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Радянська стратегія та практика політичної мобілізації населення Західної України в умовах військово-політичного протистояння на завершальному етапі Другої світової війни
Radziecka strategia i praktyka politycznej mobilizacji ludności zachodniej Ukrainy w warunkach wojskowo-politycznego konfliktu w końcowym okresie drugiej wojny światowej
Докаш, Оксана
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
The Second World War,
Western Ukraine,
Stalin’s totalitarian regime,
military-political confrontation,
political mobilization,
the party nomenclature,
manipulating-raising tools of influence
The political regime, which was rebuilt in the Western Ukraine at the final stage of world war II and can be defined as a kind of Soviet subtype of totalitarianism – Stalinism, has been characterized. It has been revealed the essential characteristics of the political activity of the population of the Western regions of the USSR in conditions of liberation from Nazi occupation, and stands of Stalin totalitarian regime, which was aimed at prevention of any manifestations of negative political mobilization. In the article it has been analyzed the political, legal, institutional and procedural mechanisms of the formation of structures of the Stalinist totalitarian regime in Western Ukraine, in the period after the liberation of the region from the fascist occupation, that were in the restoration and consolidation of the dominant role of the party committees and the formation of a controlled their range workers Soviet, Komsomol, economic organizations, organs of the NKVD and KGB, as an organized force to control political mobility of the local population. The violent nature of the political mobilization of the population in the Western regions of the Ukrainian SSR in support of the new political regime in countering departments of the UPA and OUN underground has been shown. It has been revealed the communicative manipulating-raising mechanisms of the formation among the population of the Western region of positive political mobilization against the new government. The negative consequences of the spread and dominance among the population liberated from the Nazi occupation of Western Ukraine controversial type of political mobilization of the contemporary socio-political conditions and present are under the analysis.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2014, 4; 224-234
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Social movements and political outcomes: why both ends fail to meet
Zimmermann, Ekkart
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
political protest
theories of social mobilization
social movement strategies
political opportunity structure
response hierarchy
cycles of protest
The relationships between social movement challenges and political outcomes remain strongly underresearched in the field of social movements. Here, we use the labels “social” and “political” in a broad sense to comprise many types of challenges and many types of outcomes, such as economic and social outcomes for specific movements as well as general policy outcomes. Four theories are crucial for understanding successful mobilization of social movements: relative deprivation, resource mobilization, framing, and the theoretical figure of the opening political opportunity structure. Political outcomes, at least in democratic political systems, are usually the result of a parallelogram of different claims and means of influencing outcomes, in short, of compromises. Here, we list various forms of outcomes, from successful acceptance of movement demands to part-time successes or entire failures, and also the various strategies incumbents have in dealing with social movement challenges. Researchers usually have focused on the individual and structural conditions of the emergence of social movements but less so on the conditions of processing social movement demands and the outcomes for movements themselves, for the electorate and for policy changes. Consequently, there is little research available that would meet the requirements of an adequate research design in view of the numerous factors spelled out here as a theoretical control list. The idea of a response hierarchy of incumbents is suggested as a sort of a dispositional concept for further, more consolidated, research in this area. Also the notion of cycles of various sorts has to be kept in mind in order to avoid misjudging of both, the persistence of social movements over time, and their eventual successes and failures.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio K – Politologia; 2015, 22, 1
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio K – Politologia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Regional Development of Democratization and Civil Society: Transition, Consolidation, Hybridization, Globalization - Taiwan and Hungary
Szabó, Máté
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
regional development
Central Europe
East Asia
party system
political protest
social movements
competitive authoritarianism
Different starting points, similar processes and different outcomes can be identified when comparing East Central Europe and East and South Asia. The two regions face similar global challenges, follow regional patterns of democratization and face crises. In communist times, East Central Europe was economically marginalized in the world economy, while some parts of Asia integrated well in the global economy under authoritarian rule. Europeanization and a favorable external environment encouraged the former communist countries to opt for the Western-style rule of law and democracy. Different external factors helped the Third Wave democracies in Asia, especially South Korea and Taiwan, which benefited from the support of the United States and other global economic, military and cultural partnerships to develop their human rights culture and democracy while facing their totalitarian counterparts, namely the People’s Republic of China and North Korea. The very different positions Taiwan and Hungary have in their respective regions follow from the different capacities of their transformation management since 1988-1989. Taiwan preserved its leading role and stable democracy despite the threat to its sovereignty from the People’s Republic of China. Hungary never had such an influential and problematic neighbor and was ensured security and welfare partnership by the European Union, which Taiwan lacked. While Taiwan was less secure, economic and social conditions were more favorable for democratization than those in Hungary. Hungary, in turn, held a leading position in democratization processes in the period of post-communist transition which was lost during the crisis and conflicts of the last decade (after 2006 and especially since 2010). Despite the fact that liberalization prepared the way for peaceful transition in both countries and resulted in similar processes of democratic consolidation in the 1990s, Hungary joined the ‘loser’ group in its region, whereas Taiwan is among the top ‘winning’ countries in its region. Taiwan at the moment is starting comprehensive reform processes toward enhanced democracy, civil rights and the rule of law, and Hungarian development is criticized by many external and internal analysts as straying from the path of European-style consolidated democracies towards illiberal trends and hybridization. Western global concepts of democratization may help to identify similarities and differences, and compare stronger and weaker factors in the democratic transitions in Asia and Europe within the Third Wave democracies.
Przegląd Politologiczny; 2018, 4; 153-172
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Politologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola organizacji społecznych na polu mobilizacji politycznej polskiego wychodźstwa powojennego na przykładzie udziału emigracyjnego Związku Harcerstwa Polskiego w organizacji obchodów rocznic i świąt państwowych
The Role of Social Organisations in Political Mobilization of the Polish Post-War Emigration on the Example of the Participation of the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association in Exile in Organising Celebrations of Anniversaries and State Holidays
Wierzbicki, Marek
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
political mobilization
Polish political emigration
Polish Scouting and Guiding Association outside the Country
celebration of national anniversaries and state holidays
political rituals
political culture
mobilizacja polityczna
polska emigracja polityczna
Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego działający poza granicami Kraju
świętowanie rocznic i świąt państwowych
rytuały polityczne
kultura polityczna
Artykuł ukazuje rolę organizacji społecznych powstałych na emigracji politycznej Polaków po II wojnie światowej w dziedzinie mobilizacji politycznej polskiego wychodźstwa powojennego. Problematyka mobilizowania do działalności w życiu politycznym w tym środowisku została przedstawiona na przykładzie udziału Związku Harcerstwa Polskiego poza Polską w organizacji obchodów rocznic i świąt państwowych, w tym wpływu jego działalności na zaangażowanie oraz kulturę polityczną polskich emigrantów.
The article shows the role of social organisations formed within the communities of Polish political emigrants after World War II in the field of political mobilization of Polish post-war emigration. The problem of mobilising for activity in political life in this community was presented on the example of the participation of the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association outside Poland in organising the celebration of anniversaries of important historical events and national holidays, including the impact of these activities on the involvement and political culture of Polish emigrants.
Dzieje Najnowsze; 2019, 51, 2; 135-152
Pojawia się w:
Dzieje Najnowsze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
From Political Mobilization to Political Security. How Has the Approach to Security Changed Over Centuries and Why Has It Depended on Political Relations?
Od mobilizacji politycznej do bezpieczeństwa politycznego. Jak zmieniało się podejście do bezpieczeństwa na przestrzeni wieków i dlaczego zależało od stosunków politycznych?
Skarzyński, Ryszard
Kużelewska, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
political mobilization
social and political relations
polityczna mobilizacja
stosunki społeczne i polityczne
Artykuł analizuje relacje między mobilizacją polityczną, bezpieczeństwem i stosunkami politycznymi. Bezpieczeństwo rozumiane tu jest jako zjawisko społeczne, tak jak to wyjaśnia Clausewitz w swojej książce pt. O wojnie. Według Clausewitza stosunki polityczne mają kluczowe znaczenie dla zrozumienia zjawiska bezpieczeństwa. Ta teza nie jest kwestionowana, niemniej wymaga uzupełnienia, dlaczego stosunki polityczne są koniecznym elementem dla zrozumienia zjawiska bezpieczeństwa. Artykuł składa się z czterech części. Pierwsza część dotyczy bezpieczeństwa i jego ewolucji z perspektywy historycznej. Druga analizuje związki między wojną a mobilizacją polityczną. Naszym zdaniem wojna to coś więcej niż zwykła kontynuacja polityki w inny sposób. Część trzecia omawia bezpieczeństwo osobiste, które nie było priorytetem w polityce państwowej. Problem bezpieczeństwa pojawił się w jego złożonej formie dopiero wtedy, gdy ludzie stali się gotowi do walki w wyniku mobilizacji politycznej i stworzenia stabilnej organizacji politycznej. W części 4 analizie poddano bezpieczeństwo polityczne oraz jego konsekwencje. Wnioskujemy, że produktem globalnej mobilizacji politycznej jest poliarchia, która zasadniczo zmienia problem bezpieczeństwa społecznego i politycznego. W ramach regionalnej poliarchii możliwy jest system bezpieczeństwa państw w obszarze przez nie zajmowanym. W wyniku stworzenia globalnej poliarchii uniwersalny system bezpieczeństwa stał się rzeczywistością. Rola armii uległa zmianie i w coraz mniejszym stopniu spełnia funkcję tradycyjnej armii. Najemnicy stracili znaczenie (choć nie całkowicie), a później także oddziały wojskowe działające w imieniu państwa.
The paper discusses relations between political mobilization, security and political relations. Security is understood as a social phenomenon, clearly explained by Clausewitz in his book On War. According to Clausewitz, political relations are of key significance for understanding the phenomenon of security. This thesis is not challenged, however, it is necessary to explain why political relations are necessary. The paper consists of four parties. The first part explores security and its evolution from a historical perspective. The second part analyses relations between a war and political mobilization. In our opinion, war is something more than simple continuation of politics by other means. Part three discusses the personal security, which was not a priority for the states. The problem of security appeared in its complex form only when people became ready to fight as a result of political mobilization, and with the creation of stable political organization. Section 4 describes political security and its consequences. We conclude that the product of the global political mobilization is polyarchy which principally changes the problem of social and political security. Within the framework of regional polyarchy the system of security of states in the area occupied by it is possible. As a result of creating a global polyarchy the universal system of security has become real. The role of army has changed and to an ever decreasing extent fulfils the function of a traditional army. Mercenaries lost their importance (however, not completely) and later also the military troops acting on behalf of the state.
Przegląd Politologiczny; 2020, 1; 77-92
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Politologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
W poszukiwaniu ontologii populizmu – dylematy definicyjne
Searching for the ontology of populism – definitional dilemmas
Lipiński, Artur
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
political strategy
political style
interpretive frames
strategia polityczna
styl polityczny
ramy interpretacyjne
Populism has been a controversial category since the beginning of the scientific reflection on this phenomenon. As this article shows, this stems from the differences between researchers who differently hierachize the meaning of specific constitutive elements. More importantly, researchers often differ even as to which elements are necessary elements of the phenomenon. Therefore, these differences result from different views on the ontological status of populism. This leads to a tendency to use other empirical data and a different methodology. The purpose of this text is the critical analysis of the most typical and new ideas regarding ontological status of populism. The article also attempts to identify potential areas of agreement between individual approaches to populism: as a thin-core ideology, discourse, strategy and organization, political style, mobilization, discursive and stylistic repertoire, and interpretative framework.  
Populizm jest kategorią budzącą spory od początku naukowej refleksji nad tym zjawiskiem. Jak pokazuje niniejszy artykuł jest to nie tylko pochodną różnicy między badaczami, odmiennie hierarchizującymi znaczenie poszczególnych elementów konstytutywnych. Co ważniejsze, badacze często różnią się nawet co do tego, które elementy są koniecznymi elementami zjawiska. Różnice te wynikają więc z odmiennych spojrzeń na status ontologiczny populizmu. Pociąga to za sobą skłonność do korzystania z innych danych empirycznych oraz odmiennej metodologii. Celem niniejszego tekstu jest krytyczna analiza najbardziej typowych, jak i nowych pomysłów dotyczących statusu ontologicznego populizmu. Artykuł usiłuje ponadto wskazać na potencjalne obszary zgodności pomiędzy poszczególnymi ujęciami populizmu: jako ideologii o cienkim rdzeniu, dyskursu, strategii i organizacji, stylu politycznego, mobilizacji, dyskursywnego i stylistycznego repertuaru, ramy interpretacyjnej.
Przegląd Politologiczny; 2020, 1; 131-148
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Politologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Public activity in the process of political mobilization
Kriushin, Ihor
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
civil society
social activity
active social behavior
political mobilization
public participation
autonomous participation
The article asserts the main views on public activity and its behavior as a result of the mobilization influence. The specifics of this impact on social groups and individuals are considered. The degree of public participation in political area, the features of its orientation, procedural organization, and factors that directly affect the growth of mobilization activity in society are considered. The role of the Internet in the formation and development of communication and mobilization opportunities is emphasized. The problem of passivity as a result of the substitution of real active actions by ineffective ones is noted.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Politologica; 2021, 27, 342; 164-170
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Politologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
To win the war is not the same as to ‘win the peace’: the coming constitutional moment in Ukraine
Kamiński, Antoni Z.
Kowalewska, Emilia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
constitutional moment
Russia and Ukraine
constitutional process
war and its global implications
post-conflict state reconstruction
political leadership
coordination of the constitutional moment
civic mobilization
delayed constitutional moment
suppressed constitutional movement
constitutional revolution
Russia’s continuing aggression against Ukraine is exceptional both in terms of its scale and its global implications. A peaceful and prosperous future for Ukraine, neighbouring states and indeed the entire continent, depends upon two interrelated factors. The first is Ukraine’s ability to win, with Western support, the war initiated against it by the Russian Federation under Putin. This would bring about a new global opening, ending the Moscow-Beijing anti-Western axis in world politics. The second factor is Ukraine’s ability to take advantage of the constitutional moment that will present itself as attention shifts from the military effort toward the process of state reconstruction. Presenting the situation of Ukraine in regional, historical, and global context, we draw attention to specific challenges and choices that state elites will face post-war. We explain the internal and external implications of these choices to show why Ukraine should seize its upcoming constitutional moment. Drawing on both political theory and real world examples of constitutional revolutions, we explain the factors involved in the effective exploitation of the constitutional moment. We suggest that, channelled to constructive purposes, the demands and aspirations of Ukrainian citizens may help propel the political and economic reforms needed to secure social trust and a stable future. We conclude that multi-level political and civic engagement in a new constitutional process will be indispensable for reconstructing the institutional foundations for peace, democratic governance and the rule of law in post-conflict Ukraine.
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny; 2023, 85, 4; 259-273
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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