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Uwagi na temat programów ochrony konserwatorskiej zabytkowych zespołów miejskich
Przyłęcki, Mirosław
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
ochrona zabytkowych zespołów miejskich
ocena wartości zabytkowych elementów
zabytek urbanistyki
ochrona zabytkowego układu przestrzennego
komponowanie zabytkowego krajobrazu
Th e a u th o r , ta k in g th e c o n s e rv a to r’s p o in t of view, de a ls w ith p ro b lem s of p ro te c tio n of h is to ric a l u rb a n se ttin g s w ith in th e processes of reb u ild in g , re c o n s tru c tio n , ex te n s io n an d ad a p ta tio n . All m e a su re s in th is re sp e c t re q u ire th a t b efore th e all a se t of c rite ria fo r a ss e ssm e n t a n d selection be p re p a re d wh ile both tow n -p la n n e r an d a rc h ite c t should b e a r in th e ir minds the fu n c tio n a n d th e role p lay ed by a h is to ric a l u rb a n s e ttin g w ith in th e e n tire u rb a n organism of a modern town. A p p ro p ria te step s should be ta k e n in each se p a r a te c ase a imed a t d e fin in g of th e h e ig h ts an d sizes a n d a lso of k in d s of b u ild in g th a t h a s to comp lemen t th e h is to ric a l b u ild in g s an d also be considered th e te ch n ic a l, te ch n o lo g ic a l an d o rg an iz a tio n a l aspects of m o d e rn iz a tio n s to b e in tro d u c ed in h isto ric a l settings. Th e a b o v e -lis te d p o in ts w e re a lre ad y sev e ra l time s d iscu ssed d u rin g th e m e e tin g s of ex p e rts. The damage s c au sed to h is to ric a l u rb a n s e ttin g s by m ilita ry ac tio n s d u rin g th e World War II h av e forced a ll th e concerned w ith th a t p ro b lem, i.e. a rc h ite c ts, tow n -p la n n e rs an d c o n se rv a to rs to look a fte r a p p ro p ria te so lu tio n s th a t could be ap p lied to re b u ild in g a n d re c o n s tru c tio n of towns. In th is connection n um e ro u s th e o re tic a l cons id e ra tio n s an d p ro p o sa ls of g en e ra l n a tu r e w e re fo rm u la te d b u t, fo r in s tan c e , th a t be in g a co n c ep t of a „ tow n -re s e rv a tio n ” fo r h is to ric a lly p a tte rn e d towns did n o t fin d su p p o rt by those co n cern ed in th is co u n try . Nowadays, w h ile p la n n in g th e re h a b ilita tio n it should, in th e f ir s t line, be b o rn e in min d th a t a ll tr a n s it, i.e. d ire c tly ru n n in g ma ss tr a ffic sh o u ld be removed from h is to ric a l u rb a n c en tre s, gre en b e lts be e s ta b lish ed an d th e a r c h ite c tu ra l d om in an ts c a re fu lly a ccen tu a te d . One of th e most d ifficu lt p ro b lem s is p e rm an e n tly e n co u n te re d in tow n s h av in g th e ir u rb a n tissu e s composed of b u ild in g s v a ry in g as to th e ir v a lu e and, in a d d itio n , th e selection of a p ro p e r concept of th e ir sp a tia l deve lo pm en t. U n til th e re c e n t tim e th e re w e re c re a te d th re e concepts of re h a b ilita tio n of a h isto ric a l u rb a n s e ttin g co n sistin g in: (1) a d a p ta tio n of new a rc h ite c tu re to a defin ed sty le of e x is tin g h isto ric a l b u ild in g w hich th e solution w h en con sid e red from an a e s th e tic a l v iew p o in t co n ta in s th e sm a lle st possible n um b e r of risk s a n d th u s has fo u n d n um e ro u s su p p o rte rs ; (2) rem o v a l of an c ie n t, in p rin c ip le , n o t h is to ric a l b u ild in g (though in p ra c tic e s ev e ra l in s tan c e s may be listed in w h ich also h is to ric a l b u ild in g s w e re removed) an d c re a tin g in its pla c e of m o d e rn a rc h ite c tu r e w ith its s ta n d a rd iz e d shapes (blocks of fla ts); in th is case, however, h is to ric a l b u ild in g s a re m a rk e d ly c o n tra s tin g w ith th o se mo d e rn an d th e towns a re d e p riv e d of th e ir original, h is to ric a l, c u ltu ra l an d a e s th e tic a l v a lu e s ; (3) designing of new b u ild in g in a ll th e se p la c e s w h e re losses a re to be fou n d in th e densely b u ilt q u a r te r s w ith a sim u ltan eo u s c a re fu l a d a p ta tio n of new b u ild in g s to th e ir h is to ric a l su rro u n d in g s. While emphasizing th e n e ed to c a re fu lly a p ro a c h to h is to ric a l u rb a n p a tte rn s th e a u th o r mak e s a n a p p e a l to d esig n ers th a t th e y sh o u ld rem em b e r a b o u t th e nec e ssity to lim it th e ag gressive fe a tu re s in a r c h ite c tu r a l fo rm s of th e ir b u ild in g s, to m o d e ra te ly use th e colours on th e ir fa ç ad e s an d d e ta ils and, fin a lly , to ap p ly th e p ro p e rly ad a p te d m a te ria ls. As a n o th e r im p o rta n t fe a tu re th a t may decisively in flu en c e th e c h a ra c te r of th e new b u ild in g s is m en tio n ed th e m o d e ra te use of p u b lic ity media in th e fo rm of illum in a te d a d v e rtisin g a n d e le c tric signs. All th e above re q u irem e n ts w e re sev e ra l time s p u t fo rw a rd d u rin g discussions on new designs of th e h is to ric a l u rb a n centres. Howeve r, u n til now th ey a re s till considered as p ro p o sa ls w ith o u t an y co n c re te ex am p le s th a t could be tr e a te d as some k in d of model solution. All th e above rem a rk s m ad e by a p ra c tic isin g a r c h ite c tc o n se rv a to r a re c le a rly enough ch a ra c te riz in g th e ra n g e of d ifficu ltie s w ith w h ich a re fa c ed th e d e sig n e rs in th e ir e v e ry -d a y w o rk devoted to a d a p ta tio n a n d r e h a b ilita tio n of h is to ric a l u rb a n settings.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1973, 1; 29-39
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kazimierz Dolny - uwagi o dziejach rozwoju przestrzennego, problemy ochrony krajobrazu kulturowego : część II
Żurawski, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Kazimierz Dolny
dzieje rozwoju przestrzennego Kazimierza Dolnego
ochrona krajobrazu kulturowego Kazimierza Dolnego
Karol Siciński
Plan zagospodarowania przestrzennego Kazimierza Dolnego
postulaty konserwatorskie dotyczące zagospodarowania zabytkowego zespołu miejsko-krajobrazowego
program konserwatorski dla Kazimierza Dolnego
przenoszenie do Kazimierza zabytków drewnianego budownictwa ludowego
Kazimierski Park Krajobrazowy
Mięćmierz koło Kazimierza Dolnego
P a rt II P a rt I of the present article published in ’’Ochrona Zabytków” no 1/1978 ended with a discussion of the period of the reconstruction of Kazimierz Dolny soon after World War II. P a rt II is devoted mainly to a land planning in Kazimierz afte r 1951 when Karol Siciński’s plan, worked out still in 1946—47, was approved officially. In the nearly th irty years th a t followed several versions of general and detailed plans of the town were drawn. A review of the plans displays changing views on the fu tu re shape of the town, its function, number of inhabitants and a very differentiated approach to the problem. A p a rticu la r attention paid by town-planners to this little town has always been based on the concern to preserve its unique historic and n a tu ra l values. However, during works on individual stages of the studies, specialists in modern programming, town-planning, sta n dardization and transport solutions have, as a rule, succeeded in forcing th e ir proposals. The state services of monuments protection participated in the planning of Kazimierz only to a small extent; the ir suggestions were either too general or not taken into account at all. In 1966 a general and detailed plan of Kazimierz was thrown open to competition. From the point of view of monuments protection it was not prepared well and did not come to expectations with regard to an optimum solution. On the basis of the results of the competition in 1967— 1970 general and detailed plans of the town were p repared and approved. Also this time conservation guidelines worked out by the Ministry of Culture and Arts were not formulated precisely and the participation of a voivodship conservator was limited to formal actions. As a result th e re appeared a plan with town-planning solutions, transport and servicing in particular, th a t endangered the scale and nature of the town. It envisaged a number of public investments, the harmful of which were: a modern throughfare between the Vistual and the centre of the town, construction of a new road inside the town, parallel to historic Senatorska and Nadrzeczna streets, a roundabout-type and a two-level cross- road in front of the Reformers cloister as well as large service and trad e projects in the place traditionally used for the building of detached houses in gardens, and finally the building of a large rest house on a picturesque hill. Despite that the plans were approved. Then, in 1971— 1972 the local population and manily associations of artists and publicists of the most highly esteemed cultural papers, rose some doubts about them. As a result of this criticism the Ministry of Culture and Arts entrusted in 1972 the Museum at Kazimierz Dolny with a task of conservation protection. This created conditions conducive to the formulation of new criterions of the protection of a historic urban, architectural and natural complex. They consisted in proving that all values of Kazimierz, including those of secondary importance such as old building lines, a scale of the building-up in individual streets, modest small-town houses, paved roads and squares, use of traditional materials, et.c., should be considered and covered by plans. Attention was drawn to the necessity to officially include in protection plans natural surroundings as an integral component of town’s cultural values. This conservation programme was approved by the authorities who decided of the need to bring a general and detailed plan of Kazimierz up-to-date on the basis of new more thorough and comprehensive studies. The Consultants Team was established; it gave opinions on subsequent stages of preparations. The Museum at Kazimierz Dolny brought to life an architectural group whose tasks were to make urban and architectural studies as conservation guidelines for individual elements of the town. A new general plan was drawn by the Voivodship Town-Planning Workshop in Lublin, headed by architect U. Frąk. A detailed plan was prepared by the Monuments Conservation Workshop in Lublin, under the direction of architect J. Jamiołkowska. The two plans were prepared at the same time, with a detailed one being in the foreground. The plans were approved in 1975. They paid a full respect to conservation guidelines expressed in 1972 and at the same time they determined the town’s function as a tourist centre and local administration, solved in-town communication within the existing network of streets with the principle of the access by perpends from the circuit passing by Kazimierz in through traffic. The plan paid also attention to a modern infrastructure in the town, a general character and scale of which remained unchanged. The maximum number of inhabitants within the boundaries of the historic town was agreed to be 3,000 people, just as it was in the period of the town’s flourishing at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries. In 1979 on the basis of the said plans a renewal programme was worked out for the town centre, divided into several stages of its execution. From 1973 the works have been carried out on the protection, conservation and reconstruction of the most valuable monuments of architecture, to mention only granaries from the 17th century, the Celejówka stone-house, ruins of the castle. Basing on the plans, private detached houses are being built in the town, the character of which has been adapted to a historie complex of tenement houses and other buildings. Necessary municipal investments have been undertaken and are continued. Works have been initiated on the designing and execution of the most indispensable buildings for public use. A translocation of historic wooden buildings to Kazimierz and Męćmierz, a neighbouring small village, has been applied as well. The aim of this undertaking is to rescue the monuments that cannot be preserved in situ and to enlarge the number of wooden buildings in the town, according to its old historic nature.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1982, 1-2; 3-27
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problemy pejzażu kulturowego wsi
Kornecki, Marian
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
problemy pejzażu kulturowego wsi
pejzaż kulturowy wsi
bogactwo panoramy kulturowej
ochrona panoramy kulturowej
ochrona krajobrazu kulturowego
zagrożenia dla przestrzeni kulturowych
dewastacja wartości kulturowych
kierunki ochrony zabytków wsi
problemy rewaloryzacji wsi
ochrona wartości kulturowych wsi
ratowanie kultury duchowej
The subject-matter of the article is the appraisal of the problem of cultural identity of the countryside in the process of historic conditionings as a synthesis of interdependencies of natural and man-made factors on a specific area. Considerations comprise a modern process of impendencies threatening the cultural panorama, a brief discussion on hitherto forms of protection and finally proposals concerning integrated protection covering all fields that make cultural values as well as some methodological comments. And here are the most important statements. A cultural picture of the countryside is the history recorded in a concrete landscape; its shape and identification have been affected by a number of factors both original nature-derived as well as secondary man-made ones. A similarity of factors and historical unity of vast areas decided of the formation of features that were common and determinant for each country and region, the sum of which represents the richness of the cultural panorama and human attainments. Next to its properties recorded on the scene of the outside world, the cultural panorama has also its non-material dimensions without which external forms could not get crystallized. The field of spiritual culture seems to drift us away from a traditional scope of activities dictated by professional limits; it must however be always kept in mind, as its contribution conditions the behaviour of the content inherent in the material substance and form. The cultural panorama is not invariable. It is subject to evolutions and transformations; it may be either enriched or reduced. Its behaviour during transformation is of essential importance, just as it represents roots of the social link, awareness and self-determination of regional communities and nations, capable of deciding of their lives and persistence in face of an inevitable passing away of individuals by the law of nature. In a historical process a picture of the countryside developed harmonously when works of men remained in a logical relation to a specific area, of whom they were an integral part. A menance to the cultural landscape appeared when the balance of the functioning of the ecosystem and component of both material and non-material nature specific for the function and identity of the rural body got disturbed. The present day brings with it transformations on an unprecedented scale and at a very rapid pace. Without going into the appraisal of the situation as a whole it can easily be seen that the present pace of urbanization results not only in devastation of the ecosystem but also in destruction of the entire cultural areas. This can be noticed in: — degradation of the natural environment due to an excessive depletion of its resources, — decline and disintegration of social links as well as disappearance of characteristics individualizing rural bodies as a result of an accelerated process of the integration of rural and town communities, — devastation of rural structures as a result of investments that did not fit into their historical space arrangements, — disappearance of traditional functions of rural bodies as a result of transformations that were against their nature. Devastation and disappearance of the traditional building is only one of a vast number of phenomena. They were sped up by a bad technical condition of resources and low utility standard. Still, the worst factor was a psychical pressure that regarded old or traditional buildings as an expression of backwardness. Apart from that, building, fire-protection and insurance regulations as well as the so-called orderly campaigns permitted further devastation of wooden constructions. A departure of the wooden village into the past became a real fact. Unfortunately, the old architecture has been replaced by the one that was far from being perfect and by unplanned chaotic location on undeveloped areas. The features of regional identity flowing from tradition, logics of function and place have disappeared. Should the countryside become an area of subculture or, at the best case, a smaller town? When watching the development of the protection of architectural monuments and material rural culture one can notice the evolution of doctrines and practice assosiated with broadly understood notion of “historic monuments”, which in turn leads to comprising both individual structures, their complexes and structural arrangements. Still, this development is not free from controversies, negligence (e.g. in the field of the so-called serial buildings or industrial plants), conflicts or “competence void”. One should also notice that open-air museums represent only a partial solution on an limited museological scale. Attempts have been made to set up “rural reserves” displaying clashes of the countryside with life problems. In this context, the need for a regular development of the countryside with a simultaneous preservance of cultural identity and continuity prompts us to consider the problem of the reinstatement of the countryside as the task, which would mean actions aimed at protecting the cultural landscape in the process of development. This is combined with the integration of the protection of all elements that make up the cultural identity, namely: — factual natural landscape, — settlement structure fixed in the hamlet plan, road network and field expanses, — resources of building substance, greenery and water arrangements, — certain non-material elements affecting characteristics of the cultural picture. Only the countryside seen in that way, in its entire territory, should become a field for the revival, which may be achieved by: — full recording of cultural resources, — their scientific analysis and estimation, — designation of protection zones, — drawing of guidelines for the protection, and — their introduction, as an obligatory element, into plans of spatial development. Hitherto experiences have revealed a need for cooperation between various scientific disciplines, specialists of which are represented in the cultural picture. Prospects for the cooperation of the scientific profession have been opened wide. A separate problem the discussion of which goes beyond the framework of the present report is the saving of spiritual culture, which, from the very beginning, was formed in the sphere of the principles of ideal nature specific for the Polish nation and manifested itself in numerous traits that combine spiritual wefts with a vision of the outside world. Its behaviour should take place not only in the form of popularizing superficial folk forms but also in the shaping of awareness in the educational process and social life.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1982, 3-4; 143-155
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Potrzeby i mozliwosci ochrony doliny sandrowej uzytkowanej rolniczo na przykladzie Doliny Omulwi
Oswit, J
Dembek, W
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
ochrona krajobrazu
warunki glebowe
ochrona przyrody
zbiorowiska roslinne
sandr kurpiowski
walory krajobrazowe
strefowosc ekologiczna
walory przyrodnicze
dolina Omulwi
Among reclaimed valleys and canalised rivers of the Kurpiowski Sandr, the valley of Omulwia river is distinguished by relatively unchanged landscape and natural, strongly meandering river-bed of 15-20 m width. Its run is accompanied by zone of branched, picturesque, partly filled-with-water old-river beds. On the grounds of identification of the existing soils, plant communities and peat beds in the lines of 8 levelled transverse valley sections (fig. 2), the appearance of distinct, transverse ecological zonality related to the existing hydrological conditions, has been found. The distinguished zones differ in character of soils and vegetation as well as in the intensity of flood and ground feeding. In the area, directly adjacent to the river, being intensively flooded, the dominating type of habitat is silt-covered ground, generating alluvial heavy and medium, usually medium-deep (50-100 cm) formations. They occupy about 1/2 of valleys width. The zone of specific mads is situated at the nearest distance from the river. On both sides of this zone, the parallel bands of mineral-muck mads were found, being identified on the grounds of the presence of silt-originated moorsh in the upper layer up to 30 cm. In the marginal, usually higher situated parts of the valley, there are peatlands, supplied with ground water; they create a separate ecological zone, running like a band alongside both edges of the valley and fill the pockets, eroded in its mineral substratum, with peats. Shallow beds form alder and osier peats. In deeper cuttings of mineral substratum, there are beds of more complex structure with the share of sedge and rush peats and, in deeper initial levels, also of mossy peats. Between the zones of alluvial soils and the zone of peat soils, a zone of mineral-moorsh soils, built by peat-originated moorsh, has been additionally found. In alluvial zones, characterized by a rich microrelief, the communities of Magnocaricion, usually sedge (Caricetum gracilis) and reed canary grass and sedge-reed canary grass (Phalaridetum arundinaceae) are mainly found. They create a mosaic with the communities of Molinietalia order (Alopecuretum pratensis Valeriano-Filipenduletum), appearing on flat elevations. In peat zones, we find mainly communities of sedge (Ranunculo-Caricetum fuscae) and reed grass (Calamagrostietum neglectae), belonging to Caricion fuscae (nigrae). The areas of certain reclaimed and managed peatlands are overgrown with communities of cultivated meadows. Nature values of the valley were assessed, classifying it into 3 parts and identifying 4 most valuable fragments for closer protection (fig. 5). Zone of the river and near-river old beds, which is most valuable part of the valley from ecological viewpoint and is strongly differentiated from a viewpoint of hipsome- try, the habitat and phytosociology, should be a place of extensive economy; its protection should be a leading motive in case of planning any economic investments. On the other hand, intensive meadow management should be focused on the edge parts of the valley, especially in marginal, east zone of the valley on the areas of higher elevated peat soils, being drained by a large ditch, running parallelly to the valley edges.
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych; 1997, 435; 127-153
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uzytki ekologiczne w Kotlinie Kurpiowskiej
Lachacz, A
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
Kotlina Kurpiowska
gatunki zagrozone
ochrona krajobrazu
uzytki ekologiczne
gatunki rzadkie
ochrona przyrody
Ecological land in Poland has been considered since 1991 as one of the forms of nature protection. It is formed by the residues of ecosystems, being of importance for preservation of unique gene resources and types of environment. In the study, attention was concentrated on the classification of ecological land and description of habitats with merit protection in this form. Ecological land of the Kurpie region has been divided into swamps and dry grounds. Among the ecological swampy areas, the most important are as follows: flooded terraces appearing in river valleys, old-river beds, soligenous peatlands of nearedge zone, and the residues of swampy alder carr. This group also includes peat wind-blown troughs (intermittent lakes and interdune peatlands), high peatlands and those ones with an active peatforming process, and strongly watered excavated peatlands. In the valleys of the greatest rivers of the region (Narew, Pisa) we found sandy alluvial soils, grown with marshy meadows and willow scrubs Salicetum albo-fragilis, and Salicetum triandro-viminalis and communities with Petasites spurius. Ecological dry lands also cover numerous sandy elevations, being scattered among the meadows and arable lands, and grown with sparsely wooded pine forests, scrubs with juniper, and various communities with a number of dune and grass species. Selected objects were presented and the sites of 15 rare, protected and threatened species of vascular plants were demonstrated as an illustration of the natural value of ecological land at the discussed above territory.
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych; 1997, 435; 85-97
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pozapaszowa funkcja traw
Kozlowski, S.
Golinski, P.
Golinska, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Łąkarskie
pierwiastki biogenne
redukcja zanieczyszczen
estetyka krajobrazu
zrodlo celulozy
ksztaltowanie krajobrazu
ochrona gleb
materialy budowlane
ksztaltowanie mikroklimatu
produkcja sciolki
surowce zielarskie
Łąkarstwo w Polsce; 2000, 03; 79-94
Pojawia się w:
Łąkarstwo w Polsce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Alienacja ochrony środowiska kulturowego : konieczność ochrony pozamiejskich nieruchomości zabytkowych
Wycichowska, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
środowisko kulturowe
ochrona środowiska kulturowego
ochrona krajobrazu kulturowego
ochrona zabytków
ogólnospołeczna edukacja kulturowa
regulacje prawne ochrony zabytków
wspomaganie prywatnych inwestorów obiektów kulturowych.
dofinansowanie działań rewitalizacyjnych
adaptacja obiektów kulturowych
ochrona nieruchomości kulturowych
The neglect of the cultural environment by sciences dealing with the environment generates a low cultural level of society, a lack of interest in procultural activity and, as a consequence, an alienation of the protection of cultural environment. The cultural environment remains the object of the interest and activity pursued by only a small group of professionals and enthusiasts, who are isolated both socially and in the mass media, and act within their own associations or individually. Binding legal regulations do not create an atmosphere conducive for the active protection of historical monuments. Potential investors are deterred by lengthy lists of obligations and burdens imposed upon the owners of historical monuments as well as non-acceptance by the local community and even communal authorities. Only effective activity in the domains of legislation and education, and the assistance rendered to the protection of historical monuments by communal self-governments and the local community can enhance the effectiveness of salvaging historical monuments. In the perspective of joining the European Union, the protection of non-urban historical monuments assumes particular importance for rendering indelible examples of Polish national identity in the rural landscape, which will testify to the varied cultural accomplishments of the nations of a united Europe.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2002, 3-4; 378-382
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zagadnienia ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego krajobrazu
Świątkowski, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego krajobrazu
wartości przyrodnicze i historyczne
krajobraz kulturowy
Ośrodek Ochrony Zabytkowego Krajobrazu
krajobrazy przemysłowe
krajobrazy pól bitewnych
krajobrazy sakralne
krajobrazy osadnicze
krajobraz miast
The national heritage of landscapes is one of the most valuable goods of the material legacy of national culture. Cultural landscape is of great social significance for the maintenance of the tradition of seeking national roots and identity. Over centuries, the landscape has been shaped in accordance with the characteristic traits of a given region, natural environment and national culture, and featured the diversity of ethnic cultures. Postwar years brought evolving landscape management inconsiderate and unattractive urban and rural development as well as economically unrelated forms of economic management. General confusion and a lack of identity of the site of the socalled little homeland call for a common awareness of the need for extending protection over entire areas of the cultural landscape in their conserved historic shape. Conservation practice, together with theoretical knowledge acquired during the protection of historic landscapes, paves the way to novel, world-wide trends in cultural heritage protection. It extends protection over not merely individual and collective complexes of historic property, but also moulded landscape areas, cementing the diversified conservation issues of the protection of all of its cultural ingredients in a coherent entity. Harmonious cultural and measured laid-out landscape, settlement landscape, industrial landscape and landscapes of linked natural and technological elements, battlefield landscapes and religious landscapes, with their individual, characteristic features, are a manifestation of national culture and tradition. To preserve the cultural heritage of landscapes it is necessary to devise mechanisms of sustainable development, in which the rank of culture, tradition and history of a region will equal its economic counterpart. Sustainable natural cultural and economic development increasingly resorts to the activation of tourism, involving the growing economic importance and dimension of historic landscapes and their promotion. A link between history and transformation may be seen in the cultural landscape, which plays an ever larger role in the cultural heritage protection strategy within the European Union.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2002, 3-4; 383-390
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ekologiczno-przestrzenne problemy stref podmiejskich dużych miast na przykładzie Warszawy
Ecological and spatial problems of suburban zones of big towns on the example of Warsaw
Żarska, B.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
teren podmiejski
ochrona środowiska
planowanie przestrzenne
kształtowanie krajobrazu
suburban area
environment protection
spatial planning
landscape shaping
The important directions for landscape shaping of suburban zones are enclosed in provisions of national, European Union and international legislation as well as in the cardinal ecological principles of nature protection. The most important ecological and spatial problems of suburban zones, typical for Warsaw and other big towns, are: 1) chaos of spatial management-dispersion of sites, domination of development, 2) rapid changes of proportion between biologically active and non-biologically active areas; 3) rapid fulfilment of space with anthropogenic non-natural elements having often forms disharmonised with surroundings and site tradition, 4) increasing fragmentation of biologically active areas and ecological isolation. The rational spatial management, realised consistently in accordance with long-term spatial policy, is the only tool to stop these undesirable processes. Physical development plans should be obligatory for all areas. Systems of natural areas and proecological provisions should be widely introduced in physical planning. The urgent need is to define maximal ranges for development in towns and mark out areas for realisation of natural system and ecological connections.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2003, 1-2; 16-19
Pojawia się w:
Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Planowanie i realizacja tras szybkiego ruchu i autostrad na przykadzie Niemiec
Role of a landscape architect in planning and carrying out highway and motorway routes (a German example)
Więckowicz, K.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
trasa szybkiego ruchu
ochrona krajobrazu
motorway routes
landscape architecture
landscape protection
In European Union programs regarding environment protection it was repeatedly stressed that the best policy against the natural environment is prevention or simply avoiding its degradation instead of later fights with a negative influence on it. In 1990 it was materialized in the act about valuation of the influence on the environment (so called UVPG). This guideline is diversely interpreted and exerted in various EU membership countries. The case study presents a German example of introducing it into life. In Germany, in land use planning as well as during design of communication routes the conventional technical project expands to new assignments, so called "commentaries to the project from the point of view of landscape protection". While designing more than regional routes such case studies constitute an integral part of the technical project and, what is connected with it, they come into binding force and are elements of documentation which the Investor is obliged to effectuate while formulating and validating the investment. Those assignments have been creating quite a new area of operation for landscape architects. On account of their qualifications and education ranging to ecological, planning, urban and architectonic aspects they can carry out case studies in a complex way, valuate interactions of protected goods, turn in architectonic and technological solutions with help of which it is possible to avoid or weaken the negative influence on the environment. In the process of education of landscape architects it is essential in future to pay special attention to putting stress on knowledge from the domains of ecology, landscape planning, urbanity and various industry coordination as well as on classical assignments for this professional group.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2003, 1-2; 80-87
Pojawia się w:
Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Oceny oddziaływania na środowisko jako narzędzie ochrony i kształtowania krajobrazu
Environmental assessment as instrument of landscaping
Tyszko, L.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
ochrona krajobrazu
ocena oddziaływania na środowisko
landscape protection
influencing the environment
Evaluation of influencing the environment (OOS) is a new element, introduced by legal regulations into practice of spatial planning. They constitute a complex, multi-stage process of striking conscious decision involving planned investment decisions. The process ranges from a period of planning and projecting of the investment; through it's realization, to post-realization environment monitoring. In OOS procedure we can discriminate 3 main stages: prestudy, study and post-study. Valuations of influence are undoubtedly a very important instrument which regulates problems with environment quality management, including landscape. A systemic approach carried out by OOS provided appropriate valuations of endangerment to landscape, which is our common welfare, a value presented to man by nature.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2004, 3-4; 71-75
Pojawia się w:
Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Potencjał turystyczny Podgórza Rzeszowskiego na przykładzie wsi Markowa
Touristic potential of the Rzeszow Foothills on the example of the Markowa village
Baran-Zglobicka, B.
Zglobicki, W.
Data publikacji:
Polska Asocjacja Ekologii Krajobrazu
Pogorze Rzeszowskie
wies Markowa
krajobraz kulturowy
ochrona krajobrazu
walory przyrodnicze
potencjal turystyczny
Problemy Ekologii Krajobrazu; 2004, 13
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Ekologii Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwarunkowania prawne planowania, ochrony i zarządzania krajobrazem w Polsce w świetle Europejskiej Konwencji Krajobrazowej
Legal basis of landscape protection, planning and management in Poland in the light of European Landscape Convention
Giedych, R.
Data publikacji:
Polska Asocjacja Ekologii Krajobrazu
planowanie krajobrazu
ochrona krajobrazu
zarzadzanie krajobrazem
uwarunkowania prawne
Europejska Konwencja Krajobrazowa
Problemy Ekologii Krajobrazu; 2004, 13
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Ekologii Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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