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Badania przepuszczalności gruntów piaszczystych dla typowych zanieczyszczeń ropopochodnych
Research permeability on sandy grounds for typical petroleum pollutants
Mikołajków, J.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
zanieczyszczenia ropopochodne
transport zanieczyszczeń
petroleum pollution
pollution transport
Percolation parameters of petroleum distillation products (diesel oil and petrol) in fine, medium and coarse sands were measured. The results are compared to water permeability coefficients. The petrol permeability coefficient is 2–3 times higher than for water and the most meaningful differences were found for fine sands. The permeability coefficient of diesel oil is 2–5 times lower than the same parameter for water, and the most significant difference was noted for coarse sands.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2006, 54, 11; 993-995
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola zawiesin w transporcie metali ciężkich w wodach powierzchniowych na przykładzie Kłodnicy
The role of suspended solids in the transport of heavy metals in surface water, exemplified by the Klodnica River (Upper Silesia)
Barbusiński, K.
Nocoń, W.
Nocoń, K.
Kernert, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Zrzeszenie Inżynierów i Techników Sanitarnych
woda rzeczna
osady denne
metale ciężkie
transport zanieczyszczeń
river water
suspended solids
bottom sediments
heavy metals
pollution transport
Przedstawiono wyniki badań zawartości jonów wybranych metali ciężkich (Zn, Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Mn i Fe) w zawiesinach zawartych w wodzie powierzchniowej, na przykładzie Kłodnicy (Górny Śląsk). Próbki wody z zawiesinami pobrano w 8 punktach zlokalizowanych wzdłuż całej długości rzeki. Uzyskane wyniki badań interpretowano zgodnie z niemiecką klasyfikacją LAWA. Stwierdzono korelację pomiędzy zawartością jonów badanych metali ciężkich a zawartością żelaza w zawiesinach. Stwierdzono również, że zawartość metali w zawiesinach obecnych w wodzie z Kłodnicy była mniejsza niż w zawiesinach w Odrze i jej dopływach. Wykazano trównież, że zawartość jonów metali ciężkich w zawiesinach była kilkakrotnie większa niż w osadach dennych, co świadczyło o istotnej roli zawiesin w procesie przemieszczania się zanieczyszczeń wraz z biegiem rzeki. Duże zmiany zawartości jonów metali ciężkich w zawiesinach, obserwowane zarówno w trakcie prowadzenia badań, jak i wynikające z danych literaturowych, wskazują na celowość prowadzenia badań nad dynamiką tych zmian.
Concentrations were measured of eight heavy metals (Zn, Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Mn, Fe) found in the suspended solids of surface water. The Klodnica River was chosen as an example to demonstrate the role of suspended solids in heavy metal transport. Water samples containing suspended solids were collected at eight points located along the entire length of the river. The results were interpreted using the German classification LAWA. A correlation was found to occur between the heavy metal ion content and the iron content of the suspended solids. Comparative analysis has demonstrated that the heavy metal content of suspended solids was lower in the Klodnica than in the Odra River and its tributaries. Analysis of the results has also revealed that the heavy metal ion content of suspended solids was several times that of the bottom sediments. This substantiates the significant role of suspended solids in the transport of pollutants down the river. Considerable changes in the heavy metal ion content of suspended solids (not only observed during this study but also reported in the literature) corroborate the need of investigating the dynamics of these changes.
Ochrona Środowiska; 2012, 34, 2; 33-38
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena przestrzennego rozkładu dwutlenku azotu na obszarze Bielska-Białej
An assessment of aspatial distribution of nitrogen dioxide in Bielsko-Biała region
Kozak, J.
Suryło, P.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
zanieczyszczenie atmosfery
dwutlenek azotu
zanieczyszczenia komunikacyjne
nitrogen dioxide
transport pollution
Praca ma na celu określenie rozkładu przestrzennego dwutlenku azotu na terenie Bielska-Białej. Badania przeprowadzono w okresie zimowym (luty 2011 r.) wykonując pomiary japońską metodą Amaya-Sugiura w modyfikacji D. Krochmala i L. Górskiego (PN-98 Z-04092/08) z pasywnym pobieraniem próbek. Uzyskane wyniki opracowano graficznie w formie rozkładów przestrzennych, wskazujących na obszary o dużym zagrożeniu wysokimi stężeniami NO2 w imisji.
The aim of the work is to determine a spatial distribution of sulphate dioxide in Bielsko-Biała area. Research was carried out in february of 2011. Experiments were conducted using Amaya-Sugiura method that was modified by D. Krochmal and L. Górski (PN-98 Z-04092/08). The results obtained were graphically represented as spatial maps of regions where concentrations of NO2 were high.
Inżynieria Ekologiczna; 2013, 33; 61-66
Pojawia się w:
Inżynieria Ekologiczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Akumulacja metali ciężkich w runi trawiastej rosnącej w sąsiedztwie głównych arterii komunikacyjnych Lublina
Accumulation of heavy metals in plants from areas in the vicinity of the main thoroughfares of Lublin
Plak, A.
Bartmiński, P.
Lata, L.
Dębicki, R.
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej
metale ciężkie
zanieczyszczenia komunikacyjne
heavy metals
transport pollution
Tereny miejskie, a w szczególności zlokalizowane w sąsiedztwie ulic o największym natężeniu ruchu, są obszarami, na których mamy najwyższą formę degradacji środowiska przyrodniczego. Jednym ze znaczących przejawów tych procesów jest kumulacja metali ciężkich w wierzchnich warstwach profili glebowych oraz roślinach tam rosnących. Celem pracy była ocena stopnia zanieczyszczenia metalami ciężkimi Cu, Cd, Cr, Pb i Zn runi trawiastej pobranej z wybranych ciągów komunikacyjnych Lublina. Próbki roślinne pobrano z 18 stanowisk, zróżnicowanych zgodnie z założonymi celami badawczymi. W każdym z miejsc pobrano 2 reprezentatywne próbki (20÷30) cm od krawędzi jezdni i w odległości 2 m. Koncentracja metali ciężkich w badanych roślinach była zróżnicowana; stwierdzono znaczący wpływ zawartości metali ciężkich oznaczonych w glebach na ich koncentrację w runi trawiastej pobranej z wybranych ciągów komunikacyjnych Lublina.
Urban areas, in particular, located in the vicinity of streets with the highest traffic areas, are areas where we have the highest form of environmental degradation. One significant manifestation of these processes is the accumulation of heavy metals in the upper layers of soil profiles and the plants growing there. In areas where there is a high traffic is observed not only significant concentration of carbon oxides, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, hydrocarbons, soot but also heavy metals. Therefore, there is a need to assess the content of heavy metals in soil, which was the subject of previous research and their contents in plants. The aim of this study was to assess the degree of contamination with heavy metals Cu, Cd, Cr, Pb and Zn of grass sward taken from selected routes of Lublin. Plant samples were collected from 18 sites, varying in accordance with the objectives of research. In each position, two representative samples were collected (20÷30 cm and 2 m from the edge of the carriageway). The plant material was mineralized using aqua regia, the heavy metals content was determined using the AAS technique spectrometer Perkin Elmer 3300 AAS. The concentration of heavy metals in the studied plants was varied and ranged for Cu (13.72÷80.92) mg/kg, Cd (0.94÷2.01) mg/kg, Cr (1.07÷56.04) mg/kg, Pb (4.44÷133.4) mg/kg, Zn (44.85÷254.6) mg/kg. It was found that heavy metals in soils significantly influenced their concentration in the grass sward taken from the selected routes of Lublin.
Proceedings of ECOpole; 2012, 6, 1; 261-265
Pojawia się w:
Proceedings of ECOpole
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena zagrożenia wód podziemnych terenów wodonośnych Wrocławia jonami niklu i potasu w świetle badań modelowych
Risk assessment of Wrocław water-bearing area groundwater by nickel and potassium ions in the light of model studies
Modelska, Magdalena
Wcisło, Marek
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
modelowanie migracji zanieczyszczeń
wody podziemne
tereny wodonośne
pollution transport modelling
water-bearing area
Celem prezentowanych badań była ocena zagrożenia ze strony intensywnie zagospodarowanych przemysłowo i rolniczo obszarów Wrocławia dla wód podziemnych sąsiadujących z nimi terenów wodonośnych. Na skutek przeprowadzonych prac terenowych i laboratoryjnych zdiagnozowano potencjalne ryzyko związane z napływem wód o podwyższonych stężeniach jonów niklu i potasu. Dla metali tych wykonano model migracji masy w wodach podziemnych. Obejmował on okres 10 lat, zakładając charakter zanieczyszczenia incydentalny – niklem i ciągły – potasem, na obszarach poza terenami wodonośnymi. W wyniku prac modelowych wykazano, że w badanym okresie nie dojdzie do przemieszczenia się jonów niklu w kierunku terenów wodonośnych. Możliwa jest nawet redukcja stężeń tego metalu na skutek procesu sorpcji. W toku prac modelowych stwierdzono możliwość niewielkiego zwiększenia stężeń oraz migracji jonów potasu, szczególnie z sąsiadującego z terenami wodonośnymi cieku Zielona, nie stanowi ona jednak zagrożenia dla ujęć terenów wodonośnych Wrocławia.
The aim of this study was to risk assessment from the intensely developed industrial and agricultural areas of Wroclaw for groundwater of neighboring water-bearing area. As a result of field and laboratory work, a potential risk connected with the inflow of waters with increased concentrations of nickel and potassium ions was diagnosed. For these metals mass transport model in groundwater was performed. It covered a period of 10 years assuming the incidental nature of nickel contamination and continuous potassium pollution. As a result of modeling works, it was shown that in the studied period there will be no transport of nickel ions in the aquifer towards waterbearing area. It is even possible to reduce the concentrations of this metal due to the sorption process. During the modeling was identified also possible increase of concentration and migration of potassium ions, especially from the Zielona stream, however, it is not a threat to the water intakes of Wrocław.
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego; 2019, Hydrogeologia z. 16; 161--167
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biogas as vehicle fuel
Papacz, W.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
road transport
air pollution
There is growing interest in the use of biogas as a fuel for transport applications. Some of the drivers behind this are the increasing regulation and taxes on waste disposal, an increasing need for renewable fuel sources, the EC’s Biofuels Directive, the proposed Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO), measures to improve local air quality and the need for clean transport fuels in urban areas. The aim of this paper is to present the potential role of biogas as a transport fuel. Biogas is produced from the process of anaerobic digestion of wet organic waste, such as cattle and pig slurries, food wastes and grown wet biomass. To be used as a transport fuel biogas has to be upgraded to at least 95% methane by volume and it can then be used in vehicles originally modified to operate on natural gas. Biogas fuelled vehicles can reduce CO2 emissions by between 75% and 200% compared with fossil fuels. The higher figure is for liquid manure as a feedstock and shows a negative carbon dioxide contribution which arises because liquid manure left untreated generates methane emissions, which are 21 times more powerful as a greenhouse gas than CO2. Hence there is a double benefit by reducing fossil emissions from burning diesel and reducing methane emissions from waste manure; Biogas will give lower exhaust emissions than fossil fuels, and so help to improve local air quality. The paper sets out the resource that is available for producing biogas, together with the basic details of production technology. It goes on to explore how this gas can be used in vehicles, describing the basic technology requirements. The energy data and the costs of producing on biogas as a transport fuel are presented.
Journal of KONES; 2011, 18, 1; 403-410
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The proposed methodology for analysis of ecological problems concerning the technical infrastructure of motor transport
Proponowana metodyka analizy problemow ekologicznych w zapleczu technicznym transportu samochodowego
Zielinska, E.
Leja, K.
Data publikacji:
Komisja Motoryzacji i Energetyki Rolnictwa
technical infrastructure
motor transport
ecological problem
taxonomic method
internal combustion transport
air pollution
atmosphere pollution
soil pollution
water pollution
Teka Komisji Motoryzacji i Energetyki Rolnictwa; 2011, 11
Pojawia się w:
Teka Komisji Motoryzacji i Energetyki Rolnictwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ zanieczyszczeń komunikacyjnych na glebę i uprawną roślinność przydrożną
Influence of transport pollution on soil and cultivated vegetation of the wayside
Sławiński, J.
Gołąbek, E.
Senderak, G
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
zanieczyszczenia komunikacyjne
zanieczyszczenia glebowe
zdrowotność roślin uprawnych
ocena jakości siedliska
transport drogowy
transport pollution
contamination of soil
health of cultivated plants
assessment of habitat quality
road transport
Celem pracy było rozpoznanie wpływu zanieczyszczeń komunikacyjnych na glebę i roślinność uprawnianą przy pasie drogowym. Zanieczyszczenia te, to nie tylko spaliny, ale również pyły powstające w wyniku tarcia opon o nawierzchnie drogi, płyny wyciekające z nieszczelnych instalacji oraz śmieci wyrzucane przez kierowców w trakcie jazdy. Roślina bytująca w takim środowisku, jest narażona na liczne stresy i uszkodzenia. Główną przyczyną wpływającą niekorzystnie na rozwój roślin, a nawet powodującą ich śmierć, jest potęgujące się stale zanieczyszczenie powietrza, zwłaszcza w rejonach śródmiejskich jak i wzdłuż obciążonych tras komunikacyjnych. Na skutek używania soli do zwalczania gołoledzi, narażamy glebę na skażenie, co wpływa na rozwój roślin a także zmniejsza kwasowość gleby. Na wielu takich terenach zatrucie przekracza normy wytrzymałości roślin, będąc podstawową przyczyną chorób a także masowego zamierania. Obiektem badań była kukurydza oraz jej siedlisko uprawy. Do celów analiz z pola zlokalizowanego w miejscowości Kośmidry pobrano próby glebowe, w których oznaczono: pH, zasolenie, zawartość węgla organicznego i poziomy metali ciężkich. W łanie kukurydzy obserwowano obecność czynników bio- i abiotycznych, wpływających na stan zdrowotny roślin oraz poziom zachwaszczenia.
The aim of the paper was identification of the impact of transport pollution on soil and vegetation grown in roadside soil. These pollutants are not only exhaust fumes but also dust generated by the friction of tires on road surface, fluids leaking from leaky installations and trash thrown by drivers while driving. The plant living in this environment is exposed to various stresses and damage. The main reason negatively affecting plant growth and even causing their death, is constantly increasing air pollution, especially in downtown areas and along busy roads. As a result of the use of salt for deicing, we risk contamination of the soil, resulting in poor plant growth and reduction in soil acidity. In many of these areas contamination exceeds the standards of plant resistance, being the basic cause of diseases and mass dying. The object of the study was corn and its habitat of cultivation. For the purposes of analyses soil samples were collected in the field located in the village of Kośmidry, and the following determination were carried out: pH, salinity, organic carbon content and levels of heavy metals. In the cornfield of the maize the presence of bio-and abiotic factors was noted affecting the health status of plants and the level of weed growth.
Inżynieria Ekologiczna; 2014, 40; 137-144
Pojawia się w:
Inżynieria Ekologiczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lowering of exhaust emission in modern two - stroke engine
Mitianiec, W.
Rodak, Ł.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
combustion engines
air pollution
In the article the results of experimental tests carried out on the modified SI two-stroke experimental combustion engine with direct fuel injection system and the prototype of the oxidizing catalytic converter are presented. Volumetric exhaust emissions of the most important chemical components are many times smaller than standard limits of gaseous emissions given by EU directive for the new stationary engines applied in non-road vehicles and machines Spark ignition two-stroke engine fitted with a catalytic reactor is characterized by high temperature of exhaust gases, which the energy may be used in cogeneration systems. The paper presents the test stand, volumetric concentration of the main components of exhaust gases, results of converted emissions and fuel consumption as a function of air excess coefficient at chosen rotational speeds together with the assessment of the test results. There is decreasing of CO and HC emission during increasing of air excess coefficient and a strong increase of CO2 behind the catalytic converter. Application of catalytic converter in the outflow system together with direct fuel injection of the tested two-stroke engine enables to achieve values of exhaust emission of main toxic chemical components close to automobile four stroke engines. The paper presents also the comparison of exhaust gas emission of this engine with other engines equipped with different fuelling systems. Presented work is the successor of a wide range of research work in the field of development of modern two-stroke engines carried out in the Cracow University of Technology.
Journal of KONES; 2012, 19, 2; 337-344
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analysis of measurement errors of cvs method used for tests of pollutant emissions from light-duty vehicles
Majerczyk, A.
Radzimirski, S.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
road transport
combustion engines
air pollution
environmental protection
The test procedure for the pollutant emissions from light-duty vehicles is currently under verification carried out at the international level. For this purpose, GRPE (Groupe des rapporteurs sur la pollution et energie) – the body developing UNECE regulations proposals - has set up a task group WLTP (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure) which is supposed to prepare a new GTR (Global Technical Regulation) relating to this procedure. The development of light-duty vehicles, leading to the reduction of pollutants emissions, caused the increase of the requirements for their test procedure. A large number of factors associated, inter alia, with the test equipment affects its accuracy, repeatability and reproducibility. In the ongoing analysis attention is paid even to factors, which affect test results in a relatively small way, and which have been overlooked yet. One of the problems to which attention is paid is the impact of pollutant concentration in the dilution air in the CVS (constant volume sampler) system on test results. The CVS principle is accepted as the standard method to determine light-duty vehicle exhaust emissions on chassis dynamometer test cells worldwide. It was introduced in the early 1970s. One of its drawbacks is that it introduces an error resulting from the fact that the contractual DF dilution factor, rather than the actual dilution ratio DR, is used for the correction of concentration measurement results. The article discusses this error for different type of engines used in light-duty vehicles and different pollutants subject to measurements.
Journal of KONES; 2013, 20, 4; 253-259
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Projections of future use of electric cars
Gis, W.
Waśkiewicz, J.
Gis, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
road transport
combustion engines
air pollution
environmental protection
In the article, reference was made to the mandatory now research hybrid and electric cars, and to the current state of the fleet of cars in the country and among others in the European Union. Reference was made also to the existing charging infrastructure for electric cars. Presents forecast of development of these last cars in Poland and Germany in the perspective of 2020-2030 year, presenting the achievements of the European project eMAP (electromobility-based scenario Market potential, Assessment and Policy options) in this area. An evaluation of the capability of the future of automotive industrial development of e-mobility. Attention was drawn to the traction battery and fuel cell system in electric vehicles. An analysis of the necessary policy options required for the development of electric cars. Among the recent policy options include an issues: research & development technology (strategic alliances, cooperations and consortia), financial incentives (vehicle tax, fuel tax, CO2 tax, insurance incentives), infrastructure, policy regulation (norms and standards, CO2 regulation) and information & marketing. In the project eMAP, a number of achievements were the participation of the authors of the present article.
Journal of KONES; 2015, 22, 2; 55-62
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Approval tests and evaluation of emission properties of vehicle
Majerczyk, A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
road transport
combustion engines
air pollution
environmental protection
Operation of vehicles equipped with combustion engines is a source of pollution. That is why the emissions from this source are restricted. The emissions reduction system consists of several steps, whose basic component is a typeapproval of vehicle in terms of emissions level and admission to the registration of vehicles that meets the requirements for emissions. It is assumed, that the gradual reduction of emissions limits will improve the emission properties of the vehicles, and gradual withdrawal of used vehicles, will reduce of emissions growth. The basis for issuing opinions on a vehicle's exhaust emissions is the measurement of emissions performed in the laboratory on a chassis dynamometer in reproducible conditions of preparing the vehicle for testing, test replication, fuel for the engine, and the procedure for collecting the exhaust gas analysis. Motor Transport Institute conducts the type approval tests, as well as the research on emissions from vehicles in the real traffic conditions, which are used to determine the actual emission from the vehicle population. Emission tests for applications, that go beyond the application of type approval show, that there are vehicles whose emissions in operation is substantially different from the emissions measured during type approval. It is a natural phenomenon in the case of used vehicles and vehicles with engine malfunctions or exhaust aftertreatment system defect. However, there are vehicles whose emissions under specific operating traffic conditions are significantly different from the values obtained in the course of type approval tests, despite the good properties of emission measured under the conditions provided by the type-approval procedure. The article discusses the results of the emissions from vehicles, obtained in the tests used to determine the emission factors for vehicles used in real traffic conditions, thus taking into account emissions from vehicles, made under different conditions than the type approval tests, which show that, in terms of driving cycles, which are not covered by the emission test procedure, can multiply and exceed the approved values.. This is particularly true for modern diesel engines.
Journal of KONES; 2013, 20, 4; 245-251
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ekologia w transporcie samochodowym
Cieślakowski, S. J.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Naukowo-Wydawniczy "SPATIUM"
transport drogowy
zanieczyszczenie środowiska
road transport
environment pollution
W artykule przedstawiono czynniki negatywnego wpływu transportu samochodowego na środowisko, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem emisji gazów cieplarnianych. Wskazano na możliwości ich ograniczenia z wykorzystaniem elektromobilności. Prezentowane rozważania nawiązują do strategii zrównoważonego rozwoju Unii Europejskiej.
Autobusy : technika, eksploatacja, systemy transportowe; 2011, 12, 12; 78-83
Pojawia się w:
Autobusy : technika, eksploatacja, systemy transportowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Telematic security system for cash transport vehicle
Kamiński, T.
Kruszewski, M.
Niezgoda, M.
Gacparska-Stołek, J.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
road transport
combustion engines
air pollution
environmental protection
Paper describes security system mounted in the cash transport vehicle that was developed in "Pancermet" project. Consortium consists in addition to the Motor Transport Institute, another nine entities which represent science, vehicle producers and military. The system fulfils the new legal requirements in this area, and consists of the inside/outside video monitoring module and selective door locking mechanism. Every device was designed in accordance with safety and security principles. The video monitoring module includes four video cameras, audiovideo recorder and smoke detector. Selective door lock module cooperates with on-board CAN network that allows selective doors locking with usage of the dedicated touch panel installed on the vehicle's dashboard. The module continually monitors the CAN network which allows also to gain information about opening and closing of every door and status of the lock. Information at touch panel screen, is continuously refreshed, allowing keeping control over all doors, for driver and transporting manager. Article describes also general description about communication with door locks in CAN network and problems encountered during modules development and their solutions. In article there were presented used devices which allows preparing the system for cash transport vehicle.
Journal of KONES; 2011, 18, 3; 149-154
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Numerical modeling of interior car compartment - first analysis
Trzebiński, D.
Szczygieł, I.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
road transport
combustion engines
air pollution
environmental protection
During hot summer days outside temperature often exceeds 30°C. Without air condition system it is impossible to achieve temperature inside car compartment at the same level or lower than outside, even with high air flow. Driver 's efficiency researches indicate that it can be even 35% higher at +20°C than at +35°C. Decrease of efficiency at +5°C can be the same as that at +35°C. Usage of air condition system is the only way to achieve internal temperature lower than external one. The heat flux which should be transferred from the car cabin is about 2 kW. There is no problem to reject even higher heat flux from cabin. The problem is how to assure thermal comfort for passengers in so small space like car compartment. The thermal comfort usually means that near skin air temperature is about 20-22°C and air velocity is below 0.5 m/s. In this paper first analysis of numerical modelling of air flow inside car compartment are presented. Two types are considered: first one with 2 m/s velocity with inlets situated at front cowl section, front of dashboard and near feet. Second one with 4 m/s velocity with inlets situated at front cowl section and near foot.
Journal of KONES; 2010, 17, 3; 461-466
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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