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Elita rycerska krzyżackich Prus w świetle listy gwarantów pokoju brzeskiego z 1436 r. Próba charakterystyki
Szybkowski, Sobiesław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
knightly elite
medieval Prussia
peace treaties
The Prussian knights, who were the guarantors of the Brest peace concluded on December 31, 1435, so far were sought in the list of persons who were proposed as guarantors from January 1436. It included 195 knights. However, the final list of guarantors is contained in the treaty document of the Teutonic side, which was submitted to the Polish side on August 1, 1436. The text of the peace document includes 131 knightly guarantors, but only 109 of them were Prussian knights (44 of them were accolade). However, 5 more knights possible to be identified should be added to the Prussian guarantors mentioned in the document, who have put their seals in, but are not mentioned in the text of the treaty. This comes to a total of 114 knightly guarantors from Prussia, who can be identified on the basis of information from the treaty document. In addition to the Prussians, 18 knights from Livonia (including three accolade knights) and four from New March (including no accolade knight) were included as guarantors. A prosopographic analysis of Prussian guarantors shows that the greatest number of them were knights from Upper Prussia and the Chełmno land. Out of the 114 knights there were 61 of them, and as many as 28 of them were from the small Chełmno land. It also seems that the vast majority of knightly guarantors came from families having long standing affiliations with Prussia, even though the knightly elite could still be joined by newcomers, such as Botho von Eulenburg, a member of the great master secret council. Among the knightly guarantors, we were able to identify only one person from the city patriciate. This, together with the above mentioned conclusion concerning the origin of the vast majority of guarantors from families formerly settled in Prussia, allows for a cautious suggestion that the Prussian knighthood was already at the stage of gradually closing as a social group, which also occurred against the policy of its feudal superior. The participation of the knighthood as an active factor of political events in the 30s of the 15th century, the culmination of which was establishing the Prussian Union in 1440, probably allows to state that the “warrior” layer of Prussian knighthood, initially treated by the Teutonic Order “professionally”, has evolved into a social state – typical for the late medieval feudal states – and demanded its due participation in ruling over the state.
Studia z Dziejów Średniowiecza; 2023, 26; 233-275
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Dziejów Średniowiecza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Potsdam Agreement as Reflected in Peace Treaties
Klafkowski, Alfons
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
public international law
peace treaties
Potsdam Agreement
The paper is an English translation of Umowa poczdamska a traktaty pokoju by Alfons Klafkowski, published originally in Polish in “Państwo i Prawo” in 1966. The text is published as a part of a jubilee edition of the “Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review. 100th Anniversary of the Faculty of Law and Administration” devoted to the achievements of the late Professors of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań.
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review; 2019, 10; 279-295
Pojawia się w:
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Problem of the Demarcation of the Border between Estonia and Russia in 1917–1920
Materski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
republic of estonia
the fall of the russian empire
bolshevik revolution
conflicts over borders
peace treaties
right of peoples to self-determination
The article addresses an important but little-known issue of the conflict over the demarcation of the border between Estonia and (Soviet) Russia in the years 1917–1920, which was important for the international order in North-Eastern Europe after the First World War. The dispute over this matter was much broader than just bilateral, as the normalization of the situation in the Baltic region conditioned the possibility of extending the international order established by the Treaty of Versailles to Eastern Europe. This issue has not received a separate monograph so far, although it was addressed in historical publications, especially in the countries directly concerned. The analysis of the state of research, confronted with primary sources, constitutes the base for the article. After the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, Estonia quickly became an object of interest for the Bolsheviks, which almost ended up with the republic losing its independence. However, the politicians of the newly born Republic of Estonia showed great political skills by manoeuvring between Germany, the White and Red Armies, obtaining British aid and establishing military cooperation with Latvia, which was equally threatened. However, it was the Polish-Soviet War, which ended with the defeat of the Red Army, that turned out to be crucial. During disputes with the Whites and the Bolsheviks with regard to demarcation, Estonia successfully, at least in a shortterm perspective, defended its historical rights to the regions of Narva and Petseri against its aggressive neighbour. From the point of view of diplomatic possibilities, the Estonians achieved everything that was achievable. The peace treaty signed in Tartu in 1920 ensured ‘perpetual guarantees’ which, however, lasted only for less than two decades.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2020, 85, 4; 89-110
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Skład, kwalifikacje i liczebność poselstw uczestniczących w kongresie westfalskim
Kamieński, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
historia dyplomacji
traktaty międzynarodowe
pokój westfalski
kadry dyplomatyczne państw europejskich
history of diplomacy
international treaties
Peace of Westphalia
diplomatic service of European countries
W kongresie westfalskim (1643-1648) wzięły udział 194 oficjalne przedstawiciel-stwa dyplomatyczne, z czego 178 pochodziło z Rzeszy Niemieckiej, a pozostałe z 16 innych państw europejskich. Uczestnicy rokowań pokojowych odznaczali się wysokim profesjonali-zmem i posiadali często wykształcenie prawnicze (nawet doktoraty i profesury). Największe doświadczenie w prowadzeniu negocjacji mieli reprezentanci państw europejskich, wśród których można było spotkać osoby zatrudnione w służbie dyplomatycznej od ponad 20 lat.
There were 194 official delegations participating in the Congress of Westphalia (1643-1648), 178 of which came from the German Reich, while the remaining 16 from other European states. The participants of the peace negotiations were highly professional and often were well educated lawyers (even doctors and professors of law). The most experienced negotiators were the representatives of European states, among whom there were persons who had been employed in diplomatic service for more than 20 years.
Roczniki Historyczne; 2019, 85
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dziedzictwo paryskiej konferencji pokojowej. Wybrane problemy
The Legacy of the Paris Peace Conference. Selected Problems
Menkes, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Studiów Międzynarodowych
Paryska konferencja pokojowa
Liga Narodów
prawo do samostanowienia
traktaty mniejszościowe
wielkie mocarstwa
Paris Peace Conference
League of Nations
right to self-determination
minority treaties
great powers
Sto lat po paryskiej konferencji pokojowej i wobec głosów, że świat jest znowu w przededniu „Sarajewa”, przeprowadzona została krytyczna refleksja jej dokonań. Jej dziełem była Liga Narodów, pierwsza uniwersalna organizacja międzynarodowa – stanowiąca wyraz organizacyjnego idealizmu w stosunkach międzynarodowych. W katalogu decyzji konferencji są normy, które: kodyfikowały prawo międzynarodowe; prawo rozwijały; prawo to zmieniały. Wytworzony porządek międzynarodowy był oparty na wartościach, instytucje miały w nim do wypełnienia istotne funkcje. Wartości współtworzące system, które legły u źródeł przyjętych rozwiązań generalnych, przeszły próbę czasu. Jego podstawą miała być internalizacja wartości i celów; i tego nie zrealizowano. Na wizerunku konferencji i Ligi Narodów ciąży – przede wszystkim – kolejna wojna. Obciążanie konferencji, traktatów, systemu organizacji „forum” winą za wojnę jest infantylną antropomorfizacją; usprawiedliwiają ją cierpienia milionów i pamięć o nich. Jednak upływ czasu nakazuje krytyczną refleksję nad nią i jej dokonaniami. Jednym z pryzmatów tej refleksji jest prawo międzynarodowe. W artykule zawarte zostały wnioski wynikające z analizy konferencji i jej ustaleń.
100 years after the Paris Peace Conference and in view of the voices that the world is once again on the eve of ‘Sarajevo’, it seemed timely to offer a critical reflection on the achievements of the Conference. Its focus was the League of Nations, the first universal international organization – an expression of organizational idealism in international relations. In the catalogue of decisions of the Conference there are norms which: – codified international law; – developed law; – and changed it. The international order that was created was based on values and the institutions had important functions in it. The values that formed the system, which were at the origin of the general solutions adopted, have passed the test of time. It was supposed to be based on the internalization of values and objectives; and this was not achieved. The image of the Conference and the LN is, first and foremost, the result of another war. The blaming of the Conference, the treaties, the system of organization – the ‘forum’ for the war is (infantile) anthropomorphising; it is justified by the suffering of millions and the memory of it. However, the passage of time requires a critical reflection on the Conference and its achievements. One of the prisms of this reflection is international law. The article offers conclusions resulting from the analysis of the Conference and its findings.
Stosunki Międzynarodowe - International Relations; 2020, 56, 3; 17-28
Pojawia się w:
Stosunki Międzynarodowe - International Relations
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sukcesja państw po rozpadzie Socjalistycznej Federacyjnej Republiki Jugosławii
Szymanowska, Irena Alicja
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Agreement on Succession Issues
Arbitration Commission of the Peace Conference on the former Yugoslavia
break up of Yugoslavia
international agreements
succession of states
Vienna Convention on Succession of States in respect of Treaties
The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ceased to exist in 1991, though some topics concerned with the succession of its constituent states were not regulated for a long time afterwards. This issue and the efforts to solve it were examined by the Arbitration Commission of the Peace Conference on the former Yugoslavia. When answering all the related questions, the Arbitration Commission used as a basis the 1978 Vienna Convention on the Succession of States in respect of Treaties and the 1983 Vienna Convention on the Succession of States in respect of State Property, Archives and Debts. The final solution to the problem of SFRY succession was found in 2001 when the Agreement on Succession Issues was signed, although it came into force three years later. There were no problems with the succession of citizenship. Under the 1974 Constitutional Act of SFRY, there were two citizenships in the federation – federal and republican. Therefore, after the breakup of Yugoslavia, republican citizenship became the citizenship of a new state.
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review; 2015, 5; 23-38
Pojawia się w:
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koncepcja przekopania Mierzei Wiślanej a sprawa elbląska podczas rokowań oliwskich w 1660 r.
The Elbing question and conception of Vistula Peninsula excavation during Oliva negotiations in 1660
Maikiłła, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
pokój w Oliwie 1660 r.
traktaty welawsko-bydgoskie 1657 r.
wojna północna 1655-1660
Peace of Oliva 1660
Treaties of Welaw and Bydgoszcz 1657
Northern War 1655-1660
Podczas rozpoczętych w styczniu 1660 roku w Oliwie negocjacji mających na celu zakończenie trwającej od 1655 roku wojny pomiędzy Szwecją a Rzecząpospolitą jednym z tematów rozmów była kwestia Elbląga, miasta, które zgodnie z traktatem bydgoskim z 6 listopada 1657 roku powinno zostać przekazane przez Rzeczpospolitą Fryderykowi Wilhelmowi, elektorowi brandenburskiemu. Fryderyk Wilhelm uczestnicząc jako strona w rokowaniach w Oliwie postanowił włączyć do obrad dwustronny układ polsko-brandenburski w celu podjęcia tego układu jako ogólnego traktatu pokojowego. Pomysł ten spotkał się z oporem strony szwedzkiej, która uznała ten układ za skierowany przeciwko Szwecji. Kontestacja przez Szwedów układów polsko-brandenburskich spowodowała, że realizacja postanowień tego układu dotyczących Elbląga stała się niemożliwa, gdyż miasto to od 1655 roku znajdowało się pod okupacją szwedzką. Problem ten stał się przedmiotem ożywionej dyskusji, do której dołączyła koncepcja przekopu na Mierzei Wiślanej. Ten drugi pomysł zwiększyłby wagę Elbląga, ale był też przestawiony przeciwko sprawom brandenburskim. I faktycznie tak się stało, a elektor brandenburski mógł jedynie pośrednio uzyskać uznanie traktatów z Polską poprzez przyjęcie słów o przejęciu w ogólnym traktacie pokojowym wszystkich umów zawartych w czasie wojny 1655-1660. Elbląg rzeczywiście został zajęty w sierpniu 1660 roku przez wojska polskie z rąk szwedzkich, co spowodowało, że elektor brandenburski Fryderyk Wilhelm nie otrzymał miasta zadowalając się jedynie słownym zapewnieniem, że kiedyś dojdzie do przekazania mu Elbląga.
During the negotiations opened in January 1660 in Oliva having to finish the war between Sweden and the Commonwealth lasted from 1655 one of the topic of negotiation was the Elblag question, the Town that in accordance with treaty of Bydgoszcz, 6th November 1657 should be transferred by the Commonwealth to the Frederic William, the Elector of Brandenburg. Frederic William participated as a party to a negotiations in Oliwa decided to include into a proceedings of debates a two-sided Polish-Brandenburg agreement in order to take up this agreement a general peace treaty. This idea met the resistance of Swedish side because they acknowledged this agreement as a switched against the Sweden. The contestation by the Swedes of Polish-Brandenburg agreements brought to make the realization of resolutions of this agreement concerning the Elblag impossible for this town from 1655 was under the Swedish occupation. This problem became a matter of heated discussion that further wasembittered with the conception of Vistula Peninsula excavation. This second idea would increase the weight of Elblag, but it was also switched against the Brandenburg affairs. And in fact it so occurred while the Elector of Brandenburg could only indirect obtained the recognition of the treatises with Poland through the acceptance of the words of assumption in general peace treaty all the agreements concluded during the war of 1655-1660. Elblag was really taken in August 1660 by the Polish forces from the Swedish hands what caused that Frederic William, the Elector of Brandenburg didn’t receive the town contenting himself only a verbal assurance that once to the transference of Elblag for him will come.
Studia Elbląskie; 2016, 17; 71-78
Pojawia się w:
Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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