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The Second Neighbourhood for Bipartite Tournaments
Li, Ruijuan
Sheng, Bin
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Wydział Matematyki, Informatyki i Ekonometrii
second out-neighbourhood
bipartite tournament
Let T (X ∪ Y, A) be a bipartite tournament with partite sets X, Y and arc set A. For any vertex x ∈ X ∪Y, the second out-neighbourhood N++(x) of x is the set of all vertices with distance 2 from x. In this paper, we prove that T contains at least two vertices x such that |N++(x)| ≥ |N+(x)| unless T is in a special class ℬ1 of bipartite tournaments; show that T contains at least a vertex x such that |N++(x)| ≥ |N−(x)| and characterize the class ℬ2 of bipartite tournaments in which there exists exactly one vertex x with this property; and prove that if |X| = |Y | or |X| ≥ 4|Y |, then the bipartite tournament T contains a vertex x such that |N++(x)|+|N+(x)| ≥ 2|N(x)|.
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory; 2019, 39, 2; 555-565
Pojawia się w:
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Introductory Comments
Sujecka, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
Colloquia Humanistica
Introductory CommentsNeighbourhood as a Cultural and Social Problem, the central theme of the fourth volume of the annual Colloquia Humanistica, seems to be a subject of importance in all cultural contexts. This universality does indeed find its multidimensional exemplification in our current issue, which draws on cases from throughout Europe and the globe. An unexpected context for the theme of Colloquia Humanistica’s fourth issue is the pair of notions, well rooted in the world of Balkan Sephardic Jews, of baška and barabar. Baška is synonymous with maintaining the distinctiveness of one’s community in the face of assimilationist temptations. Barabar denotes integration with the outside world. In the multicultural world of the Balkans, however, both these notions constituted and indivisible pair, the meaning of one completing the sense of the other, so that together, they taught the members of the community a valuable lesson about the strength to be derived from a wise integration that does not sacrifice the group’s identity.What is most interesting in this fourth issue of Colloquia Humanistica are the paths which united, and at times tragically divided neighbours. After all, it is from these paths that the net of cultural influences is woven, influences which inspire us all. We hope you enjoy this journey. Uwagi wstępneCzwarty numer rocznika Colloquia Humanistica zawiera blok tematyczny Neighbourhood as a Cultural and Social Problem, temat, jak się wydaje, ważny w każdym kontekście kulturowym. I rzeczywiście numer przynosi jego wieloaspektową ilustrację odwołującą się do różnych regionów Europy i świata. Dla tytułowej problematyki czwartego numeru Colloquia Humanistica można odnaleźć nieoczekiwany kontekst w zakorzenionеј w świecie Żydów sefardyjskich na Bałkanach parze pojęć: baška i barabar. Baška jest synonimem zachowania odrębności wspólnoty w obliczu asymilacyjnych pokus. Barabar oznacza integrację ze światem zewnętrznym. Obydwa pojęcia jednak funkcjonowały w wielokulturowym bałkańskim świecie jako nierozdzielna para, ich znaczenie zatem wzajemnie się dopełniało, tworząc swoiste przesłanie dla każdego członka wspólnoty o sile wynikającej z rozumnej integracji, która nie niszczy odrębności własnej grupy.W oddawanym do rąk czytelnika czwartym numerze Colloquia Humanistica  najciekawsze są drogi, które łączyły sąsiadów. One przecież tworzą siatkę wpływów kulturowych, z których wszyscy czerpiemy.
Colloquia Humanistica; 2015, 4
Pojawia się w:
Colloquia Humanistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Neighborhood, Segregation, and School Choice
Schreurs, Zoë Elisabeth Antonia
Chang Rundgren, Shu-Nu
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
school choice
Over the past few decades, school choice has been a widely debated issue around the globe, following the development of pluralism, liberty, and democracy. In many countries, school choice systems were preceded by residence-based school assignment systems, creating a strong connection between a neighborhood and its schools’ demographic compositions. However, schools often remain highly segregated. School segregation is thus seen as a major problem and is supposedly driven by three main factors: residential segregation, parental school choice, and schools’ selection of pupils. This paper aims to shed light on what research should be focusing on as regards school choice and residential segregation with the following two research questions: What are the links between neighborhood and school choice in the literature? How are neighborhood and school choice connected to school segregation in the literature? Two main findings emerged: (1) the neighborhood-based social networks that parents developed had limited their school choices and (2) neighborhood segregation is one of the most important factors that contributes to school segregation and is related to multi-ethnic and socioeconomic contexts.
Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education; 2021, 10, 2 (20); 111-133
Pojawia się w:
Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Neighbourhood as a Cultural and Social Issue
Falski, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
cultural contact
Neighbourhood as a Cultural and Social IssueThe neighbourhood is a broad category, which is present throughout sociological and cultural research. Of course, articles of the latest issue of "Colloquia Humanistica" do not exhaust the problem. However, we present crucial texts that relate to rarely undertaken issues, some of which might even be considered pioneering. We hope that they will be inspiring for researchers who are interested in the humanities and cultural studies, and once again we are pleased that we have been able to create an issue that is not merely declaratively, but truly interdisciplinary, and yet consistent. We try to present an understanding of the neighbourhood that emerges from the presented texts. The connotation they are most concerned with is that of exchange and opening, of contact, which is based on upholding the borders of one’s group – and of oneself, one’s own space, but at the same time, on opening to other people and the need for communication during which communities and people define themselves. The neighbourhood and contact are also the basis for the exchange processes, the thwarting of which can lead to the most dangerous phenomena for the functioning of societies. Sąsiedztwo jako problem społeczny i kulturowySąsiedztwo jest szeroką kategorią, obecną w badaniach socjologicznych i kulturowych. Artykuły najnowszego numeru „Colloquia Hmanistica“ oczywiście nie wyczerpują zagadnienia. Przedstawiamy jednak bardzo istotne teksty, które odnoszą się do zagadnień rzadko podejmowanych i czasem wręcz pionierskich, jak w przypadku artykułów Olimpii Dragouni i Kamila Wieleckiego. Mamy nadzieję, że będą one inspirujące dla badaczy związanych z humanistyką i kulturoznawstwem, i po raz kolejny cieszymy się, że udało nam się stworzyć numer nie tylko deklaratywnie, lecz rzeczywiście interdyscyplinarny, a jednocześnie spójny.Spróbujmy przedstawić rozumienie sąsiedztwa wynikające z zaprezentowanych tekstów. Zwróćmy uwagę przede wszystkim na konotację wymiany i otwarcia, kontaktu, który z jednej strony opiera się na zachowaniu granicy grupy – jednostki, jej przestrzeni własnej, z drugiej zaś na otwarciu na innego i konieczności komunikacji, podczas której wspólnoty i osoby definiują się. Sąsiedztwo i kontakt stanowią też podstawę dla procesów wymiany, a ich uniemożliwienie prowadzi do zjawisk najgroźniejszych dla funkcjonowania społeczeństw.
Colloquia Humanistica; 2015, 4
Pojawia się w:
Colloquia Humanistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Neighbourhood total domination in graphs
Arumugam, S.
Sivagnanam, C.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
neighbourhood total domination
total domination
connected domination
paired domination
neighbourhood total domatic number
Let G = (V, E) be a graph without isolated vertices. A dominating set S of G is called a neighbourhood total dominating set (ntd-set) if the induced subgraph ⟨ N(S) ⟩ has no isolated vertices. The minimum cardinality of a ntd-set of G is called the neighbourhood total domination number of G and is denoted by ϒnt(G). The maximum order of a partition of V into ntd-sets is called the neighbourhood total domatic number of G and is denoted by dnt(G). In this paper we initiate a study of these parameters.
Opuscula Mathematica; 2011, 31, 4; 519-531
Pojawia się w:
Opuscula Mathematica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Neighbourhood environment and overweight and obesity prevalence among local residents: A review of literature
Okolica miejsca zamieszkania a występowanie nadwagi i otyłości wśród mieszkańców: przegląd piśmiennictwa
Kawalec, Anna
Pawlas, Krystyna
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
"health behaviours"
The built environment, which refers to human-made or modified features of the physical neighbourhood, such as homes, schools, workplaces, or parks and recreational areas, undoubtedly has a great impact on our lifestyles and health behaviours. The objective of this paper is a review of the literature on the correlations between neighbourhood environment and weight status of local residents. This paper presents factors in the built environment which may be related to overweight and obesity prevalence among local residents, resulting in changes in energy balance and affecting BMI. The focus is especially on the relationship between the distance from home to parks and green spaces and physical activity levels, and between the access to fast food restaurants and BMI status or obesity prevalence among residents. The results of recent studies are inconsistent, primarily because of several limitations and methodological problems, and due to multifactorial and complex relationships between the built environment and lifestyle. However, with the still unsolved problem of the increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity, even small changes in individual health behaviour may be important and have a positive impact on the reduction in BMI over time. Therefore, all activities aimed at shaping neighbourhood environments in ways which facilitate healthy food choices and create opportunities for as well as encourage physical activity should be supported.
Zurbanizowane środowisko, obejmujące stworzone lub przekształcone przez człowieka elementy środowiska fizycznego, takie jak dom, szkoła, miejsce pracy, czy parki i tereny rekreacyjne, bez wątpienia ma duży wpływ na styl życia i zachowania zdrowotne. Celem pracy jest przegląd piśmiennictwa na temat zależności między środowiskiem miejsca zamieszkania a masą ciała okolicznych mieszkańców. Opisano potencjalny związek między występowaniem nadwagi i otyłości a elementami zabudowy lokalnego środowiska, które poprzez zmiany w bilansie energetycznym mogą wpływać na BMI mieszkańców. Uwzględniono w szczególności zależność między odległością parków i terenów zielonych od domu a poziomem aktywności fizycznej oraz dostępnością restauracji typu fast-food a masą ciała lub występowaniem otyłości wśród mieszkańców. Wyniki ostatnich badań nie są jednoznaczne, przede wszystkim z powodu szeregu problemów metodologicznych oraz wieloczynnikowych i złożonych zależności pomiędzy zabudową środowiska a stylem życia. Jednakże, ze względu na coraz częstsze występowanie nadwagi i otyłości, nawet niewielkie zmiany indywidualnych zachowań zdrowotnych mogą być ważne i pozytywnie wpływać na redukcję BMI z upływem czasu. W związku z powyższym, należy wspierać wszystkie działania na rzecz kształtowania lokalnego środowiska, które ułatwiają dokonywanie zdrowych wyborów żywieniowych oraz stwarzają możliwości i zachęcają do podejmowania aktywności fizycznej.
Medycyna Środowiskowa - Environmental Medicine; 2018, 21, 1; 45-49
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Środowiskowa - Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Neighbourhood properties in some single processor scheduling problem with variable efficiency and additional resources
Gorczyca, M.
Janiak, A.
Janiak, W.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
resource allocation
In the paper, we consider a problem of scheduling a set of tasks on a single processor. Each task must be preprocessed before it can be started on a processor. The efficiency of preprocessing is variable, i.e., the rate of the task preprocessing depends on the amount of continuously divisible resource allotted to this task. This dependency is given by concave, continuous, non-negative and strictly increasing function of the resource amount. The total consumption of resource at each moment is upper bounded. The objective is to minimize the maximum task completion time. The considered problem is NP-hard. Such a problem appears, e.g., in steel mill systems, where ingots (before hot rolling on the blooming mill) have to achieve the required temperature in the preheating process in soaking pits. Some new properties of the problem are proved. These properties are used to construct the procedure for evaluation of the neighbourhood. The procedure is proposed to improve the efficiency of algorithms based on the neighbourhood concept, such as metaheuristics. The computational experiment is conducted to examine the efficiency of the proposed procedure. The described approach can be easily used in the other discrete-continuous scheduling problems.
Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services; 2011, 5, 1-2; 5-17
Pojawia się w:
Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nowa polityka przygraniczna Chińskiej Republiki Ludowej
The New Border Politics of China
Kuflikowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
Border politics
Good neighbourhood
The main issue of the article is the great change in the regional policy of China in the 20th century. The author claims that this policy evolved from the ideology of sinocentrism, where border countries were assumed as „peripheral areas" more or less dependent on China. As soon as Mao Zedong took the power, sinocentrism was used in the communistic ideology and became the basis of expansive policy towards the border states. Chinese government perceived its influence on the world in the three concentric circles: the first - „robbed" areas, which mainly consisted of the border countries, the second - Asian countries which were potential subjects of the Chinese supremacy, and the third - the whole world with China as the global empire. The sinocentric ideology of three circles combined with communistic propaganda led straightly into regional wars. In the 80s of the last century the great change in the regional and border policy of China took place. The author claims that the main reason for this change is the evolution of Chinese conception of power from relying only on military potential towards creating the secure international surrounding of China. This conception stressed the worth of strong economical binds between China and border countries. Economical modernization of China resulted in the „good neighbourhood" policy. The new border policy of China can be divided into three periods: from the early 80s till 1989, from 1989 till 1997 and the last - after 1997. In the first period of the new regional policy the Chinese government neglected the ideology as the political factor. That was the time when economical reforms had already begun. The beginning of the second period is related with the event on the Tiananmen and the end of the cold war. Those facts forced China to adapt its regional policy to new reality In 1997 the great breakthrough in the regional relations between China and border states took place. The author mentions two reasons for this situation. The first was the economic crisis in Asia, when the Chinese government decided to offer great financial help towards neighbour states. This fact highly improved relations and helped to develop cooperation between countries in the surrounding of China. The second reason was creation of „New Conception of National Security of China", which was based on mutual trust and binds of common interests between regional countries. The regional and boarder policy of China has strongly developed during centuries. However in the last years the certain priorities of this policy has been defined. The Chinese government combined the new vision of „Great China" with the „good neighbourhood policy". After so many years China realized that military expansion and war is not the proper way to create long-lasting peace and national security. The best solution to ensure secure international surrounding is development of cross-border cooperation together with mutual trust and understanding of countries in region.
Forum Politologiczne; 2008, 8 - Współczesny Daleki Wschód w stosunkach międzynarodowych - rywalizacja i mocarstwowość; 47-70
Pojawia się w:
Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Granice Europy w wyobrażeniach i praktykach Europejskiej Polityki Sąsiedztwa i Partnerstwa Wschodniego
Jan, Grzymski,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Europe’s borders
European Neighbourhood Policy
Eastern Partnership
European Studies
European Union
This article critically analyses the reconfiguration of imaginaries of Europe’s borders, which is presupposed and practiced within the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and Eastern Partnership (EaP). Referring to borders studies and constructivism in European studies, this article addresses to what degree the political imaginaries of ENP and EaP’s political practices are based on a specific concept of Europe and its boundaries, where Europe’s border is being constructed by reproducing the deeply-seated opposition between Europe vs. non-Europe and Europe vs. Eastern Europe. It argues that it blurs the clear-cut divisions of the inside-outside, where the former is designated as being part of Europe by geography or “friend of Europe”, but still in the process of becoming fully “European”. The article studies how the policy instruments and ENP and EaP’s concepts of “neighbourhood” and “partnership” reframe the understanding of Europe’s borders and identity. Autor bada w niniejszym artykule wyobrażenia granic Europy zawarte w praktykach Europejskiej Polityki Sąsiedztwa i Partnerstwa Wschodniego. W nawiązaniu do badań nad granicami oraz zastosowaniem konstruktywizmu w studiach europejskich, autor przekonuje, że owe wyobrażenia i praktyki ujawniają niejednoznaczne rozumienie wyobrażonej przestrzeni Europy i jej granicy między Europą a „nie-Europą” oraz Europą a Europą Wschodnią, bez określenia całkowitego wnętrza i zewnętrza. Nie-Europa oraz Europa Wschodnia są wyobrażane w praktykach i poszczególnych instrumentach polityki sąsiedztwa, jako geograficzna część kontynentu europejskiego lub jako „sąsiad Europy”, ale będącymi zarazem w procesie stawania się bardziej „europejskimi”. Artykuł pokazuje jak instrumenty polityki sąsiedztwa zmieniają rozumienie granic i tożsamości Europy.
Przegląd Europejski; 2017, 3 (45); 58-76
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Europejski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Glosa aprobująca do wyroku Naczelnego Sądu Administracyjnego z 1 grudnia 2020 r., sygn. akt II OSK 1580/18 – Niedopuszczalność stosowania wykładni zawężającej wyrażenia „działka sąsiednia dostępna z tej samej drogi publicznej”
Approbatory gloss to the judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of December 1, 2020, II OSK 1580/18 – The inadmissibility of a restrictive interpretation of the phrase “access from the same public road”
Mączyński, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
spatial order
purposive interpretation
The cited judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court focuses on the meaning of the expression “access from the same public road”. The judgment of the Court of Second Instance deserves to be approved because the recitals of this judgment take into account the right to develop the plot to which the investor holds the legal title, the broad understanding of ‘neighborhood’, as well as the values that constitute the ratio legis of the Act on spatial planning and development.The rationale of the Supreme Administrative Court’s decision results primarily from the fact that a narrow understanding of neighbourhood which is prompted by the linguistic interpretation was not deemed sufficient. Referring to the jurisprudence, and above all the legislative activity of the Supreme Administrative Court and the doctrine of administrative law, it should have been concluded that the effects of the linguistic interpretation were legitimately checked from the point of view of the legislator’s goal when enacting the Act on Spatial Planning and Development. Therefore, it was necessary to make a purposive interpretation that justifies the need to take into account the right to develop a building plot, take into consideration values such as spatial order, sustainable development, ownership and public interest, as well as the interest of third parties.The position of the judgment under review is not uniform in the jurisprudence. However, it does take into account the need to weigh up the disputed interests. Although the right of ownership is significantly limited in the planning and legal regulations, it is unacceptable to deprive it of its use only due to the assumption that neighbourhood should be understood as the contact of two plots or their access to the same public road.
Studia Prawa Publicznego; 2022, 2 (38); 168-181
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawa Publicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Challenges of Ukraine's European Choice in the Context of the Kremlin's Neo-Imperialist Policies During Volodymyr Zelenskyy's Presidency
Stępniewski, Tomasz
Szabaciuk, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Centrum Europejskie
Eastern Neighbourhood
This article attempts to analyse the situation in Ukraine in the face of ongoing Russian aggression and increasing pressure from the Kremlin towards Eastern European states. The armed conflict taking place in Ukraine means that the geostrategic situation of Eastern Europe has changed. In this context, the Eastern Partnership, which was meant to be one of the key instruments shaping international relations with the states neighbouring the EU in the East, is quite often seen as an ineffective or even obsolete tool. There can be no doubt that the greatest problem for the Eastern Partnership is that the project is seen in geopolitical categories - thinking of the countries of the Eastern Partnership in the context of the necessity for them to choose between the European Union and Russia (listening to statements by the EU's political decision-makers, it can often seem that those states have no other option). The key research question is whether we will be dealing with an assertive EU policy in tandem with current US policy, or whether there will be another reset in relations between the West and the Russian Federation.
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs; 2021, 4; 51-65
Pojawia się w:
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Neighbourhood Embeddedness in Six European Cities: Differences Between Types of Neighbourhoods and Immigrant Background
Schnell, Philipp
Kohlbacher, Josef
Reeger, Ursula
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne
social ties
This paper analyses neighbourhood embeddedness of immigrant and non-immigrant populations in six European cities. We define neighbourhood embeddedness as an individual level concept and distinguish two main dimensions: place and network embeddedness. The neighbourhood embeddedness concept provides us with the possibility to study attitudinal and behavioural aspects of individuals related to the place of living. Using data from the ‘Generating Interethnic Tolerance and Neighbourhood Integration in European Urban Spaces’ (GEITONIES) project, we explore communalities and differences in the degree of embeddedness and its underlyingmechanisms for immigrant and non-immigrant residents across a set of different neighbourhood types. Our findings suggest that neighbourhoods are still important focal points of social life. But immigrants are characterized by higher levels of neighbourhood embeddedness than native residents which are mostly related to the strong link between perceived feelings of attachment to the people in the neighbourhood and the place as such.
Polish Sociological Review; 2013, 180, 4; 524-544
Pojawia się w:
Polish Sociological Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Neighbourhood Semantics for Graded Modal Logic
Chen, Jinsheng
van Ditmarsch, Hans
Greco, Giuseppe
Tzimoulis, Apostolos
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Graded modal logic
neighbourhood frames
We introduce a class of neighbourhood frames for graded modal logic embedding Kripke frames into neighbourhood frames. This class of neighbourhood frames is shown to be first-order definable but not modally definable. We also obtain a new definition of graded bisimulation with respect to Kripke frames by modifying the definition of monotonic bisimulation.
Bulletin of the Section of Logic; 2021, 50, 3; 373-395
Pojawia się w:
Bulletin of the Section of Logic
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rethinking home. Home space from the perspective of homeless people’s opinions and practices
Marcjanna, Nóżka,
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
home space
Home as a space with its own material and non-material markers is defined, among other things, by social and culturally recognised standards for using and arranging space, which are usually reproduced, mediated and redefined in the everyday living practices of the homeless. Thus, although a flat is perceived as a rare good, a privilege, from which the homeless are excluded, by constituting an important element of human life, also in the situation of homelessness it is acquired through spatial location, the arrangement of adapted- originally not residential – space, or ways of practicing neighbourhood. The article discusses factors or circumstances which in the conditions of homelessness constitute “home – room”, “home – space of housing activity”, “home – space for relations and neighbouring”, and which have been determined by reference to the opinions and practices of the homeless.
Praca Socjalna; 2020, 35(1); 117-134
Pojawia się w:
Praca Socjalna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O sąsiedztwie polsko-ukraińskim. W reakcji na film „Wołyń” Wojtka Smarzowskiego
Makaro, Julita
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
Polish-Ukrainian neighbourhood
On Polish-Ukrainian neighbourhood. In reaction to Wojtek Smarzowski's movie 'Volhynia'The article attempts at answering the question whether the movie “Volhynia” (pl. Wołyń) translates into the Polish-Ukrainian relationship and, if yes, how? Does Smarzowski’s work play bigger role in the construction of the relation between the nations or rather in the construction of one nation’s certain identity project? In the search of the data necessary to provide an answer, I have conducted a content analysis of the discourse created after the movie premiere as well as a questionnaire study among the students of the social sciences. The conclusions arising from the performed analyses are ambiguous-on the one hand, historical events determine the view of the neighbours; on the other hand, Volhynia understood as a memorial appears not be included in the modern Ukrainianness. Hence, it seems that the most accurate ascertainment is that while in certain social circles the movie “Volhynia” became a factor activating particularly intensive observation of the neighbour (or mutual observation), in others it did not evoke any change in the attitude towards the Ukraine and Ukrainians. O sąsiedztwie polsko-ukraińskim. W reakcji na film „Wołyń” Wojtka SmarzowskiegoCelem artykułu jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy, i ewentualnie jak, film „Wołyń” przekłada się na relacje polsko-ukraińskie? Czy dzieło Smarzowskiego większą rolę odgrywa w budowaniu relacji miedzy narodami, czy raczej w budowaniu pewnego projektu tożsamościowego jednego narodu. W poszukiwaniu danych niezbędnych do udzielenia odpowiedzi przeprowadzono analizę zawartości dyskursu wytworzonego po wejściu filmu na ekrany oraz przeprowadziłam badanie ankietowe wśród studentów nauk społecznych. Wnioski jakie płyną w prowadzonych analiz są niejednoznaczne – z jednej strony zaszłości historyczne determinują postrzeganie sąsiadów, z drugiej strony Wołyń rozumiany jako miejsce pamięci wydaje się być bytem nie wchodzącym we współczesną ukraińskość. Tym samym najtrafniejsza okazuje się konstatacja, że film „Wołyń” stał się czynnikiem aktywizującym postrzeganie sąsiada (a nawet wzajemne sąsiadów) w niektórych kręgach społecznych szczególnie intensywnie, by w innych nie wywołać w postawach wobec Ukraińców i Ukrainy żadnej zmiany.
Sprawy Narodowościowe; 2018, 50
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Sprawy Narodowościowe
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Biblioteka Nauki

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