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Integrated character of information technology and educational space
Osmańska-Furmanek, Wielisława
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
educational space
information technologies
network communication
network communities
lifelong education
distance education
Influence that information and communication technologies exert forces changes on educational system and at the same time education is searching for new, modern and innovative solutions. Integration processes that go along with this are additional force that makes responding to new challenges inevitable. It is impossible for each citizen to create his/her own, well-formed knowledge and to take responsibility for this activity without a fundamental change in education system, e.g. without resigning from teaching in aid of developing learning processes and shaping the ability to absorb future technologies. The article presents pedagogical and social aspects of changes which take place in the area of information technologies and influence they exert on extending the man's educational space both internal and external one. It touches on issues related to penetration of mediated space and cyberspace into it and formation of new forms and methods of communication.
The New Educational Review; 2003, 1; 189-196
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Multimedia and network as grounds for social communication
Furmanek, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
information society
network communities
information technologies
information transfer
network communication
multimedia message
The article presents the role a multimedia message plays in social, computer mediated communication. This kind of communication is a dominating one in information civilization, which creates societies of knowledge, information and communication. Information technologies and their product - multimedia (understood as programming tools and multimedia message) raised possibilities of building a new, multimedia form of information transfer which enables to pass on information in a way that is most friendly and useful for a recipient but at the same time it creates a danger of information distortions if the rules of its construction are unknown. Multimedia message is characterized by frequent exchange of a sender (a message creator) role with a recipient (a code reader) role. This is caused by changeability of context and possibility of changing information structure in the process of interaction. Due to this transformation, it is difficult to place a multimedia message within a classic model of information transfer. The study presents the place a multimedia message occupies in the process of social, computer mediated communication. It emphasizes the necessity for shaping new, communicative competences that would allow to communicate effectively both within the network and via it. These new, communicative competences are understanding sent messages and creating own ones in a way that enables their proper interpretation.
The New Educational Review; 2003, 1; 179-188
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
...jak dorożkarz, ...jak szewc, czym świat stoi – kląć. O wulgaryzacji polszczyzny i jej antypedagogicznej obecności w mediach
Pacuła, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Polish language
media pedagogy
network communities
pedagogika mediów
społeczności internetowe
The article refers to the vulgarization of the Polish language. The author presents the results of statistical surveys while referring to the linguistic and pedagogic issues. It was also suggested that the constant growth of vulga-risms, insults and curses was proportional to an universal access and use of media (particularly in the electronic communication).
Artykuł dotyczy wulgaryzacji polszczyzny. Autor prezentuje wyniki badań statystycznych odnoszących się do zagadnienia, umieszczając je na tle roz-ważań językoznawczych i pedagogicznych. W tekście zwrócono uwagę na fakt, że ciągły wzrost wulgaryzmów, wyzwisk i przekleństw w języku jest proporcjonal-ny względem coraz powszechniejszego dostępu do mediów i korzystania z nich (szczególnie w zakresie komunikacji elektronicznej).
Konteksty Pedagogiczne; 2018, 2, 11; 179-196
Pojawia się w:
Konteksty Pedagogiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Application of Social Network Analysis to the Investigation of Interpersonal Connections
Mincer, M.
Niewiadomska-Szynkiewicz, E.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Łączności - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
centrality measures
communities detection
social network
social network analysis
Social network analysis (SNA) is an important and valuable tool for knowledge extraction from massive and unstructured data. Social network provides a powerful abstraction of the structure and dynamics of diverse kinds of interpersonal connection and interaction. In this paper, we address issues associated with the application of SNA to the investigation and analysis of social relationships of people. We provide a brief introduction to representation and analysis of social networks, SNA models and methods. The main objective is to investigate the application of SNA techniques to data mining in case of two social networks Facebook and Twitter. The presented simulations illustrate how social analysis can be used to determine the interpersonal connections, importance of actors in a given social network and detect communities of people. We then discuss strength and weakness of SNA techniques.
Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology; 2012, 2; 83-91
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Information and Fears around Decision Making International Migration from Hungary
Koudela, Pal
Yoo, Jinil
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne
virtual communities
network migration
International Migration
chain migration
community values
Social distances are shortening in contemporary European Union by easier and cheaper travelling, increasing language skills and as a consequence, migration rates are growing. On the other hand, despite the spreading of virtual communities, participation and activity in these communities has become more and more common in our everyday life but civic publicity is still not a part of the discourse thus it cannot have any influence on migration related decisions. Moreover, virtual communities cannot give real integrity in every aspect. We researched migration outflows from Hungary with university communities to find out whether a personal connection or a stronger cohesion could result a shift in influential mechanism of information on human attitudes. Chain migration is motivated by many reasons and in our viewpoint gathering more information about possibilities and other circumstances of migration is not enough to extend the limits on emotional level. These fears would mean the limitation of migration potential and the possibility of further growth in the future.
Polish Sociological Review; 2015, 189, 1; 29-45
Pojawia się w:
Polish Sociological Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Experience of the Creation of Educational IT Space of the Region
Khivrych, Valentyna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Internet portal
regional educational network
informative web- resources
virtual educational communities
The article deals with the modern approaches to the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process, extracurricular activities and management at the regional level in order to enhance the creative potential of students, teachers and administrators. The article has described the conceptual bases of creating an information-educational environment of the region as a platform for information and achievement exchange between educators and the administration of the region. It specifies the technology of implementing the content and tech- nology component of the information-educational environment of the region and its main functional components. We suggest the implementation model of the effective management of educational institutions in the form of a unified system for collecting, processing and storing valid statistical and operational information on the activities of pre-school, comprehensive educational institutions and territorial units of education management (in districts and cities). The article has described the integrated tools and technologies that are designed to ensure the educational needs of both students and teachers. We also suggest the model of a single control center for the information-educational environment of the region that organizes support for its exploitation and development.
International Journal of Research in E-learning IJREL; 2015, 1, 2; 70-85
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Research in E-learning IJREL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Social Internet of Things
Geetha, S.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Benefits and examples of social internet of things
Gateways and objects
Internet of things
Social communities of smart object
Social network
The main objectives of social internet of things is to separate the two levels of people and things to allow objects to have their own socail network, to allow humans to impose rules to protect their privacy and only access the result of autonomous inter- object interactions occouring on the object’s social network. Smart object will not make a difference, but social objects will make it. The main contributions is to identify the apporiate policies for the establishment and the management of social relationsship between objects. To describe a possible architecure for the internet of things that includes the functionalities to intergrate things into socail network.
World Scientific News; 2016, 41; 62-67
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Organizational network management - new quality in strategic management of research-development units
Zarządzanie siecią organizacyjną - nowa jakość w strategicznym zarządzaniu jednostkami badawczo-rozwojowymi
Bilecka, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Lotnictwa
intellectual capital
organizational networks
social network analysis
human resources management
marketing strategies
data visualization new marketing communities
kapitał intelektualny
sieci organizacyjne
analiza sieci społecznych
zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi
strategie marketingowe
wizualizacja danych
nowe społeczności marketingowe
Market organizations apply multi-channel communication with clients, analyse and use signals from the clients and their knowledge of their ecosystem to support the development of products and services. Leading companies manage relations with employees in a similar way. This is particularly beneficial in organizations employing knowledge-workers. Employees, carrying out their tasks, as a result of interaction with clients and internal limitations, along with formal organizational structure spontaneously create a “fast reaction” network. Thanks to the analysis of the network of internal relations and visualization of data in online platforms organizations can investigate the methods of work and cooperation of teams and employees’ behaviours. Organizational Network Analysis (ONA) is a new field, which provides strategic knowledge – about cooperation in an organization, the role of its units and particular employees, allocation of resources, relational potential and barriers for development. Visualization of the network of relations provided to employees online allows them to learn about the organization and carry out their tasks, providing them with, among others, information about persons with similar knowledge, or knowledge necessary for the employees, about cooperation of people and teams, flow of information, knowledge, decisions. The analysis of organizational networks serves the purpose of diagnosing an organization and conducting continuous HR processes, e.g. codification of knowledge, identification of talents, organization of trainings and development, it delivers data for the decision-making process and communication and knowledge management. Using the example of the Polish participatory platform „Mapa organizacji” (Organization map) the author shows how you can collect and use analytical data for the purpose of managing talents of an organization in an optimum way. The platform collects data concerning the formal structure such as: membership in an organizational unit, position, level in the hierarchy, reporting lines, experience, location of workplace. Every participant is asked about the relations of cooperation, flow of knowledge and/or decisions. Thanks to the analysis and visualization of this data, in a network you can highlight employees with various profiles e.g. sources of field knowledge, organizational and project talents, brokers of information, opinion leaders, or e.g. various styles of functioning of managers. Observing and measuring cooperation within teams and between them it is possible to plan and monitor the effects of activities facilitating communication and cooperation and to efficiently manage knowledge and change e.g. locating and breaking down silos. The application allows business owners and HR teams to conduct the processes of “soft HR” with the use of analytical data, among others: induction of new employees, launching internal mobility, recruitment and succession, identifying employees who could potentially drop out, internal trainers and mentors, organizing internal trainings, developing cooperation where it’s missing and reducing its excess, building communities of practice and project teams. Organizational network management makes it much easier for companies and heads of R&D departments to build a culture of openness and knowledge sharing, to develop creativity and innovativeness and improving the flexibility of the organization.
Organizacje rynkowe stosują wielokanałową komunikację z klientami, analizują i wykorzystują sygnały od klientów oraz wiedzę swojego ekosystemu, aby wspierać rozwój produktów i usług. Podobnie wiodące firmy zarządzają relacjami z pracownikami. Jest to szczególnie korzystne w organizacjach zatrudniających pracowników wiedzy. Pracownicy realizując cele, wskutek interakcji z klientami i wewnętrznych ograniczeń, obok formalnej struktury organizacyjnej tworzą spontanicznie sieć „szybkiego reagowania”. Dzięki analizie sieci wewnętrznych relacji i wizualizacji danych w platformach on-line organizacje mogą badać sposoby pracy i współpracy zespołów oraz zachowania pracowników. Analiza sieci organizacyjnych (ONA – Organizational Network Analysis) to nowa dziedzina, która dostarcza strategiczną wiedzę – o współpracy w organizacji, roli jej jednostek i poszczególnych pracowników, alokacji zasobów, potencjale relacyjnym i barierach rozwoju. Wizualizacja sieci relacji udostępniona on-line pracownikom ułatwia im poznanie organizacji i realizację zadań, dostarczając informacje o osobach o podobnej lub potrzebnej pracownikom wiedzy, współpracy ludzi i zespołów, przepływie informacji, wiedzy, decyzji. Analiza sieci organizacyjnych służy diagnozie organizacji i prowadzeniu stałych procesów HR np. kodyfikacji wiedzy, identyfikacji talentów, organizacji szkoleń i rozwoju, dostarczanych do podejmowania decyzji oraz zarządzania komunikacją i wiedzą. Na przykładzie polskiej partycypacyjnej platformy „Mapa organizacji” autorka pokazuje, jak można gromadzić i wykorzystywać analityczne dane w celu optymalnego zarządzania talentami w organizacji. Do platformy zaczytywane są dane o formalnej strukturze takie jak; przynależność do jednostki organizacyjnej, stanowisko, poziom w hierarchii, podległość służbowa, staż, lokalizacja miejsca pracy. Każdemu uczestnikowi zadawane są pytania o relacje współpracy, przepływu wiedzy i/lub decyzji. Dzięki analizie i wizualizacji tych danych, w sieci można wskazać pracowników o różnych profilach np. źródła wiedzy dziedzinowej, talenty organizacyjne i projektowe, brokerów informacji, liderów opinii lub np. różne style funkcjonowania menedżerów. Obserwując i mierząc współpracę w zespołach i pomiędzy nimi można planować i monitorować efekty działań usprawniających komunikację i współpracę oraz skutecznie zarządzać wiedzą i zmianą np. lokalizować i neutralizować silosy. Aplikacja pozwala właścicielom biznesowym i zespołom HR prowadzić procesy tzw. „miękkiego HR” z wykorzystaniem analitycznych danych wdrażać do pracy nowych pracowników, uruchamiać wewnętrzną mobilność, rekrutację i sukcesje, identyfikować pracowników potencjalnie zagrożonych odejściem, trenerów wewnętrznych i mentorów, organizować szkolenia wewnętrzne, rozwijać współpracę tam gdzie jej brak i ograniczać jej nadmiar, budować communities of practice i zespoły projektowe. Zarządzanie siecią organizacyjną znacznie ułatwia przedsiębiorstwom i szefom działów R&D budowanie kultury otwartości i dzielenia się wiedzą, rozwijanie kreatywności i innowacyjności oraz poprawę elastyczności organizacji.
Marketing Instytucji Naukowych i Badawczych; 2018, 1(27); 1-24
Pojawia się w:
Marketing Instytucji Naukowych i Badawczych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sieci współpracy i samokształcenia nauczycieli – pozory zmiany czy przestrzeń możliwości rozwoju kultury szkoły i jej uczestników
Ewa, Filipiak,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
learning in the zone of proximal development
transformative learning
learning by expanding
networks of learning professionals
collective teacher’s professionalism
strategies and tools for learning about the teacher in the network
collaborative learning in professional communities
Setting up cooperation and teachers’ self-education networking  has been determined by a top-down regulation of the Minister of Education. It seems that in the course of implementation activities, legislative and administrative interventions related to this recommendation, one has lost the thinking of the nature and special characteristics of this type of learning and knowledge. The article analyses the special features of the collective learning process, and presents the fundamental theories constituting the interpretive and paradigmatic framework for the learning interpreted in such a way: Lev S.Vygotski’s cultural-historical theory, Jerome S. Bruner’s socio-cultural theory, Yrjö Engeström’s expansive learning theory and learning by expanding, Jack Mezirow’s  transformative learning, Etienne Wenger’s situated learning theory and Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger’s community of practice concept, a participant of “teaching conversation”, the specific tools and strategies necessary to equip the cognitive box with teachers’ tools, have been selected and characterised. An example of a network of learning professionals  is shown. In conclusion, one highlights the apparent activities of the created networks, projecting a certain understanding and instrumental understanding of the practice on practitioners, which hinders Bruner’’s challenge of transforming the school into a culture of learning communities.
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny; 2019, 64(1(251)); 33-46
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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