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Kompleksowy problem ochrony atmosfery na początku nowego tysiąclecia
Complex problem of atmosphere protection at the beginning of a new millennium
Szkarowski, A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
ochrona środowiska
zanieczyszczenie atmosfery
ochrona atmosfery
unieszkodliwianie zanieczyszczeń
On a boundary of centuries, the negative environmental impact of human economical activities has come close to such level, which already threatens the very existence of mankind. To overcome these negative tendencies, the huge expenses are demanded. However, the investments themselves do not guarantee any radical change of the ecological situation. Moreover, not coordinated environment protection activities have appreciable positive effect only at a local level. From global or even regional point of view, its application can even cause deterioration of the situation. Environment protection activities demand application of accessories, fuel, water, and chemical reagents, as well as execution of different check and automatics functions. Energy expense augmentation means proportionally increasing of technogenic nature impact. Protective devices should be produced and the spent things procured, delivered, prepared, etc. At all these stages not only padding expense of energy, but also direct complementary pollution occur. The secondary technological effects are also possible: augmentation of air paths hydraulic resistance, lowering productivity of equipment, secondary contamination of other natural mediums. Consequently, the effect gained at a local level can be simply destroyed by chain reaction of secondary unfavorable actions, displaced in time and space. The optimization of a global and local level interrelation is especially important for environment protection activities scheduling and accomplishment at the stage of design strategy formation. Our analysis shows that investments in ecological measures are comparable to expenses for the basic industrial effecting. Fuel, energies and stuffs ungrounded expenses result in augmentation of destructive action for the environment. Decrease of harmful materials outliers in one place is inevitably accompanied by augmentation of pollution in other regions of the country or in neighbor states. Therefore, the coordination of activities for environment protection at a state level is very important. Nevertheless, such coordination demands solid scientific and methodological bases. The process of autonomous object design is considered as a method of helping an engineer to perfect his qualification and to get the highest efficiency of environment protection technology. This process is based on the decision-making theory. It is necessary to emphasize, that presented analysis is in the master of fact, only general methodology of activities for atmosphere protection. It does not give ready solutions in specific issues, although it is an important tool of optimization because it does not allow to omit key elements of the analysis, forces determination necessary questions and issues in proper time, without which it is not possible to reach final, positive effect of improvement of atmosphere and The whole natural environment state.
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2007, Tom 9; 159-166
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza pracy spalarni odpadów Szpitala Wojewódzkiego w Koszalinie - spaliny, ścieki, wtórny odpad
Analysis of hospital waste incineration plant work in provincial hospital in Koszalinie - flue gas, wastewater, secondary Waste
Piecuch, T.
Dąbrowski, T.
Dąbrowski, J.
Lubierski, M.
Juraszka, B.
Kościerzyńska-Siekan, G.
Jantos, K.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
spalarnia odpadów szpitalnych
ochrona atmosfery
odpady wtórne
Każda spalarnia obok likwidacji odpadów stwarza zagrożenie dla środowiska. Głównie dotyczy to ochrony atmosfery. Stopień zagrożenia zależy od rodzaju wsadu do tej spalarni, który może być szczególnie niebezpieczny np. rtęć lub chlor usytuowany w strukturze materiału odpadowego. W niniejszej publikacji podjęto próbę możliwie obiektywnej oceny pracy spalarni odpadów szpitalnych, w oparciu o materiały dostępne i badania własne. Spalarnia ta jest nową inwestycją i pracuje od stycznia 2001 roku. Przeprowadzona analiza pracy Spalarni Odpadów Medycznych, której charakterystyka technologiczna została przedstawiona w niniejszej publikacji - w oparciu o wizję lokalną, analizę studialną przeprowadzonych badań [4,14,16] oraz badania własne przeprowadzone w Katedrze Techniki Wodno-Mułowej i Utylizacji Odpadów - pozwala na wysunięcie ogólnych wniosków, które mogą być pomocne w przyszłości dla Inwestora, który pragnie zakupić i uruchomić tego typu spalarnie projektu i wykonawstwa Gdańskiego Przedsiębiorstwa Produkcyjno-Usługowego G.P.P.U. Analiza zanieczyszczeń w spalinach jako prób losowych nie daje podstaw do jednoznacznie pozytywnej oceny pracy układu technologicznego oczyszczania spalin wobec norm Unii Europejskiej oraz pochodnych tych norm tj. obostrzeń obowiązujących w państwach Unii Europejskiej. Wtórny odpad poeksploatacyjny z tej Spalarni nie ma charakteru typowego odpadu popirolitycznego tzw. koksiku, ani też w pełni wypalonego odpadu typu żużel (substancja mineralna) i nie może być składowany luzem, a to oznacza, że najłatwiej go solidyfikować. Jeżeli tak, to solidyfikację powinno się prowadzić na miejscu, co jest rozwiązaniem tańszym niż płacenie odbiorcy wtórnego odpadu oddalonego o około 200 km od Koszalina. Technologia pracy tej Spalarni nie uwzględnia rozwiązania gospodarki wodno-ściekowej; niedopuszczalne jest odprowadzanie tych ścieków bezpośrednio do kanalizacji, co ma aktualnie miejsce.
This paper presents the try of possibly objective opinion of hospital waste incineration plant of type SP-100 (with semi-automatic loading) work basing on own investigations and accessible materials. This plant was designed and made by Gdańskie Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Usługowe. Incineration plant is a new investment and has been working since January 2001. The operational diagram of the incineration plant is shown in the Fig. 1. The efficiency of analysed device reaches 100 kg of incinerated waste during one hour (by nominal density of waste - 200 kg/m3). The technical and the technological description of the incineration plan work with the critical analysis of technological arrangement of the incineration plant is presented in the paper. Also water and wastewater in the incineration plant was presented. Authors also present the results of own investigations relating to quantities of pollutants washed out from the secondary waste from the incineration plant as well as test of that secondary waste utilization applying the method of solidification in concrete cubes of polbruk type. Own investigations also include measurements of pollutants concentrations in flue gas, using the mobile incineration gas analyser GA-21 plus. Conducted analysis Medical Waste Incineration Plant work, which technological description was introduced in this paper - basing on the visits in the incineration plant, the studial analysis of conducted investigations [4,14,17] as well as own investigations conducted in Department of Water-Sludge Technique and Utilization of Waste - allows to draw some general conclusions which may be helpful in the future for investors, which plan to buy and to start this the type of the incineration plant, designed and made by Gdańskie Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Usługowe GPPU. Analysis of pollutants in the flue gas (as random tests) does not give basis to have unambiguously positive opinion on work of technological installation of combustion gas cleaning running of the in the face of the European Union standards as well as derivatives of these standards i.e. of the greater rigours valid in countries of European Union. Analysis secondary waste management which are produced in this incineration plant shows sure doubts of economical nature which regard to the collection of the waste by EKOPAL Company which is situated about 200 km from Koszalin, for payment over 1000 PLN per ton. This payment has a significant influence on the total unit cost of utilization of one ton of medical waste taken by Waste Incineration Plant from deliverers of waste and reaching over 3000 PLN per ton (data from year 2002). This is is 6 and even 7 times larger price than the average typical price for delivery of waste to the thermal waste utilization plants in European countries. The secondary waste from the waste incineration plant is not the like the typical post-pirolitic waste (so called koksik). It is not also fully burned waste of the slag type (the mineral substance) and it cannot be stored loosely, and this means that the easiest method of its utilization is the solidification. If so - this solidification should be conducted on the terrain of the Waste Incineration Plant, which is the cheaper solution than paying recepient of secondary waste situated about 200 km from Koszalin. The technology of the Waste Incineration Plant work does not include solution of water and wastewater management; invalid is piping of wastewater from the incineration plant directly to the sewage system, which at present takes place.
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2003, Tom 5; 163-189
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Samochód elektryczny a ochrona atmosfery
Electric Car and Atmosphere Protection
Polakowski, K.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
transport samochodowy
ochrona atmosfery
samochód elektryczny
road transport
atmosphere protection
electric car
The article attempts to perform a concise analysis of the impact of toxic emissions from internal combustion engines used in road transport to the rapidly deteriorating physicochemical state of the atmosphere. Apart from the problems associated with air pollution and the environment at the stage of extraction, transport and processing of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbon fossil fuels, the biggest problem associated is with the mass poisoning of the atmosphere by the products coming out from the exhaust pipes of all (land, sea and air) means of transportation. These include first and foremost: oxides of nitrogen, carbon, sulfur and unburned hydrocarbons (and lead compounds, which until recently were widely used in the production of fuels). In many of the published results of the studies it was showed that they threaten the health and even the life of man. It is estimated that in the US in 2013 approximately 53,000 people died due to the negative effects exhaust gas have on the human body. These substances not only pollute the air we breathe, but also contribute to the creation of so-called acid rain, which threaten the flora and fauna all over the Earth. Moreover, they significantly affect the acceleration of the greenhouse effect. The second chapter presents in what way the car transport negatively influences the state of the atmosphere with particular emphasis on fast growing greenhouse effect, caused by the increase of carbon dioxide in the upper atmosphere. The third chapter is the analysis of problems related to the reduction of exhaust emissions from motor vehicles. It shows that it is impossible to limit these emissions, because combustion engines are highly inefficient: carrying the driver with a passenger and light luggage (for a total of about 140 kg) consumes less than 1% of the energy contained in the fuel. This translates into unproductive combustion of large quantities of fuel and consequently the emission of enormous quantities of harmful exhaust emissions. In the fourth chapter an attempt was made to answer the question: as far as protection of atmosphere is concerned, can the electric car be an effective remedy for the hazardous products of combustion? The answer is positive, because electric motors are practically emission-free and in superior to heat engines in that they are three times more effective in converting electrical energy into mechanical one. However, the main problem may consist in the necessity of universal and quite rapid transition to production of electricity from carbon-free renewable energy sources: wind, water, sun. The fifth chapter presents the results obtained by a team of researchers from Stanford University who attempted to create an alternative to the traditional system of electricity generation consisting in the burning fuels in thermal power plants. This alternative is WWS, an emission-free system based on the usage of the energy contained in wind, flowing water, and solar radiation. The presented data show it is possible to achieve global transition to WWs system within the next 30-50 years. In the sixth chapter we review the state of development in the area of electric cars production in the world. Emerging solutions and a lot of interest from potential buyers give positive feelings. If we realize the idea of creating a network of stations for automatic battery exchange (Tesla Motors has presented a solution for such exchange within 90 seconds), at a price of exchange not exceeding prices of refueling an internal combustion engine vehicle, with enough fuel enabling traversing the comparable distance, then the last barrier to widespread implementation of road based transport with electric drive will practically disappear.
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2016, Tom 18, cz. 2; 628-639
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Impact of Methane Emitted from Coal Deposits on the State of the Atmosphere
Wpływ metanu emitowanego ze złóż węgla na stan atmosfery
Szlązak, Nikodem
Swolkień, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Przeróbki Kopalin
methane emissions
methane drainage efficiency
atmospheric protection
emisje metanu
efektywność odmetanowania
ochrona atmosfery
This article presents an analysis of methane emissions into the atmosphere, the amount of captured and utilized methane, as well as methane released from the methane drainage system. The results are then compared with data from the State Mining Authority (WUG) and the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR), which is maintained in Poland by the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection. Additionally, based on greenhouse gas emissions data from UNFCCC and JSW S.A., the article determines the impact of methane emitted from its mines on the atmosphere at the European and global scale.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę emisji metanu do atmosfery, ilości metanu wychwyconego i wykorzystanego, a także metanu uwolnionego z systemu odmetanowania. Wyniki są następnie porównywane z danymi pochodzącymi z Wyższego Urzędu Górniczego (WUG) oraz Europejskiego Rejestru Uwalniania i Transferu Zanieczyszczeń (E-PRTR), który w Polsce prowadzony jest przez Główny Inspektorat Ochrony Środowiska. Dodatkowo, na podstawie danych o emisji gazów cieplarnianych z UNFCCC i JSW S.A., w artykule określono wpływ metanu emitowanego z jej kopalń na atmosferę w skali europejskiej i światowej.
Inżynieria Mineralna; 2023, 1; 213--224
Pojawia się w:
Inżynieria Mineralna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Redukcja emisji pyłów zawieszonych w wyniku poprawy izolacyjności cieplnej przegród i zmiany nośnika energii
Reducing of particulate matter emissions as a result of walls thermal insulation improvement and energy carriers changes
Lis, A.
Ujma, A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Częstochowska
pył zawieszony PM 2,5
pył zawieszony PM10
ochrona atmosfery
izolacyjność cieplna przegród
nośniki energii
oszczędność energii
particulate matter PM2.5
particulate matter PM10
protection of atmosphere
thermal insulation of partitions
energy carriers
energy saving
W artykule przedstawiono problem emisji pyłów zawieszonych do atmosfery oraz ich wpływ na stan środowiska naturalnego i zdrowie człowieka. Na przykładzie wybranego budynku poddanego termomodernizacji, w którym dokonano poprawy izolacyjności cieplnej przegród oraz wymiany kotła węglowego na kocioł gazowy, zaprezentowano możliwość obniżenia emisji pyłu zawieszonego PM 2,5 i PM 10. Przedstawiono parametry charakterystyki energetycznej budynku przed i po termomodernizacji, a także oceniono wpływ działań mających na celu oszczędność energii na stan środowiska zewnętrznego.
The article presents the problem of particulate matter emissions into the atmosphere and their impact on the environment and human health. For the example of thermal modernized building, in which the improvement of thermal insulation of partitions and the exchange of coal boiler to a gas boiler was done, the opportunity to reduce emissions of particulate matter PM 2.5 and PM 10 is presented. The parameters of the energy performance of the building before and after thermal modernization are showed and also the impact of energy saving activities on the state of the environment is assessed.
Budownictwo o Zoptymalizowanym Potencjale Energetycznym; 2016, 1 (17); 47--54
Pojawia się w:
Budownictwo o Zoptymalizowanym Potencjale Energetycznym
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza ekonomiczna w zagadnieniach ochrony środowiska
Economic analysis in environmental protection issues
Szkarowski, A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
ochrona środowiska
zanieczyszczenie atmosfery
uszczerbek ekologiczny
Efektywne zarządzanie każdym przedsięwzięciem przewiduje optymalne adresowe wykorzystanie inwestycji z maksymalnie osiągalnym wynikiem. W przypadku działalności z zakresu ochrony środowiska chodzi o maksymalnym efekcie uzdrowienia powietrza, wód lub gleby w skali terenu rolniczego czy krajobrazowego, obszaru zabudowanego, rejonu lub całego miasta. Podstawy opracowanej przez autora analizy energo-ekologicznej dają możliwość w bardzo wiarygodny sposób ustalić priorytetowe substancje szkodliwe, źródła ich emisji oraz tereny najbardziej stosowne do skierowania na nie inwestycji na cele wdrażania technologii ochrony środowiska . Dalszy sukces projektu zapewnia się dokładnością o dogłębnością techniczno-ekonomicznego etapu analizy. Opracowane dotychczas kryteria i wskaźniki ekonomicznej efektywności technologii ochrony środowiska i oszczędzania zasobów naturalnych pozwalają, przy zastosowaniu zasad wspomnianej wyżej analizy energo-ekologicznej, przystąpić do kształtowania uniwersalnych podstaw określania tej efektywności. Chociaż autor zajmuje się głównie zagadnieniami ochrony atmosfery, wyprowadzone z wyników wieloletnich badań wnioski i opracowane metody obliczeń są uniwersalne dla całej gamy zagadnień z zakresu ochrony środowiska.
Effective control of each project provides for the optimum address use of investments with a maximally attainable effect. In the environment protection activity the discussion deals with the effect of the sanitation of air, water and soil. The scales of sanitation can relate to the urban or agricultural territory, the landscapes and the places of leisure and treatment of people. Three groups of factors, which determine the value of the ecological damage, usually are separated: the factors of perception, influence and state. In this case the indissoluble connection between these groups of factors usually only is proclaimed. The principles of energy-ecological analysis allowed the author, without disrupting traditional structure, to supplement with its new key group of factors, named the factors of reciprocal effect. These factors determine: the energy-ecological perfection of the environment protection technology, the technological level of industry, the stimulating (or vice versa - braking) action of legislation in the sphere of the protection of health and environment, the cultural and educational level of the populations, the economical stimulus of ecological activity, etc. On this basis the schematic of the mechanism of the ecological damage forma-tion as a result of anthropogenic destructive action on the environment was improved. This diagram provides that reduction in the unfavorable influence on nature and man is achieved not only by means of direct reduction in the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere from the group of the factors of influence. Through the factors of reciprocal effect into the process of the sanitation of the people living environment actively are implicated very factors of perception (level of the neutralization and utilization technology, the ecological education of population), and also factors of state (legislation and normative base, the economic stimulation of expenditures for ecology and the like.) The procedure of the determination of the economic equivalents of the natural damages, applied to environment, is in detail represented in the article (formulas (1)-(6), fig. 2). Particular damages then were series-connected in the procedure of the estimation of complex ecological damage (formulas (7)-(16)). To the task of the negative environmental effect minimization on scales of the territory in question as to any other optimization task, can be attached the regular form of the task of linear programming. In this case the actual nonlinearity of task does not have fundamental value. First, the bend of hyperspace in the version of nonlinear programming is a simple increase in the dimensionality of task. This, undoubtedly, reflects entire complexity of the physical, biological, economic and a social process, united under limitation system, but does not change the internal discrepancy of task itself. In the second place, in the time interval of the solution of the specific objec-tives of environment protection the linearization of the limitation function is not problematic. Errors appearing in this case are plotted in a general error in the method itself. In spite of the high reliability of the results of the functional-cost stage of energy-ecological optimization, it is necessary to warn against the absolute acceptance to the introduction of version with the maximum economic effect. The prospective technology is necessary for checking up scrupulously from the point of view of possible negative consequences in all in the most complicated image the connected planes of its influence. The decline of productivity of a technological line displaced in time, additional consumption of fuel, energy, air and reagents, passing pollution of other environments can be observed. All this can bring to nothing the achieved effect At a stage of definition of priority harmful substances computer methods give rather reliable result. But the establishment of sources of pollution and especially the feasibility report on nature protection technology still will long demand participation of alive engineering idea in this process.
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2005, Tom 7; 205-218
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zastosowanie laserów kaskadowych do wykrywania śladowych zanieczyszczeń gazowych atmosfery
Application of cascade lasers to detection and monitoring of trace contaminants in gas atmosphere
Miczuga, M.
Pietrzak, J.
Kopczyński, K.
Owczarek, R.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Mechaników Polskich
kwantowe lasery kaskadowe
wykrywanie zanieczyszczeń atmosfery
monitorowanie zanieczyszczeń atmosfery
ochrona środowiska
quantum cascade lasers
infrared radiation
detection of air pollutants
monitoring of the air pollutants
environment protection
Spektroskopowe systemy detekcji gazów, w których jako źródła promieniowania IR wykorzystuje się kwantowe lasery kaskadowe, są coraz powszechniej wykorzystywane do monitorowania poziomu zanieczyszczenia atmosfery gazami przemysłowymi. W pracy omówiono system wykrywania i monitorowania poziomu amoniaku w atmosferze. System charakteryzuje się dużą czułością umożliwiającą wykrywanie i monitorowanie amoniaku o stężeniu w powietrzu na poziomie pojedynczych ppb.
Spectroscopic gas detection systems, in which quantum cascade lasers are used as IR radiation sources, are increasingly being applied to monitoring the level of air pollution by industrial gases. These systems allow the detection and long-term monitoring of toxic gases in the atmosphere, the minimum concentration of which may be equal to a single ppt. The paper describes a system capable to detect and monitor the level of ammonia in the atmosphere. In this measuring system the advantages of a quantum cascade laser and spectroscopic detection methods are combined. Its main components are: a quantum cascade laser and a multipath cell. Operation of the system is exemplified by monitoring the natural level of ammonia in the ambient air. The paper presents the advantages of using cascade lasers in detection systems of gaseous pollutants. The first section discusses the construction of the system and presents the block diagram (Fig. 1). The second section contains the results of the studies of natural concentration of ammonia in the ambient air (Fig. 3). Based on these results, it was found that the system has a high sensitivity sufficient to detect a concentration of ammonia in the air at the level of individual ppb. It also allows continuous, long-term monitoring of the concentration of this gas in the air. The sensitivity of the system depends mainly on the optical path used in the multiple-pass cell and the power of the cascade laser beam.
Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola; 2014, R. 60, nr 9, 9; 679-681
Pojawia się w:
Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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