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Zrównoważony rozwój obszarów wiejskich w świadomości mieszkańców województwa podkarpackiego
Sustainable development in the awareness of rural residents of Podkarpackie voivodship
Grzybek, M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
obszary wiejskie
rozwoj obszarow wiejskich
rozwoj zrownowazony
mieszkancy wsi
swiadomosc ekologiczna
opinia spoleczna
W artykule zaprezentowano stan znajomości idei zrównoważonego rozwoju obszarów wiejskich oraz hierarchię jej celów w opinii mieszkańców gmin wiejskich województwa podkarpackiego. Analizę materiału empirycznego przeprowadzono według płci, wieku, statusu społecznego i wykształcenia.
The article presents the results of research on awareness of sustainable development and the hierarchy of the objectives in the opinion of 400 inhabitants of rural municipalities of Podkarpackie Voivodeship. Studies have shown that the concept of “sustainable development” is not widely known among the villagers. The hierarchy of social, economic and natural goals of sustainable development examined by gender, age, social status and education of the respondents varied widely in each of the factors.
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development; 2010, 18, 4
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany opinii żołnierzy Wojska Polskiego w latach 1997-2015 na tle istotnych wydarzeń w Polskce
Polish soldiers opinions in the context of social change in Poland 1997-2015
Sińczuch, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Wojskowe Centrum Edukacji Obywatelskiej
opinia publiczna
nastroje społeczne
relacje wojska i społeczeństwa
ocena sytuacji w siłach zbrojnych
zmiana społeczna
situation in Polish military and society
public opinion
military in society
social change
Artykuł zawiera przegląd zmian w zakresie opinii i postaw żołnierzy Wojska Polskiego w latach 1997–2015. W analizowanym przedziale czasowym nastąpiły fundamentalne przemiany, obejmujące zarówno politykę wewnętrzną, jak i zewnętrzną Polski. Ich konsekwencją była istotna zmiana modelu sił zbrojnych – przejście od wojska opartego na zasadniczej służbie zawodowej do w pełni profesjonalnej armii formowanej z ochotników. Dzięki wejściu do Sojuszu Północnoatlantyckiego i Unii Europejskiej Polska stała się również pełnoprawnym, formalnym członkiem wspólnoty euroatlantyckiej i europejskiej. W analizowanych danych możemy obserwować zarówno stałe tendencje, jak i okresowe wahania opinii i nastrojów. Pokazują one, że wojsko jest integralną częścią społeczeństwa, a środowisko żołnierskie z uwagą obserwuje zmiany dotykające całego społeczeństwa i reaguje na nie.
The article provides an overview of the changes in the opinion and atti- tudes of the Polish Army soldiers in the years 1997–2015. In the analysed time period, fundamental changes took place, covering both the internal and external policy of Poland. Their consequence was a significant change in the model of the Armed Forces – the transition from an army based on basic professional service to a fully professional army formed of volunteers. Thanks to joining the North Atlantic Alliance and the European Union, Poland has also become a fully-fledged, formal member of the Euro-Atlantic and European community. In the analysed data, we can observe both constant trends and periodic fluctuations in opinions and moods. They show that the military personnel is an integral part of society, and the military community attentively observes and reacts to changes affecting the entire society.
Bezpieczeństwo Obronność Socjologia; 2021, 15/16; 35-47
Pojawia się w:
Bezpieczeństwo Obronność Socjologia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zasoby naturalne Poleskiego Parku Narodowego a rozwój turystyki
Natural resources of the Poleski National Park and the development of tourism
Soroka, A.
Wojciechowska-Solis, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Poleski Park Narodowy
rozwoj turystyki
zasoby naturalne
rezerwaty przyrody
sciezki przyrodnicze
Muzeum Poleskiego Parku Narodowego
infrastruktura turystyczna
infrastruktura rekreacyjna
atrakcyjnosc turystyczna
opinia spoleczna
badania ankietowe
forest environment
poleski national park
As the majority of Polish population lives in towns, there is a growing need to spend the rest time in natural conditions, explicitly in forest areas. The aim of the study was to determine the impact of natural resources of the Poleski National Park (PNP; eastern Poland) on the development of tourism within its area. We identified the factors with the greatest impact on the tourist attractiveness of PNP areas as well as assessed the level of management of this area in tourist−recreational infrastructure and availability of information about on the Park. Diagnostic survey with the original questionnaire was used as a research tool. The studies were conducted in September and October 2016 in Hańsk, Stary Brus, Urszulin and Sosnowica communes among adult residents divided into three age groups. Likert scale was used for the measurement of the respondents attitude. A sample size was established based the total adult population of four municipalities. The discriminant function was used for statistical calculations. The biggest attractions of the PNP include nature reserves, nature trails and the PNP museum. The Park is considered to be one of the most beautiful ones in Poland, with rich landscape and possible contact with unique fauna and flora. The prestige of the Park was an important factor of the attractiveness in respondents opinion. It is possible to rest actively in PNP what is supported by good management of the studied areas in the tourism−recreation infrastructure. The excellent marking of the hiking trails as well as the location of numerous information boards used by tourists were emphasised by the respondents. It seems that if taking reasonable care to protect natural resources, the PNP may be even to a greater extent subject to more complete spatial – functional management, in particular for the creation of new tourist products. In harmony with nature they determine types and forms of tourism, which can be developed in this region. These tasks fall within the competence and responsibility of the PNP authorities. The priority is to maintain an acceptable level of impact through checks and planned arrangements of indicators of tourist absorbency and capacity of these areas.
Sylwan; 2017, 161, 03; 259-264
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zasada odrębności i niezależności sądów i trybunałów a obraz polskiego sądownictwa we współczesnym społeczeństwie – aspekt socjologiczno-prawny
Patoleta, Patryk
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Constitutional law, principle of separateness and independence of courts and tribunals, sociology of law, social opinion, crisis of the Polish judiciary.
prawo konstytucyjne, zasada odrębności i niezależności sądów i trybunałów, socjologia prawa, opinia społeczna, kryzys polskiego sądownictwa.
Considerations regarding the judiciary in Poland should begin with the constitution, which is the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of April 2, 1997, the principles of separateness and independence of courts and tribunals contained in it constitute the foundation of the justice system. The activity of the justice system is subject to social evaluation, and its direction undoubtedly affects the quality and fluency of the judicial function, which is justice.The following work is aimed at analyzing social opinions about the judiciary in Poland, identifying the most sensitive areas, demonstrating current trends in the society affected by the crisis of the judiciary, and presenting proposed steps that may be implemented by the judges' self-government or other public institutions in order to restore confidence in the judiciary, which as a consequence will enable the proper implementation of the constitutional principle that determines the independence and independence of the courts of the Republic of Poland.
Rozważania dotyczące władzy sądowniczej w Polsce należy rozpocząć od ustawy zasadniczej, którą jest Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z dnia 2 kwietnia 1997 roku. Zawarte w niej reguły odrębności i niezależności sądów i Trybunałów stanowią jeden z fundamentów wymiaru sprawiedliwości.Działalność wymiaru sprawiedliwości podlega ocenie społecznej, a jej kierunek bez wątpienia wpływa na jakość i płynność realizowania funkcji sądownictwa jaką jest min. wymierzenie sprawiedliwości.Poniższa praca ma na celu analizę opinii społecznych dotyczących sądownictwa w Polsce, wskazaniu obszarów najbardziej newralgicznych, wykazania obecnych trendów w społeczeństwie dotkniętym kryzysem sądownictwa oraz przedstawieniem proponowanych kroków, które mógłby zrealizować samorząd sędziowski lub inne instytucje publiczne w celu odbudowy zaufania do władzy sądowniczej, co w konsekwencji umożliwi prawidłowe realizowanie zasady konstytucyjnej stanowiącej o niezawisłość oraz niezależność sadów Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej.
Studenckie Zeszyty Naukowe; 2019, 22, 41
Pojawia się w:
Studenckie Zeszyty Naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zarządzanie metropolitalne w aglomeracji poznańskiej w perspektywie mieszkańców I lokalnych liderów
Metropolitan governance in greater Poznań area: a perspective of citizens and local leaders
Mikuła, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski
metropolitan governance
Greater Poznań
public opinion
political leaders
integracja metropolitalna
Aglomeracja Poznańska
opinia społeczna
liderzy polityczni
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie postaw społecznych oraz nastawienia liderów politycznych wobec problemów integracji zarządzania terytorialnego w Aglomeracji Poznańskiej. W pracywykorzystano wyniki badań ankietowych wśród ponad 1 tys. mieszkańców Poznania i 20 gmin podmiejskich oraz wnioski z wywiadów bezpośrednich przeprowadzonych z najważniejszymi politykami Aglomeracji, działającymi naszczeblu lokalnym, regionalnym i krajowym.
The aim ofthe paper is to present opinions of citizens and political leaders on issues ofmetropolitan governance in Greater Poznań area. It is based on empirical findings from 1) public opinion survey conducted among over 1000 residents of city of Poznań and 20 suburban municipalities and 2) interviews with most important politicians of Greater Poznań, acting at local, regional and national level.
Studia Miejskie; 2010, 1; 96-105
Pojawia się w:
Studia Miejskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zakład karny i wykonanie kary pozbawienia wolności w opinii społeczności lokalnej
Prison and Imprisonment in the Opinion of Local Community
Mościskier, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
zakład karny
wykonanie kary
pozbawienie wolności
opinia społeczna
społeczność lokalna
execution of a sentence
public opinion
local community
Basically, the study concers three  problems. Firstly, an attempt was made to explain the mechanism which led to the results obtained by other authors. They found a supposedly most rigorous attitude of the Polish society towards law breakers, which was to become manifest in the demands for relentless and severe punishment of such persons. This highly rigorous attitude has been confirmed in the present study too, yet only in answers to questions drawn up as generally as those put by the mentioned authors. As the level of abstractness of the questions is lowered, the rigorous attitude diminishes, which finds expression, among others, in the disapproval of a number of penalties applied by regulation during the execution of imprisonment.       Secondly  the attitude of the local community was presented not only towards prisoners, but also towards prison einployees. As compared with many other occupations, the prestige of prison employees is rather low, yet in spite of a certain social isolation, their general opinion is not negative. It is also worthy of attention that the sense of social distance between prisoners and community was les marked than expected.       Thirdly, the attitude was described towards prison as a physical object and an institution in the local community. This problem was studies by means of questions about the opinion on the very fact of existence of such an object in twon, the possible impact the prison has on economy, supplies, etc., an  the citizens’  feeling of safety. In this formulation, the results fail to point to the existence of markedly negative attitudes, though some socio-demographic features of the examined persons tend  to differentiate their answers.       The study was realized from 1979 till 1981. In spite of the considerable interval and the differences in the country's respective social situations, the answers given by the examined persons from both groups were nearly parallel to each other.      In 1979, random samples of adults were examined, inhabitants of two towns, about 25 thousand inhabitants each, in which there were prisons. In one of these towns, the prison had been established over 20 years before, while in the second one, it was only a few years old. In each town, 200 persons were examined by means of a questionnaire, which makes the total of 400 examined persons.        In 1981, 462 persons were examined by means of the same questionnaire, who were selected with the use of "Quota Sampling" from the population of 10 towns of 11 to 95 thousand of inhabitants, in which there were prisons.        The study was intentionally realized in towns of medium population. The aim was to examine communities large enough for the prison not to dominate them on the one hand, and on the other hand, small enough to enable an assumption that a majority of inhabitants have a certain knowledge and opinions about the prison acquired through observation and nin-institutionalized flow of information.       As regards the opinion on imprisonment, it should first of all be stressed that over  50 per cent of the examined persons are of opinion that the essential aim oi this type of penalty should be the resocialization of prisoners. About 23 per cent of answers concerning this problem referred to the idea of individual prevention; 12-18 per cent of the examined persons were of opinion that imprisonment should serve to protect the society from the criminal by isolating him for a certain period of time; about 6 per cent of answers pointed to retribution as the aim of punishment, while  as few as 2-3 per cent considered the aim to be general prevention.        However, to find out if the attitude of the examined persons was rigorous or tolerant, answers to other questions were more significant, that is those concerning the mothods of execution of imprisonment, i.e., the penalties and rewards applied  towards  prisoners and the rights they enjoy. Here, a significant trend appeared to turn from rigorous to tolerant  attitudes as the level of generality of questions lowered. It seems that questions about certain abstract principles, which in the mind of an average man have no connection with any actual situation or person,  provoked answers which hinted at a rigorous attitude; yet whenever the same respondent had to answer a question which allowed him to realize the details of a given situation or the position of a given persons in such circumstances, the tolerant attitude prevailed.       Thus, for instance, as many as over 70 per cent of the examined persons approved of the most  general  statement that  „in prison, strict discipline should reign”.  When another question was asked, this time less generally formulated,  if „all amenities of life and attractive activities should be reduced to a minimum”, the numbers of approving and disapproving answers were more or less equal, which points to the lowering of the level of rigorism. The answers to further questions concerning definite cases frankly contradict  those given  to the former questions and point to a markedly tolerant attitude. Thus, for example, the question if „a prisoner should have free access to newspapers, radio, and TV in his leisure time”, was answered in the affirmative by over 75 per cent of the examined persons.       Also the questions about definite penalties and rewards applied towards prisoners were answered in a way which seems to point to the prevalence of tolerant attitudes over rigorism. The majority of the examined persons are for abolition or limitation of penalties provided by prison regulations and for granting the prisoners with a number of rights, such as unlimited receipt of parcels, letters, and visitors from the outside (prison regulations limit the number of such prisoners' contacts with the outside world and treat any extension of these contacts as a special reward). The examined  persons were also for alegal regulation of the sphere of prisoners' work, pointing to the need for making the working conditions in prison resemble those generally found in State-controlled economy.       Also the rational attitude of the public opinion towards prison should be stressed. The prison is perceived as an institution which could play a greater part than before in the life of the local community, particularly through including prisoners in the borader social unit and increasing their participation in the town’s economic activity. The citizens’ expectations point in this direction, accompanied also by the favourable opinion as to the extending of the prisoners' range of personal liberty outside the prison walls. In this connection, also the attitude of fear of the prisoners was much less marked than had been expected, as well as the bias against them, both of which appear in principle only as regards a small group of dangerous criminals.       The attitude of the local community towards prison employees is a completely separate problem. It is characterized by a peculiar ambivalence: on the one hand, prison employees enjoy a good reputation as persons and members of the local community, their financial status perceived as decidedly higher than that of an average citizen. On the other hand, however, the social status of a prison employee is estimated as very low, as compared with other professions, which is accompanied by a stressed disapproval revealed by the examined persons of the very fact of working in a prison. This may lead to a conclusion that in the social consciousness disfavourable opinion persists as to the human relations in prison and the nature of work of prison employees. This is an additional factor which speaks for changes in the system of execution of the penalty of deprivation of liberty which would modernize it and adjust it to the contemporary progressive trends in the world. The present study has not only confirmed the existence of social support for such changes but it has also revealed the conducive atmosphere to a far-reaching reform in this field.
     Basically, the study concers three  problems. Firstly, an attempt was made to explain the mechanism which led to the results obtained by other authors. They found a supposedly most rigorous attitude of the Polish society towards law breakers, which was to become manifest in the demands for relentless and severe punishment of such persons. This highly rigorous attitude has been confirmed in the present study too, yet only in answers to questions drawn up as generally as those put by the mentioned authors. As the level of abstractness of the questions is lowered, the rigorous attitude diminishes, which finds expression, among others, in the disapproval of a number of penalties applied by regulation during the execution of imprisonment.       Secondly  the attitude of the local community was presented not only towards prisoners, but also towards prison einployees. As compared with many other occupations, the prestige of prison employees is rather low, yet in spite of a certain social isolation, their general opinion is not negative. It is also worthy of attention that the sense of social distance between prisoners and community was les marked than expected.       Thirdly, the attitude was described towards prison as a physical object and an institution in the local community. This problem was studies by means of questions about the opinion on the very fact of existence of such an object in twon, the possible impact the prison has on economy, supplies, etc., an  the citizens’  feeling of safety. In this formulation, the results fail to point to the existence of markedly negative attitudes, though some socio-demographic features of the examined persons tend  to differentiate their answers.       The study was realized from 1979 till 1981. In spite of the considerable interval and the differences in the country's respective social situations, the answers given by the examined persons from both groups were nearly parallel to each other.      In 1979, random samples of adults were examined, inhabitants of two towns, about 25 thousand inhabitants each, in which there were prisons. In one of these towns, the prison had been established over 20 years before, while in the second one, it was only a few years old. In each town, 200 persons were examined by means of a questionnaire, which makes the total of 400 examined persons.        In 1981, 462 persons were examined by means of the same questionnaire, who were selected with the use of "Quota Sampling" from the population of 10 towns of 11 to 95 thousand of inhabitants, in which there were prisons.        The study was intentionally realized in towns of medium population. The aim was to examine communities large enough for the prison not to dominate them on the one hand, and on the other hand, small enough to enable an assumption that a majority of inhabitants have a certain knowledge and opinions about the prison acquired through observation and nin-institutionalized flow of information.       As regards the opinion on imprisonment, it should first of all be stressed that over  50 per cent of the examined persons are of opinion that the essential aim oi this type of penalty should be the resocialization of prisoners. About 23 per cent of answers concerning this problem referred to the idea of individual prevention; 12-18 per cent of the examined persons were of opinion that imprisonment should serve to protect the society from the criminal by isolating him for a certain period of time; about 6 per cent of answers pointed to retribution as the aim of punishment, while  as few as 2-3 per cent considered the aim to be general prevention.        However, to find out if the attitude of the examined persons was rigorous or tolerant, answers to other questions were more significant, that is those concerning the mothods of execution of imprisonment, i.e., the penalties and rewards applied  towards  prisoners and the rights they enjoy. Here, a significant trend appeared to turn from rigorous to tolerant  attitudes as the level of generality of questions lowered. It seems that questions about certain abstract principles, which in the mind of an average man have no connection with any actual situation or person,  provoked answers which hinted at a rigorous attitude; yet whenever the same respondent had to answer a question which allowed him to realize the details of a given situation or the position of a given persons in such circumstances, the tolerant attitude prevailed.       Thus, for instance, as many as over 70 per cent of the examined persons approved of the most  general  statement that  „in prison, strict discipline should reign”.  When another question was asked, this time less generally formulated,  if „all amenities of life and attractive activities should be reduced to a minimum”, the numbers of approving and disapproving answers were more or less equal, which points to the lowering of the level of rigorism. The answers to further questions concerning definite cases frankly contradict  those given  to the former questions and point to a markedly tolerant attitude. Thus, for example, the question if „a prisoner should have free access to newspapers, radio, and TV in his leisure time”, was answered in the affirmative by over 75 per cent of the examined persons.       Also the questions about definite penalties and rewards applied towards prisoners were answered in a way which seems to point to the prevalence of tolerant attitudes over rigorism. The majority of the examined persons are for abolition or limitation of penalties provided by prison regulations and for granting the prisoners with a number of rights, such as unlimited receipt of parcels, letters, and visitors from the outside (prison regulations limit the number of such prisoners' contacts with the outside world and treat any extension of these contacts as a special reward). The examined  persons were also for alegal regulation of the sphere of prisoners' work, pointing to the need for making the working conditions in prison resemble those generally found in State-controlled economy.       Also the rational attitude of the public opinion towards prison should be stressed. The prison is perceived as an institution which could play a greater part than before in the life of the local community, particularly through including prisoners in the borader social unit and increasing their participation in the town’s economic activity. The citizens’ expectations point in this direction, accompanied also by the favourable opinion as to the extending of the prisoners' range of personal liberty outside the prison walls. In this connection, also the attitude of fear of the prisoners was much less marked than had been expected, as well as the bias against them, both of which appear in principle only as regards a small group of dangerous criminals.       The attitude of the local community towards prison employees is a completely separate problem. It is characterized by a peculiar ambivalence: on the one hand, prison employees enjoy a good reputation as persons and members of the local community, their financial status perceived as decidedly higher than that of an average citizen. On the other hand, however, the social status of a prison employee is estimated as very low, as compared with other professions, which is accompanied by a stressed disapproval revealed by the examined persons of the very fact of working in a prison. This may lead to a conclusion that in the social consciousness disfavourable opinion persists as to the human relations in prison and the nature of work of prison employees. This is an additional factor which speaks for changes in the system of execution of the penalty of deprivation of liberty which would modernize it and adjust it to the contemporary progressive trends in the world. The present study has not only confirmed the existence of social support for such changes but it has also revealed the conducive atmosphere to a far-reaching reform in this field.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1984, XI; 245-267
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zagrożenia dla ekosystemu leśnego i odwiedzających obszary leśne w opinii turystów w Nadleśnictwie Krynki
Threats to the forest ecosystem and visitors in forest areas in the opinion of tourist in the Krynki Forest District
Konieczny, A.A.
Gołos, P.
Sikora, A.T.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
zagrożenia lasu
zagrożenia człowieka
opinia społeczna
ekosystemy leśne
Nadleśnictwo Krynki
quantitative survey of public opinion
threats to the forest ecosystem
threats to tourists
The paper presents declarative opinions of 239 tourists who visited the area of the Krynki Forest District in July−September 2013. The opinions were collected in direct interviews using of a questionnaire. The analysis distinguished two groups of respondents: 135 people (56,5%) who visited the forest district for the first time, and 104 respondents (43,5%) for whom it was the subsequent visit. We analysed the opinion of tourists on such problems as: (1) anthropogenic threats to the forest ecosystem, (2) factors constituting a threat to visitors to forest areas, and (3) forms of recreation and rest that can be implemented in forest areas. To examine the significance of mean differences between analysed groups of respondents that differ in experience and hypothetical readiness to declare the amount of WTP> 0, the Mann−Whitney test was used. Respondents considered forest fires and garbage left in the forest as the greatest threat to forest ecosystems, while among factors threatening people resting in forest areas, respondents pointed to the natural factors such as vipers, ticks and mosquitoes. Respondents considered that admissible forms of recreation and rest in forest areas are sport and cross−country races, horse riding and cycling, while ones that pose a threat to forest ecosystems, e.g. organization of mass events or bonfires and family events with barbecue, should be prohibited. No impact on differences in the opinions declared by the respondents, their tourist experience or readiness to declare the amount of WTP was disclosed.
Sylwan; 2020, 164, 01; 25-31
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wypoczynek w polskich lasach? społeczne odniesienia do prywatyzacji lasów
Recreation in Polish forests - public approach to forest privatization
Kikulski, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
opinia spoleczna
badania ankietowe
public approach
forest privatisation
The article presents public approach to forest privatisation in Poland with regard to recreational opportunities in forests on the basis of 947 one−to−one questionnaire−based interviews. It provides a statistical analysis of responses of the sample group, broken down into sex, age, place of residence, education degree, educational profile and profession.
Sylwan; 2008, 152, 10; 62-72
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wykorzystanie badań społecznych w praktyce projektowania krajobrazu miejskiego
The usage of social research in city landscape design practice
Zieliński, M.
Data publikacji:
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane ZUT w Szczecinie
badania społeczne
projekt zagospodarowania przestrzeni publicznej
opinia społeczna
social research
public space development project
public opinion
Artykuł przybliża problem wykorzystania badań społecznych w praktyce projektowej. Kontekstem zagadnienia jest konkurs architektoniczno-urbanistyczny na zagospodarowanie przestrzeni publicznej w Nowej Hucie. Temat jest aktualny, zwłaszcza wobec popularnej dziś dyskusji na temat partycypacji społecznej w opracowywaniu i realizacji projektów architektoniczno-urbanistycznych i krajobrazowych.
This article is approaching a problem of using social research in design practice. The architectural-urban competition for the development of public space in Nowa Huta is the context of this issue. The topic is timely, because it is currently popular to discuss public participation in the development and implementation of architectural and urban planning and landscape projects.
Przestrzeń i Forma; 2012, 18; 241-252
Pojawia się w:
Przestrzeń i Forma
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ rosyjskiej produkcji telewizyjnej na ukraińskich odbiorców
Shevchenko, Olena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
informational content, television product, social responsibility of media, public opinion
Ukraina, Federacja Rosyjska, treści informacyjne, produkt telewizyjny, społeczna odpowiedzialność mediów, opinia publiczna
Украина, Российская Федерация, информационный контент, телевизионный продукт, социальная ответственность СМИ, общественное мнение
The article describes the dissemination of true information about Ukraine in the context of its influence on the Ukrainian audience. It is noted that the presence of Russian information channels at the Ukrainian media market is a component of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation. The author claims that the impact of the Russian TV content on the minds of the Ukrainian audience remains high if not crucial at times. The attempts to limit the presence of the Russian information channels by the Ukrainian regulator have turned out to be ineffective. It is concluded that the ban on the Russian broadcasting pushes audience to look for alternative ways to access the Russian TV channels and increases an interest towards them. One possible way of resolving that situation is to create a better high-quality and interesting national information product.
W artykule opisano techniki upowszechniania rzetelnej informacji o Ukrainie w kontekście jej wpływu na społeczeństwo ukraińskie. Należy zauważyć, że obecność rosyjskich kanałów informacyjnych na ukraińskim rynku medialnym jest cześcią składową polityki zagranicznej Federacji Rosyjskiej. Autor stwierdził, że wpływ rosyjskich treści telewizyjnych na umysły ukraińskiego odbiorcy pozostaje znaczący. Próby ograniczenia rosyjskich kanałów informacyjnych przez ukraińskie organy nadzoru są nieskuteczne. Stwierdzono, że zakaz nadawania rosyjskiego przekazu zmusza widzów do szukania alternatywnych sposobów dostępu do rosyjskich kanałów telewizyjnych i zwiększa zainteresowanie nimi. Jednym ze sposobów rozwiązania zaistniałej sytuacji może być przedstawienie bardziej jakościowego i interesującego dla odbiorcy ukraińskiego krajowego produktu informacyjnego.
В статье описаны методы распространения достоверной информации об Украине в контексте ее влияния на украинское общество. Следует отметить, что присутствие российских новостных каналов на украинском медиарынке является частью внешней политики Российской Федерации. Автор считает, что влияние российского телеконтента на сознание украинского реципиента остается значительным. Попытки ограничить российские информационные каналы украинскими органами надзора неэффективны. Констатировано, что запрет на вещание российских СМИ заставляет зрителей искать альтернативные способы доступа к российским телеканалам и повышает их интерес к ним. Одним из способов разрешения сложившейся ситуации может стать презентация украинского отечественного продукта, который будет более качественным и интересным для получателя.
Wschód Europy. Studia humanistyczno-społeczne; 2018, 4, 1
Pojawia się w:
Wschód Europy. Studia humanistyczno-społeczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wiedza powierzchowna i cząstkowa
Połczyńska, Alicja.
Biuletyn Katyński 2000, nr 45, s. 73-75
Data publikacji:
Egzekucja polskich oficerów w Katyniu opinia publiczna Polska 2000 r.
Świadomość społeczna Polska 2000 r.
Uczniowie szkół średnich
Badania naukowe
Dot. ankiety przeprowadzonej wśród uczniów krakowskich liceów nt. zbrodni katyńskiej.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Warunki mieszkaniowe w małych miastach Polski ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Uniejowa
Housing conditions in small Polish towns with special reference to Uniejów
Milewska-Osiecka, Katarzyna
Ogrodowczyk, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
housing conditions
small towns
public opinion
technical and sanitary equipment
warunki mieszkaniowe
małe miasta
wyposażenie w infrastrukturę techniczną
opinia społeczna
Człowiek spędza średnio około 80% swego życia w mieszkaniu. Dobre warunki mieszkaniowe mają również kluczowe znaczenie dla atrakcyjności danego miasta, jego aglomeracji i komfortu życia ich mieszkańców. W poniższym tekście autorki skupiły się na dwóch podstawowych zagadnieniach – po pierwsze, jak prezentują się warunki mieszkaniowe w małych miastach w Polsce ‒ za jeden z celów postawiono analizę zmian warunków mieszkaniowych w małych miastach Polski w latach 2004–2010. Za małe miasta przyjęto ośrodki zamieszkane przez mniej niż 10 tys. mieszkańców (posiadające prawa miejskie oraz odpowiednią liczbę ludności zarówno w 2004, jak i w 2010 roku). W analizach zmian warunków mieszkaniowych w małych miastach Polski wykorzystano cechy odnoszące się do wielkości mieszkań, ich wyposażenia w poszczególne instalacje techniczno-sanitarne, jak również do ich zaludnienia. W efekcie przeprowadzonych analiz statystycznych wyodrębniono 5 grup miast, różniących się stopniem wyposażenia w infrastrukturę oraz dynamiką ich zmian. Drugim postawionym w artykule celem jest charakterystyka warunków mieszkaniowych w skali wewnątrzmiejskiej, dokonana na przykładzie Uniejowa, małego miasta zlokalizowanego w województwie łódzkim oraz poznanie opinii mieszkańców tego ośrodka na temat oceny ich warunków mieszkaniowych. Uniejów postrzegany w ostatnich latach jako „miasto sukcesu” może bowiem stanowić punkt odniesienia dla innych miast pod kątem analizowanych parametrów. Analiza zagadnienia pozwala na uzyskanie odpowiedzi, w jakim stopniu sukces ekonomiczny miasta przekłada się na postrzeganie warunków mieszkaniowych jego mieszkańców.
Humans spend an average of 80% of their lives in their households. Good housing conditions are crucial for the attractiveness of the city, its urban area and quality of life of their inhabitants. In the following text, the author focuses on two basic issues. Firstly, living conditions in small Polish towns are examined. One of the aims of this article is analysis of changes in the housing conditions of small Polish towns in the years 2004‒2010. Urban centres inhabited by less than 10 000 people are regarded as small towns (having civic rights and an adequate population in the year 2004 and in 2010). The analysis of changes in housing conditions in small Polish towns takes into account the size of the apartments, their technical and sanitary conditions, and the number of occupants. As a result, 5 groups of towns have been identified, differing in the level of infrastructure and the rate of changes. The second aim of this article is to characterize housing conditions in a small town on the example of Uniejów, a town located in the voivodeship of Łódź, and to present opinions of the residents of this town about the housing conditions. Uniejów is seen as a town of success in recent years and may indeed serve as a reference for other cities as regards the parameters analysed. The above analysis shows to what degree the economic success of a city translates into the perception of housing conditions by its residents.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Socio-Oeconomica; 2015, 19
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Socio-Oeconomica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wartość rekreacyjnej funkcji lasu w świetle wyników ogólnopolskiego badania opinii społecznej
Value of leisure-related function of forest in view of the results of nationwide survey in Poland
Skłodowski, J.
Gołos, P.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
funkcje lasu
funkcje rekreacyjne
wartosc rekreacyjna
hipotetyczna gotowosc finansowania
opinia spoleczna
badania ankietowe
ce method
respondents' financial situation
forest management for tourist purposes
Driven by social and economic changes, which have taken place for the last 30 years, the European forest management objectives have been redefined. By the action of public opinion, forest management, increasingly frequently and in a broader range, focuses on public benefits from forests. One of the most important functions is the possibility of leisure and recreation in the forest. The purpose of the research was the analysis of the hypothetical readiness to finance the leisure−related function of forest based on WTP (Willingness To Pay) amount. A question, which enabled the assessment of a social value of leisure−related function of forest, was asked to a random−quota sample of 1000 people over 18 years of age during the nationwide survey carried out in 2013 by TNS Polska. Out of 1000 respondents, the WTP>0 was declared by 29% respondents. Surveyed persons indicating forest with poorer infrastructure declared higher values calculated per household (PLN 13.59 ±0.84) than respondents who selected a better managed forest (PLN 12.86 ±0.88, PLN 12.91 ±1.46). The average WTP amount per person for respondents with the university degree (bachelor and master degree) was PLN 6.23 ±0.48, whereas for respondents with lower education, it was on the level of PLN 5.26 ±0.25. The average WTP also depended on the age of respondents. It was PLN 11.42 ±1.43 for 20−year−olds per family, whereas for 40−year−olds it was PLN 14.16 ±1.05. The average WTP per person increased along with the age of respondents; from PLN 4.37 ±0,42 (20−year−olds) to PLN 6.00 ±1.11 (80−year−olds). Disregarding the top WTP value per household of respondents in the worst financial situation (20.00 ±10.00), the average WTP value per household increased from PLN 10.26 ±1.69 (in poor financial situation) to PLN 14.55 ±2.97 (very well−off).
Sylwan; 2016, 160, 09; 759-766
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uncontrolled combustion of household wastes and vegetation remains in a rural community – questionnaire results
Niekontrolowane spalanie odpadów z gospodarstw domowych i pozostałości roślinnych w gminie wiejskiej - wyniki badań ankietowych
Oleniacz, R.
Tomkowicz, A.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
odpady wiejskie
niekontrolowane spalanie
opinia społeczna
rural waste
uncontrolled burning
public awareness
The paper presents the results of questionnaire studies referring to the problem of uncontrolled burning of wastes and vegetation remains in a selected Polish community. The questionnaire covered 100 residents of the community, representing all the age groups and education levels. Based on this it was found that the combustion of wastes in households (mainly to obtain heat) and/or open combustion of plant remains and other garbage takes place in more than half households. Such actions are much more frequent in case of elderly and worse educated people than in case of younger and better educated ones. This is partially a result of lower awareness of elderly and poorer educated people about the threats for environment. Among the burned wastes the most often mentioned were newspapers, magazines, cardboard and packages of plastic, including PET bottles. Some inhabitants also admitted burning PVC materials, clothes, shoes, tyres, varnished wood and other wastes, which could form large quantities of toxic emissions, including organic ones, e.g. chlorinated dioxins and furans or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. People commonly burning different wastes and other garbage usually did not hear about the mentioned above substances or did not realized the significance of the problem. However, in the questionnaire, they expressed the will to limit such a way of wastes neutralization in their households.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań ankietowych dotyczących problemu niekontrolowanego spalania odpadów i pozostałości roślinnych w wybranej polskiej gminie. Ankietą objęto 100 mieszkańców gminy reprezentujących wszystkie przedziały wiekowe i różne poziomy wykształcenia. Na jej podstawie stwierdzono, że spalanie odpadów w paleniskach domowych (głównie w celach grzewczych) i/lub otwarte spalanie pozostałości roślinnych i innych śmieci ma miejsce w ponad połowie posesji. Tego typu działania są zdecydowanie częstsze w przypadku osób starszych i gorzej wykształconych niż młodszych i lepiej wykształconych, co wynika po części z mniejszej świadomości o wynikających stąd zagrożeniach dla środowiska. Wśród spalanych odpadów wymieniane były najczęściej gazety, kolorowe pisma, tektura i opakowania z tworzyw sztucznych, w tym butelki PET. Część mieszkańców przyznała się także do spalania materiałów z PVC, odzieży, obuwia, opon, lakierowanego drewna i innych tego typu odpadów mogących powodować powstawanie dużych ilości toksycznych składników spalin, w tym trwałych zanieczyszczeń organicznych, jak np. chlorowane dioksyny i furany czy wielopierścieniowe węglowodory aromatyczne. Osoby spalające różnego rodzaju odpady poużytkowe i inne śmieci przeważnie nie słyszały o ww. substancjach lub nie zdawały sobie sprawy z wagi problemu. Wyraziły one jednak w ankiecie wolę ograniczenia w przyszłości tego typu sposobu pozbywania się odpadów domowych.
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering; 2009, 3, 2; 71-79
Pojawia się w:
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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