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Wykorzystanie metod badań audiometrycznych w identyfikacji dokuczliwości hałasowej mieszkańców
Using of research audiometry methods in identification of noise annoyance inhabitants
Paszkowski, W.
Data publikacji:
dokuczliwość hałasowa
jakość akustyczna środowiska
badania audiometryczne
noise annoyance
quality of acoustic environment
audiometry research
W artykule zaproponowano wykorzystanie metody skalowania głośności do identyfikacji i oceny dokuczliwości hałasowej mieszkańców narażonych na oddziaływanie hałasu drogowego. Opisano sposób przeprowadzenia badań audiometrycznych przy wykorzystaniu symulowanych sygnałów akustycznych źródeł dźwięku. Przedstawiono możliwości opisu zmiennych środowiska miejskiego o charakterze akustycznym i nieakustycznym za pomocą wskaźników. Wskazano na potrzebę budowy modelu jakości akustycznej środowiska z wykorzystaniem wskaźników środowiskowych i wyników badań audiometrycznych.
In the article there was proposed the use of method of loudness scaling to identify and evaluate the level of annoyance of people exposed to traffic noise. There was described the way of doing audiometric measurements with the use of simulated acoustic signal sources. There were also presented possibilities of description of urban environment variables, both of acoustic and non-acoustic nature, with the use of appropriate indicators. There was indicated the need of creation of a model of evaluation of acoustic quality of the environment with the use of environmental indicators and outcome of the audiometric measurement.
Systemy Wspomagania w Inżynierii Produkcji; 2015, 2 (11); 170-179
Pojawia się w:
Systemy Wspomagania w Inżynierii Produkcji
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ zjawiska maskowania na odczucie uciążliwości sygnałów impulsowych
Influence of the sound masking on the feeling of annoyance for impulsive signals
Kukulski, B.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
hałas impulsowy
maskowanie dźwięku
uciążliwość akustyczna
impulsive noise
sound masking
acoustic annoyance
Celem artykułu jest zbadanie typowych przykładów źródeł hałasu impulsowego generowanego w polu swobodnym oraz podjęcie próby określenia obiektywnego kryterium oceny poziomu tła akustycznego, przy którym dźwięk impulsowy przestaje być głównym źródłem uciążliwości akustycznej. Analizę uzupełniają wyniki testów odsłuchowych, polegających na subiektywnej ocenie uciążliwości akustycznej oraz ocenie skuteczności maskowania szumem badanych sygnałów.
The aim of the paper was to investigate the common examples of impulsive noise sources and an attempt to determine an objective criterion for assessing the level of background noise, at which the impulsive sounds are no longer a major source of acoustic nuisance. The analysis complemented by the results of the listening tests, consisting of subjective assessment of sound annoyance a and assessing the effectiveness of the masking the impulsive signals with a few examples of the noise.
Bezpieczeństwo Pracy : nauka i praktyka; 2016, 5; 14-16
Pojawia się w:
Bezpieczeństwo Pracy : nauka i praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ infradźwięków i hałasu o niskich częstotliwościach na człowieka – przegląd piśmiennictwa
The influence of infra- and low-frequency sound on human – a review of the literature
Pawlas, K.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
hałas niskoczęstotliwościowy
percepcja słuchowa
skutki zdrowotne
kryteria oceny
low-frequency noise
hearing perception
health effects
criteria for the assessment
Infradźwięki są naturalnym zjawiskiem w świecie, a hałas infradźwiękowy powszechnie występuje w pobliżu dróg komunikacyjnych i w środowisku miejskim. W ostatnich latach znacznie wzrosło zainteresowanie infradźwiękami, zarówno ze względu na rozwój technologii wytwarzających infradźwięki i rosnący odsetek populacji eksponowany na ten hałas, jak i licznych niejasności z nim związanych. Z fizycznego punktu widzenia infradźwięki niczym nie różnią się od dźwięków słyszalnych czy ultradźwięków. Są zmianami ciśnienia rozchodzącymi się w postaci fal akustycznych w środowisku materialnym: ciałach stałych, cieczach i gazach. W niniejszym artykule będą rozważane tylko dźwięki rozchodzące się w powietrzu. Podział fal dźwiękowych na infradźwięki, dźwięki słyszalne i ultradźwięki wynika z tradycji i ma swoje korzenie w historycznych już badaniach wrażliwości narządu słuchu w funkcji częstotliwości, gdy skalę dźwiękową, z uwagi na ówczesne możliwości aparatury generującej sygnały akustyczne, podzielono na dźwięki słyszalne od 20 do 20 000 Hz i dźwięki niewywołujące u człowieka wrażenia słuchowego. Zaliczenie dźwięków o częstotliwościach < 20 Hz do dźwięków niesłyszalnych było podyktowane także i tym, że badane osoby określały słyszenie dźwięków z tego zakresu, nie jako słyszenie tonów w „normalnym” sensie, lecz raczej jako odczucie „ucisku” w uszach czy dudnienie, buczenie, a ponadto sygnały o niskich częstotliwościach najpierw były odbierane przez receptory drgań (Moore 1999). Ponadto, zarówno w przypadku dźwięków < 20 Hz, jak i dźwięków > 20 000 Hz problemem były, ograniczone wówczas, technicznie możliwości wytworzenia dźwięków o pożądanych parametrach. Dźwięki o częstotliwości poniżej 20 Hz nazywa się infradźwiękami (w niektórych pracach za górną gra-nicę infradźwięków przyjęto częstotliwość 16 Hz), a dźwięki o częstotliwościach powyżej 20 000 Hz nazwano ultradźwiękami (w niektórych pracach za dolną granicę ultra-dźwięków przyjęto częstotliwość 16 000 Hz). Istnieje wiele źródeł emitujących dźwięki o częstotliwościach poza zakresem 20 ÷ 20 000 Hz zarówno naturalnych, jak i antropogenicznych.
Infrasound is traditionally defined as low-frequency sound that is inaudible. Infrasound is acoustic energy with a frequency below 16Hz or 20 Hz and both frequency limits are used. There is no agreement regarding a definition of infrasonic noise. According to Polish standard PN-N-01338:1986, noise whose spectrum consists of sounds with frequencies below 50 Hz is called infrasonic noise, but in literature the term low-frequency noise is more common and 250 Hz is usually considered its upper-frequency limit. Besides a natural origin sources of infrasound like volcanoes, tornados, snow avalanches or less intensive ones like sounds of some animals, etc., there are many human origin sources, e.g., air transport, heavy trucks, compressors, ventilation, air-conditioning systems and more recently wind farms. The latter are spreading as alternative renewable sources of energy. That is why interest in infrasound has recently in-creased. Infrasound, contrary to traditional opinion about its inaudibility, is perceived by our body through our hearing organ and perception via mechanoreceptors has been reported when the infrasound is sufficiently strong. Its audibility depends on the acoustic pressure level and re-quires a much higher level than in the conventional range (20 ÷ 20000 Hz). Infrasound at an extreme high level above 175 dB induces aural pain and could destroy the middle and inner ear (eardrum rupture occurs at 185 ÷ 190 dB). Exposure to infrasound induces temporary threshold shift of hearing. Data on permanent hearing effects are scarce and this problem requires further research. The vestibular organ seems to be sensitive. There are some studies reporting that exposure to infrasound elicits nystagmus (eye movements) from both animals and humans and can result in nausea and giddiness. Subjects exposed to infrasound at a high level (above 130 dB) have reported body vibration. In the region of 40 ÷ 80 Hz the lungs, and below 10 Hz the chest, head and abdomen are resonated. Some results on infrasound were the basis for acoustic weapons. The most prominent effect of infrasound is annoyance, especially in non-occupational exposure but extra-aural effects of exposure are very large in dependence of levels, frequency, circumstances and the subject’s sensitivity. The following have been reported: temporary changes in EEG, sleep disturbances, changes in the cardiovascular system and blood pressure, changes in the digestive and endocrine systems and many others. Tiredness, drowsiness, reduction in concentration ability and performance have been shown as well. Experiments with animals supported human results, however, summing up there are many inconsistencies between the results of different research centres. For over 25 years a team led by Alves-Pereira and Castelo Branco has published many papers on the vibroacoustic disease (VAD). According to their hypothesis exposure to low-frequency noise causes many pathological changes called VAD. The list of symptoms is long, starting with mood and behavioral abnormalities that are early findings related to stage 1 of VAD through in-creased irritability and aggressiveness, a tendency for isolation, depressions and decreased cogni-tive skills to psychiatric disorders, hemorrhages, ulcers, neurological problems, muscle pain and many others at VAD stage III. So far, nobody other than Alves-Pereira and Castelo Branco’s team has reported VAD. Therefore, their hypothesis seems to be original but controversial. Lack or scarcity of evidence should be filled by multicenter research based on scientific methods including epidemiological studies. Some problems with the effect of infrasound on human have resulted from the inconsistency in various authors’ measurements of low-frequency noise. There are some regulations related to infrasound and low-frequency noise, e.g., in Sweden, France, Russia, New Zealand and recently Poland. There is also a recommendation of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists for ceiling levels of infrasound in occupational settings. Besides, some countries established national criteria for low-frequency noise in the environment or indoors (Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, the UK, Sweden and Po-land). Summarizing, it should be emphasised that further research on the health effect of infrasound on human are necessary; especially the hypothesis of VAD should be investigated by multi-center research to be confirmed or refuted. Research should be performed using standardized methods of measurement and equipment. So nowadays to establish TLVs for low-frequency noise in occupational settings further research is necessary.
Podstawy i Metody Oceny Środowiska Pracy; 2009, 2 (60); 27-64
Pojawia się w:
Podstawy i Metody Oceny Środowiska Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Urban Noise Annoyance Between 2001 and 2013 : Study in a Romanian City
Popescu, D. I.
Moholea, I. F.
Morariu-Gligor, R. M.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
noise annoyance
urban noise
socio-acoustic survey
The paper presents results of three socio-acoustic surveys conducted in an interval of twelve years, between 2001 and 2013, in a large Romanian city, Cluj-Napoca. The purpose of the surveys was to assess the awareness of residents on urban noise and the extent to which the noise environment affects their everyday life, behavior and health. The surveys were conducted in 2001, 2009 and 2013. The questionnaire used in the first survey had 16 questions and it was verified prior to study through a pilot survey, being corrected and improved. For the second and the third study, the questionnaire was enriched with eight more questions, regarding essentially the description of the residential area, criteria for its selection and also awareness about the noise map of the city. The analysis of responses defines the main characteristics of the local pattern of annoyance and reaction of the urban population to the environmental noise.
Archives of Acoustics; 2013, 38, 2; 205-210
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Acoustics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Traffic Noise and its Impact on Wellness of the Residents in Sambalpur City – a Critical Analysis
Sahu, Alekh Kumar
Nayak, Satish Kumar
Mohanty, Chitta Ranjan
Pradhan, Prasanta Kumar
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
traffic noise
equivalent continuous noise level
noise exposure index
Noise is unwanted sound judged to be unpleasant, loud or disruptive to hearing. Like air pollution, noise pollution is one of the serious matters of concern in urban areas. Noise pollution occurs when noise level exceeds certain limit and has deleterious effects on human health and wellness. The major sources of noise pollution are industries, road traffic, railways, airplane traffic and social celebrations. The traffic noise is notably high in cities due to higher density of population, frequent movement of people, good transport system coupled with increasing numbers of vehicles (on road). In this work, the assessments of traffic noise in Sambalpur city is presented. Twelve important locations were chosen for the assessment. Noise contours were drawn to visualize the spreading of traffic noise into its surroundings. At the same time, the effect of noise pollution on wellness of the exposed people was studied. The study shows that the traffic noise level and its effects, are both in an alarming stage in the city.
Archives of Acoustics; 2021, 46, 2; 353-363
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Acoustics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Road, Tram and Aircraft Traffic Noise Annoyance Related to the Number of Noise Events and the Equivalent Sound Level
Felcyn, Jan
Ptak, Patrycja
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
noise annoyance
noise event
transportation noise
sound level
Noise mapping is based on long-term noise indicators, such as LN or LDEN. On the other hand, transportation intensity changes during a day (road traffic peak hours) or a year (more flights during holidays) and this variability is not reflected in single sound level values. We wanted to find out whether not only sound level but also the number of noise events is the factor influencing noise annoyance assessment. Ambisonic recordings of real traffic in a city were used. Road, tramway, and aircraft traffic were investigated and two factors were manipulated: the equivalent sound level value and the number of noise events. All stimuli were presented in an anechoic chamber. The results showed that sound level is always a statistically significant parameter while the number of events has an impact only for tramways and airplanes. Moreover, the difference is observed only between one or more subgroups, no matter what the sound level value was. For road traffic this relation was not found to be statistically significant. It was also shown that the existence of tramway bonus or airplane malus is linked with the number of noise events.
Archives of Acoustics; 2022, 47, 4; 457-467
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Acoustics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Qualification methods for assessment of annoyance of impulsive sounds
Metody kwalifikacji dźwięków impulsowych pod względem oceny ich uciążliwości
Kukulski, B.
Wszołek, T.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
impulsive noise
impulsive adjustment
noise annoyance
hałas impulsowy
korekcja impulsowa
uciążliwość hałasu
This paper presents the work on the problem of the qualification of impulsive sounds for applying the adequate value of impulsive adjustment. Impulsive events must be included in the assessment of noise in Poland. There is no agreement for using the objective methods that could qualify impulsive sounds on the basis of the measurable physical characteristics of the impulses. Moreover, the arbitrary classification includes only a few specified sources. The paper presents a review of the methods and criteńa for the qualification of the impulses and provides the results of applying these methods on a certain impulsive noise source - the collision of train cars.
W artykule zaprezentowano problem kwalifikacji dźwięków impulsowych w aspekcie wyznaczenia odpowiedniej wartości poprawki impulsowej. Uwzględnianie zjawisk impulsowych w ocenie hałasu środowiskowego jest w Polsce obowiązkowe. Jednakże nie ma jednej obiektywnej metody kwalifikacji impulsów na podstawie ich mierzalnych cech fizycznych. Co więcej, stosowane arbitralne metody obejmują jedynie kilka przypadków. W artykule dokonano przeglądu obowiązujących metod i kryteriów kwalifikacji dźwięków impulsowych, a także dokonano weryfikacji tych metod na przykładzie wybranego dźwięku impulsowego - zderzeń wagonów.
Mechanics and Control; 2014, 33, 3; 67-74
Pojawia się w:
Mechanics and Control
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Psychoacoustic metrics in the psychological diagnosis of noise annoyance
Radosz, Jan
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Poznańska. Instytut Mechaniki Stosowanej
miejsce pracy
Aim of the study was to asses noise annoyance in relation to psychoacoustic metrics of sound in an office environment. The Vienna Test System was used for this purpose. Virtual office acoustic environments were developed with sources of different psychoacoustic parameters (loudness, sharpness, fluctuation strength, roughness) but with a constant A-weighted sound pressure level of 55 dB - sound environment with conversations, sound environment with office equipment (computers, printers, telephones) and sound environment with all office noise sources together. The reference environment was a quiet office room with no additional noise sources. Recorded real noise sources were transferred to a virtual 3D sound environment and converted into binaural sound, which was then played back on headphones. During the exposure to each of the acoustic environments, the subjects performed the ALS test (work performance series) and COG test (measurement of attention and concentration) and then assessed the given environment using a questionnaire. The paper presents the results of the statistical analysis - despite different psychoacoustic metrics of office noise sources in the examined acoustic environments, no statistically significant differences were observed in the results of psychological tests.
Vibrations in Physical Systems; 2023, 34, 1; art. no. 2023101
Pojawia się w:
Vibrations in Physical Systems
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Proposed Methodology for the Annoyance Penalty of Amplitude Modulated Wind Turbine Noise
Makarewicz, Rufin
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
wind turbine noise
amplitude modulation.
Amplitude modulation increases the annoyance caused by wind turbine noise. One gets the improved annoyance when a penalty is added to the measured or calculated time-average sound level. The amplitude modulated wind turbine noise consists of pulses. Each of them could be characterized by the short time-average sound level and the modulation depth. The latter determines the pulse penalty. This paper shows how to calculate the improved annoyance of amplitude modulated wind turbine noise, when the short time-average sound level and the penalty for each pulse are known. A special case of identical pulses is discussed. The proposed methodology needs to be tested by research.
Archives of Acoustics; 2022, 47, 1; 125-128
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Acoustics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Noise Exposure and Job Stress – a Structural Equation Model in Textile Industries
Abbasi, Milad
Yazdanirad, Saeid
Mehri, Ahmad
Fallah Madvari, Rohollah
Alizadeh, Ahad
Ghaljahi, Maryam
Falahati, Mohsen
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
noise exposure
noise annoyance
noise sensitivity
job stress
job satisfaction
hearing protective devices
Noise exposure is one of the most important physical agents in the workplace which can induce job stress in several ways. The aim of this study was to model the interactions between independent and mediating variables and job stress using structural equation modeling. In this study, Weinstein’s noise sensitivity scale, noise annoyance questionnaire, Health and Safety Executive (HSE) job stress questionnaire and job satisfaction scale were used. To assess worker’s noise exposure, the 8-hours equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level (LAeq;8 h), was measured based on ISO 9612 (2009). To achieve the aims of study, the structural equation model was run using R software 3.4.1 and Cytoscape software 3.6.0. Based on the results, while there was a direct positive correlation of noise exposure on total job stress, there were also indirect positive effects through job satisfaction and noise sensitivity as mediator variables. Using hearing protective devices negatively affected total job stress through a direct pathway and an indirect pathway when job satisfaction was a mediator variable. Regarding the total effect of noise exposure and using hearing protection devices on job stress subscales, it can be concluded that noise exposure and using hearing protection devices had greatest effect on colleagues support and demand, respectively. It can be concluded that noise exposure and lack of hearing protective devices have a significant positive effect on job stress among workers of a textile industry. In addition to the direct effect, this factor can induce job stress through noise sensitivity, job satisfaction and noise annoyance. Therefore, measures which can decrease any of the mentioned factors, also can alleviate job stress.
Archives of Acoustics; 2020, 45, 4; 601-611
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Acoustics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Noise Annoyance Caused by Amplitude Modulated Sounds Resembling the Main Characteristics of Temporal Wind Turbine Noise
Hafke-Dys, H.
Preis, A.
Kaczmarek, T.
Biniakowski, A.
Kleka, P.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
wind turbines amplitude modulation
noise annoyance
modulacja amplitudy turbin wiatrowych
uciążliwości hałasu
Annoyance ratings for artificially created noises, resembling the main characteristics of temporal wind turbine noise, were studied by means of a listening experiment involving 21 participants with normal hearing. Three types of stimuli were examined: broadband noise (−4 dB/octave), noise generated by moving cars, and narrowband noise. All stimuli had the sound level fluctuations typical for wind turbine noise. The magnitude of the sound level fluctuations was measured in a quantitative way, by using the characteristics of amplitude modulated sound: modulation rate and modulation depth. Our aim was to examine how the modulation rate and the modulation depth influence the noise annoyance assessment of broadband and narrowband amplitude modulated noises. Three different modulation rates, 1, 2 and 4 Hz, and sound level fluctuations (a measure of the modulation depth), 3, 6, 9 dB, were applied to each type of stimuli (with exception of noise generated by the moving cars) and investigated. The participants in the listening experiment were presented with sound stimuli in laboratory conditions and asked to rate their annoyance on a numerical scale. The results have shown a significant difference between the investigated conditions. The effect was particularly strong between the annoyance judgments of different types of noise (narrow and broadband), and modulated versus unmodulated noises. Temporal fluctuations occurring in wind turbine noise are very pertinent to the perception of annoyance and could be responsible for its being a relatively annoying noise source. The obtained results were discussed and compared to the typical modulation rates and level changes that occur in recordings of real wind turbine noise.
Archives of Acoustics; 2016, 41, 2; 221-232
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Acoustics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Monitoring the Reaction and Response of People to Urban Noise
Popescu, D. I.
Moholea, I. F.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
urban noise
noise pollution
noise annoyance
social survey
An important aspect in assessing noise in urban agglomerations is the subjective one, which takes into account the sensitivity and specific reactions of residents to the noise in their living environment. This paper presents results of a sociological study initiated to determine the population awareness, regarding the urban acoustic environment and estimation of effects and disturbance. The survey was conducted in a Romanian city, to complement the information provided by the strategic noise map of the area. This approach allows the estimation of specific local patterns of reaction and response to urban noise of the exposed population and provides the information, needed to develop action plans and to set proper solutions for urban area planning.
Archives of Acoustics; 2010, 35, 2; 237-244
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Acoustics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evaluation of sound quality features on environmental noise effects - a case study applied to road traffic noise
Paszkowski, W.
Kotus, J.
Poremski, T.
Kostek, B.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
sound quality
traffic noise
The paper shows a study on the relationship between noise measures and sound quality (SQ) features that are related to annoyance caused by the traffic noise. First, a methodology to perform analyses related to the traffic noise annoyance is described including references to parameters of the assessment of road noise sources. Next, the measurement setup, location and results are presented along with the derived sound quality features. Then, statistical analyses are performed to compare the measurement results and sound quality features. The included conclusions are focused on showing that the obtained loudness values, regardless of the used system, are similar in a statistical sense. Contrarily, sharpness, roughness and fluctuation strength values differ for the tools employed.
Metrology and Measurement Systems; 2018, 25, 3; 517-531
Pojawia się w:
Metrology and Measurement Systems
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evaluation of annoyance from the wind turbine noise: A pilot study
Pawlaczyk-Łuszczyńska, Małgorzata
Dudarewicz, Adam
Zaborowski, Kamil
Zamojska-Daniszewska, Małgorzata
Waszkowska, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
wind turbines
health effects
Objectives: The overall aim of this study was to evaluate the perception of and annoyance due to the noise from wind turbines in populated areas of Poland. Material and Methods: The study group comprised 156 subjects. All subjects were asked to fill in a questionnaire developed to enable evaluation of their living conditions, including prevalence of annoyance due to the noise from wind turbines and the self-assessment of physical health and well-being. In addition, current mental health status of the respondents was assessed using Goldberg General Health Questionnaire GHQ-12. For areas where the respondents lived, A-weighted sound pressure levels (SPLs) were calculated as the sum of the contributions from the wind power plants in the specific area. Results: It has been shown that the wind turbine noise at the calculated A-weighted SPL of 30-48 dB was noticed outdoors by 60.3% of the respondents. This noise was perceived as annoying outdoors by 33.3% of the respondents, while indoors by 20.5% of them. The odds ratio of being annoyed outdoors by the wind turbine noise increased along with increasing SPLs (OR = 2.1; 95% CI: 1.22-3.62). The subjects' attitude to wind turbines in general and sensitivity to landscape littering was found to have significant impact on the perceived annoyance. About 63% of variance in outdoors annoyance assessment might be explained by the noise level, general attitude to wind turbines and sensitivity to landscape littering. Conclusions: Before firm conclusions can be drawn further studies are needed, including a larger number of respondents with different living environments (i.e., dissimilar terrain, different urbanization and road traffic intensity).
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2014, 27, 3; 364-388
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evaluating an 80 Hz tonal noise from a hydropower plant
Wallner, Peter
Hutter, Hans-Peter
Moshammer, Hanns
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
tonal noise
hydropower plant
noise annoyance
public health evaluation
community-based prevention
low frequency noise
A pumped storage power plant produces significant noise such that adjacent areas were deemed uninhabitable for the local population. In recent years, the population in the area has increased, and the noise levels are now causing significant distress to the local population. The company operating the power plant and a citizens’ initiative have both commissioned noise measurements. The measurements showed that the continuous pump noise was audible over many kilometers. The A-weighted sound-pressure level of 50 dBA at the next residential area underestimates the perceived noise, given the clear tonal nature in the low frequency range. Interviews of the exposed population, together with detailed “annoyance diaries” by a sample of the residents, proved their high level of annoyance. Their reported observations on distress and sleep disturbances coincide with the time course of the pumping operation. The pumping noise leads to annoyance in a large area, and to considerable nuisance in a smaller one. For the most exposed homes, long-term exposure might be considered a health hazard due to stress and disturbances in sleep quality. Therefore, the operator committed to developing a technical noise control plan. This case shows that a scientific approach within a complex environmental noise problem can foster an agreement about noise protection measures. However, this can only be successful if all involved parties participate in the process. Pilot studies are underway to test the impact of damping material layers on the pipes, the housing of the pipes, and the kind of air vessel solutions between the pumps and the pipes. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2019;32(3):401–11
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2019, 32, 3; 401-411
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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