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Lectio divina jako metoda formacji chrześcijańskiej w ujęciu kardynała Carlo M. Martiniego i koptyjskiego mnicha ojca Matta al-Miskina
Wtorek, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Akademia Katolicka w Warszawie
Pismo Święte
lectio divina
formacja duchowa
Ojcowie Kościoła
Ojcowie Pustyni
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie, jak w ramach chrześcijańskiej formacji duchowej doprowadzić wierzącego na drodze modlitwy metodą lectio divina do spotkaniai egzystencjalnego poznania Jezusa Chrystusa. Dokonuje się to przez aktywowanie w wierzącym procesu trójetapowej duchowej przemiany stymulowanej ćwiczeniem się metodą lectio divina w modlitewnym czytaniu (lectio) i rozważaniu tekstów Pisma Świętego jako Słowa Bożego (meditatio) doprowadzających do kontemplatywnego zjednoczenia z Bogiem (contemplatio), uwidaczniającym się w działaniu zgodnym z rozeznaną Bożą wolą (actio divina). Artykuł, przedstawiając ujęcia lectio divina jezuity kard. Carlo Marii Martiniego i ortodoksyjnego Kopta, eremity i opata, ojca Matta al-Miskina, na tle trwającej wieki historycznej ewolucji tej metody, wskazuje na formacyjną performatywność praktykowania lectio divina jako metody formacji chrześcijańskiej. Obydwaj jej praktycy i promotorzy są reprezentantami dwóch tradycji modlitewnych Kościołów Wschodu i Zachodu. Ich ujęcia lectio divina, jedno egzegetyczne, inspirowane Ćwiczeniami duchowymi św. Ignacego Loyoli, drugie eremityczne, bazujące na życiu i apoftegmatach eremity św. Antoniego Wielkiego, choć różnią się co formuł praktykowania, to jednak, co do rozumienia jej istoty i dynamiki, są w wielu istotnych aspektach tożsame. Wynika to z tego, że obydwa ujęcia lectio divina jako metody chrześcijańskiej formacji duchowej są mocno zakorzenione w znajomości Pisma Świętego, nauczaniu Ojców Kościoła orazmądrości Ojców Pustyni.
Studia Bobolanum; 2021, 32, 2; 203-230
Pojawia się w:
Studia Bobolanum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ojcostwo duchowe w myśli patrystycznej – zarys zagadnienia
Spiritual Paternity in Patristic Literature – an Outline
Kasprzak, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
ojcostwo duchowe
ojciec duchowy
ojcowie pustyni
Spiritual paternity
spiritual father
Desert Fathers
W Biblii oraz w pierwotnej tradycji chrześcijańskiej (I–III wiek) nie spotykamy opisów praktycznego prowadzenia duchowego. Jako ćwiczenie duchowe ojcostwo duchowe powstało dopiero w IV wieku wśród mnichów egipskich. Celem podstawowym tej praktyki było znalezienie sposobu na własne zbawienie, zaś celami doraźnymi były: dojście do dojrzałości chrześcijańskiej, przejawiającej się w duchu rozeznania siebie, osiągnięcie kontemplacji, wewnętrznego spokoju i apathei. Wiodącym wątkiem formacyjnym w ojcostwie duchowym u omawianych mnichów było dzielenie się osobistymi przeżyciami duchowymi, szczególnie istotna była zaś praktyka wyjawiania swych myśli.
The practical description of spiritual leaderships is not mandated as an institution in Sacred Scripture. The Christianity of the first three centuries presents us rather the spiritual relationship between the master and his disciple. Spiritual paternity as a spiritual discipline started in the 4th century within the Egyptian coenobitic communities and anchorites. It resulted in new terms such as: father – Abba, spiritual father, teacher, senior, spiritual master. The spiritual paternity of the Desert Fathers was a personalized spiritual exercise, which was to seek the way of salvation. The ultimate goal was to reach spiritual maturity, which manifested itself in the soul’s recognition, contemplation, inner peace and apatheia. The Father of the Desert used to share their own spiritual experiences with their disciples rather than to give them advice or hints or intellectual lessons. The relationship of spiritual paternity was built on the pattern: father and disciple. Every advice was supported by the prayer for the spiritual children and the example of the monastic life. The spiritual paternity relayed on cordial relations, sharing prayer and community life, the practice of self‑revelation and soul recognition and the transitions their own personal experiences. The spiritual father was gentle, friendly and prayerful. Such a practice of spiritual fraternity was neither the archaic form of psychological therapy nor the spiritual direction. Spiritual father begetted his sons to God. His aim was to help his spiritual children in their own spiritual development in order to attain the ultimate salvation.
Polonia Sacra; 2016, 20, 3(44); 101-122
Pojawia się w:
Polonia Sacra
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Obraz Boga w apoftegmatach ojców pustyni
The image of God in the Apophthegmata of the Desert Fathers
Nocoń, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
obraz Boga
Ojcowie Pustyni
Jan Kasjan
Desert Fathers
divine image
John Cassian
It is often said today that the current religious crisis is caused by a false image of God. The question therefore is how is He to be presented, so that with all the limitations of the human intellect and language in the face of the apophatic character of the Divine Majesty, God will be expressed in a way that will be the least “detrimental” to Him (and also to man)? It seems that the Egyptian Desert Fathers may be qualified teachers, even masters in this matter, not only, because the “semblance of God” was an issue that greatly engaged their community which had to deal with the heresy of anthropomorphism, but even more so, because as men of deep faith and prayer, often great mystics, they had an experience of God and so they continue to be for us unrivalled “experts” in this field. Analysing therefore their teaching on the image of God contained in the Apophthegmata of the Desert Fathers, we have arrived at the following conclusions. The Desert Fathers were fully aware how important the image of God is in the process of faith, knowing that a false image may lead not only to personal tragedies, but even to social unrest, and that it always leads to an atrophy of prayer and is an obstacle on the way to perfection. In spite of this, even though the word “God” appears in the Apophthegmata very often, the search for some uniform image of God and even clauses of the type: “God is…” that are extremely rare, would be in vain. What could be the reasons for the “silence” of the Desert Fathers in this matter? In our view, first of all the fundamental reason was their humility and the fact that they did not see themselves as teachers of others, and second, their suspicion as to their own visions that could in fact hide the ruses of Satan. However, the most important reason for the “omission” of the image of God in the Apopthegmata is, in our view, Eastern spirituality which treated every endeavour to define God and to demonstrate His image as an attempt to limit His divine nature. The ineffable and infinite God in the understanding of the Desert Fathers was also a God who is unique and unspeakable, to such an extent that each individual has to arrive alone, in his own heart, as far as this is possible, at His true image. Thus, in the Apophthegmata we do not find univocal statements declaring what is the true image of God, and the only thing that the Desert Fathers have conveyed to us is that approaching God is something of a process, at the beginning of which, yes certainly, some even infantile imagination of God may be admissible (hence a “leniency” towards anthropomorphism), but then it has to be subjected to a progressive purification, in the knowledge that “that which is perfect will come later”. This will come, not so much as a result of hearing about God or the acquisition of knowledge about Him, but through the practice of prayer, pe-nance and almsgiving.
Vox Patrum; 2018, 70; 93-105
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Opieka nad chorymi jako droga do świętości według św. Doroteusza z Gazy
Care for the sick as the way to holiness according st. Dorotheus of Gaza
Turzyński, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Doroteusz z Gazy
Ojcowie Pustyni
historia szpitalnictwa
monastycyzm palestyński
Dorotheus of Gaza
Desert Fathers
history of the health care
Palestinian monasticism
The article presents a part of spirituality of Saint Dorotheus of Gaza, the Palestinian monk and abbot from VI century. He wrote instructions and letters for monks in which one of the topics is also care for the sick. Dorotheus himself before became an Abba was educated in medicine and in monastery was responsible for infirmary. He underlines that after first step on the road of improvement which is purification man must fill his heart with good deeds. Care for the sick is one of them. Dorotheus is looking on disease in the light of Divine Providence. In this way the disease is a trial, but also body sickness could be medicine for the soul. If someone is looking after the sick he has an opportunity to learn humility and wisdom of life. Dorotheus invites monks to do this disinterestedly. By that means sickness becomes a way to holiness.
Vox Patrum; 2018, 70; 107-118
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kobieta w pismach Jana Kasjana
Woman in the writings of John Cassian
Nocoń, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Bóg jako matka
Dziewica Maryja
Ojcowie Pustyni i kobiety
God as mother
the Blessed Virgin Mary
Desert Fathers and women
John Paul II remarked, in his famous Letter to Women, that the “sons of the Church” also contributed to undermining the dignity of women over the centuries. Can John Cassian be counted amongst them? It was he who spread the doctrine of the Desert Fathers in the West, and some, such as Anatole France, accuse them of entertaining hatred towards women. By analysing the writings of John Cassian, we discover, however, that, besides the many interesting texts of his, uncommon in Christian literature, in which he talks of God as a mother, and alongside the fervent invitation to Christians to honour the Blessed Virgin Mary, the texts which concern women contain not a trace of discrimination. In his writings, woman is not inferior to man, either by nature or by virtue. On the contrary, there are times when he holds them out as examples to be followed for their great faith and virtue. If, at times, he also presents woman with reference to some vice, he does so only to illustrate the virtue of some other person. Generally speaking, therefore, the vision of woman found in his writings is basically positive, and it finds a place naturally in his ascetical doctrine of mediocritas. It was certainly not he who, by his writings, contributed to undermining the dignity of women.
Vox Patrum; 2016, 66; 155-168
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Modlitwa Jezusowa jako dziedzictwo duchowe Polaków i Ukraińców
Mytnik, Irena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
modlitwa Jezusowa
Ojcowie Pustyni
Ojcowie Kościoła
chrześcijański Wschód
wspólne dziedzictwo duchowe
Jesus’ prayer
Desert Fathers
Fathers of the Church
the Christian East
common spiritual heritage
The article is an attempt to look at Jesus’ prayer as a common spiritual heritage of all Christians, including the Polish and the Ukrainian, and at the same time a synthesis of the current thoughts on this prayer tradition, which is one of the oldest forms of Christian contemplative prayer. It originates from the Holy Scriptures and meditations of the Word of God, it was practiced and developed by the Desert Fathers, Fathers of the Church, monks, clergy and laity, above all in the Churches of the Christian East. Today, the most widespread is in the Orthodox and Greek Catholic Church, but for many years has been experiencing a kind of revival in the Catholic Church. The article presents the teaching of the Church, its saints and contemporary spiritual masters on this subject.
Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia; 2019, 7; 97-108
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Istotne i charakterystyczne elementy duchowości Matek Pustyni
Important and characteristic elements of the spirituality of the Desert Mothers
Turzyński, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Ojcowie i Matki Pustyni
duchowość Matek Pustyni
The Desert Fathers and Mothers
Spirituality of the Desert Mothers
Apofthegmata Patrum
The desert mothers lived between monks in the fourth and fifth centuries. In Apofthegmata Patrum we have preserved same sayings and stories related to Amma Sarah, Amma Syncletica and Amma Theodora. The subject of this article is Meterikon, the new book published quite recently in Poland, which includes some 600 texts attributed to the mothers of the desert or addressed to them. The author of the collection was Byzantine monk Isaiah, who worked on it at the beginning of 13th century, conscious that no one had compiled “such a feminine book”. A Russian bishop found the Meterikon in Jerusalem in the middle of 19th century, and had a translation made of this “absolute rarity”, which would later be published in Greek as well as Russian. We do have now Italian, German and Polish translation. Meterikon presents spirituality of the desert mothers, which is the same like spirituality of the desert fathers, but has its own special accents. Women on the desert consider themselves as brides of Jesus Christ, who is the centre, model and goal of their live. In the spiritual straggle, which is necessary on the desert, they tried to be brave as man and they showed that courage is not appropriate only for one gender. In the sayings of the desert mothers we so often find encouragement to the silence and meekness that we can tell about deep theology of silence in their thinking.
Vox Patrum; 2016, 66; 219-234
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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