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Effectiveness of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Depending on Lifeguard’s Level of Exhaustion
Olejniczak, Remigiusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
aquatic safety
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
physical capacity
Rescue operation consists of many connected parts, which are called rescue chain links. The quality of the whole operation depends on the accuracy of execution and compliance with each link. Undue hurry, sluggishness or excessive exhaustion of lifeguard, may decrease the quality of performed resuscitation procedures, which is an important element of the whole rescuing process. The presence of a qualified lifeguard or rescue team is essential to the rescuing process. Situations in which lifeguard is on duty as a single unit are permitted in Polish legal regulations. In such cases, up to the point of transferring the victim to emergency medical services, rescue operation lies in the hands of a single lifeguard. The aim of this report is a comparative analysis of the quality of two-minute CPR procedures performed on QCPR anatomical models (Resusci Little Anne), in case of a one-person rescue operation at the swimming pool. 22 students of Water Safety, University of Szczecin took part in the experiment. The results of the experiment showed that the exhaustion of the lifeguard didn’t have a substantial impact on the quality and effectiveness of the rescue procedures. The study was conducted in conditions isolated from fatigue and after a rescue operation performed in water.
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine; 2020, 30, 2; 57-70
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Physical Capacity of Occupationally Active Population and Capability to Perform Physical Work
Bugajska, J.
Makowiec-Dąbrowska, T.
Bortkiewicz, A.
Gadzicka, E.
Marszałek, A.
Lewandowski, Z.
Konarska, M.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
physical capacity
maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max)
work requirements
The aim of this study was to determine what proportion of occupationally active Poles have working capacity that enables them to tolerate hard and very hard physical work. For this purpose physical capacity of 1188 occupationally active subjects (524 women and 664 men), aged 18–64 years was examined. Their maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) was determined indirectly on the basis of their heart rate during an incremental exercise test on a bicycle ergometer. It was found that hard occupational physical work was an excessive load for almost 40% of men and women. This paper discusses how this load should be decreased with planned, appropriately long rest breaks. The percentage of persons for whom their hard physical work becomes an excessive load increases with age to such a degree that a new assessment of individual capability for such work is recommended for persons over 40 years old.
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics; 2011, 17, 2; 129-138
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Functional Limitations and Occupational Issues in Obesity: A Review
Capodaglio, P.
Castelnuovo, G.
Brunani, A.
Vismara, L.
Villa, V.
Capodaglio, E. M.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
physical work capacity
functional limitations
musculoskeletal disorders
Four hundred million adults are obese. Such a pandemic involves people of working age. Excess weight imposes abnormal mechanics on body movements, which could account for the high incidence of musculoskeletal disorders in these subjects. This article reviews the physiological and biomechanical causes of the reduced work capacity in obese workers and speculates on the relationships between occupational exposure and obesity. The reduction in work capacity appears to be due to the following factors: reduced spine flexibility, decay in endurance, limited range of movement of the major joints, reduced muscle strength and capacity to hold prolonged fixed postures, impaired respiratory capacity and visual control. Work capacity in morbidly obese workers should always be evaluated to match specific job demands. Due to the relationship between obesity, musculoskeletal disorders, disability and health costs, prevention of obesity and ergonomic interventions on-site are a priority in the work place.
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics; 2010, 16, 4; 507-523
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kobiety na stanowiskach pracy fizycznej : ograniczenia wynikające z płci i wieku
Women at physical work stations - limitations resulting from gender and age
Łastowiecka-Moras, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
praca fizyczna
kobiety starsze
wydolność fizyczna
obciążenie pracą
physical work
older women
physical capacity
Współczesne badania wskazują na brak pozytywnego wpływu na zdrowie dużych obciążeń fizycznych w pracy zawodowej, zwłaszcza w połączeniu z deficytem aktywności fizycznej rekreacyjnej w czasie wolnym od pracy. Kobiety, ze względu na uwarunkowania fizjologiczne, nie są w stanie wykonywać wszystkich czynności w pracy na równi z mężczyznami. Dotyczy to zwłaszcza prac związanych z wysiłkiem fizycznym i transportem ciężarów oraz wymuszoną pozycją ciała. W przypadku kobiet starszych, oprócz fizjologicznych różnic podyktowanych płcią, dochodzą zmiany funkcjonalne zachodzące w organizmie ludzkim wraz z wiekiem, które również istotnie obniżają możliwość wykonywania pracy fizycznej. Lekceważenie przez pracodawców problemu ciężkiej pracy fizycznej prowadzi do niekorzystnych skutków, zarówno dla pracowników, jak i dla firmy. Nadmierne obciążenie i związane z nim zmęczenie pracownika jest przyczyną gorszej jakości i wydajności pracy oraz zwiększenia absencji chorobowej. Dlatego oczywista wydaje się konieczność dostosowywania stanowisk i warunków pracy do potrzeb pracownic fizycznych w starszym wieku.
Contemporary studies indicate the lack of a positive impact of high physical effort in professional work on health, especially in connection with the deficit of recreational physical activity during leisure time. Women, due to physiological conditions, are not able to perform all activities at work equally with men. This applies in particular to work related to physical effort, transport of weights and forced body position. In the case of older women, apart from the physiological differences dictated by gender, functional changes occurring in the ageing human body, which also significantly reduce the ability to perform physical work, are added. The problem of employers disregarding hard physical labour leads to adverse effects for both them and their companies. Excessive work toad and, associated with it, fatigue of employees result in inferior quality and work efficiency and the increase in sick leave due to ailments and illnesses. Therefore, it seems obvious to adapt the work station and working conditions to the needs of older women that perform physical work.
Bezpieczeństwo Pracy : nauka i praktyka; 2019, 6; 12-15
Pojawia się w:
Bezpieczeństwo Pracy : nauka i praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The effects of 6-month physical training conducted during hemodialysis in ESRD patients
Chojak-Fijałka, Katarzyna
Smoleński, Olgierd
Miłkowski, Andrzej
Piotrowski, Wiesław
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Bronisława Czecha w Krakowie
muscle strength
Physical training
physical capacity
schyłkowa niewydolność nerek
siła mięśniowa
trening fizyczny
wydolność fizyczna
Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of exercise training during hemodialysis treatment in patients with end-stage renal disease.Methods: Fourteen maintenance hemodialysis patients participated in a six-month program of exercise training. The exercise was performed during the hemodialysis treatment on a stationary bicycle three times per week. Compliance of exercise program was about 80% of the possible sessions. Sit-to-stand-to-sit test was used to evaluate legs muscle strength at baseline, after 3, and 6 months of exercise training. Exercise capacity was assessed on the treadmill test according to Bruce’s protocol at the beginning and at the end of the intervention.Results: After the six-months of exercise program, the patients showed: a significant increase in the number of repetitions performed in sit-to-stand-to-sit test after 3 months as compared to baseline (from 23,46 to 31,67) and an increase after 6 months of exercise program (from 23,46 to 36,50); a significant increase in treadmill test time (from 6,69 to 10,20 min); a significant increase in exercise capacity in treadmill test (from 4 to 6,21 METs).Conclusion: Exercise training during the hemodialysis treatment using stationary bicycle is technically feasible and safe for the screened patients and may increase exercise capacity and leg muscles strength. Physical exercise therapy should constitute an important part of treatment of patients undergoing haemodialysis.
Założenia i cele: Przebieg przewlekłej niewydolności nerek wiąże się ze stopniowym zmniejszaniem wydolności wysiłkowej chorych. Celem pracy było ocenienie skuteczności treningu wysiłkowego prowadzonego w czasie leczenia hemodializą u osób ze schyłkową niewydolnością nerek. Materiał i metoda: 14 przewlekle hemodializowanych pacjentów uczestniczyło w 6-miesięcznym programie aerobowego interwałowego treningu wytrzymałościowego. Ćwiczenia wykonywane były przy użyciu ergometru rowerowego trzy razy w tygodniu. Pacjenci uczestniczyli średnio w 80% zaplanowanych sesji treningowych. Siłę mięśni kończyn dolnych oceniano za pomocą testu „Wstań i siądź” trzykrotnie: na początku, po trzech miesiącach i na końcu programu. Tolerancja wysiłku oceniana była na początku i na końcu programu na podstawie wyników testu wysiłkowego wykonywanego na bieżni ruchomej zgodnie ze zmodyfikowanym protokołem Bruce’a. Wyniki: Po 6 miesiącach programu treningowego pacjenci wykazali: poprawę wyników testu „Wstań i siądź” (po trzech miesiącach średnio z 23,46 do 31,67 powtórzeń, a po sześciu miesiącach do 36,50 powtórzeń); poprawę tolerancji wysiłku, czego miarą było wydłużenie czasu trwania testu wysiłkowego (z 6,69 do 10,20 min.) oraz szacowanego pochłaniania tlenu w przeliczeniu na kg masy ciała (z 4 do 6,21 METs). Nie stwierdzono powikłań spowodowanych uczestniczeniem w treningu. Wnioski: Aerobowy interwałowy trening wytrzymałościowy w czasie hemodializy przy użyciu ergometru rowerowego jest technicznie możliwy i bezpieczny. 6-miesięczny trening fizyczny z zastosowaniem ergometru rowerowego poprawia siłę mięśni kończyn dolnych i ogólną tolerancję wysiłku. Terapia ruchowa powinna być ważną częścią leczenia osób przewlekle hemodializowanych.
Medical Rehabilitation; 2006, 10(2); 25-36
Pojawia się w:
Medical Rehabilitation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The relationship between field test results measuring physical fitness levels in olympic boxing competitors and their athletic performance
Związek pomiędzy wynikami polowych testów wydolności fizycznej u zawodników boksu olimpijskiego a wynikiem sportowym
Kowalik, Norbert
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Edukacji Medycznej, Promocji Zdrowia, Sztuki i Kultury Ars Medica
physical capacity
results in sport
wydolność fizyczna
wyniki sportowe
Background. The aim of the study was to find physical discriminants in Polish senior league elite boxers Material and methods. 13 competitors from the senior national team of average age and body mass participated in the study. The applied methods of assessment included FMS and CMJ tests, 3kg medicine ball throw and 1200m shuttle run. Results. Statistical analysis of the studied biomechanical variables compared with the results of the Polish Senior Championships and the yearly rank list did not reveal any significant correlation. Conclusions. The lack of a clear physical indicator may indicate that the determinants of success in sports depend on other competitors’ traits. On the other hand, the small sample size may be the reason of the lack of statistical significance. An adequate level of physical capacities may allow effective use of the athlete’s vast potential, however, it is not the only decisive factor affecting success in boxing.
Wstęp. W pracy poszukiwano fizycznych wyróżników jakimi charakteryzowali się najbardziej utytułowani zawodnicy polskiej kadry narodowej seniorów. Materiał i metody. 13 zawodników kadry narodowej seniorów w średnim wieku i masie ciała. Wykonano test FMS, CMJ, rzut piłką lekarską 3 kg, bieg wahadłowy 1200 m. Wyniki. Analiza statystyczna badanych zmiennych biomechanicznych oraz wyników podczas Mistrzostw Polski Seniorów oraz roczną listą rankingową nie wykazała istotnej zależności. Wnioski. Brak jednoznacznego fizycznego wskaźnika może świadczyć, iż determinantów sukcesu sportowego należy szukać także w innych cechach zawodnika. Z drugiej strony niewielka liczebność próbki odpowiada za brak istotności statystycznej. Odpowiedni poziom zdolności fizycznych może pozwolić na efektywne wykorzystanie szerokiego potencjału sportowca, ale nie jest jedynym i decydującym czynnikiem wpływającym na sukces w boksie.
Polish Journal of Sports Medicine; 2021, 37(4); 217-222
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Sports Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analysis of exercise tolerance on the basis of six-minute walk test – 6MWT and Borg RPE scale in men with inguinal hernia before and after Lichtenstein repair
Machała, Ewa
Redynk, Magdalena
Gruchała, Aneta
Kołomecki, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
Borg scale
exercise tolerance
inguinal hernia
physical capacity
postsurgical rehabilitation
six minute walk test – 6MWT
Introduction: Assessment of exercise tolerance (ET) plays an important role in qualifications for treatment and rehabilitation. Aim: The aim of the study was to assess ET in patients before and after inguinal hernia operations with Lichtenstein method. Material and methods: The cohort study included men with inguinal hernia divided into the study group (SG) (n = 50) and control (CG) (n = 50) undergone the Lichtenstein surgery. Patients from the SG met the criterion of coexistence of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Day before and on the second day after surgery, patients performed 6MWT and subjectively rate the exertion according to Borg- RPE- Scale (before, immediately after and 10 minutes after the test). 6MWT distance, Borg scale ratings were analysed. On the second day after surgery 66% of patients from the SG and 58% from the CG did not complete the test. Patients from the SG before (500,07 ± 40,38 m) and on the second day after surgery (243,46 ± 18,18 m) achieved shorter distances compared to the CG (565,93 ± 20,41 m; 249,47 ± 26,66 m), p < 0,001 i p = 0,481. A statistically significant negative correlation between 6MWT distance before surgery and age of the patients was confirmed. Patients who did not develop complications achieved significantly longer distances on admission (p = 0,003 for SG, p = 0,004 for CG). For 6MWT before surgery and 2 days after surgery, patients from the SG showed a significantly higher level of fatigue compared to the CG after the test (before: p = 0,001, after: p = 0,001). Patients form the SG often discontinued 6MWT and less tolerated effort compared to the CG. Hence, 6MWT is useful tool for ascertaining physical capacity and ET.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2021, 93, 1; 1-8
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nutrients from beach recreation in the context of the limnological status of a mesotrophic lake
Serafin, Artur
Grzywna, Antoni
Augustyniak, Renata
Bronowicka-Mielniczuk, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
beach tourism
physical carrying capacity
trophic state indices
The study objective was to analyse the number of tourists present in the shore zone and bathing areas of lakes with regard to their tourist carrying capacity and the amount of biogenic substances potentially entering the ecosystem from the beach and bathing areas. The procedures from project between the EU and Poland, in the module “Development of the sanitary supervision of water quality” were used in three categories: physiological substances - sweat and urine; water-soluble and insoluble organic compounds; and biogenic elements - nitrogen and phosphorus. The research was conducted in two model mesotrophic lakes, Piaseczno and Zagłębocze, located in the Łęczna-Włodawa Lakeland (eastern Poland). The data were analysed in reference to biological trophic status indices defining the limnological status of lakes in the summer of 2014 and 2016. Analyses of gross primary production of phytoplankton using the light and dark bottles method and the analysis of chlorophyll a concentration were applied using the laboratory spectrophotometric method. The relatively small number of tourists recorded in the shore zone of both lakes did not exceed their tourist carrying capacity, and their potential contribution of biogenic substances to the lake ecosystems was small. Biological trophic indices for both lakes indicated that they had been continually late-mesotrophic for decades. The amount of biogenic substances directly linked to beach tourism usually has a minor effect on the limnological status of mesotrophic lakes. Due to the specific character of lake ecosystems, however, even small amounts of these substances can contribute to the destabilisation of the biocenotic system.
Journal of Water and Land Development; 2022, 54; 160--171
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Water and Land Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fractional derivatives in electrical circuit theory – critical remarks
Sikora, R.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
dimensional uniformity
physical equations
super capacitor
A number of critical remarks related to the application of fractional derivatives in electrical circuit theory have been presented in this paper. Few cases have been pointed out that refer to observed in selected publications violations of dimensional uniformity of physical equation rules as well as to a potential impact on the Maxwell equations.
Archives of Electrical Engineering; 2017, 66, 1; 155-163
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Electrical Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of psychophysical capacities for professional work in late middle age and at the beginning of old age
Ćwirlej-Sozańska, Agnieszka
Wiśniowska-Szurlej, Agnieszka
Wilmowska-Pietruszyńska, Anna
Sozański, Bernard
Wołoszyn, Natalia
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
middle age
health status
physical activity
work capacity
chronic disease
Background In Poland average life expectancy extends, while the number of the elderly who are active in the labor market decreases. Material and Methods The study population consisted of 429 people aged 50–70 years old living in the community of south-eastern Poland. The respondents were divided into 2 study groups: group I – late middle age (50–60 years old) and group II – early old age (61–70 years old). With the use of questionnaires they were given, we obtained their socio-demographic data, assessed their cognitive and emotional state, as their physical activity levels. We used the Tinetti test to assess their gait and balance. Results We did not find statistically significant difference in cognitive functioning between the studied groups (p = 0.109). Moreover, there was no significant relationship between belonging to an age group and suffering from depression (p = 0.06) as well as no major differences were observed in the general level of physical activity in relation to age (p = 0.112). Our study found that most of our subjects, regardless of gender, declared their willingness to continue professional work after reaching retirement age. Conclusions The results of own research did not show significant differences in psychophysical state between people in late middle age and at the beginning of old age. Most of the researched participants declared their willingness to continue professional work. Due to changing demographic conditions, it is becoming an important issue to maintain the highest possible level of professional activity of older people in the labor market in Poland. Med Pr 2018;69(4):375–381
Medycyna Pracy; 2018, 69, 4; 375-381
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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