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Udział wiernych we Mszy św. sprawowanej przez kapłanów Bractwa Kapłańskiego Świętego Piusa X (FSSPX) w świetle aktualnych wytycznych Stolicy Apostolskiej
Participation of the Faithful in the Mass Celebrated by the Priests of the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) in the Light of the Current Guidelines of the Apostolic See
Pietras, Dawid
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Society of Saint Pius X
participation in the Mass
alidity and licity of celebration of the Mass
feast of obligation
Bractwo Kapłańskie Świętego Piusa X
udział we Mszy
ważność i godziwość celebracji Mszy
święto nakazane
The Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) is a community of the Catholic Church suspended in 1975. The priests of the community are not incardinated and do not perform priestly ministry iuxta legem in the Church. Moreover, when they are ordained without the required dimissories, they are completely suspended. Despite this canonical irregularity, SSPX priests celebrate Masses validly. In addition, by the decision of Pope Francis they have validly and licitly administered the Sacrament of Penance since 2015. They can also celebrate Mass on the occasion of marriage. Apart from these situations, the Apostolic See cannot recommend attending SSPX Masses because of the lack of the full ecclesial communion in this Society. In the opinion of most canonists, despite the canonical irregularity of the priests of the Fraternity, it is possible to formally fulfill the duty of attending Mass on the feast of obligation.
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne; 2022, 41; 95-118
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Come si deve partecipare alla Santa Messa per adempiere il precetto festivo?
How One Must Participate in Holy Mass to Fulfill the Festive Precept?
Jak należy uczestniczyć we Mszy świętej, aby wypełnić obowiązek niedzielny i świąteczny?
Kaniecki, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
partecipazione alla Messa
di ascoltare la Messa
il precetto festivo
mezzi di comunicazione sociale
partecipazione attiva
participation in the Mass
listening to the Mass
the festive precept
means of social communication
active participation
uczestnictwo we Mszy
wysłuchanie Mszy
obowiązek niedzielny
środki społecznego przekazu
aktywne uczestnictwo
Artykuł dokonuje pogłębionej analizy niektórych kwestii dotyczących właściwego uczestnictwa we Mszy św., opierając się na tradycji kanonicznej i aktualnym ustawodawstwie, na które składają się uchwały soborowe, papieskie, różnych dykasterii i komisji Stolicy Apostolskiej, a także opinie ekspertów w dziedzinie prawa kanonicznego i teologii moralnej. Pierwszy rozdział opisuje niektóre zachowania, które, zgodnie z tradycją kanoniczną, mogą wpłynąć na niewypełnienie obowiązku wysłuchania Mszy św. (por. kan. 1248 KPK/17), oraz okoliczności, które, pomimo iż utrudniają jej wysłuchanie, to jednak nie przeszkadzają w wypełnieniu zobowiązania. W tej części została wyjaśniona również rola intelektu, świadomości i woli w kontekście obowiązku niedzielnego, oraz podano znaczenie obecności fizycznej, moralnej i duchowej. Ponadto, pochylono się nad problemem dotyczącym możliwości wypełnienia zobowiązania za pośrednictwem środków społecznego przekazu. Drugi rozdział analizuje aktualne ustawodawstwo począwszy od Soboru Watykańskiego II, który słowo „być obecnym”, używane dotychczas, zastąpił słowem „uczestniczyć”, co miało akcentować aktywny i czynny udział we Mszy św. Słowo „uczestniczyć” znalazło się później w obowiązującym Kodeksie w kan. 1247. Pojęcie to nie wymaga jednak uczestnictwa całkowicie pełnego, bowiem wystarczy już sama świadoma i dobrowolna obecność na Mszy św., aby wypełnić obowiązek niedzielny. Kościół bardzo zaleca wiernym doskonalsze (perfectior participatio) uczestnictwo, czyli przyjmowanie Komunii św. podczas celebracji eucharystycznych.
The article presents in-depth analysis of certain questions regarding the appropriate participation in the Holy Mass, based on canonical tradition and current legislation, which contain the documents of the Holy See, the popes, the various dicasteries and commissions of the Apostolic See, as well as the opinions of the experts in canon law and moral theology. The first chapter describes some attitudes that, according to canonical tradition, can influence the non-fulfilment of the precept of listening to the Mass (cf. can. 1248 CIC/17). It also describes the circumstances that, although they make it difficult to listen to the Mass, do not prevent the satisfaction of the obligation. In this part the role of intellect, awareness and will in relation to the fulfilment of the festive precept was explained and the definitions of physical, moral and spiritual presence were given. Furthermore, the problem of the possibility of fulfilling the obligation by means of social communication has been addressed. The second chapter analyses the current legislation, beginning with the Second Vatican Council, which replaced the expression “is present”, which had been used up to that time, with the expression “participate”, which intends to underline the full and active participation in the Mass. However, in the 1983 Code of Canon Law  the expression “to participate” was accepted in can. 1247, this expression does not require a totally full and active participation, because being present itself, consciously and voluntarily is sufficient to fulfil the festive precept. Nevertheless, the Church strongly recommends that participation which is called more perfect (perfectior participatio), that is, the Mass connected with Holy Communion.
L’articolo fa un’analisi profonda di alcune questioni riguardanti una corretta partecipazione alla Messa, basandosi sulla tradizione canonica e sulla normativa vigente, che contengono i documenti della Santa Sede, dei papi, dei diversi dicasteri e delle commissioni della Sede Apostolica, ed anche le opinioni dei esperti in diritto canonico e in teologia morale. Il primo capitolo descrive alcuni atteggiamenti che, secondo la tradizione canonica, possono influire sul non adempimento del precetto di ascoltare la Messa (cf. can. 1248 CIC/17), ed anche descrive le circostanze che, sebbene rendano difficile ascoltare la Messa, non impediscono alla soddisfazione dell’obbligo. In questa parte è stato spiegato il ruolo dell’intelletto, della consapevolezza e della volontà in relazione al soddisfacimento del precetto festivo e sono state date le definizioni della presenza fisica, morale e spirituale. Inoltre, è stato affrontato il problema della possibilità dell’adempimento dell’obbligo attraverso i mezzi di comunicazione sociale. Il secondo capitolo fa un’analisi della normativa vigente, iniziando dal Concilio Vaticano II, che ha sostituito l’espressione “è presente”, la quale era stata usata fino a quel tempo, con l’espressione “partecipare”, che intende sottolineare la partecipazione piena e attiva alla Messa. L’espressione “partecipare” successivamente è stata accolta nel can. 1247 del Codice vigente. Tuttavia, questa espressione non esige una partecipazione to¬talmente piena ed attiva, perché basta già la presenza stessa, consapevole e volontaria per adempiere il precetto festivo. La Chiesa però raccomanda molto quella partecipazione che viene chiamata più perfetta (perfectior participatio), cioè la Messa connessa con la Santa Comunione.
Kościół i Prawo; 2018, 7, 1; 139-148
Pojawia się w:
Kościół i Prawo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Msza święta w życiu chrześcijańskim w nauczaniu Kościoła od Soboru Trydenckiego do Jana Pawła II
The Holy Mass in Christian Life in the Church’s Teaching from the Council of Trent to John Paul II
Migut, Bogusław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Ofiara eucharystyczna
Msza święta
Życie chrześcijańskie
Życie Kościoła
Uczestnictwo w Eucharystii
Eucharistic offering
Holy Mass
Christian life
life of the Church
participation in the Eucharist
Analysis of the Church’s documents shows a continuity of the Church’s teaching, and at the same time its development. The constant element of the Church’s teaching from the Council of Trent on the issue of the aim of celebrating the Eucharist has been pointing to the sacramental actualization of Christ’s only sacrifice for the lives of the faithful, who include their spiritual offerings into this actualization. Owing to this the Holy Mass is both Christ’s and the Church’s sacrifice. The Eucharist is fulfilled in heavenly liturgy. Since Pius XII’s encyclical Mediator Dei the Church has been putting more stress to the Eucharist’s ecclesiogenic aim. This teaching reaches its peak in John Paul II’s encyclical Ecclesia de Eucharistia. Since Pius XII’s encyclical the Church’s ever greater care has been seen for the participation of the faithful in the Eucharist.
Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne; 2011, 2; 71-85
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uczestnictwo w liturgii Mszy św. – pojęcie i wymogi
Participation in the liturgy of the Holy Mass – concept and requirements
Słowikowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
active participation
Divine Worship
Holy Mass
office of sanctifying in the Church
czynne uczestnictwo
kult Boży
msza św.
uświęcające zadanie Kościoła
The problem connected with the issue of the participation of the Christian faithful in the liturgy of the Holy Mass has always been and still is the subject of many Church documents published by the Popes or the Roman Curia. In particular, term of the participation is identified with Pius X who his concern for an active, full and conscious participation expressed in motu proprio Tra le sollecitudini from 1903. This issue was also undertaken by his successors and subsequently by the Second Vatican Council. The legislator included the issue concerning the liturgy in canons: 835 § 4; 837; 899 § 2; 1247 of the Code of Canon Law of 1983. The analysis of the law shows that the participation in the liturgy is the realization of the office of sanctifying in the Church. All Christian faithful are obliged to this participation: bishops, presbyters, deacons, and the lays Christian faithful, particularly catholic parents. The participation in the liturgy is a consequence of belonging to Jesus Christ and the Church. Misunderstanding of participatio actuosa reduces it only to an external aspect of necessity of the general involvement and inclusion in the liturgy the greatest number of people, as often as possible and in front of the others. Meanwhile, the term ‘participation’ indicates an action, in which everyone should take part. Participatio actuosa in the liturgy is a main aim of the liturgical action and allows for the inclusion in celebrating liturgical action of God and the Church. In order to proper participating in the liturgy, the Church gives specific requirements to the Christian faithful, decided that they should not only participate in the liturgy actively but also consciously, in a full way, piously and fruitfully.
Kościół i Prawo; 2012, 1(14); 25-37
Pojawia się w:
Kościół i Prawo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Die große Krise nach dem großen Aufbruch. Gedanken anlässlich des 50. Jahrestages der Beendigung des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils
The Great Crisis After the Great Awakening: Thoughts on the 50th Anniversary of the End of the Second Vatican Council
Hartmann, Peter Claus
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
II. Vatikanisches Konzil
Benedikt XVI
die katholische Kirche in Deutschland
Rückgang des sonntäglichen Messbesuchs
Kirchenaustritte bei den Protestanten
Gründe des Glaubensschwundes
II. Vatican Council
Benedict XVI
the Catholic Church in Germany
decline in Sunday mass participation
leaving the Protestant Church
reasons of faith fading
Die katholische Kirche hat in Deutschland nach dem Konzil eine Krise erlebt. Aber der Verlust von Gläubigen ist in den zeitgeistangepassten evangelischen Kirchen Deutschlands noch wesentlich dramatischer. Deshalb kann die Krise der katholischen Kirche (viele Austritte, starker Rückgang des Messbesuchs und der Priesterweihen) nicht an der mangelnden Anpassung an den Zeitgeist liegen, wie viele progressive Katholiken behaupten. Es werden Fehlentwicklungen (in der Theologie, dem Religionsunterricht, in der Messfeier u.a.) in der deutschen Kirche und mögliche Verbesserungen analysiert.
The Catholic Church in Germany has experienced a crisis after the Second Vatican Council. The crisis affected especially the priests, who in a great number left their ministry. Even though the Protestant churches in Germany But lost their believers even more dramatically, one might see the influence of Protestantism in Germany on the Catholic Church. The author of the article shows the negative consequences of the adjustment of the Church to the “spirit of the time”. There are among them: an insufficient religious education; not adequate preparation for the Holy Communion; the emphasis on the social event in the Holy Mass at the cost of its sacred and transcendent dimension. The Sunday obligation is also analyzed. The article presents a point of view of a historian of the church and not of the pastoral theologian. This explains the methodological key used in the article.
Polonia Sacra; 2016, 20, 2(43); 93-109
Pojawia się w:
Polonia Sacra
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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