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Gospodarka surowcami nieenergetycznymi w Polsce - surowce mineralne krytyczne, strategiczne i deficytowe
Management of the Non-Energy Raw Materials in Poland; Critical, Strategic and Deficit Natural Resources
Witkowska-Kita, B.
Blaschke, W.
Biel, K.
Orlicka, A.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Górnictwa
surowce krytyczne
surowce strategiczne
surowce deficytowe
zasoby w Polsce
critical raw materials
strategic raw materials
deficit raw materials
polish resources
Artykuł omawia problemy związane z gospodarką surowcami krytycznymi, strategicznymi i deficytowymi w Polsce. Gospodarka tymi surowcami obejmuje: zapotrzebowanie na ww. surowce nieenergetyczne, ich import do Polski wraz z głównymi kierunkami importu oraz eksport niektórych z tych surowców poza granice naszego kraju.
This paper presents issues concerning management of critical, strategic and deficit raw materials in Poland. Management of these materials includes: demand for the abovementioned non-energy raw materials, import and the origin of import of non-energy raw materials to Poland, export of some of these materials abroad.
Przegląd Górniczy; 2016, 72, 3; 76-84
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Górniczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Oczekiwania polskiego społeczeństwa związane z działalnością rekreacyjno-turystyczną w środowisku leśnym
Expectations of the Polish society related to recreational and tourist activities in the forest environment
Soroka, A.
Wojciechowska-Solis, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
forest resources
tourism and recreation
Polish society
The aim of the work was to show the expectations of the Polish society towards leisure time as well as tourist and recreational activities in the forest environment. We tried to define the reasons for staying in forest environment, indicate the most valuable qualities of forest area and factors that disturb the presence in forest. We indicated the greatest threats to the forest environment and expectations of the population regarding the facilities for using the forest environment for leisure purposes as well as recreational and tourist activities. The diagnostic survey method was used. The questionnaire included 10 closed questions, half of which were used for the purpose of this work. The attitude was measured with a five−point Likert scale after the use of activities related to the construction and validation. The sample consisted of 1068 adult respondents, who were chosen according to the place of residence (village, town up to 30 thousand and over 30 thousand inhabitants), age (up to 25 years, from 26 to 40 years, from 41 to 55 years as well as older than 56), gender and 6 regions of Poland. We applied the analysis of discriminant function in statistical analysis. The classification function was used in the form of calculating coefficients that were determined for each of the created groups. The main goals of stay in forest are group trips, running and cycling, as well as health values of this environment and observation of fauna and flora combined with the collection of forest undergrowth. The main advantages of this environment are healthy and fresh air, and peace. Factors disturbing stay in the forest include its littering and too many visitors, while the biggest threats are forest fires and its excessive exploitation by visitors. It is expected that the infrastructure supporting relaxation in the forest environment will be developing. Polish forest resources through the richness of natural values and with proper supply of tourist and recreational infrastructure can be the main area of creating tourist and recreational products. The education of visitors is expected to improve the perception of forest resources as a place of rest and regeneration of vital forces.
Sylwan; 2020, 164, 06; 513-520
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ochrona i wykorzystanie roślinnych zasobów genowych. Wybrane aspekty prawne
Selected legal aspects of protection and use of plant genetic resources
Gała, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Temida 2
plant genetic resources
international agreement
Polish legal order
The issue of protection and use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture is governed by the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the Treaty) prepared in Rome on 3 November, 2001. The Republic of Poland ratified the Treaty on 15 October, 2004, which came into force towards our country on 8 May, 2005. This paper is purposed to search the answer the question: is the Treaty composed of a set of norms covering measures sufficiently adequate, unambiguous and accurate to make a source of legal instruments to discharge the obligations specified above, or does the Treaty constitute merely certain legal frameworks, within which its signatories should move using institutions of the internal law (or creating them). If the Treaty subject to analysis constitute merely legal frameworks to discharge the obligations under the Treaty, then do the Polish legislation and the European Union legislation applied directly allow to implement the Treaty provisions in practice (as a whole or in a part). Finally, if operating rules of the law (regulations, the European Union law) do not allow to implement the Treaty provisions in a whole or in a part, then is it necessary to enact a new comprehensive regulation creating a legal instrument purposed to implement the aim, or will modification of the existing legal regulation be sufficient (if any, then in what scope). Answering the above questions it is necessary to concern the position of the international agreements in the Polish legal order, and next to determine what type of norms of the international law we deal with regard to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Only examination of the key issues mentioned above allows to indicate what specific regulations of the Polish national law provide implementation of the Treaty provisions, and in what aspect the changes required within a scope of this legislation should proceed, or in what aspect creation of new legal instruments in the Polish legal order is necessary.
Studia Iuridica Agraria; 2012, 10; 489-502
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Agraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Potencjał energetyczny wód termalnych na Niżu Polskim
Energy potential of thermal waters in the Polish Lowland
Hajto, M.
Górecki, W.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
energia geotermalna
atlas zasobów
Niż Polski
geothermal energy
atlas of resources
Polish Lowlands
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń zasobów energii zakumulowanej w wodach termalnych, występujących w profilu geologicznym utworów mezozoiku i paleozoiku na obszarze Niżu Polskiego. Wykonana analiza zasobów obejmowała obszar o powierzchni ok. 270 tys. km2, co stanowi ponad 87% powierzchni kraju. Obliczenia przeprowadzono z uwzględnieniem przyjętej klasyfikacji zasobów, zgodnie z diagramem McKelveya. Wydzielono zasoby geologiczne: statyczne i statyczne-wydobywalne oraz zasoby dyspozycyjne energii geotermalnej. W celu obliczenia zasobów dyspozycyjnych zastosowano metodę opartą na wskaźnikowej ocenie efektywności ekonomicznej pozyskania ciepła (współczynnik mocy), który jest wskaźnikiem mówiącym, ile razy moc cieplna ujęcia geotermalnego przewyższa moc cieplną stanowiącą ekwiwalent nakładów kapitałowych i kosztów eksploatacji tego ujęcia. Analiza powyższego wskaźnika pozwoliła na dokonanie wstępnej oceny opłacalności pozyskania energii geotermalnej w skali regionalnej i wskazanie obszarów perspektywicznych w obrębie poszczególnych zbiorników. Wyniki wskazują, że statyczne zasoby energii geotermalnej, zakumulowane w dziewięciu głównych zbiornikach: dewońskim, karbońskim, dolnopermskim, dolnotriasowym, górnotriasowym, dolnojurajskim, środkowojurajski, górnojurajskim oraz dolnokredowym na Niżu Polskim wynoszą 1,45 × 10/22 J (3,47 × 10/11 toe). Łączne zasoby statyczne-wydobywalne energii zostały ocenione na 2,9 × 10/21 J (6,9 × 10/10 toe), a sumaryczne zasoby dyspozycyjne energii geotermalnej, wynoszą 9,21 × 10/18 J/rok, co odpowiada 220 × 10/6 toe. Zasoby eksploatacyjne wód i energii geotermalnej mogą być ocenione dopiero po wykonaniu otworu udostępniającego złoże oraz po wykonaniu pompowań pomiarowych. Z tego względu ocena zasobów eksploatacyjnych w skali regionalnej nie jest w zasadzie możliwa, ponieważ do celów praktycznych możemy wykorzystać jedynie ok. 1,5–2,5% zasobów dyspozycyjnych (Górecki i in., 2003), zasoby eksploatacyjne energii geotermalnej na Niżu Polskim zostały oszacowane na 1,38 × 10/17–2,30 × 10/17 J/rok (3,3–5,5 × 10/6 toe/rok).
The paper presents results of calculations of geothermal energy resources accumulated in the aquifers of Mesozoic and Paleozoic age in the Polish Lowlands. The analysis carried out in the project covered approximately 270 th. square km, that represents more than 87 percent of the territory of Poland. The calculations were made with regard to the classification of resources, in accordance with the McKelvey’s diagram. The static, static-recoverable geothermal resources and disposable geothermal reserves were distinguished. For calculation of disposable reserves the methodology of evaluation of economic factor efficiency of heat recovery was applied (the power factor). The methodology enabled preliminary assessment of the geothermal energy utilization profitability at the regional scale and indication of prospective areas within particular aquifers. Static geothermal energy resources accumulated in nine major reservoirs: Devonian, Carboniferous, Cisuralian, Lower Triassic , Upper Triassic, Lower Jurassic, Middle Jurassic, Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceousin the Polish Lowlands are estimated at 1.45 × 10/22 J (3.47 × 10/11 toe). Total static-recoverable resources has been assessed at 2.9 × 10/21 J (6.9 × 10/10 toe). Total disposable reserves of geothermal energy accumulated accumulated in nine major geothermal reservoirs was estimated at 9.21 × 10/18 J/year, which corresponds to 220×10/6 toe/year. It should be emphasis that admissible water and energy reserves can only be assessed after drilling operation and pumping measurements has been performed. Therefore, assessment of admissible energy resources on a regional scale is in principle not possible. Assuming the recovery of 1.5–2.5% of disposable reserves (Górecki et al., 2003), the admissible reserves of geothermal energy are estimated as 1.38–2.30 × 10/17 J/year (3.3–5.5 × 10/6 toe/year).
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego; 2010, 439 (1); 81--85
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Baza zasobowa wód termalnych na Niżu Polskim - geologiczne i hydrogeologiczne uwarunkowania lokalizacji obszarów perspektywicznych
Geothermal water resource base in the Polish Lowlands - geological and hydrogeological conditions of localization of prospective areas
Hajto, M.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
energia geotermalna
atlas zasobów
Niż Polski
geothermal energy
atlas of resources
Polish Lowlands
W profilach geologicznych na Niżu Polskim, w osadach od starszego paleozoiku po dolną kredę, można wyróżnić szereg utworów, których wykształcenie litologiczne wskazuje na możliwości występowania dobrych poziomów zbiornikowych dla wód termalnych. Geologiczne, hydrogeologiczne i termiczne parametry charakteryzujące zbiorniki wód wgłębnych na Niżu Polskim wskazują na możliwości kompleksowego ich wykorzystania zarówno w celach energetycznych, jak i balneoterapeutycznych oraz rekreacyjnych. Szczególnie interesująco pod względem możliwości wykorzystania wód termalnych prezentują się rejony niecek: warszawskiej, mogileńsko-łódzkiej oraz szczecińskiej. Wykorzystanie wód termalnych do celów grzewczych poszczególnych województw i miast centralnej Polski, winno, w pierwszej kolejności, opierać się na zasobach dolnojurajskiego zbiornika hydrogeotermalnego. Identyfikacja warunków geotermalnych skał wieku paleozoicznego stanowi istotne uzupełnienie wiedzy na temat krajowych zasobów energii geotermalnej i wskazuje na nowe możliwości rozwoju geotermii w rejonach leżących poza obszarami występowania ciepłych wód podziemnych formacji mezozoicznych na Niżu Polskim.
Within geological sections of the Polish Lowlands, in Early Paleozoic through Early Cretaceous formations, a number of layers can be distinguished, lithological development of which indicates possible occurrence of good geothermal aquifers. Geological, hydrogeological and thermal parameters that characterize aquifers in the Polish Lowlands indicate possibility of complex utilization of geothermal waters, as well for energy production as balneotherapy and recreation. Areas of the Warsaw Trough, Mogilno-Łódź Trough and Szczecin Trough are particularly interesting in terms of thermal water utilization. Utilization of thermal waters for heating purposes in particular voivodships and towns of central Poland should, first of all, be based on the resources of the Lower Jurassic aquifer. Identification of geothermal conditions of Paleozoic formations represents important completion of knowledge of domestic geothermal energy resources and indicate new possibilities of geothermal development in regions outside the areas of hot underground waters in Mesozoic formations of the Polish Lowlands.
Geologia / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie; 2008, 34, 3; 503-526
Pojawia się w:
Geologia / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Praktyczne zastosowanie zasad kodeksu JORC na przykładzie polskich złóż węgla kamiennego
Practical application of JORC code – polish bituminous coal deposit case history
Sobczyk, E. J.
Nieć, M.
Data publikacji:
Poltegor-Instytut Instytut Górnictwa Odkrywkowego
klasyfikacja polska
kodeks JORC
JORC code
polish classification
Na przykładzie wybranego pokładu węgla kamiennego przedstawiona została procedura kwalifikowania zasobów według wymagań kodeksu JORC z wykorzystaniem dokumentacji geologicznej złoża sporządzonej według wymagań polskich.
Case history of JORC Code classification of resources and reserves of selected coal seam was presented based on data prepared according to the polish standard of mineral resources classification.
Górnictwo Odkrywkowe; 2017, 58, 4; 61-67
Pojawia się w:
Górnictwo Odkrywkowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The most prospective areas of use of thermal waters for heating purposes in the Polish Lowlands
Hajto, M.
Górecki, W.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
geothermal energy
atlas of resources
Polish Lowlands
energia geotermalna
The paper presents results of assessment of geothermal energy resources accumulated within nine Paleozoic and Mesozoic aquifers in the Polish Lowlands, carried out within the framework of the project entitled “Geothermal atlases of the Mesozoic and Paleozoic formations – geological analysis and thermal water and energy resources in the Polish Lowlands”. The project commissioned by the Polish Ministry of Environment was carried out in the years 2004–2006 by a research team of specialists from several institutions, with AGH – University of Science and Technology in Kraków as a leader. The paper presents also the results of studies and proposals for geothermal investment projects in selected towns of central and northwestern Poland. Potential locations of the new geothermal projects are determined. Towns with the most favourable geological and hydrogeological conditions and appropriate market of heat consumers for a geothermal plant construction are indicated. The calculation area amounts approximately to 270 thousand km2 that represents more than 87% of the territory of Poland. As regards the amount of accumulated energy, the most interesting and promising areas of the Polish Lowlands occur in the Warsaw, Mogilno–Łódź (in the central part of Poland) and Szczecin (in the northwestern part of Poland) troughs.
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego; 2010, 441 Hydrogeologia z. 10; 27--31
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Web presentation of bilingual corpora (Slovak-Bulgarian and Bulgarian-Polish)
Garabík, Radovan
Dimitrova, Ludmila
Koseska-Toszewa, Violetta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
digital language resources
parallel and aligned corpora
web presentation
Web presentation of bilingual corpora (Slovak-Bulgarian and Bulgarian-Polish)In this paper we focus on the web-presentation of bilingual corpora in three Slavic languages and their possible applications. Slovak-Bulgarian and Bulgarian-Polish corpora are collected and developed as results of the collaboration in the frameworks of two joint research projects between Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, from one side, and from the other side: Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics, Slovak Academy of Sciences and Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, coordinate by authors of this paper.
Cognitive Studies; 2011, 11
Pojawia się w:
Cognitive Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bulgarian-Polish parallel digital corpus and quantification of time
Dimitrova, Ludmila
Koseska-Toszewa, Violetta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
digital language resources
parallel and aligned corpora
quantification of time
Bulgarian-Polish parallel digital corpus and quantification of timeThe paper presents the current state of the first Bulgarian-Polish parallel and aligned corpus, prepared in the frame of the joint research project “Semantics and Contrastive linguistics with a focus on a bilingual electronic dictionary” between the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, coordinated by L. Dimitrova and V. Koseska-Toszewa. In particular, problems related to tense quantification are also discussed
Cognitive Studies; 2012, 12
Pojawia się w:
Cognitive Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Intangible resources and competetive position of Polish credit unions
Zasoby niematerialne a pozycja konkurencyjna Polskich Unii Kredytowych
Rajchelt-Zublewicz, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
intangible resources
competitive position
Polish credit unions
zasoby niematerialne
pozycja konkurencyjna
polskie unie kredytowe
Polish credit unions have been operating on the Polish financial market for nearly twenty five years and have been providing services to nearly two million of their members, which may be an indicative of their competitiveness. The analysis of their situation points out that the market is heterogeneous and diversed by the unions’ size, number of members as well as the quality of their resources. Due to the fact that environmental factors for most Polish credit unions are similar, it is necessary to search for reasons of differences in the achieved competitive position within these organizations. In this context, the question arises about the factors that cause some credit unions to achieve significantly better competitive positions than others. A literature review suggests that the intangible resources might have an influence on the achieved competitiveness. The purpose of this paper is to empirically verify the relationship between intangible assets and the competitive position achieved by Polish credit unions. The author conducted a study in which she examined whether the intangible resources of credit unions could differentiate them in terms of achieved competitive position. The article is a presentation of the results of research in this area.
Polskie unie kredytowe działają na polskim rynku finansowym od prawie dwudziestu pięciu lat i świadczą usługi blisko dwóm milionom swoich członków, co może świadczyć o ich konkurencyjności. Analiza ich sytuacji wskazuje, że rynek jest heterogeniczny i zróżnicowany pod względem wielkości kas, liczby członków oraz jakości ich zasobów. Ze względu na to, że czynniki środowiskowe dla większości polskich SKOK-i są podobne, należy poszukiwać przyczyn różnic w osiągniętej przez nie pozycji konkurencyjnej. W tym kontekście pojawia się pytanie o czynniki, które powodują, że niektóre unie kredytowe osiągają znacznie lepsze pozycje konkurencyjne niż inne. Przegląd literatury sugeruje, że zasoby niematerialne mogą mieć wpływ na osiągniętą konkurencyjność. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest empiryczne zweryfikowanie zależności między zasobami niematerialnymi a pozycją konkurencyjną osiąganą przez spółdzielcze kasy oszczędnościowo-kredytowe. Autorka przeprowadziła badanie, w którym zbadała, czy zasoby niematerialne SKOK-ów mogą je różnicować pod względem osiągniętej pozycji konkurencyjnej. Artykuł stanowi prezentację wyników badań w tym obszarze.
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu; 2018, 538; 376-389
Pojawia się w:
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jan Karłowicz rediscovered
Jan Karłowicz wciąż odkrywany
Sawaniewska‑Mochowa, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Jan Karłowicz
19th century
unknown archival sources
history of Polish dialectology
history of Polish ethnolinguistics
history of Polish folklore studies
Lithuanian mythology resources
The monograph Jan Karłowicz in the Light of Archival Materials restores this nineteenth‑century researcher with broad humanistic horizons to his proper place and rank in the history of science, not only in linguistics. It provides accurate arguments for re‑evaluating a very critical review of the Lexicon of Polish Dialects, published by Kazimierz Nitsch in 1911. For a long time, this criticism had had a very negative impact on the general assessment of Karłowicz's output by other linguists. All the more, we need to appreciate Maciej Rak's insightful attempt of breaking the aforementioned negative opinion and providing new interpretation of Karłowicz's unpublished works, that can be seen as a valuable heritage of the culture created during the period of Partitions of Poland.
Rocznik Slawistyczny; 2021, 70; 223-234
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Slawistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Selected implications of negative externalities - on the example of the Polish energy sector
Kudełko, M.
Wejer, M.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
market failure
effective allocation of resources
negative and positive externalities
modelling of the Polish energy sector
The aim of this paper is to present selected issues of the effective allocation of resources and its function in optimal decision-making processes. The authors focus on the economic consequences of market failure in the case of external effects - both positive and negative. It has been characterized from the theoretical perspective by illustrating the economic implications of this situation for producers (producers surplus), consumers (consumer surplus), and the environment (external costs and benefits). This paper shines a light on effective levels of production, the subsidies to producers (in the case of positive externalities), or correcting tax (in the case of negative externalities). Moreover, the decision rules that are used in the cost-benefit analysis (a method supporting the decision-making process undertaken by both private entities and public authorities) are given. There are specific examples of its application in order to achieve allocative efficiency. An exception of its use is to achieve cost efficiency, which does not ensure that a project, program, or policy is socially optimal and desirable. The second part of this paper includes theoretical implications of market failure. The results of the authors' mathematical model that is used to optimize long-term energy sector development are presented. The importance of the presented results is that they reflect development of the Polish energy sector, both from the private and public viewpoint, taking into account the adverse effects caused by the emission of gaseous pollutants. Consumer and producer surpluses were the bases to estimate costs and benefits of change in the social welfare. It has been proven that the use of private welfare criterion is incorrect. The internalization of external costs (which means including them in decision-making criterion, significantly - i.e., 24%) increases the level of social welfare achieved on the scale of the whole Polish energy sector.
Managerial Economics; 2014, 15, 2; 189-201
Pojawia się w:
Managerial Economics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
On the Benefits of Foreign Language Learning Based on Parallel Language Corpus
Satoła-Staśkowiak, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
language corpora
foreign language learning
concordance tools
formation of electronic resources
The Parallel Polish-Bulgarian-Russian Corpus
On the Benefits of Foreign Language Learning Based on Parallel Language CorpusA recently observed strong interest in language corpora, which can be defined as a collection of texts in an electronic format, as well as my work within the European Project Clarin on ‘The Parallel Polish-Bulgarian-Russian Corpus’ became the reason for writing the text concerning the use of the parallel language corpus for learning a foreign language. The article discusses the benefits resulting from the use of such a corpus in learning a foreign language, describes selected corpus language tools supporting the learning process as well as indicates some threats arising from the wrong use of the corpus.
Cognitive Studies; 2015, 15
Pojawia się w:
Cognitive Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wielkie odkrycia surowcowe Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego
Great discoveries of mineral resources of the Polish Geological Institute
Mizerski, Włodzimierz
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny
złoża surowców mineralnych
Polish Geological Institute
100 years
deposits of mineral resources
One hundred years of the activity of the Polish Geological Institute is an exceptional opportunity to emphasize its role in the discovery of mineral resources in Poland. During the last 100 years the structure of the Institute and its place in the government administration have changed many times. However, these changes have not affected the engagement of the Institute in the study of geology of Poland, especially in the area of discovering new mineral deposits, as this was demanded from the Institute by the authorities of Poland. Today, from the perspective of 100years, it has to be stated that these expectations were lived up and contributed to the development of the country’s economy. During 100years the Institute discovered mineral deposits worldwide as well as on a regional scale. This article attempts to present the history of the discoveries of mineral deposits by the Polish Geological Institute during 100 years of its existence. The deposits which are presented here are those of the greatest importance some of which may not be mined today due to economic and environmental causes, and also due to the fact that these resources were fully exploited. But, one must remember that the discovery of all these mineral deposits would have been impossible without the study of the country’s geology. It was emphasized by the founding fathers and first directors of the Institute who appreciated the great role of basic science in the discovery of mineral resources.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2019, 67, 7; 570--577
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kabza, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
marital duties
maintenance in Polish law
the provision of resources for family needs.
obowiązki małżonków
zaspokajanie potrzeb rodziny.
SummaryThe purpose of this paper is to present the views of legal academics and commentators on spouses’ mutual duty to help and co-operate to provide for family needs, and the judicial decisions which have been handed down on such issues in Polish and foreign courts. I focus on three particular problems. Firstly, the problem how to classify the obligation regulated in Article 27 of the Polish Family and Guardianship Code (Kodeks Rodzinny i Opiekuńczy): does this duty relate to maintenance, or is it only similar to such an duty? Secondly, the spouses’ option to modify the scope of this obligation by way of legal agreements. Thirdly, ways to meet this obligation and consequences of failure to do so.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest dokonanie wykładni przepisów o obowiązku wzajemnej pomocy małżonków i ich współdziałania w celu zaspokojenia potrzeb rodziny w świetle poglądów doktryny oraz orzecznictwa sądów polskich i zagranicznych. W sposób szczególny zaprezentowane zostaną trzy zagadnienia. Po pierwsze, problem kwalifikacji obowiązku z art. 27 k.r.o. jako alimentacyjnego lub tylko podobnego. Po drugie, możliwość umownego kształtowania przez małżonków zakresu omawianego obowiązku. Po trzecie, sposoby jego realizacji a także konsekwencji braku wykonywania.
Zeszyty Prawnicze; 2018, 18, 1
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Zeszyty Prawnicze
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Biblioteka Nauki

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