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Korelacja pomiędzy agresją wobec zwierząt a agresją wobec ludzi w świetle badań aktowych
The Correlation Between Aggression Towards Animals and Aggression Towards People in the Light of Records Research
Narodowska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
przemoc wobec ludzi
przemoc wobec zwierząt
violence towards people
violence towards animals
perpetrator of violence
Brutalisation of crimes involving violence, as well as crimes connected with physicaland verbal aggression in public life can be observed in the Polish society. At the sametime, the media inform about these pathologies in diverse ways. The problem of crimesinvolving violence against individuals is a classic area of criminological research. InPolish criminological literature, problems associated with violence towards animalsare set aside from the basic considerations concerning the problem of violence. Itis noted that this theme is the subject of many English-language publications. InAmerican criminological literature, it is indicated that the perpetrators of abuse(perpetrators of domestic violence) also use violence against domestic animals as socalled“substi tute objects”. There is no indigenous empirical research confirming orfalsifying the hypothesis on the existence of such a correlation. Therefore, the main aimof this work was to define, on the basis of the results of the author’s research, ifthere is any relationship between the phenomenon of aggression towards animalsand propensity for agression towards people. Moreover, the author formulatedthe following research problems: have the perpetrators of crimes involving cruelty toanimals been previously convicted, particularly for any crimes of aggression? Whatkind of crimes were they? Is it possible to specify the common features that characteriseperpetrators who use violence against animals and people? What factors play a leadingrole in the criminogenic process concerning perpetrators of crimes of aggression?The work is divided into five parts. The first, called “Introductory Matters”, offersa review of the status quaestionis and definitions of the basic concepts which appearin the subsequent parts of the paper (violence, aggression, legal status of animals,cruelty to animals). The second part summarises the methodology of the author’sresearch. The applied research method involved researching documents, done by usingthe records research technique (indirect observation). The research tools includedthe author’s questionnaire of records research consisting of 34 questions grouped in fivecategories: preparatory proceedings, court proceedings, trial (the first and the secondinstance), the perpetrator’s deed, the victim of crime, the perpetrator of crime. Thesubject of analysis covered the contents of the court records in criminal cases with legalvalidity concerning Article 35 of the Act on the Protection of Animals. Therefore, onlythe finalised court proceedings were researched. The research included 59 criminalproceedings instituted against 61 persons accused of a prohibited act in the formof animal killing or violence against animals. The research was conducted in the firsthalf of 2017 in the District Court in Olsztyn (2nd Criminal Department and 7th CriminalDepartment). The time range of the research included the period 1997–2016, i.e. sincethe entry into force of the Act on the Protection of Animals until the end of the research, considered as full calendar years. The author researched all criminal cases that endedwith a final judgement. On the basis of the established criteria, criminal cases wereselected in which the relationship between the use of violence by perpetrators towardsanimals and people was ascertained. Further analysis was applied to 23 criminal cases,in which 21 perpetrators were convicted. The third part discusses the research results.The data collected for the purposes of criminal proceedings have provided basic informationconcerning the gender and the age of the perpetrator, his/her education, maritalstatus, employment, prior criminal history, legal qualification of the committed crimesand the statement whether the perpetrator was under the influence of alcohol or drugsat the time of committing the crime. On the basis of personal and cognitive dataof the perpetrators of crimes punishable under Article 35 of the Act on the Protectionof Animals and the forensic and psychiatric opinions drawn up for the purposes ofcriminal proceedings, the characteristics of the studied population were presentedand the factors that could play an important role in the genesis of acts of aggression(risk factors) were identified. In the fourth part, the selected criminological theoriesexplaining the reasons for the aggressive behaviour were referred to specific casesof the examined perpetrators. The work ends with a conclusion which provides a verificationof the researched hypotheses for the purposes of the paper.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2018, XL; 327-370
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sprawcy przemocy domowej – próba oceny prowadzonych oddziaływań penitencjarnych z perspektywy antydyskryminacyjnej
Domestic Violence Perpetrators – Evaluation of Penitentiary Work From The Antidiscrimination Perspective
Jankowska-Guściora, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
przemoc domowa
sprawca przemocy domowej
oddziaływania penitencjarne
domestic violence
perpetrator of domestic violence
penitentiary work
Zjawisko przemocy domowej związane jest z płcią, bowiem to kobiety w zdecydowanej większości są osobami doświadczającymi tego konsekwencji. Z uwagi na wielowymiarowe podejście do problematyki funkcjonowania rodziny trwają poszukiwania skutecznych metod przeciwdziałania przemocy domowej. Niezależnie jednak od sposobu rozumienia zjawiska wydaje się, że praca ze sprawcą przemocy prowadząca do jego zmiany, jest najlepszą formą ochrony ofiar przed kolejnymi aktami przemocy. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie pracy penitencjarnej podejmowanej wobec sprawcy przemocy domowej ze jednoczesnym zweryfikowaniem prowadzonych oddziaływań w perspektywie przeciwdziałania dyskryminacji ze względu na płeć.
The phenomenon of domestic violence is related to sex, as in the majority of cases it is women who suffer the consequences of it. Due to the multidimensional approach to the matter of a family functioning the ongoing search for effective methods of prevention of domestic violence remains. Regardless of the way the phenomenon is understood, it seems that the work with the perpetrator of violence leading to the change is the best way to protect the victims from further violence. The purpose of this article is to present the penitentiary work undertaken against the perpetrator of domestic violence while verifying the interactions conducted to prevent discrimination on the grounds of sex.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Cultura; 2016, 8, 1 "Rozwiązania antydyskryminacyjne w edukacji formalnej"; 117-125
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Cultura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zespół interdyscyplinarny – instytucjonalne „przymierze” przeciw przemocy w rodzinie
Interdisciplinary team – institutional counteracting domestic violence
Barańska, Izabela
Kusa-Chrzanowska, Ewelina
Wiśniewski, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
perpetrator of domestic violence
sprawca przemocy domowej
The inefficiency of previous solutions in terms of counteracting domestic violence demanded that legislator take action to give legal basis to constitute a body dealing only with the case. As it is shown by police statistics, domestic violence became deeply enrotted, which made current penal system and general prevention insufficient. Interdisciplinary team became a base on which other institutions create broad family service plans. And thus it became necessary to explain how it works.
Nieskuteczność dotychczasowych rozwiązań w zakresie przeciw-działania przemocy w rodzinie wymagała podjęcia przez ustawodawcę działań legislacyjnych dających prawne podstawy do ukonstytuowania ciała zajmujące-go się wyłącznie przedmiotowym zjawiskiem. Jak obrazują statystyki policyjne, zjawisko przemocy w rodzinie zakorzeniło się bardzo głęboko, co sprawiło, że dotychczasowy system sankcjonowania oraz prewencja ogólna okazały się niewy-starczające. Zespół interdyscyplinarny przyjął rolę fundamentu, na którym wyspecjalizowane instytucje konstruują szeroko zakrojony plan pomocy rodzinie. Tym samym konieczne stało się przybliżenie problematyki jego działania.
Konteksty Pedagogiczne; 2018, 1, 10
Pojawia się w:
Konteksty Pedagogiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sędziowski wymiar kary w badaniu prawno-socjologicznym 2012–2014
Judiciary Sentencing in Legal and Sociological Research in 2012-2014
Królikowska, Jadwiga
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
prawo karne
badania prawno-socjologiczne
criminal law
law and sociological research
violence towards people
violence towards animals
perpetrator of violence
This article presents selected results of a legal and sociological research project entitled“Penal cultures. Cultural context of criminal policy and criminal law reforms. Legal,penological, historical, sociological, and cultural (anthropological) analysis of criminallaw reforms in Poland against the background of European and world trends”, conductedin 2012-2014 on a sample of 160 Polish judges. The research was carried out usingthe questionnaire method supplemented with in-depth interviews with 12 judges.The questionnaire was sent by email to all the presidents of district, regional, andappellate courts in Poland with a request to pass it to their judges. The questionnaire wasaccompanied by a recommendation letter from the Vice-Rector for Scientific Researchat the University of Warsaw with the information about the research unit, that is aboutthe Professor G. Rejman Division of Culturally Integrated Legal and Social Studiesand the European Centre for Penological Studies at the University of Warsaw. Thequestionnaire was either sent back in bulk from individual courts, or the respondentssent it back individually by post or email to the university address provided.The punishment phenomenon was examined in a processual approach. Theresearchers adopted the hypothesis that criminal judges were the first link in thisprocess and knew more about punishment and punishing as social and legal phenomena than the general public. The presented research refers thematically to the studiescarried out by Bronisław Wróblewski and Witold Świda before World War II, reportedin their book Sędziowski wymiar kary w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Ankieta [The judiciarysentencing of punishment in the Republic of Poland. A Questionnaire], publishedin Vilnius in 1939. Similarly to those studies, the present research asks questions aboutthe determinants of the judiciary dimension of punishment, but it emphasises morestrongly the cultural, philosophical and moral dimensions of punishment attitudesdisplayed in sentencing.The statements of the respondents show a varied l evel of the judges’ knowledge aboutmatters concerning the socio-cultural and psychological aspects of punishment. Theyalso reveal a strong legal orientation of views and remain within the set of notions andtheories focused on law. Similarly to the Vilnius pre-war studies, the judges’ statementsshow a strong formative influence of lawyers’ education curricula implemented at alllevels of education.The results of the research carried out in 2012-2014 illuminate the judges’ viewson the goals and functions of punishment and punishing. They show the declaredhierarchy of the most important variables defining professional decisions regardingthe sentences imposed by the judges. They show the influence of systemic and culturalvariables on the professional attitudes and motives of the judges’ decisions in this matter.The judges’ statements on the effectiveness of penalties in individual and generalprevention are generally subdued. Although these factors are taken into account inthe process of sentencing, there is no deep conviction about their high impact. It issignificant that the research shows a clear distancing of the judges from the assumptionthat they may be subservient to influences from their superiors, scholarly authorities,public opinion or the decisions of colleagues in similar matters. Independence isdeclared by judges to be an important feature of their professional ethos and appliesto all sources of influence. On the other hand, what the judges indicate as variablesrelevant to their decisions on sentencing are the personal and family conditions ofthe perpetrator and their potential for rehabilitation, which may occur as a resultof criminal sentencing and end the state of impunity. The respondents also indicatethat the fairness of a sentence and the doing of justice to the offender is a significantaspect of the court’s action.Although the research procedure in this case was strongly grounded in empiricism,this was not its main distinguishing feature – it was the conducting of research inthe culture of methodological and theoretical integration of the empirical material.It makes it possible to deduce a complex structure of the researched process andto undertake an analysis explaining many more variables than would appear in thedisciplinary mono analysis.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2018, XL; 371-400
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Typology of perpetrators of domestic violence
Rode, Danuta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
The objective of the research conducted by the author was to obtain an answer to the question: could we distinguish different types of intrafamily violence perpetrators considering a specified profile of personality factors and temperament traits and how domestic violence perpetrators cope with stressful situations? The research was conducted on a group of 325 men who were convicted pursuant to article 207§1 & 2 of harassment over family members. In terms of a gender the group was homogenous. On the basis of the literature on the subject, the following personality traits of violence perpetrators were categorised: locus of control, self-acceptance, aggressiveness, hostility, intelligent quotient and temperament traits. The following research techniques were employed in the study: the Wechsler Intelligence Scale, Berger's Self-Acceptance Scale, the Delta Questionnaire by R. Drwal, the SABD Questionnaire - Buss-Durkee (prepared by J.M. Stanik, A. Roszkowska, J. Kucharewicz), Formal Characteristics of Behaviour - Temperament Inventory (FCZ-KT) by J. Strelau, the WCQ questionnaire (The Ways of Coping Questionnaire) by R.S. Lazarus and S. Folkman, a categorised interview and an analysis of court records. As a result of the analysis conducted on a group of the studied sample of violence perpetrators, four subgroups (clusters), differing in terms of selected personality traits, were specified. They are reactively aggressive perpetrators (113 persons), perpetrators of low preventive competences (71 persons), psychopathic and retaliatory perpetrators (66 persons) and perpetrators with a big adaptive potential (75 persons). Further on, four distinguished groups have been characterised in terms of stress-coping strategies, and psychological processes of coping with stress proceeded differently in the research group.
Polish Psychological Bulletin; 2010, 41, 1; 36-45
Pojawia się w:
Polish Psychological Bulletin
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Postępowanie w sprawie o zobowiązania osoby stosującej przemoc w rodzinie do opuszczenia wspólnie zajmowanego mieszkania i jego bezpośredniego otoczenia lub zakazania zbliżania się do mieszkania i jego bezpośredniego otoczenia – analiza badań aktowych
Proceeding in a case for obliging a person using domestic violence to leave the jointly occupied flat and its immediate surroundings or prohibit approaching the flat and its immediate surroundings – analysis of file research
Manikowski, Filip
Data publikacji:
Instytut Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości
przemoc w rodzinie
nakaz opuszczenia lokalu
zakaz zbliżania się do mieszkania
badania aktowe
sprawca przemocy
domestic violence
order to vacate
prohibition of approaching the apartment
case file studies
perpetrator of violence
W niniejszym artykule dokonano analizy przebiegu postępowania w sprawie o zobowiązania osoby stosującej przemoc w rodzinie do opuszczenia wspólnie zajmowanego mieszkania i jego bezpośredniego otoczenia lub zakazania zbliżania się do mieszkania i jego bezpośredniego otoczenia. Podstawę analizy stanowiły akta sądowe powyższych spraw. Ustalono, że jednym z najważniejszych problemów związanych z omawianym postępowaniem jest czas jego trwania. Miesięczny termin przewidziany na rozpoznanie wniosku bywa w praktyce bardzo rzadko przestrzegany.
This article analyses the course of the proceedings in the case of obliging a person using domestic violence to leave the jointly occupied apartment and its immediate surroundings or prohibit approaching the apartment and its immediate surroundings. The analysis was based on case file studies. It was established that one of the most important problems related to the above proceeding is its duration. The one-month deadline for examining the application is, in practice, hardly ever respected.
Prawo w Działaniu; 2022, 50; 9-43
Pojawia się w:
Prawo w Działaniu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Isolation instruments applied to the perpetrator of domestic violence
Instrumenty izolacyjne stosowane wobec sprawcy przemocy w rodzinie
Kurniewicz, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
ofiara przemocy
sprawca przemocy
środki zapobiegawcze
dozór Policji
nakaz opuszczenia lokalu
order to leave the premises
victim of violence
perpetrator of violence
preventive measures
police supervision
One of the most important legal aspects of counteracting domestic violence in ensuring protection and safety of victims is to isolate the perpetrator from them. Until recently, it was believed that the state should provide shelter for victims where they could find help and continue their lives  away  from  the  aggressor.  Currently,  it  is  increasingly  said  that  the  perpetrator  should leave the common home, and the state authorities should have tools to isolate the perpetrator from the victim. The current catalog of criminal process tools to counteract violence, as well as the civil order to leave the premises, can be successfully used to quickly and effectively separate perpetrators of domestic violence from those affected by their actions. In practice, they are used too rarely or inadequately to circumstances, which makes the aid ineffective. In addition, the approach of representatives of bodies implementing tasks in the field of counteracting the phenomenon of domestic violence is burdened with numerous stereotypes, the methods often used are used as templates and unsuitable for the needs of victims. The attitude of the authorities translates directly into actions taken by them in the area of abandoning certain procedural acts, delay implementation and the manner and scope of safeguarding the interests of victims of domestic violence. In conclusion, it is worth noting that the introduction of new legal regulations will not affect the improvement of the safety of victims of violence if the available instruments are not used in practice.
Jednym z najważniejszych prawnych aspektów przeciwdziałania przemocy w rodzinie w zakresie zapewnienia ochrony i bezpieczeństwa ofarom jest odizolowanie od nich sprawcy. Do niedawna uważano, że państwo powinno zapewnić ofarom schroniska, do których mogłyby trafć w celu zapewnienia pomocy i kontynuowania życia z dala od agresora. Obecnie, coraz częściej mówi się o tym, że to sprawca powinien opuścić wspólny dom, a organy państwa powinny dysponować narzędziami służącymi do odizolowania sprawcy od ofary. Obecny katalog karnoprocesowych narzędzi przeciwdziałania przemocy, jak i cywilny nakaz opuszczenia lokalu z powodzeniem mogą być wykorzystane do szybkiego i skutecznego oddzielenia sprawców przemocy w rodzinie od osób dotkniętych skutkami ich działań. W praktyce są one stosowane zbyt rzadko bądź nieadekwatnie do okoliczności, co sprawia, że pomoc staje się nieskuteczna oraz nieefektywna. Poza tym podejście przedstawicieli organów realizujących zadania z zakresu przeciwdziałania zjawisku przemocy w rodzinie jest obarczone licznymi stereotypami, stosowane metody są szablonowe i niedostosowane do potrzeb ofar. Nastawienie organów przekłada się bezpośrednio na podejmowane przez nich działania w zakresie zaniechania dokonania określonych czynności procesowych, zwłokę w ich podejmowaniu czy też sposób i zakres zabezpieczenia interesów ofiar przemocy w rodzinie. Na zakończenie warto podkreślić, że wprowadzenie nowych uregulowań prawnych nie będzie miało wpływu na poprawę bezpieczeństwa ofiar przemocy, jeżeli dostępne instrumenty nie będą stosowane w praktyce.
Biuletyn Kryminologiczny; 2018, 25; 148-163
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Kryminologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Characteristics of individuals employing violence in northwest Poland, 2012–2013
Zabielska, Paulina
Giezek, Marta
Masna, Barbara
Bażydło, Marta
Tomczak, Joanna
Ciechowicz, Jacek
Safranow, Krzysztof
Karakiewicz, Beata
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Medycyny Rodzinnej i Lekarzy Rodzinnych
domestic violence
human rights abuses
characteristics of the perpetrator.
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review; 2018, 1; 83-86
Pojawia się w:
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-8 z 8

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