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Wyszukujesz frazę "orthodox Church" wg kryterium: Temat

Mironowicz, Antoni
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Orthodox Church
The most difficult period that the Polish Autocephalous Church of the 2nd Polish Republic experienced was in 1938 when, by the decision of administrative authorities, over 127 sacral buildings in Khelm region and Podlachia were pulled down. The third transfer stage took place from 1937 to 1939 and, for the most part, took the form of demolishing Orthodox churches. (It should be noted that the demolition of Orthodox churches happened throughout the whole period of the existence of the Second Polish Republic.) The churches which were destroyed were those which were the symbols of the Russian Tsar’s reign. Over thirty Orthodox churches were destroyed, including the cathedral in Saski Square in Warsaw, the Sts. Cyril and Methodius cathedral in Khelm and the Resurrection cathedral in Bialystok. The demolition of these Orthodox churches – regarded as symbols of Russian rule – was spontaneous and often irrational. Nevertheless, it never happened on a massive scale. Only in 1938 did a programme of destroying Orthodox churches emerge as a distinct element of the Polonisation effort. This programme was initiated by the government itself. The official reason was that those churches were not needed, dilapidated, or had been built as a result of Russifi ation in the past. However, it appears that the reason was to weaken the Belarusian and Ukrainian national minority movement through closing parishes and active Orthodox churches. The “pacification: of parishes in 1937 started in the Lublin region. First, a kind of social movement for the “propagation of Polish values and traditions” was created by the polish local authority. Then the army and police persecuted the Orthodox Church and people in order to convert them to Roman Catholicism. The demolition of Orthodox churches was conducted from the second half of May until the first half of July 1938. The actions were taken up by the local administration and co-ordination committees with help from the army and police in a hostile, anti-Orthodox atmosphere. To this end, the government used youth, army sappers, worker brigades, and even prisoners. Administrative and material measures were used to pressure the Orthodox who were blackmailed and threatened while their churches, which often served thousands of faithful, were destroyed. In most cases, the Orthodox community made no attempt to actively resist the demolitions. They prayed and protested, but were unable to oppose such an officially organised action. The transfer and destruction of Orthodox Church property naturally weakened the position of the Orthodox Church for the campaign limited its priestly activities, in turn creating the very conditions for transfer, the main goal of the state’s policy. Many Orthodox faithful started attending Roman Catholic churches when they had no church or parish of their own. Nonetheless, the threat to the property of the Orthodox Church brought the faithful, clergy, and church hierarchy closer together. Anti-government and anti-Polish attitudes began to grow in the Orthodox community. The result may be seen in the Khelm, Podlachia, and Volhynia regions during the Second World War.
Polish Political Science Yearbook; 2014, 43; 405-420
Pojawia się w:
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Importance of the Autocephaly of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine for the Confessional Policy of the Russian Federation in Central and Eastern Europe
Orzechowski, Marcin
Wejman, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego
Orthodox Church of Ukraine
Russian Orthodox Church
Eastern Europe
The subject of the article is an analysis of the impact of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine's autocephaly process on Ukraine's relations with the Russian Federation. Orthodoxy, understood as both a religious institution and a denomination, has been a constant and most important component of Russia's identity since the very beginning of its existence. It remains the dominant religion in the Russian Federation, despite the religious diversity resulting from the multi-ethnic nature of the state. The aim of the article is to analyze the role of the Orthodox Church in the internal and foreign policy of the Russian Federation. In Russian-Ukrainian relations, it played an important role in supporting activities such as the annexation of Crimea or support for pro-Russian separatists in the Donbas. The position of the Russian Orthodox Church in contemporary Russia is also associated with a specific type (model) of the policy pursued by that state, referred to as "confessional policy (diplomacy)", integrally connected with the issues of religious security of the country. The analysis of the content of the program documents of the state institutions of the Russian Federation and internal organizations of the Russian Orthodox Church allows to distinguish the so-called differentia specifica, characterizing the community of assumptions and the identity of actions undertaken by state and church institutions in Russia. Church institutions are perceived as the so-called The "national" church of the Russian Federation. This results in the Church becoming entangled in various parapolitical affiliations, which in turn has specific implications in the political and interfaith sphere. The authors, on the basis of the conducted analysis, conclude that the autocephaly of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine is essential for the country's independence from Russia – it strengthens the Ukrainian national identity and limits Russian influence in this country.
Tematem artykułu jest analiza wpływu procesu autokefalii Prawosławnego Kościoła Ukrainy na stosunki Ukrainy z Federacją Rosyjską. Prawosławie, rozumiane zarówno jako instytucja religijna, jak i wyznanie, jest stałym i najważniejszym elementem tożsamości Rosji od samego początku jej istnienia. Pozostaje religią dominującą w Federacji Rosyjskiej, pomimo zróżnicowania religijnego wynikającego z wieloetnicznego charakteru państwa. Celem badawczym artykułu jest analiza roli Cerkwi w polityce wewnętrznej i zagranicznej Federacji Rosyjskiej. W stosunkach rosyjsko-ukraińskich odgrywał ważną rolę we wspieraniu działań takich jak aneksja Krymu czy wspieranie prorosyjskich separatystów w Donbasie. Pozycja Rosyjskiej Cerkwi Prawosławnej we współczesnej Rosji wiąże się także ze specyficznym typem (modelem) prowadzonej przez to państwo polityki, określanej mianem „polityki wyznaniowej (dyplomacji)”, integralnie związanej z kwestiami bezpieczeństwa religijnego państwa. Analiza treści dokumentów programowych instytucji państwowych Federacji Rosyjskiej i organizacji wewnętrznych Rosyjskiej Cerkwi Prawosławnej pozwala na wyodrębnienie tzw. différentia specifica, charakteryzującej wspólnotę założeń i tożsamość działań podejmowanych przez państwo i cerkiew instytucje w Rosji. Instytucje kościelne postrzegane są jako tzw. Kościół „narodowy” Federacji Rosyjskiej. Powoduje to uwikłanie Kościoła w różne afiliacje parapolityczne, co z kolei ma określone implikacje w sferze politycznej i międzywyznaniowej. Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy autorzy dochodzą do wniosku, że autokefalia Prawosławnego Kościoła Ukrainy jest niezbędna dla niezależności tego kraju od Rosji – wzmacnia narodową tożsamość Ukrainy i ogranicza rosyjskie wpływy w tym kraju.
Studia Oecumenica; 2021, 21; 133-147
Pojawia się w:
Studia Oecumenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Domagała, Bożena
Data publikacji:
Akademia Marynarki Wojennej. Wydział Nauk Humanistycznych i Społecznych
Ukrainian Orthodox Church
There are three traditional foundation or pillars of Ukrainian national identity; language, religion and social memory but religion is the most important. It is connected in special way with the Orthodox Church and its role to the preservation and reconstruction that identity. Interviews conducted among Orthodox Church priests working in the decanates of Olsztyn, Elbląg and Węgorzewo and other researches make clear that religion is the real value of native ethnic culture and center of Ukrainian national consciousness. Social and cultural role of Orthodox parish churches in the Ukrainian community refers also to the situation before 1947 i.e. deportation Ukrainians on Wamia and Mazury. History and memory of the polish-ukrainian borderland show that among principles of coexistence of Poles and Ukrainians religion and church were the most important. Now significance of religion in processes of identification is also recognized. It seems that future existence of Ukrainian diaspora in Warmia and Mazury depends on religion. It means that the range of the assimilation processes will depend not only on rate of conversional and mixed marriage but also on different forms of secularization. Religious institutions are connected with political; Ukrainian Orthodox Church which gained full political and cultural rights after 1989 increased his social and cultural activity to become the most important institution of presentation of ethnic group interests.
Colloquium; 2015, 7, 4; 45-60
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Autocephalization of the Church in Ukraine as an Element of Competition between the Patriarchates of Constantinople and Moscow for the Leadership in the Orthodox World
Autokefalizacja Cerkwi Na Ukrainie Jako Element Rywalizacji Patriarchatów Konstantynopolitańskiego I Moskiewskiego O Przywództwo W Prawosławnym Świecie
Dudra, Stefan
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Orthodox Church
Ukrainian Orthodox Church
Cerkiew prawosławna
Ukraińska Cerkiew Prawosławna
After regaining independence, the state authorities of Ukraine undertook actions aimed at obtaining the autocephaly by the local Orthodox Church. This process was difficult due to the existing divisions in Ukrainian Orthodoxy. The most numerous Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, with autonomous status, did not show any aspirations for independence from the Russian Orthodox Church. The political activities undertaken in 2018, supported by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate, led to the acquisition of the tomos from the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the creation of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.
Po odzyskaniu niepodległości władze państwowe Ukrainy podjęły działania mające na celu uzyskanie przez lokalną Cerkiew prawosławną autokefalii. Proces ten był trudny ze względu na istniejące podziały w ukraińskim prawosławiu. Najliczniejsza Ukraińska Cerkiew Prawosławna Patriarchatu Moskiewskiego, mająca status autonomicznej, nie wykazywała dążeń do niezależności od Rosyjskiej Cerkwi Prawosławnej. Podjęte w 2018 roku działania polityczne wsparte przez Ukraińską Cerkiew Prawosławną Patriarchatu Kijowskiego doprowadziły do uzyskania tomosu od Patriarchatu Konstantynopolitańskiego i utworzenia Prawosławnej Cerkwi Ukrainy.
Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne; 2019, 63; 137-155
Pojawia się w:
Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lauds by Krzysztof Penderecki – a musical transmission of a spiritual message: <i>Поем Твою, Христе, спасительную Страсть, и славим Твое воскресение!<i>
Krawczyński, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Orthodox church music
The centre of research interest described in the article is the analysis of the relationship of the work of the eminent Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki, LAUDS I – Złożenie do grobu (Laying in the Tomb) and LAUDS II – Zmartwychwstanie (Resurrection), with the texts of the Orthodox rite of Good Friday and Holy Week Saturday. The first part of the article presents the political and historical context of the work, its influence on the choice of content and form of composition. The liturgical coherence of Penderecki’s three works is presented: St Luke’s Passion and both Lauds, as a unity combining the cohesiveness of the Paschal themes. The construction of the work itself according to the division into individual parts is discussed. Each is placed within the liturgical, timbral and semantic layers of the Holy Week liturgy and discussed in terms of its musical construction, which makes use of extremely varied and often unconventional means of artistic expression. The article concludes that Krzysztof Penderecki’s Lauds, being an artistic – not liturgical – work, subordinates the text of the service to musical needs, using it as an inspiration for the spiritual values subsequently contained in the music. It is difficult, therefore, to find in it the preservation of the liturgical canon, or its setting in the direct course of an Orthodox Paschal service. Rather, one should seek, translated into musical language, the values contained in the prayer layer of the Good Friday and Saturday rites. Crucial for all the considerations carried out in the article are the relations between the verbal layer of the service and the form and musical layer of the work, which is an unprecedented, until then, artistic approach to the Easter rite. The whole is illustrated with examples taken from the scores of the work, referring to the descriptions presented in the article.
Pro Musica Sacra; 2023, 21; 67-81
Pojawia się w:
Pro Musica Sacra
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Changes in Ukrainian orthodoxy after the revolution of dignity: the “Russian” context
Hurak, Ihor
Kobuta, Svitlana
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Copernicus na rzecz Rozwoju Badań Naukowych
UOC (MP) (Ukrainian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate)
OCU (Orthodox Church of Ukraine)
Within the framework of the implementation of foreign policy employing “soft power”, the leadership of the Russian Federation traditionally assigns an important role to the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). After the occupation of Crimea and the beginning of the armed conflict in Donbas, the ROC lost much of its direct influence on the situation in Ukraine. Under such circumstances, the new leadership of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) Moscow Patriarchate (MP) has taken on the key role in conveying messages to Ukrainian society favorable to the Kremlin. Initiating the distancing of the church from social processes in the state, the hierarchs of the UOC (MP) have simultaneously taken steps and made statements that, within the framework of Ukrainian-Russian confrontation, clearly demonstrate their support for the Russian point of view. In fact, despite the ongoing armed conflict in the east of Ukraine, the UOC (MP) has been able to maintain its position within Ukrainian Orthodoxy in terms of numbers. At the same time, the emergence of the local autocephalous Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) in early 2019 marked a fundamental transformation in its religious landscape. The OCU was formed mainly from the UOC-KP (Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Kyiv Patriarchate) and the UAOC (Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church) which had not been canonically recognized by the world Orthodox Church, unlike the UOC-MP. Having received the Tomos from the Ecumenical Patriarch, Bartholomew, the OCU became the only canonical Orthodox Church in Ukraine. Within the two years following its formation, the OCU was recognized by three more Orthodox churches along with the Ecumenical Patriarchate and was included in their lists of the recognized Eastern Orthodox churches (diptychs). This accounts for the OCU’s promising prospects while it also signifies a loss of authority by the ROC as well as the growing threats it faces in terms of its weakened influence within world Orthodoxy.
The Copernicus Journal of Political Studies; 2021, 2; 33-50
Pojawia się w:
The Copernicus Journal of Political Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawosławne koncepcje rozwiązania współczesnych problemów nacjonalistycznych
Ławreszuk, Marek
Data publikacji:
Akademia Supraska
Kościół prawosławny
Orthodox Church
The aim of the paper is to show how to solve contemporary nationalistic issues, known also as „ethnophiletism”, in Orthodox way. Although nationalism is not the ecclesiological problem, its ideas affect the Church, too. The aim of this study is to identify problems, which arising from these nationalistic ideas touch the Church, and to present some ways of solving them. This paper indicates the difference between Orthodox and secular understanding of the term „nation”. The Church attitude to nationality and related issues is not based on a secularism, but it takes as a foundation Christ’s teachings . The paper indicates the problematical questions, in which the clash between the Church teaching and the nationalistic ideas takes place. Church problems based on the ethnic and nationalistic ideas are especially emphasized in this article. Ethnic problems in the Church are presented as an ecclesiological distortion and redefinition of Christian ideals, from which the issue of ethnophiletism was discussed more detailed. The paper shows the problems and also indicates possible solutions in the spirit of the Orthodox Church teaching. Discussing questions of the universal councils decisions and returning to the original ecclesial standards, this paper points out the necessity of eliminating dangerous ideas inside the Church.
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej; 2011, Kościół prawosławny na Bałkanach i w Polsce – wzajemne relacje oraz wspólna tradycja, 2; 205-215
Pojawia się w:
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ średniowiecznej kultury południowosłowiańskiej na wschodnią i zachodnią Słowiańszczyznę
The Influence of Medieval South Slavic Culture on the Eastern and Western Slavdom
Canev, Canko
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Medieval South Slavic Culture
Orthodox culture
orthodox church
The Orthodox trend in Polish culture has not been fully appreciated yet. Usually, when speaking about the Orthodox Church in Poland, we connect it with religious centers, first of all in Constantinople and then in Moscow.Most scholars seem to forget that Orthodox culture does not stem from these centers only. Exceptionally important centers are still underestimated; these include the Holy Mount of Athos, Bulgaria, and later also Serbia, while in separate cases even East Christian centers such as Palestine, Egypt (Sinai), Syria, Antioch and Cappadocia played their roles. Quite often South Slavic countries not only acted as intermediaries in the transfer of Byzantine culture to Eastern and Western Slavic lands but also participated actively in the process of creating a common Orthodox and Slavic culture.The paper seeks to demonstrate that during the Middle Ages there were seldom direct relations between the eastern regions of Poland and Western Russia (Ruthenia) and Constantinople, they were rather mediated by or with the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.This aspect is illustrated by examples from the history of the Orthodox Church, of medieval literature and church architecture, and by examples of the spread of worship of East Slavic saints in the territory of Poland.
Acta Polono-Ruthenica; 2006, 1, XI; 57-65
Pojawia się w:
Acta Polono-Ruthenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Leksyka religijna w nazewnictwie miejscowym woj. kijowskiego i czernihowskiego w XVII i XVIII wieku
Religious lexicon in place names in Kievian and Chernihivian voivodeships in 18th and 19th century
Pluskota, Teresa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Orthodox Church
Catholic Church
religious toponymy
The subject of religious toponymy of the investigated period was shown on the example of appellatives, Orthodox church names and most frequent Christian names. Terminology connected with Catholic Church and Orthodox Church has been analyzed to show Polish influence in the native lexicon.
Acta Polono-Ruthenica; 2008, 1, XIII; 457-468
Pojawia się w:
Acta Polono-Ruthenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Церковь и общество: место и значение православных песнопений в современном социуме
Kościół i społeczeństwo: miejsce i znaczenie śpiewów prawosławnych we współczesnym społeczeństwie
Church and society: the place and significance of Orthodox chants in modern society
Лебецкий, Владимир
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
православные песнопения
Orthodox Church
orthodox church singing
Cerkiew prawosławna
prawosławny śpiew cerkiewny
В статье поднимаются вопросы значимости православных песнопений в жизни современного общества, рассматривается актуальность их исполнения на концертной эстраде, вне богослужебной практики, а также анализируется богослужебный репертуар и доминирующие факторы, необходимые композитору, приступающему к созданию церковных и духовных сочинений. Одновременно систематизируются и сопоставляются фестивали православных песнопений, их сферы воздействия на слушателей и социум.
The article raises questions of the importance of Orthodox chants in the life of modern society, considers the relevance of their performance on the concert stage, outside the liturgical practice, and analyzes the liturgical repertoire and the dominant factors necessary for the composer, who begins to create Orthodox works. At the same time, the Festivals of Orthodox chants, their spheres of influence on listeners and society are systematized and compared.
Artykuł porusza pytania o znaczenie śpiewów prawosławnych w życiu współczesnego społeczeństwa, rozważa znaczenie ich występów na scenie koncertowej, poza praktyką liturgiczną, i analizuje repertuar liturgiczny oraz dominujące czynniki konieczne dla kompozytora, który zaczyna tworzyć dzieła prawosławne. W tym samym czasie festiwale śpiewów prawosławnych, ich sfery wpływów na słuchaczy i społeczeństwo są usystematyzowane i porównywane.
ELPIS; 2019, 21; 9-13
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Modlitwy za Ukrainę i o pokój „w czas próby i rozdziału”
Prayers for Ukraine and Peace in the “Times of Tribulation and Division”
Naumow, Aleksander
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
liturgical prayers
Moscow Patriarchate
Ukrainian Orthodox Church
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate
Based upon web-published materials, the article analyzes the eulogies composed in the Church Slavonic and Ukrainian languages, which have arisen following Kiev’s Maidan and its subsequent developments in the period December 2013 – December 2014. The texts under analysis come from Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate and from the Patriarchate of Moscow itself, from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate and some other texts. Initiatives from the laity are also taken in account (e.g. Ruslana Lyžyčko). The prayers under analysis show historical and political influences. In the Muscovite texts and in Patriarch Kirill’s statements, the attempt to impose the idea of a Russian Commonwealth (Russkij mir) is quite evident. This idea is based upon the unity and brotherhood of a people united by the christening of the Prince St. Vladimir. There are also charges brought against Greek Catholics and non-canonical Churches. The texts composed in Ukraine are either more decisively patriotic and anti-muscovite, with statements backing the European project (the Kiev Patriarchate Ukrainian Orthodox Church), or more religious in general terms, with a plea for fundamental Christian values and declarations of loyalty towards the State (the Moscow Patriarchate Ukrainian Orthodox Church).
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne; 2016, 10
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rosyjski Kościół Prawosławny a nauka. XX-wieczne debaty wokół teorii ewolucji
Russian Orthodox Church and science. Debates on the theory of evolution in 19th and 20th Centuries
Obolevitch, Teresa
Data publikacji:
Copernicus Center Press
Russian Orthodox Church
theory of evolution
In this article the author considers an attitude of the Russian Orthodox Church towards the theory of evolution beginning with the year of publication of Darwin 'The Evolution of Species' until contemporary times. The orthodox theology relies upon the thought of Greek Fathers of the Church who emphasized a difference between the incomprehensible essence of God and His actions (energies), by which He reveals Himself in the created world. In the light of the above conception the Orthodox Church acknowledges every scientific theory as an reflexion of this revelation, if only it doesn't trespass its relevant boundaries. Thus, the Russian Orthodox Church has never condemned the evolution theory itself, although some of her theologians have been criticizing some of its aspects. In the last part the author presents contemporary polemics between orthodox evolutionists and creationists. He also suggests some insight into their arguments exposing their limitations. In this article the author considers an attitude of the Russian Orthodox Church towards the theory of evolution beginning with the year of publication of Darwin 'The Evolution of Species' until contemporary times. The orthodox theology relies upon the thought of Greek Fathers of the Church who emphasized a difference between the incomprehensible essence of God and His actions (energies), by which He reveals Himself in the created world. In the light of the above conception the Orthodox Church acknowledges every scientific theory as an reflexion of this revelation, if only it doesn't trespass its relevant boundaries. Thus, the Russian Orthodox Church has never condemned the evolution theory itself, although some of her theologians have been criticizing some of its aspects. In the last part the author presents contemporary polemics between orthodox evolutionists and creationists. He also suggests some insight into their arguments exposing their limitations.
Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce; 2007, 41; 91-124
Pojawia się w:
Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Релациите меѓу Високата Порта и Охридската архиепископија во 18 век (причини за приближување и одделување)
Миронска-Христовска [Mironska-Hristovska], Валентина [Valentina]
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
Orthodox Church
Macedonian identity
Relations between the Sublime Porte and the Archbishopric of Ohrid in the 18th century (reasons for rapprochement and estrangement)Non-canonical abolition of the Ohrid Archbishopric on May 17, 1767 is an act that made deep impact in Macedonian history. The abolition of the Ohrid Archbishopric, conducted at the discretion of the Constantinople Patriarchate – is the key axis around which present denials of Macedonian Church revolve together with the denial of historical cultural tradition of Macedonian nation, Macedonian territories and Macedonian name. As a result of this situation, from today’s perspective, we are given the opportunity to highlight the raising of Macedonian question, which unfortunately hasn’t been resolved primarily due to the politics of our neighbours.Since the abolishment occurred during the Ottoman rule in Macedonia, the subject matter results from it as well as the consideration of relations between the Sublime Porte and the Ohrid Archbishopric. Ever since the 14th century Macedonia was territorially and administratively under the Sublime Porte, where as spiritually it was independent (as of the 10th century). The Porte not interfering with the autocephaly of Ohrid Archbishopric provided a range of benefits to the development of Macedonian medieval written tradition (notably by scriptor centers), the continued development of Slavic church services, the development of other cultural spheres as well as preservation of Macedonian folk language and Macedonian beat.The key turning point in deteriorated relationship between the Archbishopric and the Porte occurred in the late 17th or early 18th century, when the Porte was highly engaged in European political and military events, when its economic power declined, when phanariotes strengthened their positions as Constantinople Patriarchate and in the external and internal politics of the Ottoman empire. Their propaganda against Ohrid church superiors was so successful that triggered frequent replacement of archbishops, their financial power was so great that they became leaders in trade on the Balkans, Russia and Europe, they acquired range of privileges, one of the key being that they were official interpreters – dragomen in negotiations between the Porte and European powers. They used it all to achieve their political goal – abolition of the Ohrid Archbishopric, an act through which they tended to realize their Megali Idea for the process of which they began assimilation that interfered with church services, cultural heritage, language, identity and the territory of Macedonian people.  Relacje pomiędzy Wysoką Portą a arcybiskupstwem ochrydzkim w XVIII wieku (powody zacieśniania i rozluźniania wzajemnych stosunków) Niekanoniczna likwidacja arcybiskupstwa ochrydzkiego 17 maja 1767 roku okazała się wydarzeniem brzemiennym w skutki dla historii Macedonii. Decyzja patriarchatu w Carogrodzie o jego likwidacji stała się punktem odniesienia, wokół którego koncentrują się problemy współczesności – negowanie istnienia Macedońskiego Kościoła Prawosławnego, kulturowo-historycznej tradycji macedońskiej, narodu macedońskiego, terytorium państwa oraz jego nazwy własnej. Ciągłość tej sytuacji z dzisiejszej perspektywy daje możliwość podkreślenia problemu macedońskiego, który nie został rozwiązany w wyniku polityki, jaką prowadziły sąsiednie państwa.Likwidacja arcybiskupstwa nastąpiła w okresie panowania osmańskiego, co pozwala na ukazanie relacji kształtujących się pomiędzy Wysoką Portą a arcybiskupstwem ochrydzkim. Ziemie macedońskie od XIV wieku znajdowały się pod terytorialną i administracyjną jurysdykcją państwa osmańskiego, utrzymywały jednak od X wieku niezależność religijną.Autokefalię arcybiskupstwa ochrydzkiego wobec Wysokiej Porty umożliwiała średniowieczna tradycja piśmiennicza (skupiona głównie wokół ośrodków skryptorskich), kontynuacja liturgii w języku słowiańskim oraz zachowanie języka, którym posługiwali się słowiańscy mieszkańcy ziem macedońskich.Pogorszenie relacji pomiędzy arcybiskupstwem a Portą nastąpiło pod koniec XVII wieku i na początku wieku XVIII, kiedy imperium osmańskie było maksymalnie zaangażowane w politykę i wojny prowadzone w Europie, kiedy słabło ekonomicznie. Tymczasem fanarioci wzmacniali swe pozycje w patriarchacie w Carogrodzie, zyskiwali też na znaczeniu w wewnętrznej i zewnętrznej polityce państwa. Działania, jakie podejmowali wobec biskupów ochrydzkich, okazały się na tyle skuteczne, że zaczęli wypierać hierarchów macedońskich z ich stanowisk. Fanarioci stawali się coraz większą siłą finansową – zyskali uprzywilejowany status w handlu na Bałkanach, w Rosji i w Europie, otrzymali również liczne przywileje, jakie zapewniała im funkcja oficjalnych tłumaczy (dragomanów) w rozmowach pomiędzy Portą a państwami europejskimi. Wszystko to wykorzystywali do realizacji swoich celów politycznych – likwidacja arcybiskupstwa w Ochrydzie miała być krokiem do urzeczywistnienia Megali Idei, prowadzącym do asymilacji ludności ziem macedońskich poprzez wprowadzenie liturgii w języku greckim, asymilację dziedzictwa kultury, języka i tożsamości.
Slavia Meridionalis; 2011, 11
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Meridionalis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Postanowienia Soboru Stu Rozdziałów z zakresu teologii praktycznej
Decisions of the Stoglavy Synod regarding practical theology
Wilkiel, Karol
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
The Orthodox Church
history of church
Russian Orthodox Church
historia kościoła
Rosyjski Kościół Prawosławny
Artykuł podejmuje analizę wybranych postanowień jednego z ważniejszych soborów, który odbył się w ruskiej cerkwi. Został zwołany przez cara Iwana IV na początku 1551 r. w Moskwie i przeszedł do historii pod nazwą Sobór Stu Rozdziałów. Nazwa soboru wynika z jego postanowień – dokumentu końcowego, który zawierał sto artykułów (rozdziałów). Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia analizę postanowień Soboru Stu Rozdziałów, które dotyczą teologii praktycznej. Owe postanowienia ukazują również problemy praktyki liturgicznej, z jakimi borykała się ruska cerkiew w XVI w.
The article concerns historical conditions of one of the key councils which took place in Russian Orthodox Church. It was convened by Tsar Ivan IV at the beginning of 1551 in Moscow, and it was signed up in history under the name The Stoglavy Synod. The name of the Council follows its decisions – a final document which contained one hundred chapters. This article is the analysis of its decisions, concerning practical theology, as well as problems with conduction of liturgy, faced by the Russian Orthodox Church in 16th century.
ELPIS; 2020, 22; 45-54
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Historyczne uwarunkowania Soboru Stu Rozdziałów
Historical conditions of the Stoglavy Synod
Wilkiel, Karol
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
The Orthodox Church
history of church
Russian Orthodox Church
historia kościoła
Rosyjski Kościół Prawosławny
Artykuł podejmuje historyczne uwarunkowania jednego z ważniejszych soborów, który odbył się w ruskiej cerkwi. Został zwołany przez cara Iwana IV, na początku 1551 r. w Moskwie i przeszedł do historii pod nazwą Sobór Stu Rozdziałów. Nazwa soboru wynika z jego postanowień – dokumentu końcowego, który zawierał sto artykułów (rozdziałów). Niniejszy artykuł ma za zadanie ukazać zawiłości historyczne jakie były obecne w cerkwi na Rusi w XVI w., z których wynikała potrzeba zwołania soboru. Druga część artykułu przedstawia okoliczności otwarcia oraz przebieg obrad soborowych.
The article concerns historical conditions of one of the key councils  which took place in Russian Orthodox Church. It was convened by Tsar Iwan IV, at the beginning of 1551 in Moscow, and it was signed up in history under the name The Stoglavy Synod. The name of the Council follows its decisions -  a final document  which contained one hundred chapters. This article is to present historical complexities which were in Russian Church in 16th  century and which resulted in  the need to convoke the Council. The second part of the  article presents opening circumstances and the course of the conciliar proceedings.
ELPIS; 2019, 21; 27-33
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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