdek, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Humanitas
municipal police
speed cameras
authorization to use speed cameras depriving the municipal
police of the rights to use speed cameras
the genesis of the amending act
straże gminne
uprawnienie do używania fotoradarów
pozbawienie straży gminnych uprawnień do używania fotoradarów geneza ustawy zmieniającej
For many years in the drivers’ environment there was a growing reluctance towards the municipal police’s authorization to perform road traffic inspections using recording devices. Also on the parliamentary ground, there were more and more votes supporting the deprivation of this formation of the rights to use the so-called speed cameras. As a result, by means of the Act amending the Road Traffic Act and the Act on Municipal Police dated 24 July 2015, the Sejm deprived the municipal police of their powers in this regard. The course of the adoption process of this Act was extremely interesting. That is why, in this paper, the author analyses the details of the legislative process, which ultimately aimed to adopt the title amendment.
Od wielu lat w środowisku kierowców narastała niechęć wobec posiadanego przez straże gminne uprawnienia do dokonywania kontroli ruchu drogowego przy użyciu urządzeń rejestrujących. Również na gruncie parlamentarnym coraz częściej pojawiały się głosy przemawiające za odebraniem tej formacji prawa do używania tzw. fotoradarów. W rezultacie doprowadzono do tego, że ustawą zmieniającą ustawę Prawo o ruchu drogowym oraz ustawę o strażach gminnych z dnia 24 lipca 2015 roku Sejm pozbawił straże gminne uprawnień w tym zakresie. Losy przyjęcia tej ustawy były niezwykle interesujące. Dlatego też autorka w niniejszym opracowaniu poddaje analizie szczegóły procesu legislacyjnego, zmierzającego w końcowym efekcie do przyjęcia tytułowej nowelizacji.
Roczniki Administracji i Prawa; 2017, 17/1; 145-163
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Administracji i Prawa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pozbawienie władzy rodzicielskiej w polskim porządku prawnym
Deprivation of parental authority in Polish legal order
Nowicka, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
pozbawienie władzy rodzicielskiej
deprivation of parental authority
The Family and Guardianship Code regulates the legal institutions of deprivation of parental authority. The subject of the article is therefore an analysis of this institution in the Polish legal order. It is a very important institution and is the most severe interference in a family’s life under Polish law, it is the most rigorous measure a court can apply to a parent who can not or does not want to exercise his parental authority appropriately. When resorting to such measures the courts should first of all act upon the principle of wellbeing of the child that amounts to one of the most precious values enshrined in the legal system.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2017, 28, 4; 15-28
Pojawia się w:
Ius Matrimoniale
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problems Connected With the Issue of Using Provocation as a Way to Expose Paedophilia Crimes
Sosik, Robert
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
inept preparation
unlawful seizure
civil seizure
citizen’s arrest
child seducing
przygotowanie nieudolne
bezprawne pozbawienie wolności
obywatelskie ujęcie
The number of citizen’s arrests on alleged paedophiles has recently distinctly increased. Those alleged paedophiles were establishing an on-line contact with adult provocateurs and were trying to meet them in sexual aim, whilst they were having a mistaken belief that their interlocutor was underaged. Civil provocations are not entirely described by the criminal code in force, hence using them entails legal consequences if certain rules of behaviour are violated. Therefore, it seems that it is necessary to introduce changes to the criminal code, prohibiting any form of provocation, including the institution of passive provocation, undefined by the current criminal code. Additionally, in the present thesis I attempt to prove that the victim of an adult provocateur, i.e. the alleged paedophile, in the course of the provocation, does not commit any legally forbidden activity.
W ostatnim czasie coraz bardziej popularne stały się „obywatelskie ujęcia” rzekomych pedofili, którzy za pośrednictwem internetowych komunikatorów umawiali się z prowokatorami na spotkania w celach seksualnych, będąc błędnie przekonanymi o fakcie rozmowy z osobą nieletnią. Prowokacje obywatelskie nie są wyraźnie określone w obowiązującym prawie karnym, a ich stosowanie rodzi niebezpieczeństwo wykroczenia poza prawnie dopuszczalne ramy zachowań. W związku z tym wydaje się zachodzić konieczność wprowadzenia zmian do art. 24 Kodeksu karnego dotyczących zakazu stosowania wszelkich form prowokacji, w tym niepenalizowanej obecnie prowokacji pasywnej. Ponadto w niniejszym artykule wykażę, że ofiara dorosłego prowokatora (czyli domniemany pedofil) w toku prowokacji nie popełnia żadnego czynu zagrożonego pod groźbą kary obecnie obowiązującej ustawy.
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia; 2017, 26, 4
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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