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Epitafium pastora Carla Schmidta w kościele parafialnym pw. Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny w Przytoku
Kufel, Robert R.
Data publikacji:
Agencja Wydawnicza “PDN”
pastor Carl Schmidt
The only sepulchral monument in the church in Nowy Targ is the epitaph plaque located in the vestibule of the church from the side of Kisielińskiej Street. The parish priest Rev. Mirosław Donabidowicz commissioned the renovation of the memorial. The epitaph was dedicated to the local pastor Carl Wilhelm Gottlieb Schmidt (+1 814). The plaque is made of sandstone. It is 171 cm long, 87.5 cm wide and 12 cm thick. The epitaph from Przytok is an example of the nineteenth-century sepulchral art in the present-day Province of Lubusz.
Adhibenda; 2020, 7; 103-112
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mapping the History of a Territory: Bon Pastor (Barcelona) – Social Remembrance and Heritage Project
Angosto, Salvador
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Bon Pastor
The topic of the article are the complex stages of the formation of the Bon Pastor neighbourhood in Barcelona, and contemporary efforts to create the remembrance space system that would preserve the social memory and historical identity of the place. The author presents how the urban development plans for the district were transformed as a result of major changes in national politics, economy, and social policy, since the 1930s, through 60s and 70s, till today. The article describes the Bon Pastor Civic Memory project as an interesting example of a participatory action aimed at the preservation of local heritage. The implementation of the Civic Memory project was possible due to the neighbours’ initiative and their cooperation with cultural and academic institutions. The aim of this project is to mark certain points of the territory which possess historically and socially significant value, and to enhance them through public art, urban design and other implementations envisaged. The Association of residents of Bon Pastor (Barcelona) has been characterized, since 1974, for its combative and vindictive nature, at the same time as for its great capacity to launch solidarity initiatives and manage complicated processes to improve the living conditions of residents of the neighbourhood. After the struggles to obtain a health centre, the improvement of communications by metro and bus, and the constant improvement of public space, in recent years, the Association is co-managing with the Barcelona City Council, the radical transformation of the neighbourhood. The different phases for the remodelling of the neighbourhood, by replacing the so-called “cheap houses” with new buildings, with more spacious apartments and with better material conditions, is coming to an end and now, the possibility opens up, driven by the neighbours and the Museum of the History of the City (MUHBA) to have a metropolitan museographic space devoted to the presentation and study of the evolution of workers’ and popular housing in Barcelona.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica – Aesthetica – Practica; 2019, 33; 37-54
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica – Aesthetica – Practica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biskup i jego najbliżsi współpracownicy kapłani uczestniczący w odkupicielskim posłaniu Chrystusa
Maturkanič, Patrik
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum
During his work Jesus Christ chose his closest collaborators as his disciples. He entrustedthem with their mission, to continue with the teachings of his part in the redemption of the Word in his name. The successors of the Apostles – the bishops and his aides the priests continue in this mission to save immortal souls. An advantage of the IInd Vatican Council was that it shone a clear light on the relationship between the bishop and the priests. While the Council of Trent defined the Bishop in relation to the priest, the IInd Vatican Council defined the priest in relation to the Bishop. The priest receives the right to the reception of the sacrament of the priesthood and through this sacrament attains a special relationship with Christ, in whose priesthood he participates. But he also enters into a close relationship with the Bishop who annointed him as his fellow-worker.
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne; 2010, 2(5); 341-348
Pojawia się w:
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wielkość osoby i dzieła pastora Valeriusa Herbergera w świetle jego przydomków
homily; catechesis; regionalism; regional culture; “small homeland”; values
Kalbarczyk, Adam
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Valerius Herberger
kaznodziejstwo luterańskie
Every individual listening to the word of God, delivered either in the Holy Mass homily or parish catechesis, lives in a speci c cultural environment, sometimes referred to as a “small home- land”. It provides the “regional context” of preaching. This paper presents the inspiring role of this “context” in contemporary preaching of the Gos- pel. In view of dominant globalization trends, this context seems to gain increasing importance. To avoid misunderstanding, the paper starts with presenting necessary de nitions, such as the meaning of the term: “homily”, “parish catechesis” or “regional context”. Since the realization of the word of God delivered during the homily or parish catechesis always takes place in a speci c life of an individual who lives, works or rests in a speci c local community and who is immersed in its cul- ture, the signi cance of this context in preaching the word of God is demonstrated. Additionally, the paper presents the content of the regional culture to be used both in the homily and in the parish catechesis. In this context, homiletic and catechetical suggestions are indicated, among which the need for spiritual sensitivity and openness of homilists and catechists to the values of cultural heritage of the region comes to the fore.
Many attempts have been made to describe the life, fame and fate of the great German Luthe- ran pastor, preacher, theologian, humanist, poet, composer of well-known church songs and social activist, Valerius Herberger (1562-1627), who lived and worked in the Polish royal city Wschowa. The excellence of this gure has been proved by ample theological and homiletic works published in print. This article depicts the richness of both Herberger as a person and his works by making references to as many as ten bynames given to him. The rst three of them were coined by drawing an analogy to the father of the Reformation, Martin Luther, namely „the little Luther”, „the other Luther”, „the Polish Luther”. In two other epithets: „evangelical Abraham a Sancta Clara” and „the other Ignatius Loyola” Herberger was compared respectively to two gures well-known in the Catholic world, that is to an Augustinian Friar Abraham a Sancta Clara, one of the most famous, early baroque preachers, and to Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits. The remaining ve bynames refer directly to Herberger’s performance as a preacher and a pastoral worker, that is: „Preacher of Jesus”, „Lover of Jesus”, „Preacher of the Heart”, „Warden of Hearts” and „Pastor of the Plague”. All those epithets pose a constant challenge to successive generations of preachers, theologians, priests, Catholic writers and social activists to become if not another Herberger, at least a little Herberger.
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne; 2018, 32; 181-194
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gniadkowska-Szymanska, Agata
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badań Gospodarczych
the Pastor-Stambaugh model
illiquidity premium
Research background: The liquidity of assets in the financial market is under-stood gener-ally as costs, and the easiest way in which different types of assets can be converted into cash, or to put it simply, sold at the currently available price on the market. For a considerable period of time this category had not been duly considered in the framework of modern finance theory. As a result, a number of basic models constructed within the framework of this theory in its classical form did not include problems with liquidity. This applies to a number of aspects related to liquidity, with one of the most important being the relationship between the liquidity of trading in shares and the results obtained from these rates of return. Purpose of the article: The aim of the article is to determine whether the rate of return on shares increases with the increase in share liquidity and the incremental rate of return on this account decreases with increasing liquidity. The applied re-search methodology is similar to that described by Pastor and Stambaugh (2003). The model used in the empirical study is the expanded model of Fama and Francha (1993) for the liquidity factor. Methods: In this paper I present various factors which will affect the liquidity. The paper will also provide the results of research concerning the relations between spread and stock return on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE). The evidence drawn from WSE stock returns over the period 2004–2012 indicates that Amihuda measure and other variables have a significant effect on stock return using the multifactorial Pastor-Stambaugh. Findings & Value added: In the case of the Polish market, it can be stated that in the analysis based on the Pastor-Stambaugh model not all the variables included in this model are statistically significant. However, directional parameters associated with liquidity risk were statistically significant in all analyzed periods, which allows us to confirm the hypothesis that liquidity has a significant influence on the rate of return on shares listed on the Stock Exchange in Warsaw.
Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy; 2017, 12, 2; 211-228
Pojawia się w:
Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Violation of the Obligation of Residence According to the 1983 Code of Canon Law
Romanko, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Offences against special obligations
diocesan bishop
The obligation of residence is the obligation to reside in a specific territory on a permanent basis in connection with holding an ecclesiastical office. The delict of violation of the obligation of residence is penalized under can. 1396 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law and is strictly linked to the entrusted ecclesiastical office such as: cardinals holding specific offices in the Roman Curia, diocesan bishop, coadjutor bishop, auxiliary bishop, diocesan administrator, pastor, parochial administrator and a group of clerics administering the parish in solidum, parochial vicar. Violation of the obligation of residence is subject to a mandatory penalty. The gravest penalty provided for by the ecclesiastical legislator is the privation of ecclesiastical office.
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II; 2022, 12, 1; 259-268
Pojawia się w:
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kilka słów o rozmowie duszpasterskiej
Pastoral Conversation – A Brief Outline
Glajcar, A.
Data publikacji:
Centrum Naukowo-Badawcze Ochrony Przeciwpożarowej im. Józefa Tuliszkowskiego
rozmowa duszpasterska
pastoral conversation
Cel: W straży pożarnej służą kapelani. W artykule zwrócono uwagę na bardzo ważną część ich służby w tych strukturach – na rozmowę duszpasterską. Służba kapelańska opiera się przede wszystkim na komunikacji z drugim człowiekiem. Strażak-ratownik potrzebuje rozmowy, potrzebuje wsparcia – także duszpasterskiego. Jednak prowadzenie rozmowy duszpasterskiej wymaga od duchownego przygotowania, wiedzy i doświadczenia. Właśnie na te elementy położono nacisk w artykule. Wprowadzenie: Nie ma dziś służb mundurowych, w których nie służyliby kapelani. Czy są oni potrzebni w straży pożarnej? Na to pytanie można odpowiedzieć słowami, które kiedyś wypowiedział Komendant Główny Państwowej Straży Pożarnej: „Przed psychologiem, nawet najlepszym interwentem od traumy, strażacy nie powiedzą, że im się nie układa, że dziecko wpadło w złe towarzystwo, że matka umiera na raka, że sięgają zbyt często po kieliszek, że... Można by wyliczać bez końca. Otwierają się przed strażakiem – kapelanem” [25, s. 16]. Trzeba być jednak świadomym tego, że służba kapelańska polega nie tylko na tym, żeby strażak, poszkodowany dotarł do kapelana, ale także na tym, żeby to kapelan dotarł do potrzebującego. Kiedy jest to konieczne, kapelan bierze w ręce sprzęt pożarniczy, ale najczęściej posługuje się mową. Prowadzenie samej rozmowy wydaje się bardzo proste, ale tak nie jest, bo każdy rozmówca jest inną osobą. W niniejszym artykule zwrócono uwagę na to, że duszpasterz jest przede wszystkim słuchaczem, który umie poświęcić czas współrozmówcy. Nawiązanie właściwego kontaktu z kimś, kogo się zna, jest proste. O wiele trudniej nawiązać go z osobą, którą widzi się pierwszy raz. Na przebieg rozmowy ma wpływ wiele czynników – zewnętrznych i wewnętrznych. Trzeba pamiętać, że duszpasterz nie jest jedyną osobą pomagającą swojemu rozmówcy. W tym zakresie powinien on współpracować z psychologami i lekarzami. Tylko wtedy rozmowa czy porada duszpasterska będą satysfakcjonujące dla obu stron. Wnioski: Duszpasterz służący w straży pożarnej nie może kierować się wyłącznie przesłankami konfesyjnymi. Do każdej rozmowy musi być przygotowany, co wymaga ciągłego samokształcenia. Duszpasterz powinien szukać rozmówcy, a nie na niego czekać. Rozmowa nie jest monologiem prowadzonym przez kapelana, lecz prawdziwym dialogiem. Podczas rozmowy kapelan pomaga potrzebującemu znaleźć właściwe rozwiązanie problemu, jednak w tym procesie powinien poruszać się tylko w przestrzeni zaproponowanej przez rozmówcę.
Aim: Pastors serve in the fire service. This paper focuses on a very important aspect of their duties – the pastoral conversation. A chaplain’s service primarily involves communicating with other people. A fire-fighter-rescuer needs support and someone to talk to – including a pastor. However, holding a pastoral conversation requires a priest/pastor to be spiritually prepared, knowledgeable and experienced. These three aspects are emphasised in this paper. Introduction: Nowadays, chaplains serve in all uniformed services. Are they really necessary in the fire service? A perfect answer to this question can be found in the words of the Chief Fire Officer of the State Fire Service: „A fireman will never come to a psychologist, even if he is a top professional who can perfectly handle traumatic experiences, to talk about his personal issues: that things are not fine, that his child is keeping bad company, that his mother is dying of cancer, that he hits the bottle, that... The list goes on and on. The only person a fireman will open up to is a fireman-chaplain” [25, p. 16]. We have to be aware, however, that a chaplain’s service involves not only responding to traumatised fire-fighters who are asking for help, but also reaching out to those who have not yet asked for it. When necessary, the chaplain will fight the fire, but his primary role is to listen and talk. Holding a conversation is not as easy as it may seem, since each person confiding in the chaplain is a different person. This paper highlights the role of a chaplain as being primarily that of a confidant who can devote his time to listen what firefighters have to say. Establishing a rapport with someone we know is always relatively easy. It is much more difficult, however, to establish it with a person we do not know and perhaps see for the first time. Many external and internal factors come into play. It has to be underlined that the pastor in not the only person who provides help. He should cooperate with psychologists and doctors. Only then can a pastoral conversation or advice be regarded as satisfactory for both sides. Conclusions: Pastors who serve in the fire service should not be guided by religious considerations only. They must be prepared for every conversation and this requires continuous self-education. Pastors should reach out to those who need to talk instead of waiting for them. A pastoral conversation is not a monologue by a chaplain, but an actual dialogue. During this dialogue, the chaplain is trying to help the person in need to find the right solution to the problem. In doing so, however, he must not cross the line drawn by the person who confides in him.
Bezpieczeństwo i Technika Pożarnicza; 2017, 48, 4; 88-95
Pojawia się w:
Bezpieczeństwo i Technika Pożarnicza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kim jest proboszcz zakonny? O relacji między przełożonym zakonnym a proboszczem w parafii powierzonej instytutowi zakonnemu
Who is a religious pastor? Concerning the relationship between the religious superior and the pastor in a parish entrusted to a religious institute
Skonieczny, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
religious pastor
religious parish
local Superior
canon law
This article presents the problematic concerning the relationship between the local Superior and the religious pastor in a parish entrusted to a religious institute, when these offices are not held by the same person. The Author presents briefly a historical evaluation of the concept of the religious parish, i.e. the movement from the beneficium to the communitas. According to the Author there are 3 principles organising this commitment: the salvation of souls, the work (opus) of the institute, and the principle of conserving religious identity. Following these principles, the Author expresses his opinion regarding the limitation of the religious pastor as “pastor proprius paroeciae”, and emphasises the fact that the religious pastor is first of all a religious, without any special rights in the religious community. Lastly, according to the Author, it would be better for religious life to use the canonical office of moderator rather than that of the pastor (cf can. 517, 1983 CIC).
Annales Canonici; 2014, 10; 57-78
Pojawia się w:
Annales Canonici
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Pociągający” urok odległego świata – wybrane motywy w powieściach „Córka pastora” i „Żona pastora” fińskiego prozaika Juhaniego Aho
”Captivating” charm of the distant world – selected motifs in Finnish prosaist Juhani Aho’s novels „Pastor’s daughter” and „Pastor’s wife”
Mrozewicz, Bolesław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Juhani Aho
finnish realism
finnish Lutheranism
This article shows the issues of the place and the social role of the women in Finland of on the basis of the two Finnish classical, realistic 19th century novels: Pastor’s daughter and Pastor’s wife. Juhani Aho joins the discussion through his literary output. Being a pastor’s son, he chooses the characters for his deep analysis from his social group. In the latter one, Aho is referring to psychological trend emerging in Finland. The plot of both novels is set in the group of Finnish intelligence that, on the one hand, is represented by pastors from the small village parishes and, on the other hand, by the theology student from Helsinki. His stay in pastor’s house in the country and his unconventional behaviour can ruin the social order, which used to be accepted as the norm. The author focuses on the figure of a woman – the daughter, who is the eponymous character, and afterwards on the pastor’s wife, who is restricted by etiquette, feels the deep sorrow of her existence and attempts to compensate for her life in the pastor’s house by building her deeply hidden inner world. This world of idealized romantic dreams and unfulfilled desire to live in spiritually richer dimension causes –due to the reality around her –her permanent state of depression and frustration –in both emotional and social aspects. She is unable to change anything in her life, though the fate in the form of a student seems to offer her the chance.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica; 2018, 49, 3; 179-196
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Voces y transformaciones del monólogo y apreciaciones sobre Divino Pastor Góngora de Jaime Chabaud
M. Vincent, Nidia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Neofilologii
drama mexicano
Jaime Chabaud
Divino Pastor Góngora
El presente artículo tiene como propósito acercarse al monólogo, forma teatral poco atendida por la crítica y cuya presencia e importancia en la escena actual va en ascenso. Para ello, se revisarán algunos presupuestos y rasgos del monólogo teatral y se hará un rápido recorrido por su desarrollo en el teatro occidental; se pondrá énfasis en el monólogo como obra autónoma a partir del monodrama realista de Strindberg u O’Neill y los aportes del teatro del Absurdo. Asimismo, se revisará resumidamente su evolución en México, desde el teatro novohispano hasta la actualidad para, finalmente, enfocarse en la obra Divino Pastor Góngora (2001) del dramaturgo mexicano Jaime Chabaud (n. 1966), uno de los autores de la llamada “Generación de los sesenta”. Divino Pastor Góngora es un monólogo ambientado en el siglo XVIII en la Nueva España, que trata sobre el desafortunado destino de un actor que ha caído en manos de la justicia y desde su encierro da a conocer su historia y escenifica un sainete. La obra se analizará por su estructura, sus múltiples personajes y estrategias monologales, además de comentar elementos de metateatralidad, humor y e intertextualidad.
Itinerarios; 2020, 31; 185-207
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Parafia i inne jednostki diecezji oraz formy powierzania pieczy pasterskiej nad wspólnotą parafialną w świetle Instrukcji Kongregacji Biskupów z 29 czerwca 2020 roku
The Parish and other Internal Units of the Diocese, Forms of Entrusting Pastoral Care of the Parish Community According to the Instruction of the Congregation of Bishops of 20.06.2020
Góralski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
pastoral service
„Pastoral conversion”
Mając na uwadze zadania ewangelizacyjne parafii we współczesnym świecie, Kongregacja Duchowieństwa, w dniu 29 czerwca 2020 roku wydała Instrukcję Nawrócenie pastoralne wspólnoty parafialnej w posłudze misji ewangelizacyjnej Kościoła. Dokument ten, składający się z dziesięciu rozdziałów, zawiera wyjaśnienie licznych przepisów CIC dotyczących parafii i duszpasterzy. Autor omawia trzy podstawowe, najbardziej „newralgiczne” rozdziały Instrukcji: VII. Parafia i inne jednostki wewnętrzne diecezji. VIII. Formy zwyczajne i nadzwyczajne powierzenia opieki pasterskiej o wspólnotę parafialną. IX. Funkcje i posługi parafialne. Postanowienia tych rozdziałów w przeważającej mierze odnoszą się do określonych norm CIC, dotyczących przede wszystkim parafii oraz osób i instytucji z nią związanych. Ukazano w nich rolę parafii jako szczególnego miejsca w misji ewangelizacyjnej Kościoła, a także wyjaśniono wiele kwestii związanych z posługą duszpasterską kapłanów (przede wszystkim proboszczów), diakonów, osób konsekrowanych i wiernych świeckich.
Taking into account the evangelization tasks of the parish in the modern world, on June 29, 2020, the Congregation of the Clergy issued the Instruction “Pastoral conversion of the parish community in the service of the evangelizing mission of the Church”. This document, which is divided into ten chapters, explains the many CIC regulations regarding parishes and pastors. The author discusses three basic, most “critical” chapters of the Instruction: VII. The parish and other internal units of the diocese. VIII. Ordinary and extraordinary forms of entrusting pastoral care to the parish community. IX. Functions and parish services. The provisions of these chapters overwhelmingly refer to certain CIC norms concerning, first and foremost, parishes and people and institutions associated with them. They show the role of the parish as a special place in the Church’s evangelizing mission, and explain many issues related to the pastoral ministry of priests (especially parish priests), deacons, consecrated persons and lay faithful.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych; 2022, 32, 2; 125-148
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rimozione del Superiore religioso stante munere: cause e procedimento
Removing the religious superior stante munere: causes and procedure
Michowic, Przemysław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
religious superior administrative procedure
removal of pastor
ecclesiastic office
The paper examines the hypothesis of removal from the o ce of Superior during his proper function, which is established in can. 624 § 3 CIC 1983. Given the lack of regulation in the proper law in the majority of the religious institutes, the main goal was to propose the correct reasons and the accurate procedure so as to remove those superiors who remain too long in o ces of governance without interruption. In order to suggest those elements, author used the analogy in reference to the others legal institutes: the dismissal from a religious institute (possible reasons as said in the can. 696 § 1) and the removal of pastors (possible procedure as regulated in can. 1740–1752).
Annales Canonici; 2015, 11; 157-175
Pojawia się w:
Annales Canonici
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Spécificité pastorale de la personnalité de Jean-Paul II selon Jean-Marie Lustiger
Biernat, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
John Paul II
Jean-Marie Lustiger
pastoral attitudes
pastoral methods
Jean-Marie Lustiger admired John Paul II and he was devoted to him. They both had similar origin. The Cardinal of Paris often accompanied the pope in his pastoral visits. He perceived John Paul II as the man of Providence. He was convinced that God had prepared him to this role. Jean-Marie Lustiger emphasized the attitudes of John Paul II that attracted the attention and admiration of observers. For instance: pray, holiness, attentive pastor and good relation with young people. Jean-Marie Lustiger as an attentive observer also focused his attention on the pastoral methods of John Paul II. In his utterances he often perceived the following methods: each person was important, defense of person’s dignity, the ability to speak with each man, modern language, importance of the pastoral visits and sui generis spiritual pedagogic. Jean-Marie Lustiger noticed radical change of perspective in preaching and in pastoral action of John Paul II. According to him the pope perceived the challenges of the modern times, evaluated needs of the humanity and gave the appropriate answers. For these he did not choose politics, sociology or even anthropology as a reflection but addressed to the hurt human who was redeem by Jesus Christ.
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II; 2011, 1, 1
Pojawia się w:
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pierwszy pomiędzy grzesznikami. Pastor luterański a zasada powszechnego kapłaństwa w wybranych filmach skandynawskich
The First among Sinners. A Lutheran Pastor and Universal Priesthood Doctrine in Selected Works of the Scandinavian Cinema
Łazarz, Radosław
Data publikacji:
Parafia Ewangelicko-Augsburska w Gdańsku z siedzibą w Sopocie
scandinavian cinema
universal priesthood
Lone Scherfig
Anders Thomas Jensen
Erik Poppe
The aim of the article is to look closely at the character of a pastor in selected works of the Scandinavian cinematography. The analysis covers two Danish films: Italiensk for begyndere (English title: Italian for Beginners) by Lone Scherfig and Adams Æbler (English title: Adam’s Apples) by Anders Thomas Jensen as well as one Norwegian film – De Usynlige (English title: Troubled Water) by Erik Poppe. All films presented were made after 2000, their actions take place in contemporary times and presume that the current social trends show con-tinuous departure of faithful people from the Church. How is the tendency reflected in the way a pastor is presented in the films? Intuitively one may guess that the pastor will be an outsider. However, in the films discussed in this article most characters are outsiders. Their faults and their failures remind us of the fundamental truth of the Lutheran anthropology and theology: man is a sinner. Also: no-one is alone in being a sinner. Being a pastor does not only involve a service within the Church, but first of all the power to forgive other people their sins. This means that the films presented in the article do not just tell stories about pastors, but – more significantly – they explore the Lutheran doctrine of universal priesthood. Each human is a sinner. Each Christian should be a pastor.
Gdański Rocznik Ewangelicki; 2015, 9; 199-222
Pojawia się w:
Gdański Rocznik Ewangelicki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stages in Canonical Provision of the Office of Pastor under the Current Polish Synodal Legislation
Wnuk, Radosław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
designation of person
conferral of title
assumption of office
diocesan bishop
According to Polish synodal legislation, similarly to the Code of Canon Law, the provision of the office of pastor consists of three stages: 1) designation of a person, 2) conferral of the title, and 3) taking possession of the office. In accordance with both universal and particular law, the provision may be free or dependent. The diocesan bishop confers the office freely (cc. 523–525). In the case of a dependent provision, however, another competent ecclesiastical authority nominates a candidate, and the diocesan bishop only confers the title to the office (c. 525; 682, §1). According to legislators of particular law, the conferral of a legal title to an office should take place by a nomination decree. The decree should meet the requirements of a singular administrative act (cc. 48–57). The placement in the possession of a parish by the local ordinary or his delegate and the assumption of the office by a pastor is the final stage of the provision. Under particular law, two aspects of this act are distinguished: the legal aspect (the drawing up and signing of a handover protocol by the pastor and other competent bodies), and the liturgical one (solemn entry of a new pastor into the parish church according to the ritual of a specific particular Church). Legislators of particular law also places the presbyter who has been promoted to the office of pastor under an obligation to make a profession of faith (c. 833, 6°) and take the oath of fidelity, according to the formulas approved by the Holy See.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych; 2019, 28, 1; 119-135
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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