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Heavy metals in some peat soils of Middle Pomerania
Metale ciężkie w glebach torfowych Pomorza Środkowego
Trojanowski, J.
Trojanowska, C.
Janczak, C.
Antonowicz, J.
Bruski, J.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku
heavy metal
peat soil
Middle Pomerania region
Pomeranian region
environment pollution
soil forming process
pollution index
trace element sorption
toxicity degree
The content of heavy metals in peat soils of north part of Słupsk Region was low. Enrichment factors for Cd, Zn and Mn indicates on their anthropogenic origin in studied peat soils, and for Cr and Ni - natural origin. However copper may be of anthropogenic or natural origin depending on location. The farther from sea peat soils are situated the higher concentration of those metals is.
W pracy analizowano zawartość niektórych metali cieżkich (Cu, Zn, Cd, Mn, Cr, Ni) w glebach torfowych Ziemi Słupskiej (Środkowe Pomorze). Koncentracja tych metali w badanych glebach jest niewielka, niemniej jednak wyznaczone współczynniki wzbogacenia wskazują, że Cd, Zn i Mn są pochodzenia antropogenicznego, natomiast Cr i Ni - pochodzenia naturalnego. Pochodzenie miedzi było zależne od lokalizacji gleb torfowych. Im dalej od morza były usytuowane badane gleby, tym więcej zawierały analizowanych metali.
Baltic Coastal Zone. Journal of Ecology and Protection of the Coastline; 2000, 04
Pojawia się w:
Baltic Coastal Zone. Journal of Ecology and Protection of the Coastline
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of heavy metal contamination of soils impacted by a zinc smelter activity
Diatta, J B
Chudzinska, E.
Wirth, S.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
Miasteczko Slaskie Zinc Smelter zone
geoaccumulation index
metal contamination
soil contamination
environment protection
contamination factor
contamination degree
environment pollution
heavy metal
Four metals (Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd) were assayed in soils within the impact zone of the Miasteczko Slaskie Zinc Smelter (southern Poland). The investigated area is afforested and has been subjected for a long time to intensive deposition of metal-bearing dusts. Soil pHKCl varied broadly from very acidic (pHKCl = 3.4) to slightly alkaline (pHKCl = 7.2). Organic carbon (Corg) content fluctuated within a large range, i.e., 5.5 - 66.4 g kg-1, whereas the cation exchange capacity (CEC) was in most cases markedly low (from 1.4 to 5.9 cmol(+)kg-1), with exception for two sites (C and D) exhibiting values of 26.8 and 15.1 cmol(+)kg-1, respectively. Total Zn, Pb and Cd contents exceeded manifold their respective levels in the Earth crust (reference value - RV)) as well as those suggested as background levels for Poland (BLP). The assessment of the contamination of soils by these metals was undertaken on the basis of geoaccumulation indices (lgeo), contamination factors Cl and degrees of contamination (Cdeg). The overall metal contamination represented practically two classes: low contamination for Cu; considerable to extreme contamination (in ascending order) for Zn, Cd, and Pb. The contribution (BLP-based assessment) of each metal to the degree of contamination index varied from 2.14 % (for Cu), via 26.33% (for Zn) to quite equally for Cd and Pb, both representing 35.22% and 36.32, respectively. It is worth pointing out that copper was the sole metal to threaten the least (Figure 1) the soils of the investigated ecosystem.
Journal of Elementology; 2008, 13, 1
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Activity of dehydrogenases, catalase and urease in copper polluted soil
Aktywnosc dehydrogenaz, katalazy i ureazy w glebach zanieczyszczonych miedzia
Wyszkowska, J
Kucharski, M.
Kucharski, J.
Borowik, A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
soil pollution
enzyme activity
tolerance index
vulnerability index
Copper is a life essential element. However, in excess it can be destructive to metabolism of microbial, plant, animal and human cells. Thus, an understanding of all conditions associated with the effect produced by copper on natural environment is vital. The purpose of the present study has been to evaluate the effect of soil contamination with copper on the activity of dehydrogenases, catalase and urease as well as to determine the tolerance of these enzymes to excessive amounts of copper in soil. The variable factors of the experiment consisted of: 1) soil type: loamy sand and sandy loam; 2) copper pollution rate in mg kg-1 d.m. of soil: 0, 150, 450; 3) soil use: unseeded and seeded soil; 4) crop species: barley, spring oilseed rape and yellow lupine; 5) dates of enzymatic analyses: 25 and 50 day. The results have revealed that copper pollution, within the rates of 150 to 450 mg kg-1 d.m. of soil, significantly inhibits the activity of dehydrogeanses, urease and catalase, with catalase being the most tolerant to excessive copper, unlike dehydrogeneases, which were the most sensitive enzymes. Urease was found to be intermediate in the response to copper. Dehydrogenases, urease and catalase are the least tolerant to the inhibitory effect of copper in soil under spring oilseed rape, being the most tolerant to the pollution in soil under oats. Copper produces stronger inhibitory effect on soil enzymes in unseeded than in seeded soil. The negative effect of excess copper in soil persists and, instead of diminishing, the longer copper remains in soil, the stronger effect it yields. Dehydrognases and catalase are less tolerant to copper in sandy loam than in loamy sand, unlike urease, which was more tolerant to the pollutant in loamy sand than in sandy loam. Tolerance of plants to soil contamination with copper is a species-specific trait. Among the tested crops, yellow lupine was the least tolerant whereas spring oilseed rape was the most tolerant to copper contamination.
Miedź jest pierwiastkiem niezbędnym do prawidłowego funkcjonowania wszystkich organizmów, jednakże jej nadmiar w środowisku może działać destrukcyjnie na metabolizm komórek drobnoustrojów, roślin i zwierząt oraz ludzi. Zatem poznanie wszystkich uwarunkowań oddziaływania miedzi na środowisko przyrodnicze jest ze wszech miar uzasadnione. Celem badań było określenie wpływu zanieczyszczenia gleby miedzią na aktywność dehydrogenaz, katalazy i ureazy oraz określenie oporności tych enzymów na nadmiar miedzi w glebie. W doświadczeniu czynnikami zmiennymi były: 1) gatunek gleby: piasek gliniasty i glina piaszczysta; 2) stopień zanieczyszczenia miedzią w mg⋅kg-1 s.m. gleby: 0, 150 , 450; 3) sposób użytkowania gleby: gleba nieobsiana i obsiana roślinami; 4) gatunek uprawianej rośliny: owies, rzepak jary i łubin żółty; 5) termin analiz enzymatycznych: 25. dzień i 50. dzień. W wyniku badań stwierdzono, że zanieczyszczenie miedzią, w zakresie od 150 mg do 450 mg·kg-1 gleby, hamuje istotnie aktywność dehydrogenaz, ureazy i katalazy. Przy czym najbardziej odporna na nadmiar miedzi jest katalaza, a najmniej dehydrogenazy. Pośrednie miejsce zajmuje ureaza. Dehydrogenazy, ureaza i katalaza są najbardziej oporne na inhibicyjne działanie miedzi w glebie pod uprawą rzepaku jarego, a najmniej pod uprawą owsa. Miedź silniej hamuje aktywność enzymów w glebie nieobsianej roślinami niż w glebie obsianej. Negatywne działanie nadmiaru tego pierwiastka w glebie ma charakter trwały i zamiast ustępować nasila się wraz z czasem jego zalegania w glebie. Dehydrogenazy i katalaza są bardziej oporne na działanie miedzi w glinie piaszczystej niż w piasku gliniastym, a ureaza odwrotnie – bardziej oporna w piasku gliniastym niż w glinie piaszczystej. Wrażliwość roślin na zanieczyszczenie miedzią jest cechą gatunkową. Spośród badanych roślin najbardziej wrażliwy jest łubin żółty, a najmniej rzepak jary.
Journal of Elementology; 2009, 14, 3; 605-617
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wykorzystanie makrobezkręgowców do oceny biologicznej jakości wody na terenach wodonośnych we Wrocławiu
Analysis of water quality in the area of Wroclaws aquiferous layers with macroinvertebrates as bioindicators
Rybak, J.
Pasternak, G.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Zrzeszenie Inżynierów i Techników Sanitarnych
tereny wodonośne
wskaźnik biotyczny
aquiferous layer
water pollution
biotic index
W pracy zastosowano wybrane systemy biotyczne do oceny jakości wody w stawach infiltracyjnych na terenach wodonośnych we Wrocławiu oraz w graniczącym z nimi starorzeczu Oławy. Wykorzystane indeksy biotyczne opierają się na zoobentosie, którego skład gatunkowy ulega zmianie wraz ze wzrastającym zanieczyszczeniem środowiska wodnego. Jakość wody powierzchniowej została oceniona z zastosowaniem systemów biotycznych BMWP-PL, ASPT-PL, FBI, EPT, BBI, TBI i CBS. Otrzymane wyniki porównano między sobą oraz z wybranymi wskaźnikami fizyczno-chemicznymi wody, co umożliwiło ocenę przydatności analizowanych systemów biotycznych. Oceniono także bioróżnorodność wody na badanym obszarze. W tym celu obliczono dominację oraz frekwencję poszczególnych gatunków i rodzin na stanowiskach badawczych oraz obliczono wartości wskaźników bioróżnorodności Hurlberta i Margalefa. Zarówno wskaźniki fizyczno-chemiczne, jak i biologiczne potwierdziły ogólnie złą jakość wody na terenach wodonośnych. Nawet na stanowiskach o dużej bioróżnorodności stwierdzono występowanie gatunków pospolitych, stosunkowo odpornych na zanieczyszczenia. Woda we wszystkich badanych stawach została sklasyfikowana jako jedynie zadowalającej, a w niektórych przypadkach nawet niezadowalającej jakości. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdziły zasadność stosowania systemu biotycznego BMWP-PL na szerszą skalę w Polsce.
For the purpose of this study, seven biotic systems were chosen to assess the quality of wet pond water within the aquifer of Wroclaw and in the bordering old Olawa river basin: BMWP-PL, ASPT, BBI, FBI, TBI, CBS and EPT. They all entail zoobenthic communities, whose composition changes with increasing pollution of the aquatic environment. The results obtained were compared with the values of some physicochemical parameters of the water, which enabled the applicability of the biotic systems to be evaluated. The water within the area under study was also analyzed for biodiversity. For this purpose calculations were performed to determine the domination and frequency of particular species and families at the sampling sites, as well as to establish the values of the Hurlbert and Margalef biodiversity indices. Both physicochemical and biological parameters make it clear that water quality in the area of the aquiferous layers is generally poor: species of comparatively high resistance to water pollutants were found to occur even at sampling sites characterized by great biodiversity. Water quality in all of the wet ponds examined has been classified either as acceptable or in some instances even as unacceptable. The results obtained support the applicability of the BMWP-PL index and recommend its use on a larger scale in Poland.
Ochrona Środowiska; 2010, 32, 2; 27-34
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Assessment of the Surface Water Quality Using the Water Pollution Index: A Case Study of the Timok River (The Danube River Basin), Serbia
Brankov, J.
Milijašević, D.
Milanović, A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
zanieczyszczenia organiczne
wskaźnik zanieczyszczenia wody
Timok River
Borska Reka River
Water Pollution Index
organic pollution
The Timok River (202 km long, 4547 km2 basin area) is located in East Serbia. It is a right tributary of the Danube River and one of the most polluted watercourses in Serbia. On the basis of the data provided by the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia, the paper presents an analysis of water quality and pollution using the combined physico-chemical WPI index (Water Pollution Index) calculated for two periods - 1993-96 and 2006-2009 at four hydrological stations: Zaječar-Gamzigrad (Crni Timok River), Zaječar (Beli Timok River), Rgotina (Borska Reka River) and Čokonjar (Timok River). The following parameters were taken into consideration: dissolved O2, O2 saturation, pH, suspended sediments, Five Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Chemical Oxygen Demand (CODMn), nitrites, nitrates, orthophosphates, ammonium, metals (Cu, Fe, Mn, Hg, Ni, Zn, Cd), sulphates and coliform germs. The average WPI values were calculated for the observed periods based on the comparison of the annual average values of the listed parameters and defined standard values for the I water quality class (according to the Regulation on the Hygienic Acceptability of Potable Water of the Republic of Serbia). The highest pollution degree was recorded in the Borska Reka River, where heavy metal levels (especially manganese and iron) were significantly increased. These metals are indicators of inorganic pollution (primarily caused by copper mining). Also, increased values of the organic pollution indicators (ammonium, coliform germs, Five-Day Biological Oxygen Demand - BOD5) in the Borska Reka and the Timok rivers are the result of uncontrolled domestic wastewater discharge.
Archives of Environmental Protection; 2012, 38, 1; 49-61
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Environmental Protection
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Utilization of environmetric & index methods as water quality comparative assessment tools focusing on heavy metal content
Boyacioglu, H.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
cluster analysis
factor analysis
heavy metal
pollution fingerprint
water quality index
In the study suitability of water quality index approach and environmetric methods in fi ngerprinting heavy metal pollution as well as comparison of spatial variability of multiple contaminants in surface water were assessed in the case of The Gediz River Basin, Turkey. Water quality variables were categorized into two classes using factor and cluster analysis. Furthermore, soil contamination index was adapted to water pollution index and used to fi nd out the relative relationship between the reference standards and the current situation of heavy metal contamination in water. Results revealed that surface water heavy metal content was mainly governed by metal processing, textile and tannery industries in the region. On the other hand, metal processing industry discharges mainly degraded quality of water in Kemalpasa and Menemen. Furthermore, Kemalpasa region has been heavily affected from tannery and textile industries effl uents. Moreover, pollution parameters have not been infl uenced by changes in physical factors (discharge and temperature). This study indicated the effectiveness of water quality index approach and statistical tools in fi ngerprinting of pollution and comparative assessment of water quality. Both methods can assist decision makers to determine priorities in management practices.
Archives of Environmental Protection; 2012, 38, 3; 17-28
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Environmental Protection
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza zmienności indeksu zanieczyszczeń odcieków na składowiskach funkcjonujących oraz zamkniętych
Analysis of variability of leachate pollution index from operated and closed landfills
Tałałaj, I. A.
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Ekonomistów Środowiska i Zasobów Naturalnych
wskaźniki zanieczyszczeń
składowiska odpadów
zmienność jakości odcieków
pollution index
variability of leachate quality
W Polsce brak jest regulacji prawnych określających dopuszczalne wartości wskaźników zanieczyszczeń oznaczanych w odciekach. Otrzymane wyniki często porównuje się z danymi dotyczącymi odcieków z innych składowisk. Porównywanie odcieków na podstawie wartości poszczególnych wskaźników zanieczyszczeń może być jednak dosyć uciążliwe i czasochłonne. Rozwiązaniem sytuacji może być zaproponowany przez Kumar i Alappat indeks zanieczyszczeń odcieków (Leachate Pollution Index – LPI), określający ogólny potencjał zanieczyszczeń niesionych przez odcieki składowiskowe. Może być on wykorzystywany do klasyfikacji/rankingu składowisk ze względu na jakość odcieków, śledzenia zmian jakości odcieków, badań naukowych czy nawet jasnego przekazywania społeczeństwu informacji dotyczących jakości odcieków.
In paper, the comparison of the leachate contamination of two active and two closed landfills site is presented. Leachate quality was assessed, using the Leachate Pollution Index (LPI). For the LPI calculation of a leachte quality data from the years 2004-2011 was used. Value of calculated LPI for all the analyzed landfills does not exceed 6. It indicates that process of decomposition of organic matter is in stable phase. The largest variations of the LPI values were reported to the active landfill O2. They result from the quantity and quality of differentiation of landfilled waste. LPI values, calculated for closed landfills were similar and have no substantial differentiation during the study time. There were no significant statistical differences between the LPI values of the analyzed landfill.
Ekonomia i Środowisko; 2013, 4; 78-86
Pojawia się w:
Ekonomia i Środowisko
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestrzenna zmienność stężenia ditlenku siarki na obszarze Bielska-Białej
Spatial variability of sulfur dioxide concentration in Bielsko-Biala area
Kozak, J.
Suryło, P.
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej
zanieczyszczenie atmosfery
stężenie SO2
indeks jakości powietrza
air pollution
SO2 concentration
index of air quality
Ditlenek siarki jest jednym ze wskaźnikowych gazów, które decydują o jakości powietrza atmosferycznego, zwłaszcza na obszarach aglomeracji miejskich. Pochodzi on zarówno z emisji przemysłowej, jak i ze źródeł lokalnych (tzw. niskiej emisji). Celem pracy była analiza rozkładu przestrzennego ditlenku siarki na obszarze Bielska-Białej oraz opracowanie mapy jakości powietrza z uwzględnieniem indeksu jakości powietrza dla badanego polutanta. W pracy wykorzystano materiały z przeprowadzonych w 2012 r. badań własnych, zrealizowanych w oparciu o japońską metodę Amaya-Sugiura w modyfikacji Krochmala. Materiał badawczy pochodził z ekspozycji próbników pasywnych na 30-50 stanowiskach pomiarowych, rozmieszczonych z uwzględnieniem zróżnicowanej topografii oraz form zagospodarowania terenu w granicach administracyjnych gminy Bielsko-Biała. Na podstawie miesięcznych stężeń ditlenku siarki, wahających się od 5 μg/m3 na obszarach pozamiejskich do 20 μg/m3 w centrum miasta, oraz przyjętych klas indeksu jakości powietrza opracowano mapę bonitacyjną sytuacji aerosanitarnej.
Sulphur dioxide is one of the indicator gases that affect the air quality, especially in urban areas. It comes mostly from industrial emissions as well as from local sources (so-called low emission). The aim of this study was to analyze the spatial distribution of sulfur dioxide in Bielsko-Biala area and to develop maps of the air quality taking into account the air quality index for the pollutant tested. The paper includes test results obtained by means of a Japanese method (the Amaya-Sugiura’s method) modified by Krochmal. The research material came from the exposure of passive samplers located in 30-40 measuring stands in administrative boundary of Bielsko-Biala. The samplers were distributed taking into account a diversity of topography and a land development plan. On the basis of month concentrations of sulfur dioxide ranging from 5 μg/m3 in non-urban areas to 20 μg/m3 in the city center and accepted classes of the air quality index, a bonitation map of air quality situation was made.
Proceedings of ECOpole; 2014, 8, 2; 535-540
Pojawia się w:
Proceedings of ECOpole
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An approach to represent a combined exposure to air pollution
Szyszkowicz, Mieczyslaw
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
ambient air pollution
odds ratio
emergency department visit
air pollution
Objectives The objective of this study was to present a technique for estimating the effect of ambient air pollution mix on health outcomes. Material and Methods We created a technique of indexing air pollution mix as a cause of the increased odds of health problems. As an illustrative example, we analyzed the impact of pollution on the frequency of emergency department (ED) visits due to colitis among young patients (age < 15 years, N = 11 110). Our technique involves 2 steps. First, we considered 6 ambient air pollutants (carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, ozone, and 2 measures of particulate matter) treating each pollutant as a single exposure. Odds ratios (ORs) for ED visits associated with a standard increase (interquartile range – IQR) in the pollutants levels were calculated using the case-crossover technique. The ORs and their 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) were also found for lagged exposures (for lags 1–9 days). Second, we defined a Health Air Study Index (HASI) to represent the combined impact of the 6 air pollutants. Results We obtained positive and statistically significant results for individual air pollutants and among them the following estimations: OR = 1.06 (95% CI: 1.02–1.1, NO₂ lag 3, IQR = 12.8 ppb), OR = 1.04 (95% CI: 1.01–1.07, SO₂ lag 4, IQR = 2.3 ppb), OR = 1.04 (95% CI: 1–1.06, PM lag 3, IQR = 6.2 μg/m³). Among the re-calculated ORs with the HASI values as an exposure, the highest estimated value was OR = 1.37 (95% CI: 1.12–1.68, for 1 unit of the HASI, lag 3). Conclusions The proposed index (HASI) allows to confirm the pattern of associations for lags obtained for individual air pollutants. In the presented example the used index (HASI) indicates the strongest relation with the exposure lagged by 3 days.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2015, 28, 5; 823-830
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Impact of extraneous waters on the proportion of sewage pollution indices regarding its biological treatment
Kaczor, G.
Bergel, T.
Bugajski, P.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Stowarzyszenie Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich PAN
extraneous water
pollution index
biological treatment
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich; 2015, IV/3
Pojawia się w:
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Galls on Alstonia scholaris leaves as air pollution indicator
Talukdar, Partha
Das, Kaushiki
Dhar, Shrinjana
Talapatra, Soumendra Nath
Swarnakar, Snehasikta
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Automobile air pollution
gall formation
bioindicator plant
leaf morphology and anatomy
Air Pollution Index (API)
Alstonia scholaris
Air pollution arises mainly from automobiles and industries is well known fact. Monitoring and detection by instrument cannot be possible everywhere however, indication from plant species by their alterations in leaf morphology and anatomy may be a suitable easy screening measurement. The present study aims to detect morphological features with special reference to gall quantification and anatomy of leaves of Alstonia scholaris R. Br., found in eastern Indian urban and suburban area that are exposed to vehicular emission. The results indicated alterations of leaf morphology along with length (L), breadth (B), L/B ratio and significantly increased (P < 0.001, 0.01 and 0.05) Air Pollution Index (API). It is concluded that vehicular emission can be monitored as an early indication through increased API in A. scholaris. Further research would be needed in relation to secondary metabolites alteration, biochemical and genetic parameters to know pollutant susceptibility as an indicator. In addition, anatomical abnormalities in gall formation as well as numbers were also pronounced in leaves exposed to various load of air pollution.
World Scientific News; 2016, 52; 181-194
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena zanieczyszczenia osadów antropogenicznych zbiorników wodnych w centralnej części Wyżyny Katowickiej
Assessment of sediment pollution of anthropogenic water reservoirs in the central part of the Katowice Upland (southern Poland)
Pasieczna, A.
Bojakowska, I.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
zanieczyszczenie osadów
osady antropogeniczne
zbiorniki wodne
metale ciężkie
sediment pollution
anthropogenic reservoir
water reservoirs
heavy metals
index of geoaccumulation
Katowice Upland
The paper deals with sediments of anthropogenic reservoirs from the central part of the Katowice Upland. Over most of the area, the original relief was considerably altered due to many-years’ mining of hard coal, historical mining and processing of zinc-lead ores, smelting of iron and non-ferrous metals, and chemical and machinery industries. The changes in land surface give rise to mining collapse areas transformed to water reservoirs. Sediment samples (103 samples in total) were collected form artificial lakes, ponds and settling ponds. Samples were air-dried, sieved through a 0.2-mm nylon sieve and digested in aqua regia. Contents ofAg, Al, As, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, P Pb, S, Sn, Sr, Ti, Vand Zn in the samples were determined by the ICP-OES method. Mercury content was measured using the CV-AAS method. To assess the extent of sediment contamination the Index of Geoaccumulation (Igeo) and the ecotoxicological (Threshold Effect Concentration and Probable Effect Concentration) criterion were used. The sediments show very different chemical compositions. The content of trace elements varies from values lower than the regional geochemical background of the Silesian-Cracow region to extremely high concentrations. Distribution of many toxic chemical elements is characterized by high spatial variability and a strong dependence on the location of pollution sources. About 60% of analysed samples were heavily contaminated due to the very high concentration of cadmium (up to 905.9 mg/kg), lead (up to 25,081 mg/kg) and zinc (up to 45,361 mg/kg) as well as arsenic (up to 2,220 mg/kg), chromium (up to 901 mg/kg) and mercury (up to 11.80 mg/kg). Due to the concentration of metals (TEC and PEC values) almost 80% of the sediments can be harmful to aquatic organisms, as well as to wild animals that consume them. The main cause of harm is the very high concentrations of cadmium, lead and zinc, less of silver, arsenic, chromium, copper and nickel.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2016, 64, 10; 806--813
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analysis of Mariupol Metallurgical Enterprises Influence on Ecological State of Surface Waters
Analiza wpływu zakładów metalurgicznych w Mariupolu na stan ekologii wód powierzchniowych
Dan, O.
Neverova-Dziopak, E.
Butenko, E.
Kapustin, A.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
wskaźnik zanieczyszczenia wody
surface water
Water Pollution Index
This paper deals with the problem of environmental impact of metallurgical enterprises on ecological state and water quality of the Kalchyk and Kalmius rivers and the coastal zone of the Sea of Azov (Ukraine). These metallurgical enterprises Azovstal Iron & Steel Works and Ilyich Iron and Steel Works are situated in Mariupol city within the catchment area of the examined water bodies.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę wpływu zakładów hutniczych na stan ekologiczny i jakość wody rzek Kalczyk i Kalmius oraz strefy przybrzeżnej Morza Azowskiego. Zakłady hutnicze Azovstal Iron & Steel Works oraz Ilyich Iron and Steel Works znajdują się w Mariupolu i są usytuowane w zlewisku badanych akwenów wodnych.
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering; 2017, 11, 1; 25-31
Pojawia się w:
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Distribution of Trace Elements in Surface Water and Sediments from Warri River in Warri, Delta State of Nigeria
Ama, Ibiam Ntachiobi
Nwajei, Godfry E.
Agbaire, P. O.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Trace elements
Warri River
pollution index
The pollution of surface water and sediments by heavy metals has become a difficult thing to deal with due to their toxicity and accumulative behavior. The present study was undertaken to provide information on the concentrations and distribution of selected heavy metals in surface water and sediments from Warri River, and to compute a contamination/pollution index of heavy metals. Surface water and sediment samples were collected using standard methods and then analysed for nine trace metals. These metals were determined using a Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer – UNICAM 929. According to our results, the mean concentrations of the select metals in the sediments were higher than those of the surface water. The figures, however, varied significantly in the six sample locations (SW1–SW6). In the sediments, the highest mean concentration was of Fe (504.13 mg/kg) in location SW1, whereas in surface water, generally, the highest mean concentration was of Fe (1.23 mg/l). In other words, mean metal levels in the sediments exceeded those of surface water. This indicates that sediments are a sink for metal pollution loads. Computation of contamination/ pollution index in sediment matrix revealed that Cd moderately polluted the sediment, Zn, Fe, Ni slightly, yet significantly contaminated the sediment, while Cu, Cr and Mn very slightly contaminated the sediments. The mean values of metals in this present study were compared with other values reported by other researchers. The higher than normal metal values were attributed to anthropogenic wastes, runoff, refinery jetty and varied petroleum related activities in the area.
World News of Natural Sciences; 2017, 11; 65-82
Pojawia się w:
World News of Natural Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ecological Assessment of the Current State of Environmental Components on the Territory of the Impact of Cement Production Industry
Strizhenok, A. V.
Ivanov, A. V.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
cement production industry
cement dust
degradation of vegetation
NDVI index
deposition of dust
The monitoring of the environmental components condition, exposed to the influence of the cement production enterprises, was the aim of the conducted research. One of the largest cement production factories in Russia, where the territory of negative impact has a total area of over 300 square kilometers, was the object of the study. The observations of the dust content in atmospheric air, as well as the determination of degradation degree of vegetation in the area of influence of the considered production facility were conducted. Chemical and granulometric composition of the cement dust, which is emitted in atmospheric air, were identified in the laboratory. Mapping model, which indicates the complex ecological welfare of the territory, exposed to the cement production industry, was compiled by the authors on the basis of the data, obtained in conducted research. The mapping model takes into account both the content of dust in near-ground atmosphere, and the extent of its deposition to soil, vegetation and surface water bodies.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2017, 18, 6; 160-165
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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