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Запровадження контрольної функції парламенту як складова політичної модернізації колишніх монархій Азії та Африки
The establishment of the control function of parliament as a component of the political modernization of the former monarchies of Asia and Africa
Рудик, Андрій
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
political modernization,
legislative control,
imaginary constitutionalism,
political responsibility
Globalization raises questions about the prospects for the existence of the monarchical form of government. This is due to the fact that it is considered a historical anachronism, which eventually must disappear completely. Thus, in the 50's and 70's of the 20th century, there was series of coups and revolutions that led to the elimination of more than 10 monarchies. However, to date, the monarchies are more than a quarter of currently existing countries - 44. This situation is evidence of the fact that this form of government, despite its traditional character, able to adapt political present. In this context, the question naturally arises: why in some monarchies there is a political modernization, and in others it is not. This article aims to find out the experience of introducing the control function of parliament in former monarchies, which will allow understanding the reasons for their overthrow and reveal the peculiarities of the nature of the passing of a similar process in the existing monarchies. The article is based on the establishment of constitutionally fixed forms of legislative control over the executive in such former monarchies as Afghanistan, Burundi, Ethiopia, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Laos and Libya. First of all, we should pay attention to such elements of the constitutional status of the monarch as inviolability and irresponsibility. It`s assurance depends not only on the formal consolidation of the two above-mentioned components. An important role is played by the real place of the monarch in the system of supreme bodies of state power. Paying attention to this fact reveals the level of implementation of the control function of parliament and assesses the efficacy or fictitiousness of certain forms. The author believes that the establishment of parliamentary control over the investigated monarchies has been fictitious and somewhat even decorative. This case was conditioned by the concentration of significant constituent powers in the hands of the head of state, which allowed exerting pressure on the parliament, which made it impossible or significantly reduced the probability of the implementation of one or another form of legislative control over the executive. The monarch actually or even legally was the head of the executive, but in none of these states, except Laos, he has no responsibility for the exercise of his powers. The result was the imbalance in the system of relations between the supreme bodies of state power in favor of the monarch. The establishment of the control function of the parliament actually led to the establishment of an imaginary constitutionalism in these states. The political modernization of investigated monarchies stopped solely within these limits, without receiving a continuation in the form of a full-fledged institution of political responsibility of the head of state. Therefore, the superficial and intrusive nature of political transformations, caused by the centralization of power, has become the main reason for the overthrow of the monarchy in analyzing countries. Of course, in the context of the transition of analyzing states into republic, we should take into account a number of other factors. But, first of all, the overthrow of the monarchy was due imaginary character of political modernization. The institute of monarchy remained deeply traditional and it could not function as the center of modernization processes. This is confirmed by the fact that after the military coups and revolutions in analyzing countries, the process of political modernization continued. The failure of establishment of the parliamentary control function in the former monarchies of Asia and Africa should be taken into account by some existing monarchies, such as Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar and Kuwait. In these states, there is also the gradual establishment of imaginary constitutionalism. The imbalance in the system of relations between the supreme bodies of state power, which gives rise to the above-mentioned phenomenon, has become one of the reasons for the "Arab Spring" in all, without exception, the Arab monarchies. Therefore, the thought of the Soviet scientist S. Kaminsky about the historical condemnation of this form of state government seems indisputable. But the author believes that, first of all, the fictitious nature of the establishment of the control function of parliament in the former monarchies of Asia and Africa led to the overthrow of them. Therefore, in order to prevent the repetition of military coups and revolutions in the existing monarchies, this problem needs further investigation.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2017, 7; 221-229
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Відсутність політичної волі до демократичних перетворень як чинник поглиблення деструктивних процесів
Lack of political will to democratic transformations as a factor in the deepening of destructive processes
Смірнова, Валентина
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
political will,
democratic transformations,
destructive processes,
political modernization,
incomplete modernization,
The analysis of controversial and ambiguous political processes that have taken place in recent decades in all regions of the world without exception requires further in-depth study. This is especially true of the determining influence of the lack or insufficient utilization of power-volitional aspects in the conditions of transition from authoritarianism to democracy. Fuse deployment destructive processes of social development and statehood must be working effectively state-administrative apparatus at the system level and the political will at the level of functioning of individual and collective actors political and decision-making. In fact, the political will of the national elite as a generator of reforms in the face of modernization challenges appears as a systemic characteristic and prerequisites for the effectiveness of the state-management system as a whole. The lack of consistency in the interaction management, and state authorities, in turn, leads to the expansion and deepening of destructive processes at national or regional level, which is convincing proof of lack of political will in political and business decision-making. The political development of the post-Soviet countries in the last quarter century, that is, after the collapse of the USSR, proves that one of the examples of deliberate election by the representatives of the national political elite of the destructive vector of state development is the countries of Central Asia, where autocratic regimes of the sultanist type were formed, accompanied by the simultaneous archaization of socio-cultural and economic The life of these countries. Choice destructive vector of development of Central Asia in the form sultanizmu demonstrates the lack of political will of the ruling class of these countries at the beginning of national state when making a decision to break as the colonial and Soviet traditions patrymonializmu, cronyism and nepotism and the transition to democratic practices. The choice of archaism socio-cultural and political life of the national elites in Central Asia was primarily driven by their fear of radical systemic change as a potential threat to personal specifically for these elites, quite correctly be interpreted as a manifestation of the lack of will for democratic change. Thus, due to the absence or lack of political will of the ruling class in countries neopatrymonialnymy political systems there involutional public-policy process - from upgrading often quietly move to kontrmodernizatsiyi, preserving or incomplete socio-political transformation and publicly reject any changes as Those that are not inherent in the national traditions and mentality of the people. The indicated processes are extremely destructive for the national-state development of countries with incomplete modernization, because they provoke unpredictable consequences in the future. And these consequences can be unpredictable delays at the time, but they do gosudarstvennichesky national development in the future unsecured and non-competitive compared with countries where the political will of the ruling class helped bring modernization transformation to its logical conclusion. Accordingly, further research of the proposed problem should focus on the study of the classification characteristics of manifestations of individual and collective political will and its absence in the modern world.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2017, 7; 238-244
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Президентська Росія перед викликами модернізації: соціально-політичний аспект
Prezydencka Rosja wobec wyzwań modernizacji: aspekt społeczno-polityczny
Піляєв, Ігор
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
socio-political modernization,
post-Communist Russia,
political transit,
“guided democracy”,
The article investigates the historical background of Russia’s socio-political transformation in the age of presidential republic, the Russian society’s present state and modernization prospects. Since the Horde Russia would be effected by the oriental despotism. The Russian modernization historically took place under the Western civilization’s influence but its instruments were mostly despotic and essentially anti-European. The Russian historical drama is that the social base of its modernization had been exterminated during the Bolshevik Revolution and Stalin’s dictatorship, and by now, in the train of the ongoing post-communist transformations, is still in germ. In contrast to the American Great Power doctrine where democracy serves as an important tool, Putin’s Russia has chosen the absolute priority of state and corporate interests over rights, freedoms and interests of its citizens. The author concludes that the fundamental problems and challenges, which had confronted the Russian modernization a quarter century ago, have remained unresolved. The most important of them are the key political actors’ unwillingness to act within the democratic rules, the values foundation friability, the lack of democratic consciousness and political culture. Since the annexation of Crimea and the start of the hybrid war in Donbas Russia’s socio-political transformation has found clear imperial meanings and would rely henceforth on the Eurasian space’ resource self-sufficiency with the strictly authoritarian state ideology and elements of the mobilization economy.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2015, 5; 14-23
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Research on Systemic Transformation in the Countries of Central Asia
Bodio, Tadeusz
Wierzbicki, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Research programme
Central Asia
political transformation
political tradition
velvet revolutions
political modernization
The article presents the goals, tasks, organization and major stages of implementation of the international programme of research on transformation in the countries Central Asia. The research has been conducted since 1997 by a team of political scientists from the University of Warsaw in cooperation with representatives of other Polish and foreign universities.
Polish Political Science Yearbook; 2020, 3 (49); 111-133
Pojawia się w:
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Impact of the Imperial State Tradition on Modernization in Contemporary Russia
Bulvinskiy, A.
Data publikacji:
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Institute of World History
Russia, empire, modernization, social and political model
Росія, імперія, модернізація, суспільно-політична модель
У статті розкривається вплив імперської державної традиції на зміст, напрями і мету модернізації у сучасній Росії. Одним із ключових факторів імперського характеру російської державності є історично сформована імперська свідомість російських еліт та росіян, як пануючого етносу, яка постійно відтворюється. Сучасна Росія реалізує стратегію оборонної модернізації, яка спрямована на подолання військово-технічного відставання від передових країн Заходу. Російським керівництвом не проводилась і не планується проводитись модернізація політичної і державної системи Росії з опертям на принципи реальної, а не контрольованої чи «соборної» демократії. Обґрунтовується, що без зміни суспільно-політичної моделі, яка утвердилась у сучасній Росії, успішна технолого-економічна, а тим більше політична модернізація неможливі.
The article explains the influence of imperial state tradition on the substance, direction and purpose of the modernization in contemporary Russia. One of the key factors of the imperial nature of the Russian statehood is the historically formed imperial consciousness of Russian elites and  Russians as the dominant ethnic group, which is being constantly reproduced. Contemporary Russia pursues a strategy of defensive modernization that aims at overcoming the military-technical gap between Russia and the advanced Western countries. The Russian leadership has neither conducted nor planned modernization of the Russian state and political system on the basis of the principles of the real non-controllable democracy. It is shown that successful technological, economic, and especially political modernization is impossible without changing the socio-political model established in modern Russia.
Проблеми всесвітньої історії; 2016, 2; 49-71
Pojawia się w:
Проблеми всесвітньої історії
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Political Systems and Political Elites of the Post-Soviet States under Globalization
Sherhin, S.
Data publikacji:
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Institute of World History
globalization, global structures, transformation, political systems, political elites, political establishment, prekariat, social modernization
глобалізація, глобальні структури, трансформація, політичні системи, політичні еліти, політичний істеблішмент, прекаріат, суспільна модернізація
Стаття презентує аналітичний огляд актуальних проблем трансформації політичних систем держав пострадянського простору за умов глобалізації в Україні та Росії. Особливу увагу приділено розгляду загальних і особливих характеристик політичних еліт двох країн під впливом глобальних трансформацій. Різноманітність проявів глобалізації ускладнює оцінку її впливу на соціально-політичний розвиток країн світу. Позитивний або негативний вплив глобалізаційних процесів, зокрема глобальних структур на світовий розвиток, є важливою темою сучасних політичних досліджень. У категоріях політичної науки феномен глобалізації можна визначити як процес створення цілісної глобальної економіки, інституційно-правового оформлення цієї цілісності та прагнення транснаціональних еліт налагодити систему глобального управління. Глобалізація прискорила структурну деформацію політичних еліт і соціальну диференціацію, що спричинило зростання соціально-політичних конфліктів та занепад ліберальної демократії. Незважаючи на певні відмінності у результатах трансформації політичних систем України і Росії,  сформовану в цих країнах еліту характеризує соціальна неоднорідність, бюрократизм, олігархічність, корупційність, популізм і залежність від глобальних структур.
The article presents an analytical review of actual problems of the post-soviet states political systems within globalization in Ukraine and Russia. Special attention is paid to the consideration ofgeneral and particular features of political elites in both countries under impact of global transformations. The variety of globalization’s exercises complicates the valuation of its impact onsocial and state-political development the world over. Positive or negative influence of globalization processes particularly the global structures on world’s development is the main point of the present-day political studies. In terms of political science phenomena of globalization could be determined as a process of creation of integral global economy and institutional legalization of its integrity as well as transnational elite’s will to establish the system of global governance. Globalization accelerated the structural deformation of political elites and social differentiation that escalated socio-political conflicts and caused the stagnation of liberal democracy. In spite of some distinctions in results of transformations in Ukraine’s and Russia’s political systems the political elite that has been formed in these countries is characterized as socially heterogenic, bureaucratic, oligarchic, corruptive, populist and dependent on the global structures.
Проблеми всесвітньої історії; 2018, 6; 9-24
Pojawia się w:
Проблеми всесвітньої історії
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chinese Model of Capitalism: Chinese Way or Chinese Ways?
Kozłowski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
political economy
varieties of capitalism
The paper deals with the contemporary Chinese capitalism. The author discusses key features of Chinese political economy in the context of profound transformation it currently undergoes. The author claims that the change is a dynamic process of adaptation of the Chinese state to external environment combined with a struggle of state institutions to retain political power and social legitimacy. As a result the transformation process may be described as multilinear, 50 instead of speaking about 'Chinese model of capitalism', it is more appropriate to use a plural form, and speak about 'Chinese models of capitalism'.
Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology; 2012, 3, 6; 27-45
Pojawia się w:
Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Modernizacja systemu politycznego na Ukrainie
Tronova-Avramchuk, Alona
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum
political system democratization
decentralization of power
The article analyzes the process of political modernization in Ukraine 2014-2015. The problems of Ukrainian society adoption to new changes of the constitutional order, the formation of new institutions of political power, democratization of power relations, decentralization of power, as well as enhancing the participation of citizens in the political life of society are considered. The article focused on the importance of carrying out reforms in Ukraine. Their implementation depends entirely on coordinated government policy.
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne; 2015, 1(16); 41-54
Pojawia się w:
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O cywilizacyjny awans Polski Roman Dmowski wobec idei modernizacji Polski 1918–1939
For a civilizational development of Poland. Roman Dmowski in the face of the idea of modernization of Poland 1918–1939
Kapica, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
modernization of Polish
Polish nationalism
nationalist political thought
The Roman Dmowski’s propositions of modernization of interwar Poland (1918–1939) can not be considered in terms of theories of modernization created after 1945 as a coherent, logic systems. For Dmowski the modern (modernized) Poland would be a „efficient” state with capitalist economy, free market and the respect for private property, with reduced social legislation, with developed industry and agriculture, with a strong middle class, with restricted bureaucratic machine; a national state with restricting the rights of national minorities, with low number of Jews, with the limiting the powers of the legislature and a strong executive, with association polishness with catholicism and strong emphasis on the presence of catholic religion in social life. Some ideas of Dmowski were not bad (e.g. save money and reduction of excessively developed bureaucratic machine, the development of industry and agriculture, the fight against speculation), however, the proposals were often too vague or unclear or were remarkably oriented to the free market and for this reason had no chance of implementation and popularity in the atmosphere of the 20s and 30s in interwar Poland (e.g. proposal of reduction excessively developed social legislation), some of proposals were expressly anti-Semitic. Similarly, in the area of the Polish political system and political life Dmowski offered „positive” solutions (recovery and moralisation of Polish political life, raising the niveau of political culture of the Polish political elites and Polish society, strengthening of executive power) and „negative” proposals (association polishness with catholicism and his instrumental use, desire to make Poland a national state, desire to move away from the rule of parliamentary, postulate of removing the excess of the Jewish population in Poland). The least controversial were proposals in the sphere of social and mental modernization of the Polish society (attachment to the rule of law, the cultural and civilizational raising of lower strata and classes, care for a family – according to Dmowski important institution for society, increasing hard work / diligence of the Polish population, learning of positive competition or skills competition, development of the awareness of the Polish population concerning social and economic problems, emphasis on its own – Polish creativity). It is impossible unambiguously assess all Dmowski’s proposals of Poland’s modernization – they were characterized by – similar to entire creative achievements of Dmowski – some „duality” – controversional ideas were mixed with interesting concepts, sometimes original.
Historia i Polityka; 2013, 10(17); 9-43
Pojawia się w:
Historia i Polityka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Державна політика України: між цивілізаційними і національними викликами
Polityka państwowa Ukrainy: pomiędzy cywilizacyjnymi i narodowymi wezwaniami
Газізов, Михайло
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
state policy
political class
national safety
The key aspects of the state policy of Ukraine are considered in the context of the development of the civilizational challenges of the present day and the requirements of ensuring national safety. Separate attention applies on determination of role of national political class in realization of public policy in area of modernisation transformations. After all, the readiness of the national political class to implement the reform program of the systemic transformation of the state and society is one of the determining factors of the success of the state policy. The author argues that the emergence of a consolidated political class, which clearly recognizes national priorities and is able to defend and defend national interests, is an urgent need for the present and future for Ukraine. In the context of the coverage of the studied issues, the peculiarities of the institutional design of the Ukrainian state and its influence on state policy were determined. It is stressed that despite the tangible democratic progress of recent decades, the threat of an increase in autocratic and authoritarian tendencies in state policy, on the one hand, and the weakening of those already shaky germs of forms of direct democracy (for example, participation democracy, self-governing forms of organization citizens), without the development of which it makes no sense to speak about the modernization potential of the state policy of modern Ukraine. For example, the real political state of the basic state and social institutions, the domination of informal rules of the game on the political field, allows us to characterize the state of the political system of Ukraine today and its separate political institutions as hybrid. One of the examples of successful implementation of the state policy of modernization of the Ukrainian state can be considered a gradual transition to the e-governance system. E-Governance refers to innovative state policy and government technologies that are designed to ensure the effective implementation of the three functions of public policy - information, communication and participation. Therefore, the active introduction of e-governance is not just time requirements; it is the approximation of state policy to modern standards of democratic, modernized state-political control. However, it should be noted that the proliferation of e-governance entails tangible threats to the national state and national security. Let’s say the threat of violation of sovereignty. In a geopolitical situation in which Ukraine emerged after 2014, such a threat is not only virtual, but quite tangible, which puts forward special requirements to the system of state policy both at the personalized and institutionalized levels of functioning. Under such conditions, one of the main tasks of state policy is to create a reliable system of cybernetic protection of state sovereignty and national security of the country, which would maximally protect the Ukrainian state and Ukrainian citizens on the institutional and personal levels, respectively. On the other hand, an e-governance system that would be able to organically integrate into the system of global e-communication should be developed, pushing the Ukrainian state into a group of countries - pioneers of the total internetisation of the state and society. Further research on this issue should be concentrated, among other things, as the author believes, in the development of models for reviewing the principles of state policy in Ukraine in the context of the deployment of the integration of the national state into a globalized world political process.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2018, 8; 103-107
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Between the East and the West Aqwam al-masālik fī ma‘rifat ahwāl al-mamālik Hayr of ad-Dīn at-Tūnusī (1822-1890)
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Artes Liberales
Hayr of ad-Dīn at-Tūnusī
Islam political philosophy
Arab revival
The work of At-Tunusi resulted from the Tunisian experience within the Ottoman Empire and was supposed to explain his reformatory thoughts on the political and social situation of his motherland and the whole world of Islam, based on the conviction that the system of power indeed offers a key to solve its main problems.The solution consists in imitating the West while simultaneously protecting the roots and the national values of Arab and Muslim states. At-Tunusī distinguished himself from other initiators of changes in the world of Islam in the 19th century by the fact that he combined in a unique way two different kinds of activity – that of a reformer and that of a politician who realized in practice the ideas he had developed in theory.
Planeta Literatur. Journal of Global Literary Studies; 2014, 1. Europe - Maghreb: exchanged glances / L'Europe et le Maghreb: les regards croisés; 53-68
Pojawia się w:
Planeta Literatur. Journal of Global Literary Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evolution of Shiite Clergy Role in Socio-political Development of Iran
Prorochenko, N.
Data publikacji:
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Institute of World History
Iran, Shiism, Islamic government, political structure of IRI, modernization, clergy, religion modernism, conservatives, reformers
Іран, шиїзм, ісламське правління, політична система ІРІ, модернізація, духовенство, релігійний модернізм, консерватори, реформатори
Метою даної публікації є аналіз історичних, релігійних та соціокультурних передумов місця і ролі шиїтського духовенства у політичному процесі та суспільних змінах в Ірані у новітню добу. Розкрито основні особливості зв’язку шиїтської доктрини та політики. Автор досліджує участь шиїтського духовенства у процесі розбудови іранської політичної моделі. Показано, що сучасна політична система Ірану характеризується поєднанням ісламських принципів з елементами демократії: релігія визначає всі сфери життя – політику, економіку, культуру, духовенство здійснює контроль над світськими структурами влади, проте, всі органи влади виборні. Особливу увагу приділено питанню еволюції сучасних політичних інститутів Ірану та процесу трансформації поглядів представників правлячого релігійного істеблішменту Ісламської Республіки Іран в контексті внутрішньополітичних змін і зовнішніх викликів. Розглядаються можливості збереження ісламського правління в умовах подальшої модернізації суспільства.
The purpose of this publication is to analyze the historical, religious and socio-cultural background of the Shiite clergy place and role in the political process and the social changes in Iran in recent times. The main features of the connection between the Shiite doctrine and politics arerevealed. The author investigates the participation of the Shiite clergy in the process of building the Iranian political model. It is shown that the modern political system of Iran is characterized by the combination of Islamic principles with elements of democracy: the religion determines all spheres of life – politics, economy, culture, the clergy monitors the secular structures of power, but all the authorities are elected.Special attention is paid to the evolution of the Iranian modern political institutions and the process of representatives views transformation in the field of the ruling religious establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the context of internal political changes and external challenges. The possibilities of preserving Islamic rule in the conditions of further modernization of society are considered.
Проблеми всесвітньої історії; 2019, 7; 56-72
Pojawia się w:
Проблеми всесвітньої історії
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
On the ‘Inter-October Revolution’ (1956–1957): The History of a Radical Social Change in Poland as Viewed by Jerzy Kochanowski
Sasanka, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
thaw 1956
socio-political crisis
social revolution
social transformations
The breakthrough of 1956 in Poland has so far been analysed mainly from the perspective of politics. Jerzy Kochanowski has described selected social, economic and cultural aspects and consequences of the radical social change of 1956–57. The present article places Kochanowski’s study against a background of the existing literature on the subject, with the reviewer presenting its main theses and formulating some polemical remarks. The most important among them points to a risk of distorting the picture of the 1956 crisis caused by the fact that the author underestimates the impact of the political context of social processes.
Kwartalnik Historyczny; 2019, 126, 3
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Historyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kilka uwag na temat kształtowania się współczesnej kultury politycznej.
A Few Comments Concerning the Formation of Contemporary Political Culture
Krakowiak, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydział Ekonomiczno-Socjologiczny
kultura polityczna
cywilizacja europejska
political culture
European civilization
Artykuł jest próbą zarysowania pola dyskusji dotyczącej procesu historycznego kształtowania się europejskiej kultury politycznej rozumianej jako istotny aspekt cywilizacji europejskiej. W tekście zwrócono uwagę na polską specyfikę cywilizacyjną, której charakter uznano za odmienny w stosunku do zmian jakie zaszły w Europie Zachodniej. Artykuł podzielony został na części. Zaprezentowano w nich, jak dokonujące się w przeszłości przemiany kulturowe, gospodarcze, polityczne wpływały na model i postać rozwoju cywilizacyjnego państwa.
The paper is an attempt to sketch a discussion field concerning the historical process of European culture forming, understood as an aspect of European civilization. The Polish civilization specificity, which character differs from the changes which took place in the Western Europe was mentioned in the paper. The article was divided into the sections, in order to present the problems of cultural, economic and political transformations that had an influence on the model and form of state civilizational development.
Władza sądzenia; 2014, 4. Rozważania o kulturze politycznej. Marcin Kotras, Ewa Migaczewska (red.); 64-101
Pojawia się w:
Władza sądzenia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dylematy prawne dotyczące realizacji niektórych zadań w ramach przygotowań obronnych państwa
Legal dilemmas regarding the implementation of certain tasks within the defense preparations of the state
Bełza, Lucjan
Ćwik, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Wiedzy Obronnej
modernizacja techniczna
system prawny
kryzys polityczno-militarny
operacja obronna
technical modernization
legal system
political crisis
military crisis
defensive operation
Efekty działań modernizacyjnych prowadzonych od około 30 lat w Siłach Zbrojnych Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej są ograniczone, pomimo wydatkowania na ten cel dziesiątków miliardów złotych. Przyczyn tego stanu rzeczy możemy się dopatrywać zarówno w rozwiązaniach prawnych, ograniczeniach politycznych, organizacyjnych oraz nieprawidłowej organizacji i przebiegu programów oraz projektów. Prawdziwym problem dla skutecznej realizacji planów obronnych mogą okazać się niejasności, niedookreślenia i luki w przepisach prawnych. Sytuacja ta wymaga pilnej analizy na poziomie międzyresortowym, bowiem zadania obronne w państwie są realizowane nie tylko przez Siły Zbrojne Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, ale również w zakresie wynikającym z norm prawa, przez organy administracji publicznej, przedsiębiorców oraz obywateli. Analizy wskazują, że niektóre rozwiązania prawne (proceduralne) mogą utrudniać prowadzenie operacji obronnej. Przypomnieć należy, że z Konstytucji RP wynika, że nie można domniemywać kompetencji organu administracji, a obowiązek prawny powstaje po stronie obywatela oraz podmiotu gospodarczego jedynie w przypadku istnienia wyraźnej podstawy prawnej.
Tens of billions of PLN have been invested in the modernisation works carried out at the Armed Forces for the last 30 years, however their effects are still limited. This results from both the legal regulations in force, political and organizational restrictions, as well as incorrect organisation and performance of programmes and projects. Ambiguities and loopholes in the legal regulations may turn out to pose the real obstacle for an effective implementation of defence plans. Such a situation requires an urgent interdepartmental analysis, because the state defence tasks are performed not only by the Armed Forces, but also by public administration bodies, entrepreneurs and citizens, in the scope resulting from the legal norms. According to research, some legal (procedural) solutions may hinder the performance of defence operations. One has to bear in mind that in line with the Polish Constitution, competences of administration bodies should be defined by the law, and are not to be presumed, and legal obligations of citizens or business entities arise from a clear legal basis only.
Wiedza Obronna; 2019, 4; 105-125
Pojawia się w:
Wiedza Obronna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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