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“Is logic a physical variable?” Introduction to the Special Issue
Eckstein, Michał
Skowron, Bartłomiej
Data publikacji:
Copernicus Center Press
category theory
“Is logic a physical variable?” This thought-provoking question was put forward by Michael Heller during the public lecture “Category Theory and Mathematical Structures of the Universe” delivered on 30th March 2017 at the National Quantum Information Center in Sopot. It touches upon the intimate relationship between the foundations of physics, mathematics and philosophy. To address this question one needs a conceptual framework, which is on the one hand rigorous and, on the other hand capacious enough to grasp the diversity of modern theoretical physics. Category theory is here a natural choice. It is not only an independent, well-developed and very advanced mathematical theory, but also a holistic, process-oriented way of thinking.
Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce; 2020, 69; 7-13
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Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Równoczesność” a „teraźniejszość” – fizyka i metafizyka czasu
“Simultaneousness” and “Nowness”: Physics and Metaphysics of Time
Przechowski, Artur
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
filozofia czasu
filozofia fizyki
Szczególna Teoria Względności (STW)
philosophy of time
philosophy of physics
special relativity
Jednym z głównych problemów filozofii czasu jest określenie statusu teraźniejszości. Zagadnienie teraz pojawia się explicite choćby w dyskusji prezentyzm-eternalizm czy w pytaniu o możliwość uzgodnienia idei obiektywnego upływu czasu z rozumieniem czasu we współczesnej nauce. Filozofia nauki ujawnia zaś – wcześniej nie dostrzegany – problem zdefiniowania równoczesności. Dyskusje na temat obiektywności lub realności upływu czasu nie są domeną filozofii ostatniego stulecia ani też pokłosiem odkryć fizyki XX wieku. To właśnie jednak na gruncie fizyki nastąpiło spektakularne zderzenie intuicyjnego rozumienia czasu, w tym tak oczywistych – zdawałoby się – idei, jak równoczesność czy współistnienie, z filozoficznymi implikacjami teorii naukowej. Rozbieżność intuicji temporalnych z czasem relatywistycznym analizowali pod kątem konsekwencji metafizycznych Gödel, Rietdijk i Putnam. Próby uzgodnienia klasycznych kategorii tensalnych z pojęciami STW, podejmowane przez Sklara, wskazują na konieczność wyeksplikowania odmiennych założeń ontologicznych obu schematów pojęciowych oraz potrzebę oddzielenia metafizyki od epistemologii. Radykalną propozycję wyeliminowania konfliktu między intuicją upływu czasu i relatywistycznym obrazem czasu wysunął Prior, który przypisał fundamentalną rolę potocznym kategoriom temporalnym (A-teoria), pojęcia relatywistyczne zaś uznał za czysto konwencjonalne i wtórne. Pogląd taki jawnie przeczyłby jednak ontologicznym założeniom STW, sformułowanym przez samego Einsteina. Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu wyeksplikowanie wspomnianych trudności w oparciu o fundamentalne założenia i własności klasycznej oraz relatywistycznej koncepcji czasu.
The status of “nowness” is one of the most important problems of the philosophy of time. The question of “the now” remains relevant in the discussion between presentism and eternalism, or in the problem of reconciliation between the classic idea of objective sense of the flow of time and the concept of time in the modern science. Philosophy of science also reveals the never-recognized-before problem of defining “simultaneousness.” The discussions on the objectivity or reality of the flow of time neither are the domain of the 20th-century philosophy, nor are the result of the discoveries in the modern physics. It was right on the grounds of relativistic physics, however, where the intuitive perception of time (including the supposedly obvious ideas of “simultaneousness” or the “coexistence”) and the philosophical implications of the scientific theory spectacularly collided. The dissonance between temporal intuitions and ontological implications of relativistic time was studied by Gödel, Rietdijk, and Putnam. The attempts to reconcile the classic tensal categories with the STR definitions, made by Sklar and the others, indicate the need of explication of the different presumptions of the two frameworks of conceptual schemas as well as the need of the separation between metaphysics and epistemology. A radical attempt of elimination of the conflict between the intuition of the flow of time and the relativistic concept of time was presented by Prior, who assigned a fundamental meaning to the tensal categories (A-theory) and who considered the relativistic concepts to be conventional and secondary. Such an idea, however, would explicitly negate the ontological presumptions of the STR, formulated by Einstein himself. The article presents this difficulties on the basis of the fundamental presumptions and features of the classic and relativistic concept of time.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 2014, 62, 4; 181-204
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
’Inquiry Physics’ Program for Students-Implementation of Inquiry Learning in the Physics Lessons in the High School in Israel
Program nauczania fizyki oparty na samodzielnych poszukiwaniach jako przykład tego rodzaju nauczania w izraelskiej szkole średnie
Sigron, Michal
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
inquiry learning
physics inquiry
Teaching of the Sciences recently emphasizes more than in the past the importance of the student’s experience in inquiry, in different places in the world in general and in Israel in particular. This article describes the process of scientific inquiry and the change of the perception of the role, both of the student and of the traditional teacher, in the performance of the inquiry process. The article presents different initiatives that integrate the learning of inquiry in the teaching of physics in the high school in Israel. These initiatives show that the inquiry laboratories have the potential to promote meaningful learning among the students, to increase the depth of their understanding of the scientific concepts and the understanding of the nature of science. The article focuses on ‘Inquiry Physics’ program for students and presents the goals, the target audience, the time framework, and the structure of this program. The program aims to assemble the different initiatives under one framework and to provide them with an appropriate place in the teaching of physics. The learning method of inquiry is now fledgling in the State of Israel and mainly in the knowledge realm of physics. Therefore, exposure to this program may contribute to the body of knowledge on the characteristics of learning and teaching through inquiry in general and on the teaching of physics in particular.
Studia Edukacyjne; 2017, 45; 387-402
Pojawia się w:
Studia Edukacyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
150-lecie urodzin Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie, dwukrotnej laureatki Nagrody Nobla (w 1903 i 1911 r.)
150 Years from nativity of Madame Maria Skłodowska-Curie, twice winner of the Nobel prize (in 1903 and 1911)
Rurarz, E.
Sobieszczak-Marciniak, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej
fizyka jądrowa
pierwiastki chemiczne
nuclear physics
chemical elements
Rok 2017 jest czasem wielu rocznic związanych z Marią Skłodowską-Curie i jej dokonaniami. 150 rocznica urodzin uczonej, 120 rocznica urodzin Ireny Joliot-Curie, 10 rocznica śmierci Ewy Curie Labouisse i 85 rocznica otwarcia Instytutu Radowego w Warszawie to przyczynek do wielu wydarzeń i artykułów na temat życia, odkryć i osiągnięć Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie. Historia badań nad promieniotwórczością, pierwiastkami promieniotwórczymi, to historia fizyki jądrowej, chemii radiacyjnej i onkologii. Oczywiście Maria i Piotr Curie nie byli jedynymi uczonymi zajmującymi się tymi dziedzinami, ale niewątpliwie to właśnie oni, a właściwie Maria Skłodowska-Curie była inicjatorką tak nowoczesnego myślenia o atomie. To dzięki jej uporowi, odwadze w stawianiu pytań i wydawałoby się niemożliwych do udowodnienia hipotez, nauka zawdzięcza nowe metody badawcze i pierwiastki promieniotwórcze. To jej kompleksowe myślenie o badaniach naukowych i medycynie dało początek nowoczesnym metodom leczenia nowotworów, powstanie dwóch bliźniaczych placówek onkologicznych- Instytutów Radowych w Paryżu i w Warszawie otworzyło drogę do budowy całej sieci onkologicznej i kompleksowego leczenia pacjentów.
Year 2017 is a year of many anniversaries connected with Maria Skłodowska-Curie and her achievements. The 150th anniversary of the birth of Maria Skłodowska-Curie, the 120th anniversary of the birth of Irena Joliot-Curie’s, the 10th anniversary of Eve Curie Labouisse’s death and the 85th anniversary of the opening of the Radium Institute in Warsaw represent a contribution to many events and articles on Maria Skłodowska-Curie’s life, discoveries and accomplishments. The history of research on radioactivity and radioactive elements is the history of nuclear physics, radiation chemistry and oncology. Obviously, Maria and Piotr Curie were not the only scientists involved in these fields, but undoubtedly they, or Maria Skłodowska-Curie actually, who initiated such modern thinking about the atom. It is thanks to her persistence and courage to ask questions, as well as her perseverance in proving hypotheses that had been almost impossible to prove, the science owes new research methods and radioactive elements. It is Maria Curie’s comprehensive thinking about the research and medicine that has given rise to modern methods of cancer treatment, the establishment of two twin oncology centres: the Radium Institute in Paris and in Warsaw. These have opened the way to building the entire oncology network and comprehensive patient treatment.
Postępy Techniki Jądrowej; 2017, 3; 30-39
Pojawia się w:
Postępy Techniki Jądrowej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
60 lat zjednoczonego Instytutu Badań Jądrowych w Dubnej i udziału polskich uczonych w jego pracach
The 60th Anniversary of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Physics in Dubna and of Participation of Polish Scientists in its Activities
Waligórski, M.
Chmielowski, W.
Budzyński, M.
Nawrocik, W.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej
Zjednoczony Instytut Badań Jądrowych
fizyka jądrowa
urządzenia badawcze
tematyka badań
współpraca międzynarodowa
działalność Polaków
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
nuclear physics
research infrastructure
fields of research
international collaboration
activity of Polish scientists
W roku 2016 mija 60 lat od powstania w Dubnej (Rosja) Zjednoczonego Instytutu Badań Jądrowych, uznanego w świecie międzynarodowego ośrodka badań jądrowych, w którym od początku czynnie uczestniczyli naukowcy polscy. W artykule omówiono aktualny stan wyposażenia Instytutu w duże urządzenia badawcze i ogólny profil prowadzonych w nim badań, zagadnienia naukowe, którymi obecnie zajmują się polscy pracownicy oddelegowani do ZIBJ z polskich ośrodków naukowych oraz tematykę prac prowadzonych w ośrodkach polskich wspólnie z pracownikami ZIBJ. W odróżnieniu od innych ośrodków międzynarodowych, dzięki grantom i programom Pełnomocnego Przedstawiciela Rządu RP w ZIBJ, na które przeznaczane jest 20% składki członkowskiej Polski, możliwe jest nieodpłatne korzystanie z istniejącej infrastruktury badawczej ZIBJ do realizacji badań prowadzonych przez polskie instytucje naukowe, gdzie polscy fizycy, chemicy i radiobiolodzy mogą realizować swoje prace niezależnie w wybranych przez nich kierunkach, uzupełniając je o komplementarne metody niedostępne w swoich macierzystych instytucjach. Konkursowy tryb przyznawania grantów i programów zapewnia tym badaniom pewną niezależność finansową od polityki prowadzonej przez dyrekcje poszczególnych laboratoriów. W ZIBJ obowiązuje także zasada zakupu materiałów i urządzeń w kraju członkowskim w wysokości nie mniejszej niż 20% składki członkowskiej, co umożliwia polskim firmom eksport aparatury i urządzeń oraz zagraniczną współpracę naukowo-technologiczną.
The year 2016 marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research in Dubna (Russia), a globally recognised international nuclear research laboratory in which Polish scientists have actively participated since its inception. In this article we briefly overview the major equipment of the JINR, its current main research directions, the research topics which Polish scientists on leave from their Polish research institutions to JINR are currently engaged in, and research topics undertaken jointly by JINR and Polish scientists in Polish institutions. Unique to the Polish participation in JINR is a competitive system of grants and programmes of the Plenipotentiary of Poland, supported by 20% of the Polish JINR membership fee, to which national collaborators may apply. This enables Polish physicists, chemists and radiobiologists to freely use the JINR infrastructure and to carry out independently their current research interests, but also using the advanced JINR facilities unavailable in Poland, without any additional charges. Thus, unlike in other large international research laboratories, their current research topics may be accomplished outside of long-term detailed research programmes typical for such laboratories. JINR also adheres to the industrial return rule, namely that no less than 20% of the membership fee is to be used to purchase materials and equipment from the member’s country. This enables Polish industry, especially in the high-tech area, to export their goods and to further extend joint international commercial venture.
Postępy Techniki Jądrowej; 2016, 2; 2-14
Pojawia się w:
Postępy Techniki Jądrowej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A brief analysis of North Sea physics
Sundermann, J.
Pohlmann, T.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Oceanologii PAN
biological parameter
chemical parameter
freshwater budget
marine ecosystem
marine physics
North Sea
physical parameter
remote sensing
The current state of understanding the North Sea’s physical system is presented. First, basic phenomena like astronomical tides and general circulation will be described and analysed with respect to their physical nature and respective interactions. There will be special focus on fundamental dynamic balances. Next, some specific topics relevant to the marine ecosystem, the economy and society will be considered: among them, spreading and transport processes, the fresh water budget, the heat budget and storm surges. A separate section is dedicated to the North Sea of Tomorrow, i.e. the prospective variations of the physical environment resulting from global changes in future decades. The statements are based on the long experience of the authors and their groups and include findings that are little known if at all. The review finishes with a list of open questions and the corresponding research demands.
Oceanologia; 2011, 53, 3
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A combined universal generating function and physics of failure Reliability Prediction Method for an LED driver
Fan, Liming
Wang, Kunsheng
Fan, Dongming
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Polskie Naukowo-Techniczne Towarzystwo Eksploatacyjne PAN
reliability prediction
LED driver
reliability modelling
physics of failure
universal generating function
The accurate and effective reliability prediction of light emitting diode (LED) drivers has emerged as a key issue in LED applications. However, previous studies have mainly focused on the reliability of electrolytic capacitors or other single components while ignoring circuit topology. In this study, universal generating function (UGF) and physics of failure (PoF) are integrated to predict the reliability of LED drivers. Utilizing PoF, lifetime data for each component are obtained. A system reliability model with multi-phase is established, and system reliability can be predicted using UGF. Illustrated by a two-channel LED driver, the beneficial effects of capacitors and MOSFETs for the reliability of LED drivers is verified. This study (i) provides a universal numerical approach to predict the lifetime of LED drivers considering circuit topology, (ii) enhances the modelling and reliability evaluation of circuits, and (iii) bridges the gap between component and circuit system levels.
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność; 2021, 23, 1; 74-83
Pojawia się w:
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A dinâmica relativista e a desconstrução
Borges Meneses, Ramiro Délio
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum
Jacques Derrida
Relativistic Dynamics
method and foundation
Energy and mass are generally interpreted as different properties of matter, for instance: the energy of a particle is generally interpreted as a measure of its capacity to do work. The law of the equivalence of mass and energy does not imply that mass is sometimes converted into energy or vice versa, but states that the changes in one are accompanied by corresponding changes in the other, inertial mass and energy being proportional to each other: E = m . c2. The law of conservation of mass is, therefore, equivalent to the law of conservation of energy and they are sometimes combined together and called the law of conservation of mass- energy. The proportionality between the relativistic mass and energy leads to the fact that the statement on the conservation of the total relativistic mass of particles is the statement on the conservation of the total energy using the relation between the relativistic mass and energy. Accordingly we can analyse the philosophical reasons of the relativistic dynamic. But this examination implicates a review on the causality principle, because we aspire to the new philosophical contained for the relativistic arguments. Meanwhile, the Relativistic Dynamics is also affected by the deconstruction.
Prosopon. Europejskie Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne; 2016, 3(16); 9-21
Pojawia się w:
Prosopon. Europejskie Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A new methodology for designing and development of complex systems for high energy physics
Makowski, D.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Łódzka. Wydział Mikroelektroniki i Informatyki
design methodology
high energy physics
large scale systems
electronic systems
low level radio frequency control system
image acquisition system
metodologia projektowania
fizyka wysokich energii
systemy wielkiej skali
układy elektroniczne
Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture
Micro Telecommunications Computing Architecture
podatność obsługowa
radioelektroniczny niskopoziomowy system sterowania
akwizycja obrazów
The paper describes a new methodology that allows to design scalable complex control and data acquisition systems taking into consideration the additional, non-functional requirements of High-Energy Physics (HEP). Electronic systems applied in HEP often operate in difficult conditions. Access to such devices is difficult or even impossible. The HEP systems require high availability, serviceability and upgradeability. The operating conditions of these systems are even more difficult than for telecommunication devices. Therefore, a different methodology should be applied than for classical telecommunication systems, when designing electronics used in high-energy physics applications. Electronic systems also need a suitable hardware platform that not only assures high availability, simplifies maintenance and servicing but also allows to use mixed analogue-digital signals. The author made an attempt to develop a new methodology suitable for designing of complex data acquisition and control systems of HEP. The Low Level RF (LLRF) system of European Free Electron Laser (EXFEL) and Image Acquisition System (IAS) prototype developed for International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) tokamak are presented as examples of complex electronic systems that were designed according to the proposed methodology.
International Journal of Microelectronics and Computer Science; 2016, 7, 4; 123-132
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Microelectronics and Computer Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Reply to John Dudley on Aristotle, Physics 2.5, 196b17–21
A Reply to John Dudley on Aristotle, Physics 2.5, 196b17
Giardina, Giovanna R.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
In this article, I restate the interpretation of Aristotle’s Ph. 2.5, 196b17–21, which I presented for the first time in my book I fondamenti della causalità naturale (2006). According to my reading, both the things that are due to deliberation and those that are not (Arist. Ph. 196b17–18) fall within the group of beings which come to be not for the sake of anything (Arist. Ph. 196b17). In his recent book, Aristotle’s Concept of Chance (Albany 2012), John Dudley found my interpretation laudable and original but rejected it, opting for the traditional interpretation. As he did not provide sufficient reasons for this, I deem it appropriate to discuss more broadly and in greater detail my interpretation in order to demonstrate that it is correct theoretically, linguistically and grammatically. I also discuss a reading of Neoplatonic commentators which seems to me very useful: when commenting on Aristotle, they start with a very prejudicial interpretation which comes from Alexander and which probably determined all later interpretations of the passage. According to this interpretation, beings which come to be not for the sake of anything (Arist. Ph. 196b17) are beings that have no teleology of any kind. Yet this exegetic position faces a series of difficulties which can easily be solved if one assumes, as I do, that these beings have a certain end albeit not an intrinsic one.
In this article, I restate the interpretation of Aristotle’s Ph. 2.5, 196b17– 21, which I presented for the first time in my book I fondamenti della causalità naturale (2006). According to my reading, both the things that are due to deliberation and those that are not (Arist. Ph. 196b17–18) fall within the group of beings which come to be not for the sake of anything (Arist. Ph. 196b17). In his recent book, Aristotle’s Concept of Chance (Albany 2012), John Dudley found my interpretation laudable and original but rejected it, opting for the traditional interpretation. As he did not provide sufficient reasons for this, I deem it appropriate to discuss more broadly and in greater detail my interpretation in order to demonstrate that it is correct theoretically, linguistically and grammatically. I also discuss a reading of Neoplatonic commentators which seems to me very useful: when commenting on Aristotle, they start with a very prejudicial interpretation which comes from Alexander and which probably determined all later interpretations of the passage. According to this interpretation, beings which come to be not for the sake of anything (Arist. Ph. 196b17) are beings that have no teleology of any kind. Yet this exegetic position faces a series of difficulties which can easily be solved if one assumes, as I do, that these beings have a certain end albeit not an intrinsic one.
Peitho. Examina Antiqua; 2017, 8, 1; 271-288
Pojawia się w:
Peitho. Examina Antiqua
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A semi-analytic approach to calculating the Strehl ratio for a circularly symmetric system. Part 1: static wavefront
Castaño-Fernandez, A. B.
Martínez-Finkelshtein, A.
Iskander, D. R.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
image quality assessment
optical transfer function
mathematical methods in physics
finite analogs of Fourier transforms
Close-form expression for the Strehl ratio calculated in the spatial frequency domain of the optical transfer function (SOTF) is considered for the case of an optical system that has circular symmetry. First, it is proved that the SOTF for the aberration-free diffraction limited optical system is equal to one. Further, a semi-analytic solution for the SOTF for a system described by the second (defocus) and the fourth (spherical) order aberrations is provided. It is shown that the proposed semi-analytical solution is of an order of a magnitude computationally more efficient than the commonly used approach based on the discrete Fourier transformation.
Optica Applicata; 2018, 48, 2; 201-210
Pojawia się w:
Optica Applicata
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A semi-analytic approach to calculating the Strehl ratio for a circularly symmetric system.Part 2: dynamic wavefront
Castaño-Fernandez, A. B.
Martínez-Finkelshtein, A.
Iskander, D. R.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
image quality assessment
optical transfer function
longitudinal vibrations
mathematical methods in physics
finite analogs of Fourier transforms
Close-form expression for the Strehl ratio calculated in the spatial frequency domain of the optical transfer function (SOTF) is considered for the case of time-varying dynamic optical system that has circular symmetry. Specifically, closed-form expressions for the temporally averaged SOTF are considered, which can be easily evaluated numerically (what we call a semi-analytic solution). As for the case of a static wavefront, described in Part 1 of this work, it is shown that the proposed methods are computationally more efficient than the commonly used approach based on the discrete Fourier transform.
Optica Applicata; 2018, 48, 2; 211-223
Pojawia się w:
Optica Applicata
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Accelerator Infrastructure in Europe EuCARD 2011
Romaniuk, R. S.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
electronics and photonics for high energy physics experiments
free electron laser
distributed measurement and control systems
precise timing distribution systems of large space extent
advanced electronic systems
integration of hardware and software
The paper presents a digest of the research results in the domain of accelerator science and technology in Europe, shown during the annual meeting of the EuCARD - European Coordination of Accelerator Research and Development. The conference concerns building of the research infrastructure, including in this advanced photonic and electronic systems for servicing large high energy physics experiments. There are debated a few basic groups of such systems like: measurement - control networks of large geometrical extent, multichannel systems for large amounts of metrological data acquisition, precision photonic networks of reference time, frequency and phase distribution.
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications; 2011, 57, 3; 413-419
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Accelerator Science and Technology in Europe EuCARD 2012
Romaniuk, R. S.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
electronics and photonics for high energy physics experiments
free electron laser
advanced electronic systems
integration of hardware and software
nuclear electronics
Accelerator science and technology is one of a key enablers of the developments in the particle physics, photon physics, electronics and photonics, also applications in medicine and industry. The paper presents a digest of the research results in accelerators in Europe, shown during the third annual meeting of the EuCARD - European Coordination of Accelerator Research and Development. EuCARD concerns building of research infrastructure, including advanced photonic and electronic systems for servicing large high energy physics experiments. There are debated a few basic groups of such systems like: measurement - control networks of large extent, multichannel systems for metrological data acquisition, precision photonic networks for reference time distribution.
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications; 2012, 58, 4; 327-334
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Algorytmiczność biologii
Algorithmicity of biology
Uchmański, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
mathematicity of physics
mathematicity of biology
algorithmicity of biology
matematyczność fizyki
matematyczność biologii
algorytmiczność biologii
Mathematicity of physics is surprising, but it enables us to understand the laws of nature through the analysis of mathematical structures describing it. This concerns, however, only physics. The degree of the mathematization of biology is low, and attempts to mathematize it are limited to the application of mathematical methods used for the description of physical systems. When doing so, we are likely to commit an error of attributing to ecological systems features that they do not have. Some argue that biology does need new mathematical methods conforming to its needs, and not known from physics. In my opinion, however, because of a specific complexity of biological systems, we should speak of algorithmicity of biology, rather than of its mathematicity. As an example of algorithmic approach in biology one can indicate so called individual-based models used to describe population dynamics or fractal models applied to describe geometrical complexity of biological structures.
Matematyczność fizyki jest zjawiskiem, którego obecność jest dla nas zaskakująca, ale które pozwala nam na poznanie przyrody poprzez analizę matematycznych struktur ją opisujących. Dotyczy to jednak wyłącznie fizyki. Stopień matematyzacji biologii jest niewielki, a próby użycia języka matematyki sprowadzają się w istocie do stosowania w biologii metod matematycznych, których używa się do opisu układów fizycznych. Jest prawdopodobne, że popełniamy w ten sposób błąd przypisując układom biologicznym cechy, których nie posiadają. Pojawiają się głosy, że biologia wymaga nowych metod matematycznych dostosowanych do jej potrzeb, nie znanych z fizyki. Sądzę jednak, że z uwagi na specyfikę złożoności, którą reprezentują układy biologiczne, zamiast o matematyczności biologii należy mówić o jej algorytmiczności. Jako przykłady algorytmicznego podejścia można przywołać tak zwane modele osobnicze używane między innymi do opisu dynamik populacji lub metody modelowania fraktalnego stosowane do opisu złożoności geometrii i jej dynamiki skomplikowanych struktur biologicznych, takich jak na przykład drzewa.
Studia Philosophiae Christianae; 2016, 52, 1; 99-120
Pojawia się w:
Studia Philosophiae Christianae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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