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Żelazowo-żelazawe odmiany sepiolitu i saponitu z diabazów z Niedźwiedziej Góry koło Krakowa
Ferriferrous varieties of sepiolite and saponite from the diabases of Niedźwiedzia Góra near Kraków
Gaweł, A.
Muszyński, M.
Pieczka, A.
Skowroński, A.
Stoch, P.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
dolnopermskie wulkanity
żyły epitermalne
sepiolit żelazowo-żelazawy
saponit żelazowo-żelazawy
Lower Permian volcanites
epithermal veins
ferriferrous sepiolite
ferriferrous saponite
W żyłach szczelinowych napotkanych w tzw. diabazach z Niedźwiedziej Góry koło Krakowa zidentyfikowano rzadko występujące w przyrodzie żelazowo-żelazawe odmiany sepiolitu: [wzór] i saponitu: [wzór]. Towarzyszą im: kwarc +/- chalcedon, kalcyt oraz podrzędnie - piryt, markasyt, sfaleryt, baryt, fluorowy apatyt i tlenki Ti-Fe (ilmenit?). Żyły powyższe stanowią wyraźnie wyróżniający się system, który należy wiązać z epitermalną działalnością pomagmową. Zasobny w żelazo sepiolit, minerały grupy SiO2, kalcyt, baryt oraz siarczki Fe i Zn wykrystalizowały w szczelinach bezpośrednio z roztworów. Silnie żelazisty saponit jest natomiast produktem przeobrażenia obecnego pierwotnie w szczelinach rumoszu diabazów (apatyt i tlenki Ti-Fe są reliktowo zachowanymi ich składnikami) pod wpływem tych roztworów. Saponit powstał pierwotnie zapewne jako odmiana żelazawa, w środowisku redukcyjnym. Jego aktualny, żelazowo-żelazawy charakter jest efektem późniejszego oddziaływania zasobnych w tlen wód descenzyjnych, zachodzącego po zerodowaniu nadległych skał karbonu i części sillu diabazowego.
In fracture veins found in the so-called diabases of Niedźwiedzia Góra near Cracow the authors have identified ferriferrous varieties of sepiolite: [formula] and saponite: [formula], two minerals rarely occurring in the nature. They are accompanied mainly by quartz (sometimes with chalcedony) and calcite, whereas less frequently by pyrite, marcasite, sphalerite, barite, fluorapatite and Ti-Fe oxides (ilmenite?). The veins represent a distinct system that must be interpreted as a result of epithermal postmagmatic activity. The sepiolite rich in iron, the minerals of the SiO2 group, calcite, barite and Fe and Zn sulphides crystallized directly from solutions in rock fractures. The iron-rich saponite is, in turn, a product of alteration of the diabase rubble present initially in the fractures (apatite and Ti-Fe oxides are its relicts), affected by these solutions. The saponite must have originated as a ferrous variety in a reducing environment. Its current, ferriferrous character is an effect of later changes imparted by descending, oxygen-rich waters, percolating through the fractures after the erosion removed overlaying Carboniferous rocks and an upper part of the diabase sill.
Geologia / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie; 2008, 34, 1; 19-42
Pojawia się w:
Geologia / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zechstein marine deposits in the Wleń Graben (North Sudetic Synclinorium, SW Poland) : new insights into the palaeogeography of the southern part of the Polish Zechstein Basin
Kowalski, A.
Durkowski, K.
Raczyński, P.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
Polish Zechstein Basin
Transitional Terrigenous Series
North Sudetic Synclinorium
Wleń Graben
This paper presents the results of sedimentological studies of Zechstein marine deposits occurring in the Wleń Graben, a tectonic unit located in the southeastern part of the North Sudetic Synclinorium (NSS; Western Sudetes, SW Poland). Owing to poor exposure, small thickness, and lack of palaeontological data, the stratigraphy and age of these rocks were determined solely on the basis of analogies with adjacent areas. New findings described here, including faunal remains (remains of bivalves, including Liebea sp.), geopetal structures, clastic fills of halite crystals, moulds and bioturbation, shed new light on the environmental interpretations of the Zechstein in this part of the NSS. It should be assumed that at least two types of deposit may be assigned to the marine Zechstein in the Wleń Graben area, namely sparitic and microsparitic dolomite (PZ3) and the overlying deposits of the heterolithic series (PZt). These deposits were formed during the late Zechstein transgression, when the study area was in the marginal southwesternmost part of a newly formed shallow-marine bay of the Polish Zechstein Basin. In the central part of the present-day Wleń Graben, a shallow-marine bay (lagoon?) was dominated by carbonate sedimentation. A north-dipping mud plain, periodically flooded by a shallow sea, occurred in the southern part of the area. The paper summarises the present state of research on Permian deposits in the Wleń Graben, the first comprehensive lithostratigraphic scheme is suggested, and a new concept of the palaeogeographic evolution of the area in the Early and Late Permian is proposed.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2018, 88, 4; 321-339
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zastosowanie wskaźnika TAI (thermal alteration index) i analizy palinofacjalnej do określenia stopnia dojrzałości termicznej materii organicznej w utworach górnego permu i triasu w północnej części niecki nidziańskiej (Polska centralna)
Application of the TAI (Thermal Alteration Index) and palynofacial analysis for determining the degree of organic matter termal maturity in the Upper Permian and Triassic deposits in the northern part of the Nida Basin (central Poland)
Fijałkowska-Mader, Anna
Data publikacji:
Instytut Nafty i Gazu - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
wskaźnik TAI
górny perm
niecka nidziańska
Upper Permian
Nida basin
Determining the thermal maturity of palynomorph based on their color is a method commonly used in hydrocarbon prospecting. The color of the outer membrane of miospores (exine) changes as a result of heating from pale yellow to black depending on the paleotemperature. Currently, there are many palynomorph color scales correlated with the value of vitrinite reflectance, temperature of burial and hydrocarbon generation stages. Due to the varied material, both in taxonomic and morphological terms, the author used the TAI AMOCO scale. Furthermore, the share of individual kerogen groups in palynofacies was analyzed in terms of their hydrocarbon potential. The Upper Permian and Triassic deposits from eleven boreholes located in the north part of the Nida Basin were investigated. They showed that the Triassic and in the Upper Permian samples from the Milianów IG 1 borehole, are dominated by the pale yellow to orange color of spores and pollen grains, corresponding to a TAI index from 1 to 4, i.e. the pre-generation, dry gas and the early oil generation windows. In turn, only the samples of the Upper Permian from the Pągów IG 1 borehole are dominated by the brown color of miospores, which corresponds to a TAI index from 4+ to 5, i.e. the peak oil prone. Dominant vitrinite reflectance Ro varies from 0,4% to 0,6%, so the degree of organic matter maturity in the Upper Permian and Triassic deposits is not very high, which indicates relatively low temperatures of sediment diagenesis (< 80°C). Analysis of palynofacies showed that the Upper Permian and Triassic deposits contain mixed and structural kerogen. Mixed kerogen, occurring in carbonate rocks, contains amorphous fine-scattered kerogen and “fluffy” of algae origin, as well as structural kerogen of terrigeneous origin, mainly exinite and vitrinite. Mixed kerogen is characterized by oil potential, whereas structural kerogen – by gas-oil potential.
Nafta-Gaz; 2020, 76, 8; 495-500
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zapis lądowych etapów historii geologicznej Gór Świętokrzyskich w osadach i formach krasowych – wybrane przykłady
Records of terrestrial stages of geological history of the Świętokrzyskie (Holy Cross) Mountains in the karst forms and their sediments – selected examples
Urban, J.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Góry Świętokrzyskie
Holy Cross Mountains
Artykuł prezentuje trzy przykłady interpretacji zdarzeń geologicznych oraz warunków paleogeograficznych i paleośrodowiskowych dokonanych na podstawie badań form krasowych w skałach węglanowych dewonu Gór Świętokrzyskich. Pierwszy relacjonowany kierunek badań dotyczy kopalnych form krasowych w dwu stanowiskach Wietrznia oraz Jaworznia i dokumentuje późnopermską ewolucję rzeźby i jej tektoniczne odmłodzenie na początku triasu. Następne interpretacje dotyczą form krasu kenozoicznego. Analiza przestrzennego rozwoju podziemnych systemów krasowych umożliwiła określenie poziomów stabilizacji bazy erozyjnej w neogenie. Najwyższy poziom krasowy (Łagów) był zapewne związany z poziomem neogeńskiego zbiornika morskiego w zapadlisku przedkarpackim. Z kolei badania osadów piaszczystych w wypełnieniach form krasowych, w tym przede wszystkim analiza obtoczenia i kształtu ziarn pozwoliły na wyróżnienie pięciu typów ziarn piasków o różnym pochodzeniu, w tym pochodzących z lokalnych zwietrzelin różnych skał oraz ziarn pirogenicznych. Analiza ta stała się podstawą do określenia zasięgu pokrywy dolnotriasowej, oceny rozwoju krasu w czwartorzędzie, a także do sformułowania sugestii dotyczących paleośrodowiska neogenu.
The paper presents three examples of interpretations of geological events and paleogeographic and paleoenvironmental conditions made on the basis of studies of karst forms in Devonian carbonate rocks of the Świętokrzyskie (Holy Cross) Mountains, central Poland. The first study concerns paleokarst forms in two sites: Wietrznia and Jaworznia which record the Late Permian relief evolution and its tectonic rejuvenation at the beginning of the Triassic period. The next two interpretations concern the Cenozoic karst forms. Analysis of spatial development of subsurface karst systems made possible to determine of erosional base stabilization levels during the Neogene. The highest karst horizon (Łagów) was most probably related to the level of one of the transgressions in the Fore-Carpathian marine basin. In turn, the study of sand sediments filling karst forms, particularly analysis of roundness and shape of sand grains enables to distinguish five types of sand grains of different genesis, among which are grains originated from various local weathered rocks as well as pyrogenic particles. On the basis of this analysis the extent of Lower Triassic cover was determined and karst development during the Quaternary period was assessed, as well as some suggestions on the Neogene paleoenvironment were formulated.
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego; 2013, 454; 77--101
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wzorcowe profile bromowe dla solnych utworów cechsztynu w Polsce
Standard bromine profiles of the Polish Zechstein salts
Tomassi-Morawiec, H.
Czapowski, G.
Bornemann, O.
Schramm, M.
Misiek, G.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN
profil bromowy
profil standardowy
sól kamienna
bromine profile
standard profile
rock salt
Zechstein (Upper Permian)
Sole kamienne głównych cyklotemów cechsztynu z obszaru Polski były badane w celu skonstruowania wzorcowych profili bromowych dla poszczególnych ogniw solnych, umożliwiających ich identyfikację w obrębie wysadowych struktur solnych, gdzie często istnieją problemy z normalną sukcesją ogniw litostratygraficznych. Badania (strukturalno-teksturalne, geochemiczne i petrologiczne) przeprowadzono na facjach głębokowodnych utworów solnych, zarejestrowanych w materiale rdzeniowym z wybranych profili wiertniczych z obrzeża basenu permskiego w Polsce (sól kamienna cyklu PZ1) oraz w profilach wyrobisk kopalni soli Kłodawa (wysad kłodawski położony w osiowej części basenu, sole kamienne cykli PZ2, PZ3 i PZ4). Bromowy profil wzorcowy dla utworów soli kamiennej cyklu PZ1 (ogniwo Na1) cechuje się: (a) stopniowym wzrostem zawartości bromu w części dolnej, (b) utrzymującymi się na mniej więcej stałym poziomie wartościami w jego środkowej części (z lekką tendencją spadkową) i (c) gwałtownymi wahaniami zawartości bromu w części stropowej (szybkim spadkiem, wzrostem i ponownym spadkiem). Bromowy profil wzorcowy dla utworów soli kamiennej cyklu PZ2 (ogniwo Na2) cechuje się: (a) powolnym wzrostem zawartości bromu na długim odcinku w dolnej części profilu, odzwierciedlającym postęp ewaporacji, (b) nagłym wzrostem udziału bromu w części środkowej profilu, świadczącym o okresie izolacji obszaru sedymentacji, i (c) drobnymi wahaniami wysokiej zwartości bromu w wyżej położonych warstwach soli. Stwierdzono, że mające duże rozprzestrzenienie w osiowej części basenu cechsztyńskiego dwa ogniwa zubrowe: zuber brunatny (Na3t) i zuber czerwony (Na4t), charakteryzują się znacząco różnymi zawartościami bromu - wyższymi w przypadku ogniwa zubru brunatnego. Reasumując, pomimo zbliżonych niejednokrotnie przedziałów zawartości bromu, krzywe jego rozkładu dla poszczególnych ogniw solnych są odmienne i mogą być uznane za ich cechę diagnostyczną, szczególnie w przypadku braku jednoznacznych różnic w wykształceniu strukturalno-teksturalnym utworów solnych.
Rock salts of the Late Permian (Zechstein) evaporite cycles in Poland were studied for construction of the representative bromine curves. Such standard bromine profiles could enable identification of individual salt units within the highly tectonized and deformed salt structures such as diapirs, where the normal successions of evaporite lithological components are uncommon. Structural-textural, geochemical and petrological studies (Tab. 1-2, 5-10) were realized on the deep-water facies of salt deposits, defined in the cores from selected wells located on the Poland Permian Basin (PPB) margins (Oldest Halite [Na1] unit of PZ1 cycle - Figs 1-5) and in sections from mine galleries of the Kłodawa salt mine (a salt diapir with rock salt units of PZ2, PZ3 and PZ4 cycles located in the axial part of PPB - Figs 7-9, 11-13,15-18). Standard bromine profile for the rock salt succession of PZ1 cycle (Na1 unit; Tab. 1-2, 5-6; Fig. 6) characterizes with: (a) gradual increase of Br content in the lower part of section, (b) almost constant content values in its middle part (with a subtle decrease tendency upward) and (c) rapid fluctuations of Br content in the top part of section (rapid decrease, following increase and fall). Vertical bromine content distribution in the standard bromine profile for the rock salt succession of PZ2 cycle (Na2 unit, Tab. 7; Fig. 10) evidences: (a) gradual Br content increase along a thick interval of lower part of the section, registering evaporation progress; (b) rapid increase of Br values in the middle section part, indicating a period of isolation and (c) fine fluctuations of generally high Br content in the upper part of succession. [...] Vertical bromine content distribution for the rock salt succession of PZ4 cycle (Na4 unit, Tab. 8; Fig. 16) characterizes with: (a) rapid Br content increase within the Underlying Halite (Na4a0) unit, (b) almost constant Br content in the Lower Youngest Halite (Na4a1) unit, (c) fall and following increase of Br values in the Clay Youngest Halite (Na4at) unit and significant Br content fluctuations within the Upper Youngest Halite (Na4a2) unit. The extended in the axial part of PPB two zuber (mixed clay-salt rocks) units (Tab. 9; Fig. 15, 17-18): the Brownish Zuber (Na3t) and the Red Zuber (Na4t) differ with distinctly various Br content intervals being the higher for the Brownish Zuber rocks (Tab. 9; Fig. 18). Concluding, although sometimes comparable values intervals of Br content in studied Zechstein salt deposits (Tab. 10), the curves of Br distribution for individual salt lithostratigraphic units are different and may be considered as a characteristic feature of each unit. So this parameter (Br content distribution) could be used to identify the lithostratigraphic units especially in the highly tectonized successions build of almost structurally homogeneous rock salt deposits e.g. in salt diapirs.
Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi; 2009, 25, 2; 75-143
Pojawia się w:
Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wzorcowe profile bromowe cechsztyńskich soli kamiennych w Polsce i w Niemczech na przykładzie kopalni soli w Kłodawie i w Görleben
Standard bromine profiles of the Polish and German Zechstein salts (a case study from the Kłodawa and Görleben salt mines)
Bornemann, Otto
Schramm, Michael
Tomassi-Morawiec, Hanna
Czapowski, Grzegorz
Misiek, Grzegorz
Kolonko, Piotr
Janiów, Sylwester
Tadych, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
standardowe profile bromowe
sól kamienna
standard bromine profiles
rock salt
Zechstein (Upper Permian)
Skonstruowano wzorcowy profil bromowy dla ogniwa solnego cyklotemu PZ2 (odpowiednik standardowego profilu bromowego utworów cyklu Z2 w Niemczech) oraz przedstawiono wstępne wyniki prac nad wzorcowym profilem bromowym dla ogniwa solnego cyklotemu PZ3. Porównanie profilu bromowego danego odcinka serii solnej z profilem wzorcowym całej serii solnej umożliwia określenie jego pozycji stratygraficznej w obrębie tego ogniwa wiekowego, a także pozwala na identyfikację struktur fałdowych w utworach solnych, co jest niezwykle przydatne w górnictwie, szczególnie podczas ługowania kawern. Przeprowadzono szczegółowe opróbowanie pięciu profili starszych soli kamiennych w kopalni soli Kłodawa (trzech na poziomie 600 m i dwóch na poziomie 750 m) oraz jednego profilu młodszych soli kamiennych (poziom 600 m). Opróbowanie utworów cyklu PZ2 objęło także tzw. „warstwy przejściowe” (Na2+K2) oraz starszą sól potasową. Badania były prowadzone równolegle przez dwa zespoły: zespół z Federalnego Instytutu Nauk o Ziemi i Surowców Naturalnych (BGR) z Hanoweru oraz zespół z Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego w Warszawie. W pobranych próbkach oznaczono zawartość bromu oraz Na, Cl, K, Mg, Ca, SO4 i części nierozpuszczalnych w wodzie. Zawartość składników głównych została przeliczona na skład mineralny. Szczegółowe profile bromowe ogniwa starszej soli kamiennej, wykreślone w oparciu o dane z dwóch najdłuższych profili, wykazują duże podobieństwo. Trzy charakterystyczne odcinki odznaczające się określoną tendencją zmian zawartości bromu tworzą profil wzorcowy ogniwa soli starszych Na2. Skonstruowany profil wzorcowy dla soli cyklu PZ2 jest w części dolnej i środkowej bardzo podobny do standardowego profilu bromowego utworów Z2 opracowane go dla obszaru NW Niemiec. Profil bromowy opracowany dla soli cyklu PZ3 w Kłodawie znacznie różni się od profilu bromowego utworów cyklu Z3 w NW Niemczech.
The aim of the study was to develop a bromine standard profile of the Polish Zechstein 2 (PZ2) analogue to the German Z2 bromine standard profile. Studies of the bromine content in salts were realized in five sections of the Kłodawa salt mine (central Poland); samples were taken from the Screening Older Halite unit, the Older Potash unit, the “Transitional Beds” and the Older Halite units. The material was analyzed in the Polish Geological Institute for the content of Cl, insolubles in water and Br. German partners (BGR) analyzed the content of Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cl, SO4 and Br. Based on these components, the mineral composition and the bromine content of the halites were calculated. The Older Halite rocks are relatively pure rock salts with a NaCl content from 74 to 100% by weight; the bromine content in the halites varies between 31 and 341 μg/g halite. The “Transitional Beds” (Na2+K2) and the Older Potash (K2) units contain more sulphates (including secondary polyhalite). The Br content of the “Transitional Beds” varies from 76 to 269 μg/g. The highest concentrations correspond to those of potash salts and they vary from 275 to 974 Rg/g in section III. In the lowermost beds of the Na2 unit, the occurrence of polyhalite and particularly the abnormal high bromine values (up to 150 Rg/g) are probably due to the inflows of brines of higher salinity. The decreasing bromine values in the upper part indicate a reduced influence of external brines. The bromine distribution indicates that the Br content slightly increases in a long interval (10-120 m) from approx. 40 (60) to 90 (100) Rg/g. The slight increase of the bromine trend can be interpreted as a normal evaporation progress and is consistent with the lower parts of the German Hauptsalz unit regarding the bromide value. In contrast to the German lower Hauptsalz, small amounts of polyhalite can be observed locally in the Kłodawa sections. Upwards, over an interval of a few meters, the bromine content rapidly increases to approx. 300 Rg/g, indicating the dominance of evaporation in contrast to dilution by newly invading sea water and recycling of sediment. Neglecting the lowest part of the Older Halite (Na2) unit with the abnormal high bromine concentration and the altered top, the following characteristic trends can be recognized in its bromine profiles: (1) a subtle increasing bromine trend over a long vertical interval in the oldest layers reflecting ongoing sedimentation under conditions of continuous evaporation, (2) a very steep increase in the bromine values in the middle part of the profile, due to the fact that the basin did no longer participate in brine exchange, (3) small variations in the high bromine values of the overlying beds. The characteristics of the bromine standard profile enables stratigraphic correlation of the salt units with other localities. The bromine profile of the Younger Halite unit from the Kłodawa mine differs greatly from the German Z3 profile from the Görleben mine. The data presented here are preliminary; additional studies of some other sections in central Poland are required for developing a standard bromine profile for PZ3.
Geologos; 2008, 14, 1; 73-90
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wiek izotopowy a wiek paleomagnetyczny ryodacytów z Zalasu koło Krakowa (S Polska)
Isotope and paleomagnetic ages of the Zalas rhyodacites (S Poland
Nawrocki, J.
Lewandowska, A.
Fanning, M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
wiek izotopowy
Polska Południowa
isotope age
southern Poland
The single-grain U-Pb dating of most zircon grains separated from the Zalas rhyodacites gave mean age of the magma emplacement 294.2 š 2.1 Ma. Some zircons, however, displayed younger ages (268.7š 3.4 Ma), probably related to metasomatic alterations of these rocks. The paleomagnetic ages of the Zalas intrusion and its metasomatosis are slightly younger. It is probably connected with a certain error of time calibration of the reference apparent polar wander path used for paleomagnetic dating.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2007, 55, 6; 475-478
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
What do the K-Ar ages of illite tell us about the diagenesis of Rotliegend sandstones of the Fore-Sudetic Monocline, SW Poland?
Biernacka, J.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
K-Ar dating
The all available K-Ar data of authigenic illite from Rotliegend aeolian sandstones of the Fore-Sudetic Monocline, including the results from six samples examined in the present study, are reviewed in terms of their geological meaning, relation to diagenetic processes occurring in the sandstones, and implications for a petroleum system. The majority of ages fall in the range between 195 and 150 Ma, i.e. they correspond to Jurassic times. The results may be grouped in several time intervals, which are almost identical to those identified for Rotliegend sandstones of central and western Europe, and which are interpreted as pulses of intensive illite growth. The K-Ar data corroborate the long-held assumption that throughout the entire Southern Permian Basin Jurassic illite growth was triggered by the same, large-scale underlying processes, which manifested themselves in enhanced heat flow. These processes may also have caused the expulsion of hydrocarbons from source rocks.
Geological Quarterly; 2015, 59, 2; 257--270
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Walory geoedukacyjne i geoturystyczne kamieniołomu Zygmuntówka na Czerwonej Górze (Góry Świętokrzyskie)
Geoeducational and geotourist value of the Zygmuntówka (Sigismund) quarry at Czerwona Góra (Holy Cross Mountains)
Jewuła, Karol
Fijałkowska-Mader, Anna
Salwa, Sylwester
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
kamieniołom Zygmuntówka
górny perm-loping
Zygmuntówka quarry
Upper Permian-Lopingian
The geosite Zygmuntówka (Sigismund ) quarry, located at Czerwona Góra near Chęciny in SW part of the Holy Cross Mountains, is the oldest and the most famous among the so-called Chęciny „marble” quarries which provided stones for constructing numerous important buildings in the region and beyond. Upper Permian conglomerates (Czerwona Góra Formation), with a thickness of several tens of metres, outcrop in this area. The conglomerates are clast- and locally mud-supported and consist of light grey and beige carbonate pebbles and cobbles chaotically distributed within the reddish-brown silty-carbonate-ferriferous matrix. The conglomerates represent continental alluvial fan deposits deposited under arid and semiarid climate conditions. The quarry, of a regional rank, is well suited for both geoeducation and geotourism purposes.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2022, 70, 1; 25--33
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Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Unusual environmental conditions preserve a Permian mesosaur-bearing Konservat-Lagerstatte from Uruguay
Pineiro, G.
Ramos, A.
Goso, C.
Scarabino, F.
Laurin, M.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Paleobiologii PAN
unusual environment
environment condition
Lower Permian
hypersaline environment
Mangrullo Formation
The environmental characterization of the Lower Permian mesosaur−bearing strata of the Mangrullo Formation (Paraná Basin, northeastern Uruguay) has been controversial. Historically, marine conditions were suggested for this unit, despite the absence of any normal marine fossils. More recently, some authors have argued for freshwater to brackish settings, inferring fluctuating environmental conditions, which would have generated abrupt changes in the composition of the communities. Mesosaurs are the only tetrapods found in this unit, and they colonized the basin at the time of highest isolation, and apparently increased salinity, coincident with a gradual global rise in aridity. An assemblage of extremely low diversity (the “mesosaur community”) developed, with mesosaur reptiles, pygocephalomorph crustaceans, and the vermiform producers of the trace fossil Chondrites as the dominant components. This community may have existed under temporary hypersaline, lagoon−like conditions, as suggested by ecological, anatomical and physiological attributes of its member taxa. This interpretation is supported by sedimentological and mineralogical features of the enclosing rocks, also seen in the correlative Brazilian Iratí and South African Whitehill formations. In the Uruguayan deposits, as well as in their Brazilian correlatives, relatively close volcanic events affected the basin. This particular environment, where bottom waters were depleted of oxygen and hypersaline, retarded decay of the carcasses, and precluded the development of bioturbating organism, and together with bacterial sealing, favoured exquisite preservation of the fossils, including soft tissues. This leads us to consider the fossil−bearing strata of the Mangrullo Formation as a Konservat−Lagerstätte, the oldest known for South America.
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica; 2012, 57, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tlenki manganu z diabazów Niedźwiedziej Góry koło Krakowa
Manganese oxides from the diabases of Niedźwiedzia Góra near Kraków
Muszyński, M.
Rzepa, G.
Skowroński, A.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
dolny perm
Niedźwiedzia Góra
żyły epitermalne
Lower Permian
epithermal veins
Czarne tlenki manganu z polimineralnych żył napotkanych w 1998 r. w tzw. diabazach z Niedźwiedziej Góry koło Krakowa zidentyfikowano (XRD, IR, DTA-TG, SEM/EDS, EPMA/WDS) jako człony pośrednie szeregu rancieit-takanelit. W porównaniu z opisanymi w literaturze minerałami tego szeregu charakteryzują się podwyższonymi koncentracjami żelaza i baru oraz stosunkowo niewielkimi udziałami wapnia. W przypuszczalnej sukcesji składników powyższych żył tlenki te zajmują przedostatnią pozycję: goethyt +/- saponit - tensja - baryt, kwarc pręcikowo-igłowy - ługowanie - tlenki Mn, kwarc słupkowy. Wykrystalizowały prawdopodobnie z wód descenzyjnych związanych z powierzchniowym wietrzeniem diabazów, które miało miejsce po zerodowaniu nadległych skał karbonu. Głównym źródłem manganu były zapewne wietrzejące diabazy.
Black manganese oxides from the polymineral veins found in 1998 in the so-called diabases of Niedźwiedzia Góra near Kraków have been identified (XRD, IR, DTA-TG, SEM/EDS, EPMA/WDS) as intermediate members of the rancieite-takanelite series. In comparison with the minerals of this series described in the literature, they reveal elevated contents of iron and barium and relatively low contents of calcium. In the probable succession of components of the veins mentioned, the Mn oxides occupy the before last position: goethite +/- saponite - tension - barite, thin prismatic-acicular quartz - leaching - Mn oxides, prismatic quartz. They must have crystallized from descensive waters associated with surface weathering of the diabases, which took place when overlaying Carboniferous rocks had been eroded. The weathering diabases were a probable source of manganese.
Geologia / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie; 2009, 35, 2; 135-151
Pojawia się w:
Geologia / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Thermal maturity and depositional environments of organic matter in the post-Variscan succession of the Holy Cross Mountains
Marynowski, L.
Salamon, R.
Narkiewicz, M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Holy Cross Mountains
depositional environment
thermal maturity
The results of GC-MS investigations of biomarkers in organic matter from the epicontinental Permian and Triassic strata of the Holy Cross Mts. indicate generally suboxic (Permian) and oxic (Triassic, except for the Middle Muschelkalk) depositional environments with accompanying intensive bacterial reworking of organic remains. The biomarker spectra found in the Middle Muschelkalk and in the Entolium discites Beds (Upper Muschelkalk) show the presence of gammacerane, an increased concentration of C34 homohopanes and a Pr/Ph ratio not exceeding 1. All these observations suggest a hypersaline sedimentary environment with water column stratification and poorly oxygenated conditions. Thermal maturity investigations were based on both vitrinite reflectance and biomarker indices. The organic matter in the Triassic succession is slightly more mature along the northern margin of the Holy Cross Mts. than along their southern part, due probably to a regional increase in the maximum burial depth during the Mesozoic. The maturity of the Permian strata at Gałęzice (southern Holy Cross Mts.) is similar to that of the Triassic rocks whereas Kajetanów (in the north) is characterised by values significantly higher and comparable to those found in wells further north. The difference cannot be accounted for solely by differential burial depths, and implies the existence of a positive thermal anomaly active before the Middle Triassic. Our investigations generally confirmed the low thermal maturity of the Triassic. However, contrary to earlier interpretations, we suggest that the maximum burial depths based on a reconstructed thickness of the post-Triassic deposits may account for the observed maturity levels, assuming that geothermal gradients in the Mesozoic were similar to today's.
Geological Quarterly; 2002, 46, 1; 25-36
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The sulphur and oxygen isotopic composition of anhydrite from the Upper Pechora Basin (Russia) : new data in the context of the evolution of the sulphur isotopic record of Permian evaporites
Galamay, A. R.
Meng, F.
Bukowski, K.
Ni, P.
Shanina, S. N.
Ignatovich, O. O.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Upper Pechora Basin
isotopic composition
sulphate reduction
This study describes a new determination of the S and O isotope composition of Lower Permian (Kungurian) anhydrites from the Upper Pechora Basin, Cis-Ural region, Russia. δ34S values in sulphate facies vary from +13.7 to +15.1‰; and δ18O values range from +9.3 to +10.4‰. The values of d34S and d18O of anhydrite from halite facies varies from +12.6 to +15.0‰ and +7.5 to +10.9‰ respectively. The quantitative ratio of pyrite content from the water-insoluble residue (silty-sand fraction) is characterized by extremely low (<<1%) to high (4–5%) steep gradation values. The increased presence of pyrite indicates the influence of bacterial sulphate reduction. The sulphate reduction process was more intense, especially when evaporites were formed in mud. The narrow fluctuation range of sulphur and oxygen isotopes values of the measured anhydrite indicates low levels of fractionation. It was established that during the Permian, evolutionary changes in the content of sulphate ions in sea water correlate with the sulphur isotopic composition of marine evaporites
Geological Quarterly; 2016, 60, 4; 990--999
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The sphenacodontid synapsid Neosaurus cynodus, and related material, from the Permo-Carboniferous of France
Falconnet, J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Paleobiologii PAN
sphenacodontid synapsid
Neosaurus cynodus
Sphenacodontid synapsids were major components of early Permian ecosystems. Despite their abundance in the North American part of Pangaea, they are much rarer in Europe. Among the few described European taxa is Neosaurus cynodus, from the La Serre Horst, Eastern France. This species is represented by a single specimen, and its validity has been questioned. A detailed revision of its anatomy shows that sphenacodontids were also present in the Lodève Basin, Southern France. The presence of several synapomorphies of sphenacodontids—including the teardrop-shaped teeth—supports the assignment of the French material to the Sphenacodontidae, but it is too fragmentary for more precise identification. The discovery of sphenacodontids in the Viala Formation of the Lodève Basin provides additional information about their ecological preferences and environment, supporting the supposed semi-arid climate and floodplain setting of this formation. The Viala vertebrate assemblage includes aquatic branchiosaurs and xenacanthids, amphibious eryopoids, and terrestrial diadectids and sphenacodontids. This composition is very close to that of the contemporaneous assemblages of Texas and Oklahoma, once thought to be typical of North American lowland deposits, and thus supports the biogeographic affinities of North American and European continental early Permian ecosystems.
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica; 2015, 60, 1; 169-182
Pojawia się w:
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The sixth sense in mammalian forerunners: variability of the parietal foramen and the evolution of the pineal eye in South African Permo-Triassic eutheriodont therapsids
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Paleobiologii PAN
parietal foramen
third eye
south africa
In some extant ectotherms, the third eye (or pineal eye) is a photosensitive organ located in the parietal foramen on the midline of the skull roof. The pineal eye sends information regarding exposure to sunlight to the pineal complex, a region of the brain devoted to the regulation of body temperature, reproductive synchrony, and biological rhythms. The parietal foramen is absent in mammals but present in most of the closest extinct relatives of mammals, the Therapsida. A broad ranging survey of the occurrence and size of the parietal foramen in different South African therapsid taxa demonstrates that through time the parietal foramen tends, in a convergent manner, to become smaller and is absent more frequently in eutherocephalians (Akidnognathiidae, Whaitsiidae, and Baurioidea) and non-mammaliaform eucynodonts. Among the latter, the Probainognathia, the lineage leading to mammaliaforms, are the only one to achieve the complete loss of the parietal foramen. These results suggest a gradual and convergent loss of the photoreceptive function of the pineal organ and degeneration of the third eye. Given the role of the pineal organ to achieve fine-tuned thermoregulation in ectotherms (i.e., “cold-blooded” vertebrates), the gradual loss of the parietal foramen through time in the Karoo stratigraphic succession may be correlated with the transition from a mesothermic metabolism to a high metabolic rate (endothermy) in mammalian ancestry. The appearance in the eye of melanopsin-containing retinal ganglion cells replacing the photoreceptive role of the pineal eye could also have accompanied its loss.
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica; 2016, 61, 4; 777-789
Pojawia się w:
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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