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Najnowsze tendencje w kształtowaniu ekspozycji archeologicznej
The latest tendencies in archaeological exhibition design
Przygodzki, Dominik
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
dziedzictwo kulturowe
ekspozycja reliktów
park archeologiczny
archeologia eksperymentalna
cultural heritage
relic exhibition, archaeological park
experimental archaeology
Dziedzictwo kulturowe wymaga czytelnej projekcji w świadomości społeczeństwa i indywidualnego odbiorcy, czyli takiej ekspozycji, która pozwala na interpretację przeszłości w oparciu o czytelną granicę pomiędzy autentyzmem materii a naukowo budowanym „modelem historycznej rzeczywistości”. Sposoby eksponowania zabytków archeologii podlegają ciągłemu rozwojowi i ewolucji. Najbardziej zauważalny proces ewolucji w kształtowaniu owych ekspozycji można zaobserwować pośród najdłużej działających parków archeologicznych w Europie.
Cultural heritage requires a legible projection in the conscious of both society and individuals, an exposition that makes it possible to interpret the past on the basis of a clear line drawn between the authenticity of matter and an academically built “model of historical reality”. Methods of exhibiting archaeological artefacts constantly develop and evolve. The most clearly observable process of evolution in the shaping of these exhibitions can be observed among European archaeological parks that have been active the longest.
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie; 2019, 60; 76-84
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Od stanowiska archeologicznego do rezerwatu archeologicznego i parku archeologicznego, czyli muzealizacja archeologiczna
From an archaeological site to an archaeological presenve and archaeological park – archaeological musealisation
Przygodzki, D.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
dziedzictwo kulturowe
ekspozycja reliktów
park archeologiczny
cultural heritage
exhibition of relics
archaeological park
archaeological site
experimental archaeology
Współczesna socjologia i filozofia podjęły badania fenomenu nazywanego muzealizacją przestrzeni publicznej, które to zjawisko charakteryzuje się nie tylko zwiększonym zapotrzebowaniem społecznym na instytucje muzealne, quasi-muzealne, hybrydy kulturowe czy szerokie archiwizowanie osobliwości i artefaktów z przeszłości, ale także na coraz szybszą absorbcję nowości, które ze względu na ich liczbę jeszcze szybciej tracą swój innowacyjny charakter i przynależność do współczesności. Ale muzealizacja stanowisk archeologicznych jest nie tylko rezultatem zmiany świadomości społecznej i jej postrzegania przeszłości, skłonnej w coraz szerszym zakresie także takie przestarzałe nowości kolekcjonować i chronić; istotnym źródłem muzealizacji jest także rozwój gospodarczy generujący nowe inwestycje, które „ubocznie” produkują nowe obszary badania przeszłości.
Contemporary sociology and philosophy have engaged in the study of a phenomenon called the musealisation of the public space, a phenomenon which is characterised not only by an increased public need for museum or quasi-museum institutions, cultural hybrids, the broad archivisation of curiosities and artefacts of the past, but also by an increasingly rapid absorption of novelties, which, due to their number, lose their innovative character and place in contemporaneity ever quicker. However, the musealisation of the public space is not solely the result of changes in the public conscious and its perception of the past, which is inclined to collect and protect such expired novelties in a broader and broader scope; economic development that is also a signifi cant source of musealisation, generating new development projects, which, as a “side effect”, produce new sites for the studying of the past.
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie; 2018, 55; 7-15
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wybrane atrakcje archeoturystyczne w Polsce
Selected attractions for archaeotourism in Poland
Werczyński, Damian
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
tourism archeology
archaeological reserve
archaeological park
tourist attraction
turystyka archeologiczna
rezerwat archeologiczny
park archeologiczny
atrakcja turystyczna
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane typy atrakcji związane z dziedzictwem archeologicznym Polski. Spośród wielu walorów w kręgu zainteresowań autora znalazły się rezerwaty, parki i repliki archeologiczne. W pracy poruszono problem definicji poszczególnych terminów, w tym propozycje autora dotyczące ich uściślenia i uporządkowania. Dalsza część artykułu to analiza przestrzennego rozmieszczenia obiektów wraz z omówieniem ich znaczenia w rozwoju lokalnym i regionalnym oraz roli w kreowaniu funkcji turystycznej obszarów.
This paper presents selected types of attractions related to the Polish archaeological heritage. Among many values, which were of interest to the author, the most important are reserves, parks and archaeological replicas. This paper outlines the problem of the definition of each of these terms, including the author’s proposals for their sorting and clarification. The rest of the article is an analysis of the spatial distribution of the objects and a discussion of their significance in local and regional development and the role in creating tourist function of areas.
Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna; 2012, 20; 53-72
Pojawia się w:
Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Badania mineralogiczne, petrograficzne i geochemiczne procesu wietrzenia naturalnych skał z wychodni karbońskich pod kątem rozpoznania technologii obróbki kamienia użytego do wykonywania przedmiotów i kamiennych obiektów Neolitycznych w stanowisku archeologicznym Burren-Marlbank, Irlandia
Mineralogical, petrographical and geochemical investigation of weathering process of rock present et natural outcrops as the base for determination of technology used for preparation of Neolithic stone objects, Burren-Marlbank, Ireland
Pawlikowski, M.
Data publikacji:
nakł. Maciej Pawlikowski
Archaeological Park
Park Archeologiczny
Park Burren-Marlbank jest jednym z bardziej znanych obiektów Neolitycznych w którym występują kamienne a megality oraz liczne dowody aktywności człowieka w tym ryty skalne. Przedmiotem opracowania jest sprawdzenie struktur i składu mineralnego skał znajdujących się poza rejonem parku, pod kątem genezy niektórych obiektów. Próbki do badań pobrano z miejsc występowania skał w naturalnych odsłonięciach by nie niszczyć chronionych obiektów Parku. Przez analogie interpretowano rzeźby i ryty skalne dzieląc je na wykonane przez człowieka i te które powstały w wyniku procesów geologicznych.
Due to the protection of monuments in the Neolithic archaeological site of Burren-Marlbank, Ireland, mineral and petrographic studies of local rocks in their natural outcrops have been undertaken. Those rocks were used during the Neolithic period for both construction of architectural sites as well as for various types of objects and rites. Stereoscopic, polarizing, scanning microscopy, as well as Raman spectroscopy were used in the studies. Obtained results and conclusions can be applied by analogy to the protected antique stone objects at the site. The results prove that due to lack of siliceous raw materials, local Neolithic tools were made of extruded rock of porcelanite characteristics. Recognition of inventory of stone tools will allow us to determine types of Neolithic man’s activities at the site. sandstones, which influences their different susceptibility to weathering processes. That caused the formation of natural erosive forms with macroscopic features on the rocks, suggesting their creation by human hand. Recognition of natural rocks allowed us to determine features that distinguish between rocks that have been affected and not affected by human activity, based on the degree of cracking of the grains in the surface rocks. The research shows that coal deposits may have existed in Carboniferous rocks at the Burren-Marlbank site area. Perhaps it was the local coal used in hearths in the Neolithic period (in the absence of another fuel due to poor plant representation) that was the decisive factor in the location of the settlement in this place. This hypothesis and the obtained results should be tested in further research.
Auxiliary Sciences in Archaeology, Preservation of Relics and Environmental Engineering; 2017, 23; 1-25
Pojawia się w:
Auxiliary Sciences in Archaeology, Preservation of Relics and Environmental Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Park archeologiczny jako element przestrzeni miejskiej na przykładzie Parku Archeologicznego Nea Pafos na Cyprze
An archaeological park as an element of urban space exemplified by the Nea Paphos Archaeological Park in Cyprus
Brzozowska, A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
park archeologiczny
Nea Pafos
przestrzeń miejska
archaeological park
Nea Paphos
urban space
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wzajemnych powiązań miast i towarzyszących im parków archeologicznych w kontekście zadań, jakie stoją przed projektantami tych ostatnich. Za przykład posłużył park Nea Pafos na południowo-zachodnim wybrzeżu Cypru. Park archeologiczny to wydzielona i przystosowana do zwiedzania przestrzeń stanowiąca świadectwo działalności człowieka w minionych epokach. Najważniejszym zadaniem parków archeologicznych jest ochrona zabytków. Należy w miarę możliwości wyeliminować potencjalne zagrożenia reliktów archeologicznych ( nadmierne nasłonecznienie, wiatr, deszcz i wilgotność, zasolenie oraz potencjalne zniszczenie przez zwiedzających), co wiąże się z wytyczeniem optymalnej trasy zwiedzania, biorącej pod uwagę zabezpieczenie i ekspozycję zabytków, walory krajobrazowe terenu i infrastrukturę towarzyszącą (pomosty, pawilony wystawiennicze, elementy małej architektury). Nowe elementy wprowadzone w substancję zabytkową powinny uzupełniać program parków archeologicznych i tworzyć z zabytkami spójną całość zarówno pod względem funkcjonalnym, jak i estetycznym. Drugim celem istnienia parków archeologicznych jest przybliżanie za ich pośrednictwem historii. Cele dydaktyczne wymagają wyposażenia parku w odpowiednią infrastrukturę, jak tablice informacyjne oraz sale multimedialne, w których zwiedzający mogą zapoznać się z materiałem odtwarzającym pierwotny stan stanowiska archeologicznego. Istotne przy tym jest zaprezentowanie zwiedzającym informacji naukowych w sposób przystępny i ciekawy. Ważnym aspektem funkcjonowania parków archeologicznych jest zabezpieczenie możliwości pracy specjalistom niezależnie od udostępnienia obszaru dla zwiedzających. W kontekście ciągłego rozwoju metodologii badań archeologicznych, również technik nieniszczących, zapewnienie możliwości badań w przyszłości stanowi zadanie priorytetowe. Park archeologiczny jak w soczewce skupia wiele aspektów minionego i współczesnego świata, a także stawia przed projektantami zagospodarowania tej niezwykłej przestrzeni wysokie wymagania. Taki obszar może stanowić cenny element przestrzeni miasta, wzbogacając ofertę kulturalną, naukową, dydaktyczną oraz turystyczną.
The aim of the article is to show mutual connection between cities and accompanying them archaeological parks in the context of tasks that designers have while planning them. The park Nea Paphos on the south-west coast of Cyprus will serve as an example. An archaeological park constitutes a separated space adapted to visiting, which bears witness to human activities in the past epochs. Monument preservation is the main aim of archaeological parks. It is desirable, as far as possible, to eliminate potential threats of archaeological relics among others : over-exposure to the sunlight, wind, rain, humidity and potential damage from visitors). It is connected with creating an optimal sightseeing route that would take into account safety of the exhibited monuments, landscape qualities, existing infrastructure (platforms, exhibition pavilions, elements of small architecture). New elements introduced to already existing relics should supplement the programme of archaeological parks and create together with monuments a compact unity both functionally and aesthetically. The second basic aim of archaeological parks is to draw people’s attention to history. Didactic objectives require the park to be provided with a proper infrastructure such as information plates or multimedia rooms, in which visitors could learn about the primary condition of an archaeological site. Scientific information should be presented in a way both interesting and easy to understand. The next aspect of archaeological parks concerns ensuring the possibility of carrying work by specialists independently of opening them to the public. Due to continuing development of methodology of archaeological studies, also undamaging techniques, securing the possibility of future excavations becomes the priority. An archaeological park converges many aspects of the past and present world and so it states high planning requirements for designers of this unusual area. Such a place may constitute a valuable element of the urban space, enriching cultural, scientific, didactic and touristic offer.
Architectus; 2015, 3(43); 63-74
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nowaczyk, Szymon
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Biskupiński Park Kulturowy
badania wykopaliskowe
Muzeum w Biskupinie
rezerwat archeologiczny
ochrona środowiska przyrodniczego
The sensational discovery in 1933 of the perfectly preserved relics of a stronghold from the Hallstatt era (about 2 700 years old), located on a peninsula of Lake Biskupinskie, ensured the international renown of the small village of Biskupin. The excavation site and soon afterwards the first reconstructions attracted numerous tourists already in the interwar period. The number of visitors grew systematically also during the post-war period, and in 2007 reached a total of 300 000, becoming indubitably the reason for the interest in terrains adjoining the Biskupin reservation shown by assorted investors representing the gastronomic and tourist branches. The lack of current spatial development plans means that many of the foreseen investments (especially after 2004) now pose a threat to the maintenance of the historical identity of the reservation (which has been granted the status of a historical monument) and contribute to the devastation of the culturalnatural landscape of Biskupin and its environs. In response to the afore-mentioned threats the Voivodeship Conservator of Historical Monuments for the region of Kujawy and Pomerania and the Archaeological Museum in Biskupin have decided to extend protection to several score hectares of land in direct proximity of the archaeological reservation. Work is also being conducted on the establishment of the Biskupin Cultural Park, which would encompass terrains between the communes of Gasawa and Znin as well as other tourist attractions, such as the castle ruins in Wenecja and the Narrow Gauge Railway Museum.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2007, 3; 109-115
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Z zagadnień ekspozycji zabytków archeologicznych in situ : problemy ekspozycji na grodzisku
Augustyniak, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
zabytek archeologiczny
muzealnictwo archeologiczne
eksponowanie zabytków archeologicznych
rezerwat archeologiczny
grodzisko kasztelańskie w Gieczu
rezerwat archeologiczny w Kaliszu-Zawodziu
grodzisko w Brudnie Starym w Warszawie
Sieradzki Park Etnograficzny
Within the complex structure of a „bridge” linking the past with our days in the field of evolution and development of both artistic culture and historical conscience of a society the historic monuments, the relics of the past, no doubt, have their important place. In fact entirely particular position is being kept among them by those of archaeological character since they relate to times from which no written records or sources have survived, or are available in quite negligible numbers. The advances of archaeological excavations conducted in the period of the Polish People’s Republic resulted in a considerable extension of the so-called source material base, i.e. in enrichment of supply of materials enabling the insight into the story of formation of the Polish State. An immense supply of source materials has led to changes in activities of such important institutions where they can be popularized as are the museums. However, this fundamental change that occured with regard to the basic form of the museum’s activities, i.e. display is by far inadequate nowadays. Those serious objectives that are being set by contemporaneity before museums are in a considerable measure concerning the display itself. Today it can by no means be based on scientific information alone that has been furnished by archaeology, history of art or by ethnography. There exists a need to find a creative agent in its system as it should contain a number of experiences of emotional nature that are required by young people, it must emphasize the importance of direct contact with original objects and more still — it should prevent the loss of historical and social receptiveness. A properly thought modern display method should avoid any forms of stereotyped presentation whatsoever that obscures its sense and makes its language more or less conventionalized. The display space should be handled as a place of action or even to some extent as a theatrical stage on which with the aid of exhibits a sui generis performance can be played. The displayed exhibits do not in themselves constitute any information — they only form an informative situation that controls the flow of information in a strictly predetermined manner. As one of possible answers to objectives that are set before archaeological museums by contemporaneity is to be considered the display of archaeological objects in situ. The first attempts to cristallize an idea of archaeological reservation were made in Poland as early as in 1934 at Biskupin. At present the number of reservations whose forms comply to definition by Professor K. Piwocki is ranging as high as to ten. The author distinguishes two types of archaeological reservations: I — a simple reservation, and II — a composed reservation. As the background for such distinction was adopted the form of relics discovered. As the most essential element of the in situ display is to be considered that of proportion between the historical substance and installations and equipment that are necessary to secure the appropriate functioning of reservation and are decisive for the effects and impressions that can be received by visitors. With concern to the in situ display of archaeological relics within the space of an ancient castle the author suggests that (1) the castle site needs to be immediately and inseparably linked with its natural environment which the links should in no way be disturbed by any modern buildings or other kind of installations, (2) regardless of the state of preservation of a castle its shape that survived to our days forms a part of its historical substance and should therefore be protected. The architectural design of display must take into account the following: (a) the necessary climatic conditions (i.e. temperature, humidity) under which can be kept the relics exposed to their action, (b) an appropriate from the historical and aesthetic viewpoint display of relics themselves. In his further considerations the author discussed some examples of archaeological sites within the ancient castles that have already been realized as, for instance, that of Giecz or are now at the stage of designing as those at Kalisz or Bródno Stare. Unfortunately, all the three archaeological sites mentioned above in their architectural designs are far enough from the required respect for the castle solids as the latter have seriously been disturbed by service installations and equipment. The author of the present publication is responsible for general design of archaeological site at Sieradz being discussed here and forming an integral part of the Sieradz Ethnographic Park. The ethnographic part will, however, not disturb the natural environment of the Sieradz castle site as a wide green belt and plantings accentuating the site occuppied by ancient castle will ensure the appropriate proportion between the both parts. As a result of archaeological investigations the following elements have been planned as those designed for permanent exhibition: (1) the 13th-century timber-constructed fortifications, (2) the relics of brickwork rotunda of the 13th century, (3) the negative pattern of circumpherential castle wall built during the 14th century. To prevent the damage to the castle solid preserved to our times it was decided that the in situ display of the discovered relics will be placed at the underground level. None of installations that are inevitable for preservation and display of historic substance will be visible at the ground level. Both system and rôle of the separate components forming the whole display on the Sieradz archaeological site have been devised as follows: Part I — „Prologue”; (1) Projection of a film devoted to „History of Sieradz covering the period of the 6th to 15th century A.D.”; (2) a printed „Guide to Archaeological Site, Sieradz” having special version for young readers with a plastic reconstruction of the castle site; Part II — „Culmination”; Pavilion No 1 housing the relics of the timber constructed fortifications and those of rotunda; Pavilion No 2 housing the negative castle wall pattern; Part III — „Epilogue”; a display of the movable historical monuments coming from excavations conducted on the castle site. It may be said that Parts I and III perform a subordinated, servicing function thus supporting the main part of the in situ display and their location (Part I forming a projection room is housed in an especially adapted to purpose historic building located within the „ethnographic” area whereas Part III in the Sieradz Museum some 500 m from the castle site) creates conditions favouring the exclusive display of relics excavated within the castle site. At any rate, however, the proportion of historic substance to the necessary safeguarding and servicing installations remains an open problem in the in situ display. Nevertheless, it is a duty of every conservator and designing architect to keep this problem before his eyes and to make every possible effort to arrive at its optimum solution.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1973, 4; 270-283
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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