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Cochlearia polonica Frohl. (Brassicaceae), a narrow endemic species of southern Poland: history of conservation efforts, overview of current population resources and genetic structure of populations
Cieslak, E.
Kazmierczakowa, R.
Ronikier, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
Cochlearia polonica
endemic species
Southern Poland
conservation effort
current population
population resource
genetic structure
genetic variation
population structure
Cochlearia polonica Fröhl. (Brassicaceae) is one of the rarest species in the Polish and European flora and a taxon endemic to a very small area in southern Poland. Due to industrial activities and subsequent transformation of habitats it was extinct in all natural localities around 1994. The persistence of the species was ensured thanks to the active protection efforts including a series of transplantations based on the material from the last and decreasing natural population. The history of conservation efforts of C. polonica provides a model example of successful active protection in the European flora. Here, we provide a complete review comprising the following aims: (i) outline of the discovery and taxonomic conceptions on C. polonica, (ii) review of conservation efforts aimed at preserving its populations, (iii) description of the existing population resources, and (iv) analysis of the genetic structure of all existing populations based on previously published data and new, supplementary results.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2010, 79, 3
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Changes in share of Trisetum sibiricum in Gutowo Meadows (Urszulewo Plain) in 2000-2013
Gawenda-Kempczynska, D.
Zaluski, T.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
Trisetum sibiricum
Siberian oat grass
plant community
Scheuchzerio-Caricetea nigrae class
Phragmitetea australis class
Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class
Artemisietea vulgaris class
Alnetea glutinosae class
Querco-Fagetea class
Bidentetea tripartiti class
population resource
meadow vegetation
phytocoenotic preference
moisture change
Gorzno-Lidzbark Landscape Park
This paper presents results of abundance field research, distribution and habitat and phytocoenotic preferences of Trisetum sibiricum on the Gutowo Meadows (Urszulewo Plain, NE Poland), in a locality outside the continuous range of distribution. The species grown in wet, not used meadows, in places overflooded by beavers, partially afforested. The research was carried out in 2013 and the results were compared with analogical data from 2000–2002. Currently a higher abundance of species (circa 1600 tufts), a larger area of the locality (circa 2.5 ha), larger phytosociological spectrum and a larger share of hygrophilous species in species composition of the examined phytocoenoses was revealed. In 2013 a share of Trisetum sibiricum was noted in 12 plant communities from seven classes (Phragmitetea australis, Scheuchzerio-Caricetea nigrae, Bidentetea tripartiti, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Artemisietea vulgaris, Alnetea glutinosae and Querco-Fagetea), and in 2000–2002 – only in seven plant communities from three classes (Scheuchzerio-Caricetea nigrae, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea and Artemisietea vulgaris). Formerly the species was listed mainly in phytocoenoses of Angelico-Cirsietum oleracei and currently most often in phytocoenoses of Junco-Molinietum.
Steciana; 2014, 18, 4
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Genetic diversity of postglacial relict shrub Betula nana revealed by RAPD analysis
Dabrowska, G
Dzialuk, A.
Burnicka, O.
Ejankowski, W.
Gugnacka-Fiedor, W.
Goc, A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Dendrologii PAN
Betula nana
genetic diversity
genetic resource
population genetics
postglacial relict shrub
random amplified polymorphic DNA
A sample of Betula nana from the Linie reserve near Dąbrowa Chełmińska, have been fingerprinted using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). The high level of genetic variation was detected. All individuals had unique genotypes, supporting the generally high resolving power of RAPD’s. For the conservation strategy, information about the distribution of the genetic variation within and among populations plays very important role. Thus, extensive study in other populations of dwarf birch is needed.
Dendrobiology; 2006, 55; 19-23
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmienność osobnicza a dynamika metapopulacji: model osobniczy
Individual variability and dynamics of metapopulation: individual-based model
Uchmański, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
modele osobnicze
konkurencja wewnątrzgatunkowa
podział zasobów
wymieranie populacji
individual-based model
intraspecific competition
resource partitioning
population extinction
The individual-based model is presented for describing the dynamics of metapopulations. The model of the local population describes the dynamics of the population with non-overlapping generations. The growth of the individuals is followed in every generation. The growth rate of individuals is affected by the level of resources. The individuals compete for these resources, which are therefore not evenly distributed among the individuals. The persistence of a local population in which the individuals could not disperse was compared to the persistence of the metapopulation. Metapopulation models differed in the conditions under which individuals disperse. In some versions of the model the individuals that dispersed were the weaker individuals in the local population - they dispersed because they could not acquire any resources in the original local habitat, or because they could not acquire enough resources to reproduce. In another version, the individuals that dispersed were the stronger individuals. They migrated immediately before the extinction of the local population. In the last version of the model, the dispersing individuals were selected at random. The model showed that the reason for which the individuals dispersed affected the persistence of the metapopulation. In contrast to classic models, one cannot assume that dispersion could be adequately described in terms of the diffusion equation. The effect of the reproduction rate and the variability of the individuals in the population on the persistence of different version of the metapopulation model was also analyzed.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2011, 9, 3; 47-84
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Diagnosing the reasons for economic inactivity in the Polish population
Diagnoza przyczyn bierności zawodowej Polaków
Radziukiewicz, M.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
Polish population
economic inactivity
employed person
economically inactive person
occupational activity
demographic condition
labour resource
statistical data
disability reason
Subject and purpose of work: This paper deals with the issues of occupational activation of economically inactive persons. Its objective is to provide the reader with an outline of labour market problems and the situation of the economically inactive population*. Persons who qualify neither as employed or as unemployed potentially constitute an untapped labour potential. The focus in this paper is on economically inactive persons and the reasons they do not seek employment, in order to better understand, first, the causes behind such a low occupational activity and, second, the possible remedial measures. In view of the urgent need for reintegrating persons outside the labour force with the labour market, it appears of utmost importance to identify the reasons for their situation. The fact that nearly 5.02 million working-age Poles remain economically inactive (accounting for nearly 22.0% of the whole working-age population) indicates how huge their potential may be. Special attention will be paid to groups of potential workers who have barely marked their presence on the labour market. One such group is formed by over 2.35 million individuals who are outside the labour market for reasons unrelated to health or retirement age. Materials and methods: The analysis is based on the annual and quarterly Labour Force Survey (LFS) data provided by Statistics Poland, and data originating from the Local Data Bank. To facilitate a wider discussion, the statistical data presented in the article cover a multi-annual perspective. This information is supplemented with research results obtained by other authors. Use is made of different methods of data analysis, including a descriptive analysis – to determine the underlying figures regarding the number of economically inactive persons; a dynamics analysis – to identify changes that occurred in 2006-2019 in the figures determined in the descriptive analysis; and a comparative analysis – to assess trends regarding economically inactive persons by comparing selected data with those that have been recently recorded in other EU countries. Results: The scale of economic inactivity in 2016-2019 is assessed on the basis of statistical data presented in tables and figures regarding economically inactive persons by the most common reason for inactivity. The analytical part of this paper features thematic blocks/detailed analyses of the demographic situation, the level and breakdown of economically inactive persons, and changes in their numbers that have taken place in recent years. Conclusions: The constantly declining working-age population, coupled with the low level of occupational activity in some age groups, should encourage decision-makers to design adequate labour market policies/programmes to support the occupational activity of Poles. Labour supply improvements
Przedmiot i cel pracy: Artykuł podejmuje problematykę aktywizacji zawodowej osób biernych zawodowo. Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie czytelnikom interesującym się problematyką rynku pracy sytuacji osób biernych zawodowo*. Osoby te – nie zakwalifikowane jako pracujące i bezrobotne – stanowią potencjalne, niewykorzystane źródło podaży pracy. Aby zrozumieć, dlaczego mamy tak niską aktywność zawodową i ewentualnie – co można byłoby z tym począć – przyjrzymy się osobom biernym zawodowo i zanalizujemy przyczyny niepodejmowania przez nich pracy. Rozpoznanie przyczyn jest istotne z uwagi na pilną konieczność reintegracji na rynku pracy osób pozostających poza siłą roboczą. Jak wielki jest to potencjał świadczy fakt, iż niemal 5,02 miliona Polaków w wieku produkcyjnym jest biernych zawodowo (blisko 22,0% osób w wieku produkcyjnym). Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na grupy potencjalnych pracowników obecnie mało obecnych na rynku pracy. Taką grupę bez wątpienia stanowią osoby w liczbie ponad 2,35 mln pozostające poza rynkiem pracy z innych powodów niż zdrowie czy wejście w wiek emerytalny. Materiały i metody: Podstawę analizy stanowią roczne i kwartalne dane GUS z BAEL oraz Banku Danych Lokalnych. W celu szerszego omówienia problematyki dane statystyczne przytoczone w niniejszym artykule obejmują kilkuletnią perspektywę. Uzupełnieniem tych informacji są wyniki badań innych autorów. Zastosowanie znajdą różne rodzaje analiz danych: - analiza opisowa, która pozwoli ustalić podstawowe wielkości w zakresie liczby biernych zawodowo; - analiza dynamiki pozwoli zidentyfikować zmiany w zakresie wielkości ustalonych w analizie opisowej w okresie 2006-2019; - analiza porównawcza polegać będzie na ocenie kształtowania się zakresu osób biernych zawodowo poprzez odniesienie wybranych danych do wartości notowanych w ostatnim okresie w krajach UE. Wyniki: Dane statystyczne zawarte w tabelach i ilustrowane na rysunkach pozwalają na ocenę skali zjawiska na przestrzeni lat 2016-2019. Zestawienia dotyczą biernych zawodowo wyodrębnionych według najczęściej występujących przyczyn niepodejmowania pracy. Część analityczna artykułu składa się z bloków tematycznych/szczegółowych analiz dotyczących: sytuacji demograficznej, poziomu i struktury osób biernych zawodowo oraz zmian ich liczebności na przestrzeni ostatnich lat. Wnioski: Zmniejszająca się liczba ludności w wieku produkcyjnym, niski poziom aktywności zawodowej w niektórych grupach wieku powinna skłaniać decydentów do właściwego doboru polityk/programów rynku pracy wspomagających aktywność zawodową Polaków. Poprawę w zakresie podaży pracy należy upatrywać głównie w aktywizacji zawodowej osób biernych zawodowo oraz wydłużaniu okresu aktywności zawodowej.
Economic and Regional Studies; 2020, 13, 1; 15-32
Pojawia się w:
Economic and Regional Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ukraińskie zasoby wojskowo-mobilizacyjne w Galicji Wschodniej: skład liczebny, wiekowy i narodowościowy (1918)
Ukrainian Military Mobilization Resource in Eastern Galicia: Numerical, Age and National Composition (1918)
Украинский военно-мобилизационный ресурс в Восточной Галиции: численный, возрастной и национальный состав (1918)
Liaskovych, Roman
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Eastern Galicia
national composition of the population
military mobilization
male Ukrainians.
Восточная Галиция
национальный состав населения
военно-мобилизационный ресурс
In the article, based on published statistical publications, the works of Polish and Ukrainian historians, the author aimed to find out the demographic opportunities of the Ukrainian ethnithity of Eastern Galicia to fill the WUNR Armed Forces with sufficient personnel. Based on this and the nature of the sources, the religious (national), age, gender composition of the population of the entire Halych region have been analyzed, which made it possible to approximate the number and share of Ukrainians in the total population of the region before the outbreak of the world war. The calculated figure was adjusted as of 1918 according to objective, in our opinion, data around the natural and mechanical movement of the population and the imperial military mobilization campaigns during the Great War, used in various historical studies. At the same time, Ukrainian physical losses in the fields, the number of the wounded and imprisoned were taken into account to better understand the male demographic potential that could be used during military construction. Thus, the maximum indication of the possible number of human resources (not taking into account the state of health) in the Galician army was established, which is important for understanding the process of creation of military forces of Ukrainians at the end of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and at the beginning of its own state-building.
В статье, на основе опубликованных статистических изданий, трудов польских и украинских историков, автор поставил цель выяснить демографические возможности украинского этноса Восточной Галиции для наполнения достаточным личным составом Вооруженных Сил ЗУНР. Исходя из этого и характера источников, были проанализированы религиозный (национальный), возрастной, половой состав населения всего Галицкого края, что позволило приближенно установить численность и удельный вес украинцев в общем составе населения региона к началу мирового военного конфликта. Вычисленный показатель был откоректирован по состоянию на 1918 г. в соответствии с объективными, по нашему мнению, данными о естественном и механическом движении населения и имперских военно-мобилизационных кампаний в ходе Великой войны, использованных в различных исторических исследованиях. При этом для более полного понимания мужского демографического потенциала, который можно было использовать во время военного строительства, были учтены украинские физические потери в боях, количество раненых и пленных. Таким образом установлен максимальный показатель возможного наполнения Галицкой армии человеческим ресурсом (без учета состояния здоровья), что имеет немаловажное значение для понимания процесса создания военных сил украинцев в конце существования Австро-Венгерской империи и в начале собственного создания государства.
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia; 2020, 3(26); 81-92
Pojawia się w:
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gene conservation and breeding programmes for Picea abies in Lithuania: present-day achievements
Danusevicius, J
Gabrilavicius, R.
Danusevicius, D.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Dendrologii PAN
international conference
forest ecosystem
plant breeding
Norway spruce
Picea abies
breeding programme
gene conservation
genetic resource
plant population
At present, Norway spruce stands occupy 22% of the total forest area in Lithuania. Most of them are located in the northeastern highland (Žemaitija) and the central part of the country. 25% of the spruce-dominated stands are pure, the rest are mixed. Natural calamities like storms, droughts, and pests cause substantial damage and occur quite frequently. About 40 thousand ha of stands are cut after each storm. The mean wood yield of the spruce stands is 304 m3 ha-1, and the current annual increment is 6.2 m3 ha-1. The climatic conditions of Lithuania are variable enough to cause differentiation of habitats. For Norway spruce, 6 provenance regions have been established. The national gene conservation programme is based on (a) in situ genetic reserves, seed collection stands, and selected genotypes, and (b) ex situ clonal archives, seed orchards, experimental plantations, and gene bank collections. The present-day breeding of Norway spruce comprises family tests of populations for individual and population selection, and plans for inter-population hybrids. A strategy for Norway spruce breeding has been approved for the years 2004-2013. There is a genetically diverse material for future breeding: long-distance provenance tests, and population and family tests. Assessments of two provenance tests (aged 9 and 17 years) in central Lithuania revealed superior performance of central and northeastern Polish provenances: superior height, good stem quality, and late bud-burst in spring. This may be attributed to the favourable effect of transfer: avoidance of spring frosts (late bud-burst and good stem quality), and utilisation of the later part of the growing period for growth (late bud-set and superior height). Norway spruce is a climax species with different domestic and Darwinian fitness. Therefore, we suggest that the domestic fitness of local genotypes may be improved by introducing a few Polish clones in Lithuanian breeding populations.
Dendrobiology; 2009, 61 Supplement
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Research on the variability of Picea abies in Poland: genetic and breeding value of spruce populations in the Polish range of the species
Sabor, J
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Dendrologii PAN
international conference
forest ecosystem
plant breeding
Norway spruce
Picea abies
plant population
provenance test
intrapopulation variability
genetic resource
genetic value
breeding value
gene bank
The work outlines the directions in the past and present research into the variability of Norway spruce in Poland, and presents the results of provenance experiments concerning the genetic and breeding value of provenances tested in the Polish range of spruce distribution. The Istebna race proved to have a good value, however, so far only the progeny of single stands have been tested. It is thus necessary to determine the range of distribution for this race. The altitude of the location of mother stands significantly correlates with the genetic and breeding value of their progeny cultivated at different altitudes. This suggests that the altitude and exposure of plantations to be established in mountain forest belts should be specified for individual provenances (altitudinal zoning). New inventory provenance tests should be run under varied site conditions to assess both the genetic value and plasticity range of the provenances. In view of the biotic and abiotic threats facing spruce, there is a need to work out detailed programmes designed to preserve its genetic resources in gene banks and in vivo archives.
Dendrobiology; 2009, 61 Supplement
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Morphological and genetic diversity of European cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccos L., Ericaceae) clones in Lithuanian reserves
Cesoniene, L.
Daubaras, R.
Paulauskas, A.
Zukauskiene, J.
Zych, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
morphological diversity
genetic diversity
European cranberry
small cranberry zob.European cranberry
bog cranberry zob.European cranberry
swamp cranberry zob.European cranberry
Vaccinium oxycoccos
genetic resource
peat bog
plant population
random amplified polymorphic DNA
The wild-harvested fruit of Vaccinium oxycoccos (European cranberry) is used medicinally in many European and North American countries; the plant, however, is seldom cultivated. In order to optimize the collection strategy and improve the horticulturally important characters of V. oxycoccos clones, comprehensive investigations of the species are necessary. In the present study we investigated the phenological, morphological and genetic diversity of 29 clones originating from two wild populations growing in two strictly protected Lithuanian reserves, Čepkeliai and Žuvintas. During an ex situ collection at Kaunas Botanical Garden, we observed great phenological variation between the collected V. oxycoccos clones. The following morphological traits most clearly distinguished our study clones: leaf size, berry shape, berry size and fruit colour at full maturity. The genetic variation of V. oxycoccos clones from the two populations was assessed using RAPD and SSR. RAPD analysis conducted with 9 primers resulted in 146 polymorphic loci for the total sample, and SSR analysis with 5 primers revealed 29 alleles for the total sample. A greater degree of polymorphism was demonstrated for the Čepkeliai population than for the Žuvintas population. The study allowed the selection of several clones having promising morphological traits for further testing in the field.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2013, 82, 3
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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