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Kaplica Borzewskich na cmentarzu w Oborach. Przykład budowli grobowej inspirowanej twórczością Friedricha Augusta Stülera
The Borzewski family chapel at the cemetery in Obory. An example of a tomb building inspired by the works of Friedrich August Stüler
Wiraszka, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
kaplica Borzewskich
Friedrich August Stüler
Borzewski family chapel
Przedmiotem analizy jest kaplica grobowa Borzewskich, którą wzniósł w 1863 r. na cmentarzu w Oborach (woj. kujawsko-pomorskie, pow. golubsko-dobrzyński, gm. Zbójno) ówczesny dziedzic Ugoszcza, Zdzisław Borzewski. Architektura budowli, której projektant jest nieznany, wykazuje związki ze współczesnymi realizacjami czołowych berlińskich architektów połowy XIX w. Jej fasada stanowi powtórzenie kruchty kościoła luterańskiego św. Jana Chrzciciela w berlińskiej dzielnicy Moabit (F.A. Stüler, 1851-1857), a obramienia okien w elewacjach bocznych są łudząco podobne do oprawy architektonicznej głównego wejścia do budynku przy Victoriastraße 6 w Berlinie (G.F. Hitzig, 1855-1859).
The subject of the analysis is the grave chapel of the Borzewski family, which was erected in 1863 at the cemetery in Obory (Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship, Golub-Dobrzyń county, Zbójno commune), by the then heir of Ugoszcz, Zdzisław Borzewski. The architecture of the building, the designer of which is unknown, shows resemblance to contemporary projects of leading Berlin architects of the mid-nineteenth century. Its façade is a replica of the porch of the Lutheran Church of St. John the Baptist in the Berlin district of Moabit (F.A. Stüler, 1851-1857), and the window frames in the side elevations are deceptively similar to the architectural setting of the main entrance of the building at Victoriastraße 6 in Berlin (G.F. Hitzig, 1855-1859).
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne; 2020, 27, 2; 169-180
Pojawia się w:
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ze studiów nad recepcją problemów architektury między neoklasycyzmem i historyzmem w sztuce krajów nordyckich XIX wieku
The studies on reception of architectural problems between neoclassicism and historicism in the art of Nordic countries in the 19th century
Tołłoczko, T.
Tołłoczko, Z.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
historia architektury
narodowy romantyzm
history of architecture
national romanticism
Celem zaprezentowanego w tym miejscu eseju jest zapoznanie czytelnika polskiego z, niestety niedocenianą nadal, architekturą krajów skandynawskich i Finlandii w dziewiętnastym stuleciu. Podstawową trudnością niniejszego opracowania pozostaje nader skromna, wręcz uboga, baza źródłowa w literaturze polskiej o neoklasycyzmie, historyzmie i eklektyzmie w tym regionie północnej Europy. Tym problemem interesował się niegdyś Piotr Krakowski, współtwórca, wraz z Zofią Ostrowską-Kębłowską, podwalin wiedzy na temat środkowoeuropejskiego historyzmu i eklektyzmu. Przedmiotowy esej jest przeto hołdem złożonym pamięci Profesora Piotra Krakowskiego, który onegdaj zachęcił niżej podpisanych autorów do wypełnienia znaczącego naukowego niedostatku wiedzy o architekturze tego obszaru kultury europejskiej.
The aim of this essay is acquainting the Polish leader with the still not sufficiently appreciated architecture of the Scandinavian countries and Finland in the nineteenth century. The basic diffi culty in this study has been an extremely limited, not to say poor, resource base in Polish literature concerning neo-classicism, historicism and eclecticism in that region of northern Europe. The problem was once of interest to Piotr Krakowski who, together with Zofi a Ostrowska-Kębłowska, created the foundations of knowledge concerning the centralEuropean historicism and eclecticism. The current essay is therefore a homage paid to the memory of Professor Piotr Krakowski who once encouraged the authors of this article to fi ll in the signifi cant scientifi c gap in the knowledge regarding architecture of this area of European culture.
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie; 2012, 32; 7-30
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kadyńscy malarze na ceramice
Cadinen painters on ceramics
Pospieszna, B.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Ceramiki i Materiałów Budowlanych
przemysł artystyczny Hohenzollernów
majolika kadyńska
wyroby neorenesansowe
Heydel Paul
Seeber Karl Andreas
Hohenzollern industrial art
Cadinen majolica
neo-Renaissance wares
W artykule przedstawiono historię artystycznego warsztatu majoliki i terakoty, założonego w 1904 r. w Kadynach, nad Zalewem Wiślanym przez Wilhelma II. Autorka omówiła główne tendencje występujące w twórczości ceramicznej i malarskiej oraz ich ewolucję do lat 20. XX w. Przedstawiła także sylwetki najwybitniejszych malarzy na ceramice związanych z Kadynami.
This article presents the history of artistic majolica and terracotta workshop, founded in 1904 in Kadyny, on the Vistula Lagoon by Wilhelm II. The author discussed the main trends in ceramic art and painting and their evolution up to the 20' Twentieth century also made silhouettes of the greatest painters on ceramics associated with Kadyny.
Szkło i Ceramika; 2013, R. 64, nr 4, 4; 18-21
Pojawia się w:
Szkło i Ceramika
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kostium francuski w architekturze XIX wieku i jego recepcja na ziemiach Polski na przykładzie pałaców w Świerklańcu i Kronenberga w Warszawie
French costume in architecture of the 19th century and its reception in Poland on examples of the palaces in Świerklaniec and of the Kronenbergs in Warsaw
Tołłoczko, Z.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
Górny Śląsk
konserwacja zabytków
kostium francuski
Upper Silesia
monument conservation
French costume
Niniejszy esej jest poświęcony kolejnym egzemplifi kacjom barbarzyństwa, które przyniosła II wojna światowa i jej pokłosie, czyniąc nieodwracalne skutki nie tylko w polskim, ale i europejskim dziedzictwie architektonicznym. Przedmiotem rozważań jest osobliwie, nieistniejący niestety pałac w Świerklańcu (Neudeck) oraz pałac L. Kronenberga w Warszawie. Obydwa nie egzystujące obecnie zabytki kostiumu francuskiego w architekturze historyzmu i eklektyzmu drugiej połowy XIX wieku łączą nie tylko analogie i powinowactwa stylowe, ale również fascynująca historia z burzliwych dziejów Europy Środkowej i jej kultury.
This essay is devoted to subsequent exemplifi cations of barbarism that was brought by World War II and its aftermath, wreaking irrevocable damage in not merely Polish but also European architectonic heritage. The subject of discussion is, surprisingly, the no longer existing palace in Świerklaniec (Neudeck) and the palace of L. Kronenberg in Warsaw. Both non-existent monuments of the French costume in the architecture of historicism and eclecticism of the second half of the 19th century are linked not only by stylistic analogies and relationships, but also the fascinating history of the turbulent times in Central Europe and its culture.
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie; 2016, 48; 106-118
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Królewiec i Prusy Królewskie w życiu i twórczości Jana Kochanowskiego
Awianowicz, Bartosz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Jan Kochanowski, Georg Sabinus, Königsberg, Ducal Prussia, Royal Prussia, Neo-Latin Poetry, Renaissance Polish Poetry
Königsberg and Prussia in Life and Works of Jan KochanowskiResearchers interested in Jan Kochanowski have paid little attention to the impact of German Humanism – as represented in Königsberg – on both the writing and the life of the poet. The aim of this article is: first, to present literary sources testifying to the poet’s stay in the capital of the Duchy of Prussia and his contacts with Prince Albert von Hohenzollern and humanists from the Albertina University; and second, to discuss Kochanowski’s view of Prussia (both Royal Prussia and the Duchy of Prussia) in his poems, and the possible influences of Georg Sabinus upon the Polish poet’s works. So far the connections of the Polish poet with Königsberg University (Albertina) and the court of the Prussian prince (actually duke) Albert Hohenzollern have been researched in the majority by Stanisław Kot, to whom we owe the publication of Kochanowski’s letter to the prince and his reply, and Janusz Małłek, who has verified Kot’s intuitional remarks using sources from the Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz in Berlin, but only from an historian’s biographical perspective.   Kochanowski went to Königsberg for the first time in summer or autumn 1551 and stayed until the following spring. He returned for a second visit in spring 1555 and remained at least until mid-1556. The Polish poet’s second stay in the Prussian capital, especially, has been well documented thanks to Kochanowski’s autographed letter written to Prince Albert on April the 6th, 1556, and the prince’s reply dated April the 15th. Moreover, important information is recorded in the Prussian court’s expenditure accounts (Ausgabe-Bücher) from 1555 and 1556. These documents give explicit evidence of the Polish poet’s links with the ducal court. They also give implicit proof of his relations with humanists from the university (Georg Sabinus, the first rector of the Albertina) and the court. Of all Kochanowski’s works, the most important source for his feelings towards Prussia is his Proporzec albo Hołd pruski. He celebrates there the homage paid in 1569 to Sigismund Augustus by Albert Frederic (1553–1618), the son of Prince Albert, whom Kochanowski introduces as the very model of a good monarch: a virtuous, faithful and wise prince (v. 25–36). Whereas it is Royal Prussia itself that is praised by the poet in his Satyr albo dziki mąż (v. 85-90). Less known is the fact that Kochanowski’s poetry was influenced not only by Italian but also by German humanists: by the authors of handbooks of poetics and rhetoric such as Philipp Melanchthon or Joachim Camerarius, and especially by the poetry and theoretical treatises (e.g. Fabularum Ovidii interpretatio) of Georg Sabinus (1508–1560). The paper’s author concludes that the period (in total two years) which the young poet spent in the Duchy of Prussia was important for at least three reasons: the experiences gained at the court of Prince Albert definitely helped the poet in his further career as a courtier of Sigismund Augustus; ducal patronage helped Kochanowski in at least one trip to Italy; and the ducal library and acquaintance with Georg Sabinus obviously influenced the poetry (especially Latin poetry) of Jan of Czarnolas.
Terminus; 2014, 16, 1(30)
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ficino And Savonarola Two Faces of the Florence Renaissance
Gawrońska-Oramus, Beata
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Ficino; Savonarola; Pico della Mirandola; neo-Platonism; art; religion; Renaissance; republic; piagnoni; Apologia contra Savonarolam
The Polish version of the article was published in “Roczniki Humanistyczne,” vol. 61 (2013), issue 4. Analysis of the mutual relations between the main intellectual and spiritual authority of the Plato Academy—Marsilio Ficino on the one hand, and Girolamo Savonarola, whose activity was a reaction to the secularization of de Medici times on the other, and a thorough study of their argument that turned into a ruthless struggle, are possible on the basis of selected sources and studies of the subject. The most significant are the following: Savonarola, Prediche e scritti; Guida Spirituale—Vita Christiana; Apologetico: indole e natura dell'arte poetica; De contempt mundi as well as Ficino’s letters and Apologia contra Savonarolam; and also Giovanni Pica della Mirandoli’s De hominis dignitate. The two adversaries’ mutual relations were both surprisingly similar and contradictory. They both came from families of court doctors, which gave them access to broad knowledge of man’s nature that was available to doctors at those times and let them grow up in the circles of sophisticated Renaissance elites. Ficino lived in de Medicis' residences in Florence, and Savonarola in the palace belonging to d’Este family in Ferrara. Ficino eagerly used the benefits of such a situation, whereas Savonarola became an implacable enemy of the oligarchy that limited the citizens’ freedom they had at that time, and a determined supporter of the republic, to whose revival in Florence he contributed a lot. This situated them in opposing political camps. They were similarly educated and had broad intellectual horizons. They left impressive works of literature concerned with the domain of spirituality, philosophy, religion, literature and arts, and their texts contain fewer contradictions than it could be supposed. Being priests, they aimed at defending the Christian religion. Ficino wanted to reconcile the religious doctrine with the world of ancient philosophy and in order to do this he did a formidable work to make a translation of Plato’s works. He wanted to fish souls in the intellectual net of Plato’s philosophy and to convert them. And it is here that they differed from each other. Savonarola’s attitude towards the antiquity was hostile; he struggled for the purity of the Christian doctrine and for the simplicity of its followers’ lives. He called upon people to repent and convert. He first of all noticed an urgent need to deeply reform the Church, which led him to an immediate conflict with Pope Alexander VI Borgia. In accordance with the spirit of the era, he was interested in astrology and prepared accurate horoscopes. Savonarola rejected astrology, and he believed that God, like in the past, sends prophets to the believers. His sermons, which had an immense impact on the listeners, were based on prophetic visions, especially ones concerning the future of Florence, Italy and the Church. His moral authority and his predictions that came true, were one of the reasons why his influence increased so much that after the fall of the House of Medici he could be considered an informal head of the Republic of Florence. It was then that he carried out the strict reforms, whose part were the famous “Bonfires of the Vanities.” Ficino only seemingly passively observed the preacher’s work. Nevertheless, over the years a conflict arose between the two great personalities. It had the character of political struggle. It was accompanied by a rivalry for intellectual and spiritual influence, as well as by a deepening mutual hostility. Ficino expressed it in Apologia contra Savonarolam written soon after Savonarola’s tragic death; the monk was executed according to Alexander VI Borgia’s judgment. The sensible neo-Platonist did not hesitate to thank the Pope for liberating Florence from Savonarola’s influence and he called his opponent a demon and the antichrist deceiving the believers. How deep must the conflict have been since it led Ficino to formulating his thoughts in this way, and how must it have divided Florence's community? The dispute between the leading moralizers of those times must have caused anxiety in their contemporaries. Both the antagonists died within a year, one after the other, and their ideas had impact even long after their deaths, finding their reflection in the next century’s thought and arts. 
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2018, 66, 4 Selected Papers in English; 63-86
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Podróż do nowej Arkadii. Wizja Włoch w elegiach Klemensa Janicjusza
The Journey to the New Arcadia. The Picture of Italy in the Elegies by Klemens Janicjusz
Krzywy, Roman
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
New Arcadia
Klemens Janicjusz
neo-Latin poet
The author presents ways in which Klemens Janicjusz (Clemens Ianicius, 1516–1543), certainly the most significant neo-Latin poet of early Renaissance in Poland, constructs the image of Italy in his autobiographical cycles of elegies (Tristium liber unus, Variorum elegiarum liber unus). Janicjusz, born in the peasant family, could have studied at the University in Padua thanks to a scholarship funded by his patrons. He gave to Italy a status of an exceptional place that combines features typical of Arcadia (a mild climate, a humanfriendly nature, the unique customs of inhabitants) with the atmosphere favourable to scientists and artists (the place where Muses moved from Greece). The poet had to leave Padua because of his illness, which meant to him a kind of exile from the ideal land and made him aware that his dreams about artistic fame and completing his humanity would never realise.
Terminus; 2011, 13, 24; 87-100
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Hic liber libenter legitur in Polonia Mapping the popularity of the Zodiacus Vitae in Poland between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
Lepri, Valentina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Marcellus Palingenius Stellatus
literatura renesansowa
renesans włoski
Renaissance literature
Italian Renaissance
Choć Zodiacus vitae Marcellusa Palingeniusa Stellatusa był jedną z najbardziej sensacyjnych publikacji XVI stulecia, jego popularność w epoce renesansu nie stała się jeszcze przedmiotem wszechstronnych badań naukowych. Zatem celem niniejszego artykułu jest wypełnienie przynajmniej części tej luki poprzez prezentację popularności dzieła w szesnastowiecznej Polsce, gdzie pierwszego przekładu dokonał Mikołaj Rej. Faktem jest, że wielu innych wybitnych przedstawicieli kultury polskiego renesansu interesowało się Zodiacusem, na co znajdujemy liczne odwołania do tego dzieła, zarówno w utworach poetyckich, jak i traktatach filozoficznych. Ustrój ówczesnej Rzeczypospolitej oraz intensywne kontakty z niemieckimi i włoskimi uniwersytetami dają doskonałe pole do badań pogłębiających nasze rozumienie wpływu Zodiacusa na rozwój literatury i kultury pod koniec XVI i na początku XVII stulecia.
Marcellus Palingenius Stellatus’ Zodiacus vitae was one of the biggest editorial sensations of the sixteenth century, despite which its popularity in the Renaissance has not yet been the subject of a comprehensive study. The aim of this article is to partially fill that gap by addressing the circulation of the work in sixteenth-century Poland, where the first adaptation of the text into a language other than Latin was produced by the poet Mikołaj Rej. Indeed, several other illustrious exponents of Polish Renaissance culture were also interested in the Zodiacus and we can find references to it in both poetic works and in philosophical treatises. The particular political and social organisation of Poland at the time, and its intensive contacts with Italian and German universities, make it an excellent field of investigation for an understanding of the impact of the Zodiacus between the end of the sixteenth century and the beginning of the seventeenth.
Odrodzenie i Reformacja w Polsce; 2015, 59
Pojawia się w:
Odrodzenie i Reformacja w Polsce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Renesansowy poemat "Sarca" jako "aemulatio" z autorami antycznymi
Kowalczyk-Cantoro, Daria
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Pietro Bembo
Neo-Latin Literature
The aim of this article is to analyse the Renaissance poem Sarca, whose authorship is attributed to the Italian humanist Pietro Bembo, and to indicate the ancient inspirations of the work. The main model for the work is Carmen 64 by Catullus, although the author also refers to other Roman poets. The intertextual relations between Sarca and the hypotexts are presented on various levels. The analysis focuses on showing parallel elements of the setting and takes in consideration the few similarities at the linguistic and stylistic level. Genre-wise Sarca is classified as an epithalamium of an aythiological character. Its characteristics typical of the Renaissance era are also highlighted. The article also brings up the history of the poem and the topic of its attribution, presenting an extensive state of research.
Collectanea Philologica; 2021, 24; 141-153
Pojawia się w:
Collectanea Philologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Człowiek poczciwy w Źwierzyńcu Mikołaja Reja
The Good Man in Mikołaj Rej’s Źwierzyniec
Tyl, Marzena
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
renesansowa literatura ziemiańska
renaissance gentry literature
The author compares Mikołaj Rej’s Źwierzyniec and Żywot człowieka poczciwego on their thematic, philosophical, symbolical, and lexical levels. She points at the similar sources of anecdotes and written images. Two issues have been discussed: the hero’s (the good man’s) attitude to the village and steadfastness and moderation as two main virtues that characterize the gentry man and landowner. In the above two works the village is treated as a source of independence and safety, the values that make the nourishing of virtues possible. Rej teaches the reader of his parenthetic writings how to stay unmoved, how to be prepared for the turns of fortune, how to prevent the fall and be satisfied with one’s life, without trying to accomplish something unreal at any cost. Those who fail to have the virtue of steadfastness fall under harsh criticism. In the two works moderation is spoken of in similar terms. Rej, neo-stoic and proponent of the strict Protestant ethics, claims that well-being is the gift from God, estate is important when it is gained thanks to one’s own work. Being attached to it, however, does not take on the form of avarice and greed. Rej criticises those who become slaves of riches, and also those who suffer from scarcity because of their own laziness.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2008, 56, 1; 41-73
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Castiglionego i Górnickiego pochwała muzyki (na podstawie pierwszych ksiąg Il Cortigiano i Dworzanina polskiego)
Castiglione’s and Górnicki’s Praise for Music. (On the Basis of the First Books of Il Cortigiano and Dworzanin polski)
Wojtkowska-Maksymik, Marta
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
literatura renesansowa
renaissance literature
This paper is based on an analysis that compares some texts devoted to music taken from Łukasz Górnicki’s “Dworzanin polski” (1566) and Baldassarr Castiglione’s “Il libro del Cortigiano” (1528). The purpose of this comparison is to show the relationship of the works under study with the broad philosophical and literary tradition of the sixteenth century. It also seeks to answer the question about the function played by music and musical education in the image of a perfect courtier.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2008, 56, 1; 109-128
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ficino i Savonarola. Dwa oblicza florenckiego renesansu
Ficino and Savonarola. Two faces of the Florence Renaissance
Gawrońska-Oramus, Beata
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Pico della Mirandola
Apologia contra Savonarolam
Analysis of the mutual relations between the main intellectual and spiritual authority of the Plato Academy – Marsilio Ficino on the one hand, and Girolamo Savonarola, whose activity was a reaction to the secularization of the Medicean times on the other, and a thorough study of their argument that turned into a ruthless struggle, are possible on the basis of selected sources and studies of the subject. The most significant are the following: Savonarola, Prediche e scritti; Guida Spirituale – Vita Christiana; Apologetico: indole e natura dell’arte poetica; De contempt mundi as well as Ficino’s letters and Apologia contra Savonarolam; and also Giovanni Pica della Mirandoli’s De hominis dignitate. The two adversaries’ mutual relations assumed the shape of surprising similarities and contradictions. They both came from the families of court doctors, which gave them access to broad knowledge of man’s nature that was available to doctors at those times, and let them grow up in the circles of sophisticated Renaissance elites. Ficino lived in the Medici’s residences in Florence, and Savonarola in the palace belonging to the Este family in Ferrara. Ficino eagerly used the benefits of such a situation, whereas Savonarola became an implacable enemy of the oligarchy that limited the citizens’ freedom they had at that time, and a determined supporter of the republic, to whose revival in Florence he contributed a lot. This situated them in political camps that opposed each other. They were similarly educated and had broad intellectual horizons. They left impressive works of literature concerned with the domain of spirituality, philosophy, religion, literature and arts, and their texts contain fewer contradictions than it could be supposed. Being priests they aimed at defending the Christian religion. Ficino wanted to reconcile the religious doctrine with the world of ancient philosophy and in order to do this he did gigantic work to make a translation of Plato’s works. He wanted to fish souls in the intellectual net of Plato’s philosophy and to convert them. And it is here that they differed from each other. Savonarola’s attitude towards the antiquity was hostile; he struggled for the purity of the Christian doctrine and for the simplicity of its followers’ lives. He called upon people to repent and convert. He first of all noticed an urgent need to deeply reform the Chuch, which led him to an immediate conflict with Pope Alexander VI Borgia. In accordance with the spirit of the epoch he was interested in astrology and he cast accurate horoscopes. Savonarola rejected astrology, and he believed that God, like in the past, sends prophets to the believers. His sermons, that had an immense impact on the listeners, were based on prophetic visions, especially ones concerning the future of Florence, Italy and the Church. His moral authority and his predictions that came true, were one of the reasons why his influence increased so much that after the fall of the House of Medici he could be considered an informal head of the Republic of Florence. It was then that he carried out the strict reforms, whose part were the famous „Bonfires of the Vanities”. Seemingly Ficino passively observed the preacher’s work. Nevertheless over the years a conflict arose between the two great personalities. It had the character of a political struggle. It was accompanied by a rivalry for intellectual and spiritual influence, as well as by a deepening mutual hostility. Ficino expressed it in Apologia contra Savonarolam written soon after Savonarola’s tragic death; the monk was executed according to Alexander VI Borgia’s judgment. The sensible neo-Platonist had no hesitation in thanking the Pope for liberating Florence from Savonarola’s influence and he called his opponent a demon and the Antichrist deceiving the believers. How deep must the conflict have been since it led Ficino to formulating his thoughts in this way, and how must it have divided Florence’s community? The dispute between the leading moralizers of those times must have caused anxiety in their contemporaries. Both the antagonists died within a year, one after the other, and their ideas had impact even long after their deaths, finding their reflection in the next century’s thought and arts.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2013, 61, 4; 103-126
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pasja i antyk. Wawrzyńca Korwina (1465–1527) rozważania wielkanocne
Zawadzki, Robert K.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
literatura neolatynistyczna
poezja renesansowa
śmierć Boga
liturgia godzin
Neo-Latin literature
Renaissance poetry
death of the Lord
Liturgy of the Hours
The article is an attempt of interpretation of seven poems written by Wawrzyniec Korwin which were inserted in St. Bonaventura`s homilies and constitute forms of prayers to be said daily by Christians. The author analyses the artistic skill of the language used by the poet. His poems keep fascinating their readers because of their language, i.e. style as a system of remarkable pattern of linguistic elements and ancient metre.
Collectanea Philologica; 2021, 24; 155-171
Pojawia się w:
Collectanea Philologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Klemensa Janicjusza sztuka wymówki
Clemens Ianicius’ Art of the Recusatio
Buszewicz, Elwira
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
the recusatio in poetry
rhetorical strategies in poetry
neo-Latin elegy
Clemens Ianitius’ poetry
Piotr Kmita’s patronage
renaissance in Poland
Rhetorical strategy called the recusatio, starting from the rejection of the epic in the Hellenistic period, developed in diverse ways in Roman poetry (Tibullus, Vergil, Horace, Martial and others). It was often connected with the poet’s declaration of his literary interest, hierarchy or program. The author’s aim is to confront these topoi with Clemens Ianicius’ realization of this strategy in three elegies: Tristia III (Excusat Petro Cmitae, Viro Illustri, Patrono suo, silentium suum Patavinum…), Variae elegiae VI (Verecunde a Petro Cmita petit, ut ei ad Italica studia subsidio sit) and Variae elegiae XI (A Franciscano quodam rogatus, ut in Scotum quiddam scriberet, se illi excusat).
Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae; 2017, 27, 1; 103-120
Pojawia się w:
Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
I tre soggiorni a Padova di Stanisław Niegoszewski (1565-post 1600)
Stanisław Niegoszewski’s three sojourns in Padua (1565–post-1600)
Malinowski, Gościwit
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Late Renaissance
Polish prosopography
Polish-Italian relations
Polish literature
Neo-Latin studies
prosopografia polacca
relazioni Italia-Polonia
letteratura polacca
Stanisław Niegoszewski (1565-post-1600) was a prime example of a Renaissance man: he was a student at the universities of Krakow and Padua; a poet-improviser; an alchemist; a courtier of King Sigismund Vasa III; a diplomat; a devout follower of the Counter-Reformation; and a businessman. He divided his life between Poland and Italy, and his biography is known to us so fragmentarily that some scholars reconstruct his life based on instinct, assumptions, personal preference, or unfounded hypotheses. Henryk Barycz, the eminent scholar and author of entries in the Polish Biographical Dictionary, had divided the deeds and works of one Stanisław Niegoszewski into two different persons: “Stanisław Niegoszewski (Niegoszowski), coat of arms of Jastrzębiec (circa 1560-5 - circa 1588-90),” a student at the universities of Krakow and Padua and a poet-improviser, and “Stanisław Niegoszewski (Niegoszowski), coat of arms of Jastrzębiec (circa 1565-70 - after 1607),” an alchemist, courtier of King Sigismund Vasa III, diplomat, devout follower of the CounterReformation, and poet as well. Although Władysław Magnuszewski proved wrong Barycz’s theory about the existence of two Niegoszewskis nearly a half-century ago, the outdated theory is repeated by new generations of scholars again and again. This paper attempts to prove that all three sojourns in Padua of a certain Niegoszewski—as a student in 1582-1583, as an alchemist in 1585, and as a royal diplomat in 1594—belong to the same person. Based on new sources found in Italian archives and libraries in 2013, the biography of a single Stanisław Niegoszewski could be reconstructed with much more detail than before.
Stanisław Niegoszewski (1565-post 1600), studente dell’Università di Cracovia e di quella di Padova, poeta-improvvisatore, alchimista, cortigiano di re Sigismondo III Vasa, diplomatico, fervente sostenitore della Controriforma ed uomo d’affari, fu uno dei primi esempi di uomo del Rinascimento. Egli trascorse la sua vita fra la Polonia e l’Italia. La sua biografia ci è nota in modo tanto frammentario che alcuni studiosi ricostruiscono la sua vita basandosi sull’istinto, presupposizioni, preferenze personali ed ipotesi infondate. Henryk Barycz, eminente ricercatore ed autore di varie voci del Dizionario Biografico Polacco, ha scisso le vicende e l’opera di Stanisław Niegoszewski in due persone differenti: ”Stanisław Niegoszewski (Niegoszowski), dello stemma di Jastrzębiec (1560-5 ca. - 1588-90 ca.)”, studente delle università di Cracovia e di Padova nonché poeta improvvisatore, e ”Stanisław Niegoszewski (Niegoszowski), dello stemma di Jastrzębiec (1565-70 ca. - post 1607)”, alchimista, cortigiano di re Sigismondo III Vasa, diplomatico, fervente sostenitore della Controriforma nonché poeta. Sebbene Władysław Magnuszewski abbia confutato la teoria di Barycz sull’esistenza di due Niegoszewski circa mezzo secolo fa, essa viene ribadita da sempre nuove generazioni di studiosi. In questo articolo mi sforzo di dimostrare che tutti e tre i soggiorni di Niegoszewski a Padova, come studente negli anni 1582-1583, come alchimista nel 1585 e in qualità di diplomatico reale nel 1594, riguardano la stessa persona. Sulla base delle nuove fonti da me rinvenute negli archivi e nelle biblioteche italiane nel 2013, la biografia di Stanisław Niegoszewski, lo stesso, è stata ricostruita con molti più dettagli di prima.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2021, 12.2; 47-68
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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