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Modlitwy Kazimierza Wierzyńskiego
Prayers of Kazimierz Wierzyński
Danielewiczowa, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Kultury Języka
poetic language
Kazimierz Wierzyński
speech genres
This paper presents and discusses two main theses. Firstly, the author claims that, contrary to what is commonly thought, neither the subject matter nor the meaning of Kazimierz Wierzyński’s later poems diff er significantly from the topics taken up in his debut volumes. The poet never lost his youthful faith in the order of the world, nor did he quench his admiration for the work of creation. It is the main and essential feature of his poetry. Secondly, an important element of Wierzyński’s poems, which reveals itself in various forms and shapes, is prayer. This form of expression is referenced directly in many titles and often functions as the central theme of the poems. Moreover, many of Wierzyński’s works represent exactly this speech genre. His volumes contain poetic prayers differing thematically and functionally, for all seasons and all times of a day, for various holidays, celebrations, and other occasions. The poetry by Kazimierz Wierzyński is in fact one big prayer of supplication, humility, delight, and thanksgivings.
Poradnik Językowy; 2022, 796, 7; 22-34
Pojawia się w:
Poradnik Językowy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“This is realism, isnt it”? Charles Baudelaire and Cyprian Kamil Norwid on representation
„Bo jest w tym realizm”? Baudelaire i Norwid o reprezentacji
Siwiec, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Comparative literature study
early modern Polish and French literature
poetic genres
realism and moral fable
Cyprian Kamil Norwid (1821–1883)
Charles Baudelaire (1821–1867)
Norwid Cyprian
Baudelaire Charles
Champfleury Jules
This article is a comparative study of the aesthetics of Cyprian Kamil Norwid and Charles Baudelaire. The analysis focuses on their use of realistic techniques and metaphors of representation in the context of critical statements about realism (especially the paintings of Gustave Courbet), in which both poets repudiate the notion of pure art as a direct imitation of reality. While they declare that this doctrine is reductive and unworkable, they do, as the article points out, make use of some of its techniques and practical suggestions (i.e. to foreground ordinary, trivial, and arguably ugly objects). Seen from this perspective, the poetry of both Norwid and Baudelaire, the harbingers of modernity, can be situated at an interface of faits divers (shocking tabloid stories) and the moral fable.
Ruch Literacki; 2021, 1; 5-25
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Literacki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Muzyczne światy w poezji Kazimierza Wierzyńskiego
Musical worlds in the poetry of Kazimierz Wierzynski
Lewandowska-Tarasiuk, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Polski Uniwersytet na Obczyźnie w Londynie
Kazimierz Wierzynski
musical worlds
poetic genres
musical genres
The author of the lecture is avidly interested in music worlds of Kazimierz Wierzynski, whose artistic resonance is the literary output of the poet, not only though… An interpretational attempt was made to analyse chosen texts by Wierzynski, making use of various criteria and their selection and interpretation. Texts of particular importance seem to be those which are concentrating both on musical aspects of literary texts, and references to music art, musicological conditions included in them. The author has carried out literary-musicological analyses of chosen poetic works of art by Kazimierz Wierzynski. She also focused on analysing linguistic means of expression in the semantic and phonetic layers and searching for artistic traces constituting the poetic originality of the author of Koncert zimowy (Winter concert). Music in the texts by Wierzynski proving his interest in the art of polyhymns, has become a particular manifestation of intellectual, aesthetic, intertextual worlds of his spirituality. Thanks to them it introduces a reader to the existential worlds of life with music and musicality expressed by means of poetry.
Zeszyty Naukowe PUNO; 2020, 8, 1; 239-249
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe PUNO
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Godzinki o Niepokalanym Poczęciu Najświętszej Maryi Panny. Glosy, hipotezy, interpretacje
Godzinki o Niepokalanym Poczęciu Najświętszej Maryi Panny [Officium parvum Conceptionis Immaculatae]. Statements, Hypotheses, Interpretations
Sulikowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
The Little Office of the Immaculate Conception of the Holy Mary in the Polish tradition
Blessed Virgin in the European culture
language forms of sacrum presence
genres within a poetic cycle Biblical languages in the Little Office (Latin, Greek, Hebrew) mosaistic and Christian motifs stylistic tropes in the prayer within the Little Office
Biblical allusions and motifs prayer prosody and performing problems of the prayer
problem of archaisms preserved within the text performed nowadays
role of the Little Office in the spiritual life in Poland
changes in space and time concerning performing the prayer
Godzinki o Niepokalanym Poczęciu Najświętszej Maryi Panny w polskiej tradycji Najświętsza Maryja Panna w kulturze europejskiej
językowe formy obecności sacrum
gatunki w obrębie cyklu poetyckiego
języki biblijne w godzinkach (łacina, greka, hebrajski)
motywy mojżeszowe i chrześcijańskie
stylistyczne tropy w modlitwie godzinek
biblijne aluzje i motywy
prozodia modlitwy i problemy z jej odmawianiem
problem archaizmów zachowanych we współcześnie wykonywanym tekście
rola godzinek w duchowym życiu Polski
zmiany w czasie i przestrzeni dotyczące wykonywania modlitwy
The article concerns an Old Polish matins to the Holy Mary from the 17th century, which were created as a sung prayer, especially for laics. Its composition is similar to the breviary office of the Catholic Church, whereas the versification is based on prominent poetry examples from the Polish Renaissance (Jan Kochanowski, Mikołaj Sęp Szarzyński et al.). The author states that this form of prayer was attacked or even ridiculed in the times of reformation and counter-reformation by Protestant writers. Thanks to philological analysis of every distich – with consideration of the European background – the author shows intense and direct relations of the text to the Bible in Renaissance translations (priest Jakub Wujek, the Gdańsk Bible) and sometimes also to Marian apocryphic texts. A crucial role is played here by the symbolism of numbers (especially 7, 3, 1) and the semantic differences in many lexemes and language forms of the virtually 16th century Polish, if compared with contemporary Polish. A full concretization of this poetic cycle becomes visible when the text is sung first – hence the musical and prosodic aspects of the Little Office: its melodic line, physiological effects as the deepening and regularity of the breath have been considered. This is the way the prayer influences the human body, it opens and purifies the spiritual space for the influence of God’s grace. The author localized the prayer within the daily cycle of Old Polish and contemporary civilization, he pointed out the radical changes in life habits within the last century and an evolution of folk spirituality. The Little Office also has its place in the weekly cycle whereby every part is assigned to one specific day of the week. During the philological and prosodic analysis potential performers of the Little Office in Old Poland from the circles of peasants and craftsmen were named. The text has been well acquired in the community for twenty generations – the Little Office is often sung from memory exclusively. Because of the sociological changes it pervaded, thanks to the Roman-Catholic liturgy, into the contemporary urban ceremonial. 1
Tematy i Konteksty; 2016, 6(11); 254-301
Pojawia się w:
Tematy i Konteksty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Forma gatunkowa ody w łacińskiej poezji Jana Kochanowskiego (Lyricorum libellus)
Buszewicz, Elwira
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
neo-Latin poetry, works of Jan Kochanowski, Horatian imitation, poetic genres, ode and its variations
The ode as a genre in the Latin poetry of Jan Kochanowski (Lyricorum libellus)The aim of this study is to establish the place of Jan Kochanowski’s Lyricorum libellus (1580) in the history of Polish Renaissance Neo-Latin ode presented against a wider European background. The development of this genre in this historico-literary period in Poland has received only fragmentary reporting, e.g. in relation to Horatianism in literature or as a background for the vernacular ode. Yet, as Carol Maddison argues in her Apollo and the Nine, the Neo-Latin ode is, in a sense, a new genre revived and newly “devised” by Renaissance humanists. In her fundamental work, Maddison also presents the development of the ode and its variations in Italy and France. According to ancient patterns used by poets, Horatian odes (including Kochanowski’s odes) can be divided into the “pindaric” and the “anacreontic-sapphic.” To some extent this division coincides with the classification of odes as “political” or “private.” Similar categorisation criteria adopted by various researchers (Zofia Głombiowska, Jacqueline Glomski, Józef Budzyński) may result in individual odes being assigned to several different categories. The first part of the paper, therefore, emphasises the identity of the Neo-Latin ode and its status as a new genre strongly related to Renaissance Humanism. In the second part, the author attempts to assign particular poems from Lyricorum libellus to patterns indicated by Maddison, and deals with previous attempts at classification based on differentiating between political and private odes. She also underlines that Kochanowski frequently imitated both pindaric and anacreontic patterns through Horace. In the third part, the author analyses the strophic organisation of individual odes and their metre as well as their logical-rhetorical structure. The odes are here classified with regard to these criteria and interpreted in accordance with their historical context. The author pays close attention to the genre’s borderline between ode and hymn, stylistic “nobilitation” of lyrical poems and the outright Horationism of the collection. Lastly, she presents conclusions concerning the role of Lyricorum libellus in the development of the ode. Before Kochanowski, a significant role in the evolution of the genre was played by the so-called “university ode,” which was popular in Silesian and German poetic circles, as well as in odes by Paweł z Krosna. Kochanowski’s odes, however, bear little resemblance to this stage of the development of the genre in Poland. Imitating Horace in the spirit of such poets as Michal Marullus or Giovanni Pontano, Kochanowski demonstrates a mature awareness of the Neo-Latin ode, formed at the meeting-point of ode and hymn and constituting an element of a cycle organised in accordance with a certain idea.
Terminus; 2014, 16, 1(30)
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-5 z 5

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